1 Completa estas frases con infinitivo o subjuntivo.
a. ¡Ojalá que me (llamar).
b. Cuando (hablar, tú).
en español, intenta abrir más la boca.
c. ¡Te quedas sentada a la mesa hasta que te (terminar)............. todo el pescado!
d. Mario y Sara han venido para (presentar).
su nuevo disco.
e. Susana nos va a explicar una receta muy sencilla para que (aprender, nosotros)....... a hacer paella.
f. Cuando (independizarse, yo).
espero que mis amigos (vivir)..............cerca de mí.
g. ¡Que la fuerza te (acompañar)
h. Quiero (cambiar, yo)............ mi número de teléfono.

1 Completa Estas Frases Con Infinitivo O Subjuntivo.a. Ojal Que Me (llamar).b. Cuando (hablar, T).Juanjo!en


Answer 1

Answer: A. ojala que me llames B. cuando habla tu Juanjo C. hasta que te termines todo el pescado D. para presentar su nuevo disco E. para que nosotros aprendemos F. cuando yo me independizo espero que mis amigos vivan cerca de mi.


ur welcome

Related Questions

carmen y (blank( amigas)


The answer is Su hope this helps

Escoge la respuesta correcta.
Which of the following animals would you find in a tortugario?







О Turtles               (tortugas)


¿Cuál de los siguientes animales encontrarás en un tortugario?

Turtes    (tortugas)


Completa las oraciones con lo / la / los / las.

- ¿Es este tu libro de español? No, no _________________ es.

- ¿Haz visto a Emine y a Alex? No, no ______________ he visto.

- ¿Busra compró los tiquetes? Sí, sí ____________ compro.

- Vi a Luisa en el parque → ____________ vi en el parque.

- Luisa compró pan, queso y leche en el mercado. → ______________compró antes de ir a la peluquería.

- Compré la medicina y se _____________ di sin que nadie me viera.

- ¿Has recogido a las niñas? Sí, _____________ recogí antes de ir al taller.


4. La
5. Los
Hope this will help



- ¡Es este tu libro de español?

- No, no lo es.

-¿Has visto a Emine y a Alex?

-No, no los he visto.

- ¿Busra compró los tiquets?

- Si, si los compró.

- Vi a Luisa en el parque.

- La vi en el parque.

- Luisa compró pan. queso y leche en el mercado.

- Los compró antes de ir a la peluquería.

- Compré la medicina y se la di sin que nadie me viera.

- ¿Has recogido a las niñas?

- Si, las recogí antes de ir al taller.

Everyone in your neighborhood is dashing off to various places. Say where they are going using all of the given elements to write a complete sentence. Use the appropriate present-tense form of the verb ir and make any necessary changes. Follow the model.



Mi vecina, Yolanda, va corriendo al supermercado a por comida. Mi amigo Ty se dirige a la cancha de baloncesto para jugar. Mis vecinos, Luis y Samantha, van al parque a jugar en el columpio. Mi vecina mayor, la señora Morales, va a visitar a sus nietos Tommy, Edgar, Anita, Junior y Esperanza.


If there are vocab words you'd like me to use let me know too!

The Spanish flag contain stripes of red, yellow, and red. The flag also displays the Spanish coat of arms.

true or false??



The answer is Ture and

True or false the answer is true

___tantos problemas el ano pasado.

A. Hubo

B. Habian

C Hubieron


___muchos perros en el parque.

A. Habia

B. Hubo

C. Habian


Te espero____una hora.

A. Que

B. hace que

C. desde hace






Answers in bold and underlined.

Answer 1: . Hubieron tantos problemas el año pasado. Opción C.

Translation 1: There were so many problems last year. Option C.

Answer 2: Había muchos perros en el parque. Opción A.

Translation 2: There were many dogs in the park. Option A

Answer 3: Te espero desde hace una hora. Opción C.

Translation 3: I've been waiting for you for an hour. Option C.

Explanation on the subject:

The tense "hubo (had)" is used to talk about events or actions that happened in the past and are no longer happening. "Had" is used to talk about something that existed in the past, but no longer exists or has ended. "Since" is used to talk about something that has been happening for some time in the past and is still happening in the present.

Which pronoun correctly completes the sentence when the direct object is replaced by a direct object pronoun?
Did you call me?
¿Tú______ llamaste? (1 point)
A. me B. te C. nos D. os


Answer: A. m.

Explanation: Did you call me?= ¿Tú ME llamaste?; Did you call yourself?= ¿Tú TE llamaste?; Did you call us?= ¿Tú NOS llamaste?; Did you call yourselves?= ¿Ustedes se llamaron?

Correct answer is A: me. Coming from a native spanish speaker!!

Afirmativas y negativas



Answers in bold and underlined. [See full attached image]

Question 1: Siempre comemos a la una./We always eat at one.

Answer 1: Nunca comemos a la una.

Translation 1: We never eat at one.

Question 2: No hay nadie en casa./There's no one at home.

Answer 2: Hay alguien en casa.

Translation 2: Is there someone at home.

Question 3: Luis no va a la fiesta y Ana tampoco./Luis is not going to the party and neither is Ana.

Answer 3: Luis va a la fiesta y Ana va también.

Translation 3: Luis goes to the party or Ana goes too.

Question 4: Tengo algunas amigas mexicanas./I have some Mexican friends.

Answer 4: No tengo ninguna amiga mexicana.

Translation 4: I don't have any Mexican friends.

Question 5: Felipe todavía vive con sus padres./Felipe still lives with his parents.

Answer 5: Felipe ya no vive con sus padres.

Translation 5: Felipe no longer lives with his parents.

Question 6: No quiero comprar nada./I don't want to buy anything.

Answer 6: Quiero comprar algo.

Translation 6: I want to buy something.

Do you think that poverty is a common thread in the three stories? Cajas de cartón, el beso de la patria, una carta a diós. Explain your answer. In three paragraphs


Poverty is a common thread in "Cajas de cartón", "El beso de la patria" and "Una carta a diós" because the main characters in all of these are poor people and this condition negatively affects their life.

How is poverty a thread in these stories?

To begin in the story "Cajas de cartón" the main character belongs to a poor family that works in fields. This is a Mexican family that had to migrate to the U.S. Meanwhile, Francisco the main character struggles to adapt to this new context and misses his family while they work.

Similarly, in the story "El beso de la patria" the main character who is a young girl is poor as her parents do not have the money to buy her new shoes. This makes the girl to be excluded from a school ceremony known as "el beso de la patria" as the teachers do not want her to be in the front of the parade. Moreover, they falsely promise to buy her new shoes.

Finally, in "Una carta a diós" the main character struggles in poverty as he does not have even enough food to eat. This inspires him to write a letter to god to request for his help.

Learn more about poverty in: https://brainly.com/question/10645433


Los domingos necesito _______ la basura.



Answer: d.sacar

Explanation: los domingo necesito sacar means take out the trash on sundays

Answer: In bold and underlined

Los domingos necesito Sacar la basura.

Translation: On Sundays I need to take out the trash.

What two verbs from the list require the
context of a sentence to know their
Multiple Choice

a) Dar and Ver.
b) Decir and Traer.
c) Ser and Ir.


B. Decir and Traer
explanation :

Read the paragraph below and then answer the questions about it.

María es una buena estudiante. Siempre estudia mucho. Cada día escolar ella se levanta a las siete de la mañana. Ella se prepara para la escuela. Siempre come un desayuno sano antes de ir a la escuela. Normalmente ella come un cuenco de cereales con leche. Todos los jueves su madre le prepara unos huevos con pan tostado. María no bebe café nunca. Ella prefiere beber un vaso de jugo. Le gusta el jugo de naranja. Pero no le gusta el jugo de uvas.

1. ¿Quién es una buena estudiante?
2. ¿Qué comes antes para el desayuno?
3. ¿Qué bebe normalmente?
4. ¿Qué jugo no le gusta Maria? Read the paragraph below and then answer the questions about it.




¿Quién es una buena estudiante? Maria es una buena estudiante. ¿Qué comes antes para el desayuno? Cereales con leche. ¿Qué bebe normalmente? Bebe jugo de naranja.¿Qué jugo no le gusta Maria? El jugo de uvas.
Answer :

¿Quién es una buena estudiante?

Maria es una buena estudiante.

¿Qué comes antes para el desayuno?

Cereales con leche.

¿Qué bebe normalmente?

Bebe jugo de naranja.

¿Qué jugo no le gusta Maria?

El jugo de uvas.


¿Who is a good student?

Maria is a good student.

¿What do you eat before for breakfast?

Cereal with milk.

¿What do you normally drink?

Drink orange juice.

¿What juice does Maria not like?

The grape juice.



Answer: I hope this is right!

Part A

1- estare

2- es

3- esta

4- esta

5- es

Part B

1- es

2- es

3- es

4- esta

5- esta

6- esta

7- es

8- es

9- esta


Which is not true about the imperfect tense

A. It shows a completed action in the past
B.It sets up a scene in the past
C.It describes a uninterrupted action in the past
D. It tells about Habitual actions in the past



A. It shows a completed action in the past


The preterite tense shows a completed action in the past.

These sentences describe what several students in a college hiking club are doing today. Use ir a + [infinitive] to say that they are also going to do the same activities tomorrow. Follow the model.
model:Martín y Rodolfo nadan en la piscina. Van a nadar en la piscina mañana también.
1)Sara lee una revista.
-Answer I put: Sara va a leer una revista
2) Yo practico deportes.
-Answer I put: Voy a practicar deportes
3) Ustedes van de excursión.
-Answer I put: Ustedes van a ir de excursión
4) El presidente del club patina.
-Answer I put: El presidente del club va a patinar
5) Tú tomas el sol.
-Answer I put: Tú vas a tomar el sol
6) Paseamos con nuestros amigos.
-Answer I put: Vamos a pasear con nuestros amigos
I dont know what to put in replace of these answers and this is my last chance to answer them correctly or I will recieve a zero.


They are all correct :)

Write a short speech to deliver to the school board proposing your project and inviting the community to participate. Be sure to address the following points:

Where will your clean-up campaign take place? Be specific.
How will volunteers clean up? (specific tasks)
Who can participate or help?
When will the clean-up event take place? (Date, time)
What should volunteers bring with them?

Write 5 to 7 sentences in Spanish. Use as many unit vocabulary words as possible. Using online translators or dictionaries is not acceptable and not permitted. Remember to include accent marks where appropriate: Á á É é Í í Ó ó Ú ú Ü ü Ñ ñ ¡ ¿





Someone anyone help me with my Spanish 1 homework




El número de teléfono es: 922133435La dirección de correo electrónico es: info(arroba)hotelsanroque.comLa dirección de internet es: www.hotelsanroque.comEl número de fax es: 9221334064


1. 922 13 34-35

2.  Where it says Info

3.  Where it says http

4. 922 13 34 06

¿Quién es el padre de
à e
ក Ó ů Ü



Bisabuelos el padre o la madre del abuelo o abuela de una persona o EGO, llegando a tener ocho bisabuelos



О Bisabuelo.


¿Quién es el padre de tu abuelo?

Es mi bisabuelo.

(Who is your granfather´s father?)

(is my great-grand father).  


Combine items from each column in order to form logical sentences.


1. Yo me acosté muy tarde.
2. Mi hermano se levanto muy tarde.
3. Mi hermana se ducha por la mañana.
4. Tu te despierta por la noche.
4. Mi familia y yo nos vestimos todos los días.

segun la opinion de esta persona, en que grupo estaria un adolescente que la preocupada demasiado su apariencia?
el primero
el segundo
el tercero
ninguno de ellos



you haven't attached anything

En ___de Santo Domingo me dieron un mapa de la zona colonial.

Ola aduana
O la oficina de turismo
Ola biodiversidad
Ola estatua



О la oficina de turismo.      


En la oficina de turismo de Santo Domingo me dieron un mapa de la zona colonial.        


Answer: In bold and underlined

En La oficina de turismo de Santo Domingo me dieron un mapa de la zona colonial.


At the Santo Domingo tourist office they gave me a map of the colonial zone.

Fill in the blanks with the preterit or imperfect forms of the verbs in parentheses



1. 3:40 p.m.
2. 6:00 a.m.
3. 9:15 p.m.
4. 12:00 a.m.
5. 1:10 p.m.
6. 10:45 a.m.
7. 5:05 p.m.
8. 11:50 p.m.
9. 1:30 a.m.
10. 10:00 p.m.




Son las tres de la tarde con cuarenta minutosSon las seis de la mañana.|Son las nueve y cuarto de la noche.Es el mediodía.Es la una de la tarde con diez minutos.Faltan quince minutos para las once de la mañana.Son las cinco de la tarde con cinco minutos.Faltan diez minutos para la medianoche.Es la una y media de la mañana.Son las diez de la noche.

Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate preterite form of the verb tener below. Anoche, Carlos y Erica ________ que estudiar mucho.


Anoche, Carlos y Érica tenían estudiar mucho
Anoche, Carlos y Erica tuvieron que estudiar mucho

En Granada, España, ________ la Alhambra, un palacio musulmán de gran belleza arquitectónica.







О luce.        


En Granada, España. luce La Alhambra, un palacio musulmán de gran belleza arquitectónica.


Answer: In bold and underlined

En Granada, España, Luce la Alhambra, un palacio musulmán de gran belleza arquitectónica.


In Granada, in Spain, the Alhambra shines, a Muslim palace of great architectural beauty.

If anybody can complete this for me, I will give you a brainliest. It’s due tonight so please if you can help me! Thanks!





Yo estoy en clase ahora.La profesora es de Cuba.La sala de clase está en la planta baja de la escuela.¿Dónde está Carlos?¿De dónde es Pablo?


Mi madre es una persona muy inteligente. Ella es simpática y sincera también. Ella es de México, pero nuestra casa está en California. Hoy mi mamá está en el hospital. No está enferma. Ella es médica. Ella es una médica muy buena. Mi mamá está contenta cuando trabaja porque su trabajo es muy interesante e importante.


Answers In bold and underlined

1. Yo estoy en clase ahora.

Translation: I am in class now.

2. La profesora es de Cuba.

Translation: The teacher is from Cuba.

3. La sala de clase está en la planta baja de la escuela.

Translation: The classroom is on the ground floor of the school.

4. ¿Dónde está Carlos?

Translation: ¿Where is Carlos?

5. ¿De dónde es Pablo?

Translation: ¿Where is Pablo?

Mi madre es una persona muy inteligente. Ella es simpática y sincera también. Ella es de México, pero nuestra casa está en California. Hoy mi mamá está en el hospital. No está enferma. Ella es médica. Ella es una médica muy buena. Mi mamá está contenta cuando trabaja porque su trabajo es muy interesante e importante.

Translation: My mother is a very intelligent person. She is nice and sincere too. She is from Mexico, but our house is in California. Today my mom is in the hospital. She is not ill. She is medical. She is a very good doctor. My mom is happy when she works because her work is very interesting and important.

Edward taught himself how to code and now creates his own websites. This an example of a ____________. A) Soft skill b) Hard skill.​


Answer: b) Hard skill

Edward taught himself how to code and now creates his own websites. This an example of a hard skill.

Translation: Edward aprendió a programar por sí mismo y ahora crea sus propios sitios web. Este es un ejemplo de una habilidad técnica.


Hard skill are the knowledge and technical skills acquired in our formative years. They are the skills necessary to carry out a profession. In this case, learn to program and create web pages acquired in our formative years. They are the skills necessary to carry out a profession. In this case, learn to program and create web pages.

Soft skill: they are social skills, emotional intelligence, the development of a personality that enables them to work in a team or lead it, communication, proactivity, useful personal habits to integrate into a social environment.


О  A) Soft skill.


Programming, coding and creation of websites corresponds to the software.



1 estoy
2 es
3 esta
1 es
2 es
4 esta
5 es
6 estoy
7 es
8 es
9 esta
10 es



Yo estoy en la clase ahora.La profesora es de Cuba.La sala de clase está en la planta baja de la escuela.¿Dónde está Carlos?¿De dónde es Pablo?

Mi madre es una persona muy inteligente. Ella es simpática y sincera también. Ella es de México, pero nuestra casa está en California. Hoy mi mamá está en el hospital. No está enferma. Ella es médica. Ella es una médica muy buena. Mi mamá está contenta cuando trabaja porque su trabajo es muy interesante.

34.- Encuentra cuál de las siguientes
opciones es incorrecta


C porque ya tube esta pregunta y era C

please follow directions on the attached image, this does not have to be anything specific



En Estados Unidos no hay comida typica

en estados unidos puedes ir a disneyland y puedes ir a varios lugares que son muy importantes en america esta frio ademas hay parques muy bonitos cosas que puedes hacer es ir a montanas otros lugares aparte de disneyland hay mas parques de diversiones y hay montanas y muchos lugares divertidos playa mar y mas...

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Statement A deals with how, B deals with what, and C deals with for whom. E. Statement A deals with for whom, B deals with what, and C deals with what. Through your resume and recommendations, we have a clear sense of your professional path to date. What are your career goals over the next 3-5 years and what, in your imagination, would be your long-term dream job What is confederal and unitary? Please helpSolve the rational equation: 1/x+1 - 1/x+2 = 1/5 A. There is no solution. B. x = 0.64, x = 1.44 C. x = 3.79, x = 0.79 D. x = 1, x = 2 pls help with homework!!! (see attachments for the question and passege 2)Should top college athletes earn$800,000 a year? Some believe soby Tom Kludt and Alvin ChangFor Martin Jenkins and other members of the 2014 Clemson Tigers football team, it was a simple rallying cry, but others saw a financial opportunity. The three-word phraseWe too deepbegan as an internal mantra, chanted by players in the locker room and on the sidelines, but it took on a life of its own when Jenkins transformed it into a song. He bought a camera off Craigslist and coaxed a handful of his teammates to help him produce a music video.It was just something I did on a whim, but it ended up blowing up, Jenkins, who was a four-year defensive back at Clemson and is now an insurance agent in Atlanta, told The Guardian.The song became an anthem of sorts for the team and the video went viral. And in the football-obsessed college town, it didnt take long for merchants to cash in on the phrase.I saw people with We too deep shirts on and I asked them, Hey, whered you get that from? One person pointed me to a website. One person pointed me to a local T-shirt vendor, Jenkins recalled. Initially, Jenkins was flattered. I thought it was really cool, he said. I was like, Wow, theyre selling something that I helped bring to the forefront. Looking to get a piece of the action, Jenkins tried to sell his own line of shirts, but was quickly stymied by Clemsons compliance officers, who told him that the sales would be a violation of NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) rules, which prohibit college athletes from earning money from their playing careers. That was one of the major inspirations for me to effect change, Jenkins said. It was just insane to me that it could be a rule for so long."For more than a century, the NCAA has served as the chief governing body of college sports in the United States. Comprised of three divisions, the organization regulates more than 1,000 institutions nationwide and has swelled into a multi-billion-dollar outfit, as media companies have paid ever-increasing sums for the broadcast rights to marquee competitions like the College Football Playoff and the NCAA basketball tournament (better known as March Madness). But players like Jenkins had long been denied their share of the spoils, due to the NCAAs ban against paying student athletes.Jenkins seven-year battle culminated in June, when the Supreme Court ruled unanimously in favor of the former athletes. It was the start of what has been a summer of upheaval for college sports in the United States. A week after the high courts decision, the NCAA bowed to mounting political pressure by announcing new rules that allow student athletes to make money off their names, images and likeness (commonly known by the abbreviation NIL), a policy that would have enabled Jenkins to capitalize on the success of his music video.The NCAA has earned a legion of adversaries through its insistence that student athletes retain their amateur status, which the association has long held up as incompatible to compensation. Supreme Court justices were unimpressed with that point during oral arguments in March, grilling the NCAAs attorney and telegraphing their unanimous decision that would arrive months later. While the revenues generated by big time college football programs are used to subsidize the often-enormous salaries of coaches and the world-class training facilities on campus, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito said that the athletes themselves have a pretty hard life.For his part, Jenkins said that although he came from an upper-middle class family, many of his teammates struggled financially during their time at Clemson. They face training requirements that leave little time or energy for study, constant pressure to put sports above study, pressure to drop out of hard majors and hard classes, really shockingly low graduation rates. Only a tiny percentage ever go on to make any money in professional sports, Alito said. So, the argument is they are recruited, theyre used up, and then theyre cast aside without even a college degree...how can this be defended in the name of amateurism?Critics of the NCAA reacted with glee over the justices tough questioning, and even more after the ruling and NIL decision were delivered in June. But there remains an old guard for whom amateurism is a sacred cow. Dabo Swinney, the head football coach at Clemson who recruited Jenkins, has long expressed opposition to the idea of paying players. Swinney, whose $8.3 million annual salary makes him one of the highest paid coaches in college football, clarified his stance last month, saying that he is still against professionalizing college athletics but that he welcomes the NIL rule. A line has a slope of 2 and a y-intercept of 0. What is its equation in slope-intercept form Find the sum of the first 12 terms of the geometric series 2 + 4 + 8 +... Bookerville has a record of 12 inches of rain in 5 days. How much will it have to rain on Friday to beat the record by one tenth of an inch what is the first step in hand washing procedure What are regulatory genes called? Movie/tv show scene Description (empathy/availability/alienation) Effect on human relationship What do you say back to someone who said: Nobody understands how it is to be everyones go to and have no one to care for you. ? Best answer will get brainliest! Find the distance between the points.(-6,5),(-6,-3.5)The distance is The function f(x) = 225(1.29)", represented in the table, shows the number of people (in thousands) who own a cell phone device in a certain country where x is the number of years after 2010.YearNumber of Cell Phone Owners(in thousands)2010 2012 2014 2016 2018225 375 623 1,037 1,725Find the average rate of change from 2012 to 2018 and interpret its meaning in terms of the context. (1 point)-225; represents the average depreciation in cell phone owners from 2012 to 2018225; represents the average growth in cell phone owners from 2012 to 2018-37.5, represents the average depreciation in cell phone owners from 2012 to 201837.5, represents the average growth in cell phone owners from 2012 to 2018 Siobhans short story is full of grammatical errors. During peer editing, Siobhans classmate Stacy circles all the grammatical errors for Siobhan to fix. Their writing teacher, however, says that it is okay to leave the errors in the text even though they do reflect poor grammar. What is MOST likely the reason Siobhan does not have to correct the grammatical errors in her story? A. They represent a stylistic effect to show that the story was written in haste. B. They only appear in the narration, whereas the dialogue is free of errors. C. They are intentionally used to reflect a characters educational background. D. Grammatical errors in dialogue make it seem more natural. A 23-year-old primigravida is at her first prenatal appointment today. Ultrasound indicates that she is at 9 weeks' gestation. She asks when she can first expect to feel her baby move. What is the best response by the nurse