1. Why was the author motivated to join the Klan?
2. How did the Klan encourage white people to join its organization? Use evidence from the text to support your answer
3. What motivated the author to eventually leave the Klan? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.
4. What are the current implications of this story on our society today? What lessons is the author trying to teach the reader? (BCR: 4-5 sentences)


Answer 1

1. It is not possible for me to provide an accurate answer without knowing the specific text or author being referenced. However, generally, authors might have been motivated to join the Klan due to feelings of racial superiority, fear of losing social and economic status, or a desire for a sense of belonging.

2. The Klan encouraged white people to join by playing on their fears and promoting a sense of white superiority. They used propaganda and targeted messaging to convince potential members that the Klan was necessary for the preservation of their way of life and the protection of their communities from perceived threats.

3. Again, without knowing the specific text or author, I can only provide a general answer. An author might have been motivated to leave the Klan after realizing the harm and violence caused by their actions, witnessing unjust treatment of others, or experiencing a change in their personal beliefs and values.

4. The current implications of such a story on our society today highlight the dangers of extremist beliefs and the need for understanding and empathy.

The author may be trying to teach the reader about the importance of recognizing and combating hate, prejudice, and discrimination. Additionally, they may be encouraging self-reflection and personal growth to ensure that history does not repeat itself.

For more questions on: racial superiority



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monkeys I think because they were there longer

which of the following was one of the ways the american revolution affected african-americans?


One of the ways the American Revolution affected African-Americans was by igniting discussions and debates about the concepts of freedom, equality, and liberty.

The American Revolution was a monumental event that took place between 1765 and 1783 in the Thirteen Colonies of North America. It marked a significant turning point in history, as the colonists, driven by a desire for independence, revolted against British rule and established the United States of America. The revolution was triggered by a series of factors, including taxation without representation, political and economic restrictions, and a growing sense of individual rights and liberty.

The colonists, led by influential figures such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson, fought against the powerful British army and ultimately secured victory through determination, strategic alliances, and guerrilla warfare tactics. The American Revolution led to the formation of a democratic republic based on principles of self-governance, individual freedoms, and the protection of natural rights, profoundly influencing the course of world history and inspiring subsequent revolutions around the globe.

To know more about American Revolution refer to-



Which of the following had the most political power under European feudalism?



Feudalism in 12th-century England was among the better structured and established systems in Europe at the time. The king was the absolute “owner” of land in the feudal system, and all nobles, knights, and other tenants, termed vassals, merely “held” land from the king, who was thus at the top of the feudal pyramid.


Under European feudalism, the most political power was held by the monarch, typically a king or queen. They were at the top of the feudal hierarchy and granted land to nobles in exchange for their loyalty and military support. Nobles, in turn, granted land to knights, who protected and maintained order in the kingdom. Peasants worked the land for their lords, providing the basis of the economy. Overall, the monarch had the most political power in this system, as they controlled the distribution of land and resources and held the highest authority.

European feudalism, the most political power was held by the monarchs, also known as kings and queens. They were at the top of the feudal hierarchy and controlled the land, military, and legal system. The monarchs were responsible for appointing nobles and vassals, who held lesser amounts of power. However, the power of the monarchs was limited by the nobles and vassals, who often had their own armies and controlled their own territories. Additionally, the Church also held significant political power during this time, as it had control over religious and spiritual matters. Overall, the political power structure under European feudalism was complex and layered.

To know more about feudal hierarchy visit:



why did lenin sign the treaty of brest-litovsk with germany in 1917, accepting german victory and ceding a huge amount of land?


Lenin signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany in 1917 is that he believed it was necessary to end Russia's involvement in World War I and focus on building socialism in Russia. The Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, had promised to end the war as part of their platform, and they believed that signing the treaty was the only way to achieve that goal.

It's important to note that Russia was in a very weak position by early 1918. The Russian army had suffered huge losses and was demoralized, the country was facing food shortages and economic collapse, and there were internal divisions and conflicts among the Bolsheviks themselves.

At the same time, Germany was gaining ground on the Eastern Front and had occupied much of Russian territory. The Germans offered the Bolsheviks a way out of the war, but at a high cost. The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk required Russia to cede a significant amount of land, including Finland, the Baltic States, and parts of Poland and Ukraine, to Germany.

Lenin saw the treaty as a temporary measure that was necessary to allow the Bolsheviks to consolidate power and begin building socialism in Russia. He hoped that the treaty would buy the Bolsheviks time to strengthen their position and eventually challenge Germany and the other imperialist powers.

In the end, Lenin's strategy paid off. The Bolsheviks were able to consolidate their power in Russia, and eventually, with the help of other socialist and anti-imperialist forces, they were able to defeat Germany and end World War I. However, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk remains a controversial and complex episode in Russian history, reflecting the difficult choices and compromises that revolutionary movements sometimes have to make in order to achieve their goals.

Learn more about Treaty of Brest-Litovsk: https://brainly.com/question/31183632


Which spurred increased european interest in colonizing north america?


Several factors spurred increased European interest in colonizing North America. One of the most significant was the desire for economic opportunities, particularly in the form of valuable natural resources such as timber, fish, and furs.

Another important factor was the desire for religious freedom, as many Europeans faced persecution and discrimination based on their beliefs.

Additionally, political and social instability in Europe, such as the Thirty Years' War, drove many people to seek new opportunities in the New World. Finally, advances in navigation technology and increased competition among European nations for global power and influence also contributed to the push to colonize North America.

For more questions on: colonizing North America



the papua new guinea tribes people worked for the leahy brothers because: a. they never stopped believing that the whites were gods b. they were treated as indentured slaves/laborers c. white men were different and they had shells and guns d. the brothers paid them with their own gold


The Papua New Guinea tribespeople worked for the Leahy brothers because they were treated as indentured slaves/laborers.

The white men were seen as different and powerful because they had access to shells and guns, and that the brothers paid them with their own gold, which further reinforced their status as wealthy and important figures. It is also important to note that while some tribespeople may have believed that the whites were gods, this was likely not the primary reason for their work with the Leahy brothers.

Learn more about Papua New Guinea tribespeople: https://brainly.com/question/2606655


What was King’s dream described in this passage?

Martin Luther King Jr. declared: "I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood." On that day, he concluded, "all God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of that old Negro spiritual, 'Free at last! Free at last! Thank god almighty, we are free at last!'"


an understanding among religions

equality for all

freedom for African Americans

a meeting of the minds


The dream described in this passage is equality for all, specifically highlighting the freedom of African Americans from racial discrimination and the vision of a society where people of different backgrounds can come together in brotherhood and harmony.

The dream described in this passage by Martin Luther King Jr. is that of equality for all. He envisions a future where racial divisions are overcome and people of different backgrounds can come together in unity and harmony.

King's dream specifically focuses on the freedom and liberation of African Americans from the chains of racial discrimination and oppression. He speaks of a day when the sons of former slave owners in Georgia can sit together with the descendants of enslaved individuals at the table of brotherhood, symbolizing reconciliation and understanding. King's dream extends beyond race, encompassing people of various religions and denominations, emphasizing the vision of a society where all individuals, regardless of their race or religious affiliation, can join hands and celebrate the shared experience of being free.

For more such question on equality



A few early american authors were the first masters of the short story forma. Trueb. False


True. A few early American authors were indeed the first masters of the short story format.

These writers, including Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Washington Irving, were known for their ability to craft intricate and compelling narratives within a relatively short space.

Their stories often dealt with themes of mystery, horror, and the supernatural, and they helped to establish the modern form of the short story as a legitimate and respected literary genre.

Through their innovative use of language, imagery, and character development, these authors paved the way for countless other writers to follow in their footsteps and continue to explore the potential of the short story format in their own work.

Overall, their contributions to the development of American literature and the short story form cannot be overstated.

To know more about authors refer here:



it is believed that the professional roots of art therapy originated from the works of:


The statement is False. The professional roots of art therapy can be traced back to the works of several individuals, but it is generally believed that the field was established primarily by two pioneers: Margaret Naumburg and Edith Kramer.

Therapy refers to a structured process in which individuals seek professional assistance to address emotional, psychological, or behavioral issues. It is a collaborative relationship between a therapist and a client, aiming to improve mental health and overall well-being. Therapists, who can be psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, or social workers, utilize various evidence-based techniques and interventions to help clients understand and manage their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors more effectively.

Therapy provides a safe and confidential space for individuals to explore their concerns, gain insight into their experiences, and develop healthier coping strategies. It can be beneficial for a wide range of mental health challenges, including anxiety, depression, trauma, relationship difficulties, and addiction.

To know more about Therapy refer to-



Complete Question:

It is believed that the professional roots of art therapy originated from the works of: Dr. Carl Jung. True or false?

a key difference between the cold war and current animosity between the united states and russia is


One key difference between the Cold War and the current animosity between the United States and Russia is the nature of the relationship.

During the Cold War, the US and Russia were engaged in a global competition for power and influence, with each side seeking to spread its ideology and gain control over other nations. This led to a nuclear arms race, proxy wars, and a deep mistrust between the two superpowers.
In contrast, the current animosity between the US and Russia is characterized by a more complex set of factors. While there are still concerns about Russian aggression and interference in US elections, the relationship between the two countries is also shaped by economic interests, geopolitical rivalries, and domestic politics.
Another important difference is the level of international support and alliances that each country has. During the Cold War, the US was part of a broad coalition of Western countries, while Russia was aligned with communist states in Eastern Europe and Asia. Today, the US has strong alliances with countries in Europe and Asia, while Russia has been increasingly isolated on the international stage.
Overall, while there are certainly similarities between the Cold War and current tensions between the US and Russia, the nature of the relationship and the broader geopolitical context have evolved significantly over time.

To know more about animosity  visit:



the missouri compromise stipulated that in the rest of the louisiana purchase north of 36°30´:a free blacks could not become citizens.b majority rule would determine whether slavery would be legal.c slaves would become free at age twenty-five.d there would be no restrictions on slavery.e slavery would be excluded.


The Missouri Compromise was a critical legislative agreement that was enacted in 1820. It was a decision that would help to resolve the question of slavery in the territories of the Louisiana Purchase. The agreement stipulated that in the area north of 36°30´, slavery would be excluded.

The Missouri Compromise was a critical legislative agreement that was enacted in 1820. It was a decision that would help to resolve the question of slavery in the territories of the Louisiana Purchase. The agreement stipulated that in the area north of 36°30´, slavery would be excluded. This meant that slavery would not be legal in the northern territories. However, in the southern territories, slavery would still be legal. The Missouri Compromise was a crucial legal decision that helped to keep the balance of power between free and slave states in the United States. It was a necessary step towards the eventual abolition of slavery and the promotion of civil rights for all citizens, regardless of race or ethnicity.

To know more about legislative visit:



When Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai and his son were in the cave, was the Roman Empire Christian?


No, the Roman Empire was not Christian during the time Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai and his son were in the cave. The Roman Empire was actually a pagan society at that time.

The Roman Empire was actually a pagan society at that time, worshipping various gods and goddesses such as Jupiter, Apollo, and Venus. Christianity did not become the official religion of the Roman Empire until the 4th century AD, when Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and made it the state religion. However, there were Christians living in the Roman Empire during Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai's time, as Christianity had begun to spread throughout the region. It is important to note that Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai lived during the 2nd century AD, which was a time of great political turmoil and conflict within the Roman Empire, as various groups vied for power and control.

Learn more about pagan from here:



How did the actions of the federal government in the 1960s and 1970s affect the number of interest groups?


The actions of the federal government in the 1960s and 1970s led to an increase in the number of interest groups.

During this time, the federal government passed several landmark pieces of legislation, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Clean Air Act of 1970, among others.

These laws created new opportunities for interest groups to organize and advocate for their causes.

For example, civil rights groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) were instrumental in pushing for the passage of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.

At the same time, these laws also created new challenges for interest groups.

The federal government began to take a more active role in regulating industries and protecting consumers, which led to the formation of new interest groups, such as environmental organizations like the Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Overall, the actions of the federal government in the 1960s and 1970s had a mixed impact on the number of interest groups. While some groups were able to thrive under the new legal framework, others struggled to adapt to the changing political and social landscape.

For more question on government visit;



The highest mountain in New Zealand is __________.



Aoraki mountain


It has a height of 3724 metres.

Philip formed a Pan-Hellenic League that included all the states he conquered including Persia.True or False?


The given statement,"Philip formed a Pan-Hellenic League that included all the states he conquered including Persia" is false because Philip II of Macedon did create a league of Greek states, but it was called the League of Corinth, not the Pan-Hellenic League.

The League of Corinth was formed in 338 BCE after Philip's victory at the Battle of Chaeronea, and it included many of the Greek city-states, although not all of them.

The purpose of the league was to unite the Greek states under Macedonian leadership, and it was modeled after the Delian League, which had been formed in the 5th century BCE to combat Persian aggression.

While Philip did conquer parts of Persia, he did not include it in the League of Corinth. In fact, Persia was never part of any of the Greek leagues, as it was considered a foreign power and not a Greek state.

Therefore, the statement that "Philip formed a Pan-Hellenic League that included all the states he conquered including Persia" is false.

For more question on conquered visit:



first president to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.


The individual in question is President Barack Obama. In 1979, Obama applied for and received financial aid as a foreign student while attending Occidental College in California.

However, it is important to note that at the time, Obama's mother was living in Indonesia and he had spent a portion of his childhood there, which may have been a factor in his application. In his memoir "Dreams from My Father," Obama writes about grappling with his identity as a biracial individual with connections to multiple cultures. It is possible that this played a role in his decision to apply for aid as a foreign student. However, it is important to clarify that Obama never denied his American citizenship. In fact, he released his birth certificate in 2011 to dispel rumors that he was not a natural-born citizen. Overall, while Obama did apply for college aid as a foreign student, he did not deny his American citizenship.

Learn more about citizenship from here:



a rock festival that drew hundreds of thousands of people in 1969 was at



The Woodstock festival



Woodstock Festival


The Woodstock Festival, which took place in August 1969, was a turning point in the counterculture movement of the 1960s. A three-day music festival that organizers had anticipated would draw 50,000 people attracted an estimated 500,000 people.

The festival, which is advertised as "Three Days of Peace and Music," has the same cultural impact as the Apollo 11 moon landing, which had the whole world spellbound a month earlier. Although Woodstock was clearly a once-in-a-century cultural event, it was also a traffic-clogged, rain-soaked, mud-caked catastrophe, a fact that is sometimes missed in the nostalgia for the 1960s.

From the beginning of his presidency, kennedy vigorously supported black civil rights.a. Trueb. False


False. From the beginning of his presidency, Kennedy did not vigorously support black civil rights.

While he recognized the importance of the civil rights movement and made some efforts to address racial inequality, his initial approach was cautious and hesitant. Kennedy was cautious about taking strong legislative action on civil rights, fearing that it would alienate southern Democrats.

It was not until later in his presidency, particularly after the Birmingham campaign and the March on Washington, that Kennedy became more proactive in supporting civil rights. His administration eventually proposed and supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but it was his successor, President Lyndon B. Johnson, who successfully shepherded the bill through Congress and signed it into law.

Learn more about civil rights



what was the name of the battle where the us defeated a group native americans led by tecumseh?



The Battle of  Tippecanoe courtesy of espritdecorps.ca


The Battle of Tippecanoe NOO was fought on November 7, 1811, in Battle Ground, Indiana, between American forces led by then Governor William Henry Harrison of the Indiana Territory and Native American forces associated with Shawnee leader Tecumseh and his brother Tenskwatawa (commonly known as "The Prophet"), leaders of a confederacy of various tribes who opposed European-American settlement of the American frontier.

The battle you are referring to is the Battle of Tippecanoe, which took place on November 7, 1811, in Indiana. Tecumseh, a Shawnee chief, and his brother, Tenskwatawa, also known as the Prophet, had been leading a confederation of Native American tribes in an effort to resist American expansion into their lands.

The battle you are referring to is the Battle of Tippecanoe, which took place on November 7, 1811, in Indiana. Tecumseh, a Shawnee chief, and his brother, Tenskwatawa, also known as the Prophet, had been leading a confederation of Native American tribes in an effort to resist American expansion into their lands. However, American forces under the command of William Henry Harrison attacked and defeated the Native American camp at Prophetstown. This battle was significant because it weakened Tecumseh's confederation and allowed for further American expansion into Native American territories. The victory at the Battle of Tippecanoe also boosted Harrison's political career, as he later became the ninth President of the United States.

To know more about Tippecanoe visit:



Different country-level factors influence the likelihood of civil war. Sort the following factors by those more likely to lead to civil war and those less likely to lead to civil war.
More Likely to Lead to Civil War:
- rugged terrain in a large country that is difficult for the limited state forces to patrol
(Explanation: Geography, when combined with other factors, can make it very difficult for a state to suppress a civil war; rebels can hide in mountains, making rooting them out much more difficult.)
- a regime that is neither fully democratic nor strongly autocratic
(Explanation: Regimes that are in between democratic and autocratic lack the stability of both democracies and autocracies. They have no effective channels for peaceful participation and insufficient capacity for repression.)
Less Likely to Lead to Civil War:
- a powerful autocratic leader that commands a robust network of security forces
(Explanation: Although autocratic governments with oppressive security forces might breed resentment, they have a higher capacity for repression, making civil war less likely.)
- political processes that allow for grievances to be addressed through free and fair elections
(Explanation: Evidence suggests that well-established democratic countries are less prone to civil wars because political grievances can be solved without force.)


More Likely to Lead to Civil War: 1. A regime that is neither fully democratic nor strongly autocratic. Less Likely to Lead to Civil War: 1. Political processes that allow for grievances to be addressed through free and fair elections.

More Likely to Lead to Civil War: A regime that is neither fully democratic nor strongly autocratic is prone to civil war as it lacks stability and effective channels for peaceful participation or repression. Additionally, rugged terrain in a large country that is difficult for limited state forces to patrol can make it challenging to suppress civil war. Rebels can take advantage of mountainous areas to hide and evade capture, prolonging conflicts.

Less Likely to Lead to Civil War: Political processes that allow for grievances to be addressed through free and fair elections contribute to stability and reduce the likelihood of civil war. Well-established democratic countries with robust electoral systems provide peaceful avenues for addressing grievances. Furthermore, a powerful autocratic leader commanding a robust network of security forces may generate resentment but has a higher capacity for repression, making civil war less likely.

Learn more about democratic  here:



the books of _____________ form the transition from the era of the judges to that of the kings.



1-2 Samuel


The books of 1-2 Samuel form the transition from the era of the judges to the use of kings.

The books of Samuel form the transition from the era of the judges to that of the kings.

The era of the judges was a time in ancient Israel's history where God appointed judges to lead and deliver the Israelites from their enemies. However, this period was marked by disobedience and lawlessness among the people, and they began to demand a king. Samuel, a prophet and last judge of Israel, anointed Saul as the first king of Israel. However, Saul's reign was marked by disobedience and eventually, David, a man after God's heart, was anointed by Samuel as the next king. The books of Samuel detail the lives of these two kings and their impact on Israel. These books also mark the beginning of the monarchy in Israel and the end of the era of the judges. Through the books of Samuel, we see God's sovereignty over Israel's history and how He uses imperfect human leaders to accomplish His purposes.

To know more about judges visit:




Write a paragraph on the Ottoman empire's trading, advancements, and key components:


The Ottoman Empire, was a powerful and expansive state that encompassed diverse regions and cultures.

What were the Ottomans known for ?

The economic prosperity and cultural exchange of the empire were heavily dependent on trading. The Ottomans constructed an extensive system of commercial pathways that linked three continents - Europe, Asia, and Africa.

They created a remarkable kind of architecture that combines features from various cultural backgrounds such as Byzantine, Islamic, and European, and includes notable landmarks such as the Hagia Sophia and the Topkapi Palace.

The successful management and tax collection system established by the empire's administrative framework contributed to the consistent stability and advancement of its domains. By virtue of their formidable military power, the Ottomans were able to expand their domain and exert authority over extensive territories.

Find out more on the Ottoman empire at https://brainly.com/question/19386749


Option 2—Make a picture collection! Pick one representative image from each period and explain it in two complete sentences. Take one sentence to explain what it is, and one sentence to explain how it represents that period. As always, review the lesson carefully enough and research enough to find an image that is not on one of the most popular reference websites. With this option, you will submit at least five images, each with its own explanation in complete sentences.


There are the different periods such as:

Dorothea Lange's 1936 image of "Migrant Mother"Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1963 "I Have a Dream" speech.Nick Ut's 1972 image of "Vietnam Napalm" and J. Howard Miller, 1942, "Rosie the Riveter" poster.

The Dorothea Lange "Migrant Mother" portrait, taken in 1936, captures the challenges faced by migrant workers during the Great Depression. The picture depicts a mother and her kids who are striving to make ends meet while living in poverty.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, delivered in 1963, epitomizes the Civil Rights Movement and the struggle for racial equality in the United States. A strong call to action is made throughout the speech for people to band together and work to create a society that is more just.

Learn more about on Migrant Mother, here:



Which disease spread faster Covid-19 or Black Death and why might it spread faster?
Which of these pandemics Covid-19 or The Black Death had a bigger effect on society?



black death is the most spreading disease

Covid-19, of course, has now been certified as the cause of death for 1.94 million people in the space of one year. That makes it worse in absolute terms than most influenza pandemics in history, except 1918’s; worse than the seven cholera pandemics of the 19th and early 20th century; but much less bad than HIV, 1918, or the Black Death and associated bubonic plague outbreaks. Every mentioned pandemic surpasses it in terms of deaths per capita, though — much of its high death toll is a consequence of the world’s population having grown from about 2 billion in 1920 to more than 7.8 billion today.

how did the increasingly confident republican party prepare for the election of 1860?


They had grown in numbers and support, especially in the North, and were gaining traction in the West as well. In order to prepare for the election, the Republican Party held a national convention in Chicago in May of 1860, where they officially nominated Abraham Lincoln as their candidate for president.

The Republican Party was increasingly confident heading into the election of 1860, as they had made significant strides in the previous years. This was a strategic move, as Lincoln was a well-respected figure and had broad appeal. The party also developed a platform that focused on opposing the expansion of slavery into the Western territories. Additionally, the Republican Party ran a well-organized and effective campaign, utilizing new campaign strategies such as rallies and parades. Overall, the Republican Party's preparation for the election of 1860 paid off, as Lincoln was elected president, cementing the party's place in American politics for years to come.

To know more about The Republican Party visit:



The increasingly confident republican party prepare for the election of 1860 by  believing that  they could defeat the incumbent Democratic Party, which had been plagued by division and scandal.

The Republican Party, which had formed just four years prior, was gaining confidence in the lead up to the 1860 election. They believed they could defeat the incumbent Democratic Party, which had been plagued by division and scandal. The Republican Party held their national convention in Chicago in May 1860 and nominated Abraham Lincoln as their presidential candidate. They also adopted a platform that emphasized free labor, free soil, and opposition to the expansion of slavery.

The party worked hard to mobilize voters, particularly in the North, through rallies, speeches, and the distribution of campaign literature. They also used emerging technologies like the telegraph and the railroad to communicate with supporters and coordinate campaign efforts. By the time of the election, the Republican Party was a well-organized and confident political force.

To know more about republican party visit



True or False?

1. The main goal of Arab nationalism during the nineteenth and early twentieth century was an Arab Empire
2. The League of Nations mandate gave the British and French the authority to exploit the nations assigned to them.
3. The British Imperial rule in India began after Bengal was conquered in the Sepoy Mutiny.
4. Gandhi believed that independence can be won through the use of force.
5. The Amritsar Massacre took place in Punjab.
6. Laws in British India were made by the Indian National Congress
7. The nationalist movement in India was initiated and led by Western-educated Indians.


False. The main goal of Arab nationalism during the nineteenth and early twentieth century was the unification and independence of Arab states, not the establishment of an Arab Empire.

True. The League of Nations mandate did give the British and French authority to govern and administer the territories assigned to them, which included elements of economic exploitation.

False. The British Imperial rule in India began before the Sepoy Mutiny, following the British East India Company's victory in the Battle of Plassey in 1757.

False. Gandhi believed in nonviolent resistance and advocated for  of force.

True. The Amritsar Massacre, also known as the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, took place in Amritsar, Punjab, India in 1919.

False. Laws in British India were primarily made by the British government and authorities, not the Indian National Congress.

True. The nationalist movement in India wapeaceful means to achieve independence for India, rejecting the uses initiated and led by Western-educated Indians who sought political reforms and independence from British rule, such as leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru.

For more such question on nationalism



Which of the following best describes the Great War?
A) It remained a mystery to the colonized peoples of the world, as they could not understand it.
B) It created admiration among colonized people for Europe's great military might.
C) It generated significant funding drives among colonized peoples to help rebuild Europe.
D) It had no effect on the colonized peoples of the world, as it was fought only in Europe.
E) It demonstrated the extent to which nation-states depended on their people, wherever they lived.


The correct option is A. The Great War, also known as World War I, was a global conflict that lasted from 1914 to 1918 and involved the majority of the world's great powers.

It was a devastating war that resulted in the loss of millions of lives and left much of Europe in ruins. Option A, which states that the Great War remained a mystery to the colonized peoples of the world, is not accurate as the war had a profound impact on people all over the world, including colonized nations. Option B, which states that the war created admiration among colonized people for Europe's military might, is also incorrect as the war actually had the opposite effect. The Great War exposed the fragility and brutality of European imperialism, and this realization inspired colonized peoples to resist and fight for their own independence. Option C, which suggests that colonized peoples participated in funding drives to help rebuild Europe after the war, is also not accurate as the resources of colonized nations were already being exploited by imperial powers for their own benefit. Option D, which implies that the Great War had no effect on colonized peoples as it was only fought in Europe, is also incorrect as the war had a significant impact on the political and social landscape of colonized nations. Finally, option E is the correct answer as the Great War demonstrated the extent to which nation-states depended on their people, wherever they lived. The war had a profound impact on the entire world, and its consequences shaped the course of history in the 20th century and beyond.
To know more about  Great War visit:


west virginia was the only state to come out of the civil war what happened to the soldiers who left the southern state of virginia and returned to the northern state of west virginia


During the American Civil War, West Virginia separated from the state of Virginia and became its own state in 1863.

This division occurred primarily due to differences in political loyalties and the issue of slavery.

Regarding the soldiers who left the Confederate state of Virginia and returned to the Union state of West Virginia, it is important to note that not all soldiers who fought for the Confederacy in Virginia automatically returned to West Virginia. Soldiers who had joined Confederate regiments from the western counties of Virginia (which later became West Virginia) had the  to either remain with their Confederate units or defect to the Union side and join Union forces.

Those soldiers who chose to leave the Confederate state and join Union forces were generally treated as returning Union soldiers. They would have been subject to the regulations and protocols of the Union military, and their treatment would depend on various factors such as their rank, unit, and individual circumstances. They may have been integrated into existing Union regiments or organized into new units specific to West Virginia.

It is worth mentioning that the experiences of individual soldiers varied, and there were nces of hardship, challenges, and adjustments faced by soldiers who switched sides during the war. However, in general, soldiers from West Virginia who had fought for the Confederacy and returned to West Virginia were recognized as loyal to the Union and would have been treated as such by the Union authorities.

Learn more about Civil War here:



Why did the Holodomor have little global outrage when it happened?
A. Reporters misrepresented the famine.
B. The Red Cross and other aid groups were already helping.
C. Because times were hard for everyone, not just the Ukraine.
D. It was buried with news of the Great War.


The Holodomor had little global outrage during its occurrence due to several options A. Reporters misrepresented the famine, C. Because times were hard for everyone, not just the Ukraine, and D. It was buried with news of the Great War.

Firstly, reporters misrepresented the famine as many international journalists either downplayed or ignored the severity of the crisis. Some even published Soviet propaganda that denied the famine's existence, preventing the truth from reaching the international community.

Secondly, the lack of response can be attributed to the general hardships of the time. During the early 1930s, the world was facing the Great Depression, and many countries were preoccupied with their own economic struggles. This made it difficult for nations to focus on the plight of Ukrainians, as they had their own pressing issues to address.

Lastly, the Holodomor's impact was overshadowed by news of the Great War. Although World War I had ended over a decade earlier, its aftereffects were still being felt, and the political climate in Europe was fragile. This diverted the world's attention from the catastrophe in Ukraine. Therefore, the correct answer options are A, C, and D.

know more about Holodomor's here:



.Which of the following was NOT a motive for expansion in the late 19th century?
a. The absence of influence of political leaders in the European countries
b. The need to ensure a supply of raw materials
c. The use of colonies as pressure valves to release the pressures of unemployed workers and surplus goods
d. The pressure of public opinion
e. The need to invest surplus capital


The answer to the question is The absence of influence of political leaders in the European countries. So, the corrcet answer is option a.

During the late 19th century, European countries were motivated to expand for various reasons. One of the reasons was the need to ensure a supply of raw materials for their industries. The industrial revolution had brought about a new demand for raw materials, and colonies could provide them with a steady supply. Another reason was to use colonies as pressure valves to release the pressures of unemployed workers and surplus goods. With industrialization came unemployment and surplus goods, and colonies provided an outlet for them. The pressure of public opinion was also a factor, as there was a growing belief in the idea of imperialism and the need for European countries to spread their influence and civilization to other parts of the world. Additionally, there was a need to invest surplus capital, and colonies provided opportunities for investment.

In conclusion, the absence of influence of political leaders in the European countries was not a motive for expansion in the late 19th century. The other motives, such as the need for raw materials, the use of colonies as pressure valves, the pressure of public opinion, and the need to invest surplus capital, played significant roles in the expansion of European countries during this time period.

Know more about European countries here:



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