•3. (a) How is the irony of the necklace symbolic of a larger irony in Mathilde's life? (b) How does Guy de Maupassant enhance this symbolism through the use of irony and surprise ending? 4. Is the surprise ending in "The Necklace" believable? Why or why not?​


Answer 1

Mathilde borrows a necklace to dazzle others at a posh function, thinking it would boost her social position and bring her happiness and respect.

Guy de Maupassant uses irony to disclose the necklace's reality at the story's conclusion, surprising the reader and highlighting that worldly things may lead to disappointment and unhappiness.

"The Necklacesurprising "'s conclusion is plausible because it comments on society's drive to conform and the assumption that financial items may provide pleasure and contentment.

What is social status?


The irony of the necklace in "The Necklace" is symbolic of a larger irony in Mathilde's life in that she borrows a necklace to impress others at a fancy event, believing it will elevate her social status and bring her happiness and respect she desires.

However, the necklace is a fake and after losing it and spending years working to pay for a replacement, she discovers the truth and realizes that her actions and obsession with material possessions have ultimately led to a life of unhappiness and dissatisfaction.


Guy de Maupassant enhances this symbolism through the use of irony by revealing the truth about the necklace only at the end of the story, catching the reader off guard and emphasizing the idea that the pursuit of material possessions can ultimately lead to disappointment and misery.


The surprise ending in "The Necklace" may be seen as believable because it is a commentary on the societal pressure to conform to certain standards and the belief that material possessions can bring happiness and fulfillment.

However, some readers may find the ending to be too coincidental or unrealistic.

Read more about social status


Related Questions

What is Shelley's message in the poem?


Shelley's message in the poem is, the central message of "Ozymandias" is that all authority is transient. One of the most influential kings in ancient times was Ramesses II.

What message is portrayed in Ode to the West Wind by Shelley?

Perhaps more than anything else, Shelley wished for his message of reform and revolution to be communicated, and the wind comes to symbolize this through the poet-prophet figure.

What does Shelley's article A Defense of Poetry's key idea?

The article "A Defense of Poetry" by Percy Bysshe Shelley was written in 1821. Shelley maintains in this article that writing poetry is not only a craft that anyone who thinks they can do it can do.

To know more about Shelley's  visit:-



What were three reasons the Catholic Church was so powerful?







Who is the villain in Trifles?


Although the County Attorney is our adversary, he is not necessarily a horrible person. It's his job, therefore the guy is merely trying to solve a murder.

Who is the Trifles' antagonist?

Despite being dead, Mr. Wright serves as both the adversary and protagonist in Trifles (Minnie, the wife). The drama is mysterious as well; it is clear right away that Minnie kills her husband.

In the play Trifles, who are the protagonist and antagonist?

Although the County Attorney is our adversary, he is not necessarily a horrible person. It's his job, therefore the guy is merely trying to solve a murder. However, Mrs. Hale, the main character, ultimately finds herself working against him.

To know more about villain Trifles visit:-



How does word choice affect the tone of the poem?


Answer:Strong word choice uses vocabulary and language to maximum effect, creating clear moods and images and making your stories and poems more powerful and vivid. The meaning of “word choice” may seem self-explanatory, but to truly transform your style and writing, we need to dissect the elements of choosing the right word.


Why do the men miss all the real evidence and why do the women cover it up?


The men were thinking like men, and the ladies felt thoughtful of Mrs. Wright and her situation. Wright (Minnie Cultivate) has killed her significant other however that she was legitimate in doing as such. They hide the proof to forestall Mrs. Wright's conceivable conviction.

They can't see the kitchen region due to its homegrown connection to ladies and no ladies might have killed the spouse. The men scan outside and higher up for the actual proof. They are not concerned about where Mrs. Wright invested the vast majority of her energy inside the kitchen and where the proof lies stowed away.

Learn more about evidence:



Imagine you are part of a group assigned by your teacher to work together to complete a project. Your group gets together, and the ideas start flowing, except that one member is not listening at all. You end your meeting with roles and next steps assigned to each member of the group so you know what to have ready for your next meeting.

What consequences may arise from that one group member not listening?


Some of the consequences that may arise from that one group member not listening are;

It can cause delays in the completion of the project as important information and ideas may not be shared and discussed.It could result in mistakes or errors in the final project.It can also create frustration and dissatisfaction among the other members of the group, potentially causing tension and conflict.The unproductive member may not be able to complete their assigned task or may not complete it correctly.

What are the importance of active participation in a group work?

Active participation in a group encourages each member to take their role seriously in the group work. It helps members to have a common level of understanding about what is needed and how to achieve it. When group members actively participate in a task, they reduce their chances of making errors that might result in fights or dissatisfaction among team members.

Learn more about groupworks here;



Consider these lines from “Story of an Hour” Someone was opening the front door with a latchkey. It was Brently Mallard who entered, a little travel-stained, composedly carrying his grip-sack and umbrella. He had been far from the scene of the accident, and did not even know there had been one. Using knowledge from the story, write Brently’s story while he was not at home. Be sure to include in your story why he was included on the list of those killed. (IN 5 PARAGRAPH) ALSO IN NARRATIVE ESSAY


The assignment wants to know your writing skills, story comprehension, and creativity. For that reason, I cannot respond to your essay, but I will show you how to write it.

Essay structure

Introduction: Write about Brently Mallard leaving home to catch the train to go to work. Detail who he is and what he does. Do this in a short paragraph that will only serve the reader to identify Brently Mallard.

Body: Write three paragraphs. In the first paragraph, you will describe the path Brently Mallard takes to the train and the thoughts he presents. The second paragraph, show how he manages to buy the train ticket but does not board, as he gets distracted by something and ends up missing the time of boarding. In the third paragraph describe the accident and how he reacts to it, knowing that if he had got on the train he would have died.

Conclusion: Show how the name of Brently Mallard was included in the list of the dead because the authorities put on this list all the people who bought the train ticket, as it would have been impossible to have entered the vehicle and survived the accident.

While reading the short story, the reader knows very little about Brently Mallard, because the focus of the story is his wife's reaction to hearing about his accident and death. For that reason, you can unleash his creativity and imagine what happened to him and the reasons why he didn't get on the train.

Learn more about “Story of an Hour”:



What do we learn about Nick in Chapter 1 of The Great Gatsby?


He is quiet, understanding, tolerant, and a wonderful listener.

What does The Great Gatsby's Chapter 1 teach us about Nick?

Others enjoy talking to him and sharing their secrets with him because, as he explains to the reader in Chapter 1, he is understanding, open-minded, calm, and a good listener. In particular, The Great Gatsby comes to confide in and trust him.

Young Minnesotan Nick, the book's narrator, attends Yale and serves in World War I before relocating to New York City to pursue a career in the bond industry. Nick is a good confidant for people who are hiding worrying secrets since he is trustworthy, patient, and slow to judge. Nick may then be seen as the narrative's moral compass.

To learn more about Nick in Chapter 1, refer:



King uses quoted words from several sources . Find at least two quotations besides the one in paragraph 15 . Identify the source of each quotation and explain how it strengthens King’s argument .


He starts with a main statement, then offers supporting details and anecdotes. By making a thesis and supporting it with data and firsthand accounts, he unifies his thoughts and develops his arguments in each part.

In his lecture, Dr. King references a well-known document.

In his final speech, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. cited both the Bible and the US Constitution on April 3, 1968. Many people today are still motivated by his comments.

In his "I Have a Dream" address, what did King say?

In my dream, every valley will one day be swallowed, every mountain will be lowered, every hill will be exalted, and the rough and crooked spots will be made plain.

To know more about supporting details visit :-



Why do the slides generally move so fast in the story?
A. To ensure the author had time to tell the whole story
B. Because PowerPoint presentations have only one speed
OC. Because the author did not know how to slow them down
D. To show the audience the fleeting speed with which life moves


Answer: To show the audience the fleeting speed with which life moves.

Explanation: Question on Apex. Just took the test and got wrong after choosing the answer that the guy above said was correct. He/she was wrong. This is the correct answer.

Question 1(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
The table below lists protected constitutional rights and how they may be limited.

Protected Rights Limitations
Property rights ?
Unwarranted search and seizure Crime suspects may be searched

Which phrase completes the table?
Poll taxes
Eminent domain
Jury trial
Background checks
Question 2(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
The table below lists protected constitutional rights and how they may be limited.

Protected Rights Limitations
Right to bear arms ?
Unwarranted search and seizure Crime suspects may be searched

Which phrase completes the table?
Poll taxes
Eminent domain
Jury trial
Background checks
Question 3(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
The table below lists protected constitutional rights and how they may be limited.

Protected Rights Limitations
Public trial ?
Unwarranted search and seizure Crime suspects may be searched

Which phrase completes the table?
Poll taxes
Safety of the accused
Eminent domain
Background checks
Question 4(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
The image below illustrates a right protected in the Bill of Rights.

A large group of people shouting and holding signs.

What right protected by the Bill of Rights does this image illustrate?

Property rights
Jury trial
Question 5(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
The image below illustrates a right protected in the Bill of Rights.

A man in a suit stands at a podium in an office speaking to a group. People in the room are taking notes and photos. Some people are recording the man speaking with video cameras and voice recorders.

What right protected by the Bill of Rights does this image illustrate?

Voting rights
Property rights
Freedom of religious expression
Freedom of the press
Question 6(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
Why was the Bill of Rights added to the U.S. Constitution?

To declare independence from Britain
To create the three branches of government
To safeguard Americans' rights
To enforce important laws
Question 7(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
Which amendments are a part of the Bill of Rights?

All of the amendments
The first 10 amendments
Voting rights amendments
The First Amendment only
Question 8(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
Sam posted a series of hateful comments on a social media site. The social media site banned Sam. Sam argues this is a violation of his First Amendment right to free speech and he should be allowed back on the social media site.

Did the social media site violate Sam's constitutional right to free speech?

Yes; the First Amendment clearly states speech is a protected right. Social media is a form of speech that cannot be limited.
No; the First Amendment prevents the government from limiting Sam's speech. Private companies can decide what speech is acceptable on their social media site.
Yes; the First Amendment protects Sam's right to speak freely on social media. This right cannot be limited by government or a company like a social media site.
No; the First Amendment protects the right of the press to speak freely. Private citizens like Sam are not protected.
Question 9(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
The passage below about debate is from a 1964 Supreme Court ruling.

Debate on public issues should be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open and it may well include unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials.

How does the U.S. Constitution protect this right?
The U.S. Constitution protects the executive branch from public criticism.
The U.S. Constitution protects the judicial branch from public criticism.
The U.S. Constitution provides unlimited protection of individual rights.
The U.S. Constitution protects the rights of people and the press to speak out.
Question 10(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
The passage below about government is from the Federalist No. 47.

The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands… may justly be called the very definition of tyranny.

How is the author's view from this passage reflected in the U.S. Constitution?
The U.S. Constitution gives unlimited power to the judiciary.
The U.S. Constitution creates an independent judiciary.
The U.S. Constitution requires the executive branch to approve decisions of the judicial branch.
The U.S. Constitution requires the legislative branch to approve decisions of the judicial branch.
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1. We can see here that the phrase that completes the table is: B. Eminent domain.

This is because government may take private property for public use, with just compensation.

2. The phrase that completes the table is: D. Background checks.

Also,  certain restrictions on possession, such as prohibited possession by felons and the mentally ill, and restricted possession in certain places like schools and government buildings apply too.

What are constitutional rights?

Constitutional rights are rights protected by the Constitution of the United States, which is the supreme law of the land.

These rights include:

the rights to freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition; the right to bear arms the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizuresthe right to a fair and speedy trialthe right to due process of law and the right to equal protection under the law, among others.

3.  The phrase that completes the table is: B. Safety of the accused.

Safety of the accused may take precedence, such as moving the trial to a different location or sealing certain records to protect the defendant's right to a fair trial.

4. The right protected by the Bill of Rights illustrated in the image is the right to assembly. C. Assembly.

The people in the image are gathered together and holding signs, which suggests they are exercising their right to peaceful assembly.

5. The right protected by the Bill of Rights illustrated in the image is the Freedom of the Press. D. Freedom of the press.

The people in the room are taking notes and photos, and recording the man speaking with video cameras and voice recorders, which suggests they are journalists or members of the press, who are exercising their right to gather and report on news and information.

6. The Bill of Rights was added to the U.S. Constitution to safeguard Americans' rights. C. To safeguard Americans' rights.

7. The first 10 amendments are a part of the Bill of Rights. A. The first 10 amendments.

These amendments were added to the U.S. Constitution in 1791 in order to protect individual liberties from government infringement and to ensure that certain rights were not overlooked in the original Constitution.

8. We see that  the social media site didn't violate Sam's constitutional right to free speech. B. No; the First Amendment prevents the government from limiting Sam's speech. Private companies can decide what speech is acceptable on their social media site.

9.  We see that the U.S. Constitution protect this right in the following way: D. The U.S. Constitution protects the rights of people and the press to speak out.

10. We see here that the author's view from this passage reflected in the U.S. Constitution is seen as: B. The U.S. Constitution creates an independent judiciary.

Learn more about constitution on https://brainly.com/question/470736


What are some common themes found in an epic?


Some common themes found in an epic poetry are Fate of a nation, Homecoming, Beauty and Loyalty.

An epic poem, also known as a long narrative poem, is a long narrative poem about the exceptional exploits of remarkable individuals who, in dealings with gods or other superhuman powers, shaped the mortal cosmos for their successors.

In ancient Greek, 'epic' may refer to any dactylic hexameter poetry, which comprised not just Homer, but also Hesiod's wisdom poetry, Delphic oracle utterances, and bizarre theological poems attributed to Orpheus. However, later custom has limited the term "epic" to heroic epic, as defined in this article.

To know more about Epic poetry here-



Use context clues to determine the meaning of the Lost Generation. Write your best definition
here, along with the words and phrases that were most helpful in determining the meaning of the
phrase. Then, check a search engine to confirm your understanding.


In the Western world, the social generational cohort known as the Lost Generation was only entering early adulthood when World War I broke out. In this context, "lost" alludes to the "disoriented, wandering, directionless" mindset that pervaded many war survivors in the early postwar years.

What is a Generation?

A group of people who lived at the same time and were roughly the same age is referred to as a generation. However, generation can also refer to the act of creating something, like money, concepts, or children.

The Who's guitarist Pete Townsend wrote a song titled "My Generation" in 1965. The Who, Jefferson Airplane, Jimi Hendrix, and other well-known artists of the time were collectively referred to as "the Woodstock Generation" because they all appeared at the renowned Woodstock music event in New York. When many attribute those bands, along with Elvis, the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones, with the generation of rock-and-roll culture, they are using the word "generation" in a different context.

To learn more about generation visit:



What rhetorical appeal does Anthony primarily use in this speech?


Using the rhetorical device ethos, Anthony persuaded the audience to believe him and to give him their trust. Anthony addresses her listeners as "friends and fellow citizens" in her opening statement. Anthony does this to encourage a feeling of trust and friendship.

Pathos, also referred to as the appeal to emotion, is a literary technique for persuading readers by purposefully evoking certain emotions in them in order to elicit the desired emotional reaction. Anthony uses emotive examples and narratives, thoughtful word choice, and vocabulary that has meaning. attractive rhetoric.

Rhetorical appeals are the features of an argument that make it actually Anthony convincing. The four different types of persuasive arguments are ethos, pathos, logos, and other appeals.

To learn more about Rhetorical Device here:



What is the importance of Dr Lanyon in the novel?


Lanyon has a little part in the novel's storyline, his voice of scientific scepticism serves to counteract Dr. Jekyll's exuberant and adventurous ideas. Additionally, he is the first person to see Jekyll change into Hyde.

What does Dr Lanyon represent?

Lanyon acts as a foil (a character whose attitudes or feelings contrast with, and so illuminate, those of another character) for Jekyll, who embraces mysticism. She is the epitome of rationality, materialism, and scepticism.

How is Dr Lanyon presented in the novel?

He is described as a "hearty, healthy" person with a cordial, "real feeling"-based welcome for his companion. It's critical to highlight his positive traits and sincere friendship.

What type of doctor is Lanyon?

As a consultant rheumatologist, Dr. Peter Lanyon offers specialised rheumatology services together with clinical care that is based in research.

To know more about Dr. Lanyon visit:



What was the purpose of the buttress on Durham Cathedral?


The purpose of the buttress on Durham Cathedral are lateral reinforcements intended to sustain the weight of the roof vaults that protrude from the walls.

What does a flying buttress serve?A flying buttress is an architectural element that protrudes out from a tall stone wall; it was particularly common during the Gothic era. A flying buttress has two functions: functionally, to push from the outside and sustain the hefty wall; and aesthetically, to add beauty.Buttresses are lateral reinforcements intended to sustain the weight of the roof vaults that protrude from the walls. They are known as flying buttresses when they are not attached to the main wall. These supporting components allowed for higher structures as well as the opening up of wall spaces.

To learn more about  Cathedral refer to:



What did Romantic writers think about nature?


Many romantic poets believed that human thoughts and emotions come from nature. Romantic-era authors and artists frequently use a lot of natural imagery in their works.

The audience's imagination is captured by these artists and writers using scenes and imagery from nature. Musical romanticism was characterized by a stress on freedom, personal expression of emotion, and creativity. Romanticism typically included personal themes and placed an emphasis on the author's inner life and sentiments.

Considering how highly the Romantic movement values originality and defying expectations. The adoration of nature and the celebration of the distinctive person are two of romanticism's central ideas. More specifically, romantics cherish the uniqueness of the human spirit.

To learn more about romantic writers here:



What are the examples of inquiries?


During an inquiry based class, the instructor can observe how each student perceives an issue and the steps they take to arrive at a solution in their own particular way.

What characteristics distinguish an excellent inquiry?

Besides linking claim, evidence, and logic, it goes beyond mere opinion. A well-written inquiry question centers on a topic that can be researched and whose resolution takes the shape of a claim that is backed up by data, facts, and logic.

What variety of questions are there?

Confirmation, organized, guided, and open inquiry are the four subtypes of inquiry-based learning, which can be applied to all academic areas.

To know more about Inquiries, visit:

Hamlet act 1
What kind of point of view is in hamlet act 1? Explain.​


Shakespeare's play Hamlet tells the tale of a prince who must deal with the loss of his father and a potential betrayal by his uncle from an objective third-person point of view.

In Act 1, what kind of character is Hamlet?

Hamlet is depressed, resentful, and cynical. He is filled with rage over his uncle's cunning plans and revulsion over his mother's sexuality. Hamlet is a reflective and intelligent young man who attended the University of Wittenberg. He is occasionally prone to reckless and impetuous actions.

Act 1 introduces the events leading up to Old Hamlet's death and demonstrates Hamlet's desire for retribution by displaying his feelings against his mother's recent marriage as well as the pledges he makes to the spirit of his father.

Learn more about point of view at:



Why did colonists feel the Articles of Confederation were necessary even though the Declaration of Independence was already written Brainly?


The colonists felt that the Articles of Confederation were necessary because they had declared independence from Britain, but they still needed a document that would establish a national government with laws, regulations, and provisions to protect their newfound freedom.

What is Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence is a document that was adopted by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. It declared the 13 American colonies independent of British rule and laid out the ideas that would eventually become the foundations of the United States of America.

The Articles of Confederation ensured that the newly formed union of states would be able to work together in times of crisis and create a unified government to manage their affairs. The Declaration of Independence was a document that simply declared independence from Britain, while the Articles of Confederation provided the framework for a unified government to be established.

To learn more about Declaration of Independence

pls do it because i couldn't​



2. If only i (had).....

3. Lisa and her sister wish (they'd) get.....

4. (If only)......

5. They wish they (played).......

Explanation: wish + past verb

if only + past verb

How have Romanians moved from the traditional to modern? Why do you think this has occurred?​


Significant urbanization and industrialization during the communist era are the main causes of Romanians' transition from traditional to contemporary culture. Today, urban areas are home to 54% of Romania's population.

Southeast European nation of Romania shares borders with Ukraine, Bulgaria, Moldova, Hungary, and Serbia. The majority of the population is of Romanian ancestry and belongs to the Romanian Eastern Orthodox Church. The majority of the Romanian population has always lived in rural areas.

However, as a result of sociopolitical and economic developments that occurred both during and after the communist era, society has undergone significant transformation in recent decades (1947-1989). Romania has seen extensive urbanization and industrialization, and its cultural affinities with Western Europe are growing. However, the populace is still largely religious and places a high priority on family ties and morals.

To know more about Romanians click here,



In what ways are ann and mr loomis visions for the future different ? provide two examples from the text to support your answer .

z for zachariah book name


It can be inferred that in the book "Z For Zachariah"  by Robert C. O'Brien, Ann Burden and John Loomis have different visions for their future. Ann is content to live a simple life and farm the land, while John has bigger plans for himself.

What is the rationale for the above response?

Note that "Ann is content with a simple life and living in harmony with nature, while John Loomis wants to use his scientific knowledge to rebuild society and exert control over the valley's resources.

They differ in ambition, control and their relationship with nature and religion." Thus it can be said that heir visions are different in terms of ambition, control and relationship with nature.

Learn more about Inference:


When she was 11, pieces of mail started disappearing. Her parents, who figured someone was stealing their letters and bills from the mailbox, opened a post office box instead, but the thefts continued. At that point, who did they think was the culprit?


At that point, her parents thought the culprit was someone from with-inside the post office.

Which story is being referred to and what is the story about?

The story was gotten from "Criminal," Episode 51. The identities of Axton Betz-Hamilton's parents were taken when she was 11 years old. Consumer protection services for victims of identity theft were essentially nonexistent back then, in the early 1990s. The family did its best to deal with the effects. Axton Betz-Hamilton discovered that her identity had also been taken when she arrived at college. Her credit rating was actually in the bottom 2%. She unintentionally identified the person who had stolen the family's identity as Pam Elliot while trying to repair her credit. For Axton Betz-Hamilton, learning that it was Pam Elliot would change everything.

Find more information on Axton Betz-Hamilton here;



What is plotting a point in the plane?


Guidelines for Drawing a Point in a Coordinate Plane

The left/right movement of a point from the origin is represented by the first coordinate in the ordered pair (x). The second coordinate (y) in the ordered pair denotes the point's upward and downward motion with respect to the origin.

What is plane ?

In geometry, a plane extends in two dimensions indefinitely. There is no width. In coordinate geometry, a plane can be seen as an example. The positions of points in a plane are determined by their coordinates. A plane is a flat, two-dimensional surface in mathematics that extends indefinitely. A plane is a two-dimensional analogue that can incorporate three dimensions of space, a line, and a point. In some higher-dimensional settings, planes can look like subspaces, like the room's walls having been stretched out extremely far. As in the context of Euclidean geometry, these walls have a separate existence of their own. In algebra, the coordinate plane is used to plot the points, which is an illustration of a geometric plane.

To know more about plane visit:



Why was Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God popular?


This sermon from the Great Awakening had a significant impact because it focused on the judgment of God in a very real, terrible, and scorching Hell after death.

Eyewitness sources indicate that Edwards' sermon was very powerful; in fact, he was often cut off by loud shrieks and wails from members of the assembly for whom the possibility of eternity suddenly appeared all too real.

Edwards repeatedly emphasizes throughout the lecture that God despises all people because they are unworthy of him, angry with them for failing him, and he owes them no pity.  The fundamental idea is that sin is something that people have the opportunity to confess to God.

To know more about the Central Idea, refer to this link:



From the evidence presented in the text, how might you characterize the relationship between Merlyn and Arthur?


The tie that has gradually grown between Merlyn and his master, Arthur, over time has become one of extreme closeness. Divine prophecy states that they are opposites of one another and have a destiny that is intertwined.

It's crucial that the Wart "becomes" King Arthur when bringing Kay a sword: The Wart remains obedient and ready to serve others until the precise moment when his fate is revealed to him. The Wart breaks down in tears when he removes the blade from the stone and sees Ector and Kay bowed before him because, unlike his brother, he is unable to picture himself enjoying great acclaim or distinction.

Even though he admitted to Merlyn that he had always wanted to be a knight, to the Wart, that was simply a dream. However, White sees the Wart's genuineness and lack of arrogance as his two greatest virtues, which help to explain the "prize" he receives at the novel's conclusion.

To know more about Merlyn click here,



What is the exception to prior restraint?


Prior restraint is a type of censorship that enables the state to examine the contents of printed publications before forbidding their dissemination. Most academics think that previous limitations are prohibited by the First Amendment's guarantee of press freedom.

What constitutes a previous restraint example?

The government may explicitly prohibit the public dissemination of media or impose restrictions on speech that make it challenging to do so. The prior constraint could be anything seemingly innocent as a local law limiting where newspapers can be sold.

The First Amendment is violated when prior restraint is used. The main situation in which the prior constraint of free expression is permissible is when speech is silenced by the government for reasons of national security.


To learn more about Prior restraint from the given link



What do the boys do when they realize they've been rescued? lord of the flies



they cry on the beach


its been a hot second since i read this so hopefully its right

what device does golding use when the boys think they see and beast, but awe as readers know it is a dead parachutist from WWII


He uses allusion , which is referencing directly or indirectly another piece of art or literature.

What imagery is used in Lord of the Flies?All throughout the book, there are pictures of nature, especially of animals, which creates a purposeful pattern. Many of the guys, especially as they get more vicious, are depicted using animal-like behaviour or look. When words with the same sound (not merely the same letter) are used repeatedly in a line, sentence, or even a phrase, alliteration occurs. The words don't have to be close to one another because the sound is a consonant. The poem "The Spider and the Fly" uses the terms "sweet-spider" and "witty-wise." In fiction, the reader frequently understands or is aware of information that the character is not.

To learn more about Lord of Flies refer to:



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