5. When a vice president becomes president, how is the next vice president chosen?


Answer 1

The new president appoints someone to fill in their old position of vice president, this choice can possibly be voted on by congressional approval

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Define the following academic vocabulary word from this lesson BEHALF This is from world history WW1


From June 1888 until his resignation at the end of World War I, Kaiser Wilhelm II was Germany's monarchical emperor. Many historians believe that Wilhelm was primarily to blame for the start of the First World War in 1914.

What do you know about Czar Nicholas II?

The last Emperor of Russia, King of Congress Poland, and Grand Duke of Finland, Nicholas II or Nikolai II Alexandrovich Romanov, was in power from 1 November 1894 until his abdication on 15 March 1917. He is honored in the Russian Orthodox Church as Saint Nicholas the Passion-Bearer.

Nicholas supported the political and economic reforms pushed by his prime ministers Pyotr Stolypin and Sergei Witte during his rule. He pushed for modernization based on loans from abroad and close links to France, but he opposed granting the new parliament (the Duma) significant duties.

Learn more about Czar Nicholas II, from:



what was one of maria theresa’s successes as an absolute monarch


Strengthening royal power  was one of maria theresa’s successes as an absolute monarch.

Who was  Maria Theresa here?

One of the most well-known Habsburgs and the most significant monarch of the age of Enlightened Absolutism was Maria Theresa. After her father Charles VI's death, she assumed control of the administration and carried out a number of long-lasting changes.She made significant contributions to fundamental medical changes, a national education system, and state economic improvement. Maria Theresa, unlike other enlightened despots, struggled to fit into the intellectual milieu of the Enlightenment and did not share its enthusiasm with Enlightenment principles.

To know more about Monarchy here



Were Lewis and Clark respectful towards Native Americans they met on their journey?

I will mark brainliest and give 30 points!!!



Sort-of; but leaning towards no.


The answer is not a simple yes or no, as the level of respect shown by Lewis and Clark and their expedition team towards the Native American tribes they encountered varied during their journey. Some instances of mistreatment and insensitivity were reported and some actions like trade of firearms and alcohol were detrimental to the tribes and sometimes led to conflicts. At the same time, they also made efforts to establish peaceful relations with the tribes they encountered, and they acknowledged the Native Americans as sovereign nations.

The Lewis and Clark Expedition, also known as the Corps of Discovery Expedition, was led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark between 1804 and 1806, with the goal of exploring the western portion of the United States. They met many Native American tribes during their journey, but the level of respect shown by the expedition members towards these tribes varied.

Generally, Lewis and Clark and their men were respectful towards the Native Americans they encountered, and they often established friendly relationships with them. They acknowledged the Native Americans as sovereign nations and made efforts to establish peaceful relations with them. Lewis and Clark also recorded in their journals their observations of Native American cultures and customs, with a level of curiosity.

However, there were also instances of mistreatment and insensitivity by the expedition members towards the Native Americans. The expedition members had a tendency to act superior and to ignore Native American's culture, custom, and wishes. They also trade firearms and alcohol, which were detrimental to the tribes and sometimes leading to conflicts.

Overall, the Expedition had both positive and negative interactions with Native Americans they met during the journey, but their actions and attitudes had more to do with their culture and societal beliefs of the time rather than deliberate disrespect.

No, Lewis and Clark's time described Native Americans as “savage,” meaning cruel and uncivilized. Also they were constantly threatening the tribes. Based on Lewis' speech to the Otoe tribe, he did not respect the Native Americans at all. He addressed them as “children” at least ten times in the short speech that he gave.

The Americans held a __________ view towards the war.


About the World War 11, the Americans held a neutral view towards the war.

What was the neutrality policy that encourage the view?

Between 1935 and 1937, U.s. Congress passed three "Neutrality Acts" that attempted to keep the United States out of war by prohibiting Americans from selling or transporting arms or other war materials to belligerent nations.

Neutrality supporters, dubbed "isolationists" by their detractors, argued that America should avoid becoming involved in European wars. "Internationalists" argued that the United States should aid countries threatened by aggression rather than remain isolated from Europe.

Read more about neutrality policy



Where were many factories and mills built in North Carolina in the late 1800s?

near farm fields

along the coastline

near railroad lines

in the mountains

North Carolina’s railroad lines grew rapidly during which period?

the colonial era

the Civil War

the First Industrial Revolution

the Second Industrial Revolution

Most people who moved into North Carolina’s cities to work in factories were

Native Americans.

Asian immigrants.

upper-class whites.

African Americans.

What did the Cone family open in North Carolina in the 1890s?

a lumber mill that became a giant in timber

a textile factory that produced denim fabric

a textile factory that produced knit hosiery

a large-scale tobacco company in Durham



Near farm fields that is Durham and Winston-Salem in North Carolina were many factories and mills built in North Carolina in the late 1800s.

The land masses that separate the two states are the South Carolina directly below the North Carolina and then followed by Georgia which is directly above Florida. It is important to note that North Carolina's railroads expanded rapidly during the Civil War.Carolina's railroad lines expanded rapidly during the civil war, which was a violent conflict between a state and one or more organized non-state groups.Additionally, people use the rail system as a means of transportation during this time, and the system experiences rapid expansion as a result of these demands.

The North Carolina railroad was chartered in 1849 and completed in 1856. It runs for more than 223 miles, passing through cities and leading to the development of new towns and factories. The railroad was heavily subsidized by the government, which also purchased company stock and subsidized the cost of construction and expansion of railroads.

learn about north carolina



Evaluate the extent to which slavery in the Americas influenced the
economies of Europe.


The Atlantic slave trade fueled the development of several provisioning and redistribution markets and allowed for the accumulation of vast wealth that was used to finance a wide range of endeavors and consumption patterns.

What about the Atlantic slave trade?Transportation of enslaved Africans by slave dealers, mostly to the Americas, was known as the Atlantic slave trade, transatlantic slave trade, or Euro-American slave trade. The Middle Passage and its triangle trade route were extensively used during the 16th to 19th centuries' slave trade. The majority of those transported as slaves in the transatlantic slave trade were people from Central and West Africa who had been sold by other West Africans to Western European slave traders. Europeans rounded up and imprisoned the captives at forts on the African coast before bringing them to the Americas.While some had been directly kidnapped by slave dealers in coastal raids, others had been captured by the traders themselves.

To know more about Atlantic slave trade, visit:



What might you see on a cathedral from the Romanesque period?


You might see features like Thick walls and small windows, Round arches, Barrel vaults, Groin vaults, Large towers, and Romanesque ornamentation on a cathedral from the Romanesque period

Thick walls and small windows: Romanesque cathedrals often had thick walls and small windows to support the weight of the stone vaults and arches used in the architecture.Round arches: The use of round arches were a common feature in Romanesque architecture, used in doorways, windows, and arcades.Barrel vaults: These vaults were used to cover spaces such as naves, aisles, and chapels.Groin vaults: These vaults were used to cover spaces such as transepts and triforium.Decorative stone carvings: Romanesque cathedrals often featured decorative stone carvings on portals, capitals, and tympana.Frescoes and mosaics: Many cathedrals from the Romanesque period had frescoes and mosaics that covered the walls, ceilings, and floors, depicting religious and biblical scenes.Large towers: Many Romanesque cathedrals have large towers that served as bell towers and were a symbol of the religious power and prestige of the church.Romanesque ornamentation: The Romanesque period was characterized by rich and diverse ornamentation. You can see many motifs such as chevrons, spirals, and knotwork.

Learn more about the Romanesque period here: https://brainly.com/question/28721291


Part A
You should have already read the excerpt from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight C. Write a description of the characters and the settings in the
two tables below. You may need to do additional research online or in other resources to adequately fill in the descriptions.


One of the greatest knights, Sir Gawain is indeed the tale of an astrologer. His reputation as a renowned warrior and gestate lover is well-known.

Describe about the Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?

One of the greatest works of Medieval English literature is the unpublished poem Sir Gawain as well as the Green Knight, which tells a tale of heroic deeds, seduction, and untamed terrain.

Just at end of the fourteenth century, it was written in Britain's West Midlands.The epitome of humility, piety, sincerity, loyalty, and honesty is Gawain. The fact that man loves his individual life so dearly and will lie to protect it is his lone weakness.His primary focus is on living his own life. He removes his green night head as a result.A strange visitor to Camelot named as Green knight is slain by Sir Gawain. He gets his bearings and walks out of author court.

To know more about the Sir Gawain, here



When it comes to the Final Solution of the Jewish Question, do you agree with the Intentionalist argument or the Functionalist argument so far? Explain your answer


The more modern functionalism is more accurate in its assessment of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust than classical functionalism, which is mostly out of date.

What exactly is a functionalist defense?

Functionalism is the belief that an object's ability to be classified as a thought, desire, or pain (or any other form of mental state) depends only on its function, or the part it plays in the cognitive system of which it is a part, rather than on its internal makeup.

What are the primary defenses of functionalism?

However, some philosophers come to the conclusion that while functionalism is a good theory of intentional states, it fails because it cannot account for other categories of mental states, particularly sensations and other conscious mental states.

To know more about functionalism visit:



What is the impact the French revolution had on civilization


The French Revolution served as a centripetal force that nationally united the French. Through the halt of the feudal system and the startup of democracy, the French Revolution created a more civilized and patriotic country.
The French Revolution, which took place from 1789 to 1799, had a significant impact on the world and continues to shape modern political and social systems. Some of the most notable impacts of the French Revolution include:

The overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of a democratic republic: The French Revolution marked the end of absolute monarchy in France and the beginning of a democratic, republican form of government. The revolution also inspired other countries to adopt similar forms of government.
The spread of Enlightenment ideas: The French Revolution was fueled by Enlightenment ideas such as liberty, equality, and fraternity, which spread throughout Europe and beyond during and after the revolution.
The abolition of feudalism and the rise of nationalism: The French Revolution led to the abolition of feudalism in France and the rise of nationalism as people began to identify with their nation rather than with their local lord or king. The development of modern politics: The French Revolution saw the rise of modern political parties and the development of political ideologies such as liberalism and conservatism.
The Napoleonic Wars and the expansion of French influence: The French Revolution was followed by the Napoleonic Wars, which saw France become a dominant military and political power in Europe. This led to the spread of French culture and the adoption of French legal and political systems in many countries.

What conditions pushed people to rebel against governments during the Age of Revolutions?

You must include the name of a specific country and WHY they rebelled.


During the Age of Revolutions, a variety of conditions often led people to rebel against their governments. One such condition was widespread political and economic inequality. For example, in France, the monarchy and the wealthy aristocracy held a disproportionate amount of power and wealth, while the vast majority of the population lived in poverty and had few political rights. This led to widespread discontent among the French people, and ultimately, to the French Revolution, which sought to overthrow the monarchy and establish a more democratic government.

Another condition that led to revolution was foreign domination or colonialism. For example, in the United States, the colonies rebelled against British rule because they felt that they were being unfairly taxed and regulated by the British government without being represented in Parliament. Similarly, in Latin America, many countries rebelled against Spanish colonial rule in order to gain independence and establish their own sovereign nations.

Other conditions that have contributed to revolutions include widespread poverty, political repression, and social injustice.

Help!!!!! I can’t fail this!
How did Muhammad change arabic religion?



B. He established monotheism


Pre-islamic Arabia had indigenous groups that were polytheistic (believing in many gods). Muhammad came along with the vision he received and basically established monotheism (one god = allah)

What challenges did the United States government face when World War I began?

Explain the strategy behind the United States staying neutral during the onset of World War I.



When World War I began in 1914, the United States government faced a number of challenges in regards to its foreign policy. The United States had a long tradition of isolationism and was hesitant to get involved in European conflicts. At the same time, however, the country had strong economic ties to both the Allied Powers (Britain, France, and Russia) and the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire).

The strategy behind the United States staying neutral at the onset of World War I was to protect its economic interests and avoid being drawn into a costly and potentially disastrous conflict. President Woodrow Wilson and his administration pursued a policy of neutrality, which meant that the United States would not take sides in the conflict and would continue to trade with both sides. This allowed the United States to continue to benefit from its economic ties to both sides of the war while also avoiding the risks of direct involvement.

However, as the war dragged on and the Central Powers began to gain the upper hand, the United States increasingly came under pressure to join the Allied Powers in order to help tip the balance of the conflict. Ultimately, in 1917, the United States entered the war on the side of the Allies.

When World War I began, the United States government faced a number of challenges. One major challenge was the need to maintain neutrality in the face of strong public opinion and powerful interest groups that were advocating for either the Allies or the Central Powers. The United States also had to contend with the logistical challenges of mobilizing its military and industrial resources for the war effort, as well as the diplomatic challenges of navigating a complex international environment.

The United States initially adopted a policy of neutrality when World War I began in order to avoid getting embroiled in a costly and bloody European conflict. The government believed that by staying neutral, the United States could avoid alienating either side and maintain its independence and freedom of action. Additionally, the United States was still recovering from the Panic of 1907 and was focused on domestic issues, so there was little appetite for getting involved in a foreign war. Finally, there were also significant political and ideological divisions within the country, with some people supporting the Allies and others supporting the Central Powers.

the common ancestor of all later catarrhines, old world monkeys, and hominins was likely ____


The common ancestor of all later catarrhines, old-world monkeys, and hominins was likely Prosimii.  Prosimii is a diverse group of primates that includes the common ancestor of all later catarrhines, old-world monkeys, and hominins.

Prosimii is divided into two subgroups: the Strepsirrhini, which includes the lemurs, and the Haplorrhini, which includes the tarsiers and the anthropoids. The common ancestor of all later catarrhines, old-world monkeys, and hominins is believed to have belonged to the Haplorrhini subgroup.

Prosimii emerged in the Eocene Epoch around 55 million years ago, and they are the most primitive branch of primates, with many features that have been retained by later primates, including their grooming claws and wet noses. Evolutionary studies indicate that Prosimii is the most likely common ancestor of all later catarrhines, old-world monkeys, and hominins.

To know more about catarrhines refer to the  link   brainly.com/question/17015540


What are the goals or the objectives of an INS? 3 sentence


The goals or the objectives of an INS are given below,

The primary goal of an INS, or inertial navigation system, is to provide accurate and reliable information about the position, orientation, and velocity of a moving object.

INS systems are commonly used in aircraft, ships, and land vehicles to navigate without the need for external references or input from GPS or other external sources.

The objectives of an INS are to accurately determine the position, orientation, and velocity of the vehicle in which it is installed, and to provide this information to the operator or other systems in real time.

To know more about navigation systems, refer at


What event caused the US to enter World War 2 ?



Attack on Pearl Harbor


Answer: The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor


The Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans emerged as separate political parties partly as a result of disagreement over-: how the nation should develop economically
whether to enforce the Monroe Doctrine
how the nation should admit new states
whether to approve the Declaration of Independence


They argued on the Monroe Doctrine's applicability, the best way to admit additional states to the union, and whether or not to accept the Declaration of Independence.

What was the Monroe Doctrine?

The Monroe Doctrine was an axiom of American foreign policy that resisted European colonialism in the Western Hemisphere. It maintained that any foreign power's interference in the political affairs of the Americas constituted a potentially hostile act against the United States. The Monroe Doctrine is the most well-known aspect of American foreign policy in the Western Hemisphere. The doctrine alerts European countries that the United States will not allow future colonization or puppet monarchies in a customary annual address delivered to Congress by President James Monroe in December 1823.

To know more about Monroe Doctrine visit:



Answer:A. how the nation should develop economically. 

I got it right

(a) What can you tell from these two letters about the attitudes
of Roman officials toward Christianity? Do
You think they opposed its beliefs or simply found it a threat to the unity of the empire
(b) Why was Trajan opposed to actively "hunt-ing out" Christians?
Help please


Because it wouldn't be admissible as evidence in court and they could be punished, Trajan was against aggressively "hunting out" Christians.

From Pliny the Younger, what can we infer?

An excellent literary source for information on the lives of slaves and freemen in ancient Rome is Pliny the Younger's Letters. However, it's also crucial to keep in mind that Pliny wrote from a position of privilege and authority. Such affluent Roman society members frequently held idealistic and exaggerated beliefs.

What does Trajan the Emperor have to say about Christians?

The accused must be punished if they are determined to be Christian. If the accused denies being a Christian and provides evidence demonstrating if they do not worship the gods, they must be forgiven. Believing charges made anonymously is inappropriate.

To know more about Roman Christianity visit:-



Explain at least two economic conditions or activities that led to the Great Depression and at least one condition or activity that worsened the effects of the Great Depression after the stock market crashed.


There were several economic conditions and activities that led to the Great Depression, which was a severe economic downturn that began in 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s. Two of the main factors that contributed to the onset of the Great Depression were: Unequal distribution of wealth, Overproduction and oversaturation of goods and lack of government intervention

Unequal distribution of wealth: In the 1920s, the gap between the rich and the poor was quite large. The wealthy controlled a disproportionate amount of the country's resources and income, while the majority of Americans lived in poverty. This unequal distribution of wealth meant that the purchasing power of the majority of people was relatively low, which limited the ability of businesses to sell their goods and services.

Overproduction and oversaturation of goods: Many businesses, particularly in the manufacturing sector, were producing more goods than consumers could afford to buy. This led to a situation of overproduction, which in turn caused prices to fall and profits to decline. As a result, many businesses were forced to lay off workers, which further reduced purchasing power and created a downward spiral of economic activity.

In addition to these factors, one condition or activity that exacerbated the effects of the Great Depression after the stock market crash of 1929 was the lack of government intervention. During the early years of the depression, the U.S. government largely left the economy to "fix" itself and it led to further fall in economic activity. The government's hands-off approach meant that there was no significant stimulus to boost purchasing power, no large-scale public works programs to create jobs, and no effective measures to stabilize the financial system. This lack of government intervention contributed to the severity and length of the Great Depression.

It was until the new deal policy introduced by Franklin D. Roosevelt that significant steps was taken to mitigate the effects of the great depression.

Learn more about Great Depression:



Two economic condition that led to the Great Depression is unequal distribution of wealth and lack of government intervention.


The effects of the Great Depression worsened because many businesses were  producing more goods than customers could afford.

Who won ww2 Allies or Axis?


Answer: The Allies Won WW2

Explanation: After Japan had bombed pearl harbor, The united states had retaliated and sent 2 atomic bombs on Japan. Officially ending WW2.

which of the following is not one of the five purposes of goverment​


Answer: C

Explanation:  It is the duty of the government to perform all the functions except for equalization, the federal government can only make equalization payment to the state government with the notion of offsetting differences in available revenue or in the cost of providing services.

help me please i dont know​


Answer: Your answer is A

Explanation: Slaves only purpose was to work they were not considered towns people

Which battle was the first armed conflict of the Revolutionary War?

A: Battle of Yorktown

B: Battle of Bunkerhill

C: Battle of Saratoga

D: Battle of Lexington and Concord



The answer is D. Battle of Lexington and Concord

q4 Which belief did Thomas Jefferson have?

A strong national government is necessary to prevent internal rebellions.

Tariffs should protect American manufacturing.

A national bank will strengthen the nation.

There should be a clear separation of church and state.


The belief that Thomas Jefferson have is: D. There should be a clear separation of church and state.

Who is Thomas Jefferson?

Thomas Jefferson was the former president of the United States of America before he died was known as a diplomat as a well as a philosopher.

Thomas Jefferson  was the  person who believed people should be given the freedom to practice the religion they wish to practice  and he as well state that their should be  separation of church and state which is why during his life time he was be accused of being an atheist.

Therefore we can conclude that the correct option is D.

Learn more about Thomas Jefferson  here:https://brainly.com/question/14242343


How did President Washington approach the foreign threats that Great Britain and France presented?
He sided with Great Britain.
He sided with France.
He tried to solve their problems.
He tried to remain neutral.



He tried to remain neutral.

How did World War 2 change technology?


During the Second World War, numerous innovations were developed, including radar, computers, penicillin, and more. During the Second World War, numerous innovations were developed, including radar, computers, penicillin, and more. The atomic bomb is among the most notorious World War II inventions.

Massive analog devices, the first computers employed in World War II were successful in the Manhattan Project and many other wartime tasks, allowing them to advance in the post-war era. Ulrich explains that digital computers, which were created later in the 1940s, replaced analog computers.

The Allies were able to identify their enemies thanks to radar. Using sophisticated gyroscope technology, bombsights, planes could target their bomb assaults. Pilots dropped bombs manually before World War II and hoped for the best.

To know more about World War 2 : https://brainly.com/question/1174232


The quality of African Americans lives was affected by the relationship between their labor and the economy of the region in which they lived. Compare and contrast life for African Americans in New England, Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies.



Life for African Americans in the New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies was shaped by the relationship between their labor and the economy of the region in which they lived. In the New England Colonies, African Americans were often used as indentured servants, working for a period of time in exchange for their passage to the colonies. Many African Americans in the Middle Colonies were also indentured servants, but some were able to acquire land and become farmers. In the Southern Colonies, the economy was heavily dependent on agriculture, particularly the cultivation of crops such as tobacco, rice, and indigo. African Americans in the Southern Colonies were typically held as slaves, working on plantations and performing tasks such as cultivating crops and caring for livestock. Overall, African Americans in the New England and Middle Colonies had more opportunities to work towards their own independence, while those in the Southern Colonies were largely confined to a life of slavery.

How did the ENIAC help in ww2?


In the midst of World War II, ENIAC was developed as a tool to assist artillerymen in calculating the trajectories for shells.

The ENIAC's contribution to World War Two is what?

The ENIAC, a 27-ton, 1,800 square foot collection of cathode ray tubes and diodes, was possibly the first real computer ever created.

Back in the same Army barracks where it nearly rotted away, the equipment that Perot's team painstakingly uncovered and tenderly restored is now open to the public for the initial time.In the midst of World War II, ENIAC was developed as a tool to assist artillerymen in calculating the orbits of shells. Although work on the computer started a year prior to D-Day, it wasn't turned on until November 1945, after which time the American Army's guns had stopped firing.

But the groundbreaking discovery received little appreciation once the Army deemed ENIAC obsolete in 1955.

To know more about the role of ENIAC, here



One of the pilgrims described in The Canterbury Tales is a knight. Choose the best words or phrases to complete

this passage about the characteristics that a knight should display.

Knights were expected to take a Christian vow of loyalty to their Lord.

When they were knighted, they agreed to follow a code of

which included a promise to be loyal,

courageous, and courteous, and to protect

In addition, knights were expected to be able to entertain a lady with

This was called



Knights swear to be poor, chaste, and obedient. This knight is crucial because, as a trained fighter, a knight could put his master in grave jeopardy if he betrayed him.

A lord valued knights for their combat prowess and ability to accompany them into war. Due to their considerable power and frequent conflicts with the same king, lords required knights with fighting prowess. Knights were trained combatants who aided aristocrats in defending their lands.The king controlled the entire country throughout the mediaeval era he gave knights.

The knight in the canterbury tales has the traits of a pilgrim on a pilgrimage who values truth, freedom, and honour.The Knight is regarded by the narrator as the most honourable of the pilgrims, personifying military skill, fidelity, honour, charity, and courtesies. The Knight always acts in a very nice and gentle manner, never uttering a harsh word about anyone. He embodies courage, honour, and gallantry to the fullest extent. On the pilgrimage.

To know more about knight visit:



Name two reasons why governments charge taxes on specific goods or different tax amounts for different people.


Answer: Increases the price of all equally and has a bigger effect on reducing overall demand.


An ad Valorem tax places a proportionately higher tax on expensive goods. This can encourage consumers to switch from expensive alcohol and expensive cigarettes – to cheaper varieties. A specific tax increases the price of all equally and has a bigger effect on reducing overall demand. Disadvantages of specific taxes More likely to be regressive.

Hope Helps!

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