according to your text, a person seeking to overcome procrastination should


Answer 1

Procrastination is a common issue that can affect anyone at any time. To overcome procrastination, a person needs to start by identifying the reasons why they procrastinate.

Some common reasons include fear of failure, lack of motivation, feeling overwhelmed, and lack of focus. Once a person has identified the reasons behind their procrastination, they can take steps to address them. One effective way to overcome procrastination is to break tasks down into smaller, more manageable steps. This can help to reduce feelings of overwhelm and make it easier to get started. Another strategy is to set realistic goals and deadlines, and to hold oneself accountable for meeting them.

To know more about procrastination refer :


Related Questions

___________ functional perspective, a low-status member of a group.


From a functional perspective, a low-status member of a group serves a specific purpose within the group dynamic.

In a group, each member has a role to play and contributes to the overall function of the group. Even low-status members serve a purpose, whether it be to perform menial tasks or provide emotional support to other members.

A functional perspective looks at how each member of a group contributes to the overall success of the group. This includes low-status members who may not have as much power or influence as higher-status members. However, just because they have a lower status does not mean that they are not important to the group's function. Low-status members may be responsible for performing tasks that others do not want to do, or they may provide emotional support and help to create a cohesive group atmosphere. It is essential to recognize the value that each member brings to the group, regardless of their status. By acknowledging and utilizing the contributions of low-status members, a group can operate more efficiently and effectively.

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Kai hopes of becoming a master pianist in the future, playing for orchestras and concert halls. When his mother urges him to practise the piano, though, he finds an excuse and says that he'll practise later. Which of the following statements is true about Kai? A. Kai is already an expert pianist and doesn't need to practise.
B. Kai lacks the dedication and drive necessary to become a proficient pianist.
C. Kai will become a more accomplished pianist as he gets older.
D. Kai's mother puts too much pressure on him and is diminishing his motivation to play the piano.


Answer: i belive the answer is B or A

Explanation: i done my reasearch

jobs are evaluated to determine job performance and relative worth to the organization. all are components to evaluate except:


Job evaluation is a process that organizations use to determine the relative worth and value of each job within the company. The purpose of job evaluation is to establish a systematic and objective method of assessing jobs and assigning them to a particular pay grade or salary range.

There are several components that are used to evaluate jobs, including the level of skill and knowledge required, the level of responsibility, the complexity of the work, and the working conditions.However, there is one component that is not used to evaluate jobs, and that is personal characteristics or traits of the employee. Personal characteristics such as age, gender, race, or nationality should not be considered when evaluating job performance or worth to the organization. Job evaluation should be based solely on the objective criteria related to the job duties, responsibilities, and requirements.In conclusion, job evaluation is an essential process for organizations to ensure that they are paying their employees fairly and equitably. It involves evaluating several components of the job, but personal characteristics should not be included in the evaluation process.

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that which impresses the mind with a sense of grandeur and power, inspiring a sense of awe.


The term that describes something that impresses the mind with a sense of grandeur and power, inspiring a sense of awe, is "sublime."

What is sublime?

The concept of the sublime is commonly used in aesthetics to refer to experiences and objects that evoke a sense of overwhelming size, vastness, or intensity. Beyond mere beauty, it fascinates the beholder and observer, awe-inspiring with its size and power. The sublime can be found in many forms, such as natural landscapes, works of art, or extraordinary events that evoke deep emotional and intellectual responses. 

Historical Origin:

The roots of the term "sublime" are in ancient philosophy, especially in the writings of Greek philosophers such as Longinus and Plato. However, as aesthetics developed as a field of study in the 18th century, it received considerable attention. 

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Which of the following statements is true of social anxiety disorder (SAD), or social phobia? Multiple Choice It is an anxiety disorder in which an individual has an irrational, persistent fear of darkness. Genes appear to play a role in this disorder, along with neural circuitry involving the thalamus, amygdalae, and cerebral cortex It involves anxiety-provoking urges to perform repetitive, ritualistic behaviors to prevent or produce some future situation People with this disorder typically have two or more distinct personalities or identities.


The correct answer to the multiple-choice question is: "It is an anxiety disorder in which an individual has an irrational, persistent fear of social situations."

Social anxiety disorder, also known as social phobia, is an anxiety disorder characterised by intense fear or anxiety in social situations. It involves excessive self-consciousness, fear of embarrassment, and avoidance of social situations or performance situations where one might be scrutinised or judged by others.

The fear or anxiety is typically out of proportion to the actual threat posed by the situation and can interfere with an individual's daily functioning.While the exact cause of social anxiety disorder is not fully understood, research suggests that it may be a combination of genetic, environmental, and psychological factors. Studies have shown that individuals with a family history of anxiety or mood disorders may be more susceptible to developing social anxiety disorder.

Brain imaging studies have also identified neural circuitry involving the thalamus, amygdalae, and cerebral cortex that may be involved in the development of social anxiety disorder.Social anxiety disorder is a disorder that can be treated with a variety of therapies, including cognitive-behavioural therapy, medication, and exposure therapy. These treatments can help individuals manage their symptoms and overcome their fear of social situations, allowing them to live a more fulfilling life.

Learn more about social anxiety disorder here:


groups of approximately ________ members tend to be more effective for taking action.


Groups of approximately 3 to 5 members tend to be more effective for taking action.

In social psychology, there is a concept known as the "optimal group size." Research suggests that smaller groups of around 3 to 5 members are more efficient and effective in taking action compared to larger groups. Smaller groups allow for better coordination, communication, and decision-making processes. They tend to have higher levels of participation and engagement from all members, fostering a sense of cohesion and shared responsibility. With fewer members, it becomes easier to manage conflicts, maintain focus, and achieve consensus. In contrast, larger groups may encounter challenges such as coordination difficulties, decreased individual involvement, and the potential for social loafing or diffusion of responsibility. Thus, for effective action-taking, a smaller group size is often considered advantageous.

To read more about Social Psychology click here


the gap between the payroll taxes received into the program and the expenditures for that program is the largest for which of the following: a) social security ,b) medicare, c) social security and medicine have the same gap , d)neither social security nor medicare have a gap


Option (b), The gap between the payroll taxes received into the program and the expenditures for that program is the largest for Medicare. This means that Medicare is facing a larger fiscal deficit compared to Social Security.

It is important to understand that both Social Security and Medicare are facing financial challenges due to the aging population and rising healthcare costs. However, Medicare is projected to have a larger funding gap in the long-term due to the higher healthcare costs and larger number of beneficiaries compared to Social Security.

According to the most recent Social Security and Medicare Trustees Reports, Medicare's Hospital Insurance Trust Fund is projected to become insolvent by 2026, while Social Security's Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Trust Fund is projected to become depleted by 2034. This means that Medicare is facing a more immediate funding crisis compared to Social Security.

In summary, while both Social Security and Medicare are facing financial challenges, the funding gap is larger for Medicare.

Learn more about Social Security:


what happened to the prodigal son when he left his father's care and became independent?


This young prodigal son fell into disasters as soon as he left his father's home. "He started to lack." Therefore, sinners who cut themselves off from the sacraments, encouragement, and the companionship of the righteous soon start to lack spiritual sustenance.

" He became an employee of one of the people who called that nation home. Every sinner is the Devil's slave, and just as the neighbour used the prodigal son to feed the pigs, the Devil uses his followers to satisfy his own carnal impulses, which are cruel to human nature. The prodigal tried to feast on swine husks to satisfy his hunger, but he was unable. The sinner is also unable to fill the capacity of his stomach.

To know more about prodigal son :


A(n) _____ assesses the same participants multiple times over a lengthy period.cross-sectional studylongitudinal studyaccelerated studyunobtrusive research


A(n) Cross sectional study assesses the same participants multiple times over a lengthy period.

When a cross-sectional study is conducted, data on the entire study population are gathered at a single point in time. There is the method involved with testing different age bunches simultaneously. This aims to investigate the connection between various variables of interest and diseases or other health-related states.

There must be a representation of the entire population for a cross-sectional study's findings to be valid. For instance, a random sample of all women in Town A who are between the ages of 40 and 60 should be used in a study of the prevalence of diabetes among women.

To learn about cross sectional study


what is the most important way to ensure that food is attractively presented on the plate?


The most important way to ensure that food is attractively presented on the plate is to pay attention to the details.

This means taking the time to carefully arrange each component of the dish, considering factors such as color, texture, and height. Additionally, using appropriate serving dishes and utensils can also make a big difference in the overall presentation.

Finally, taking into account the overall theme or aesthetic of the meal or event can help to tie everything together and create a cohesive and visually appealing presentation. In short, creating an attractive food presentation takes time, attention to detail, and a bit of creativity - but the end result is well worth the effort.

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what is one advantage and one disadvantage to having a legislative system where it's very difficult to pass anything?


One advantage of having a legislative system where it's very difficult to pass anything is that it can help to ensure that laws are thoroughly vetted and carefully considered before they are enacted.

In a system where it is easy to pass laws, there may be a greater risk of passing legislation that is poorly thought out or that has unintended consequences. By making it more difficult to pass laws, the legislative process can help to ensure that laws are well-crafted and well-considered.

One disadvantage of having a legislative system where it's very difficult to pass anything is that it can make it difficult to address pressing issues or to respond to changing circumstances. In a system where it is difficult to pass laws, there may be a longer time lag between the emergence of a problem and the enactment of a solution

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mice could not learn their way out of a maze if they could not produce an enzyme needed for


There are a few different enzymes that mice could potentially need in order to learn their way out of a maze, so it's hard to say for sure which one you're referring to.

However, one enzyme that is often associated with learning and memory in mice (and other animals) is called CaMKII.
CaMKII (which stands for calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II) is an enzyme that is involved in a variety of cellular processes, including the regulation of gene expression and synaptic plasticity. In the context of learning and memory, CaMKII is thought to play a role in strengthening synapses (the connections between neurons) that are involved in forming and consolidating memories.
If mice were unable to produce CaMKII, it's possible that they would struggle to learn their way out of a maze (or to learn other spatial tasks). However, it's worth noting that there are likely many other factors that would also be involved in this process, and that the relationship between CaMKII and learning is still not fully understood.
In general, though, enzymes are critical components of many cellular processes, and the loss of any one particular enzyme can have a wide range of effects on an organism's health and function.There are a few different enzymes that mice could potentially need in order to learn their way out of a maze, so it's hard to say for sure which one you're referring to.

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Which statement regarding the settlement of California in the 19th century is a. The California territory had a large British population. b. California had largely been explored by Protestant missionaries e. As whites moved into California the native population dropped drastically. d. The French held California until 1821. c. Spain fought the United States to keep California.


The correct statement regarding the settlement of California in the 19th century is:

c. Spain fought the United States to keep California.

The statement regarding the settlement of California in the 19th century that is accurate is that as whites moved into California, the native population dropped drastically.

During the 19th century, Spain initially colonized and controlled California as part of its New Spain territory. However, as Mexico gained independence from Spain in 1821, California came under Mexican control. The United States, seeking to expand its territory westward, engaged in the Mexican-American War from 1846 to 1848. As a result of this conflict, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was signed in 1848, and Mexico ceded California (among other territories) to the United States. Therefore, it was Spain, not Mexico, that fought against the United States to retain control of California.

To know more about native population, visit:


the authors discuss three ideals for achieving racial goals. match each term to its correct definition. color-blindness multiculturalism racial democracy persons of all racial groups are fully recognized and receive equal societal resources. press space to open proponents of this ideal believe race no longer serves as a basis for inequality and would like racial identity to be irrelevant. press space to open racial diversity is fully taken into account and valued for its own sake.


The authors discuss three ideals for achieving racial goals the current study set out to find out how different interethnic ideologies impacted both overt and covert racial prejudice.

White American college students were given a message advocating either a color-blind or a multicultural ideological approach to reducing interethnic conflict. These students then completed explicit racial attitude assessments.

A reaction time test of automatic judgements of racial groups. According to the results, both explicit and covert measurements of response time showed that the color-blind perspective led to a higher level of racial attitude prejudice than the multicultural perspective. The results of the current study are consistent with past research that has emphasised a multicultural or dual-identity paradigm of intergroup relations as the more promising route to racial harmony.

Complete question:

The authors discuss three ideals for achieving racial goals. match each term to its correct definition. color blindness multiculturalism racial democracy persons of all racial groups are fully recognized and receive equal societal resources. press space to open proponents of this ideal believe race no longer serves as a basis for inequality and would like racial identity to be irrelevant. press space to open racial diversity is fully taken into account and valued for its own sake.

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Which events most intrigued pavlov and led to his discoveries?


Ivan Pavlov was a Russian physiologist who is widely known for his groundbreaking research on the digestive system of dogs and his discovery of classical conditioning. Pavlov's interest in the digestive system of dogs led him to investigate how their digestive system worked and what factors influenced their digestion.

Pavlov noticed that the dogs in his experiments would start to salivate at the sound of a bell that was used to signal the arrival of food. He found this phenomenon intriguing and decided to investigate it further. He conducted a series of experiments in which he rang the bell but did not provide any food, and he observed that the dogs still salivated at the sound of the bell. This led him to conclude that the dogs had learned to associate the sound of the bell with the arrival of food, and this association had become so strong that the sound of the bell alone was enough to trigger a response.

In summary, the events that most intrigued Pavlov and led to his discoveries were his observations of the dogs in his digestive experiments and their association between the sound of a bell and the arrival of food. These observations led him to discover classical conditioning, which revolutionized our understanding of how animals (and humans) learn and respond to stimuli.

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The ways in which people are affected by the real or imagined presence of others is calledsocial influence.pluralistic ignorance.psychological reactance.the autokinetic effect.


The ways in which people are affected by the real or imagined presence of others is called a) social influence.

Social influence refers to the various ways in which individuals' thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by the presence, actions, or opinions of others.

It encompasses a range of phenomena, including conformity, compliance, obedience, and persuasion.

Social influence can be explicit or implicit, and it can occur through direct interactions, observation, or the media. People are often motivated to fit in, gain acceptance, or seek information from others, leading them to conform to social norms, adopt group attitudes, or change their behavior to align with perceived expectations.

Understanding social influence is crucial for comprehending collective behaviors, group dynamics, and the impact of social context on individual decision-making processes.

The ways in which people are affected by the real or imagined presence of others is called a) social influence.

For more questions on social influence, visit:


like the missionaries to corinth, what do paul's opponents in galatia attack?


In Galatia, Paul's opponents attacked his authority as an apostle. These opponents were likely Jewish Christians who believed that Gentiles must convert to Judaism and follow Jewish laws in order to be saved.

They challenged Paul's teachings that Gentiles could be saved through faith in Jesus Christ alone, without the need for circumcision or adherence to Jewish laws. They also accused Paul of preaching a message that was not in line with the teachings of the original apostles, who they believed had taught that Gentiles must first become Jews before being accepted into the Christian community.

To combat these attacks, Paul emphasizes his own authority as an apostle, stating that he received his message directly from Jesus Christ and not from other human teachers. He also defends his teachings as being in line with the gospel message, which emphasizes faith in Jesus Christ as the sole means of salvation. In Galatians 2:15-21, Paul argues that no one can be justified by the law, and that righteousness comes only through faith in Christ. Overall, Paul's opponents in Galatia attacked his authority and his teachings regarding Gentile salvation, but Paul defended his message by emphasizing his apostolic authority and the truth of the gospel message.

For more about Judaism:


how long does it take to get asvab scores back from school


The duration to receive ASVAB scores back from school varies depending on the specific school administration and processing procedures.

The timeline for receiving ASVAB scores back from school can vary depending on various factors. Typically, it takes a few weeks for the scores to be processed and made available. However, the exact duration can depend on the school's administrative processes, the volume of tests to be graded, and any other logistical considerations.

Some schools may provide quicker turnaround times, while others may take longer. It is best to inquire directly with the school or the testing coordinator for a more accurate estimate of when ASVAB scores will be available after taking the test.

To learn more about ASVAB

3. Did the people of Athens originally like Miltiades? How did he get his position as
general for the Athens?


Yes, the people of Athens originally liked Miltiades. He gained his position as general through his military prowess and leadership during the Battle of Marathon.

The people of Athens did not initially like Miltiades.

He had faced accusations of tyranny during his rule of the Chersonese, which soured his reputation among the Athenian citizens.

However, his position as general for Athens was secured through his strategic military achievements.

Miltiades played a crucial role in the Battle of Marathon, where he led the Athenian forces to a remarkable victory against the Persians in 490 BCE.

This triumph earned him the admiration and respect of the Athenians, leading to a shift in public opinion.

Miltiades' tactical brilliance, bravery, and successful defense of Athens against a formidable enemy demonstrated his military capabilities and leadership qualities.

Consequently, the Athenians chose to recognize his contributions, overlooking their previous reservations and electing him as a general, ultimately solidifying his position in Athenian society.

For more such questions on Athens:


______ are used by American Indians to purify the spirit and bring balance to people who are unhealthy in spirit, mind, or body.


Sage, sweetgrass, tobacco, cedar, and other plants are used by American Indians to purify the spirit and bring balance to people who are unhealthy in spirit, mind, or body. These plants are considered sacred and are used in traditional ceremonies and rituals to cleanse negative energy and promote healing. Sage is often burned in a practice called smudging, where the smoke is used to purify a space or a person's aura.

Sweetgrass is burned to invite positive energy, while tobacco is often offered as a gift or a prayer. Cedar is used to promote strength and courage, and its aroma is believed to ward off negative influences. Overall, these plants play an important role in the spiritual and physical health of American Indian communities.
"Smudging ceremonies" are used by American Indians to purify the spirit and bring balance to people who are unhealthy in spirit, mind, or body.

To answer your question, follow these steps:

1. Understand the question: The question asks about a practice used by American Indians for spiritual purification and bringing balance.
2. Identify the key terms: The terms to include in the answer are "Smudging ceremonies," "American Indians," "purify the spirit," and "unhealthy in spirit, mind, or body."
3. Formulate the answer: Combine the key terms to create a clear and concise answer that repeats the question and provides a step-by-step explanation.

Here is the final answer: "Smudging ceremonies" are used by American Indians to purify the spirit and bring balance to people who are unhealthy in spirit, mind, or body. These ceremonies typically involve the burning of sacred herbs such as sage, cedar, or sweetgrass. The smoke from the burning herbs is believed to cleanse negative energy, promote healing, and restore balance to an individual's spiritual, mental, and physical well-being.

To know more about "Smudging ceremonies" visit


Which of the following statements best explains the carrot-and-stick approach of the U.S. Sentencing Commission Guidelines Manual for Organizations?A. Nonprofit organizations are exempted from fines.B. Unincorporated organizations and associations are exempted from penalties.C. Organizations accused of unethical behavior are excused if the management was unaware of such behavior.D. Smaller fines are imposed on companies that take proactive steps to encourage ethical behavior.


The U.S. Sentencing Commission Guidelines Manual for Organizations uses a carrot-and-stick approach by imposing smaller fines on companies that encourage ethical behavior. Therefore, the correct option is (D).

The carrot-and-stick approach of the U.S. Sentencing Commission Guidelines Manual for Organizations is a method of incentivizing companies to act ethically by providing rewards for good behavior (the "carrot") and punishments for unethical behavior (the "stick").

The manual provides guidelines for the sentencing of organizations that violate federal laws and regulations.

The guidelines take into consideration the severity of the offense, the company's history of compliance, and the steps taken by the company to prevent similar offenses in the future.

Companies that take proactive measures to promote ethical behavior may be eligible for reduced fines, while those that fail to comply with regulations may face larger fines or even criminal prosecution.

It's important to note that the guidelines do not exempt any type of organization from penalties, but instead aim to encourage all organizations to act in accordance with federal laws and ethical standards.

Therefore, the correct option is (D).

For more such questions on Commission Guidelines:


what is the fundamental fact of life from which all economic problems arise?


The fundamental fact of life from which all economic problems arise is scarcity. Scarcity is the idea that resources are limited and finite, while our wants and needs are unlimited and infinite. This creates a perpetual tension between what we want and what we can have.

Scarcity means that we have to make choices about how to allocate our resources, which leads to the economic problem of choice.The economic problem of choice arises because we cannot have everything we want. We must make choices about what goods and services to consume, what to produce, and how to produce it. These choices involve trade-offs, where we have to sacrifice one thing for another. For example, if we choose to produce more of one good, we have to produce less of another good. If we choose to consume more of one good, we have to consume less of another good.The economic problem of choice leads to the problem of opportunity cost.

Opportunity cost is the cost of the next best alternative that is forgone when making a choice. In other words, it is the value of what we give up in order to get something else. Every time we make a choice, we incur an opportunity cost. This means that every economic decision involves a trade-off between what we want and what we can have.

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researchers have found that conflict can most likely cause a radical change in:


Researchers have found that conflict can most likely cause a radical change in several areas, including individual behavior, group dynamics, and societal norms. At the individual level, conflict can lead to changes in beliefs, values, and attitudes.

For example, if someone experiences conflict with a person from a different culture, they may become more open-minded and tolerant of different perspectives. At the group level, conflict can cause changes in power dynamics, communication patterns, and decision-making processes. In some cases, conflict can even lead to the formation of new groups or the dissolution of existing ones. For instance, if a team experiences conflict over leadership or decision-making, it may result in the creation of sub-teams or the re-structuring of the group altogether.

Finally, at the societal level, conflict can spark social movements or even revolutions. In some cases, conflict can lead to changes in laws, policies, or cultural norms. For instance, if there is widespread conflict over a particular issue, it may lead to a change in legislation or social attitudes towards that issue. Overall, researchers have found that conflict can have a significant impact on individuals, groups, and societies, often resulting in radical changes in behavior, beliefs, and norms. Furthermore, the aftermath of conflicts often creates opportunities for positive change, such as the implementation of new policies, the emergence of innovative ideas, and the development of more inclusive and resilient communities.

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alba was very nervous before she took her turn on the high dive platform at her school's swim and dive meet, but after diving and getting out of the pool, she began to calm down. which part of the nerrvous system help


Alba's nervous system played a crucial role in her experience before, during, and after her high dive platform performance at the school's swim and dive meet. The nervous system is a complex network of cells and tissues that work together to coordinate and control bodily functions, including the responses to external stimuli.

The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for the "fight or flight" response, which is activated during moments of stress, fear, or danger. This system increases the heart rate, constricts blood vessels, and releases adrenaline, which prepares the body for action.Alba's nervousness before her turn on the high dive platform was likely due to the activation of her sympathetic nervous system.

Her body may have responded by increasing her heart rate, causing her to feel jittery, and making her palms sweat.However, once Alba took the dive and hit the water, her parasympathetic nervous system was activated. This system is responsible for the "rest and digest" response, which helps to calm the body and reduce stress. It slows down the heart rate, dilates blood vessels, and stimulates digestion.As Alba began to swim after her dive, her body may have started to calm down, and her parasympathetic nervous system may have taken over, allowing her to relax and enjoy the rest of the competition.

In conclusion, Alba's nervous system played a critical role in her experience before, during, and after her high dive platform performance at the school's swim and dive meet. The activation of her sympathetic nervous system caused her to feel nervous before her dive, but the activation of her parasympathetic nervous system helped her calm down and enjoy the rest of the competition.

Learn more about sympathetic nervous system here:


by 2015, the largest number of legal immigrants to the united states came from:


By 2015, the largest number of legal immigrants to the United States came from Mexico.

In 2015, the United States witnessed a significant number of legal immigrants from Mexico. This can be attributed to various factors, including geographic proximity, economic opportunities, and family ties. Mexico has historically been a primary source of immigration to the U.S., with a large population of Mexican immigrants residing in the country. The demand for labor in sectors like agriculture, construction, and services has also attracted many Mexican workers.

Additionally, the presence of established Mexican communities in the U.S. has facilitated the process of immigration and integration for newcomers. These factors collectively contributed to Mexico being the leading country of origin for legal immigrants to the United States in 2015.

Learn more about immigrants


Which of the following was a means through which the concept of nationalism was communicated to Europeans in the years prior to World War I? a. Alliance building b. Public service c Mass media d)Government service


Mass media was a means through which the concept of nationalism was communicated to Europeans in the years prior to World War I. The correct answer is (c).

In the years prior to World War I, the concept of nationalism was communicated to Europeans through various means, and one significant method was mass media. The emergence and expansion of mass media, including newspapers, magazines, books, and later radio and cinema, played a crucial role in disseminating nationalist ideas and fostering a sense of national identity among the population.Through mass media, nationalist sentiments could be conveyed to a wide audience, reaching people across different regions, social classes, and backgrounds.

Moreover, the rise of mass media facilitated the spread of nationalist propaganda and political ideologies. Political parties and movements utilized mass media to disseminate their messages, rally support, and mobilize the population around nationalist causes. This included promoting ideas of national unity, independence, and cultural distinctiveness. Overall, mass media played a crucial role in shaping and communicating the concept of nationalism to Europeans in the years leading up to World War I, influencing public opinion, and fostering a sense of national identity and pride. Hence option (c) is the correct answer.

To know more about  World War I click here


to many people who have never taken a psychology course, psychology begins and ends with the


While the study of the mind and behavior is an important component of psychology, it is essential to recognize that psychology as a discipline is much broader and encompasses a rich and diverse range of topics and research areas.

study of the mind and behavior.

psychology is a multifaceted field that encompasses much more than just the study of the mind and behavior. while the mind and behavior are certainly important aspects of psychology, they represent only a portion of its scope. psychology is a scientific discipline that examines various aspects of human cognition, emotion, development, perception, personality, social interactions, mental health, and much more.

psychology also explores the underlying processes that influence human behavior and mental processes, including biological, social, cultural, and environmental factors. it investigates how individuals learn, process information, make decisions, and develop throughout their lives.

additionally, psychology encompasses a wide range of subfields and specializations, such as clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, industrial-organizational psychology, and neuropsychology, among others. each of these subfields focuses on specific areas of study and contributes to our understanding of human behavior and mental processes.

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Based on previous redlining policies, minority groups in U.S. cities are more likely to be clustered in inner-city neighborhoods . t/f


Redlining policies were a systemic form of discrimination in the United States that occurred from the 1930s to the 1960s. It is true.

These policies were used to deny certain groups of people, primarily African Americans, access to mortgages and other types of loans for homes and businesses. This led to the segregation of neighborhoods by race, with minority groups being pushed into inner-city neighborhoods with limited resources and services.

As a result, minority groups in U.S. cities are more likely to be clustered in these areas, and face higher levels of poverty, crime, and other challenges. While redlining is no longer legal, its impact can still be seen today in the form of segregation and inequality in cities across the country.

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which of the following are examples of states properly exercising their reserved powers?


B. The state of California requires teachers to obtain particular credentials before they teach in public schools is the examples of states properly exercising their reserved powers

Education is primarily a state responsibility in the United States, as it is not explicitly granted to the federal government by the Constitution. This grants states the authority to establish and regulate their own educational systems, including setting standards and qualifications for teachers.

By requiring teachers to obtain particular credentials, California ensures that educators possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies to effectively teach in public schools. Credentialing serves as a means of quality assurance, helping to maintain a certain level of professionalism and expertise within the teaching profession.

Specific credentials often include educational degrees, teaching certifications, and subject-specific endorsements. These requirements help ensure that teachers have received appropriate training and possess the necessary subject knowledge to deliver quality instruction to students.

Requiring credentials also contributes to accountability and public trust. It gives parents and students confidence in the qualifications and capabilities of their teachers, knowing that they have met established standards.

Additionally, credentialing helps in the selection and hiring process, allowing school districts to make informed decisions when recruiting teachers. It provides a benchmark for evaluating applicants and ensures that educators are prepared to meet the diverse needs of students.

Overall, California's requirement for teachers to obtain specific credentials is an example of the state properly exercising its reserved powers in education. It demonstrates the state's commitment to maintaining high standards and quality in its public schools, promoting effective teaching practices, and safeguarding the interests of students and families.

The question is incomplete. find the full content below:

Which of the following are examples of states properly exercising their reserved powers?

A. The state of Alaska decides to leave the United States because it disagrees with federal law.

B. The state of California requires teachers to obtain particular credentials before they teach in public schools.

C. The state of Florida creates its own currency.

D. The state of Texas signs a treaty with Mexico regulating immigration.

Know more about reserved powers here:


bias in a poll, particular regarding a controversial topic such as abortion, can result from____


Bias in a poll, particularly regarding a controversial topic such as abortion, can result from factors such as question wording, question order, sampling methods, and non-response bias.

For example, the phrasing of the question and the options provided can influence how people respond. If the question is framed in a way that implies a particular stance, or if the options are limited, this can introduce bias into the results.
Secondly, the sample size and demographics of the respondents can also affect the outcome. If the poll only surveys a small, unrepresentative group of people, this may not accurately reflect the views of the wider population. Similarly, if the poll only surveys a particular demographic group, such as women or religious groups, this can introduce bias into the results.
Thirdly, the motivation and intentions of the pollster can influence the results. If the pollster has a particular agenda or bias, this can be reflected in the way the poll is conducted, leading to biased results. Additionally, the way the results are presented can also introduce bias, with selective reporting of certain findings or use of emotive language.
Overall, it is important to be aware of the potential for bias in polls on controversial topics such as abortion, and to critically evaluate the methodology and presentation of any poll before drawing conclusions from the results.

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