All of the following statements describe the Islamic practice of polygyny except: a) a man may have up to four wives b) each wife must have a separate dwelling and be well cared for c) most men in the region practice polygyny d) polygyny is legal in most states in the region


Answer 1

The statement that "most men in the region practice polygyny" is not true and does not describe the Islamic practice of polygyny.

The correct option is C.

Polygyny, or the practice of a man having multiple wives, is a common practice among Muslims. This practice is accepted by Islamic law, and in many Muslim countries and regions it is legal. Islamic law states that a man may have up to four wives, each of whom must have her own separate dwelling and must be well cared for.

Despite being legal in many regions, polygyny is not a common practice among all Muslims. In fact, most men in the region do not practice polygyny, and it is not required by Islamic law. Therefore, the statement that "most men in the region practice polygyny" is not true and does not describe the Islamic practice of polygyny.

To know more about Polygyny, click here:


Related Questions

a ______ is a volcano constructed of pyroclastic fragments ejected from a central vent.


Answer: Cinder Cone


Cinder cones - a volcano constructed of loose rock fragments ejected from a central vent. Most of the ejects lands near the vent to form a cone with a slope of up to 30°.

Which of the following regions is not one of the top coal-producing states in the United States?
A) Idaho
B) Pennsylvania
C) Wyoming
D) West Virginia


The region that is not one of the top coal-producing states in the United States is A) Idaho.

While Pennsylvania, Wyoming, and West Virginia are known for their significant coal production, Idaho is not among the top coal-producing states in the country. Idaho's energy resources are primarily focused on hydroelectric power, renewable energy, and natural gas.

The state does not have substantial coal reserves or a significant coal mining industry compared to the other options listed.

To know more about Idaho related question visit:


schwarzschild showed how the______of the event horizon depends only on the mass of the black hole.


Schwarzschild demonstrated how the black hole's mass alone determines how far the event horizon is from the centre. The Schwarzschild radius is the distance from the centre of a stationary black hole to its event horizon.

The object's mass is the only factor that influences the Schwarzschild radius, hence the larger the mass, the larger the Schwarzschild radius. The Schwarzschild radius, named after the German physicist who made the discovery while serving in the First World War, describes the relationship between the event horizon's size and the black hole's mass. Black holes have been discovered by astronomers with event horizons as large as our solar system and as small as 6 miles.

To know more about event horizon, click here:


why do bands of minerals form when rocks are put under normal stress?


Bands of minerals, known as foliation, form in rocks when they are put under normal stress due to a process called recrystallization. When rocks experience pressure, the minerals within them can realign and grow in a preferred orientation.

This realignment occurs to relieve the stress and stabilize the rock structure. As a result, minerals elongate and align parallel to the direction of the applied stress, leading to the formation of bands or layers. These bands are composed of minerals such as mica, chlorite, or amphibole that have platy or elongated crystal structures. The development of mineral bands enhances the mechanical strength of the rock and is a common feature in metamorphic rocks subjected to normal stress.

Learn  more about recrystallization


which upstream country could control the flow of the nile river into egypt?


The upstream country that could control the flow of the Nile River into Egypt is Ethiopia.

Ethiopia is the source of the Blue Nile, which is one of the two main tributaries that merge to form the Nile River. Ethiopia is currently constructing the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) on the Blue Nile, which has caused tensions between Ethiopia and downstream countries, particularly Egypt. Egypt is concerned that the GERD could significantly reduce the flow of the Nile River into Egypt, which would have serious consequences for its water and electricity supply. Ethiopia, on the other hand, argues that the GERD is essential for its economic development and energy security. Negotiations between Ethiopia, Egypt, and Sudan to resolve the issue have been ongoing for years, but a final agreement has not yet been reached.

to know more about Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam visit:


any body of water above the ground (frozen or liquid) is ____________________.


Any body of water above the ground, whether frozen or liquid, is considered a surface water.

Surface water refers to any water that is found on the Earth's surface, including lakes, rivers, ponds, streams, and even ice caps and glaciers. It encompasses both frozen bodies of water, such as glaciers and icebergs, as well as liquid bodies of water, such as lakes and rivers.

Surface water plays a crucial role in the Earth's hydrological cycle, influencing weather patterns, providing habitats for various species, and serving as a vital resource for human activities such as drinking water supply, irrigation, and transportation.

To know more about Water related question visit:


when considering the hr diagram, stars that are lined up vertically on the diagram have which of the same variables?(Choose all that apply)a. Spectral classb. Apparent magnitudec. Absolute magnituded. Temperaturee. Massf. Luminosity


Apparent magnitude, absolute magnitude, mass, and luminosity are all variables that relate to stars but they are not the same for stars that are lined up vertically on the HR Diagram.

The correct options are A, D, F.

Apparent magnitude is a measure of the brightness of a star when viewed from Earth, while absolute magnitude is a measure of the star’s intrinsic brightness. Mass is the total mass of a star, and luminosity is the amount of energy that a star radiates in a given amount of time.

Temperature plays a major role in the HR Diagram, since stars of different temperatures will occupy different locations on the diagram. Therefore, stars that are lined up vertically on the HR Diagram have the same temperature and spectral class.

To know more about Apparent magnitude, click here:


which of the following are suggestions that have been made to prevent a near-earth object (neo) from impacting earth?
Blowing the NEO apart with a nuclear blast
Using a big mirror to focus sunlight on the NEO to vaporize it
Attaching a rocket engine to the NEO to push it away from Earth


All three options have been suggested as ways to prevent a near-earth object (NEO) from impacting Earth, but the third option, attaching a rocket engine to the NEO to push it away from Earth, is a more scientifically accepted approach.

Blowing the NEO apart with a nuclear blast or using a big mirror to focus sunlight on the NEO to vaporize it could create multiple fragments of debris that could still pose a threat to Earth. The rocket engine approach, known as a "gravity tractor," would involve a spacecraft hovering near the NEO and using its gravitational attraction to gradually alter the NEO's course. While the process would take time, it is considered a safer and more effective method for deflecting a NEO that poses a threat to Earth.

Learn more about NEO here:


which of the following features was most likely the cause of the earthquake in the investigation?


Based on the given options, the most likely cause of the earthquake in the investigation would be the "oceanic trench."

Oceanic trenches are long, narrow depressions in the ocean floor that occur at subduction zones, where one tectonic plate is forced beneath another. These subduction zones are commonly associated with intense seismic activity and can give rise to powerful earthquakes.

When tectonic plates converge, the leading edge of the overriding plate may become locked with the subducting plate, causing stress to build up over time. Eventually, this stress is released in the form of an earthquake when the accumulated strain exceeds the strength of the rocks involved.

While tsunamis and the collapse of structures can be consequences of earthquakes, they are not the primary cause. Tsunamis are typically generated by undersea earthquakes, and the collapse of structures is a result of the ground shaking during an earthquake.

Learn more about oceanic trench


Full Question: which of the following features was most likely the cause of the earthquake in the investigation?

oceanic trencha tsunamicollapse of structures

The most advanced stage of tropical reef formation is exhibited in _________. A) polyps B) a barrier reef C) a fringing reef D) an atoll E) dolines.


The most advanced stage of tropical reef formation is exhibited in an atoll.

The correct option is D.

An atoll is a ring-shaped coral reef, island, or chain of islands that forms when an oceanic volcano subsides and its rim becomes an encircling coral reef. The atoll is formed from the coral polyps that cover the remains of the volcano. The coral polyps build up and form the base of the atoll. The atoll continues to grow and expand with time. The coral polyps feed on marine organisms, which helps them grow and form the atoll.

The atoll is a highly complex and diverse ecosystem, with a variety of marine life inhabiting the area. The atoll is an important food source for many species, as well as providing a habitat for a range of marine life. The atoll is also an important source of sediment for the surrounding region, as the atoll is constantly being eroded and deposited. An atoll is the most advanced form of tropical reef formation, and the most diverse ecosystem.

To know more about ecosystem, click here:


which term does not denote a pattern of motion of the earth during an earthquake?


The term that does NOT denote a pattern of motion of the Earth during an earthquake is c) InSAR.

InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) is a remote sensing technique used to measure surface deformation, including changes in elevation and horizontal motion. It is not a pattern of motion itself, but a tool to observe and analyze the movements that occur during and after earthquakes. In contrast, the other terms refer to various aspects of earthquake motion:

a) Foreshocks are smaller earthquakes that precede the main shock, signaling that stress is accumulating along a fault.

b) Aftershocks are smaller earthquakes that follow the main shock, occurring as the crust adjusts to the new stress distribution after the initial event.

d) Elastic rebound is the process by which the Earth's crust snaps back to its original shape after being deformed by tectonic forces. During an earthquake, built-up stress is released, causing the crust to return to a less strained state.

e) Stick-slip refers to the cycle of frictional resistance between tectonic plates or fault surfaces, causing them to stick together until enough stress accumulates to overcome this resistance, leading to sudden slip and earthquake generation.

In summary, InSAR is a remote sensing technique for observing surface deformation, while the other terms describe patterns or processes of motion that can occur during earthquakes. The correct option is c.

The complete question is:

Which term does NOT denote a pattern of motion of the Earth during an earthquake?  

a) foreshocks  

b) aftershocks  

c) InSAR  

d) elastic rebound  

e) stick-slip

For more about earthquake:


which two pollutants are the top two responsible for lung pollution in the united states?


Answer: Cigarette smoke and radon gas


Which two pollutants are the top two responsible for lung pollution in the United States? cigarette smoke and radon gas. Lung cancer from smoking kills 160,000 people each year, and lung cancer from radon kills 21,000 people each year.

the green valley is estimated to have enough natural gas to support the nation for an entire year.


The statement that the green valley has enough natural gas to support the nation for an entire year is significant. It is a positive development for the energy industry and the country as a whole.

Natural gas is an essential resource for many industries, including electricity production, manufacturing, and transportation. With this amount of natural gas, the green valley could help support the nation's energy needs for a year.
Moreover, natural gas is a cleaner and more efficient fuel compared to other fossil fuels like coal and oil. It emits fewer greenhouse gases, which is better for the environment.
However, it is important to note that natural gas is a finite resource, and we need to be responsible in using it. We should continue to explore and invest in renewable energy sources like wind and solar power. In conclusion, the green valley's natural gas discovery is a positive development that could support the nation's energy needs. Still, it is essential to use this resource responsibly and invest in sustainable energy sources for the future.

To know more about natural gas visit:


The movement of heat by ______ drives ocean currents. a) convection b) conduction c) radiation d) all of the above e) none of the above.


The correct answer is A,  The movement of heat by convection drives ocean currents.

The ocean is a vast body of saltwater covering around 71% of the Earth's surface. It plays a crucial role in sustaining life on our planet. Comprising five major basins—the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Southern, and Arctic—the ocean is home to an immense diversity of plant and animal species, supporting complex ecosystems.

The ocean serves multiple functions and has a profound impact on climate regulation. It absorbs and stores a significant amount of heat, helping to stabilize global temperatures. Additionally, it acts as a major carbon sink, absorbing large quantities of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The ocean also influences weather patterns, generating winds, currents, and precipitation.

To know more about Ocean refer here :


objects in many nonwestern societies are not valued for what they bring in exchange, but for their:


In many nonwestern societies, objects are not valued solely for their exchange value but for their cultural and symbolic significance.

For instance, certain objects such as jewelry, clothing, and ceremonial items carry deep meaning and are often passed down from generation to generation as a way of preserving tradition and identity. In such societies, the exchange of goods is not just about economic transactions but also about establishing social and personal relationships. For instance, gifts are often exchanged to cement relationships and show appreciation, rather than just for their monetary value. Additionally, objects can serve as a way of expressing individuality, spirituality, and social status. Hence, in nonwestern societies, objects are valued not just for what they can buy or sell but also for the cultural and social meaning they carry.

to know more about nonwestern societies visit:

Which of the following is not a reason for the energy deficit in the polar regions?A) little seasonal variabilityB) low sun angleC) high albedo due to snow and iceD) up to six months without insolation


Low seasonal variability is not a reason for the energy deficit in the polar regions.

The correct option is A.

The energy deficit in the polar regions is mostly caused by the low sun angle, high albedo due to snow and ice, and up to six months of no insolation.

The low sun angle is caused by the tilt of the Earth’s axis, so the sun is never directly overhead in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. High albedo due to snow and ice reflects a large amount of incoming radiation, meaning less is absorbed and converted into heat. The polar regions also experience up to six months without any insolation. This means that the areas receive less solar energy, leading to the energy deficit.

To know more about seasonal variability, click here:


if a rock is subjected to stress, which of the following factors would be associated with brittle deformation (as opposed to ductile deformation)?


When a rock is subjected to stress, several factors are associated with brittle deformation as opposed to ductile deformation.

These factors include:

Brittle material:

Brittle deformation is common in rocks that are inherently brittle, such as many types of crystalline rocks such as granite and quartzite. These rocks are more prone to cracking and splitting than being plastically deformed.

Low temperature and low pressure conditions:

Brittle deformation is more likely to occur at relatively low temperatures and pressures. Under such conditions, rocks lack the necessary heat and pressure to undergo significant plastic deformation and instead tend to fracture.

High strain rate:

Brittle deformation is often accompanied by high strain rates when stress is applied rapidly or suddenly. This rapid loading can cause the rock to fail due to the inability to absorb the stresses from plastic deformation.

Brittle structure:

Rocks with brittle structures such as fissures, faults, and fissures are prone to brittle deformation. These pre-existing structures act as weak points where stress concentration causes failure rather than plastic flow.  

To know more about rocks -


the modern system of weather observations at national weather service forecast offices is called:_____.


The modern system of weather observations at National Weather Service forecast offices is called the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS).

ASOS is an automated network of weather stations that collects and reports real-time meteorological data. It includes various sensors and instruments that measure parameters such as temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation, and visibility. ASOS is designed to provide accurate and timely weather information to meteorologists for forecasting, warning dissemination, and climate monitoring purposes. It plays a crucial role in supporting weather forecasting operations and is widely used across the United States and other countries for weather monitoring and analysis.

Learn more about modern system here:


unconsolidated material is likely to be involved in which kinds of mass movement?


Unconsolidated material is likely to be involved in various types of mass movement.

Unconsolidated material refers to loose, fragmented, or poorly cemented materials such as soil, sand, gravel, and unconsolidated rock fragments. These materials are not tightly bound or compacted, making them more susceptible to movement under certain conditions. Unconsolidated material is commonly involved in mass movement processes such as landslides, debris flows, mudflows, and avalanches. The lack of cohesion and stability in unconsolidated materials makes them prone to gravitational forces and external triggers such as heavy rainfall, earthquakes, or human activities. These triggers can initiate the movement of the loose materials downslope or downhill, leading to significant mass wasting events and potential hazards.

To learn more about gravitational forces :


Iceland is a good example of an island arc, formed from an oceanic-oceanic plate collision.false/true


The given statement "Iceland is a good example of an island arc, formed from an oceanic-oceanic plate collision" is False because An island arc is formed from an oceanic-continental plate collision.

In such a collision, the lighter continental plate moves over the denser oceanic plate, forcing it beneath the continental plate and creating a subduction zone.

Iceland is not an example of this type of plate collision. Instead, Iceland was formed by a mantle plume that rose from the mantle and created a mid-oceanic ridge. This ridge is part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge system and can be seen on the ocean floor. As the magma from this plume cooled, it slowly formed the island of Iceland over millions of years.

To know more about continental plate , click here:


The most readily observed motion of a celestial object is produced byA. the motion of the planets across the sky.B. the rotation of the Earth.C. the revolution of the Earth.D. the motion of the Sun around the galaxy


The correct option is B, The most readily observed motion of a celestial object is produced by the rotation of the Earth.

Earth is the third planet from the Sun in the solar system and the home to a vast array of life forms. It is a terrestrial planet with a diverse ecosystem that sustains countless species, including humans. Earth has a varied topography, featuring vast oceans, towering mountains, expansive forests, and sprawling plains. Its atmosphere is composed primarily of nitrogen, oxygen, and trace amounts of other gases, providing the necessary conditions for life to thrive.

Earth experiences a range of climates, from scorching deserts to frozen polar regions. Human activity has significantly shaped the planet, with technological advancements and industrialization impacting its environment. Concerns about climate change, deforestation, pollution, and resource depletion have driven efforts to preserve Earth's delicate balance. As the only known celestial body to harbor life, Earth holds great significance and inspires exploration and scientific inquiry.

To know more about Earth refer here :


a(n) ________ is a sharp, knife-edged ridge that forms between two valley glaciers.


An arete is a sharp, knife-edged ridge that forms between two valley glaciers.

It is created when two glaciers erode away the landscape in opposite directions, leaving a sharp ridge between them. The sharpness of the ridge depends upon the amount of ice that is present in the valley glaciers, as the more ice present, the more erosion occurs and the sharper the arete.

Aretes can be seen in many mountain ranges, such as the Alps, Andes, and Rocky Mountains, as well as in smaller mountain ranges. They can range in size from just a few meters to several kilometers in width and height. They provide stunning views of the surrounding landscape and can be hazardous to traverse, as the steep sides of the ridge make it difficult to climb.

To know more about glaciers, click here:


Consider a radio wave from the transmitter of your favorite radio station, which has just reached the antenna of the radio in your room. Which of the following statements about this radio wave is CORRECT?
A.its wavelength is much longer than the wavelength of the light you see reflected from the page of this exam
B.the wave was originally produced by electrons that were not moving (at rest) inside the transmitter
C.the reason that it could reach your radio is because all of space is filled with a medium called the aether in which electromagnetic waves can vibrate traveled between the transmitter and your radio's antenna at the speed of sound has a frequency very close to the highest possible frequency for electromagnetic waves


The correct option is A,  Its wavelength is much longer than the wavelength of the light you see reflected from the page of this exam.

Wavelength is a fundamental concept in physics and refers to the distance between successive peaks or troughs of a wave. It is commonly denoted by the symbol λ (lambda). Wavelength is a crucial parameter in understanding various forms of waves, including electromagnetic waves such as light, radio waves, and microwaves, as well as sound waves and water waves.

In the context of electromagnetic waves, the wavelength determines the color or frequency of light. Shorter wavelengths correspond to higher frequencies and carry more energy, while longer wavelengths correspond to lower frequencies and carry less energy. For example, blue light has a shorter wavelength than red light.

To know more about Wavelength refer here :


sonoma orogeny: what and where it is, when it occurred, its tectonic setting, and how it is expressed in the rock record


The Sonoma orogeny is a geological event that occurred in what is now California, United States. It took place during the late Mesozoic era, specifically in the Late Cretaceous period, around 85-70 million years ago.

The tectonic setting of the Sonoma orogeny was a result of the subduction of the Farallon Plate beneath the North American Plate, leading to intense compression and mountain-building processes. This orogeny played a significant role in the formation of the California Coast Ranges, including the development of the Franciscan Complex, which consists of a diverse assemblage of rocks including sandstones, shales, and volcanic rocks. The rock record of the Sonoma orogeny exhibits folds, faults, and metamorphic rocks, providing evidence of the tectonic forces and mountain-building processes that occurred during this event.

Learn more about tectonic setting here:


the flat rotation curves of spiral galaxies imply that the distribution of mass resembles


The flat rotation curves of spiral galaxies imply that the distribution of mass within these galaxies resembles a halo or a spherical distribution rather than a concentrated mass at the center.

In other words, the observed rotation speeds of stars and gas in spiral galaxies remain relatively constant as the distance from the galactic center increases, defying expectations based on Newtonian gravity and the visible mass alone. This phenomenon suggests the presence of significant amounts of dark matter, an invisible form of matter that does not interact with light but exerts gravitational influence. The distribution of dark matter in a halo-like fashion helps explain the flat rotation curves and accounts for the additional gravitational pull required to maintain the observed stellar and gas velocities throughout the galaxy.

Learn more about galaxy here:


which of the following best describes the "tragedy of the commons?1. lack of incentives for resources users to share and sustainably use natural resources open to any one2. problem of achieving cooperation on global environmental problems3. an area of the oceans where ships mysteriously disappear4.where a community feels sad about environmental damage to its natural resources


The tragedy of the commons is the lack of incentives for resource users to share and sustainably use natural resources open to anyone (option a).

This occurs when individuals prioritize their own interests over the common good, leading to overuse and depletion of the resource. Without regulation or cooperation, the tragedy of the commons can lead to environmental degradation and even collapse of ecosystems.

This concept applies to both local and global environmental issues, as it highlights the importance of collective action and responsibility in preserving our natural resources.

The other options provided do not accurately describe the tragedy of the commons.

For more such questions on natural resources , click on:


We learned in lab 8 that skin color has a clinal distribution. This is true for many of our other traits as well.1. Identify one human trait, other than skin color, that you think has a clinal distribution.2. Why do you think this trait varies among different individuals and populations? (Does it provide advantages in certain environments, or might it improve reproductive success?)3. How would you study this hypothesis? What data would you collect about the trait?4. What data would you collect about the evolutionary context of the trait (such as the environment or reproductive rates)?


One human trait, other than skin color, that has a clinal distribution is height. Height varies among different individuals and populations in a continuous manner.

This trait may vary due to environmental factors and natural selection. In certain environments, taller individuals may have advantages such as better access to resources or an increased ability to defend themselves. Additionally, height can be associated with improved reproductive success, as taller individuals may be perceived as more attractive or have better chances of finding mates.

To study this hypothesis, data on the heights of individuals from different populations and geographical regions would be collected. This data would include measurements of height taken from a representative sample of individuals across various age groups and genders.

In order to understand the evolutionary context of height, additional data would be collected on factors such as the environment, climate, and reproductive rates of the populations being studied. This information would provide insights into the potential selective pressures that could have influenced the clinal distribution of height in different populations.

Learn more about human traits


Which constitutes the majority population in the north of kazakhstan?


The majority population in the north of Kazakhstan are the ethnic Russians.

According to the 2009 census, they constitute approximately 42% of the total population in the region. Other ethnic groups in the region include Kazakhs, Ukrainians, Tatars, Germans, and Belarusians. The city of Petropavlovsk, located in the north of Kazakhstan, has a large population of ethnic Russians, who make up around 80% of the city's population. However, it's important to note that the demographics of the region have been changing over the years due to migration and urbanization. It's clear that the north of Kazakhstan has a diverse population with a significant percentage of ethnic Russians.

To know more about population visit:


Which plate boundaries is least likely to produce composite volcanoes?


The plate boundary that is least likely to produce composite volcanoes is the divergent plate boundary.

This is because at divergent plate boundaries, the plates are moving away from each other, and as a result, magma from the mantle rises up to fill the gap between the plates, creating new crust. This process results in the formation of shield volcanoes, which are broad and gently sloping, rather than composite volcanoes, which are tall and steep.

In contrast, composite volcanoes are typically formed at convergent plate boundaries, where one plate is forced under another (subduction), causing the magma to rise and create explosive eruptions. Thus, while divergent plate boundaries can still produce volcanic activity, it is unlikely to result in composite volcanoes due to the nature of the plate movement and resulting volcanic activity.

For more about volcanoes:


why are pristine areas, undisturbed by humans, contaminated with human-generated toxicants?


Pristine areas are contaminated with human-generated toxicants due to global air and water currents that transport pollutants from populated areas.

Pristine areas, even though they are remote and seemingly untouched by human activity, can still be contaminated with human-generated toxicants.

This is because air and water currents, such as wind and ocean currents, can carry pollutants long distances from industrialized and populated regions.

These pollutants can include heavy metals, pesticides, and chemical byproducts. As a result, pristine ecosystems may suffer from the harmful effects of these toxicants, such as reduced biodiversity and disruptions to food chains.

This highlights the global impact of pollution and the need for effective environmental management to protect these delicate ecosystems.

For more such questions on pollutants, click on:


Other Questions
Distinguishing major from minor characters is an analysis of which of the following? 1) style 2) historical period 3) relationships 4) status and personality Reflecting on your own schedule, explain one thing you do well to manage your time. Explain one way you hope to find more balance in your schedule. In the diagram below, all angles are given in degrees ()Find the value of x. lab reports should be filed in _____ in a separate section of the patient chart. A landlord may legally refuse to rent to a prospective tenant if the tenant1. has a history of serious mental illness.2. is unable to live alone without assistance.3. has ever been convicted of using illegal drugs.4. has ever been convicted of selling illegal drugs. ______________ can be used as alternative cabling for ethernet. A complete set of general-purpose external financial statements issued by a nongovernmental not-for-profit entity must includeA. Statements of financial position as of the beginning and end of the reporting period, a statement of cash flows, and a statement of activities.B. A statement of financial position as of the end of the reporting period and a statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances.C. A statement of financial position as of the end of the reporting period, a statement of cash flows, and a statement of activities.D. Statements of financial position as of the beginning and end of the reporting period, comparative statements of cash flows, and comparative statements of activities. ________ is the process of arranging data in a specific order based on the value in a field. What would be the best advice to give for physical activity for a person with diabetes?Group of answer choicesregular physical activity is beneficial for preventing weight gain and increasing tissue sensitivity to insulin in type 2 diabetesphysical activity needs to be strenuous enough to result in weight loss for it to be of benefit in type 2 diabetesalthough physical activity has health benefits, it does not improve status of individuals with diabetesindividuals with type 1 diabetes should always avoid strenuous activity because it may cause too much of a drop in blood glucose Alice and Bob are playing a guessing game. Than game is played in 10 rounds. At each round, Alice draws a number from a truncated normal distribution with mu=30 & sigma=10 (values being capped between [0, 60]) and bob tries to guess the number Alice draws. If Bob's guess is right he receives 1000 dollars If Bob's guess is lesser than Alice's number, Bob loses 2 dollars If Bob's guess is higher than Alice's number, Bob loses 1 dollar In a 10 rounds, what is the MAXIMUM EXPECTED money Bob can get? Which of the following are situations where estimates of inventory, rather than a physical count of inventory, may be desirable? (Select all that apply.) Check All That Apply a. Avoiding the expense of a physical inventory count b. Determining the cost of inventory that has been lost, destroyed or stolen c. Estimating inventory and cost of goods sold for interim financial reports d. When the person in charge inventory is on an extended leave of absencee. When an official government entity, such as the Internal Revenue Service, has asked for substantiation of inventory at a specific location what is it called when companies transfer non-core work activities to suppliers in order to reduce costs? group of answer choices a.exporting b.outsourcing c.offshoring d.dumping A hydrogen atom absorbs radiation when its electron(a) makes a transition to a lower energy level.(b) is excited to a higher energy level.(c) stays in the ground state. Look closely at thisRevlon adfrom Europe (see next page): its headline announces "Revlons Super Moist Lip Gloss", and its text introduces a line of Moon Drops lipsticks.Now, answer the following ten questions: a) Which element of the ad impacted you the most: its "mermaid" photo, headline,or the lipstick colors in itsproduct line?(since you dont read German I wont ask about thetext)b) What primary product benefit didit communicate directly? c) What secondarybenefit(s) did it imply or promise -either by association, inference orsymbolism? d) Describe its likely target audience in terms of race, age and income range, as well as attitudes.e)What values did it appeal to? f) How diditprovide anassurance that the product will perform as expected? g) Were its headline/text/ fonts/image/background complementary and reinforcing, ordid you find anyelement contradicting the rest? h) No ad is perfect, so what change(s) would you suggest to improve this one? i) What was the adsmain objective: create awareness, communicate benefits, change attitudes, or promote purchase? j) On a 5-star rating scale in which 1 star means "least likely" and 5 stars mean "most likely", what was the likelihood that the adachieved its main objective? Which of the following is probably the best explanation for the fact that Antarctic engine cannot fly withough there is evidence that millions of yours ago They online could do so Penguinis live on land and feed in the water, therefore they have no need to ( The Antarctic home of penguins is not and borren therefore there is no place to c Ancestral penguins without large wings were bettar able to demand toed in the water, thovefore they pated their geoes for shorter wing structure on to their offera Ancestral penguins did not use their wings for long period of time, therefore today's penguinn have only try nontunctional wings The cold and wind of Antarctica make flight mpossible. Therefore penguins that live there have lost the ability to fly Which of the following is probably the best explanation for the fact that Antarctic penguinn cannot by though there is evidence that motions of years in their crear could do it Penguins live on tard and feed in the water, therefore they have no need to The Antarche home of penguins is at and barren, therefore there is no place to fly. Ancestral penguins without large wings were better able to swim and foed in the water, therefore they passed their genes for shorter wing structure on to their offspring D Ancestral penguint stid not use their wings for long periods of time therefore today's penguins have only tiny, nontunctional wings E The cold and wind of Antarctica make fight impossible therefore penguins that live there have lost the ability to fy An empty steel container is filled with 0.500 atm of A and 0.500 atm of B. The system is allowed to reach equilibrium according to the reaction below. If Kp = 340 for this reaction, what is the equilibrium partial pressure of C? atm A (9) + B (9) = C the platform in a two-point scaffold should be no more than _____ inches wide. a 241 mg sample of carbon from a piece of cloth excavated from an ancient tomb in nubia undergoes 1530 disintegrations in 11.0 h . if a current 1.00 g sample of carbon shows 921 disintegrations per hour, how old is the piece of cloth? ( 1 a gentiles who worshiped the true god and knew the jewish scriptures, but were not circumcised and did not keep the whole law of moses: 5 The process of Mitosis, when cells make 2 identical copies of an original cell, will occur for which of the following reasons? Group of answer choices: 1) all of the choices are correct 2) reproduction of a unicellular organism like a bacteria 3) repair of damaged tissue like a broken bone 4) Growth of a multicellular organism