An automotive company tests the driving capabilities of its self driving car prototype. They Carry out the test on various types of roadways specifically a racetrack chill rack and dirt road what are the examples of fair or unfair practices


Answer 1

It is to be noted that testing a self-driving car prototype on various types of roadways, such as a racetrack, hill rack, and dirt road, can be considered fair practice. It would only be unfair practice if the lives and property of humans are put at risk during the testing.

What is unfair practice?

Unfair practices are behaviors that are neither just or fair. It would be deemed unjust to treat someone differently because of their color or gender, for example. Cheating or violating regulations to get an edge over others is also included. To develop a fair and just society, it is critical to constantly treat people with fairness and respect.

In this scenario, it is evident that endangering human life and property is unethical behavior.

Learn more about Unfair Practices:

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solve the MRS y,x = 12 mean? for constant mariginal utility?



The MRS y,x = 12 means that the ratio of marginal utilities between two goods (y and x) is 12. This means that for every 12 units of good y the consumer will give up 1 unit of good x. This holds true if the consumer has constant marginal utility.

Code to be written in Python
Will award brainliest automatically if correct!

Suppose that you have a list of numbers, and you need to normalize the list, i.e., the sum of all numbers in the list is equal to 1.

Tam came out with an implementation:

def normalize(lst):
s = sum(lst)
return list(map(lambda v: v / s, lst))

This code works correctly for normalize([1, 2, 5, 4]) but fails for normalize([1, 2, -7, 4]). What causes the second test case to fail?

Find out the error message and keep the list as it is when the error occurs by simply return the list. So without modifying the normalize function, implement this strategy in the safe_normalize function. Complete safe_normalize. You may assume that the normalize function has already been defined for you.

def safe_normalize(lst):
# handle the error
return normalize(lst)

Test Cases:

safe_normalize([1, 2, 2, 3]) [0.125, 0.25, 0.25, 0.375]
safe_normalize([1, 2, -5, 2]) [1, 2, -5, 2]



Here is an implementation of the safe_normalize function that catches the error and returns the original list if an error occurs:

def safe_normalize(lst):


return normalize(lst)

except ZeroDivisionError:

return lst

This function calls the normalize function, which takes a list as input and returns a normalized list. However, if an error occurs (in this case, a ZeroDivisionError), the function will catch the error and return the original list instead.

To test the safe_normalize function, you can use the following test cases:

print(safe_normalize([1, 2, 2, 3])) # Expected output: [0.125, 0.25, 0.25, 0.375]

print(safe_normalize([1, 2, -5, 2])) # Expected output: [1, 2, -5, 2]

The first test case should return the normalized list, while the second test case should return the original list, since the normalize function would fail with a ZeroDivisionError if passed a list with a negative sum.

Hope This Helps You!

Directions :: Write a Ship class. Ship will have x, y, and speed properties. x, y, and speed are integer numbers. You must provide 3 constructors, an equals, and a toString for class Ship.

One constructor must be a default.

One constructor must be an x and y only constructor.

One constructor must be an x, y, and speed constructor.

Provide all accessor and mutator methods needed to complete the class.

Add a increaseSpeed method to make the Ship speed up according to a parameter passed in.

Provide an equals method to determine if 2 Ships are the same(i.e. in the same location).

You also must provide a toString() method.

The toString() should return the x, y, and speed of the Ship.

In order to test your newly created class, you must create another class called ShipRunner. There you will code in the main method and create at least 2 Ship objects (although you can create more if you like), using the constructors you created in the Ship class. Then you will print them out using the toString method and compare them with the equals method.

I'm trying to make an equals method I just don't know how to​


Answer: Assuming this is in the java language.. the equals() would be


public boolean equals(Object o){

   if(o == this){

        return true;


   if (!(o instanceof Ship)) {

     return false;


   Ship s = (Ship) o;

   return s.x == this.x && s.y == this.y && s.speed == this.speed;


Try it
Drag and drop each example under the appropriate heading.
taking breaks
reading in a crowded room
having resources nearby
cramming at the last minute
getting plenty of rest
starting your homework late at night
Good Study Habits
Bad Study Habits


Bad habits include reading in a crowded room, starting your schoolwork late at night, and cramming right before the exam. Good habits include taking breaks, having resources close by, and getting lots of rest.

What are some poor study habits?

Being uncoordinated. Being disorganized will simply make studying much more difficult because there are so many things to do and think about. Don't merely jot down notes and post reminders in random locations.

Why do I lose track of what I learn?

If a student stays up all night studying for the test, they usually forget the material during it. The ability of the brain to retain information increases with regular study schedules and thoughtful revision, and the material is ingrained much more deeply.

To know more about Study Habits visit:-


Grayson is creating a program to keep track of how much money he earns and spends each week.he earns and spends each week. He wants to know if he has enough for ice cream? What data should he use to store his answer


Since Grayson uses a program that allows him to keep track of how much money he earns and spends each week. The type of data that will be used to give him the answer to the question is option A: "Boolean".

What is the program  about?

A Boolean variable can hold only two values: true or false.

He can use a conditional statement to check if the amount of money he has left over after subtracting his expenses from his earnings is greater than or equal to the cost of the ice cream. If it is, he can set the Boolean variable to "True", indicating that he has enough money for ice cream. If it is not, he can set the Boolean variable to "False", indicating that he does not have enough money.

Therefore, Grayson can compare the value of his remaining money to the cost of the ice cream, if the remaining money is greater than or equal to $4, he can set the Boolean variable to "True" which means he has enough money.

Learn more about program from


See full question below

Grayson uses a program that allows him to keep track of how much money he earns and spends each week. Which type of data will be used to give him the answer to the following question?

"Do I have $4 to buy ice cream?"





Hey tell me more about your service. I have a school assignment 150 questions and answers on cyber security,how can I get it done?




I have knowledge in a wide range of topics and I can help you with your school assignment by answering questions on cyber security.

However, I want to make sure that you understand that completing a 150 question assignment on cyber security can be time-consuming and it's also important that you understand the material well in order to do well on exams and to apply the knowledge in real-world situations.

It would be beneficial to you if you try to work on the assignment by yourself first, then use me as a resource to clarify any doubts or to check your answers. That way you'll have a deeper understanding of the material and the assignment will be more beneficial to you in the long run.

Please also note that it is important to always check with your teacher or professor to ensure that getting assistance from an AI model is in line with your school's academic policies.

Please let me know if there's anything specific you would like help with and I'll do my best to assist you.

Next, you begin to clean your data. When you check out the column headings in your data frame you notice that the first column is named Company...Maker.if.known. (Note: The period after known is part of the variable name.) For the sake of clarity and consistency, you decide to rename this column Company (without a period at the end).

Assume the first part of your code chunk is:

flavors_df %>%

What code chunk do you add to change the column name?



You can use the rename function to change the column name. Here is an example code chunk:

flavors_df %>%

rename(Company = Company...Maker.if.known.)

This will rename the Company...Maker.if.known. column to Company. Note that the old column name is surrounded by backticks () because it contains a period, which is a special character in R. The new column name, Company`, does not need to be surrounded by backticks because it does not contain any special characters.


Accenture is one of several hundred companies that has signed on to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Business Ambition pledge.


Answer: True

Accenture is one of several hundred companies that has signed on to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) Business Ambition pledge. The UNGC is a voluntary initiative that encourages businesses to align their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. The Business Ambition pledge is a component of the UNGC that invites businesses to set ambitious, science-based targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement. Accenture is one of many companies that have committed to this pledge and to taking action to combat climate change and support sustainable development.

Why did Madison recommend a server-based network for SEAT?

A) It provides centralized access to resources.
B) It is simpler to expand.
C) It is easier to operate.
D) It is less expensive.
E) It provides more security.


I think the answer is E

Needing some help with a code, any help would be appreciate for C++

Write a program that has the following functions:
- int* ShiftByOne(int[], int);
This function accepts an int array and the array’s size as arguments. The
function should shift all values by 1. So, the 1st element of the array should
be moved to the 2nd position, 2nd element to the 3rd position, and so on so
forth. Last item should be moved to the 1st position. The function should
modify the input array in place and return a pointer to the input array.
- Int* GetMax(int[], int);
This function accepts an int array and the array’s size as arguments. The
function should return the memory address of the maximum value found in
the array.
- unsigned int GetSize(char[]);
This function accepts a character array (C-String) and should return the size
of the array.


The program that has the following functions is given below:

The Program

#include <algorithm>

int* ShiftByOne(int array[], int size) {

   int temp = array[size - 1];

   for (int i = size - 1; i > 0; i--) {

       array[i] = array[i - 1];


   array[0] = temp;

   return array;


int* GetMax(int array[], int size) {

   int max_val = *std::max_element(array, array + size);

   return &max_val;


unsigned int GetSize(char str[]) {

   unsigned int size = 0;

   for (int i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++) {



   return size;


Note: The function ShiftByOne() modifies the input array in place and return a pointer to the input array.

The function GetMax() returns the memory address of the maximum value found in the array.

The function GetSize() returns the size of the array.

Read more about programs here:


Will mark brainliest if correct!
Code to be written in python

A deferred annuity is an annuity which delays its payouts. This means that the payouts do not start until after a certain duration. Notice that a deferred annuity is just a deposit at the start, followed by an annuity. Your task is to define a Higher-order Function that returns a function that takes in a given interest rate and outputs the amount of money that is left in a deferred annuity.

Define a function new_balance(principal, gap, payout, duration) that returns a single-parameter function which takes in a monthly interest rate and outputs the balance in a deferred annuity. gap is the duration in months before the first payment, payout is monthly and duration is just the total number of payouts.

Hint: Note that duration specifies the number of payouts after the deferment, and not the total duration of the deferred annuity.

def new_balance(principal, gap, payout, duration):
# Complete the function

# e.g.
# test_balance = new_balance(1000, 2, 100, 2)
# result = test_balance(0.1)

Test Case:
new_balance(1000, 2, 100, 2)(0.1) 1121.0



def new_balance(principal, gap, payout, duration):

   def calculate_balance(interest_rate):

       balance = principal

       for i in range(gap):

           balance *= (1 + interest_rate/12)

       for i in range(duration):

           balance *= (1 + interest_rate/12)

           balance -= payout

       return balance

   return calculate_balance



def new_balance(principal, gap, payout, duration):

   # convert monetary amounts to cents

   principal_cents = principal * 100

   payout_cents = payout * 100


   def balance(rate):

       # calculate the interest earned during the deferment period in cents

       interest_cents = principal_cents * (1 + rate) ** gap - principal_cents

       # calculate the balance after the first payout in cents

       balance_cents = interest_cents + principal_cents - payout_cents

       # loop through the remaining payouts, calculating the balance after each one in cents

       for i in range(duration - 1):

           balance_cents = balance_cents * (1 + rate) - payout_cents

       # convert the balance back to dollars and round it to the nearest cent

       balance_dollars = round(balance_cents / 100)

       return balance_dollars

   return balance

test_balance = new_balance(1000, 2, 100, 2)

result = test_balance(0.1)


This type of network may not be connected to other networks.








A) LAN (Local Area Network)

Create a program for the given problems using one-dimensional array. Program to identify the highest value in the given numbers.​




Here's one way you could write a C program to identify the highest value in a given set of numbers using a one-dimensional array:

Copy code

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

   int nums[10]; // Declare an array of 10 integers

   int i, max;

   printf("Enter 10 numbers: ");

   for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

       scanf("%d", &nums[i]); // Read in the numbers


   max = nums[0]; // Initialize max to the first number in the array

   for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) {

       if (nums[i] > max) { // Compare each number to the current max

           max = nums[i];  // If a number is larger, update the max



   printf("The highest value is: %d", max);

   return 0;


protocol layering can be found in many aspect of our lives such as air travelling .imagine you make a round trip to spend some time on vacation at a resort .you need to go through some processes at your city airport before flying .you also need to go through some processes when you arrive at resort airport .show the protocol layering for round trip using some layers such as baggage checking/claiming,boarding/unboard,takeoff/landing.​



Baggage checking/claiming:

Check in at the city airport and check your baggage

Claim your baggage at the resort airport


Board the plane at the city airport

Unboard the plane at the resort airport


Takeoff from the city airport

Land at the resort airport

Takeoff from the resort airport

Land at the city airport

Which of the following devices can store large amounts of electricity, even when unplugged?
LCD monitor
DVD optical drive
CRT monitor
Hard disk drive


Even when unplugged, a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) monitor can store a lot of electricity. The capacitors within CRT monitors can store enough power to be fatal, thus you should never open one.

What does CRT stand for?

An electron beam striking a phosphorescent surface creates images in a cathode-ray tube (CRT), a specialized vacuum tube. CRTs are typically used for desktop computer displays. The "picture tube" in a television receiver is comparable to the CRT in a computer display.

What characteristics does CRT have?

Flat screen, touch screen, anti-reflective coating, non-interlaced, industrial metal cabinet, and digital video input signal are typical features of CRT monitors. As opposed to the typically curved screen found in most CRT displays, the monitor's screen can be (almost) flat.

To learn more about CRT monitors visit:



CRT monitor


A cathode ray tube (CRT) monitor can store large amounts of electricity, even when unplugged. You should never open a CRT monitor, as the capacitors within the CRT can store enough electricity to be lethal.

LCD monitors do not use large capacitors and are much safer to work on than CRT monitors (although the CCFL backlight has mercury vapor in it, which could be harmful if the tube is broken).

DVD optical drives and hard disk drives do not store electricity in sufficient quantity to be harmful.

What is the difference between a baseline and an objective?

A baseline is a start, and an objective is an ending.

A baseline is measurable, and an objective is not measurable.

A baseline is a start, and an objective shows progression.

A baseline is a benchmark, and an objective is an ending.


The difference between a baseline and an objective is a baseline is a start, and an objective is an ending. Therefore, option A is correct.

What is the objective of baseline?

Regardless of the study topic, a baseline study is a descriptive cross-sectional survey that primarily offers quantitative data on the current condition of a specific situation in a given population. It seeks to quantify how various variables are distributed over time within a study population.

A baseline is a constant point of comparison that is employed in comparison studies. In business, a project's or product's success is frequently evaluated in comparison to a baseline figure for expenses, sales, or any other number of factors. A project may go over or under its predetermined benchmark.

Thus, option A is correct.

To learn more about the objective of baseline, follow the link;


What type of light comes from reflections off other objects?


Light that comes from reflections off other objects is called reflected light.

A(n) ____ is a central computer that enables authorized users to access networked resources.

A) peripheral
B) server
C) application





Server is a central computer that enables authorized users to access networked resources.

which function in the random library will generate a random integer within a range of specified by two parameters? the range is inclusive of the two parameters


Ran dint Python function is the function in the random library will generate a random integer within a range of specified by two parameters.

What is Ran dint Python function?

With both inclusive parameters, the randint Python method returns an integer that was created at random from the provided range.

The randint() method provides a selected integer number from the given range. Note that randrange(start, stop+1) is an alias for this technique.

A value from a list or dictionary will be generated by the random command. And the randint command will choose an integer value at random from the provided list or dictionary.

Thus, Ran dint Python function.

For more information about Ran dint Python function, click here:


A sequential circuit has one flip-flop Q, two inputs X and Y, and one output S. The circuit consists of a D flip-flop with S as its output and logic implementing the function D = X ⊕ Y ⊕ S with D as the input to the D flip-flop. Derive the state table and state dia- gram of the sequential circuit.


To derive the state table and state diagram of the sequential circuit, we first need to determine the possible states of the flip-flop Q, and the next states based on the input values X and Y and the current state of Q.

The state table for the sequential circuit would look like this:

Q(t) X Y Q(t+1) S

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 1 1

0 1 0 1 1

0 1 1 0 0

1 0 0 1 1

1 0 1 0 0

1 1 0 0 0

1 1 1 1 1

The state diagram for the sequential circuit would look like this:

 S=0                                                                 S=1

   ------------                                                      ------------

  | 0 |   | 1 |                                                    | 1 |   | 0 |

   ------------                                                      ------------

  |   |   |   |                                                    |   |   |   |

   ------------                                                      ------------

  |   |   |   |                                                    |   |   |   |

   ------------                                                      ------------

  |   |   |   |                                                    |   |   |   |


What is  flip-flop Q?

A flip-flop is a circuit that is used to store binary data in digital electronic systems. It is a type of latch circuit that is used as a memory element in digital logic circuits. Flip-flops can be either positive edge-triggered or negative edge-triggered, and can be either level-sensitive or edge-sensitive. The most common types of flip-flops are SR flip-flops, JK flip-flops and D flip-flops.

In this case, Q is a flip-flop that is used as a memory element in the sequential circuit. It stores the current state of the circuit and is used in the logic implementation of the circuit's function. The output of this flip-flop is used as an input to the next state of the circuit, and it's also the output of the circuit.

Learn more about flip-flop in


what is primary key? List any two advantage of it.​


A primary key is a column or set of columns in a database table that is used to uniquely identify each row in the table. It is a fundamental element of database design, as it ensures that each row in a table can be uniquely identified and helps to enforce the integrity of the data.

There are several advantages to using a primary key in a database table:

Uniqueness: A primary key ensures that every row in a table has a unique identifier, which makes it easier to distinguish one row from another.
Data integrity: A primary key helps to ensure that the data in a table is accurate and consistent, as it can be used to enforce relationships between tables and prevent data inconsistencies.
Performance: A primary key can be used to optimize the performance of a database, as it can be used to quickly locate and retrieve specific rows of data.
Data security: A primary key can be used to secure sensitive data in a database, as it can be used to control access to specific rows of data.
A primary key is a column of set columns heft ref

Which company gave Apple its big break in the business market?

Commodore Business Machines
Software Arts
Tandy Corporation




Explanation: I’m not a computer fanatic, but everybody should know this. And if anything else is the answer, then that’s because it would’ve been in the text that I DON’T have.

Answer: software arts


i just did it

What did the police threaten to do?





Can you incorporate open-source code from a github forum into IP tool?





Answer: No, Info does not allow the use of open-source components in proprietary software he contracts.

Describe what social engineering is and explain its existence and prevalence.
Explain why SE is an important part of an information technology security course.
Perform statistical research in the social engineering area providing the following: (1) Describe the current percentage of cyber attacks relying on social engineering and the percentage of attacks from both internal and externa sources; and (2) Describe how these percentages impact the current corporate social engineering incident response effort.
Discuss employee and management responsibilities with regard to information security and combating SE. Make sure your work clarifies your opinion as to who carries more responsibility for preventing SE-the employees or management. Provide examples to back up your statements.


Social engineering is a tactic used by attackers to manipulate individuals into divulging sensitive information or performing actions that may be harmful to the organization.

Social engineering attacks exploit human psychology, emotions, and trust to trick people into revealing sensitive information or performing actions that they otherwise wouldn't. The attacks can take many forms, such as phishing emails, phone scams, pretexting, and baiting.

What is social engineering?

The prevalence of social engineering attacks has increased in recent years, as attackers have become more sophisticated and creative in their methods.

According to the Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR) in 2020, social engineering is used in 84% of successful cyber attacks and the most common form of social engineering is phishing. It is also reported that around 30% of phishing messages are opened and 12% of recipients click on the malicious link.

When it comes to combating social engineering, both employees and management carry some level of responsibility. Employees are the first line of defense and play a vital role in protecting the organization's sensitive information. They should be educated and trained on how to identify and avoid social engineering attacks. Management, on the other hand, is

Learn more about social engineering  from


What is the main difference between a goal and an objective?

A goal is a broad-based projection, and an objective is a set of benchmarks.

A goal is a broad-based projection, and an objective is a specific accomplishment.

A goal is a broad-based projection, and an objective is a set of mini-goals.

A goal is a measurable projection, and an objective is a specific accomplishment


A goal is a desired outcome, but an objective is a targeted action that may be completed quickly and is frequently tied to a goal.

Give an example of each and explain the difference between an objective and a goal.

Objectives are specified in terms of measurable, tangible targets, whereas goals can be immaterial and unmeasurable. For instance, while "offering great customer service" is an intangible goal, "reducing the client wait time to one minute" is a tangible goal that contributes to the achievement of the primary goal.

What distinguishes educational goals from objectives?

Learning In contrast to aims, which convey a broad declaration of intent, objectives are specific, distinct intentions of student performance. Goals cannot be measured or seen; however, objectives can.

to know more about goals and an objective here:


In what ways does a computer network make setting appointments easier?

A) by providing a common calendar
B) by reassigning workloads to enable attendance
C) by sending out invitations
D) by telephoning those involved
E) by sending electronic reminders


The best option is A) by providing a common calendar. A common calendar can be used to check availability and schedule appointments, making the process of setting appointments easier.


All of the options (A, C, D, and E) could potentially make setting appointments easier on a computer network.

A) A common calendar can be used to check availability and schedule appointments.

B) Workloads could be reassigned to enable attendance at appointments, but this is not directly related to the use of a computer network.

C) Invitations to appointments can be sent electronically through the network.

D) Telephone calls can be made through the network.

E) Electronic reminders can be sent through the network to help ensure that appointments are not forgotten.

How BFS takes more memory than DFS?



The BFS have to track of all nodes on the same level

Question 2
An example of something that operates at the application layer is:



HTTP, FTP, SMTP- These are protocols at the application layer


write flow chart pseudocode and algorithm for a computation that perform balance,interest, withdrawal,in bank for Ethiopia?​





Input customer information (name, account number, etc.)

Calculate balance

Calculate interest

Prompt user to enter withdrawal amount

Calculate new balance

Print new balance




// Declare variables

DECLARE customerName

DECLARE customerAccountNumber

DECLARE customerBalance

DECLARE customerInterest

DECLARE withdrawalAmount

// Get customer information

INPUT customerName

INPUT customerAccountNumber

// Calculate balance

SET customerBalance = customerAccountNumber * customerInterest

// Calculate interest

SET customerInterest = customerBalance * 0.05

// Prompt user to enter withdrawal amount

INPUT withdrawalAmount

// Calculate new balance

SET customerBalance = customerBalance - withdrawalAmount

// Print new balance

PRINT customerBalance



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Can anyone me help PLEASE A drum of oil has a height of 4 feet and a radius of 1.2 feet. The oil cost $22 per cubic feet. What is the cost to fill the drum of oil AnalyzingKWhich statements correctly describe the properties of heat? Select all that apply.A. Heat is an essential component of life on Earth.B. Heat is energy that flows from one object to another.%4&Prt Scna Write a scenario that refers to a common cause of product shortage. Make your essay into a separate page and dont forget to acknowledge (footnote) the author where you taken the ideas you plotted on your writings. Self - creation is preferable. (ILL MAKE YOU BRAINLIEST) What is 2 4 reflected across the Y? 235 6Read the excerpt from act 3, scene 4 of The Tragedy ofMacbeth. Lady Macbeth attempts to redirect Macbethafter he sees Banquo's ghost.Lady Macbeth. [Privately, to MACBETH.] Are you aman?Macbeth. Ay, and a bold one, that dare look on thatWhich might appal the devil.10Lady Macbeth. O proper stuff!This is the very painting of your fear;This is the air-drawn dagger which, you said,Led you to Duncan.What does Lady Macbeth mean by the line "This is thevery painting of your fear"?O Macbeth tends to hallucinate when troubled ratherthan seeing what is real.O Macbeth creates paintings as a means of relievinghis anxieties and fears.O Macbeth again sees a ghostly dagger beckoninghim to commit murder.O Macbeth has an overactive imagination thatnegatively affects his work. Which of the following provides an accurate calculation of the surface area to volume ratio of an HSHS red blood cell, as well as a prediction of its effect on the efficient transferring of oxygen compared to a normal red blood cell Josiah bought a new car for $25,000. He did some research and found that the value of his car would depreciate at an average rate of $3,750 per year. The table shows data about the value of his car over the next 4 years. Number of Years Owned 1 2 3 4 Car Value $ 25000 21250 13750 10000 Express the relation as a set of ordered pairs. Identify the domain and range of this relation. Is this relation a function? Toss a coin 10 times and record how many times you tossed heads. a) What is your experimental probability of tossing heads? b) What is the theoretical probability of tossing heads? c) Compare the two probabilities and determine if you are considered to be"lucky" at tossing heads. d) If you were to toss the coin 100 times, what would you expect theexperimental probability of heads to be? Defend your answer. Tommy earned $225 washing cars with his mobile car washing business. He charges $30 per appointment and earned $45 in tips, but he also has to pay $10 per appointment for water. Write an equation to represent this situation.A.(30 + 10)y + 45 = 225B.30y + 45 = 225 - 10yC.30y + 45y - 10y = 225D.(30 - 10)y + 45 = 225 HELP WILL MARK BRAINLIEST!!Writing an Informative Essay about a UtopiaPre-Writing ActivePre-Writing Rough Draft Final DraftPromptRubric | ChecklistWrite an informative essay in which you explain your vision of a utopia. Describe three aspects of your utopia using supporting details How is Tom and Daisy's house described? Write 2,023 in word form a doughnut factory can make 1980 doughnuts in 1.5 hr how long would it take to make 6600 doughnuts Regulating blood flow through the cardiovascular system, propelling food through the gut, and squeezing secretions from glands describes which type of muscle fibers 3. You should always make sure you have a...Credit cardDirect depositCredit lineBudget Harvey, a resident of Indiana, has an accident with Janette, a resident of Kentucky, while driving through that state. Janette files a suit against Harvey in Kentucky. Regarding Harvey, Kentucky hasa. diversity jurisdiction.b. in personam jurisdiction.c. in rem jurisdiction.d. no jurisdiction. Claims for which formal instruments of credit are issued as proof of the debt are _____.(a) accounts receivable(b) interest receivable(c) notes receivable(d) other receivables. 3. Compte les mots de chaque phrase.Tu as lu le journal d'aujourd'hui ?- Tu joues au football?- Elles ont une voiture neuve. -Les oranges cotent moins cher que les ananas. Viens.- Ecoute-le.- What are four names for 3.09