answer the following question: who created the Reynolds pamphlet​


Answer 1


I believe Alexander Hamilton created it in order to "clear up his name" by writing down the what he'd done.

Answer 2

The ten-dollar founding father without a father

Got a lot farther by working a lot harder

By being a lot smarter

By being a self-starter

By fourteen, they placed him in charge of a trading charter

And every day while slaves were being slaughtered and carted away

Across the waves, he struggled and kept his guard up

Inside, he was longing for something to be a part of

The brother was ready to beg, steal, borrow, or barter

Then a hurricane came, and devastation reigned

Our man saw his future drip, dripping down the drain

Put a pencil to his temple, connected it to his brain

And he wrote his first refrain, a testament to his pain

Well, the word got around, they said, this kid is insane, man

Took up a collection just to send him to the mainland

Get your education, don't forget from whence you came

And the world is gonna know your name

What's your name, man?

Alexander Hamilton

I'm sorry, I had to! Good luck!

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Is it hard hard hard hard. Hard hard





which country industrialized more successfully, Japan or Russia?





because Japans facilitated nationalist consolidation and made industrialization more efficient while Russia's heterogeneity created class struggles and hindered the development of nationalists industrialization.

During which phase of Reconstruction did the Southern States come under Martial law?




The 1867 act divided the ten southern states that had yet to ratify the Fourteenth Amendment into five military districts (Tennessee had already been readmitted to the Union by this time and so was excluded from these acts). Martial law was imposed, and a Union general commanded each district.


What five characters should be included in a game about the Lewis and Clark expedition and why? You should name and describe each
character and his or her role. You must include at least one Native American and one woman in your list.




Lewis and Clark's expedition added significant knowledge of the zoological and botanical of the continent, providing the first descriptions of many new species of animals, including the grizzly bear, prairie dog, pronghorn antelope, and mountain goat.

Meriwether Lewis, Clark, York, Toussiant Charbonneau, Sakakawea and her son slept together in a tepee the expedition carried. And after the expedition dropped Charbonneau, Sakakawea and her son off at the Knife River Indian villages on the way back to St. ... Louis and bring Sakakawea and the child with him.

Nevertheless, the expedition contributed significant geographic and scientific knowledge of the West, aided the expansion of the fur trade, and strengthened U.S. claims to the Pacific. Clark's maps portraying the geography of the West, printed in 1810 and 1814, were the best available until the 1840s.

Lewis and Clark's team mapped uncharted land, rivers, and mountains. They brought back journals filled with details about Native American tribes and scientific notes about plants and animals they'd never seen before. They also brought back stories—tales that made other Americans dream about heading west.

Their mission was to explore the unknown territory, establish trade with the Natives and affirm the sovereignty of the United States in the region.



Lewis and Clark's expedition added significant knowledge of the zoological and botanical of the continent, providing the first descriptions of many new species of animals, including the grizzly bear, prairie dog, pronghorn antelope, and mountain goat.

Meriwether Lewis, Clark, York, Toussiant Charbonneau, Sakakawea and her son slept together in a tepee the expedition carried. And after the expedition dropped Charbonneau, Sakakawea and her son off at the Knife River Indian villages on the way back to St. ... Louis and bring Sakakawea and the child with him.

Nevertheless, the expedition contributed significant geographic and scientific knowledge of the West, aided the expansion of the fur trade, and strengthened U.S. claims to the Pacific. Clark's maps portraying the geography of the West, printed in 1810 and 1814, were the best available until the 1840s.

Lewis and Clark's team mapped uncharted land, rivers, and mountains. They brought back journals filled with details about Native American tribes and scientific notes about plants and animals they'd never seen before. They also brought back stories—tales that made other Americans dream about heading west.

Their mission was to explore the unknown territory, establish trade with the Natives and affirm the sovereignty of the United States in the region.

Identify the 3 Islamic Empires by placing the letter that corresponds on the map to the empire below

Safavid Ottoman Mughal


the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires.

Should student loan debt be terminated? ​



omg yes



no, i do not see the point

4. What are some things that can happen if the president uses a 'pocket veto



absolutely anything


everyone has their freedom to do what they want


Manifest Destiny: What Actually Motivated American Territorial Expansion?

rewrite the “Textbook Account” of Manifest Destiny. What really were the reasons and motivations behind American territorial expansion? Responses should be at least 7 sentences in length.



hiii.. can i know u


Nationalism and U.S. Expansion

American merchants trading overseas wanted the protection of the U.S. government. b. American merchants were involved in world trade.

How is a special interest group like AARP different from an organized labor interest group?


A special issue interest group like the AARP different from an organized labor interest group by: Special issues groups talk about issues of public concern, [ like the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) helps the concerns of older people. ]

Slavery in the American colonies wasDuring his third voyage, Columbus discovered the mainland of





On 1 August, they arrived near the mouth of South America's Orinoco river. Columbus recognized that it must be the continent's mainland. On 5 August, they landed on the mainland of South America at the Paria Peninsula.

Case: Brown v. Board of Education, Topeka -How might life be different for society today if the court had ruled the opposite way?


Uh to put it simply, schools would likely still be segregated. SCOTUS (Supreme Court) ruled in Brown v. Board of Education that U.S. state laws establishing racial segregation in public schools are unconstitutional, even if the segregated schools are otherwise equal in quality. So, if not for Brown, schools would likely still be segregated. You can rewrite this and put it into your own words if need be.

In your own words, explain how the Woodland period was different from the Paleo period!



By the beginning of the Woodland period, climatic conditions had reached an approximation of the modern climate. The Woodland period is marked by the manufacture of ceramic vessels, construction of mounds, an unequal distribution of exotic raw materials and finished goods, and horticultural activity. In the Arkansas River Valley region, however, very little is known of Woodland period patterns of prehistoric life. However, during this period regioinally distinct patterns of cultural activity began to develope, patterns that reached their florescence in the following period. Fourche Maline and Evans phase sites have been identified, as well as sites of the Gober complex and the Plum Bayou culture. In the northern Ouachita Mountains, the Fourche Maline phase continued the adaptational pattern of the previous period with the addition of ceramics and changes in artifact type frequencies.


hopedailey Go to one of my questions so we can cha-t! Please?

It's jax also we talked last year

The Jewish people who didn't convert to Catholicism were often forced to live in a undesirable part of the city referred to
as what?
A). District



The answer is C

Hope that helps?

Can anyone tell me what is these 2 documents about. Need asap



It's about how Spanish colonialism treat the indigenous people.

Which of all the U.S. presidents was the most successful in his term(s)?



Franklin Delano Roosevelt.


George Washington (1789-1797)


The nation's first president ranked above all others for moral authority, economic management, and overall performance within the context of his times.

Washington fought hard for the Constitution, feeling that the Articles of Confederation were not functioning well for the country. He was disappointed to see the country becoming more politically divided toward the end of his first term, and set a precedent by choosing to retire after his second.

What is the bill of rights?



a set of 13 amendments that gave people basic rights, (freedom of speech, ect. ect.)


A bill of rights, sometimes called a declaration of rights or a charter of rights, is a list of the most important rights to the citizens of a country. The purpose is to protect those rights against infringement from public officials and private citizens.[1]

In paragraph form, describes the main idea of the 5 characteristics of civilization.



A civilization is often defined as a complex culture with five characteristics which include: advanced cities, specialized workers, complex institutions, record keeping, and advanced technology. Advanced Cities Cities were the birthplaces of the first civilizations. A city is more  than a large group of people living together. The size of the population alone does not  distinguish a village from a city. One of the key differences is that a city is a center of  trade for a larger area. Like their modern-day counterparts, ancient city dwellers  depended on trade. Farmers, merchants, and traders brought goods to market in the  cities. The city dwellers themselves produced a variety of goods for exchange.  Specialized Workers As cities grew, so did the need for more specialized workers, such as traders, government officials, and priests. Food surpluses provided the  opportunity for specialization—the development of skills in a specific kind of  work. An abundant food supply allowed some people to become expert at jobs  besides farming. Some city dwellers became artisans—skilled workers who make  goods by hand. Specialization helped artisans develop their skill at designing jewelry, fashioning metal tools and weapons, or making clothing and pottery. The  wide range of crafts artisans produced helped cities become centers of trade.  Complex Institutions The soaring populations of early  cities made government, or a system of ruling, necessary. In  civilizations, leaders emerged to maintain order among people and to establish laws. Government is an example of an  institution—a long-lasting pattern of organization in a community. Complex institutions, such as government, religion,  and the economy, are another characteristic of civilization.  With the growth of cities, religion became a formal institution. Most cities had great temples where dozens of  priests took charge of religious duties. Sumerians believed  that every city belonged to a god who governed the city’s  activities. The temple was the hub of both government and  religious affairs. It also served as the city’s economic center.  There food and trade items were distributed.  Record Keeping As government, religion, and the economy  became more complex, people recognized the need to keep  records. In early civilizations, government officials had to  document tax collections, the passage of laws, and the storage of grain. Priests needed a way to keep track of the calendar and important rituals. Merchants had to record accounts  of debts and payments.  Most civilizations developed a system of writing, though  some devised other methods of record keeping. Around  3000 B.C., Sumerian scribes—or professional record  keepers—invented a system of writing called cuneiform , meaning “wedge-shaped.” (Earlier  Sumerian writing consisted of pictographs—symbols of the objects or what they represented.) The scribe’s tool, called a  stylus, was a sharpened reed with a wedge-shaped point. It  was pressed into moist clay to create symbols. Scribes baked  their clay tablets in the sun to preserve the writing.  People soon began to use writing for other purposes  besides record keeping. They also wrote about their cities’  dramatic events—wars, natural disasters, the reign of  kings. Thus, the beginning of civilization in Sumer also  signaled the beginning of written history.  Improved Technology New tools and techniques are  always needed to solve problems that emerge when large  groups of people live together. In early civilizations, some  farmers harnessed the powers of animals and nature. For  example, they used ox-drawn plows to turn the soil. They  also created irrigation systems to expand planting areas.  Sumerian artisans relied on new technology to make  their tasks easier. Around 3500 B.C., they first used the potter’s wheel to shape jugs, plates, and bowls. Sumerian metalworkers discovered that melting together certain amounts  of copper and tin made bronze. After 2500 B.C., metalworkers in Sumer’s cities turned out bronze spearheads by  the thousands. The period called the Bronze Age refers to  the time when people began using bronze, rather than copper and stone, to fashion tools and weapons. The Bronze Age started in Sumer  around 3000 B.C., but the date varied in other parts of Asia and in Europe.

Why were the Mayans considered the most advanced civilization in the New World?



They were considered to be an advanced civilization because they built immense and impressive stone pyramids, temples, and sculptures, but one of the qualities that really set them apart as an advanced civilization was their accomplishments and achievements in mathematics and astronomy, which were recorded in hieroglyphs.


In what ways could the Northwest and California relocation camps
have been similar to concentration camps?


they were both used to control the population of a certain demographic in the area and/or racially cleanse these areas

How did Lewis and Clark play role in the political philosophy?



What was the purpose of the Lewis and Clark Expedition? Lewis and Clark Expedition (1804–06) was a U.S. military expedition, led by Captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark, to explore the Louisiana Purchase and the Pacific Northwest.





1. Big Bend

2. Panhandle Plains

3. Piney Woods

4. Coastal Plains

Why did Marshall describe the economy in Europe over the past 10 years as "highly



When Secretary of State Marshall accepted an invitation from Harvard University to receive an honorary degree during the first week in June 1947, the State Department informed the president of the Alumni Association that Marshall would make a speech for the afternoon meeting of the Harvard Alumni Association but that Marshall did not want it to be a major speech of the occasion. There were no discussions with representatives of other governments; there were no notifications of the American press that an important speech was to be delivered, and even Harvard President James B. Conant did not expect a major address from General Marshall.

The speech was drafted by Chip Bohlen, a Russia specialist and interpreter who used memoranda from the Director of the Policy Planning Staff George F. Kennan and from Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs William Clayton. Bohlen especially benefited from Clayton’s graphic oral descriptions of Europe’s situation. In the memorandum he wrote, “Millions of people in the cities are slowly starving,” if the standard of living continued to deteriorate, “there will be revolution.”

On the day of the speech the capacity crowd of 15,000 in Harvard Yard did not expect to see history made but simply to see one of the most admired public servants in America. However when Secretary Marshall began to read his speech there was a recognition that the carefully worded remarks on the political and economic crisis in Europe marked an important event. In that speech, Marshall outlined the need for an economic aid plan to help the devastated nations of Europe and their citizens to recover from the ravages of World War II. When Marshall said, “It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world, without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace,” the Secretary of State committed the United States to consider a European recovery plan that would be developed by the Europeans and presented to the United States. Thus was launched The Marshall Plan for which George C. Marshall would be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.


It had had too many changes.


1. What are three examples of grassroots efforts toward progress for African Americans that took place in the 1950s?​


Answer:--->  the Southern Christian Leadership Coalition, the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, the Congress of Racial Equality, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People


Which type of energy is produced on farms and rooftops and has managed to reduce New Mexico's carbon emissions by over 30 percent? A. Solar B. Oil C. Natural gas D. Wind. HELP Plz ​


The answer is A. Solar

What would it mean to have an “absolute” right to freedom of speech, and do you have it?



to freedom of opinion and expression


Directions: Article II, Sections 2 and 3 of the Constitution state the President’s powers and duties. Place a check mark next to the powers and duties given to the President by the Constitution. (10 pts.)

1. _____ The President must give a “State of the Union” report to Congress.
2. _____ The President appoints the Vice President.
3. _____ The President is commander-in-chief of the armed forces.
4. _____ The President appoints ambassadors with the approval of the Senate.
5. _____ The President may pardon impeached government officials.
6. _____ The President carries out the laws of the country.
7. _____ The President has Congress greet visiting ambassadors.
8. _____ The President may make treaties with the approval of the Senate.
9. _____ The President commissions officers in the armed forces.
10. _____ The President can break diplomatic relations with foreign countries.


the president appoints ambassadors eith the aproval of the senate

the president is commander in chief of tha armed forces and appoints the vice president

An accurate map with a very small area is called


hope it helps

plz mark as the brainlest


and do follow me

Jefferson Davis
a. leader of an 1831 slave revolt in Virginia
b. author of UNCLE TOM'S CABIN
c. operator of a station on the Underground Railroad
d. first Republican President of the United States
e. president of the Confederate States
f. abolitionist who attacked a federal arsenal
g. slave who tried to gain freedom legally
h. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Abraham Lincoln
a. leader of an 1831 slave revolt in Virginia
b. author of UNCLE TOM'S CABIN
c. operator of a station on the Underground Railroad
d. first Republican President of the United States
e. president of the Confederate States
f. abolitionist who attacked a federal arsenal
g. slave who tried to gain freedom legally
h. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Dred Scott
a. leader of an 1831 slave revolt in Virginia
b. author of UNCLE TOM'S CABIN
c. operator of a station on the Underground Railroad
d. first Republican President of the United States
e. president of the Confederate States
f. abolitionist who attacked a federal arsenal
g. slave who tried to gain freedom legally
h. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Nat Turner
a. leader of an 1831 slave revolt in Virginia
b. author of UNCLE TOM'S CABIN
c. operator of a station on the Underground Railroad
d. first Republican President of the United States
e. president of the Confederate States
f. abolitionist who attacked a federal arsenal
g. slave who tried to gain freedom legally
h. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court



e. president of the Confederate State


Jefferson Davis- e President of the Confederate States

Abraham Lincoln- D first Republican President of the U.S.

Dred Scott- G. Slave who tried to gain freedom legally

Nat Turner- A leader of an 1831 slave revolt in VA

how can the bureaucracy can be affected by linkage institutions by?



The interaction between Congress and the bureaucracy can be affected by linkage institutions because linkage institutions can affect public opinion.

Elaborate more… pls?

Which of the following is NOT
true about the railroads in the
A. Personal travel was expensive on the railroad.
B. Railroad travel and shipping was controlled b
one single company in the country.
C. Shipping was very expensive and business
owners started to get upset with the cost.
D. Since railroads were all over the country, it
was the best way to travel domestically.



B. Railroad travel and shipping was controlled by one single company in the country.

The correct option for the following is NOT true about the railroads in the 1800s is B. Railroad travel and shipping were controlled by one single company in the country.

Who controlled much of the railroad industry?

Eight months after America enters world war I on behalf of the Allies, President Woodrow Wilson broadcasts the nationalization of a large majority of the United States of America's railroads under the Federal possession and control Act.

Conclusion: Railroad Tycoons Of The 19th Century. Railroad tycoons were the early business pioneers amassing or overseeing the construction of many huge railroads through the early twentieth century. these men, names like James Hill, Jay and George Gould, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Edward Harriman, and Collis P.

Learn more about Railroad here


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