Questions to make you think part 3: if you were offered 10 more years added to your life span but you had to be separated from your family would you make the trade
Yes, I would.
Firstly because it never said anything about not communicating with them. Just because I don't see them doesn't mean I can't maintain a relationship with them. Also because I'd get to explore for ten years, I'd get to learn more and just live, breathe, and watch movies I might not have been able to see. I could read more books and fall in love or spend time with my S/O, I could go to Greece and try new foods, explore, and just be excited. Those added ten years would mean a promise to me, if they were my last ten years, or just added randomly, if the point of life is to live, then that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to live for all of the people who couldn't.