AS a responsible South Africa citizen that Media, provide uses the theme/focus of 21st March 2023 celebration.


Answer 1

The theme of the 21st March 2023 celebration is "With Us, Not For Us". This theme is intended to promote the inclusion and empowerment of people with Down syndrome.

How to explain the theme

The goal is to raise awareness of the challenges that people with Down syndrome face, and to celebrate their contributions to society.

There are many ways to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day. Some people choose to wear blue, the color that represents Down syndrome, or to donate to organizations that support people with Down syndrome. Others choose to educate themselves about Down syndrome, or to volunteer their time to help people with Down syndrome.

Learn more about theme on


Related Questions

Advice to your peers on where they can get information that deals with victims of human rights violations?​



There are several reliable sources you can turn to for information about victims of human rights violations: Get instant homework help from fmnn86[at]gm ail. c om. Score maximum points always.

International human rights organizations: Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the International Committee of the Red Cross focus document human rights violations and advocate for victims. These organizations publish reports and provide information on their websites about human rights abuses worldwide.

National human rights organizations: Many countries have their own human rights organizations focusing on documenting and advocating for human rights at the national level. These organizations may be familiar with the specific context of human rights violations in your country or region.

United Nations: The United Nations is an international organization that promotes human rights and advocates for victims of human rights violations. The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) publishes reports on human rights violations worldwide and provides information on their website.

Government agencies: Depending on your country, government agencies may also provide information on human rights violations. This can include reports from law enforcement agencies, human rights commissions, or other government bodies.

Academic research: Academic journals and books can provide in-depth analysis and research on human rights violations, including the experiences of victims.


she has written a test today.
Change into passive voice


Answer:  A test has been written by her today


Careers that are essential to the successful finish of buildings fit within the Engineering, Manufacturing, and Technology career field. A. True B.False


while the Engineering, Manufacturing, and Technology career field plays a significant role, it is inaccurate to claim that all essential careers for building completion fall within this category.The correct answer is option B.False.

While the Engineering, Manufacturing, and Technology career field plays a crucial role in the construction industry, it is not the sole domain responsible for the successful completion of buildings.

Building construction involves a diverse range of professions, and several other career fields are equally essential for a successful finish.

Architecture is a key field that contributes to the design and aesthetic aspects of a building. Architects create the plans and blueprints that guide the construction process, ensuring that the building meets functional, safety, and aesthetic requirements.

Construction management professionals oversee the entire construction process, including budgeting, scheduling, and coordination of various teams.

Their expertise ensures that the project is completed on time, within budget, and according to specifications.

Skilled tradespeople, such as carpenters, electricians, plumbers, and HVAC technicians, are vital for the installation of crucial building systems and components.

Their expertise ensures that the building is safe, functional, and compliant with regulations.

Additionally, professionals in fields like project management, real estate, finance, and legal services are also crucial to the successful completion of buildings.

For more such questions on Technology career,click on


guys help me

11 The water target was hit, spectacularly, five years early in 2010, and 89% of the world population now enjoys access to clean water, compared with 76% in 1990. It is possible that in little more than a decade, 100% of the world's population will have access to clean water, a prospect which can reduce stomach bugs, skin diseases, childhood diarrhea, "stunt" through malnutrition, and boost the economies of some countries by between 1 and 7%, according to the World Bank. The UN's work on sanitation, however, is way off target. Globally, 64% of people have a tole compared with 49% in 1990. But the fig in Africa is just 30%. Clearly, there is still some work to be done.

Cite three expressions to describe the writer's attitude in Paragraph 11. Justify.​


The writer's attitude in Paragraph 11 can be described as hopeful, yet realistic and cautious. The writer acknowledges the success in achieving the water target five years early and the potential for 100% access to clean water in little more than a decade. This shows the writer's hopeful attitude towards the progress made in providing clean water to the world population.

However, the writer also acknowledges that the UN's work on sanitation is way off target, particularly in Africa where only 30% of the population has access to clean toilets. This realistic and cautious attitude shows that the writer understands the challenges that still exist in achieving global sanitation goals.

The writer's hopeful attitude can be seen through the use of phrases such as "spectacularly," "enjoys access to clean water," and "boost the economies of some countries." These phrases highlight the progress made in providing clean water and the potential benefits of achieving 100% access.

The writer's realistic and cautious attitude can be seen through the use of phrases such as "some work to be done" and "way off target." These phrases acknowledge that there is still a significant gap in achieving global sanitation goals, particularly in Africa. The writer's cautious attitude recognizes the challenges that still exist in achieving these goals, and the need for continued efforts to improve sanitation access.

Overall, the writer's attitude in Paragraph 11 is a balanced mix of hope, realism, and caution. While celebrating the success in achieving the water target, the writer recognizes that there is still much work to be done in achieving global sanitation goals.

For more such questions on hopeful attitude


Which of the following statements by True Son sums up the main theme of the novel?

"I did not know we fought children."

"Mothers! See, I am a white boy!"

"Then who is my father?"


The statement "Mothers! See, I am a white boy!" by True Son in the novel sums up the main theme of the story. This statement encapsulates the core theme of identity and belonging in the novel.

The correct answer would be "Mothers! See, I am a white boy!" .

Throughout the narrative, True Son, a young Native American boy who was taken by settlers during the French and Indian War and raised as their own, grapples with his dual identity and struggles to reconcile his Native American heritage with his adoptive white family. The statement reflects his longing for acceptance and recognition of his true self.

By exclaiming, "Mothers! See, I am a white boy!", True Son expresses his desire to fit into the societal norms and expectations associated with his adoptive family's race and culture. He yearns for validation and a sense of belonging, questioning his own identity and seeking answers about his place in the world.

This statement highlights the profound themes of cultural assimilation, personal identity, and the complexities of navigating between two distinct worlds. True Son's plea underscores the challenges faced by individuals who grapple with their heritage and the struggle to find acceptance in a society that often imposes rigid definitions of race, ethnicity, and belonging.

In summary, True Son's statement, "Mothers! See, I am a white boy!", encapsulates the main theme of identity and belonging in the novel. It sheds light on the protagonist's quest for acceptance and understanding of his dual identity, emphasizing the complexities of cultural assimilation and the search for a place to call home.

For more such information on: novel


(THE GREAT GATSBY) Sparknotes suggests that Jordan and Nick's relationship "emphasizes the extent to which Nick
becomes acclimated to life in the East, abandoning his Midwestern values and concerns in order to take
advantage of the excitement of his new surroundings." Do you agree that Nick has abandoned his Midwestern values? Which of Nick’s actions are in line with those values and which are not?
Midwestern values? Which of Nick's actions are in line with those values and which are not?


In "The Great Gatsby," Nick's relationship with Jordan does suggest a degree of acclimation to life in the East, but it is not necessarily indicative of a complete abandonment of his Midwestern values.

Throughout the novel, Nick remains critical of the excess and superficiality he observes among the East Coast elite, suggesting a continued commitment to the values of honesty and integrity he associates with his Midwestern upbringing.

However, it is also true that Nick becomes more involved in the social scene of the East and becomes willing to overlook certain moral transgressions in order to maintain his position among the wealthy and powerful.

For example, Nick initially disapproves of Gatsby's illicit business dealings, but he ultimately becomes complicit in them by agreeing to help Gatsby and Daisy cover up their involvement in Myrtle's death.

This decision reflects a willingness to compromise his moral principles in order to protect the interests of his wealthy acquaintances, which may be seen as a departure from the more straightforward honesty and integrity he associates with Midwestern values.

Overall, Nick's relationship with Jordan and his experiences in the East do suggest a degree of acclimation and adaptation, but it is not a complete abandonment of his Midwestern values.

Rather, Nick's actions reflect a complex negotiation between his desire for excitement and glamour and his commitment to honesty and integrity.

For more such questions on Midwestern values,click on


What can the community do to mitigate/relieve alleviate the challenges relating to clean and safe water in their areas? In your answer, also indicate how this could lead to healthy and safe living. (3 x 3) (9)​




*Here's some stuff you might want to know*

*Question*: How can we improve water quality in our community?

*Answer*: Replace old household plumbing and potential lead sources. Replace galvanized plumbing with copper pipes and install "lead-free" plumbing fixtures that contain 0.25 percent lead or less. After installation, flush cold water taps for five minutes once a day for three days.

*Question*: How can we improve our access to clean water?

*Answer*: Implement rainwater harvesting systems to collect and store rainwater for drinking or recharging underground aquifers. Build wells to extract groundwater from underground aquifers. Provide home water-treatment capability through the use of filters, solar disinfection, or flocculants, to make drinking water safe.

*Question*: How can we promote clean water and sanitation?

*Answer*: Don't overuse water.

Make sure to close a tap when washing dishes, take short showers - Bathtubs require gallons more water than a 5-10 minute shower. Consider getting a water meter to be aware of your water usage. Organize a clean up project for rivers and oceans.

Communities may take a number of actions to lessen the problems with access to clean and safe water in their locations.

In order to assure quality, they can first set up appropriate water management systems, which include frequent testing and monitoring of water sources. Second, encouraging water-saving techniques like rainwater collection and effective irrigation techniques can aid in reducing water shortage.

Finally, community education initiatives on sanitation and hygiene standards can increase awareness and encourage healthy living. By taking these steps, the community's general health and well-being will be enhanced, access to clean water will be guaranteed, the danger of waterborne illnesses will be decreased, and more.

For more details regarding safe water, visit:


The student must walk in an _____ fashion​



The students must walk in an orderly fashion. Orderly is the correct option.

one of the themes in the drama , My children my africa! is the generational Conflict. Discuss this Theme​



The theme of childhood and generational conflict is stressed through flashbacks. Thami tells a story to the audience about how he used to love school when in Second Form, and was even asked to read an essay he wrote to the entire school. He takes the audience through his growth from Second through Tenth Form; he progresses from enthusiasm to cynicism about the education system. Mr. M also tells a flashback story about when he was around ten years old, around the same age Thami was in his story, when he argues with Thami in their last scene together. Mr. M tells Thami about the teacher who inspired him to love books, showing how little Mr. M changed, following that inspiration to read and teach until it brings him to his death.


Hope this Helps

Which of the following transitions would be used to show a sequence?

-Without heeding his gut feeling
-At the same time
-Because of this


"At the same time," transitions would be used to show a sequence. Therefore, option B is correct.

A transition refers to a word, phrase, or sentence that connects ideas, sentences, or paragraphs together. Transitions serve as bridges that help to smoothly guide the reader from one topic to another and show sequence. It provides coherence and flow to the overall piece of writing or speech.

Transitions can be achieved through various means, such as using transitional words or phrases, repetition of keywords, sentence structure, or even punctuation. They help to establish relationships between different parts of a text.

Learn more about transitions, here:


Yes Yes program? (please circle your answer and add a comment if you want) Comments: No Comments: 2. Is the Friends of Simon program helping your child to do better at school? (please circle your answer and add a comment if you want) Do not know No Do not know 3. How has Friends of Simon helped your child this year? (please circle all of your answers)​


1. Yes, I think my child likes attending the online Friends of Simon program: Yes

2. Yes, the Friends of Simon program is helping my child to do better at school: Yes

What are the responses to other questions?

Note: It should be noted here that the responses provided above should generate the following responses. It is subjective though, it is important to share the belief that any educational program that gives a positive feedback like Friends of Simon program should give the following feedbacks:

3. Friends of Simon has helped my child this year in the following areas:

a. Worked on reading and/or math skills

b. Helped with homework

c. Helped my child prepare for tests and exams

d. Helped my child understand the school system better

e. Helped my child become more confident at school

4. My ideas for improving the Friends of Simon program is as given thus: The program should keep on going and should not relent in their efforts to better the lives of our children. Ensure to build more on technological delivery as it is the modern day trend.

learn more about educational program:


Which of these quotes are examples of similes used by the author to characterize the spectral soldier?


Quotes 1 and 2 are examples of similes.

How are similes used in the quotes?

In the first, the soldier is compared to a wind-blown wisp of fog, evoking an image of something ephemeral and transient. In the second, his eyes are likened to the moon, suggesting a cold, distant gaze. The other two quotes are metaphors, not similes.

It can be seen that similes are figures of speech that use "like" or "as" to compare two things. In quote 1, the spectral soldier is compared to a "wind-blown wisp of fog," implying a sense of ghostly movement and elusiveness.

Read more about quotes here:


The Complete Question

Which of these quotes from 'The Ghost of the Battlefield' are examples of similes used by the author to characterize the spectral soldier?

"He moved like a wind-blown wisp of fog across the barren field."

"His eyes, cold as the moon, stared into the distance."

"The spectral soldier stood as a monument of the fallen."

"The soldier's silent words echoed in the stillness."

Passage Audio
This excerpt is from the beginning of Act Il of English
playwright Oscar Wilde's best-known drama of the
nineteenth century. Jack Worthing is guardian to Cecily.
who calls him "Uncle Jack" though the two are not related
Cecily's governess, Miss Prism, is attempting to impress
upon Cecily the need to focus on her studies
from The Importance
of Being Earnest
by Oscar Wilde
[Garden at the Manor House. A flight of grey stone steps
leads up to the house. The garden, an old-fashioned one
full of roses. Time of year, July. Basket chairs, and a table
covered with books are set under a large yow-treo]
(MISS PRISM discovered seated at the table. CECILY is at the
back watering flowers]
3 4 5
On pages 2-3 of the Passage, reread the
underlined part of the play. How does this
discussion between Miss Prism and Cecily help
develop the theme of the play?
It shows that older people are sometimes too busy
in their own lives to help young people.
It establishes that studying foreign languages is a
worthwhile pursuit.
It shows that people sometimes assume they know
what is best for others.
It establishes that responsibilities can make a
person unhappy.



It shows that people sometimes assume they know

what is best for others.


Question 3 of 20
Imagine that you plan to write a procedural document. What question should
you ask yourself to ensure that you address your audience correctly?
OA. What level of interest do my readers likely have in my topic?
OB. How long and detailed should my document be?
OC. Do I know anyone who has a lot of experience with this topic?
OD. What research should I do in order to understand my topic better?


When planning to write a procedural document, it's important to ensure that your audience is addressed correctly. To do this, one question you should ask yourself is, Option A. "What level of interest do my readers likely have in my topic?"

This question is important because it helps you understand your audience's level of knowledge, interest, and motivation in relation to the topic at hand. By understanding their level of interest, you can tailor your writing style and tone to better engage them.

For example, if your audience is highly experienced and knowledgeable about the topic, you may want to avoid including basic information and instead focus on more complex details and procedures. Alternatively, if your audience is new to the topic, it may be important to provide more context and explanations.

Overall, understanding your audience's level of interest and knowledge is crucial when writing a procedural document. By doing so, you can ensure that your document is effective and useful for your intended audience. So, always keep your readers in mind when planning and writing your document. Therefore, the correct option is A.

Know more about Procedural document here:


she spoke .... to avoid waking the baby. make use the suffix


Hi there!

I'm going to assume you wanted the suffix, "ly". That being said, this could be quietly, silently, etc.

If this didn't answer your question, please let me know and I'll try my best to help you!

Take care, good luck.

which word has the same meaning as cerebral
1. Competitive


The answer is C - intellectual


intellectual because cerebral means intelligent and brainy and may other so intellectual is also means same

children literature meaning​


Children's literature plays a vital role in nurturing young minds, fostering a lifelong love for reading, and promoting cognitive and emotional growth in children.

Children's literature refers to written works specifically designed and targeted towards young readers, typically ranging from infants to pre-adolescents.

It encompasses a wide range of genres, including picture books, fairy tales, fables, nursery rhymes, chapter books, and middle-grade novels.

The primary goal of children's literature is to entertain, educate, and engage young readers, fostering their imagination, curiosity, and love for reading.

Children's literature often features age-appropriate language, themes, and content that are suitable for the intended audience.

It covers a diverse array of subjects, including friendship, family, adventure, fantasy, and moral lessons.

Additionally, it frequently employs colorful illustrations or captivating imagery to enhance the reading experience and aid comprehension.

High-quality children's literature not only entertains but also offers valuable life lessons, moral values, and social and emotional development.

It can teach children empathy, problem-solving skills, resilience, and a sense of wonder about the world around them.

By providing relatable characters and relatable experiences, children's literature encourages young readers to explore different perspectives, develop their own thoughts and opinions, and ignite their imagination.

In summary, children's literature plays a vital role in nurturing young minds, fostering a lifelong love for reading, and promoting cognitive and emotional growth in children.

For more such questions on cognitive and emotional growth


Page No. Date : As the president of your youth association write a letter to the chairman of your local government area discussing three measures for improving the sanitation of the area​



Dear Chairman [Chairman's Last Name],

I am writing as the president of our youth association to address the urgent issue of sanitation in our local government area. I propose implementing measures such as educational campaigns, improving waste disposal infrastructure, and enforcing stricter penalties for littering. These actions will raise awareness, enhance cleanliness, and promote responsible waste management. I kindly request your support in implementing these initiatives for the betterment of our community.

Thank you for your attention, and I eagerly await your response.


[Your Name]

President, [Your Youth Association]

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, ZIP]


[Chairman's Name]

[Chairman's Position]

[Local Government Area]

[City, State, ZIP]

Subject: Measures for Improving Sanitation in Our Local Government Area

Dear Chairman [Chairman's Last Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. As the president of our youth association, I am writing to bring your attention to the pressing issue of sanitation in our local government area. I believe that by implementing specific measures, we can significantly improve the cleanliness and hygiene of our community.

Firstly, I propose increasing public awareness through educational campaigns and workshops. By organizing community outreach programs, seminars, and school initiatives, we can educate residents, especially the youth, about the importance of maintaining a clean environment. This will instill a sense of responsibility and encourage behavioral changes towards better waste management practices.

Secondly, we should enhance waste disposal infrastructure. This includes placing more strategically located and easily accessible trash bins throughout the area. Regular waste collection and recycling services should be implemented to ensure proper disposal and minimize littering. Additionally, the establishment of recycling centers will promote sustainable practices and reduce the environmental impact of waste.

Lastly, enforcing stricter penalties for littering and improper waste disposal is crucial. By implementing and strictly enforcing fines and penalties, we can deter individuals from engaging in unsanitary practices. This measure should be accompanied by a public awareness campaign to inform residents about the consequences of non-compliance.

In conclusion, improving sanitation in our local government area requires a multi-faceted approach. By raising awareness, enhancing infrastructure, and enforcing stricter penalties, we can make significant strides towards a cleaner and healthier community. I kindly request your support and collaboration in implementing these measures for the betterment of our local government area.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

President, [Your Youth Association]

For more such information: Letter


A meme is not just a meme answers commonlit


"A meme is not just a meme" suggests that memes, which are often seen as simple and humorous internet content, possess a deeper significance and impact beyond their surface level. Memes are more than just amusing images or videos shared online; they have become a powerful means of communication and cultural expression.

Firstly, memes have the ability to convey complex ideas and emotions in a concise and relatable way. They often capture and reflect current events, social trends, and shared experiences, allowing people to connect and engage with each other on a deeper level. Memes can be used as a form of commentary, satire, or social critique, highlighting societal issues and sparking discussions.

Furthermore, memes have a tremendous influence on shaping popular culture. They have the potential to go viral and spread rapidly, reaching a large audience across various platforms. Memes can impact public opinions, influence behavior, and even shape political discourse. They have become a tool for cultural expression and social activism, allowing marginalized voices to be heard and challenging dominant narratives.

In addition, memes serve as a form of creative expression and humor, providing an outlet for people to share lighthearted moments and connect through shared laughter. They can bring joy, amusement, and entertainment to individuals, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie in the digital space.

Therefore, it is clear that a meme is not just a meme. It is a multifaceted phenomenon that encompasses cultural, social, and creative dimensions, playing a significant role in our online and offline lives. Memes have become a powerful form of communication, reflecting and shaping our contemporary culture in ways that extend far beyond their initial appearance as simple internet content.

For more such information: meme


What type of boundary can help protect your feelings, emotions, self esteem, personal beliefs?


The limits that you set for other people because if you know very well who you are you can set limits for other people as emotional limits if you know yourself you will know very well what affects you and what does not and in this way you will be able to put a stop to what you do not like or when you feel uncomfortable.

Why would Negi choose this title for the story of her life?


To provide a comprehensive answer, it is important to know the specific context and details related to the title chosen by Negi for the story of her life.

Since the prompt does not provide any specific information about the title or the story itself, I can only provide a general analysis of why someone might choose a particular title for their life story.

Choosing a title for one's life story is a deeply personal decision, often driven by the desire to convey a specific message or capture the essence of one's experiences. The title serves as a glimpse into the overarching theme or central idea that the individual wants to convey to readers or viewers.

There could be various reasons why Negi chose a particular title for her life story. It could be reflective of a significant event, a turning point, or a defining characteristic of her life. The title might encapsulate her journey, struggles, achievements, or personal growth. It could also reflect her values, beliefs, or the impact she aspires to make on others.

The chosen title may have symbolic or metaphorical significance, offering insight into Negi's unique perspective, experiences, or identity. It could be catchy, thought-provoking, or evocative, aiming to captivate the audience's attention and curiosity.

For more such questions on comprehensive visit:


As far as the eye could see there were long lines of people from all over the neighbourhood heading down the hill towards the town centre. Follow one stream of the crowd, and describe what you saw and beard as they walked and describe, in particular, what you saw and heard as the stream reached the destination.


I followed one stream of the crowd, curious about their destination. They were mostly young people, dressed in colorful clothes and carrying signs and banners. Some of them were singing songs, others were chanting slogans, and a few were playing drums and guitars. They seemed cheerful and excited, as if they were going to a festival.

As they walked down the hill, I saw more and more people joining them from different streets and alleys. They greeted each other with hugs and smiles, and waved their signs in the air. Some of the signs said things like “Save the planet”, “Climate justice now”, “There is no planet B”, and “We are the change”. I realized they were part of a global movement of youth activists who were demanding action on the climate crisis.

As the stream reached the town centre, I saw a huge crowd of people gathered in front of the city hall. There was a stage set up, where speakers and performers were taking turns to address the audience. I heard applause, cheers, and chants of “We want change”. I also heard some boos and jeers, as I noticed a group of counter-protesters holding signs that said things like “Stop the green scam”, “Climate change is a hoax”, and “Don’t mess with our economy”. They were surrounded by police officers, who were trying to keep them away from the main crowd.

I felt a mix of emotions as I watched the scene. I admired the courage and passion of the young activists, who were standing up for their future and the future of the planet. I also felt sad and angry that some people still denied or ignored the reality of the climate crisis, and opposed any efforts to solve it. I wondered what would happen next, and what role I could play in this historic moment.

how to write two dairy entries about swimming partners story​


The diary entries about swimming partners story is given below.

How to write the information

Dear Diary,

Today was an exciting day at the swimming pool! I met a new swimming partner named Sarah, and we instantly clicked. We were both beginners and had joined the swimming lessons together. From the moment we entered the pool, our friendship began to blossom.

Sarah has the most infectious laughter, and her positive energy is contagious. We started by practicing our basic strokes, and with each passing day, we encouraged and supported each other to push our limits. There were times when we felt discouraged, but we never let that deter us. Together, we cheered each other on, celebrating even the smallest victories.

Learn more about diary on


can someone help reword my introduction for my essay. my thesis isn't the best and I'm just stuck
A homebody hobbit is swept up in an adventure with a group of dwarves and a wizard. Together they journey to the Lonely Mountains to defeat a dragon to reclaim their stolen treasure. English author J.R.R Tolkien's The Hobbit shows how society is affected by personal greed and societal greed and how greed and bravery are portrayed in the novel, how the setting impacts the characters, and how the most significant moment in the story impacted Bilbo.
(my thesis starts at English author J.R.r tolkien btw)


You ever had an thought about an adventure with a group of dwarves and a wizard? Well, a homebody hobbit is swept into an amazing adventure with a victorious group of dwarves and a lone wizard. The groups then voyage to the Lonely Mountain to defeat a vicious dragon to reclaim the treasure that was stolen from them. J.R.R Tolkien, an English author of “The Hobbit”, shows how society is affected by personal and societal greed. The novel shows how much envy, greed, and bravery are shown. The setting and storyline of the plot impact the characters greatly. It shows what the character went through and how they developed. The most significant moment in the plot impacted Bilbo heavily, which made a huge statement on the novel.

environmental laws of various countries or continents are subject to the provision of the sustainable development at least two environmentally aligned​


Two environmental law aligned goals under the sustainable development framework are: Climate action and Life below water

Goal 13: Climate Action - This goal focuses on taking urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. It aims to strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards, integrate climate change measures into policies and planning, and promote education and awareness on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction, and early warning systems. Various countries and continents have implemented environmental laws and regulations to address climate change, such as the implementation of emissions reduction targets, renewable energy policies, and initiatives to promote sustainable transportation and energy-efficient practices.

Goal 14: Life Below Water - This goal aims to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development. It focuses on reducing marine pollution, protecting and restoring marine ecosystems, promoting sustainable fisheries management, and enhancing marine scientific research and technologies. Many countries and continents have established marine protected areas, implemented laws to regulate fishing practices and prevent overfishing, and developed policies to reduce marine pollution from land-based sources, including plastics and other harmful substances.

These goals provide a framework for countries and continents to align their environmental laws and regulations with the broader sustainable development agenda. They emphasize the importance of integrating environmental considerations into policy-making processes and promoting sustainable practices to ensure the long-term health and well-being of the planet and its ecosystems. By aligning their environmental laws with these goals, countries and continents can contribute to the global efforts to address pressing environmental challenges and achieve a more sustainable future.

Know more about environmental law here:


What is one possible disadvantage of hearing the characters’ voices as opposed to silently reading the scene? 3. It does not allow listeners to review or reread what each character has said.


The decision of whether to read silently or listen to a story being read aloud depends on personal preference and the individual's ability to comprehend and retain information through each medium.

One possible disadvantage of hearing the characters' voices as opposed to silently reading the scene is that it does not allow listeners to review or reread what each character has said.

When we read silently, we have the opportunity to go back and re-read a sentence or paragraph to clarify our understanding or refresh our memory.

However, when we listen to a story being read aloud, we only have one chance to hear what each character says, and we cannot go back and review what was said.

This can be a significant disadvantage, especially if the listener missed something important or did not fully understand a character's words or actions.

Additionally, some listeners may have difficulty following a complex plot or understanding the nuances of the characters' dialogue when it is read aloud, which can also contribute to a disadvantage.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to read silently or listen to a story being read aloud depends on personal preference and the individual's ability to comprehend and retain information through each medium.

For more such questions on comprehend and retain


Task 1. Below are jumbled words taken from the poem, Farewell Liberty. Arrange
the letters to form a word. Use each word in a sentence.


1. hewrod - wordhe
- I struggled to find the right word for my essay, but eventually settled on "perspicacious."

2. fable - balef
- Aesop's fables are famous for their moral lessons.

3. regle - leger
- The dancer moved with a light and graceful legerity.

4. teap - pate
- My mom made a delicious chicken pate for our party.

5. trove - voter
- As a citizen, it's important to exercise your right to vote.

6. glosa - goals
- Setting clear goals can help you stay motivated and focused.

7. nubread - burden
- The weight of her guilt was a heavy burden to bear.

In "Farewell Liberty," these words likely appear as part of a puzzle or game. By arranging them into coherent words and using them in sentences, you can better understand their meaning and context. It's also a fun way to exercise your vocabulary and language skills!

For more such questions on perspicacious, click on:


Hi Kathy, I was very disappointed with the course that you made me pay for. It wasn't worth my time and money. I'd like my money back Sincerely, Kasey * what sort of response will you give and what questions will you ask


We can see here that the sort of response I will give will be:

Hi Kasey,

I'm sorry to hear that you were disappointed with the course. I'd like to understand more about your experience so that I can improve the course for future students.

What is response?

A response is an activity taken in response to anything said or done. It might be said, unspoken, or both. Reactions might be planned or unplanned. They could be neutral, negative, or favorable.

The questions I will ask will be:

Could you please tell me what specifically you were disappointed with? Was the material too difficult? Was the instruction unclear? Were you expecting a different outcome?

Learn more about response on


write two dairy entries in which you pretend to be the lad 14 year old boy express your feelings thought before you met the principal ​


The two Diary entries are The Dreaded Meeting and Nervous Jitters.

Dear Diary,

Entry 1: The Dreaded Meeting

Today was one of those days that I wish I could just erase from existence. I found out that I have a meeting with the principal tomorrow, and it's been gnawing at me all day.

The anticipation is killing me! My mind is racing with all sorts of thoughts and worries. What did I do wrong? Did I forget something important? I can't help but feel anxious, like I'm about to step into the lion's den.

The principal is a strict and intimidating figure, and I can't shake off the feeling that I'm in trouble. My stomach is tied up in knots, and I can hardly focus on anything else. I keep replaying different scenarios in my head, trying to figure out what this meeting could possibly be about. All I can do now is wait and hope for the best. I just hope everything turns out okay.

Entry 2: Nervous Jitters

Today was the day I finally met the principal, and I must admit, I was a bundle of nerves. As soon as I walked into the office, my heart started racing, and my palms became sweaty.

I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the seriousness of the situation. The principal looked stern and imposing, which only made me more jittery.

I stumbled over my words and could feel the heat rising in my cheeks. It turned out, though, that the meeting was about something entirely different than what I expected.

The principal just wanted to discuss a project I had been working on. I couldn't believe it! All that worry and anxiety for nothing. I felt such relief flood over me, and a wave of embarrassment washed away my nervousness. Lesson learned: don't jump to conclusions. Despite the initial scare, I'm glad it all turned out fine in the end.

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What evidence does Truth cite in "Ain't I a Woman?" to ar-
gue against the idea that women need to be treated differ-
ently from men? Choose two options.
A She can work as hard as a man.
She can read and write as well as a man.
She is as intelligent as a man.
She can bear punishment as well as a man.


In "Ain't I a Woman?" Sojourner Truth cites several pieces of evidence to argue against the idea that women need to be treated differently from men. Two of the options she presents are:

B. She can work as hard as a man: Truth points out that she has done the same amount of physical labor as men, such as plowing and planting, and has even given birth to 13 children. She argues that women are just as capable as men when it comes to working hard and being productive members of society.

C. She can read and write as well as a man: Truth highlights her own education and literacy, stating that she has learned to read and write despite being born into slavery. She suggests that women are not inherently less intelligent or capable than men, and that denying them education and opportunities for self-improvement is unjust.

By citing these examples, Truth challenges the traditional gender roles and stereotypes that suggest women are weaker, less intelligent, and less capable than men. She emphasizes the importance of treating women as equals and granting them the same opportunities and rights as men.

Truth's argument still resonates today, as gender inequality and discrimination continue to be pressing issues in many parts of the world.

For more such questions on Sojourner Truth


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