As a student, what roles can you play to control climate change and its effects?


Answer 1

Answer:As a student, you can play a crucial role in controlling climate change and its effects by raising awareness and educating others about the importance of sustainable practices. You can actively participate in environmental initiatives and advocate for policies that support renewable energy, conservation, and emission reduction. Additionally, adopting sustainable habits in your own life, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and promoting eco-friendly transportation, can contribute to mitigating climate change.


Related Questions

Write one paragraph to compare and contrast how the two texts by Sonia Nazario present similar ideas but in different genres. Include techniques used by Nazario in each text that support her purpose.


In Sonia Nazario's two texts, she presents similar ideas through different genres, showcasing her versatility as a writer.

In Sonia Nazario's two texts, she presents similar ideas through different genres, showcasing her versatility as a writer.

In her journalistic piece, Nazario uses investigative reporting and firsthand accounts to shed light on the challenges faced by immigrants, effectively engaging the reader with real-world issues.

This approach allows her to present the subject matter in a factual and informative manner, while still evoking empathy from the reader.

In contrast, her fictional narrative employs literary devices such as imagery, symbolism, and characterization to convey the same themes and messages.

Through the development of relatable characters and a gripping plot, Nazario allows the reader to connect emotionally with the story, furthering their understanding of the immigrant experience.
While both texts share a common goal of raising awareness about immigration issues, the techniques employed by Nazario vary between the two genres.

The journalistic piece relies on the credibility of sources and evidence-based information, while the fictional narrative utilizes creative storytelling to evoke an emotional response.

Despite these differences, both texts effectively support Nazario's purpose by demonstrating the hardships faced by immigrants and encouraging readers to empathize with their struggles.

Ultimately, the use of different genres allows Nazario to appeal to a wider audience and amplify the impact of her message.

For more such questions on versatility



Both the editorial and the biography support the author’s purpose of drawing attention to the plight of refugees. The two pieces work to create emotions in the reader and empathy for Enrique and other young migrants from Central America. However, the author uses different approaches in each text. The editorial includes words with strong connotations to persuade readers. In this text, the author works to convince readers the United States should change its refugee policy. On the other hand, the biography relies on narrative techniques and figurative language. The author uses setting, characterization, and personification to educate readers on the topic.


In her later poems, Phyllis Wheatley's blending of solar imagery, Judeo-Christian thought and figures, and the images she borrowed from ancient classicism suggesting her range and depth of influences, not the least of which is her African heritage.
(A) the images she borrowed from ancient classicism suggesting
(B) borrowing images from ancient classicism, suggests
(C) she borrowed images from ancient classicism, which suggests
(D) images borrowed from ancient classicism suggests
(E) images that she borrowed from ancient classicism, suggesting


In her later poems, Phyllis Wheatley skillfully blended solar imagery, Judeo-Christian thought and figures, and imagery borrowed from ancient classicism. Option C.

This rich blend of influences showcases Wheatley's impressive range and depth of inspiration, which includes her African heritage. Among these influences, her use of imagery borrowed from ancient classicism is particularly noteworthy. It suggests that Wheatley was well-versed in the literature and art of ancient Greece and Rome, and that she drew upon this tradition to enhance her own poetic vision. This blending of different cultural traditions reflects Wheatley's own experiences as an African slave brought to America, and her ability to synthesize diverse influences into a coherent and powerful artistic expression. Answer option C.

More on imagery:


Analyze how Laurie Halse Anderson used or altered history in Chains



Laurie Halse Anderson’s novel Chains is the first book in the Seeds of America trilogy. The story follows thirteen-year-old Isabel, an African-American slave fighting for her and her younger sister’s freedom during the American Revolutionary War. The novel takes place mainly in New York City in 1776 into 1777, at a time when slavery was legal and common in the colonies.

Though the novel is fictional, parts of the story are inspired by and depict actual events that occurred during the early stages of the war. For example, Anderson includes references to George Washington’s failed assassination plan and the hanging of one of the conspirators, the capture of Fort Washington, and Thomas Paine’s popular pamphlet Common Sense

Anderson also includes quotes from important historic documents such as private letters, newspapers, the Common Sense pamphlet, the Declaration of Independence of the United States, and spoken opinions from various world leaders at the beginning of each chapter. These openings give a perspective on what Isabel might face in each chapter

when working with low-achieving students in the drafting stage, you should emphasize correct spelling, capitalization, handwriting, and the appearance of the pape





as it helps them learn and know how things are suppose d to be done

Kaa's hunting
1 What words did Mowgli learn for the Hunting People?


In Rudyard Kipling's "The Jungle Book," Mowgli learns several words and phrases from the Hunting People (human beings) during his encounters are Fire,Axe,Gun,Trap and Pack.

Some of the words Mowgli learns include:

Fire: Mowgli learns about fire and its significance in the human world. Fire becomes an essential tool for Mowgli's interactions with other animals in the jungle.

Axe: Mowgli learns about the Hunting People's use of an axe, which is a tool they use for various purposes, including cutting down trees.

Gun: Mowgli becomes familiar with the Hunting People's weapon called a gun. He observes its power and destructive capabilities.

Trap: Mowgli learns about traps used by the Hunting People to capture animals. He witnesses their effectiveness and danger.

Pack: Mowgli learns the term "pack" from the Hunting People, referring to their organized groups or families.

These are some of the words and concepts Mowgli encounters and learns about from the Hunting People throughout his experiences in the jungle.

For more such questions on Hunting,click on


accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and
usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a
design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their
right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to
provide new Guards for their future security. Such has been
the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now
the necessity which constrains them to alter their former
Systems of Government. The history of the present King of
Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and
usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of
an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let
Facts be submitted to a candid world.
A. The government of Great Britain was established to protect the
rights of the people living in the Colonies.
B. Governments should give citizens land on which to live.
C. People living in the Colonies suffer because of the British





sign to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their

right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to

provide new Guards for their future security. Such has been

the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now

the necessity which constrains them to alter their former

Systems of Government. The history of the present King of

Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and

usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of

an absolute Tyranny ov

Look closely at thisRevlon adfrom Europe (see next page): its headline announces "Revlon’s Super Moist Lip Gloss", and its text introduces a line of Moon Drops lipsticks.Now, answer the following ten questions: a) Which element of the ad impacted you the most: its "mermaid" photo, headline,or the lipstick colors in itsproduct line?(since you don’t read German I won’t ask about thetext)b) What primary product benefit didit communicate directly? c) What secondarybenefit(s) did it imply or promise -either by association, inference orsymbolism? d) Describe its likely target audience in terms of race, age and income range, as well as attitudes.e)What values did it appeal to? f) How diditprovide anassurance that the product will perform as expected? g) Were its headline/text/ fonts/image/background complementary and reinforcing, ordid you find anyelement contradicting the rest? h) No ad is perfect, so what change(s) would you suggest to improve this one? i) What was the ad’smain objective: create awareness, communicate benefits, change attitudes, or promote purchase? j) On a 5-star rating scale in which 1 star means "least likely" and 5 stars mean "most likely", what was the likelihood that the adachieved its main objective?


Summary: In conclusion, the Revlon ad in Europe is a visually striking and effective advertisement that effectively communicates the main benefits of the product and appeals to the target audience's sense of individuality and self-expression.

a) The primary element of the ad that impacted me the most is the "mermaid" photo, which is visually striking and captures the attention. The headline "Revlon's Super Moist Lip Gloss" also stands out as it is bold and informative.

b) The primary product benefit directly communicated in the ad is that the Revlon lip gloss is "moisturizing". The secondary benefit implied is that it will give the wearer a glossy and shiny finish.

c) The ad implies that Revlon lipsticks are high-quality, stylish, and fashionable, and that they will give the wearer a boost of confidence and self-expression.

d) The ad targets women who are fashion-conscious and interested in beauty and self-care. The photo of the "mermaid" suggests a sense of allure and mystery, and the choice of colors in the product line (pink and purple) suggests a focus on femininity and playfulness.

e) The ad appeals to a sense of individuality and self-expression. The use of the "mermaid" photo suggests a desire to stand out and be noticed, and the choice of colors in the product line suggests a focus on personal style and creativity.

f) The ad provides an assurance that the product will perform as expected by highlighting the moisturizing properties of the lip gloss.

g) The headline, text, fonts, image, and background are all complementary and reinforcing of the main message. The use of bold and colorful fonts helps to draw the eye to the key elements of the ad, while the image of the "mermaid" adds a sense of allure and mystery.

h) One change I would suggest to improve the ad is to include more information about the specific benefits of the Revlon lip gloss, such as how long it lasts and whether it is long-wearing.

i) The ad's main objective is to promote the sale of Revlon lip glosses.

j) On a 5-star rating scale, I would rate the likelihood that the ad achieved its main objective as 4 stars. The ad is visually striking and communicates the main benefits of the product effectively, but it could benefit from more information about the specific benefits of the lip gloss.  

Learn more about mermaid visit:


a man stops his car in front of a hotel and immediately knows he is bankrupt. how?



The man is playing Monopoly and doesn't have enough 'money' to pay 'rent' on the 'hotel' space his playing piece (the car) landed on.


Question 3 Your teacher has asked you to write a story for a school magazine. The story must have the title: The Unsolved Mystery Your story should include: * a description of the strange event how the event remains mysterious Write your story.​


Title: The Unsolved Mystery

Once upon a time, in the quaint town of Greenwood, there occurred a strange and bewildering event that left the residents puzzled and the authorities scratching their heads. It was a story that would go down in history as the unsolved mystery of Greenwood.

On a calm summer evening, the townspeople were going about their usual business when an eerie silence descended upon the streets. A dense fog crept in, shrouding the town in an otherworldly ambiance. As the mist thickened, a soft humming sound resonated through the air, creating an unsettling atmosphere.

Curiosity got the better of the townspeople, who ventured outside to investigate the strange occurrence. They found themselves drawn towards the town square, where a peculiar sight awaited them.

In the center of the square, a vibrant beam of light shot up from the ground, swirling and pulsating with an ethereal glow. The townsfolk stood in awe, their eyes transfixed on this inexplicable phenomenon.

Rumors and speculations spread like wildfire throughout the town. Some believed it to be an extraterrestrial visitation, while others speculated it was the work of a secret government experiment gone awry.

But despite countless theories, no one could provide a plausible explanation for the bizarre occurrence.

As days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, the mystery persisted. The townspeople, driven by their insatiable curiosity, conducted their own investigations.

They interviewed witnesses, scoured through old records, and even sought the assistance of experts in various fields. Yet, the more they delved into the incident, the deeper the mystery seemed to become.

The authorities, too, were at a loss. They enlisted the help of renowned scientists and paranormal experts, hoping to shed light on the enigma that had gripped their town.

However, each inquiry only deepened the bewilderment. The beam of light, the fog, and the haunting hum remained unexplained.

Years passed, and the once-vibrant town of Greenwood gradually settled into a resigned acceptance of the unsolved mystery. The beam of light eventually faded away, leaving behind nothing but memories and unanswered questions.

Life in Greenwood resumed its normalcy, but the incident remained etched in the collective consciousness of the town.

Generations came and went, passing down the tales of the mysterious event to their descendants. The unsolved mystery of Greenwood became a legendary tale that intrigued visitors and fascinated scholars alike.

Books were written, documentaries produced, and the event even inspired a local festival, where the townspeople celebrated their town's peculiar past.

To this day, the story of the unsolved mystery of Greenwood continues to captivate the imagination of those who hear it. It serves as a reminder that sometimes, amidst the ordinary routines of life, inexplicable occurrences can remind us that the world is vast, filled with wonders that defy explanation.

And so, the strange event that once disrupted the peace of Greenwood remains an unsolved enigma, reminding us of the beauty and intrigue that can be found within life's most mysterious moments.

For more such questions on Mystery,click on


Is the responsibility of an English teacher to teach you to use language to express or communicate ?


Yes, it is the responsibility of an English teacher to teach students how to use language to express and communicate effectively. Language is not merely a set of rules and vocabulary; it is a tool for self-expression and communication with others.

English teachers play a crucial role in helping students develop their language skills, including speaking, writing, listening, and reading.

By providing instruction in grammar, vocabulary, and various language structures, English teachers enable students to understand the mechanics of the language. However, their role extends beyond that. They also guide students in using language to convey their thoughts, ideas, and emotions coherently and persuasively. This involves teaching them techniques for organizing their thoughts, developing arguments, and using appropriate tone and style in different contexts.

Furthermore, English teachers foster effective communication skills by encouraging active participation in discussions, debates, and presentations. They provide opportunities for students to engage in meaningful interactions, express their opinions, and listen to others' perspectives. Through these activities, students develop their abilities to articulate their ideas, understand diverse viewpoints, and engage in constructive dialogue.

In summary, an English teacher's responsibility goes beyond teaching language mechanics. They empower students to use language as a means of self-expression and effective communication, equipping them with the skills needed to express their thoughts clearly, engage in meaningful conversations, and succeed in various personal and professional contexts.

For more such information: communicate


Write an essay in which you explain the qualities that make your mom a superhero. Refer to specific things that she does or has done. Use examples and specific details.



Title: My Mom, My Superhero


Superheroes are often portrayed as extraordinary individuals with exceptional powers, but in my eyes, my mom is the epitome of a real-life superhero. She possesses qualities and performs actions that make her truly remarkable. Through her unwavering love, sacrifice, and determination, my mom has exhibited superhero-like qualities that inspire and empower those around her.

Body Paragraph 1: Unconditional Love

One of the qualities that make my mom a superhero is her unconditional love. She consistently showers our family with affection, support, and care. From the small gestures of preparing our favorite meals to the late-night conversations when we need someone to talk to, my mom's love is unwavering. She puts our happiness and well-being above everything else, constantly reminding us that we are valued and cherished. Her love provides a strong foundation for our family, giving us the confidence and strength to face any challenge that comes our way.

Body Paragraph 2: Selflessness and Sacrifice

Another superhero-like quality my mom possesses is her selflessness and willingness to sacrifice. She always prioritizes the needs and happiness of others before her own. Whether it's taking on extra work to support our dreams, sacrificing her personal time to attend our school events, or putting aside her own desires to fulfill ours, my mom's selflessness is truly remarkable. She teaches us the importance of putting others before ourselves and instills in us the value of compassion and empathy.

Body Paragraph 3: Perseverance and Strength

My mom's resilience and determination in the face of adversity are truly superhero-worthy. I have witnessed her overcome numerous challenges and setbacks with unwavering strength. She has taught us to never give up, to keep pushing forward, and to believe in ourselves even when the odds seem against us. Her ability to remain positive and find solutions in difficult situations inspires me every day. She shows us that even in the face of adversity, there is always a way to overcome and emerge stronger.


In conclusion, my mom possesses qualities that make her a real-life superhero. Her unconditional love, selflessness, sacrifice, perseverance, and strength are just a few of the remarkable qualities she exhibits. Through her actions and words, she inspires and empowers those around her, including myself. My mom's superhero-like qualities have shaped me into the person I am today and continue to guide and motivate me. She is not only my mom but also my role model and the true embodiment of a superhero.

In one paragraph:

My mom is a true superhero with qualities that inspire and amaze me. She is incredibly selfless, always putting our family's needs before her own. Whether it's cooking meals, offering guidance, or providing unwavering support, she is there for us without hesitation. Her patience, listening skills, and ability to encourage critical thinking have helped me grow and overcome challenges. Her love is unconditional, and she celebrates our successes while lifting us up in times of disappointment. My mom's qualities make her a superhero in every sense, and I'm grateful for her presence in my life.

A group of high school students is at a dance. They form a circle, and students take turns jumping in the middle and showing off their best moves. Jose, a normally very shy young man, also jumps in at an appropriate pause. While Jose was surprised he had the courage to step forward, which theory explains why that isn’t very surprising after all?

convergent theory

emergent-norm theory

group dynamic theory

understated individual theory



The theory that explains why it is not very surprising that Jose had the courage to step forward is B. emergent-norm theory.


Emergent-norm theory states that in a group situation, new norms and expectations can emerge that are different from what individuals would normally do on their own. In this case, the norm of the group is to take turns jumping into the circle, and once Jose saw others doing it, he may have felt more comfortable and confident in doing so himself. This theory suggests that social norms and expectations can emerge and influence individual behavior in group situations.

"comforting the afflicted," "bearing wrongs patiently" and "forgiving injuries" are:


"comforting the afflicted," "bearing wrongs patiently," and "forgiving injuries." These terms are related to the practice of compassion, empathy, and understanding in interpersonal relationships .Comforting the afflicted: This term refers to the act of providing support, reassurance, or consolation to someone who is experiencing pain, distress, or suffering.

It involves empathizing with their situation, offering a listening ear, and providing emotional or practical assistance as needed. Bearing wrongs patiently: This term refers to the ability to endure mistreatment, unfairness, or negative behavior from others without retaliating or becoming hostile. It involves maintaining composure and understanding, and recognizing that people sometimes act negatively due to their own pain or suffering. Forgiving injuries involves recognizing the imperfections of others, extending compassion and empathy, and focusing on healing and moving forward.
In summary, "comforting the afflicted," "bearing wrongs patiently," and "forgiving injuries" are actions that promote empathy, compassion, and understanding in interpersonal relationships. These practices contribute to building stronger, healthier connections with others and fostering a more supportive and compassionate community.

To know more about Comforting the afflicted visit:-


Julie wants to become better at writing dialogues. She sets herself up in a booth at a food court and eavesdrops on the conversations of those around her, transcribing them word for word into her notebook. When Julie rereads her notes later, however, she finds that the recorded conversations are ineffective as written dialogue. What is MOST likely the reason that the conversations Julie transcribed make poor dialogues? A. A lackluster and dull location like the food court does not stimulate interesting conversation. B. Conversations in real life move too quickly and are impossible to record accurately. C. Real conversations are unorganized and are composed of many half phrases and interrupted ideas. D. Fictional dialogues have nothing to do with real-life conversations.


The most likely reason that the conversations Julie transcribed make poor dialogues is real conversations are unorganized and are composed of many half phrases and interrupted ideas.

The correct answer to the given question is option C.

Real-life conversations are often messy and disorganized, with people interrupting each other, using filler words and phrases, and jumping between topics.

However, in fictional dialogues, the conversation needs to be more structured and purposeful, with each character's words contributing to the development of the plot and characterization.

Therefore, when transcribing real conversations, Julie may need to edit and clean up the dialogue to make it more effective in a fictional setting.

Additionally, Julie may need to observe conversations in settings where people are more likely to engage in purposeful and structured conversations, such as in a business meeting or during a debate. By doing so, she can better understand how to write effective dialogues that serve the purpose of her fictional story.

For more such questions on phrases, click on:


Underline the parallel elements in each sentence. Draw two parallel lines like this (//) where the parallelism begins and ends.

Ex. Most offices have // photocopies, fax machines and computers // for their employees to use.

1. Employees use computers to write letters, keep records, calculate expenses, and do payroll.
2. Unfortunately, computers cannot think the way humans do, and humans cannot think the way computers do.
3. Companies complain that computers are expensive to purchase and to maintain, but they also note that computers are necessary for the modern office.
4. In fact, both employees and employers seem to love and hate computers with equal passion.
5. Despite this ambivalence, computers are used in the offices of travel agencies, manufacturing plants, department stores, and government agencies


Employees use computers to write letters, keep records, calculate expenses, and do payroll.

Parallel elements: write letters, keep records, calculate expenses, do payroll.

How to explain the Parallel elements

Unfortunately, computers cannot think the way humans do, and humans cannot think the way computers do.

Parallel elements: think the way humans do, think the way computers do.

Companies complain that computers are expensive to purchase and to maintain, but they also note that computers are necessary for the modern office.

Parallel elements: expensive to purchase, expensive to maintain.

In fact, both employees and employers seem to love and hate computers with equal passion.

Parallel elements: love computers, hate computers.

Despite this ambivalence, computers are used in the offices of travel agencies, manufacturing plants, department stores, and government agencies.

Parallel elements: offices of travel agencies, offices of manufacturing plants, offices of department stores, offices of government agencies.

Learn more about parallelism on


Which of these is a statement of opinion?

A.School and work schedules are among the causes for a lack of sleep among adolescents.
B.The CDC provides daily sleep recommendations for people based on their age.
C.LeBron James follows a routine that includes getting eight to ten hours of sleep per night.
D.Getting enough sleep has a more significant impact on health than getting regular exercise.



D.Getting enough sleep has a more significant impact on health than getting regular exercise.


Choose correct options for subject verb agreement



comes, are, has, have, were


hope this helps







(here goes your answer)

which syllable should be accented in the following word? chattel chat´ tel chat tel´


In the word "chattel," the second syllable ("tel") should be accented. This is because the stress in the word is on the second-to-last syllable ("tel"), which is preceded by a weak syllable ("chatt"), and the unstressed syllable before the stressed syllable ("tel") is typically accented. Option a is correct.

In the word "chat," the stress is on the first syllable ("chat"), so the first syllable should be accented. In the word "chatel," the stress is on the second syllable ("tel"), so the second syllable should be accented.

Overall, the stress pattern in words like "chattel" and "chatel" can be a bit tricky, but the general rule is that the stress should be on the unstressed syllable that precedes the stressed syllable. Option a is correct.

Learn more about syllable visit:


Correct Question:

which syllable should be accented in the following word?

1. chattel

2. chat´ tel

gentiles who worshiped the true god and knew the jewish scriptures, but were not circumcised and did not keep the whole law of moses:


The term "gentiles who worshiped the true God and knew the Jewish Scriptures, but were not circumcised and did not keep the whole law of Moses"

It refers to a specific group of individuals mentioned in the context of religious practices and beliefs. This description likely pertains to non-Jewish individuals who, despite not being circumcised and not fully observing the entirety of the Mosaic law, acknowledged and worshipped the God of Judaism and possessed knowledge of Jewish scriptures.

It is important to note that the specific identity and historical context of these individuals may vary depending on the reference being discussed. However, the description highlights a distinction between gentiles who embraced Jewish beliefs and teachings to some extent, but did not fully adhere to all the requirements of the Mosaic law, such as circumcision and complete adherence to its commandments.

To learn more about gentiles, visit here


Gentiles who worshiped the true god and knew the jewish scriptures, but were not circumcised and did not keep the whole law of moses?

an essay about water management in South Africa​



The use of water is dominated by irrigation, amounting to over 60% of the total water use in the country, the bulk of which is used consumptively. Water requirements for urban and domestic use account for nearly 30%, with the remainder being used for mining, bulk industries and as cooling water for power generation

South Africa is a water scarce country and as such requires a comprehensive water management system to ensure that we make the most of what we have by effectively monitoring and managing our freshwater resources and wetlands.

South Africa is a water scarce country, due to its low average annual precipitation, and the unevenness of surface and groundwater distribution which is a result of climate and geography and only 8.6% of rainfall converts to useable runoff, the lowest proportion in the world.

How many water management are there in South Africa?

nine Water Management Areas

The map below depicts the boundaries of the nine Water Management Areas and Catchment Management Agencies.

South Africa is confronted with serious water challenges such as non-revenue water, skills shortages, ageing infrastructure, shifting demand patterns, overwhelming water supply demand and outdated solutions for emerging challenges.

A good point in the writing process to look at word choice is:
A. the outlining stage.

B. the brainstorming stage.

C. the drafting stage.

D. the editing stage.


The answer you are looking for is D

The textbook recommends that you make a fresh set of speaking notes on the eve of your speech.a. Trueb. False


A fresh set of speaking notes is recommended to be made on the eve of a speech because it allows the speaker to review and refine their content and delivery strategy in a more focused and intentional manner. Option a. True is Correct.

The time leading up to the speech can be busy with other preparations and distractions, and making the notes closer to the actual delivery date ensures that the speaker can give their full attention to the task at hand.

Additionally, making fresh notes on the eve of the speech can help the speaker to better internalize and retain the information, as they are more likely to have just reviewed and revised the material recently. This can lead to a more confident and natural delivery of the speech, as the speaker will feel more familiar with the content.  

Learn more about speech visit:


according to chvorinov's rule (check the last page), in a sand casting mold, the v/a ratio of the riser should be which one of the following relative to the v/a ratio of the casting itself?
(a) equal, (b) greater, or
(c) smaller.


According to Chvorinov's rule, the v/a ratio of the riser should be greater than that of the casting itself. This is because the riser serves as a reservoir of molten metal that feeds the casting as it solidifies and shrinks. The correct answer is option-B.

The riser must have enough volume to compensate for the shrinkage of the casting and prevent any defects such as shrinkage cavities or porosity.

If the v/a ratio of the riser is equal to or smaller than that of the casting, the riser will solidify before the casting does, which will cause the casting to shrink and create voids or defects. Therefore, it is important to have a properly sized riser that can provide the necessary metal to feed the casting and prevent any defects.

In summary, according to Chvorinov's rule, the v/a ratio of the riser should be greater than that of the casting to ensure a successful sand casting mold.

Therefore, the correct answer is option-B.

For more question on reservoir


which word is a synonym for the word indifferent


The word indifferent means to not care or have no particular interest or sympathy towards something or someone. A synonym for indifferent could be apathetic, which means showing no interest or enthusiasm towards something.

Other synonyms for indifferent include unconcerned, uncaring, uninterested, and detached. These words all convey a lack of emotion or concern towards a particular subject or individual. It is important to note that the context and tone in which these words are used can also impact their meanings.

For example, being detached can have a negative connotation, implying a lack of empathy or emotional connection, whereas being objective can have a positive connotation, implying a fair and impartial evaluation of a situation.

Understanding the nuances of synonyms can enhance our communication skills and improve our ability to convey our thoughts and feelings accurately.

For more such questions on sympathy, click on:


Select the correct answer.
Which statement best reflects the definition of culture used in this lesson?
A.Culture is what's written in history books.
B.Culture is something we inherit naturally at birth.
C.Culture is learned from our families and traditions.
D.Culture is what we learn by traveling to new places.



A. Culture is learned from our families and traditions.


In Act 4, Part 1, and Part 2 of The Crucible by Arthur Miller, what are readers told about what has happened in
the nearby town of Andover? How could this foreshadow Salem's future? Please write your response using
complete sentences.


In Act 4, Part 1 and Part 2 of The Crucible by Arthur Miller, readers are informed that the people of the nearby town of Andover have rebelled against the witch trials and overthrown the courts.

This event is significant because it could foreshadow a similar uprising in Salem, as the citizens become increasingly disillusioned with the court's proceedings and the injustice of the trials.

The rebellion in Andover serves as a warning that the people of Salem may also start to question the legitimacy of the trials and the actions of the authorities.

This foreshadowing suggests that the situation in Salem could become more volatile and unstable as the story unfolds, potentially leading to an uprising against the witch trials and the eventual dismantling of the court system.

For more such questions on Arthur Miller,click on


in this activity write an essay about the difference between mood and tone and provide example for each 10 sentences?



Mood and tone are two important elements of literature that are often confused with each other. While both of them contribute to the overall effect of a literary work, they are distinct concepts with different meanings. Understanding the difference between mood and tone is important for analyzing and interpreting literature effectively.

Mood refers to the emotional atmosphere or overall feeling that a literary work creates for the reader. It is the sense of emotion or ambiance that the reader experiences as they engage with the story. For example, in Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven," the mood is eerie and ominous. The reader feels a sense of foreboding and unease as the narrator interacts with the raven. Another example is the joyous and celebratory mood created in William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" as the characters celebrate the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta.

Tone, on the other hand, refers to the writer's attitude toward the subject matter or audience. It is the writer's choice of words and the overall style of writing that conveys their perspective on the subject. For example, in F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby," the tone is nostalgic and melancholic as the narrator reflects on the lost dreams and illusions of the characters. Another example is the satirical and critical tone of Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal," in which the writer ironically suggests that the Irish should sell their children as food to the English to solve their economic problems.

In some cases, the mood and tone of a literary work can be closely related. For example, in Toni Morrison's "Beloved," the mood is haunting and tragic, and the tone is serious and somber as the story deals with the legacy of slavery and the trauma it inflicts on the characters. In other cases, the mood and tone can be in contrast with each other, creating a complex and nuanced effect. For instance, in Ernest Hemingway's "The Old Man and the Sea," the mood is contemplative and reflective, while the tone is terse and understated.

In conclusion, mood and tone are two essential elements of literature that work together to create a specific effect on the reader. While mood refers to the emotional atmosphere created by the text, tone refers to the writer's attitude towards the subject matter or audience. A clear understanding of these concepts can help readers analyze and interpret literary works effectively.

Hope this helps! :)


To graduate from Hugo high school , students must satisfactorily complete____ units of English to graduate


To graduate from Hugo high school , students must satisfactorily complete__4__ units of English to graduate.

One special consideration that teachers must give to English learners when reading informational books is the ____________________ vocabulary of the text.


One special consideration that teachers must give to English learners when reading informational books is the academic or domain-specific vocabulary of the text.

English learners face specific challenges when it comes to understanding informational books due to the presence of academic or domain-specific vocabulary. This type of vocabulary includes words and phrases that are specific to certain subject areas, such as science, history, mathematics, or social studies.

Academic vocabulary often consists of technical terms, specialized terminology, and complex language structures that may be unfamiliar to English learners. These words and phrases play a crucial role in conveying precise meaning and concepts within the content of informational texts. However, for English learners who are still developing their language proficiency, encountering academic vocabulary can pose obstacles to comprehension and hinder their ability to fully engage with the text.

To learn more about academic vocabulary, visit here


why does santiago feel that the fish has a perfect right to kill him?


Answer: yes


Why did Santiago feel that the fish had a perfect right to kill him? It's because the amount of respect he has for the fish is big. Was Santiago successful in harpooning the fish? Yes he killed the fish at its' heart.

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