Assess the knowledge of the people you analysis of the responses (data) that you gathered for each and respond to the questions below: Activity 3 Findings Discuss THREE contributing factors that led to the human rights viol you have chosen. Evaluate to what extent the following institutions have supported co affected by human rights violations. Use an example for each to sup answer. 3.1 a. Draw a bar graph to present your data 5 my findings. b. Explain the findings for each question and provide a reason for yo answers. 1 960ording ( 3.2 3.2.1 non-governmental organisations 3.2.2 community and 3.3.3 religious organisations Activity 4 Human Rights and The Media​


Answer 1

Factors to Human Rights Violations: Lack of Legal Protection - The absence or inadequacy of legal protection allows for violations to occur with impunity. In some countries, discriminatory laws restrict marginalized groups' rights.

What is the human rights?

Political instability can lead to human rights violations. During instability, governments may prioritize control over human rights. In conflict, civilians face diverse abuses like killings, torture, and displacement. Socioeconomic factors, like poverty and inequality, can lead to human rights violations and discrimination.

Many marginalized communities face discrimination in healthcare, housing, education, and water access, violating their right to a decent standard of living. Institutional support and lack thereof, as well as NGO advocacy and assistance for victims, are crucial.

Learn more about human rights from


Related Questions

The Road to Caribbean Integration - An Ongoing Journey Write an essay on the caption above. Begin by naming TWO stages that Commonwealth Caribbean countries have gone through in their efforts to achieve unity. State TWO factors that have promoted integration among countries. Next, explain TWO ways in which CARICOM countries may benefit if they cooperate in the production of goods and the supply of services for the region. Suggest, giving full details, THREE strategies the leaders of CARICOM countries may use to involve citizens in the regional process. Explain why EACH strategy suggested is likely to be successful.​



The Road to Caribbean Integration - An Ongoing Journey

The efforts of Commonwealth Caribbean countries to achieve unity and integration have gone through two significant stages: the establishment of the West Indies Federation and the formation of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM).

The first stage, the West Indies Federation, emerged in 1958 as a political entity aimed at creating a united Caribbean nation. It brought together several British-controlled territories, including Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, and others. Despite initial optimism, the federation faced numerous challenges, such as cultural differences, political rivalries, and economic disparities, leading to its dissolution in 1962.

The second stage in the journey towards Caribbean integration is the establishment of CARICOM in 1973. CARICOM is a regional organization that aims to promote economic integration, cooperation, and collective decision-making among its member states. This stage recognizes the need for a more flexible and practical approach to integration, focusing on specific areas of collaboration rather than a complete political union.

Two factors have promoted integration among Caribbean countries. Firstly, the common historical and cultural background shared by these nations has fostered a sense of regional identity and solidarity. This shared heritage includes a history of colonialism, struggles for independence, and a common African, European, and indigenous cultural heritage. Secondly, the economic interdependence among Caribbean countries has become a driving force for integration. Recognizing the limitations of their small individual markets, countries in the region have realized the benefits of pooling resources, facilitating trade, and attracting investment through regional cooperation.

Cooperation in the production of goods and the supply of services within the CARICOM region offers several benefits for member countries. Firstly, it allows for economies of scale by increasing production efficiency and reducing costs. By collaborating, Caribbean countries can specialize in different areas of production and take advantage of comparative advantages. This specialization promotes increased productivity and competitiveness in the global market.

Secondly, regional cooperation in the production and supply of services can enhance the region's overall capacity and competitiveness. By sharing expertise, knowledge, and resources, Caribbean countries can develop a more robust service sector, attracting foreign investment and boosting tourism, financial services, and other industries. This cooperation enables the region to present a unified and attractive destination for international business and visitors.

To involve citizens in the regional integration process, CARICOM leaders can employ various strategies that foster engagement and participation:

1. Education and Awareness Campaigns: Implementing comprehensive education and awareness programs to inform citizens about the benefits and objectives of regional integration. This strategy can include public lectures, seminars, media campaigns, and school curricula that emphasize the importance of regional cooperation and integration.

2. Citizen Consultations and Involvement: Establishing mechanisms for citizen participation, such as town hall meetings, public forums, and online platforms, where individuals can voice their opinions, concerns, and suggestions regarding regional integration. This approach ensures that citizens' perspectives are taken into account, fostering a sense of ownership and inclusivity.

3. Youth Empowerment and Engagement: Recognizing the pivotal role of the youth in shaping the future of the region, CARICOM leaders can implement initiatives that empower young people and provide them with opportunities to contribute to the regional integration process. This can include youth summits, mentorship programs, and youth-led projects that focus on entrepreneurship, innovation, and social development.

Each of these strategies is likely to be successful because they involve active communication, transparency, and citizen participation. By educating citizens about the benefits of integration, involving them in decision-making processes, and empowering the youth, CARICOM leaders can foster a sense of ownership and shared responsibility. This engagement creates a supportive environment where citizens feel invested in the regional integration process, leading to increased cooperation, trust, and commitment among member countries.

why should the government apply the cost benefit analysis for big projects​


The government should apply cost-benefit analysis for big projects due to its ability to provide a systematic and objective evaluation of the project's potential benefits and costs.

Cost-benefit analysis is a valuable tool that helps policymakers and government agencies make informed decisions by comparing the expected positive outcomes (benefits) against the associated costs.

Firstly, cost-benefit analysis allows the government to assess the economic viability of large-scale projects.

By estimating both the tangible and intangible benefits that a project can generate and comparing them to the projected costs, decision-makers can determine if the benefits outweigh the expenses.

This analysis helps avoid investing in projects that may have minimal or negative returns on investment, thereby ensuring efficient allocation of resources.

Secondly, cost-benefit analysis promotes transparency and accountability in government decision-making. It provides a structured framework for evaluating the potential impacts of a project on various stakeholders, including the general public.

By considering the social and environmental costs and benefits alongside the financial aspects, the government can make decisions that align with public interests and sustainable development goals.

Moreover, cost-benefit analysis helps in risk assessment and contingency planning. It allows decision-makers to identify and quantify potential risks and uncertainties associated with a project.

By incorporating these factors into the analysis, the government can make informed decisions, develop appropriate risk mitigation strategies, and allocate resources for unforeseen circumstances.

In summary, the application of cost-benefit analysis for big projects enables the government to make well-informed decisions, ensure efficient resource allocation, promote transparency, and prioritize projects that yield the greatest net benefits. By considering both the financial and non-financial aspects, cost-benefit analysis facilitates evidence-based policymaking and contributes to overall societal welfare.

For more such questions on Cost-benefit


how to face situation that had been negatively exposed to media​


By staying proactive, transparent and focused on positive change, you can navigate through a negative media exposure and work towards rebuilding trust and reputation.

Facing a situation that has been negatively exposed in the media can be challenging but there are several strategies that can help you navigate through it:

Stay calm and composed:

It's important to maintain your composure and avoid reacting impulsively. Take some time to process the situation and gather your thoughts before responding.

Gather accurate information:

Ensure that you have a clear understanding of the situation by gathering accurate information from reliable sources.

This will help you address any misconceptions or inaccuracies in the media coverage.

Seek legal advice if necessary:

If the situation involves legal implications it may be beneficial to consult with an attorney who specializes in media or defamation law.

They can provide guidance on how to protect your rights and navigate the legal aspects of the situation.

Communicate your perspective:

Consider sharing your side of the story in a thoughtful and respectful manner.

This can be done through press releases, interviews or statements on your website or social media platforms.

Be honest, transparent and provide any relevant context that can help people understand the situation better.

Engage with your stakeholders:

If the situation impacts your stakeholders, such as employees, clients or partners, it's essential to communicate with them directly.

Address their concerns, provide reassurance and be open to answering their questions.

Transparent and timely communication can help maintain trust and mitigate any negative impact.

Focus on positive actions:

Show that you are actively taking steps to address the situation and prevent similar issues in the future.

Implement any necessary changes, policies or procedures that demonstrate your commitment to improvement and responsible behavior.

Learn from the experience:

Reflect on the situation and identify any lessons or opportunities for growth.

Use this experience to improve your practices, communication strategies and crisis management plans.

Public perception can be influenced by various factors, including media coverage.

You cannot control how others perceive the situation, you can control your response and actions moving forward.

For similar questions on media


The American model has been in decline for some time. Since the mid-1990s, U.S. politics has become increasingly polarized and gridlocked, making it impossible to perform basic government functions, such as passing the budget. There are obvious problems with the American system — the contamination of politics by money, the influence of a voting system that is increasingly inconsistent with democratic choice — but the country seems incapable of reforming itself.



The statement presents a perspective on the decline of the American model and the challenges it faces. While it acknowledges certain problems within the American system, it also expresses skepticism about the country's ability to reform itself. It highlights two specific issues: the influence of money in politics and concerns regarding the voting system.

1. Contamination of Politics by Money: The role of money in politics has been a longstanding concern in the United States. The influence of corporate interests, lobbying, and campaign contributions has raised questions about the integrity and fairness of the political process. Critics argue that the presence of big money in politics can undermine the representation of ordinary citizens and favor the interests of wealthy individuals and corporations.

2. Voting System Inconsistency: The statement suggests that the American voting system may be increasingly inconsistent with democratic choice. This could refer to issues such as gerrymandering, where electoral boundaries are drawn to favor one political party, potentially distorting the will of the voters. Other concerns include voter suppression efforts, restrictive voting laws, and challenges with ensuring fair representation and equal access to the electoral process.

The statement also suggests that these problems have contributed to political polarization and gridlock in the United States, making it difficult for the government to perform essential functions like passing a budget. This polarization is characterized by deep divisions between political parties, making it challenging to find common ground and enact meaningful policy changes.

However, it's important to note that this perspective represents a specific viewpoint and may not capture the full complexity of the American political landscape. The issues mentioned are indeed significant challenges, but it is worth recognizing that there are ongoing discussions, debates, and efforts to address these concerns and improve the functioning of the American system.

Reforming a democratic system is a complex and gradual process, and it often requires a combination of grassroots movements, public pressure, political will, and legislative action. While progress may be slow, history has shown that societies can evolve and adapt over time. The ability of the American system to reform itself ultimately depends on the collective actions and engagement of its citizens, as well as the willingness of its leaders to address the pressing issues facing the nation.

does large masses of land become wonders of nature it is a good effect of soil erosion?


Large masses of land becoming wonders of nature due to soil erosion is not typically considered a positive effect.

What is soli erosion

Soil erosion is the process of soil displacement by wind  water  or other natural forces can have negative consequences on ecosystems and land productivity.

The side effects of soil erosion are

Loss of fertile soil: Soil erosion can result in the removal of the top layer of fertile soil which is rich in organic mattter and essential nutrients.

Increased runoff and flooding: Eroded soil can decrease the land's ability to absorb and retain  water  leading to increased surface runoff during rainfall events.

Learn more about soil erosion at


For obviously misspelled queries, base the Needs Met rating on user intent. True or false?


Answer: True.


True. When encountering obviously misspelled queries, it is important to understand the user's intent and provide a response that meets their needs. Rather than focusing on the misspelling itself, the goal should be to understand what the user is trying to ask or convey and provide a helpful answer or clarification.

what impact did these riots have on socio-physical and economic environment?​


Without specifying which specific screams are being appertained to screams in general can have a significant impact on the socio-physical and profitable terrain of the affected areas.

Then are some implicit impacts

Socio-Physical Impact screams can lead to significant damage to structures, structure, and public spaces. This can have a negative impact on the physical terrain of the affected area and can produce safety hazards for those living and working in the area. In addition, screams can lead to a breakdown of social order and trust, which can lead to long- term social and cerebral impacts on the community. profitable Impact screams can have a significant profitable impact on the affected areas.

Property damage and destruction can affect in significant costs for businesses and property possessors, while dislocation of normal profitable conditioning can affect in misplaced income and reduced profitable growth. In addition, screams can lead to a decline in tourism and investment in the affected areas, which can have long- term negative profitable impacts.

Political Impact screams can also have significant political impacts, especially if they're seen as a reflection of broader social and political issues. screams can lead to increased pressures between different communities and can produce challenges for political leaders in terms of addressing the underpinning causes of the screams and restoring social order.

Overall, the impacts of screams can be complex and multifaceted, and can have long- term goods on the affected areas and communities. It's important for policymakers and community leaders to take a holistic approach to addressing the impacts of screams and addressing the underpinning social, profitable, and political issues.

Learn more about socio-physical at

Drag the tiles to the correct boxes to complete the pairs.
Match each term with its meaning.
powers granted to states by the Tenth Amendment
powers specifically stated in the Constitution
powers assumed by nature of sovereignty
powers assumed because they are necessary and proper


These powers are derived from the necessary and proper clause also known as the elastic clause gives Congress the authority to make laws that are necessary and proper for executing its enumerated powers.

Apologies for the confusion earlier.

Here are the correct pairings:

implied - powers assumed by nature of sovereignty

enumerated - powers specifically stated in the Constitution

reserved - powers granted to states by the Tenth Amendment

inherent - powers assumed because they are necessary and proper

Enumerated powers are those explicitly listed in the Constitution as granted to the federal government.

They include powers such as the authority to levy taxes, regulate commerce, declare war and establish post offices.

Reserved powers, on the other hand, are the powers not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution are thus reserved for the states.

The Tenth Amendment clarifies that any powers not specifically granted to the federal government are retained by the states or the people.

Implied powers are not explicitly stated in the Constitution but are considered necessary for the federal government to carry out its enumerated powers effectively.

Inherent powers are those that are inherent to the nature of sovereignty and are not explicitly granted or mentioned in the Constitution.

They are seen as a natural consequence of being a sovereign nation and are often related to issues of foreign affairs, national defense and immigration.

The distinctions between these types of powers is crucial for comprehending the division of authority between the federal government and the states in the United States' constitutional framework.

For similar questions on powers


Why does higher credit utilization decrease your credit score?
Because lenders feel that you can't handle more debt
Because lenders are unsure of your ability to handle your account
Because lenders think you are able to take on more debt
Because lenders feel that you are unreliable


The reason why higher credit utilization can decrease your credit score correct option is: Because lenders feel that you can't handle more debt.

Higher credit utilization can decrease your credit score due to a combination of factors, including lenders' perception of your ability to handle your account, the potential risk of taking on more debt, and the impact on your overall creditworthiness.

A high credit utilization ratio (the percentage of your credit limit that you are currently using) can be interpreted by lenders as a sign of financial instability or over-reliance on credit. It may suggest that you are relying heavily on borrowed funds to cover your expenses, which can raise concerns about your ability to manage additional debt responsibly.

A high credit utilization ratio indicates a greater risk to lenders. It suggests that you are utilizing a significant portion of your available credit, leaving you with less room to handle unexpected expenses or take on additional financial obligations. Lenders may view this as an increased risk of defaulting on payments, which can negatively impact your credit score.

A high credit utilization ratio can also signal that you may be struggling financially or facing cash flow issues. This can lead lenders to perceive you as unreliable in terms of repaying debts, as it suggests a potential inability to meet your financial obligations in a timely manner.

A higher credit utilization ratio can decrease your credit score because lenders may interpret it as a reflection of financial instability, increased risk, and potential unreliability in managing debts. To maintain a good credit score, it is generally advised to keep your credit utilization ratio low by responsibly managing your credit and keeping your balances well below your credit limits.

Correct option is: Because lenders feel that you can't handle more debt.

For more such questions on Credit


3. Bangkok can get very hot in the summer months. The temperature
in Bangkok during a period of 1 week was 33° C, 32°C, 31°C, 39°C
35°C. 30°C and 38°C. What was the average daily temperature in
Bangkok during this week?


The average daily temperature in Bangkok during that week was 34°C.

To find the average daily temperature in Bangkok during the week, we sum up the temperatures for each day and divide it by the number of days (in this case, 7 days).

To calculate the average daily temperature in Bangkok during the given week, we add up the temperatures for each day:  

Sum of temperatures: 33 + 32 + 31 + 39 + 35 + 30 + 38 = 238

Next, we divide the sum by the number of days (7) to find the average:

Average daily temperature: 238 / 7 = 34°C

The average daily temperature in Bangkok during that particular week was 34°C, reflecting the hot climate commonly experienced in the summer months.

For more questions on average temperature, visit:


Identify properties of metals and non-metal (us Material Stainless steel fork and knife Has lustre (shiny) before sanding Lacks lustre (dull) before sanding​


Metals and non-metals have distinct properties that differentiate them from each other.

Metals are typically malleable, ductile, and have high conductivity for heat and electricity. They are also typically shiny or have a lustre, as in the case of the stainless steel fork and knife.
The lustre of metals is due to their ability to reflect light, which is a result of the free electrons in the metal atoms. These free electrons can absorb and re-emit light, creating a shiny or reflective surface.

Stainless steel, in particular, is a metallic alloy that contains a high amount of chromium, which gives it its shiny appearance and resistance to corrosion.
Non-metals, on the other hand, lack these properties. They are typically brittle, have low conductivity, and do not have a shiny appearance.

This lack of lustre is due to their inability to reflect light, which is a result of their electron configuration.

Non-metals tend to have valence electrons that are held tightly to the nucleus, which prevents them from absorbing and re-emitting light.
In the case of the stainless steel fork and knife, they exhibit lustre before sanding because of their metallic nature. However, after sanding, they may lose their shiny appearance due to the removal of the outer layer of metal, which exposes a duller surface.

For more questions on Metals


Journal Writing Reflection: Choose a plant or an animal. Write a first-person paragraph explaining how YOUR adaptations (as the plant or the animal) have helped you survive in your environment.





Wheat helps you survive because it creates most necessities for all living things on earth, it provides bread, baked goods, grain for animals, paper, packing, bedding, baskets, and some carpets. Wheat helps you survive because it produces food and without it everything on earth would most likely be gone.


As a desert tortoise, my adaptations have helped me survive in the harsh and unforgiving environment of the Mojave Desert. One of my most important adaptations is my ability to store water in my bladder. It allows me to survive for long periods without drinking. Additionally, my shell provides protection from predators and helps regulate my body temperature in the extreme heat. My powerful legs and claws enable me to dig burrows where I can escape the heat and avoid predators. Moreover, my ability to slow down my metabolism and go into a state of torpor allows me to conserve energy during drought and scarcity. Overall, my adaptations have allowed me to thrive in a challenging environment, where few other animals can survive.


Describe anxiety and the concerns in children and young people



Explanation: Anxiety is a common mental health disorder marked by emotions of fear, concern, and unease.

Anxiety in children and youngsters can show in a variety of ways affecting their mental health and daily functioning of the body properly. Excessive worrying about something, restless, impatience, difficulties concentrating, and physical symptoms such as headache or stomach pain might occur. It can even have a negative impact on their academic achievements, social interaction, and general quality of life.

Recognizing and managing anxiety at a very early stage is very crucial.

It can be cured in various ways such as appropriate support from loved and near ones, counseling, coping methods, and if necessary mediation.Overall all this can help individual fight anxiety and live a happy life.

Is Biden supporting the conviction of Trump by a US court?


President Biden believes that presidents should not comment on pending legal matters. He also does not want to be baited into a reaction

State FOUR ways in which the youth could effectively use electronic media to bring about awareness on the importance of living in safe and healthy environments.​



Four ways in which the youth could effectively use electronic media to bring awareness to the importance of living in safe and healthy environments ​are

by creating informative videos, starting social media campaigns, hosting webinars, and collaborating with local organizations. Creating informative videos is an effective way to spread awareness as it allows the audience to understand the importance of safe and healthy environments visually. Social media campaigns can reach a wider audience and encourage them to take action. Webinars can provide a platform for experts to share their knowledge and answer questions. Finally, collaborating with local organizations can help to create a more substantial impact and reach a larger audience. The youth can use these methods to change their communities positively.


If the governor resigns who becomes the governor



The lieutenant governor becomes governor.


According to Wikipedia:

In most cases, the lieutenant governor is the highest officer of state after the governor, standing in for that officer when they are absent from the state or temporarily incapacitated. In the event a governor dies, resigns or is removed from office, the lieutenant governor typically becomes governor.

What is government intervention


Answer: See explanation and please use your own words.


Government intervention refers to the regulatory action taken by a government that aims to change decisions made by individuals, organizations, or groups regarding economic and social matters. Its primary goal is to maximize a country's social welfare by correcting market failure.

in a letter to his friend gerorge washington wrote i apprehend my country men will expect too much


in a letter to his friend George Washington wrote i apprehend my country men will expect too much is true.

What is George Washington letter?

My dearest Tilda,

I have concerns about our nation's state. I fear that our people may have unrealistically high expectations. Our nation was founded with great hope for a brighter tomorrow.

We bravely fought, sacrificing everything to gain independence and build a land of opportunity. Transitioning from revolution to nation-building is daunting. Expect challenges. Dedication and perseverance required.

With profound respect and camaraderie,

George Washington

Learn more about George Washington from


Jimmy is meeting his fiancée’s parents for the first time tonight and is very nervous. He keeps saying to himself, "I know they'll hate me. This is going to go horribly and then the wedding will be called off and then I'll never meet anyone else. I'll die alone and unhappy." Jimmy is
Group of answer choices

in denial.

experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder.




Jimmy is catastrophizing. d.

Catastrophizing is a cognitive distortion where a person tends to magnify and exaggerate negative outcomes or potential dangers in a situation.

Jimmy is anticipating the worst possible outcome and imagining a series of catastrophic events based on his meeting with his fiancée's parents.

By repeatedly saying to himself that they will hate him and the meeting will go horribly, Jimmy is engaging in catastrophic thinking.

He jumps to extreme conclusions about the future, assuming that the wedding will be called off and he will never meet anyone else, ultimately leading to a life of loneliness and unhappiness.

Catastrophizing often involves the exaggeration of negative consequences and disregards the possibility of positive outcomes or alternative perspectives.

It is a common thinking pattern associated with anxiety and can contribute to increased stress and anxiety levels.

In Jimmy's case, his catastrophic thinking may be driven by his nervousness and fear of making a negative impression on his fiancée's parents.

It's important for Jimmy to recognize this cognitive distortion and challenge his negative thoughts with more realistic and balanced thinking.

By reframing his thoughts and focusing on more positive and rational possibilities Jimmy can alleviate his anxiety and approach the meeting with a more constructive mindset.

For similar questions on Jimmy


During the Fitth Pan African Conference why do you Have think There was many delegates from the British West Indies? How did colonialism play a role in Africa and the African diaspora


During the Fifth Pan African Conference, which took place in Manchester, England in 1945, there were indeed many delegates from the British West Indies. This can be attributed to several factors:

1. Shared Colonial Experience: The British West Indies, comprising various Caribbean islands, were colonies of the British Empire. Like Africa, these regions experienced the impact of colonialism, including political subjugation, economic exploitation, and social marginalization. The delegates from the British West Indies had a shared experience of oppression under colonial rule, which fostered a sense of solidarity with the African delegates.

2. Common Struggle for Independence: Many of the British West Indian delegates were prominent figures in the struggle for independence and self-determination in their own countries. They recognized the importance of pan-Africanism and saw the Fifth Pan African Conference as an opportunity to forge alliances and gain support for their anti-colonial movements.

3. Diaspora Connections: The African diaspora, consisting of people of African descent living outside the African continent due to slavery, colonization, and migration, had maintained connections with their African roots. The Pan African Conferences provided a platform for the African diaspora to engage in discussions on liberation, racial equality, and the decolonization of Africa.

Colonialism played a significant role in both Africa and the African diaspora:

1. Exploitation and Extraction: Colonial powers sought to exploit the vast resources of Africa, such as minerals, land, and labor. This led to the extraction of wealth and resources from African countries, often leaving them impoverished and underdeveloped.

2. Political Subjugation: Colonialism involved the imposition of European political systems and control over African territories. African nations were divided and ruled by foreign powers, often leading to conflicts and tensions among different ethnic groups.

3. Cultural and Social Impact: Colonialism had a profound impact on African cultures, traditions, and social structures. Indigenous systems were often disrupted or marginalized, and European cultural norms and values were imposed. This created a sense of cultural alienation and loss of identity among Africans.

4. Formation of Diaspora: The transatlantic slave trade and subsequent migration resulted in the displacement of millions of Africans to the Americas, the Caribbean, and Europe. The African diaspora, while experiencing the legacy of slavery and racism, maintained connections with Africa and played a vital role in advocating for African liberation and equality.

In summary, the presence of delegates from the British West Indies at the Fifth Pan African Conference can be attributed to their shared colonial experience, common struggle for independence, and connections within the African diaspora. Colonialism, both in Africa and the African diaspora, resulted in exploitation, political subjugation, cultural disruption, and the formation of solidarity movements seeking liberation and equality.

If you speak to anyone in North America and you say "elk," they immediately know that you are referring to
the very large animal with huge horns and a white rump. The elk is similar to the mule deer, but is a great
deal larger. These mighty animals roam the forests in Canada and the United States. Hunting elk is
considered the adventure of a lifetime for hunting enthusiasts.
Early explorers created a confusion that is still with us today. When the Europeans arrived in North
America and saw these large animals, they named them "elk," which is the European word for "moose."
Europe has an animal similar to an elk but much smaller, and that is the red deer. They knew that it was
too large to be a red deer. Therefore, they named it after the closest animal of that size - the moose.
Which of the following characteristics was used by the European explorers to identify the elk they found in
Select the single best answer:
A. horns
B. hooves
OC. snout
OD. size
E. antlers


If you say "elk" in North America, people immediately know you are referring to an animal with antlers. European explorers used antlers to identify them. Therefore, the correct option is (E) antlers.

If you speak to anyone in North America and you say "elk," they immediately know that you are referring to the large, majestic cervid species that inhabits the forests and grasslands of the continent.

However, when European explorers first encountered this animal, they had to use certain characteristics to identify it and distinguish it from other similar species.

One of the most prominent features that they used was the antlers of the elk.

Unlike other cervids such as deer or moose, elks have large, branching antlers that are distinctively shaped and easily recognizable.

These antlers are also used by male elks during mating season to attract females and establish dominance over other males.

Other characteristics such as hooves and size may have been used as secondary identifiers, but it was the antlers that truly set the elk apart and made it a unique and iconic symbol of North American wildlife.

Therefore, the correct option is (E) antlers.

For more such questions on European explorers:


discuss the importance of entrepreneurship to the socio economic development of Nigeria economy.



Entrepreneurship plays a crucial role in the socio-economic development of Nigeria's economy. Here are some key points highlighting its importance:

1. Job Creation and Employment: Entrepreneurship drives job creation by establishing new businesses and ventures. In a country like Nigeria with a large population and high unemployment rates, entrepreneurship offers opportunities for individuals to create their own employment. By starting and expanding businesses, entrepreneurs not only generate income for themselves but also provide employment opportunities for others, reducing unemployment and poverty levels.

2. Economic Growth and Innovation: Entrepreneurs are known for their innovative ideas and ability to identify market gaps. They introduce new products, services, and business models, which contribute to economic growth. Through their ventures, entrepreneurs stimulate competition, enhance productivity, and attract investments. They also foster technological advancements and drive innovation, which in turn leads to improved efficiency and competitiveness in the economy.

3. Wealth Creation and Poverty Alleviation: Entrepreneurship has the potential to create wealth and uplift communities. Successful entrepreneurs can accumulate wealth through their business ventures, leading to increased personal income and economic prosperity. As they expand their businesses, entrepreneurs also contribute to the tax base, which can be utilized for public infrastructure development, education, healthcare, and other social welfare programs. This, in turn, helps in reducing poverty and enhancing the overall standard of living.

4. Diversification of the Economy: Nigeria's economy has been heavily reliant on oil exports, making it vulnerable to fluctuations in global oil prices. Entrepreneurship offers a pathway to diversify the economy by promoting the development of various sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, technology, and services. By encouraging entrepreneurs to explore new sectors and opportunities, the economy becomes more resilient and less dependent on a single industry, thereby reducing economic risks and enhancing stability.

5. Socio-cultural Development: Entrepreneurship fosters socio-cultural development by promoting social mobility, empowering individuals, and fostering community development. Successful entrepreneurs often become role models and inspirations for others, encouraging a culture of ambition, creativity, and self-reliance. Additionally, entrepreneurs engage in corporate social responsibility initiatives, investing in community projects, education, and healthcare, which contribute to the overall development and well-being of society.

In summary, entrepreneurship is vital for Nigeria's socio-economic development. It drives job creation, economic growth, and innovation, while also fostering wealth creation, poverty alleviation, and diversification of the economy. By supporting and nurturing entrepreneurship, Nigeria can unlock its potential for sustainable development, enhance the standard of living for its citizens, and create a vibrant and prosperous economy.

Question 5
What role does the law of supply and demand play in a command economy?
1 pts
O The law of supply and demand functions in reverse because a command economy is the opposite of a
market economy.
O The law of supply and demand applies to a command economy as much as it does to other economies.
O The law of supply and demand functions the same way as in other economies, but the government sets the
O The law of supply and demand does not apply because in a command economy, the government controls the


Answer: O The law of supply and demand does not apply because in a command economy, the government controls the market.


Unit Test
Unit Test Review Active
5 6
Why is compound interest preferable to simple interest when investing?
O Compound interest pays at least double the interest on the principal during each month.
Compound interest is paid by the week or by the month, not only once during a year.
Compound interest is based on the entire principal, not just a percentage of the principal.
Compound interest pays interest both on the principal and the interest earned in each period.


The correct option is D. Compound interest pays interest both on the principal and the interest earned in each period.

Compound interest is preferable to simple interest when investing because it allows for the exponential growth of investments over time. Unlike simple interest, which only calculates interest on the initial principal amount, compound interest takes into account the accumulated interest as well.

This means that as interest is earned and added to the principal, subsequent interest calculations are based on the increased principal amount. As a result, compound interest generates higher returns and leads to greater overall growth of investments compared to simple interest.

The right option is D. Compound interest pays interest both on the principal and the interest earned in each period.

For more questions on Compound interest, visit:


Relate to the Topic
This lesson is about the conflict between Great Britain and its American
colonies. Describe how this kind of conflict could be similar to conflicts
between parent sand their teenage children.


The conflict between Great Britain and its American colonies can bear similarities to conflicts between parents and their teenage children. In both cases, there is a dynamic of power, differing perspectives, and the struggle for independence or autonomy.

Firstly, the conflict between Great Britain and the American colonies involved a power imbalance, with Great Britain exerting control and authority over the colonies. Similarly, parents often hold authority over their teenage children due to their role as guardians and decision-makers. Secondly, both conflicts are marked by differing perspectives and desires for independence. The American colonies sought greater self-governance and the right to make decisions that aligned with their interests, reflecting a desire for autonomy. Similarly, teenagers often desire greater independence and autonomy as they develop their own identities, leading to clashes with their parent's expectations and rules.

Additionally, conflicts in both scenarios often arise due to communication breakdowns and differing priorities. The failure to understand and empathize with each other's viewpoints can contribute to escalated tensions and misunderstandings.

However, it is important to note that the comparison has limitations, as the historical context and power dynamics in the conflict between Great Britain and its colonies differ significantly from the parent-teenager relationship. Nonetheless, drawing parallels can provide insights into the complexities of power dynamics, communication, and the pursuit of autonomy in various relational conflicts.

For more questions on conflict


►Identifying Cause and Effect Every event has at least one cause and one effect. The
cause is why something happened. Words like because, since, and reason signal a cause.
The effect tells what happened as a result of the cause. Words such as so, therefore, and as
a result signal an effect. Reread the second paragraph under "A New Nation." Then circle
the letter of the effect of Great Britain's debt.

A. Parliament passed new taxes for the colonies.
Britain fought a seven-year war with France.
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Identifying Cause and Effect Every event has at least one cause and one effect Correct answer is: A. Parliament passed new taxes for the colonies.

In the second paragraph under "A New Nation," the cause mentioned is "Great Britain's debt." The effect of this cause is not explicitly stated in the given options, but we can infer it based on historical context.

The effect of Great Britain's debt was significant for the American colonies, and it ultimately led to various actions taken by the British government, including the passage of new taxes for the colonies. This effect can be implied from the historical events surrounding the American Revolutionary War.

To further elaborate, Great Britain's debt incurred from the French and Indian War (also known as the Seven Years' War) had put a financial burden on the British government. In an attempt to alleviate this debt, Parliament passed new taxes and levies on the American colonies, such as the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and Townshend Acts. These acts were aimed at generating revenue from the colonies to help repay the debt.

The imposition of these taxes without colonial representation in Parliament created discontent among the colonists, leading to widespread protests and resistance. The colonists argued that they should have a say in the taxation policies that directly affected them, which fueled the sentiment of "no taxation without representation." These tensions eventually escalated into the American Revolutionary War and the subsequent fight for independence.

Based on the cause (Great Britain's debt) and its historical consequences, the effect would be the imposition of new taxes on the colonies by the British Parliament.

Correct option is  A. Parliament passed new taxes for the colonies.

For more such questions on Parliament.


define the term campaign and state 3 ways on how the community could benefit from participating in campaigns



1. Raising awareness: Campaigns can be effective in raising awareness about issues that are important to a community. By participating in a campaign, individuals can help to spread the message and educate others about the issue, leading to greater public understanding and potentially spurring action.

2. Mobilizing action: Campaigns can also be successful in mobilizing action around an issue. By getting involved in a campaign, individuals can help to create a sense of urgency and inspire others to take action, whether that's through signing a petition, attending a protest, or contacting their elected representatives.

3. Building community: Finally, participating in a campaign can help to build community and create a sense of solidarity among individuals who share a common goal. By working together towards a common cause, individuals can forge new connections and build relationships that can last beyond the campaign itself.

A labelled bar graph to illustrate the frequency of service delivery violation, extent of local government involvement and assistance by any three organisations


To identify service delivery violations in your community, you can utilize open-ended surveys administered to a sample of the population.

How to create your bar graph

Comparing the survey responses, you can create an informative and visually appealing bar graph.

A bar graph is a graphical representation used for comparing data by displaying information through bars. These bars represent the frequency or occurrence of specific categories or variables. Using spreadsheet software, you can easily create a bar chart by setting up the x-axis to represent different violations and the y-axis to display the frequency or count of each violation.

Once you have collected the necessary data and transformed it into a graph, the next step is to analyze the information. The analysis should focus on identifying patterns or trends within the data to determine the most common service delivery violations. By understanding the prevalent issues, you can propose effective solutions to address and rectify these problems in your community.

Read more on bar graph here:


Complete question

interview 5 people in your community about their knowledge on service delivery question 1 : outline any 3 services delivery violations that is happening in your community 2.1.1 questionnaire is available and populated 2.12 draw and label a bar graph to illustrate your research findings focus on your frequency of service delivery violation, extent of local government involvement and assistance by any 3 community organizations 2.1.4 critically analyse the findings from your bar graph​

If you would be given a chance to choose from all the land forms and Water Forms in the Philippines, which landforms and water forms you will choose from? Why?


The Philippines often have mountains. Mountains may be found across the nation.

The Philippines often have mountains. Mountains may be found across the nation. The second tallest peak in the nation is Mount Pulog, which is located in Ifugao, Province in Luzon. Other well-known mountains in our nation are Mt. Banahaw, which is located between Laguna and Quezon, Mt. Baco, Mt. Halcon, Mt. Kanlaon, and Mt. Bulusan, which are all in Mindoro.

Many tourists come to these mountains from all over the world. Even when a man-made land bridge connects two islands, such as Singapore and its causeway or the many Dutch delta islands like IJsselmonde, they can still be referred to as islands.

Learn more about the Philippines here:


what can me found under the ground​


We can be found underground can vary significantly depending on the geographical region and geological characteristics of a particular area.

There are various things that can be found underground, depending on the specific location and geological composition.

Here are some common examples:

Minerals and Ores:

Underground mining operations extract minerals and ores such as gold, silver, copper, iron, coal, diamonds and many others.

Fossil Fuels:

Underground reservoirs hold fossil fuels like oil, natural gas and coal.

These resources are extracted through drilling or mining processes.


Underground aquifers store vast amounts of freshwater, which can be accessed through wells and used for drinking water, agriculture and industrial purposes.

Geothermal Energy:

In certain areas, underground reservoirs of hot water or steam can be tapped into to generate geothermal energy is used for electricity generation and heating.


Underground systems of caves and caverns are formed in limestone or other soluble rock formations.

These underground spaces often contain unique geological formations, stalactites, stalagmites and sometimes even underground rivers.

Archaeological Sites:

Underground layers of soil can preserve artifacts and evidence of past human settlements and civilizations.

Archaeologists excavate these sites to uncover historical information.


Underground infrastructure includes tunnels, subway systems, underground parking lots and utility networks like water and sewage pipes, electrical cables and telecommunications cables.

For similar questions on underground


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