Based on data-based research in the 1960s, the consensus that emerged on the role of public opinion on policy was that


Answer 1

The era of the 1960s has been called one of the most unstable in all of American history. Various major events shaped the era,

the assassination of American President John F. Kennedy the killings of other national politicians, including Martin Luther King Jr., Robert Kennedy, and Malcolm X, the dispute and crises surrounding the cold war with the Soviet Union, the surging Civil Rights movement, and the escalating war in Vietnam.

The era began with many oaths and hope on the national political scene, with the election of a young, vibrant new president. Yet, America faced both foreign and domestic challenges.

The cold war conveys over from the previous decade and the 1962 Cuban missile crisis almost resulted in a full-scale nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Black Americans were forced for equal rights and were met with violent resistance on the part of Southern segregationists.

To know more about American Movement:


Related Questions

What effect did the Jim Crow south have on blacks in the judicial system


Jim Crow system undermined the civil rights that African Americans had gained during Reconstruction.

How were the amendments violated by the Jim Crow laws?

In contrast to the Ferguson case of Plessy from 1896, the Constitutional Court reached a unanimous decision declaring that the "separate but equal" policy was unconstitutional or that segregation in public schools and other places of public accommodation was a violation of the Thirteenth and Amendment in the constitution.

How were the laws of Jim Crow implemented? What were they?

A number of legislation known as the Jim Crow laws were enacted to keep races apart, particularly in the South. The rules prohibited interracial marriage and placed numerous additional limitations on interracial social and religious interaction.

To learn more about Jim Crow visit:


What was removed from Declaration of Independence?


An early draught of the Declaration contained a 168-word statement that denounced slavery as just one of the wrongs the British crown had imposed on the colonies. The section was removed from the final text.

What elements of the Declaration of Independence were deleted?

In an early copy of the Declaration, Thomas Jefferson wrote a 168-word section that denounced slavery as just one of the injustices the British crown had imposed on the colonies. The section was removed from the final text.

Therefore, even though Jefferson is regarded with incorporating ideas of freedom and equality from the Enlightenment into the Declaration, the nation's founding document—its moral purpose statement—would always be mute on the subject of slavery.For persons of African origin, the omission would leave a legacy of discrimination that led to decades of conflict for fundamental human and civic rights.

Thus, legacy of discrimination was removed from the Declaration of Independence.

To know more about the Declaration of Independence, here


According to Mee-Hai Kong of Pusan's Women's University, the change in Korean women's status, political participation, and
employment is a result of modern development. Which social institutions are most responsible for this development?

A. economics and nonprofits

B. economics and government

C. education and religion

D. nonprofits and government


Social institutions are most responsible for this development economics and government.

What is Social institutions?

Social institutions are complex organizations that are formed by individuals to achieve common goals. They are often used to maintain order and organization in society. They can take many forms, such as religious institutions, educational institutions, economic institutions, government institutions, and family institutions. In each case, these institutions are designed to provide a structure and set of rules that help individuals achieve their desired goals. Social institutions also help to ensure that all members of society are treated fairly, and that everyone is provided with the opportunity for personal growth and development. Social institutions are essential for creating and maintaining strong, healthy societies.

To learn more about Social institutions

What types of sacrifices did Americans make at home to help the military effort abroad?

How did the war impact Americans on the homefront?


Types of sacrifices Americans made at home to help the middle tellary of a a board by contributing rags, rubber paper, metal to help build the government airplanes and other equipment needed to fight. The war. Scrap and drivers were a kind away people could provide for the war effort.

The war impact Americans on the homefront by engaging the efforts of the entire Silva nation population. All males between the ages of 18 to 35 had to register for the draft. Rationing of food gasoline, tires, and clothing required lifestyle, changes.

How did Benito Mussolini gain power as a totalitarian dictator in Italy before World War II?



Benito Mussolini came to power in Italy as a totalitarian dictator in the period leading up to World War II through a combination of political maneuvering and force.

Mussolini was the leader of the Italian Fascist Party, which he founded in 1919. The Fascists were a radical right-wing political movement that called for a strong, centralized government and the suppression of individual rights. Mussolini and the Fascists gained support in Italy in the aftermath of World War I, as many people were disillusioned with the existing political system and looking for strong leadership.

In 1922, Mussolini and the Fascists organized a "March on Rome," in which thousands of Fascist supporters marched on the Italian capital to demand power. The Italian government, which was weak and divided, was unable to stop the march, and Mussolini was appointed as the Prime Minister of Italy.

Once in power, Mussolini quickly consolidated his control over the government and established a totalitarian regime. He suppressed political opposition, censored the media, and used violence and intimidation to maintain his grip on power. He also established a network of paramilitary organizations, including the Blackshirts and the Italian Social Republic, to enforce his will.

Mussolini's rise to power as a totalitarian dictator in Italy was a key factor in the lead-up to World War II, as his aggressive foreign policy and alliance with Nazi Germany helped to destabilize Europe and contribute to the outbreak of the war.

Prior to World War II, Benito Mussolini used a mixture of political scheming, taking advantage of societal instability, and the construction of a fascist government to ascend to the position of a totalitarian dictator in Italy.

Mussolini established the National Fascist Party in 1919 with the intention of advancing nationalism, anti-communism, and totalitarian government. Tens of thousands of fascist followers marched towards the city in 1922 as part of Mussolini's March on Rome, demanding political control.

Mussolini soon constructed a totalitarian dictatorship after coming to power by stifling political opposition and gaining control over important institutions. He employed strategies including censorship, intimidation, and violence to undermine rival political parties.

Learn more about Benito Mussolini, here:


Question 9 of 10
How did Muhammad change Arabic religion?
A. He established Jerusalem.
B. He established monotheism.
OC. He created the Sunni religion.
OD. He joined it with Christianity.



B. He established monotheism.


Muhammad established monotheism in the Arabian Peninsula by teaching a single, uncompromising monotheism, promoting ideas of one god, prohibition of idolatry, and the belief in his revelations.

What is the main idea of social contract?


Rousseau seeks to guarantee the civil freedom that should come with living in society by putting out the idea of a social contract. An agreement not to hurt one's fellow citizens tempers this freedom, yet this limitation encourages morality and rationalism in people.

Hobbes is renowned for his early and thorough elaboration of the "social contract theory," which justifies political rules or agreements by referencing the agreement that would be reached between appropriately situated, rational, free, and equal people. Thus, three stages defined by Rousseau are examined: (a) the state of nature, where man is free and independent; (b) society, where man is enslaved and dependent on others; and (c) the state under the Social Contract, where, paradoxically.

Learn more about citizens  from


Which important measure passed under the Articles of Confederation addressed slavery and established a process for statehood


The action that tended to subjection and laid out a cycle for statehood in the Articles of Confederation was the Northwest Statute of 1787.

What precisely was the Northwest Mandate?

The Northwest Mandate was a significant measure passed under the Articles of Confederation to address servitude and lay out an interaction for statehood. It was viewed as one of the main administrative demonstrations of the Confederation Congress since it safeguarded common freedoms and banned subjugation in the new domains.

The Articles of Confederation was an arrangement among the thirteen unique conditions of the US that filled in as its most memorable casing of government. After endorsement by every one of the states, it came into force on Walk 1, 1781.

Learn more about Articles of Confederation:


What is municipal example?


A village, town, or city is referred to as a municipality and is often led by a mayor and council. This noun gives rise to the adjective municipal, which you can use to describe anything connected to a town or its administration. The municipal building downtown may be home to the city council offices for your community.

What function does municipal serve?

A municipality must: (a) structure and manage its administration, budgeting, and planning procedures to prioritize meeting the basic requirements of the community and to foster its social and economic development; and (b) take part in national and provincial development initiatives.

What authority does the city have?

Like an individual or private organization, municipalities have some basic legal authority.

                 Municipalities have the authority to offer and recoup the costs of any service they deem essential or desirable as public service providers. Additionally, municipalities are able to impose property taxes and govern both people and property.

Learn more about municipal


1. Why was the U. S. At a disadvantage when it first entered World War II, according to the article? O A. It did not have enough enlisted soldiers. O B. Its Pacific fleet had been seriously damaged. O C. Its military was half the size of Japan's O D. It had no land holdings or allies in the Pacific​


Its Pacific fleet had been seriously damaged.

When U.S.A joined the war, Japan knew and planned to launch a surprise attack. At Pearl Harbor, on December 7, 1941, Japan's plan was in motion. The United States were not prepared for this and were therefore  caught off guard. They took a huge damage after this because they had all the war equipment with them there which were destroyed. The food supplies were also damaged. The Japan army attacked four fleets in US territories : Wake island, Guam and Philippines. U.S.A would end up being helpless because they were no close allies around to get them back on their feet. They would recover but only after the United States Air squad and sub -marines showed up. They challenged the Japanese to retreat. The U.S.A would have to take some time still because the inconvenience was not negligible.

Consider reading more about this here:


What are 5 different ways in which countries share ideas, goods, and/or people?


Answer: Trade, Investment, Tourism, International Organizations.


Trade: Countries can exchange goods and services with each other, either through direct bilateral trade or through multilateral trade agreements.

Investment: Countries can also engage in foreign direct investment, where businesses from one country invest in and establish operations in another country. This can involve the transfer of technology, management expertise, and other resources.

Immigration: People can move from one country to another, either for work, education, or other reasons. This can involve the transfer of skills, knowledge, and cultural practices.

Tourism: People from one country can visit another country as tourists, allowing for the exchange of ideas and cultural experiences.

International organizations: Countries can also share ideas and cooperate on issues of mutual concern through international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organization, and regional organizations like the European Union.

Why might Mississippi have required all African Americans to have labor contracts, but not white Mississippians


Mississippi might have required all African Americans to have labor contracts, but not white Mississippians as were making an unofficial attempt to maintain the slavery system that had previously been in effect.

The Black Codes mandated that anyone who refused to sign yearly labour contracts might be detained and farmed out to white landowners in response to the planters' requests that the freed people be made to work on the plantations. Following the Civil War, Southern governments passed black codes to keep African Americans from obtaining political and economic independence.

The codes' main objective was to limit Black people's employment and activity, even while they permitted African Americans some liberties, such as the ability to purchase and possess property, get married, enter into contracts, and testify in court (but only in situations involving members of their own race).

Know more about African Americans here


3. What kind of texture does igneous rock have when magma cools
a. coarse-grained
b. medium-grained
c. large-grained
d. fine-grained


When exposed to the atmosphere's relatively cool temperature, the magma, also known as lava when molten rock erupts on the surface, quickly cools and solidifies.

Which type of rock results from the rapid cooling of magma?

igneous rock that protrudes

One type of igneous rock is produced when magma cools rapidly, and another type is produced when it cools slowly. Lava, which quickly cools on the surface, is the product of magma that rises from the earth's interior and erupts from volcanoes. This type of rock is known as extrusive igneous rock.

When an igneous rock cools very slowly, what texture does it have?

Alternatively known as plutonic rocks, intrusive rocks cool gradually below the earth's surface. Large crystals that they hThey have large crystals that are usually visible without a microscope. This surface is known as a phaneritic texture. Perhaps the best-known phaneritic rock is granite.

To know more about  magma visit:


What caused the metal shortage in the US during ww2?


Metals were required for military uses during World War II. Priority was given to military equipment such as ships, aeroplanes, jeeps, guns, ration tins, and helmets.

Following its entry into the war in December 1941, the United States had severe shortages of copper, zinc, and tin as it ramped up production of everything ranging from ships and planes to tanks and artillery ammunition.

The US's ability to supply necessities including food, footwear, metal, paper, and rubber was severely hampered by World War II.

In addition to the nation's efforts to support its allies abroad, the Army and Navy were expanding. These materials were still required by the general populace for consumption items.

To know more about World War II, visit:


When Jamaican-born social activist Marcus Garvey came to the United States in 1916, he arrived at precisely the right historical moment. What made the moment right was the return of African American soldiers from the First World War in 1918, which created an ideal constituency for someone with Garvey's message of unity, pride, and improved conditions for African American communities.


Marcus Garvey, a social activist from Jamaica, arrived in the United States in 1916 precisely at the right time in history.

The fact that African American soldiers returned from the First World War in 1918 provided an ideal audience for Garvey's message of unity, pride, and improved conditions for African American communities made the time right.Many African Americans enthusiastically joined the armed forces in an effort to participate in the traditional American ethos of individual success, only to find themselves segregated from white soldiers and subjected to numerous indignities.

When they got back, the JAMAICAN was still very segregated, just like it had been before the war. Anthony F. C. Wallace, an anthropologist, has argued that a revitalization movement can be sparked when a perceptible gap exists between a culture's expectations and the reality of that culture: a deliberate, organized effort to establish a culture that meets established standards.



How did Justice Murphy's view of the case differ from that of Justice Douglas?


The view of Justice Murphy was different from that of Justice Douglas based on the fact that Murphy wanted a more elaborate explanation of the constitutions due process clause.

How did Justice Murphy's view of the case differ from that of Justice Douglas?

In the case of "selective incorporation", Justice Murphy and Justice Douglas had different views on how the 14th amendment should be applied to the Bill of Rights.

Justice Murphy advocated for a more expansive interpretation of the 14th amendment's Due Process Clause, which states that no state shall "deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." He believed that this clause should be used to incorporate most of the protections in the Bill of Rights, such as the freedom of speech, religion, and press, against state action. This approach is known as "total incorporation" which would apply all the rights in the Bill of Rights to the states.

On the other hand, Justice Douglas argued for a more limited interpretation of the 14th amendment's Due Process Clause. He believed that the amendment should only be used to incorporate certain fundamental rights that are essential to the concept of ordered liberty, such as the right to a fair trial, the prohibition against cruel and unusual punishment, and the right to equal protection under the law.

Read more on Justice Douglas and Justice Murphy here:


Which of the following statements describes how the Punic Wars changed the social order in Rome?
Romans could focus more on expanding into the Western Mediterranean.
Many Romans became very wealthy and created large estates.
Slavery ended in the Mediterranean region.
Romans were forced to reorganize their government with an emperor as ruler.


The statements that describes how the Punic Wars changed the social order in Rome is "many Romans became very wealthy and created large estates". The Option B is correct.

How exactly did Punic Wars changed the social order in Rome?

The Punic Wars, a series of three wars fought by Rome and Carthage between 264 BC and 146 BC, had a significant impact on the social order in Rome. The prolonged and costly wars brought about significant changes to the Roman society and economy.

Firstly, the Punic Wars led to a significant expansion of the Roman Empire, which brought new territories and resources under Roman control. This expansion led to an increase in the number of citizens and an influx of wealth, which led to a shift in power from the patrician class to the plebeian class.

Secondly, the wars also had a significant impact on the Roman economy. The prolonged conflicts required significant financial resources, which led to increased taxes and an increase in public debt. This led to a shift in the economy from a primarily agrarian-based economy to a more urban-based economy.

Lastly, the wars also led to a significant change in the Roman military. The wars required the creation of a professional standing army, which led to the formation of a new class of veterans who had significant economic and political power.

Read more about Punic Wars


history is a voice forever sounding across the centuries the laws of right and wrong opinion alter manners change creeds rise and fall but the moral law is written on the tablets of eternity for every false word or unrighteous deed for cruelty and oppression for lust or vanity the price has to be paid at last

Explain the quote by by james anthony froude



This quote is expressing the idea that throughout history, certain fundamental principles of right and wrong have remained constant, even as opinions, customs, and belief systems have changed over time. The "moral law" is described as being written on "the tablets of eternity," suggesting that it is timeless and unchanging. The quote also suggests that there are consequences for behaving in ways that are dishonest, unjust, or immoral, and that these consequences will inevitably be paid, regardless of the passing of time. In other words, the quote is emphasizing the importance of living according to a moral code and treating others with respect and kindness, because these values are enduring and essential to a well-ordered society.

What were the lives of former Confederate soldiers like after the war?

They found new powerful positions as industrial business owners.

They regained power in political positions.

They were incarcerated as criminals, facing a drastic change in status.

They returned to plantations, where their lives returned to prewar conditions


The lives of former Confederate soldiers after the war came back to normal. They returned to plantations, where their lives returned to prewar conditions.

The correct option is D.

Following the surrender of their guns and other military belongings, Confederates would be granted parole. The US government would not pursue prosecution against soldiers who turned in their weapons. Grant further permitted the retention of sidearms and mounts by Confederate officers.

Soldiers from the Confederacy would be instantly released and permitted to go home. Rations and, in certain situations, transportation would be provided for them. They refused to serve time in jail and faced no treason charges.

Soldiers from the Confederacy backed their country's right to separate from the United States. Confederate troops endured a lot of hardships throughout the war and are most remembered for their grey uniforms.

To learn more about Confederate soldiers, refer


Prior to the development of slavery in the American colonies, what type of conditions would indentured servants agree
They had to pay for their room and board.
They agreed to find their replacement when finished.
They worked until their debt was paid off.
They paid a high price to be transported to the colonies.


Answer: They worked until their debt was paid off.


Answer: it B


Darwin's Theory of Evolution is the widely held notion that all life is related and has descended from a common ancestor: the birds and the bananas, the fishes and the flowers -- all related. Darwin's general theory presumes the development of life from non-life and stresses a purely naturalistic (undirected) "descent with modification". That is, complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors naturally over time. In a nutshell, as random genetic mutations occur within an organism's genetic code, the beneficial mutations are preserved because they aid survival -- a process known as "natural selection." These beneficial mutations are passed on to the next generation. Over time, beneficial mutations accumulate and the result is an entirely different organism (not just a variation of the original, but an entirely different creature).



I think your talking about Darwin's Theory of Evolution

Which is a characteristic of a Supreme Court justice?


A characteristic of a Supreme Court Justice is Impeccable integrity, which means the ability to give and keep your word.

Being appointed for life or until retirement is a quality or trait of a Supreme Court justice.

Since they are appointed for life or until retirement, Supreme Court justices have stability and independence in their capacity to interpret the Constitution. Since they are appointed for life, the justices are protected from political pressure and frequent changes in power. Instead of being influenced by the general public's opinion or political considerations it enables them to make decisions based on their interpretation of the law and the Constitution.

This trait is intended to preserve the separation of powers and safeguard the judiciary from improper influence. Justices with lifetime appointments can gain experience and institutional knowledge which helps the Court's rulings stay consistent and stable over time.

learn more about Supreme Court justice here


What happened to Japanese Americans living on the West Coast?


During World War II, the United States forcibly relocated and incarcerated at least 125,284 people of Japanese descent in 75 identified incarceration sites. Most lived on the Pacific Coast, in concentration camps in the western interior of the country.

Which three statements are true of the Aztec people and culture?
States had to pay heavy tributes to the ruler.
The people were required to make human sacrifices to Quetzalcoatl.
The farmers developed new irrigation methods.
The people used chinampas to grow crops.
The civilization invented the concept of zero.


The Aztec civilisation is well-known for being the final important Mesoamerican civilization to exist before the advent of the Europeans.

What are 3 cultural facts about the Aztecs?

Their eagle warriors built a vast empire, using advanced farming techniques, stunning temple pyramids, and sacrificed humans to their gods.

The most developed civilisation in Mesoamerica was the Aztec one, whose capital city was Tenochtitlán (Mexico City). Sources for this information include archaeology, indigenous literature (codices), and in-depth, thorough tales from their Spanish conquerors—both military soldiers and Christian clergy.

The image we have of the Aztecs, their organizations, religious practises, battle, and daily life is rich and continually being updated with fresh knowledge, even though the later sources might not always be trustworthy.

To know more about Aztec civilisation, visit:


Did Germany only signed the armistice of 1918 to regroup the Central Powers and then attack again or it was completely for surrender purposes?



Germany signed the armistice of 1918, also known as the Armistice of Compiègne, on November 11, 1918, to bring an end to fighting in World War I. The armistice was not a surrender, but rather a temporary cessation of hostilities while the terms of a peace treaty were negotiated. The armistice did not require Germany to admit defeat or to accept blame for the war, but it did require Germany to evacuate occupied territories and to disarm its military.

The armistice was signed by representatives of the German government and the Allied powers, which included France, Great Britain, and the United States. It brought an end to four years of devastating fighting, but it did not bring a lasting peace. The terms of the armistice were later formalized in the Treaty of Versailles, which was signed in 1919.

The armistice of 1918 was not signed in order for Germany to regroup and attack again, but rather as a temporary measure to allow for negotiations on a more permanent peace settlement.

Answer: Yes, the armistice of 1918 was signed by Germany completely for surrender purposes.

Why were the Great Compromise and 3/5 compromise so important in helping to create and ratify the Constitution?


Representation issues there in federal government were resolved by the Great Compromise. Concerning the enslaved africans of southern states as well as the importation of Africans into those states, the 3/5 Compromise resolved representational issues.Explain the importance of Great Compromise and 3/5 compromise?

Great Compromise:

Their infamous "Great Compromise" established a dual structure of voting power in honour of its creators, Connecticut representatives Roger Sherman as well as Oliver Ellsworth. Each state would be given a certain number of seats in its House of Representatives according to its population.

3/5 Compromise :

By increasing the number of Southern electors compared to what would have happened had the slave population not even been counted, the Three-Fifths Compromise increased the influence of the South in presidential elections.Somewhere at United States Constitutional Convention (1787), delegates from the Northern and Southern states reached a compromise by agreeing that three-fifths of a slave population would be taken into account when setting direct taxes and House of Representatives representation.

To know more about the Great Compromise, here


Lewis Journal
in what ways we’re the events described in the june 6 and june 7 journal entries similar?


The notebooks are an excellent resource for learning about the Native American nations and cultures they came across. Lewis and Clark spent time describing traditions, cultural practices, and the temperaments of particular chiefs and guides.

What three details of Lewis and Clark's journey did you learn?

After being court-martialed by the Army, Lewis and Clark first crossed paths.

Jefferson's secretary Lewis had worked for him.

Thomas Jefferson anticipated that the expedition could come across woolly mammoths.

To stop the mission, the Spanish dispatched soldiers.

What became of Lewis' journals?

The journals were brought back to Washington after his death in 1809 so that new editors might begin their work.

To Know more about cultural practices,


what was one reason that colonizers preferred to enslave Africans to work in the colonies over other groups


One reason that colonizers preferred to enslave Africans to work in the colonies over other groups was African people knew how to cultivate rice and grow other crops.

Despite having relatively limited social or political influence in colonial America, Africans' contributions not only helped to finance the Southern colonies but also contributed to their ultimate prosperity. Although slavery existed across every colony at some point, it was the farming industry in the South that relied on it to thrive economically.

Large plantations that produced labor-intensive crops like rice and tobacco required a sizable labour force to work them. Africans were compelled to work to meet this labour need.

Know more about enslaved Africans here


What was the purpose of this WWII poster?



Probably either to get you to buy war bonds, join the army or encourage women to join the workforce. But im not sure i cant see the poster im just guessing from WW2

What was the significance of the US Supreme Court's decision in Korematsu v United States ?


One of the Supreme Court's most contentious rulings ever was announced on December 18, 1944.

Since it permitted the federal government to hold a person on the basis of their race during a time of war, the Korematsu decision is still debatable today.

Fred Korematsu received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1998. His road to that point began during World War II when he resisted being compelled to enter a Japanese-American relocation centre where families were housed in horse stalls at a deserted racetrack until they were transferred to far-flung internment camps in the West.

To know more about Supreme Court, click here:


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