Beginning in the 1400s, the catholic clergy made large contributions to the scientific knowledge of Europe. True or false?


Answer 1




The Catholic clergy were part of the Catholic Church and generally were not interested in scientific knowledge.

Answer 2

True. Beginning in the 1400s, the Catholic clergy made significant contributions to the scientific knowledge of Europe. Many members of the clergy, including monks, priests, and bishops, were well-educated and well-versed in classical learning, and they played a key role in the transmission and preservation of scientific knowledge in Europe.

In particular, the Catholic Church supported and funded the study of mathematics, astronomy, and other scientific disciplines, and many clergymen were actively involved in scientific research. For example, the Catholic monk Gregor Mendel, who is known as the "father of genetics," conducted groundbreaking research on the inheritance of traits in plants, and the Catholic priest Nicholas Copernicus developed the heliocentric model of the solar system, which placed the sun at the center of the universe rather than the earth.

Hope This Helps You!

Related Questions

All of the following statements are true of the Atlantic trade in the eighteenth century
a) Although important, slave-grown crops actually accounted for only a small portion of the value of the trade
b) The profits from the slave trade in particular stimulated the rise of key English ports. c) New England and the Middle Colonies exported fish, grain, and lumber to the West Indies.
d) Profits from the Atlantic trade helped finance the early Industrial Revolution. e) Europe was the primary market for colonial-grown products such as rice and indigo.


True. All of these statements are true of the eighteenth century Atlantic trade.

What is Atlantic trade?

Atlantic trade is the term used to describe the exchange of goods, services and people between Europe, Africa, and the Americas in the Atlantic Ocean region during the early modern period. It began in the 15th century, when European merchants first began trading with African and American peoples. The trade eventually extended to all parts of the Atlantic basin and was a major factor in the development of the global economy. The Atlantic trade was based on the exchange of a variety of goods, including precious metals, manufactured goods, agricultural products, slaves, and migrants. It was an essential part of the emerging global economy, and had a major impact on the political, social, and economic development of the countries involved in the trade. The Atlantic trade also had a significant impact on the development of the African diaspora, as millions of African slaves were transported across the Atlantic to the Americas.

To learn more about Atlantic trade

What is the shariah?



Sharia is a body of religious law that forms a part of the Islamic tradition. It is derived from the religious precepts of Islam and is based on the sacred scriptures of Islam, particularly the Quran and the Hadith.

Since we are on the topic of Global Economic Policy and the U.S. in World Affairs, let's revisit one of the Learning Focus &
Essential Questions:
"How does the World view the U.S. and why does that vary in different countries or regions?"
Using the information from this section - answer the question above in paragraph form and use examples from this section
and outside resources if needed.


Americans vary in different countries or region also stand out for their religiosity and optimism, especially when compared with other relatively wealthy countries.

Why is America the most influential country in the world?

The United States of America unquestionably leads the list of the world's most powerful countries, leading the way in science, athletics, technology, and other fields. The country has the most powerful economy and military in the world, as well as a massive economy.

In the Better Life Index, the United States outperforms other countries in several categories of well-being. In terms of money, jobs, education, environmental quality, social ties, and life happiness, the United States beats the average. These evaluations are based on available facts.

Learn more about America here:


What was the real impact of the 14th Amendment?


The Amendment liberated the African Americans. The Amendment made it possible for anyone who is born and naturalized in the United States is recognized as a citizen. This citizen's rights will be protected just like any other American citizen.

The impact this brought was after the slaves started being freed. They did not have to go through tedious processes just to attain their right of citizenship. Before the 14th Amendment came about, the slaves would be free but still get recaptured by other slave owners and enslaved again. The Amendment not only gave African American citizenship but ensured them that the government through the justice system will protect their rights as they would do to a white American

Consider reading more about the 14th amendment here:


1. As a Mesopotamian, which of these would you
use to water land?
trade with?
c. hire to record information?
d. pay to the government?
e. worship in?


As a Mesopotamian, which of the following would you: a.) use to water land irrigation b.) to trade with caravan c.) hire to record information scribe d.) pay to the government city-state e.) worship in ziggurat

How do Mesopotamians keep records?

Inscriptions carved on clay tablets. The scribes would take a stylus (a stick made from a reed) and press lines and symbols into the soft, moist clay. Once finished, they let the clay harden and they have a permanent record.

What did the Mesopotamians trade?

Exports in Mesopotamian trade included ceramics, glass, grain, leather goods, cooking oil, baskets and mats made of reed, and textiles. Imported goods include copper, ivory, pearls, semi-precious stones, gold, silver, other precious metals, wood and lapis lazuli.

To learn more about Mesopotamia visit:


what is the main idea of"Andrew Jackson and the Electoral System"?


Andrew Jackson believed in a rigid interpretation of the Constitution and in the rights of the states; he believed that when the Constitution assigned authority to the federal government, the federal government had to be paramount.

Who is Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson was the seventh President of the United States from 1829 to 1837. He was an American lawyer, planter, general, and statesman. Prior to being elected to the presidency, he rose to prominence as a general in the United States Army and served in both houses of the United States Congress.

During the War of 1812, as commander of the Tennessee militia, Andrew Jackson decisively beat the Creek Indians (allied with the British). His valiant victory over the British in the Battle of New Orleans solidified his reputation as a war hero.

Jackson's acts and presidency placed the Executive Branch on an equal footing with Congress in terms of power and ability to influence law and government policies. Jackson protected and saved the Union against nullifiers and secessionists.

Learn more about Andrew Jackson  here:


Which best describes a cause of the schism between the Roman Catholic and Protestant branches of Christianity


The Great Schism came to fruition because of a mind-boggling blend of strict conflicts and political contentions. One of the numerous strict conflicts between the western (Roman) and eastern (Byzantine) parts of the congregation had to do with whether involving unleavened bread for the holy observance of communion was satisfactory.

Martin Luther's 95 Postulations scrutinized the acts of the Roman Catholic Church, including the selling of guilty pleasures, in a public discussion.

The English lord needed to end his marriage, yet the pope wouldn't revoke the union. Bartholomew's day slaughter made Protestants in Europe rebel against the Catholics which wound up as a worldwide struggle.

Learn more about schism:


Did the Holy Roman Empire restore unity in Western Europe?





No, the Holy Roman Empire was unable to restore unity in Western Europe. The Holy Roman Empire was a loose collection of states, principalities, and cities which were nominally united under the rule of the Holy Roman Emperor. The Empire was unable to effectively unify the various political and religious factions in Western Europe, leading to continued fragmentation and conflict.

What did Washington warn the young nation about?
(pg 261)



George Washington, warned the young nation about the dangers of becoming involved in foreign wars and entanglements. He advised the nation to focus on building and strengthening itself, rather than getting involved in the conflicts and politics of other countries.

which statement is an important understanding in both texts in A historic lineup and A Baseball legend


The  statement is an important understanding in both texts in A historic lineup and A Baseball legend is : unequal treatment of players is a part of baseballs history. Option C

What is meant by unequal treatment?

Unequal treatment refers to the practice of treating individuals or groups differently based on factors such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, se.xual orientation, or disability. This can manifest in various ways, including discrimination, bias, and prejudice. Unequal treatment can take place in many different settings, such as the workplace, education, housing, and healthcare.

Unequal treatment can have a significant impact on an individual or group's ability to access opportunities and resources, and it can lead to a lack of representation, power, and influence. It can also lead to feelings of marginalization, alienation, and resentment.

Unequal treatment is a violation of human rights and is illegal in many countries. Laws and regulations to prevent discrimination, bias, and prejudice are put in place to ensure that individuals and groups are treated fairly and with equality.

Read more on unequal treatment here:


Many historians describe the American relationship to Native Americans as "paternalistic", meaning that America positioned itself as the "father" of the Native Americans, who were "children" that had to be "civilized". Does President Jefferson seem to express this viewpoint?


Answer: Yes, Jefferson seems to express this answer well.

Explanation: Many people, including Jefferson, believed that the native's way of life was "wrong" and "uncivilized". Looking back, we know this is wrong, because we all live our lives differently, and no way is wrong. Also, as you can see, Thomas Jefferson's tone seems very "fatherly" or caring. From this statement stated, Jefferson reveals that America is in a position to show "fatherly" care to the Native Americans, to gain friendship and trade relations.

Damascus and Aleppo. Sanaa and Aden. Tripoli and Benghazi. These city pairs illustrate:
Select one:
a. the rank size rule.
b. classic examples of urban primacy.
c. some countries need for a summer capital.
d. rival urban cores within a single country.


Option D is correct, Damascus and Aleppo. Sanaa and Aden. Tripoli and Benghazi. These city pairs illustrate rival urban cores within a single country.

A small elite receives a disproportionate share of Baghdad's resources, which supports an entrenched violence system. Although Tripoli, like Baghdad, serves as the main entry point for funds obtained from the nation's oil wealth, opposing Libyan forces are at odds over how authority should be distributed. As a result, fierce rivalry-based violence is currently being waged in an effort to take control of the city. Sanaa and Damascus don't have the same amount of generosity to give out. Due to the amount to which oil profits go through Baghdad and Tripoli, respectively, in Iraq and Libya, such control is equivalent to controlling the state. Despite not offering the same opportunities for revenue capture, Damascus and Sanaa remain the centers of their respective combat economies.

To learn more about Damascus, click at:


You buy certain supplies in nearland. Last year, the currency exchange rate was 1 USD = 3 NRD. Are these supplies more or less expensive to buy now than last year? (will mark brainliest <3)


It depends on the current exchange rate. If the current exchange rate is the same as it was last year, then the supplies would be the same price to buy now as they were last year.

However, if the exchange rate has changed since then, then the supplies may be either more or less expensive to buy now.

For example, if the exchange rate is now 1 USD = 2.5 NRD, then the supplies would be more expensive to buy now than they were last year because the value of the NRD has decreased. However, if the exchange rate is now 1 USD = 3.5 NRD, then the supplies would be less expensive to buy now than they were last year because the value of the NRD has increased.

In general, if the current exchange rate is lower than it was last year, then the supplies would be more expensive to buy now. Conversely, if the current exchange rate is higher than it was last year, then the supplies would be less expensive to buy now.

Learn more about exchange rate:


The Supreme Court ruled that Harry Truman overstepped the bounds of wartime executive power when he took which action


The Supreme Court determined that Harry Truman's seizure of steel mills was beyond the scope of his administrative authority during the war.

The War Powers Resolution of 1973 was a piece of legislation passed by Congress with the goal of limiting the president of the United States' ability to begin or escalate military actions abroad. As part of our system of governmental "checks and balances," the legislation seeks to prevent the executive branch from using American military forces in a war without receiving congressional approval. Additionally, it prohibits military deployments of more than 60 days and mandates that the president notify Congress of military action within 48 hours.

According to the Constitution, the president and Congress each have a portion of the power to declare war. While Congress alone has the power to declare war and approve funding for the military, the president serves as both head of state and commander in chief of the armed forces.

To know more about The War Powers Resolution of 1973


Europeans established American colonies for different reasons. Compare and contrast the motivations of the Pilgrims, the Puritans, the Quakers, and James Oglethorpe.


The main reasons why the settlers (such as Pilgrims, Puritans, Quakers, James Oglethorpe) came to the American colonies includes:

the desire for riches,the hope of freedom of religionfreedom from imprisonment, debt or slavery.

What were common motivation for these settlers?

Religion drove the establishment of these colonies. A group of settlers left Plymouth, England, in 1620 to join the settlers at Jamestown. Separatists were among them, a group of people who believed the Church of England was corrupt and thus sought to break away from it.

They believed that the New World would provide them with the opportunity to live and worship according to their beliefs. They arrived in England later than planned, and their ship was blown off course. They landed on the present-day coast of Massachusetts and named their settlement after the town from which they had sailed.

Read more about settlers


The change from hand labor to machine labor was brought about during the period of time known as the: Crusades Industrial Revolution Reformation


The change from hand labor to machine labor was brought about during the period of time known as the: Crusades Industrial Revolution Reformation from 1760 to 1820.

The Industrial Revolution, which took place in England in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, was a period of rapid industrial expansion. From around 1760 to 1820 and 1840, new manufacturing techniques were adopted. The use of machines to produce goods was one aspect of this transformation.

Along with the establishment of the factory system, this time period saw the development of steam power, the spinning jenny, new chemical manufacturing techniques, and technologies for producing iron. The Industrial Revolution was a crucial historical turning point that resulted in considerable changes in many spheres of life.

To know more about Industrial Revolution here


True or False - Spoken language developed at the same time as written language.
Why? Discuss your reasoning:


Answer: false, written and spoken language developed at different paces, written language requires a alphabet and a series of words that could only be interpreted with the development of spoken language first.


What did Lenin do for Russia ?


The government of Lenin nationalized banks and large-scale enterprises in addition to redistributing land among the peasantry.

Who was Vladimir Lenin?

Lenin, who was raised in an upper-middle-class Simbirsk family, adopted revolutionary socialist politics in the wake of his brother's 1887 execution.

He spent the ensuing years pursuing a law degree after being expelled from Kazan Imperial University for taking part in demonstrations against the Tsarist authorities of the Russian Empire.

In 1893, he relocated to Saint Petersburg and developed into a leading Marxist activist.

He was imprisoned in Shushenskoye, Siberia, for three years after being accused of sedition, during which time he married Nadezhda Krupskaya.

Lenin's government redistributed land among the peasantry, nationalized banks, and large-scale businesses.

It withdrew from the First World War while promoting the Communist International's efforts to bring about a world revolution by accepting a settlement that gave the territory to the Central Powers.

Therefore, the government of Lenin nationalized banks and large-scale enterprises in addition to redistributing land among the peasantry.

Know more about Vladimir Lenin here:


What was the significance of Korematsu v United States ?


Korematsu, an American citizen by birth, fought for his rights.

He pursued his case all the way to the US Supreme Court, which disproved his assertion that racial prejudice was to blame for the relocation of Japanese Americans during the War.

American (1944) | PBS. The Supreme Court ruled in Korematsu v. United States that the internment of American citizens of Japanese origin during World War II was permissible.

After being detained, Korematsu was found guilty of disobeying the ruling. In his reply, he claimed that because habeas corpus had not been suspended and his right to liberty was being violated by military action without due process of law, Executive Order 9066 was in violation of the Fifth Amendment to the Constitution.

To know more about Constitution, click here:


What was the impact of Furman v. Georgia 1972 )?


In 1972, the death sentence was abolished in the United States thanks to the LDF's groundbreaking argument in Georgia. The U.S. Supreme Court sided with LDF and determined that the death penalty as it was being applied violated the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments .

What does the Fourteenth Amendment state in plain English?

The Fourteenth Amendment, which was passed by the Senate on June 8, 1866, and ratified two years later on July 9, 1868, extended the provisions by granting citizenship to all people "born or naturalized in the United States," including formerly enslaved people. It also guaranteed all citizens "equal protection under the laws." After the Civil War, several southern states actively passed legislation restricting the rights of former slaves. In response, Congress passed the 14th Amendment, which was intended to put restrictions on state power and safeguard civil rights.

To know more about Amendment visit:


How did Americans mobilization for WWII transform American society?


The World War II effort drastically altered American culture. Unemployment nearly vanished as productivity soared and millions of men and women joined the workforce. For women, African Americans, and other minorities, the demand for labor created new opportunities.

Before enlisting in World War II, how did the US mobilize?

The War Resources Board was established as the U.S. government's initial move to start making war preparations (WRB). The board was tasked with creating a strategy outlining the steps required to mobilize the nation's industry. The military also issued its own Industrial Mobilization Plan in 1939. The Selective Service and Training Act (draft), as well as the training and deployment of troops, were all parts of the US's mobilization for World War II.

To know more about World War II visit:


What did Winston Churchill do in response to the German bombing?


After an attack, Churchill would stroll around the areas of London that had been bombed.

What has made Winston Churchill so renowned?

The Second World conflict was won by Britain under the inspiring leadership of Winston Churchill, a politician, author, orator, and leader. He held the position of Conservative Prime Minister twice: from 1940 to 1945 (before losing to Labour leader Clement Attlee in the general election of 1945) and from 1951 to 1955.

Did Churchill and Queen Elizabeth get along?

Despite their disagreements, the two leaders of World War II had a close and enduring relationship. The two had such a close bond that when the former President resigned, the Queen wrote him a personal letter, breaking convention at his funeral.

To know more about Winston Churchill visit:


What did the Supreme Court rule in Plessy v. Ferguson?
a. Plessy had paid for his ticket, therefore could sit wherever he chose.
b. Plessy was forced to attend anger management sessions.
c. Ferguson was required to pay Plessy's $25 fine.
d. The Separate Car Act in no way violated the 14th Amendment.

Please Help Quick


The Supreme Court's ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) established the principle of "separate but equal" in the United States.

What is Supreme Court's?

The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest court in the federal judiciary of the United States. It is the final court of appeal and final expositor of the Constitution of the United States. It has ultimate appellate jurisdiction over all state court decisions based on federal law or the Constitution itself. The Supreme Court consists of a Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices who are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

The Court ruled that the Separate Car Act, which mandated that African Americans and whites travel on separate railway cars in Louisiana, did not violate the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which guarantees "equal protection of the laws." The ruling set a precedent for the next 60 years of racial segregation in the United States.

To learn more about Supreme Court's

Someone please help

Write a letter to ur 35 year self
Please help I need some ideas so far I have this


Yes, I am still vulnerable to people, but I have learned to be more discerning about whom I trust and how much I give away.

What is vulnerable?

Vulnerability is a state of being exposed to harm or risk. It can refer to physical, psychological, economic, or social vulnerability, meaning that a person or group is at risk of harm or exploitation due to their circumstances.

I have also learned to rely on my own inner strength rather than relying on others for support. I have found the key to pure happiness, which is to savor life's small moments and to appreciate the people and things I have in my life. I still prefer to be alone sometimes, but I also enjoy spending time with people I care about. I still forgive people, but I am now more aware of the boundaries I need to set for myself and for others. I still view love in general the same, but I now have a deeper understanding of how it works.

To learn more about vulnerable

What does social contract mean ?


Laws are examples of explicit social contracts while raising your hand in class to speak is an example of an implicit social contract. One specific illustration of the social compact in America is sometimes given as the U.S. Constitution.

The social contract is an unwritten, inherited agreement that outlines what the government can and cannot do. The social contract, in political philosophy, is a real or fictitious compact, or agreement, between the ruled or between the ruled and their rulers, defining the rights and duties of each. In exchange, we are expected to uphold laws and certain moral standards, and in return, we receive the benefits of our society, including security, survival, education, and other necessities needed to live.

Learn more about  philosophy from


Which statement best completes the diagram regarding Harriet Tubman?
A. Tubman endures violence from slaveholders.

B. Tubman leads many enslaved people to freedom.

C. Tubman learns her slaveholder plans to sell her.

D. Tubman changes her name to Araminta Ross.



Try A or B they are the most appropriate answer


its b


what was one reason that colonizers prefer to enslave Africans to work in the colonies over other groups


Because Africans had agricultural knowledge that could be applied in the colonies, colonizers chose to enslave them over other peoples to work in the colonies.

Gullah culture was one of the languages, traditions, and cultures that African immigrants brought with them.

The farming methods necessary to raise rice in the colonies, including the maintenance of livestock, were explained to Africans. The rice fields in South Carolina became more profitable as a result.

Slaves therefore actively took part in the voluntary colonial expansion while making substantial contributions to the economic and cultural development of the Americas.

They impacted American communities by imparting their agricultural know-how, music, religion, and cooking techniques.

To know more about colonial expansion, visit:


the political cartoon below depicts william mckinley at the onset of the spanish-american war. use your knowledge of history to choose the statement below that most accurately summarizes the drawing
A. McKinley looked for any provocation from Spain since he eagerly wanted to go to war so that the U.S. could secure new territories such as Cuba.
B. McKinley wanted to secure new territories, but took cautious steps before proceeding to war with Spain.
C. McKinley cared little for new territories; rather his major concern was furthering the labor union movements within the U.S.
D. Imperialism played only a minor role in U.S. policies during the late 19th century.


The statement which most accurately summarizes the drawing of cartoon is McKinley wanted to secure new territories, but took cautious steps before proceeding to war with Spain, which means option B is correct.

Political cartoons is a effective way to either praise or criticize a government and their policies and so it was widely used in the newspapers by opposing political parties to make people aware of the shortcomings of the rival party. It became a trending mainly during the time of elections. In the Spanish American war, McKinley was the US president who ordered Military forces to be deployed from Florida bases.

It became difficult for him to resist the movement of armed force in Cuba. Though the war can have huge repercussions, he believed that provocation of Spain would make them take a wrong first step and that would be the time he would suppress the nation and gather the hold over new territories.

Learn more about McKinley at:


Who are the real monsters on Maple Street?


As the teleplay comes to a close, the audience is informed that world-conquering aliens have stopped the machines and are now watching how the humans are behaving.

What is the inspiration for The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street?

The 22nd episode of the first season of the American television anthology series The Twilight Zone is titled "The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street." Rod Serling, the show's creator and narrator, wrote the episode. It debuted on CBS on March 4th, 1960.

Who is Monster on Maple Street's antagonist?

Aliens invading Earth

The main antagonists of "The Monsters are Due on Maple Street" are a pair of nameless humanoid aliens who wanted humans to destroy themselves.

To know more about teleplay visit:


What was the purpose of Griffith's experiment 1?


Griffith's experiment was designed to investigate whether or not the bacteria produced their own polysaccharide capsules. In the end, he explained that giving non-capsulated Pneumococcus bacteria capsular material from another strain caused them to become virulent.

What is the role of polysaccharide capsule?

States of health and sickness are determined by the interaction of the immune system and the microbiota in the human intestine. Important components of bacteria, such as polysaccharide capsules, shield the organism from the effects of the environment and the host, including the immune system. The processes by which commensal and pathogenic bacteria's polysaccharide capsules influence the innate and adaptive immune systems in the intestine are outlined in this review. It will be possible to exploit the therapeutic potential of polysaccharide capsules to improve human health if their functions in microbiota-immune interactions are well understood.

Know more about non-capsulated Pneumococcus bacteria visit:


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A recipe for 3 people uses 150 g of flour. How much flour is needed tomake the same recipe for 6 people? Give your answer in grams (g). Jeremy made nine out of twelve basketball shots in P.E. class. What decimal and percent represents the number of shots he made? What is the definition of success? Having more friends than anyone else Being the smartest person in your class Taking action to grow your Can Do Circle Having no new things in your Not Yet Circle 3x+11. A function f: x X-1(i)Find the images of -1 and 3.(ii)Find the value of x for which f(x) = 72. The set P = {-2,-1,0,1,2} maps onto Q by the function f(x)=x-2, where x E P.(i)Find the elements of Q.(ii)3. Given that f(x) = 2x - 1 and g(x) = x +1:Find f(1 + x):Find the range of values of x for which f(x) < -3;Simplify f(x) - g(x).(i)(ii)(iii),x # 1, is defined on the set (-1, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5)Draw a diagram showing the mapping between P and Q.(i)4. The function f and g are defined as follows: f:x 2x-1 and g:x 3x + 1Evaluate f(-) +1(ii)Solve f(x) = g(-2)5. Given that f(x) = px + q, find the values od p and q, if f(2)= 4 and f(4) == 10The function f is defined as f:x 3x - 5x.6.(i)Evaluate f(--3)(ii)7. The functions f and g are defined as: f:xx-2 and g: x2x-1. Solve:(i) f(x) = g(-/-) (ii) f(x) + g(x)= 04Find the values of x for which f(x) = - 3 the first artificial satellite to orbit the earth was sputnik 1, launched october 4, 1957. the mass of sputnik 1 was 83.5 kg, and its distances from the center of the earth at apogee and perigee were 7300 km and 6610 km, respectively. find the difference in gravitational potential energy for sputnik 1 as it moved from apogee to perigee OMG PLEASE HELP FAST, Write the equation of the line in fully simplified slope-intercept form. if energy of 10 watts is transferred into a chamber of helium, how long does it take to vaporize 1 kg of liquid helium What is dual expression? Read the effect.Julia stopped her car at the parks visitor center to get a map and ask directions to her friends campsite.Which sentence states a corresponding cause?She was unfamiliar with the park layout.She packed marshmallows to roast over the fire.She followed the dirt road until she saw her friend waving.She asked the park ranger to mark her course on the map. Select all the expressions that are equivalent to 16x - 12- 24x+ 4 16 x 12 24 x + 4. Explain or show your reasoning. 1. 4+16x-12(1+2x)4 + 16 x 12 ( 1 + 2 x ) 2. 40x-1640 x 16 3. 16x-24x-4+1216 x 24 x 4 + 12 4. -8x-8- 8 x 8 5. 10 (1. 6x - 1. 2 - 2. 4x + 4) 100 points + Brainliest Let C represents the cost in dollars and R represents the revenue in dollars. What is the break-even point? Use a table to help if necessary.C=36x+200R=76xBreak-even point: (,) Two alien pacehip tart traveling toward each other from pace tation that are 710,000 km apart. The firt pacehip tarted an hour before the econd pacehip and i traveling at 110,000 km/hr. In how many hour will the two pacehip meet if the econd pacehip i traveling at 90. 000 km/hr? hello i neeed help with my math question 5 What does Kigo mean in poetry? The more massive that an object is, the ______ (more, less) that the object will be attracted to Earth. Which statement best summarizes Thomas Jefferson's views on the Enlightenment and slavery? What is the motto of energy conservation? Which of the following molecule makes the largest contribution to the biomass of a tree? O NADPH O H20 O CO2 O Nutrients/sol What's the inches equivalent of 63.5 millimeters? A. 2.5, B. 24, C. 3.2. D 31 When using a torque increases with a lever?