By the 1920s, dogsleds had long been the primary means of travel for mail, cargo and people in the vast wilderness of Alaska. Recent advances in aircraft technology however were quickly making air travel a favored transportation mode in remote Alaska and dogsledding would soon become obsolete.


Answer 1

The revised paragraph is

"In Alaska's barren desert, dogsleds had long served as the main mode of transportation for mail, merchandise, and people by the 1920s. However, because of recent developments in aviation technology, air travel is becoming increasingly popular in distant Alaska, making dogsledding a thing of the past."

What is Paraphrasing?

In order to avoid the problem of plagiarism and content duplication, paraphrasing requires putting someone else's ideas into your own words. This will make it easier for someone to summarise their knowledge of the idea.

These will helps an individual to avoid violation of copyright by eliminating making duplicate of the original content in your research paper and helps to provide well-framed information.

Learn more about paraphrasing, here:


The complete question is Probably

Paraphrase this passage from Alaska Centers.

By the 1920s, dogsleds had long been the primary means

of travel for mail, cargo and people in the vast wilderness

of Alaska. Recent advances in aircraft technology

however were quickly making air travel a favored

transportation mode in remote Alaska and dogsledding

would soon become obsolete.


Alaska Public Lands Information Centers

Related Questions

What was Uncle Buscabeatas stolen?


Uncle Bascabeatas informed them that the green stems were stolen as he peered out at them.

At work, who are peers?

At work, we typically consider people who are on the same level as us in a variety of ways when we refer to someone as a peer. You might have comparable skill sets, pay scales, or job descriptions. These are the people with whom we most likely regularly work. A peer is a coworker with whom you may be friendly.

Is peer a formal word?

The Longman Dictionary of Modern English claims

related subjects Governmentpeer1 noun [countable] /p $ p r One [often multiple] Formally, those who share your age, occupation, social position, etc. are considered to be your peers. Math performance for American students lagged behind that of Japanese students.

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What is the theme or main idea of the poem?


The message that a poet seeks to convey via their work is known as the poem's topic. The main idea describes what the work is largely about, but the topic is different.

What is main idea of poem ?

The topic, or, if you prefer, "what it's about," of a poem is its main notion. Many people find it awkward for poetry to be "about" something, but ultimately, the poet's core idea—whatever it may or might have been—is what they had in mind when they wrote the poem. In this hymn, the poet asks to be a symbol of harmony for everyone, smoking the pure essence, the Peerless Spirit, and the fatal flame to instill the will in the mind to do only what is right. This indicates that the poet is urging us to uphold the harmony in our surroundings.

To know more about main idea of poem visit:


Prompt: Write an e-mail to a government or school official in which you propose an effective solution to a problem in your community or school. Use your writing prompt to answer these questions. What will you write




Is the underlined clause independent or dependent although jerzy had taken several courses in computer science he couldn t solve the problems with his hard drive?


The first word of the independent clause is "Juditha." Despite having attended multiple computer science courses, Jerzy was unable to fix the issues with his hard disk.

A sentence is an individual clause. Jim prepared for his chemistry test in the Sweet Shop. A set of words known as a dependent clause has a subject and a verb but does not fully communicate a thought. A sentence cannot be a dependent clause.

An independent clause is a complete sentence in and of itself, although it can also appear in compound or complex phrases with other clauses. As an illustration, the phrase "as soon as you get here" is a clause with the words "you get" for the subject and "as soon as" for the verb, but it is incomplete.

Learn more about clauses Visit:


What is the significance of the setting in the story?


Answer: It shows where the story takes place.


If you are reading something the story will hint a place and time, that is the setting, telling where all takes place.

Hope this helps!

What was the purpose of writing Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God?


The purpose of Edwards' message was to inform his audience of the horrors of Hell, the perils of sin, and the perils of being lost. Edwards outlined the situation of individuals who ignore Christ's urgent invitation to seek forgiveness.

What was sermon sinners?

The sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," written by American theologian Jonathan Edwards, was presented to great effect to his own congregation in Northampton, Massachusetts, as well as on July 8, 1741, in Enfield, Connecticut. The preaching of just this sermon served as the impetus for the First Great Awakening. Like Edwards' other writings, it makes use of biblical quotations and gives accurate portrayals of Hell. It is Edwards' best known essay and a useful example of his preaching style. It is well-researched by Christians and historians and provides a glimpse into the theology of the First Great Awakening, that did take place between 1730 and 1755.

To know more about sermon sinners, visit:


Can a film director change the script?


Yes, a director has full creative control over all aspects of a film, including the script.

What is a director's role?

The creative leaders of the movie are the directors. All the way through pre-production and final editing, they maintain the artistic vision. Executive producer / producer, who is actually in charge of a project in the end, employs them.

Are directors superior to producers?

Because they are responsible for managing every aspect of the operation as well as its budget and schedule, producers frequently have greater responsibility than directors. Both films and television programs have a producer or director in control of the production process.

To know more about director visit :


Do Ferris wheels rotate or revolve?


It rotates, since it has an axis

How does Shelley create a feeling of suspense?


Essay about Frankenstein By utilizing cliffhangers and dark imagery in the graphic book adaptation of Frankenstein, Mary Shelley creates tension by making the characters seem unpredictable and the reader anticipate the worst.

English novelist Mary Shelley published her novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus in 1818. In the novel Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist, produces a sentient being through an unconventional scientific experiment.

At the age of 18, Shelley began writing the narrative, and at the age of 20, when she was 20 years old, the first edition was published anonymously in London on January 1, 1818. In the second edition, which was released in Paris in 182, her name first appeared.

Learn more about Frankenstein to visit this link


What are the steps of learning through inquiry?


Students create questions that they are eager to find answers to, spend class time researching the subject, present what they have learned, and then evaluate on what succeeded about the approach.

What steps comprise the cycle of inquiry?

The four stages of the instructional leadership inquiry cycle include evidence analysis, focus determination, implementation and support, and impact analysis. Before you get started, remember this crucial piece of advice: resist the need to tackle every issue at once.

What constitutes the fourth investigation stage?

To illustrate your process work, you might need to submit your portfolio. There can also be a requirement to provide a self-evaluation and reflection. You might be obligated to present your discoveries to a group of people in additional to a written component.

To know more about Learning through inquiry, visit:


What famous couple does the story of Pyramus and Thisbe most likely resemble?


Shakespeare also based Romeo and Juliet, a true tragedy, on the narrative of Pyramus and Thisbe, which he penned about the same time as A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Pyramus and Thisbe were neighbors for most of their young lives in Babylonia. They spent every day as kids playing together and afterwards developed a romantic relationship. The relationship between Pyramus and Thisbe remained a secret because although being neighbors, their families were antagonistic to one another.

One wonders if William Shakespeare was inspired to write Romeo and Juliet by the tragic tale of Pyramus and Thisbe because it closely resembles Romeo and Juliet. Ovid told the story for the first time in Metamorphoses.

Learn more about Pyramus Visit:


Read the excerpt. Then, answer the question that follows.

The chef placed the bowl of soup in front of her. She sipped the broth and was immediately transported back to her childhood. She saw the soft face of her grandmother standing over the stove with her stained apron clinging to her, her voice calling her to the stool to help prepare the family meal. The waves of memories rushed over her, making her feel as warm as the soup she swallowed.

Which narrative technique is demonstrated in this passage?



Flashback is the narrative technique which is demonstrated in this passage. Therefore, the correct option is B.

Narrative technique are the methods and literary devices that authors utilize alone to create a narrative's contents. They include a number of narrative elements, including a plot, a narrative, language, characters, a topic, and so forth.

The flashback narrative technique is used to reveal prior events to the reader; flashbacks are typically utilized to explain significant plot points or to dispel suspense. The narrative device used to tell this passage's story is flashback.

Learn more about Narrative techniques, here:



Speech about your view on a proposed youth curfew scheme.


Answer: It is my view that the implementation of a youth curfew should be carefully considered and should not be implemented lightly. While I understand the desire to reduce crime and improve public safety, I believe that there are potential drawbacks to youth curfews that must be taken into account.

First and foremost, youth curfews infringe upon the freedoms and rights of young people. It is not fair to punish all young people for the actions of a few individuals who may engage in criminal behavior. Moreover, there is little evidence to suggest that youth curfews are effective at reducing crime or improving public safety. In fact, some studies have suggested that youth curfews may actually have the opposite effect and may lead to an increase in crime.

Additionally, youth curfews disproportionately affect minority youth and can lead to discrimination and unfair targeting by law enforcement. This is particularly concerning given the ongoing issues of racial injustice and police brutality that exist in our society.

In conclusion, while I understand the desire to improve public safety, I do not believe that youth curfews are the answer. Instead, we should focus on addressing the root causes of crime and on providing young people with the support and resources they need to succeed. This may include investing in education, youth programs, and job opportunities, as well as addressing issues such as poverty, inequality, and social exclusion.


Proponents of youth curfews argue that they can help reduce crime and improve public safety, particularly by keeping young people off the streets late at night when crime rates are often higher. They also argue that curfews can help protect young people from harm and prevent them from getting into trouble.

However, opponents of youth curfews argue that they can be difficult to enforce and may infringe upon the rights of young people. Some critics also argue that youth curfews may not be effective in reducing crime and that there may be more effective ways of addressing public safety concerns.

Ultimately, the decision to implement a youth curfew is a complex one that will depend on a variety of factors, including the specific needs and circumstances of the community, the availability of alternative programs and services for young people, and the potential impact on civil liberties.

What is Orwell’s job? What does Orwell symbolize to the Burmese? From essay “shooting an elephant”


While there was a strong anti-European sentiment at the time, Orwell's first-person narrator in Moulmein is a police officer. His intellectual sympathies are with the shooting an elephant, nevertheless.

In Shooting an Elephant, what do the Burmans stand for?

Imperialism's Dangers As a result, both the population and the occupiers become more resentful. The Burmans are a helpless, poor, and subjugated people who are entirely dependent on the British administration. The storyteller is an element of the imperial apparatus.

What does George Orwell's elephant represent in Shooting an Elephant?

The story's main symbol is an elephant. It is used by Orwell to illustrate how colonialism affects both the coloniser and the colonised. Like a conquered population, the elephant's freedom is constrained.

To know more about shooting an elephant visit :-


What type of leadership is dictatorial?


Authoritarian, or dictatorial, leadership is the oldest kind of leadership. A dictator in an autocratic dictatorship has full control.

What qualifies as a dictator?

A tyrant is someone who exercises total authority, or at least acts in a way that suggests they do by controlling others. In terms of governance, a tyrant is a leader who has complete control over a nation and who lacks any checks and balances to guard against the misuse of power. A smaller-scale dictator can also be described by the word dictator.

Which dictator is the most well-known?

The most notorious dictator of them all was Adolf Hitler, a fascist who led Nazi Germany into second World War in 1939 after occupying Poland.

To know more about dictator visit :


Sheet 3: Identifying and Commenting on the Effect of Figurative Language in an Extract.

Read the following descriptive extract:

A gun is fired. Startled antelopes look up from their grazing as the noise echoes across the savanna. As the reverberation fades, one of Africa's most incredible animals struggles to take his last breath through his punctured lungs. All is quiet apart from the sound of the hunter's footsteps on the brittle grass. He squats by the bloodstained carcass, still holding his gun, and he smiles as his picture is taken. Victory shots are fired into the air as the proud hunter gets into his car, driven by his guide, and goes back to the hunting camp where he is served a meal and a stiff drink. The skinners then get work removing tawny coat from the carcass. Vultures circle above the mass of meat and, as the last car leaves, they descend and finish off what the hunter has left behind.

Complete the table below using specific quotes from the text. Try to identify three different techniques used:

1: Quote:

Technique Used:

Effect (what does it suggest?):

2: Quote:

Technique Used:

Effect (what does it suggest?):

3: Quote:

Technique Used:

Effect (what does it suggest?):


1: Quote: "Startled antelopes look up from their grazing as the noise echoes across the savanna."

Technique Used: Personification

Effect: This technique gives the antelopes human-like qualities by describing them as looking up from their grazing, which suggests that they are capable of being startled and aware of their surroundings.

2: Quote: "As the reverberation fades, one of Africa's most incredible animals struggles to take his last breath through his punctured lungs."

Technique Used: Emotive language

Effect: This technique evokes an emotional response in the reader by describing the animal's struggle to take its last breath and by using words such as "incredible" and "punctured." It suggests that the animal's death is tragic and unnecessary.

3: Quote: "Vultures circle above the mass of meat and, as the last car leaves, they descend and finish off what the hunter has left behind."

Technique Used: Metaphor

Effect: This technique compares the vultures to scavengers waiting to pick at the remains of the animal, which suggests that they are opportunistic and take advantage of the hunter's kill. It also implies that the hunter has left a large amount of the animal's carcass behind, which may be seen as wasteful or disrespectful.

Jaime is writing an informative essay on the life of President Jimmy Carter. Which source is a primary source he might use


In the years that followed, he has led an active life, establishing the Carter Center, building his presidential library, teaching at Emory University in Atlanta, and writing numerous books.

How did Carter help human rights?The Center and President Carter supported the creation of the International Criminal Court and the position of United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. In addition, they played a significant role in the 2006 reform of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, which is now the United Nations Human Rights Council. The Harvard Law School Human Rights Program aims to encourage and provide direction for the study, scholarly work, and research of international human rights. The Program, which was started by Professor Emeritus Henry Steiner in 1984, assists scholars, activists, and students in expanding and disseminating their understanding of human rights. In terms of foreign policy, Carter's greatest triumph occurred in the area where he also had his biggest failure.

To learn more about Carter refer to:


Your rocket is ready to fire but it needs fuel. It can only use fuel pods that contain prefixes. Delete the fuel pods it cannot use from the options below. (Hint: Check whether you are left with a word that means the opposite when you remove the first two or three letters.) [ unnecessary misbehave innocent unloved disguise unsolved illness image important mistimed​


According to the question of letters, the answer will be unnecessary, unloved, unsolved, illness, image, important.

What is letters?
are written symbols used to represent the sounds of spoken language. They are used to communicate ideas and information, and to record events and thoughts. Letters are composed of either upper or lower case symbols and can be written in any language. Letters can be written using a pen, pencil, or typewriter. Today, letters are often sent electronically via email or text messaging. Letters are an important part of communication, allowing us to share thoughts and ideas with others. Letters can be used to express emotions and convey important messages, to provide information about a person or organization, or to request something. Letters are also used to create stories and share experiences. Letters are a powerful way for people to connect and communicate with each other.

To learn more about letters


Based on the excerpt, explain why brown rats have been able to thrive in urban areas. Support your answer with relevant and specific information from the excerpt.


Based on the excerpt, brown rats can live in cities because they are tiny, very adaptable, and have a high reproductive rate. This adaptation has allowed them to thrive there.

Mice can eat everything and fit practically anywhere, which unquestionably helps them thrive. The rodent family of the order Rodentia includes mice. The most well-known species of rats are mice and brown rats (Rattus norvegicus), which are widespread and popular pets as well as essential model organisms in biology.

Despite the fact that several subfamilies of mice are exclusively found in particular regions, mice are essentially universally distributed. Both Antarctica and the many islands in the middle of the ocean lack mice.

To know more about Mice, visit,


What do the savages do to the island in an effort to catch Ralph? lord of the flies


The savages will march across the island to abduct Ralph in order to communicate (like cavemen would). One of the cliff's edge rocks is levered, and it smashes into the underbrush, missing him.

What is the summary of lord of the flies?

A group of English youngsters are stuck on a jungle island with no adults when their plane is shot down in the middle of a fight. Two of the lads, Ralph and Piggy, uncover a conch shell. When Ralph blows into it like a horn, all the boys on the island gather. During the meeting, Jack mocks Piggy for his size and challenges Ralph to the post of group leader. After Ralph wins the election, Jack is named the group's hunting leader. The lads start the fire with Piggy's glasses, but they are careless and accidentally set fire to a section of the forest. During the fire, the boy who witnessed the beastie vanishes, never to be seen again.

Learn more about savages here:


What are three examples of blogs?


Three types of blogs include parenting blogs, fashion and beauty blogs, and health and fitness blogs.

Beauty and fashion trends are constantly changing, thus there is always something new to talk about in blogs about these subjects. The majority of these blogs have a specific niche. As opposed to a blog about general women's fashion, consider one that focuses on how to choose thrift store treasures and then transform them into stylish wardrobe additions.

The need to compete with businesses is lessened by developing a micro-niche subject for the fashion blog that attracts readers who are interested in these trends.

Nobody understands the difficulty of parenting better than another parent. Originally a branch off of mommy blogs, parenting blogs have since become more focused. There are blogs on topics like how to homeschool your kids, how to sew clothes for them, how to get kids to eat healthy foods, and what baby furniture is the best to buy on a tight budget.

To know more about blogs click here,


What reasons do the authors give to support their claim about the importance of social media in the Arab uprisings?


The authors came to some conclusions that countered the initial assumption that social media was a causal mechanism in the uprisings. Instead, the study suggests that the importance of social media was in communicating to the rest of the world what was happening on the ground during the uprisings.

Define mechanism?A mechanism in engineering is a tool that converts desired output forces and movements from input forces and movements.Any action or reaction is the result of a mechanism. The concept of conveying forces through a series of preset motions is the foundation of machines. The fundamental ideas behind dynamic movement are these linked ideas.To transfer, direct, constrain, or translate motion and/or force from one part to another, a mechanism is an interaction of rigid parts connected by joints. In order for machines to perform the required function, mechanisms are used.A structure is anything that can only move as a whole; a mechanism is anything that has moving pieces.

To learn more about mechanism refer to:


In the Act I Overture, Arthur Miller provides some background for the action of the play. List three important details you learned from the Overture


Betty is 'ill.' The populace dislikes Parris. They reside in a theocracy and lead a strict, austere lifestyle. (Religion dominates politics.)

What does an overture aim to achieve?

A work of music called an overture is played by the orchestra at the start of such an opera or play. Due to the fact that it "opens" the show, the name is derived from the French word " "opening." Typically, overtures feature music that will be played throughout the symphony or ballet. In this way, it gets the audience ready for what's coming.

What distinguishes an overture from a prelude?

Thus, what distinguishes it from an overture: Well, for one point, a prelude is typically shorter than an overture, and it typically lacks the slow and fast sections that we have been hearing. Preludes are all one and the same.

To know more about Overture visit:


4. The speaker questions all of the following
(A) the thief's designs on his soul
(B) the thief's mental cruelty
(C) his own level of culpability
(D) his attempts to find a solution in books
(E) the wisdom of his attempted flight


All of the above are questioned by the speaker, EXCEPT his own degree of guilt.

The query is taken from John Donne's poem "The Rising Sun."

The poet compares himself to a king, a prince, and an eclipse in this poetry.

In the poem, the speaker's tone is quite irritated as he explains the sun's characteristics.

Is there a responsibility for guilt?

Culpability is the attribute of being guilty as well as the legal liability for a criminal conduct. The mental state (mens rea) that must be established before a defendant can be charged with a crime is often referred to as culpability.

To know more about speaker visit:-


Identify the sentence in the passage below that should be either rewritten or
The novel Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, is a story about two friends,
Lennie and George. The story follows them during their adventures and the
trouble they get into. The novel was published in 1937. Throughout the novel,
Steinbeck shows that friendship requires trust and forgiveness.


The sentence in the passage that should be rewritten or removed is  "The novel was published in 1937"

Why should the sentence be removed?

The sentence "The novel was published in 1937" doesn't add any value to the passage and it breaks the flow of the passage. It should be removed.

A sentence that doesn't add value or break the flow of a passage is called a non sequitur or irrelevant sentence. It is a statement that doesn't logically follow from the previous statement or that doesn't contribute to the overall meaning of the passage. They can distract the reader or listener and can hinder the flow of the argument or story.

Find more information on non sequitur here;


Have you dealt with a traumatic or life changing experience? Write in paragraph pls



Yes, I have experienced a traumatic and life-changing experience.


When I was a young child, my family and I were forced to flee our home country due to a civil war. We had to leave behind most of our possessions, as well as our friends and extended family. The experience of having to leave our home and our community in such a sudden and unexpected way was incredibly traumatic for me. It was a life-changing experience that I will never forget. It has taught me to cherish the relationships I have with my family, and to always be prepared for unexpected changes in life.

Compose an Essay

Have you ever considered a career in government? You don't have to run for office. Find out what kinds of jobs are available in the federal government and what you might be interested in doing. Use the following websites to find out what kinds of government jobs are available and might be of interest to you.

Your essay will describe the federal jobs in your city or state. Your essay should be at least four paragraphs.

• the first paragraph explaining what kinds of federal jobs are available in your city or state,

• the second paragraph explaining which jobs are most appealing to you and why,

• the third paragraph explaining some advantages of working for the federal government,

• and the fourth paragraph explaining some disadvantages of working for the federal government

Im in michigan.


A person can be able to write an essay indifferent format. So, the Composed Essay is given below:

A career in government?

The federal government offers a wide range of jobs in Michigan, including positions in areas such as law enforcement, healthcare, education, and technology. Some examples of federal jobs in Michigan include positions with the FBI, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

One job that particularly appeals to me is working as a data scientist for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. I find the idea of analyzing and interpreting data to understand and predict weather patterns and climate change to be both challenging and rewarding.

Working for the federal government can offer many advantages, such as competitive pay, comprehensive benefits, and job security. Federal employees also have the opportunity to work on a wide range of important issues and make a positive impact on the country.

However, there are also some disadvantages to working for the federal government. One potential disadvantage is the bureaucratic nature of the government, which can make it difficult to get things done quickly. Additionally, the hiring process for federal jobs can be lengthy and competitive.

In all, there are many types of federal jobs available in Michigan, with a wide range of responsibilities and skill sets required. I find data science work with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to be particularly appealing, but the federal government also offers a wide range of other opportunities.

Learn more about essay writing from


Summarize the role of ethics and personal responsibility in financial planning.


The ethical obligations of a planner are extensive. They must lay down specific guidelines for his interaction with their clients. They must work hard to comprehend their clients' needs and situations, and they must give objective recommendations.

Planners are required to always act in their clients' best interests. Loss of certification or even criminal charges may result from a financial planner's actions that are thought to be detrimental to the customer. In one well-known case from 2012, a California insurance salesman who had sold an improper annuity to an elderly client was convicted guilty of felony theft chargAnswer:


Does a picture mean a thousand words why?


In several languages, the proverb "a picture is worth a thousand words" refers to the ability of a single still image to communicate complex and even multiple thoughts.

Why is it said that a picture speaks a thousand words?

The idiom "a picture is worth a thousand words" refers to the belief that an image may communicate a thought more swiftly and clearly than written words. Text writers who are attempting to convey ideas through picture or abstract thought often find themselves using a lot of words.

Can a picture really convey a thousand words?

A picture is worth a thousand words, as you've certainly heard, but what does that actually mean? It implies that a picture can convey more information than words ever could.

To know more about a picture is worth a thousand words visit :-


What type of person is Hale?


Hale  is a youthful priest who is devoted to exterminating witchcraft, but he also exhibits some naivete. He is highly intelligent and critical, especially when it comes to the study of his area of expertise.

After young Betty Parris is diagnosed with a puzzling ailment, Hale, a sympathetic and reasoned minister, travels to Salem to look into accusations of witchcraft. Hale does not instantly point out any sorcery, despite the fact that it is his expertise. Instead, he tells the Puritans that caution is preferable to hasty judgment.

By the play's conclusion, Hale has demonstrated his compassion, and even though it is too late to avert the witch trials, the audience has grown to love him as a character. One of playwright Arthur Miller's most recognizable characters is Hale, a man with good intentions who was led astray by his passionate conviction that witchcraft was pervasive throughout the colonies.

To know more about Hale click here,


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