Caroline is interested in helping many different people regardless of their income level or particular needs. What type of career should she choose?


human services


social services


Answer 1


B. Human Services


I hope it helps

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Laissez-faire refers to a form of_________under which people compete freely with minimal government intervention in the economy.

Multiple Choice

A. capitalism

B. totalitarianism

C. communism



Laissez-faire refers to a form of_________under which people compete freely with minimal government intervention in the economy.

Multiple Choice

A. capitalism

B. totalitarianism

C. communism



explanation of important events in the genocide of bosnia


More than 8,000 Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) men and boys were killed at Srebrenica in 1995. During the battle, 50 000 men were slaughtered, and 35 000 women were raped as the main event.

What is events?

Something that occurs in the location is referred to as an "event." The occasion has been planned and organized. The event is being prepared to complete the mission. The incident is properly controlled because it may produce unexpected issues.

The events in Srebrenica in 1995 comprised the killing of over 8,000 Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) men and boys, in addition to the wholesale expulsion of another 25,000-30,000 Bosniak civilians by VRS soldiers led by General Ratio Mladi. Mass murder, torture, ethnic cleansing, expulsion, and so on.

Learn more about on events, here:


What principles are at the foundation of the belief system of the Iroquois Confederacy? Cite evidence from the passage to support your answer.


The principles that formed the foundation of the belief system of the Iroquois Confederacy are:

The Great Law of PeaceThe importance of the natural worldThe concept of the "Three Sisters"The concept of the "Long House"

What should we know about belief system of the Iroquois Confederacy?

The Iroquois Confederacy, also known as the Haudenosaunee, is a group of First Nations/Native American peoples that traditionally inhabited the northeastern region of North America.

The belief system of the Iroquois Confederacy is based on several principles, including:

The Great Law of Peace: This is a set of moral and political laws that governed the confederacy and stressed the importance of unity, peace, and respect for all members of the community.

The concept of the "Three Sisters": The "Three Sisters" refer to the three main crops of the Iroquois: corn, beans, and squash. These crops were considered sacred and were central to the Iroquois economy and way of life.

The importance of the natural world: The Iroquois believed in the interconnectedness of all living things and held a deep respect for the natural world. They believed that the natural world was inhabited by spirits and had a spiritual significance.

The concept of the "Long House": The "Long House" is a metaphor for the confederacy itself and represents the unity and strength of the Iroquois people. The "Long House" symbolizes the idea that all members of

Read more about Iroquois Confederacy


What was one result of the warring statues period?


The Zhou dynasty's vassal states successively declared their independence, sparking the start of the Warring States. Over a hundred small states that each claimed the Mandate of Heaven were created when the collapsing dynasty broke apart.

Who was responsible for the Warring States period?

Starting with King Ai of Zhou, the first year of the Zhou Kings. The year that the Zhou court formally recognized Han, Zhao, and Wei as states. The Warring States period, according to author Sima Guang of Zizhi Tongjian (written in 1084) is marked by this image of crumbling Zhou authority.

The three centuries during which various rival Chinese states engaged in ferocious warfare for dominance and territorial advantage are known as the Warring States period. The first unified Chinese state was eventually founded by the Qin state, which ultimately triumphed.

Learn more about the Warring States here:


key facts from the genocide in bosnia


Answer:Prior to the dissolution of the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, President Josip Broz Tito ruled the Balkans. Although there were many different ethnic groups in his territory, he managed to maintain peace by commanding with a "Iron Fist" style. Despite the fact that he was sometimes referred to as a "benevolent dictator," he did not allow much tolerance for cultural diversity outside of Yugoslav nationalism. This Yugoslav identity did not start to split into many ethnic groups until after his passing in 1980.

"Ethnic cleansing" is the word used to describe the Serbs' brutality toward Bosniaks and Croats during this civil conflict. The goal of the Serbs was not just to wipe out an entire ethnic group, but to drive that people out of a particular region. This does not apply to the 1995 attack, or more accurately, "shelling," of Srebrenica, which the UN designated as a genocide in 2007.

Srebrenica, Zepa, and Gorazde were designated as safe havens by the United Nations in 1993, indicating that all three would be placed under the protection of foreign peacekeepers and disarmed.


Name this sculpture, the time period it was created during, and its purpose


The Nike of Samothrace is the name of this sculpture. During the Hellenistic era, it was produced. It is assumed that it honored a significant naval victory or some kind of war triumph.

What do you mean by the  sculpture?

Sculpture is a type of art in which three-dimensional things are created out of hard or plastic materials. The designs could take the form of free-standing objects, reliefs on surfaces, or situations like tableaux or ones that enclose the viewer.

Sculpture from Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, as well as the civilizations that were ruled or influenced by them, from roughly 500 BC to roughly 200 AD, are collectively referred to as classical.

Therefore, the Nike of Samothrace is the name of this sculpture. During the Hellenistic era, it was produced. It is assumed that it honored a significant naval victory or some kind of war triumph.

To know more about the sculpture, visit:


how did they try to hide the genocide in bosnia


In an attempt to conceal their crimes, Bosnian Serb officials dug up mass graves of their victims and reburied the bodies across a wide swath of territory.

International and national authorities have worked to find out what happened to the more than 20,000 people who have gone missing across Bosnia and Herzegovina. More than half of the bodies have been identified in the decades since the conflict, including thousands from Srebrenica. The ICTY determined that genocide had occurred in Srebrenica. Judges have also ruled that was used as a tool of terror by members of the Bosnian Serb armed forces, and that a "hellish orgy of persecution" occurred in concentration camps in northwestern Bosnia.

In June 2017, the Hague Court of Appeal ruled in response to a lawsuit filed by the "Mothers of Srebrenica" that the Netherlands was partly responsible for the deaths of approximately 350 Muslims in Srebrenica. Dutch-national UN peacekeepers handed over the men under their protection to Bosnian Serbs, contributing to a genocide that claimed over 8,000 lives.

The roots of denial can be found in groupings of Serbian and foreign academics, who have received some assistance from Serb and foreign political and media organizations. Following the conflict, the Serb culture adopted the viewpoint that they were the wronged party and that certain historical occurrences had impeded national objectives.

Learn more about Bosnian

what is the largest state in the us?









New Mexico





And Wyoming


Concept of just wages


A wage level sufficient to provide for basic necessities and such niceties as are advised necessary for the betterment of the employee as well as his family in accordance with his social status is termed as a just wage.

A just wage covers the basics required for a worker and his or her household to live a minimally decent life, such as hours of work that are predictable, not excessive, and provide regular rest to facilitate a decent life away from work.

        A just wage provides disposable income, allowing for savings and property ownership; it provides educational enrichment, professional development, and skill enhancement; and it promotes opportunities for advancement and income growth. Furthermore, a just wage structure promotes personal and community development.

        A just wage includes adequate health care coverageretirement incomewage protection in case of injury, inability to work, and death; wage protection in case of unemployment; and provisions for paid leave upon the birth or adoption of a child, provisions to defray the expenses associated with child care, and paid family leave upon the extended illness of a household member.

Learn more about wages here:

Why is CBR considered crude and ASFR calculated according to the ages of women? Also make a comparison between the two methods of fertility measurement.​



The Crude Birth Rate (CBR) is considered crude because it simply looks at the number of births in a given year in relation to the total population, without taking into account any other factors. The Age-Specific Fertility Rate (ASFR) is calculated according to the ages of women because it looks at the number of births for a specific age group in a given year, in relation to the population of that age group.

When compared, CBR is a more general measurement of fertility, while ASFR is more specific. CBR looks at the overall fertility rate of a population, while ASFR looks at the fertility rate of a specific age group. CBR is also easier to calculate, while ASFR requires more in-depth data collection.


how can nations prevent human rights abuse at the point of a genocide


In 1946, the United Nations General Assembly declared genocide to be a crime under international law. In the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, it was made a separate crime (the Genocide Convention).

What does "genocide" mean?When acts are carried out with the purpose of completely or partially destroying a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, this is referred to as genocide and it is a crime that is recognized globally.These behaviours can be grouped into five groups: assassinating a group member the group's members suffering grave physical or mental harm.Genocide is defined in Article II of the Convention as a crime carried out with the intention of eradicating a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, in whole or in part. Political parties or purported "cultural genocide" are not included.

To know more about genocide, visit:


Transfers of money, goods, or services that are not reported to the government are indicative of
Multiple Choice

A.capitalistic profits.


C. an informal economy.

D.socialist sanctions.


Transfers of money, goods, or services that are not reported to the government are indicative of

Multiple Choice

A.capitalistic profits.


C. an informal economy.

D.socialist sanctions.

Transfers of money, goods, or services that are not reported to the government are typically associated with an informal economy, which refers to economic activities that are not regulated by the government or included in official measures of economic activity. Therefore, option C is correct.

What is the an informal economy?

The informal economy refers to economic activities that are not regulated by the government or included in official measures of economic activity. This can include activities such as street vending, cash-in-hand work, and unregistered small businesses.

The informal economy operates outside of formal legal frameworks, often characterized by limited government oversight and lack of legal protections for workers. It is estimated that a significant portion of the global workforce participates in the informal economy, particularly in developing countries.

While participation in the informal economy can provide opportunities for income generation and self-employment, it can also pose challenges for workers, including lack of job security, limited access to social protections and benefits, and vulnerability to exploitation.

Learn more about informal economy here:


"Economic globalisation is recolonisation of the world." Justify



Economic globalisation is the process of increasing world trade, investment and cultural exchange. It is often seen as a way of recreating the colonial system, with developed countries dominating developing countries.

Some of the ways in which this happens include:

1. developed countries having greater access to markets in developing countries

2. developed countries being able to dictate the terms of trade

3. developed countries being able to exploit natural resources in developing countries

4. developed countries having greater control over the global financial system

5. developed countries being able to impose their own cultural values and norms on developing countries.

All of these factors serve to benefit developed countries at the expense of developing countries. Economic globalisation therefore can be seen as a way of recolonising the world.

In what season does the Earth receive the greatest amount of the Sun’s rays? Least amount of the Sun’s direct rays?




Because the Earth is closest to the Sun, it receives the most rays at the equator in summer and spring, and because it is furthest from the Sun, it receives the most minor/least rays at the poles in late autumn and winter.

The summer solstice is the longest day of the year, having the greatest hours of sunlight and the strongest sunrays. The winter solstice has the fewest daylight hours and the shortest day of the year.

What exactly is the Summer Solstice? A pole of the Earth experiences its greatest tilt toward the Sun during the summer solstice, also known as the estival solstice or midsummer. Once in each hemisphere, it occurs twice a year (Northern and Southern). The summer solstice, which occurs when the Sun is at its highest point in the sky, is the day of the year with the longest length of daylight and shortest period of night in that hemisphere.Around the summer solstice, there is nonstop sunshine inside the Arctic or Antarctic circles (respectively, for the Northern and Southern hemispheres). Winter Solstice is the polar opposite of that occasion.

To know more about summer solstice, visit:


"In the evening of 16 July, between seven and eight p.m., when the time of my duty had just begun; Commandant Yurovsky, [the head of the execution squad] ordered me to take all the Nagan revolvers from the guards and to bring them to him. I took twelve revolvers from the sentries as well as from some other of the guards and brought them to the commandant's office.

Yurovsky said to me, 'We must shoot them all tonight; so, notify the guards not to be alarmed if they hear shots.' I understood, therefore, that Yurovsky had it in his mind to shoot the whole of the Tsar's family, as well as the doctor and the servants who lived with them, but I did not ask him where or by whom the decision had been made...At about ten o'clock in the evening in accordance with Yurovsky's order I informed the guards not to be alarmed if they should hear firing.

About midnight Yurovsky woke up the Tsar's family. I do not know if he told them the reason they had been awakened and where they were to be taken, but I positively affirm that it was Yurovsky who entered the room occupied by the Tsar's family. In about an hour the whole of the family, the doctor, the maid, and the waiters got up, washed, and dressed themselves. Just before Yurovsky went to awaken the family, two members of the Extraordinary Commission [of the Ekaterinburg Soviet] arrived at Ipatiev's house. Shortly after one o'clock a.m., the Tsar, the Tsaritsa, their four daughters, the maid, the doctor, the cook, and the waiters left their rooms. The Tsar carried the heir in his arms. The emperor and the heir were dressed in gimnasterkas [soldiers' shirts] and wore caps. The Empress, her daughters and the others followed him. Yurovsky, his assistant and the two above-mentioned members of the Extraordinary Commission accompanied them. I was also present.

During my presence none of the Tsar's family asked any questions. They did not weep or cry. Having descended the stairs to the The Ipatiev house first floor, we went out into the court, and from there to the second door (counting from the gate) we entered the ground floor of the house. When the room (which adjoins the storeroom with a sealed door) was reached, Yurovsky ordered chairs to be brought, and his assistant brought three chairs. One chair was given to the emperor, one to the Empress, and the third to the heir.

The Empress sat by the wall by the window, near the black pillar of the arch. Behind her stood three of her daughters (I knew their faces very well, because I had seen them every day when they walked in the garden, but I didn't know their names). The heir and the emperor sat side by side almost in the middle of the room. Doctor Botkin stood behind the heir. The maid, a very tall woman, stood at the left of the door leading to the storeroom; by her side stood one of the Tsar's daughters (the fourth). Two servants stood against the wall on the left from the entrance of the room.

The maid carried a pillow. The Tsar's daughters also brought small pillows with them. One pillow was put on the Empress's chair: another on the heir's chair. It seemed as if all of them guessed their fate, but not one of them uttered a single sound. At this moment eleven men entered the room: Yurovsky, his assistant, two members of the Extraordinary Commission, and seven Letts [operatives of the infamous Cheka or Secret Police].
Yurovsky ordered me to leave, saying, 'Go on to the street, see if there is anybody there, and wait to see whether the shots have been heard.' I went out to the court, which was enclosed by a fence, but before I got to the street, I heard the firing. I returned to the house immediately (only two or three minutes having elapsed) and upon entering the room where the execution had taken place, I saw that all the members of the Tsar's family were lying on the floor with many wounds in their bodies. The blood was running in streams. The doctor, the maid and two waiters had also been shot. When I entered the heir was still alive and moaned a little. Yurovsky went up and fired two or three more times at him. Then the heir was still."

Pavel Medvedev Royal Family Guard Account from Wilton, Robert, The Last Days of the Romanovs (1920)

Questions for Analysis:
1. Who gave this account? What was his position? His role in the ordeal? (1-2 Sentences).

2. On what date did the events occur? When was this account documented? (1-2 Sentences).

3. What are the details of this account? Summarize the events that take place. (3-5 Sentences).

4. How effective do you think this document was on readers at the time? Cite evidence in your response. (3-5 Sentences).


This text appears to be a description of the execution of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II and his family in July 1918.

The speaker, a guard named Peter Ermakov, describes how he was ordered by Commandant Yurovsky to collect guns and then to inform the guards not to be alarmed if they heard shots.

What is the story about?

Ermakov describes the Tsar and his family being awakened and then taken from their rooms, and how they did not ask any questions or cry as they were led to a room on the ground floor of the Ipatiev house. He describes how the Tsar, Tsaritsa, and their four daughters were given chairs and then shot by a group of eleven men, including Yurovsky and members of the Extraordinary Commission.

The doctor, the maid, and two waiters were also shot. Ermakov describes how the heir was still alive and moaning after the initial shooting, and how Yurovsky shot him again several times to finish him off.

Therefore, The text then describes how the bodies were wrapped in sheets and carried to the basement, where they were placed in a sealed room and doused with sulfuric acid to destroy the evidence.

Learn more about execution squad from


In events management, Should your attendees feel physical discomfort in your venue, what should be done?


In event management, if your attendees feel physical discomfort in your venue, you should :

Identify the cause of the discomfort Take action against it Monitor the situation Follow up on the situation

What should you do as an event manager about discomfort ?

In events management, if attendees feel physical discomfort in a venue, it is important to take immediate action to address the issue. Identify the cause of the discomfort: Is it due to the temperature, lighting, noise, or air quality? Once the cause is identified, it can be addressed more effectively.

It is important to remember that the comfort of attendees should be a priority, and any physical discomfort should be addressed as soon as possible to ensure a positive experience for all attendees.

Find out more on event management at


What are some traits counterproductive leadership and how do you professionally handle said leader?



Counterproductive leadership refers to leadership styles or behaviors that are detrimental to the effectiveness and success of an organization or group.

Some traits of counterproductive leadership include:

1. Lack of accountability: A leader who is not accountable for their actions or the actions of their team can create a culture of confusion and lack of responsibility.

2. Inability to communicate: A leader who is unable to effectively communicate their vision or expectations can lead to misunderstandings and decreased productivity.

3. Lack of transparency: A leader who is not transparent in their decision-making process can create a lack of trust and confidence among team members.

4. Poor conflict resolution skills: A leader who is unable to effectively manage and resolve conflicts can create a toxic work environment.

To professionally handle a counterproductive leader, it is important to first try to address the issue directly with the leader themselves. This can involve having an open and honest conversation about their behavior and the impact it is having on the team or organization. If the leader is unwilling or unable to address the issue, it may be necessary to escalate the issue to a higher level of management or to human resources. It is also important to document any instances of counterproductive behavior to provide a record of the issue.

To know more about leadership traits:-


When is alcohol use considered to be a problem?​



For men, consuming more than 4 drinks on any day or more than 14 drinks per week. For women, consuming more than 3 drinks on any day or more than 7 drinks per week.


What are the types of environment


Terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems are the two main types of ecosystems. Aquatic ecosystems are based on water, while terrestrial ecosystems are based on land. Forests, grasslands, deserts and marine environments are the main categories.

Every living and non-living object in a certain natural environment makes up an ecosystem. Major elements of many ecosystems include plants, animals, insects, microorganisms, rocks, soil, water, and sunlight.  Aquatic ecosystems are based on water, while terrestrial ecosystems are based on land. Forests, grasslands, deserts, tundra, freshwater, and marine environments are the main categories. The term "biome" can also refer to terrestrial ecosystems that cover a significant region of land, such as tundra. But keep in mind that specific characteristics of any ecosystem might vary greatly from one to another; for instance, an oceanic ecosystem in the Caribbean Sea will have very different species than one in the Gulf of Alaska.

Learn more about environment on

Article IV section 3 also allows for Congress to regulate territories or to sell them when
they see fit. Below is a map of the five territories the United States possesses. The
United States also used to control the Philippines from 1898- 1946 as part of this clause
until the Philippines was granted
independence. (The Philippines is
not on this map). What are the
benefits to these territories from
having the United States as a
regulator for them? What would
be some negatives for them in this System?


There are both benefits and negatives to these territories from having the United States as a regulator. Some benefits include:

ProtectionInfrastructureEconomic opportunityRepresentation

Som negatives for these territories in this system include:

Limited self-governanceLimited representationDependencyLimited autonomy

What is the import of the Article IV, Section 3 of the United States Constitution?

Article IV, Section 3 of the United States Constitution gives Congress the power to "make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States." This power has been used to establish and oversee the administration of territories such as Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. V.i.r.g.i.n. Islands, and other U.S. territories.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about Article IV, Section 3 of the United States Constitution:


Which statement best describes how the fed responds to resources?



it increases the money supply.


mark brainliest

social issues and solution to that issue


The balance between the various components must exist because the planet earth contains the perfect amount of each element needed for a living thing to survive.  

As a result, all organisms, whether single-celled or multicellular, must have access to enough nutrients to survive. Now, there are some environmental elements that are more frequently referred to as "the lungs of the globe or ecosystem," namely the trees. Trees are necessary because they capture carbon dioxide from the air and offer the maximum amount of oxygen to all living things. As a result, each element in the planetary system is in a state of equilibrium. But because we now take nature for granted, no one even considers protecting the forests and other natural resources because people are so preoccupied with the idea of industrialization and profiting from some of the products that the businesses make. As a result, it reacts by bringing forth phenomena like global warming.

To know more about social issues on

How did some immigrants' desire for religious freedom lead colonists to revel against
British rule?


Hi! It was just another motive to move away to the colonies. Especially a colony like maryland, which was known as a safe haven for catholics.

Hope this helps :D

How were Jews affected during The Spanish Inquisition?

They were not affected as it was a fight between Catholics and Protestants.

Both Jews and Jews who had converted to Christianity were persecuted.

Toleration of Jews was taught by the priests of Catholicism.

Laws were enacted that restricted Jewish rights.


The Jews affected during The Spanish Inquisition: Both Jews and Jews who had converted to Christianity were persecuted. Thus option (c) is correct.

What is Christianity?

The Christianity is among the most popular religion in the world like Hinduism, Islamism, and Buddhism.

The Christian faith centers on beliefs regarding the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Christianitity is a monotheistic religion i.e.  it believe in one divine god. The divine God consists of three parts: the father (God himself), the son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit.

Learn more about Christianity here:


a 7 year old boy living in a city state in ancient greece will soon be sent to an agoge to train for military service before joining the military he marries just so he will have children to add to the city state army . then he will leave home to serve in the military and return to his family at the age 60 .. based on the information you can conclude that the boy lived in ?


From the military information that has been provided here, we can say that the boy lived in Sparta.

What was the military training like for young boys in Sparta?

Boys from Sparta had to learn all kinds of military skills during their adolescence and teenage years. They received instruction in boxing, swimming, wrestling, javelin, and discus throwing. They received training to make themselves resistant to the elements.

At age 7, when they left home and entered the Agoge, Spartan boys began their military training. The lads shared a small home under spartan circumstances.

Read more on Spartan military here:


Which of the following is not characteristic of Pericles’ rule?


He made an effort to alter Greek art in order to make it more representative of the bloodshed and feelings generated by the Persians' loss. Option (D) is correct as a result.

What is Pericles?

During Athens' Golden Age, Pericles served as both a statesman and a general. He was well-known and significant in Athenian politics, especially between the Greco-Persian Wars and the Peloponnesian War.

Thucydides, a modern historian, referred to him as "the first citizen of Athens." Pericles commanded his people during the first two years of the Peloponnesian War and transformed the Delian League into an Athenian empire. The "Age of Pericles" refers to the time when he was Athens' leader, which roughly spanned 461 to 429 BC, although the time span can also encompass events that occurred during the Persian Wars or centuries later.

Hence, option (D) is accurate.

Learn more about Pericles, from:


Your question is incomplete, probably the complete question is-

Which of the following is not characteristic of Pericles rule?

(A)  He led Athens to a period of great wealth known as the Golden Age .

(B)  He encouraged artists to promote a public image of peace, prosperity, and power.

(C) He used Athenian wealth for the adornment of the city.

(D) He attempted to change Greek art, so that it would exemplify the violence and emotions surrounding the defeat of the Persians.

Freida is earning a master’s degree in social work and putting together a presentation for class about the origin of human services using her own life. What part of her life will Freida MOST likely use for her presentation?

her workplace

her class

her family

her friends



Freida is most likely to use her family as a part of her presentation about the origin of human services.


A master's degree in social work typically involves the study of social welfare policies, programs, and practices that aim to address social and economic inequalities and improve the well-being of individuals and communities. In putting together a presentation about the origin of human services, Freida might draw on her own experiences and background to illustrate the various factors and influences that have shaped her understanding of social work and her desire to pursue a career in this field.

Freida's workplace, class, and friends are less likely to be central to her presentation about the origin of human services, as they are not directly related to her personal history or development as a social worker. Instead, it is more likely that Freida will focus on her family and other personal experiences and influences that have shaped her understanding of social issues and her desire to help others.

Which service model is an example of pairing therapy with psychiatric medication?


public health

social service

human service


The correct answer is A. medical. This service model involves pairing therapy with psychiatric medication as part of a treatment plan that is typically administered by medical professionals such as doctors and nurses. The other service models listed (B. public health, C. social service, and D. human service) do not specifically involve the pairing of therapy with psychiatric medication as a part of their services.

The correct answer is A

what are some important facts on Kosovo’s pursuit of self-determination (timeline)



1. In 1989, the Kosovo Assembly declared Kosovo a republic within Yugoslavia, sparking a violent response from Serbia.

2. In 1998, the Kosovo War began, leading to the displacement of over 1 million people.

3. In 1999, NATO intervened in Kosovo's conflict and the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1244, which established an interim UN administration.

4. In 2008, Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia, which was recognized by over 100 countries.

5. In 2010, the International Court of Justice ruled that Kosovo's declaration of independence did not violate international law.

6. In 2013, Kosovo and Serbia reached a landmark agreement on normalizing relations.

7. In 2015, Kosovo joined UNESCO, becoming the organization's 193rd member.

8. In 2017, Kosovo was granted membership in the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.


Differentiate between floors and floor coverings


The ground itself is regarded as the floor (usually inside). A floor is constructed of flooring. A tile floor, for instance, would be constructed using tile flooring. With wood flooring, one might create a wood floor.

Give a brief account on floor.

The floor is a room or a car's bottom surface. The surface of a floor can be formed of several different layers or just be made of dirt in a cave. Any material that can withstand the anticipated load is acceptable for floors, including stone, wood, bamboo, and metal. Although the term "story" is more appropriate, buildings' levels are frequently referred to as "floors." A subfloor for support and a floor covering that provides a good walking surface are the conventional components of a floor. Plumbing, electrical wiring, and other services are frequently integrated into the flooring of modern structures. Floors must adhere to tight construction rules in some areas because they must fulfill a variety of requirements, some of which are crucial for safety.

To know more about, floors, visit :


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