1. Since the Soviet Union was founded on the ideas of Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels...

2. The Soviet Union was a totalitarian government with a command economy, so...

3. As a result of the communist belief in World Revolution...

4. The political system in the United States was different than in the USSR because...

5. The United States fought against the fascist and totalitarian states in World War II, so...

6. The leaders of the United States government believed in the domino theory, so...

7. As a result of the policy of containment...


Answer 1

1. Since the Soviet Union was founded on the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, it embraced the principles of communism, advocating for the abolition of private property, the means of production being controlled by the working class, and the eventual establishment of a classless society.

2. The Soviet Union, being a totalitarian government with a command economy, exercised extensive control over all aspects of its citizens' lives, including political, economic, and social spheres. The government dictated production targets, allocated resources, and suppressed dissent, thus centralizing power and limiting individual freedoms.

3. As a result of the communist belief in World Revolution, the Soviet Union sought to export its ideology and support communist movements worldwide. This led to intervention in other countries, such as supporting communist parties, revolutions, and insurgencies. The intent was to spark a global proletariat uprising against capitalism, paving the way for the establishment of socialist or communist societies.

4. The political system in the United States was different from that of the USSR because it embraced a democratic system based on principles of individual liberty, representative government, and a market-oriented economy. The United States upheld the values of political pluralism, private property rights, and the pursuit of individual aspirations, which contrasted with the Soviet Union's centralized control and collectivist ideology.

5. The United States fought against fascist and totalitarian states in World War II, including Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. This was in response to the aggressive expansionist policies and human rights abuses committed by these regimes. The war solidified the United States' commitment to defending democratic principles, protecting human rights, and opposing totalitarianism.

6. The leaders of the United States government believed in the domino theory, which posited that if one country fell to communism, neighboring countries would follow suit, leading to the spread of communism across regions. This belief influenced US foreign policy during the Cold War era, particularly in relation to countries involved in anti-communist conflicts, such as the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

7. As a result of the policy of containment, the United States sought to prevent the spread of communism by containing its influence and limiting its expansion. This involved various strategies, including military alliances (such as NATO), economic aid programs (such as the Marshall Plan), and direct military intervention (such as the Korean and Vietnam Wars). The goal was to prevent communist ideology from gaining a foothold in strategically important regions and to maintain the influence of democratic and capitalist systems. The policy of containment shaped US foreign policy for several decades, reflecting the ideological and geopolitical competition between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

For more such question on Soviet Union


Related Questions

CONTENT: CIVIL SOCIETY RESISTANCE 1950-1990 KEY QUESTION: WHAT ROLE DID WOMEN PLAY IN CIVIL SOCIETY RESISTANCE FROM 1950 TO 1990s? Women Organisations actively played a critical role in the civil resistance in South Africa. Their involvement in civil protest was crucial ensuring the demise of Apartheid. Do you agree with the statement above? Substantiate your response by referring to various women's organisations and their role in civil resistance. (100)​


Women's organizations and individual women activists made substantial contributions to the struggle against apartheid, helping to bring about its eventual demise. Yes, I agree with the statement that women played a significant role in civil society resistance in South Africa from the 1950s to the 1990s.

Here are some examples that substantiate their crucial role:

Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW): Formed in 1954, FEDSAW played a pivotal role in organizing protests, mobilizing women across racial lines, and advocating for gender and racial equality. They organized the historic Women's March to the Union Buildings in 1956, protesting against passing laws.Black Sash: Established in 1955, Black Sash was a multiracial women's organization that campaigned against unjust laws, particularly the pass laws and forced removals. They used peaceful resistance, including demonstrations, lobbying, and publicizing human rights abuses.Women's National Coalition: Founded in 1981, this coalition comprised various women's organizations. They played a crucial role in promoting women's rights and challenging apartheid policies through campaigns, protests, and lobbying efforts.End Conscription Campaign (ECC): Although not exclusively a women's organization, ECC had significant female involvement. They resisted conscription and militarization, advocating for peace and highlighting the disproportionate impact of armed conflict on women and families.United Democratic Front (UDF): While UDF was a broad anti-apartheid coalition, women played a vital role within its structures and campaigns. Women within the UDF fought against gender-based oppression, mobilized communities, and pushed for gender equality within the liberation movement.

These are just a few examples of women's organizations that actively participated in civil resistance from the 1950s to the 1990s. Women played integral roles as organizers, mobilizers, strategists, and activists, contributing significantly to the struggle against apartheid and the pursuit of social justice and equality in South Africa. Their involvement helped to shape and advance the anti-apartheid movement, demonstrating their commitment to challenging oppressive systems and fighting for a more inclusive and just society.

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why were Europeans interested in colonizing east Africa



Many European countries expanded their empires by aggressively establishing colonies in Africa so that they could exploit and export Africa's resources. Raw materials like rubber, timber, diamonds, and gold were found in Africa. Europeans also wanted to protect trade routes.

plan your research What lessons can south Africans learn from Bantu Stephen Biko Who died 46 years ago?​


planning research on what lessons South Africans can learn from Bantu Stephen Biko requires a thoughtful and systematic approach that involves identifying key themes and issues, conducting a literature review, developing research questions, collecting and analyzing data, and communicating findings to relevant stakeholders.

Identify the key themes and issues related to Biko's life and legacy. This may include his contributions to the anti-apartheid movement, his ideas about black consciousness and empowerment, and his impact on South African politics and society.

Conduct a literature review to identify existing research and scholarship on Biko and his legacy. This may include academic articles, books, and other sources of information.

Develop research questions based on the key themes and issues identified in step one. These questions should be specific and focused, and should guide the research process.

Collect data through a variety of sources, including primary sources such as Biko's own writings and speeches, as well as secondary sources such as interviews, news articles, and historical documents.

for more such questions on South Africans


What group finally defeated the Western Roman Empire



The Angles and Saxons populated the British Isles, and the Franks ended up in France. In 476 C.E. Romulus, the last of the Roman emperors in the west, was overthrown by the Germanic leader Odoacer, who became the first Barbarian to rule in Rome.

women organization actively played a critical role in the civil resistance in South Africa essay​


During the period of apartheid in South Africa, women's organizations played a crucial role in the civil resistance movement. These organizations were formed by women from different racial and ethnic backgrounds who shared a common goal of ending apartheid and promoting equal rights for all South Africans.

One such organization was the Federation of South African Women (FSAW), which was founded in 1954. The FSAW organized several anti-apartheid campaigns, including the Women's Charter campaign, which called for gender equality and the end of discriminatory laws against women.

Another significant women's organization was the Black Sash, founded in 1955. This organization was primarily composed of white women and focused on challenging apartheid policies through peaceful protests and civil disobedience.

The Black Sash became well-known for their silent protests, where they would stand in public places wearing black sashes to symbolize their opposition to apartheid.

Women's organizations also played a critical role in providing support for political prisoners and their families. The Detainees' Parents Support Committee (DPSC) was founded in 1981 by women whose children had been arrested and detained without trial.

The DPSC provided legal support, food, and other necessities to the families of political prisoners, as well as raising awareness about the injustices of the apartheid system.

In conclusion, women's organizations in South Africa played a crucial role in the civil resistance movement against apartheid. Through their activism and advocacy, these organizations helped to bring about significant social and political change in the country.

For more questions on: civil resistance movement


The Carpentaria Tropical Savanna is considered a __________ ecosystem.



Terrestrial ecosystem

Explanation: The Carpentaria Tropical Savanna is a type of ecosystem found in northern Australia on land. It has a mix of grasses, trees, and shrubs. It has a tropical climate with wet and dry seasons. During the wet season, there is a lot of rain and the vegetation grows lush. In the dry season, there is little to no rain and the area becomes drier. Many different kinds of plants and animals, like kangaroos, wallabies, and birds, can be found there. Overall, it's a land-based ecosystem with distinct seasons and a variety of plants and animals.

Who was the U.S. President during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
a) John F. Kennedy
b) Richard Nixon
c) Harry S. Truman
d) Dwight D. Eisenhower



a) John F. Kennedy


John F. Kennedy was the U.S. President during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Answer: a) John F. Kennedy


John F. Kennedy was the President of the United States during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. He was hailed for standing his ground against the Soviets in an encounter that could potentially have led to a Third World War.

Compare the geographic conditions of WWII in the Pacific with those of Europe and explain how this affects combat.


Answer: During World War II, the geographic conditions of the Pacific and Europe were very different, which had a significant impact on the nature of combat in each theater.

In the Pacific, combat was fought over vast expanses of water, including many small islands and atolls. The Japanese forces, who were primarily defending their territory, were at an advantage due to their knowledge of the geography and their naval capabilities. The Allies, led by the United States, had to rely heavily on amphibious landings to gain a foothold on enemy-held islands, which was a risky and difficult operation. The jungle terrain, extreme heat and humidity, and prevalence of tropical diseases further complicated combat in the Pacific.

In contrast, the conditions of combat in Europe were characterized by the vast network of roads and cities, as well as the varied terrain of mountains, forests, and plains. The major European powers had well-developed infrastructure, which allowed for quick mobilization of troops and supplies. The war in Europe was fought primarily with conventional infantry and armored units, which were well-suited for the terrain. The use of airpower and artillery was also more prevalent in Europe, given the ability to more easily move such equipment through the established roadways.

Overall, the geography of the Pacific made the war there more difficult for the Allies, who were forced to contend with harsh conditions and unfamiliar terrain. The geography of Europe was more conducive to conventional warfare and allowed for quicker mobilization of troops and supplies.

Explanation: :)

Question 10 of 10
The majority of the citizens of Egypt are Muslim. Their food consists mainly
of vegetables, grains and fish, supplemented by small amounts of meat. Most
people live close to the Nile River as the rest of the land is very arid.
These behaviors and beliefs that describe the people of Egypt make up their:
A. social norms.
OB. hierarchy.
OC. acculturation.
OD. culture.


D. culture.

The behaviors and beliefs that describe the people of Egypt, such as their religion, diet, and settlement patterns, are all aspects of their culture. Culture includes the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a group or society. In this case, the culture of Egypt is influenced by a variety of factors including religion, geography, history, and social norms.



The pseudoscientific ideas of race propagated by Nazi Germany during the period 1933 to 1946 resulted in the systematic persecution, dehumanization, and genocide of millions of Jews, leading to unimaginable suffering and loss of life.

The impact of pseudoscientific ideas of race on the Jewish nation by Nazi Germany during the period 1933 to 1946 was devastating. The Nazis propagated the notion of Aryan racial superiority and targeted Jews as a supposed "inferior race." These ideas formed the ideological basis for the systematic persecution and dehumanization of Jews.

Under the Nazi regime, Jews were subjected to discriminatory laws, forced segregation, and widespread propaganda aimed at demonizing them. The pseudoscientific theories of race were used to justify the implementation of the "Final Solution," which resulted in the genocide of six million Jews in the Holocaust.

The impact was immense, leading to the destruction of Jewish communities, the loss of countless lives, and the trauma that still affects survivors and their descendants to this day. The Nazi's pseudoscientific ideas of race had a profound and tragic effect on the Jewish nation, forever altering its history and leaving an indelible mark on the collective memory of humanity.

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Which of the following statements is true? The Indian Appropriations Act of 1851 allowed white settlers to claim tribal lands as homesteaders. The Indian Appropriations Act of 1871 meant that tribes were no longer classified as independent nations. The Indian Appropriations Act of 1885 allowed white settlers to claim tribal lands as homesteaders. The Indian Appropriations Act of 1889 meant that tribes were no longer classified as independent nations​


It is true that tribes were no longer regarded as separate countries as a result of the Indian Appropriations Act of 1871. As a result, option (B) is accurate.

Another explanation is that because of the country's fixed amount of land, the previously unrestricted presence of Native Americans who lived under different tribal laws but outside the purview of American Law tribes started to unintentionally but naturally come into conflict legally with the growing number of Americans settling on more and more lands.

Many Indian Appropriations Act quickly became concerned about security and insurance, and the federal government, which was in charge of protecting its own citizens, was expected to respond with a solution that was novel and different from what the British Empire had previously done.

Learn more about Indian Appropriations Act, from :


The 20th century saw rapid economic growth across the world especially in four Asian countries dubbed the "Asian Tigers". Modernization Theory claims as countries develop or get rich they will become more democratic while in contrast Dependency Theory claims poor countries will remain poor or dependent as other countries and word trade do not allow them to develop. Do the Asian Tigers confirm or challenge these theories?


The Asian Tigers, comprising Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan, experienced remarkable economic growth in the 20th century, challenging both the Modernization Theory and the Dependency Theory to some extent.

Modernization Theory posits that as countries become wealthier, they will adopt democratic principles. While South Korea and Taiwan underwent economic growth and eventually transitioned to democracies, Singapore and Hong Kong did not fully conform to this theory. Singapore remains a semi-authoritarian regime with limited political pluralism, and Hong Kong's democratic development is heavily influenced by China.

On the other hand, Dependency Theory claims that poor countries remain dependent on developed nations and face barriers to progress due to global trade dynamics. The Asian Tigers defied this theory by pursuing export-oriented industrialization, leveraging foreign investment, and focusing on education and technology. This enabled them to achieve rapid economic development and reduce reliance on more developed countries.

In conclusion, the Asian Tigers' experiences both confirm and challenge aspects of the Modernization and Dependency Theories. While their economic growth has led to varying levels of democratic development, they have also demonstrated that it is possible for countries to break free from dependency and achieve prosperity through strategic economic planning and policy implementation.

Know more about Modernization Theory here:


7. Which industry was not examined by muckrakers in the late
nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?


The pharmaceutical industry was not extensively examined by muckrakers in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

The muckrakers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were investigative journalists who exposed social, economic, and political corruption.

They focused on several industries, but one industry that received relatively less scrutiny during that time was the pharmaceutical industry.

While muckrakers shed light on issues like child labor, urban slums, and political corruption, their investigations into the pharmaceutical industry were limited.

This is not to say that the pharmaceutical industry was entirely untouched by scrutiny, but it did not receive the same level of comprehensive examination as other sectors.

It was not until later decades, with the emergence of new challenges and controversies in the healthcare field, that investigative journalism began to delve more extensively into the pharmaceutical industry's practices and impact on society.

For more such questions on Muckrakers:


what is gender based violence​


Gender based violence us a violence directed against a person because of that person's gender or violence that affects person's of a particular gender disproportionately

If An Indian reservation lies within a state’s boundaries why can’t a state simply enforce its laws on the reservation just like it can anywhere else in the state


The relationship between Indian reservations and state jurisdiction is complex due to the unique legal and political status of Native American tribes in the United States.

The reservation lands are sovereign territories of the tribal nations, which means they have a degree of self-governance and are subject to federal, rather than state, jurisdiction.

The legal framework governing reservations is primarily established by federal laws and court decisions. One of the key principles is the concept of tribal sovereignty, which recognizes the inherent authority of tribes to govern their own affairs, make and enforce laws, and regulate activities within their reservations. This sovereignty is derived from the historical and political relationship between the tribes and the U.S. federal government, as recognized in treaties, statutes, and court rulings.

As a result, state governments generally do not have the authority to enforce their laws directly on Indian reservations. Tribal governments have the power to enact and enforce their own laws within their territories, covering areas such as criminal justice, civil matters, land use, and taxation. They may also collaborate with the federal government on matters of shared concern.

However, there are instances where state and tribal jurisdictions overlap or interact. For example, certain laws may have concurrent jurisdiction, meaning both the state and the tribe have authority in specific areas. Additionally, tribal members residing outside the reservation generally remain subject to state laws and regulations.

For more questions on United States.


Thomas Paine argued in Common Sense that


he argued that the colonies should be free and form their own country. In Common Sense, Paine argued that it was absurd for an island to rule a Continent, that America could avoid European conflicts by being free of Great Britain, that London was too far from America to rule it, and that the King and Parliament would inevitably rule for Britains benefit, not Americas.

In 1999 what percentage of Americans felt that same sex couples should have the same rights as heterosexual couples


In 1999, 35% of Americans felt that same-sex couples should have the same rights as heterosexual couples.

In 1999, the issue of same-sex marriage was not as widely discussed as it is today. However, there were still debates and discussions surrounding the topic. According to a Gallup poll conducted that year, 35% of Americans believed that same-sex couples should have the same rights as heterosexual couples. This number may seem low compared to current statistics, but it was a significant increase from the 27% who held that belief in 1996.

It is important to note that attitudes towards same-sex marriage have changed significantly in the past two decades. In 1999, same-sex marriage was only legal in one state, Vermont. However, as of 2021, it is legal in all fifty states. This shift in attitudes and laws reflects a growing understanding and acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community and their rights.

It is also worth noting that while public opinion on same-sex marriage has shifted in a positive direction, there is still work to be done. Discrimination and violence against the LGBTQ+ community remain prevalent issues, and efforts toward equality and acceptance must continue. It is important to recognize the progress made while acknowledging the work that still needs to be done to create a more inclusive and just society.

know more about Gallup poll here:


What caused California’s population to increase in 1848 and 1849? Cotton production expanded. Gold was discovered. California became a state.


The discovery of gold in 1848 and 1849 caused California's population to increase.

The discovery of gold in 1848 and 1849 in California led to a massive influx of people from all over the world seeking their fortune. This period of time, known as the California Gold Rush, caused the state's population to increase rapidly.

The lure of riches drew people from Europe, Asia, Australia, and South America, as well as from across the United States.

The discovery of gold not only brought individuals seeking wealth, but also increased California's economic growth and led to the establishment of numerous mining towns throughout the state.

This event helped shape California's history and solidified its role as a prominent state in the U.S.

For more such questions on population, click on:


Why did Diocletian divide the empire into two sections?


Diocletian, the Roman Emperor who reigned from 284 to 305 AD, divided the empire into two sections for several reasons, primarily driven by the challenges he faced in governing such a vast and troubled empire.

One of the main reasons for the division was the increasing difficulty in administering the sprawling Roman Empire from a single center. The empire had become too large to effectively govern from a single capital. Diocletian sought to improve administrative efficiency and governance by creating two administrative divisions, each with its own ruler, known as the tetrarchy. This division allowed for better management of the empire's vast territories and provided more localized administration.

Another reason for the division was the need to address the ongoing military and external threats. Diocletian faced numerous invasions and incursions along the empire's borders, particularly in the east. By dividing the empire, he could concentrate military forces in the areas most vulnerable to external threats, ensuring a more effective defense against invading forces.

Furthermore, the division of the empire helped address the issue of succession. Diocletian established the system of co-emperors, with himself as the senior Augustus and a junior co-emperor called Caesar. This system allowed for a smoother transition of power and prevented the frequent power struggles and civil wars that had plagued previous successions.

Overall, Diocletian divided the empire into two sections to improve administrative efficiency, better address military threats, and provide a more stable system of succession. The division marked a significant shift in the governance of the Roman Empire and set the stage for further reforms and changes in the following centuries.

Know more about Diocletian here:


Which country was responsible for the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
a) United States
b) Germany
c) Japan
d) Soviet Union


Answer: a) United States


The United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in August 1945 during World War II, leading to Japan's surrender.

They felt that it was the best course of action if they were to end the war as quickly as possible to prevent more casualties on both sides.


United States


The US wanted a way to end the war quickly, and showing the immense  power of nuclear weapons was their way of doing it

Describe the current United States foreign policy of internationalism.




The current United States foreign policy of internationalism can be summed up in two words: international leadership. As the country with the most worldwide influence, the United States feels it must be a leader in promoting peace, diplomacy, democracy, and economic cooperation. Starting in 1939 when the United States breached its isolationist tendencies to help defeat the Axis’ power in World War II, the US has since become more active in the international scene. The United States is now a member of the United Nations and works cooperatively with other nations to solve critical world issues.

The U.S. government helps protect the economy and competition

by promoting a command economy
by establishing laws and regulations
by letting the economy regulate itself
by providing goods and services


The U.S. government helps protect the economy and competition by establishing laws and regulations.

The U.S. government plays a crucial role in protecting the economy and ensuring fair competition through the establishment of laws and regulations. These laws serve to create a level playing field for businesses, prevent monopolistic practices, and safeguard consumers.

By enacting laws and regulations, the government can address various economic concerns such as fraud, market manipulation, and unfair trade practices.

For example, antitrust laws are designed to promote competition and prevent the formation of monopolies or oligopolies that can stifle competition and harm consumers. Additionally, regulations may be put in place to ensure product safety, environmental protection, and labor standards.

These laws and regulations serve as guidelines for businesses, outlining the boundaries within which they must operate.

They provide clarity and stability, helping to foster trust and confidence in the market. By promoting fair competition and protecting consumers, the government aims to maintain a healthy and robust economy that benefits both businesses and individuals.

It's important to note that while the government establishes laws and regulations, it also recognizes the importance of market forces and allows the economy to operate relatively independently

For more questions on U.S. government


what factors helped india pls help


India becoming a major provider of outsourced work and having a large English-speaking population that could do business with English speakers were significant factors that helped India become a major world economy.So, option A and B is the right choice.

India's emergence as a major world economy can be attributed to several factors, but two key factors are:

The country became a major provider of outsourced work: India's information technology (IT) and business process outsourcing (BPO) industries experienced significant growth. Many global companies started outsourcing their services to India due to its skilled workforce, cost advantages, and quality of service. This led to an influx of foreign investment and contributed to India's economic expansion.

Many of its people spoke English and could do business with English speakers: India's large English-speaking population became an advantage in the global business arena. It facilitated communication, collaboration, and business transactions with English-speaking countries, attracting international companies to establish operations in India. This linguistic advantage opened doors for trade, investments, and global partnerships, contributing to India's economic growth.

While factors like population decline (C) may have implications for the labor market, it is not a factor that significantly contributed to India becoming a major world economy. Additionally, while economic reforms have occurred in India, such as liberalization and opening up of markets, the specific transformation from a mixed economy to a free market economy (D) is not a defining factor for India's rise as a major world economy.

The right choice is A.The country became a major provider of outsourced work and B.Many of its people spoke English and could do business with English speakers.

For more such question on English-speaking population


The 25th Amendment established _____.


The vice president as the second in line to the presidency. In case of removal or death of POTUS, VPOTUS shall take over as President

why do you think the lawyers for Griffiths Mxenge wanted to cross-examine Dirk Coetzee?​


cross-examining Coetzee would have been an important part of Mxenge's legal strategy, as it would have allowed his lawyers to challenge the testimony of a key witness and to shed light on the broader context of apartheid-era abuses. It would have also been a way to hold the perpetrators of these abuses accountable for their actions and to seek justice for their victims.

The lawyers for Griffiths Mxenge likely wanted to cross-examine Dirk Coetzee because he was a former member of the South African Police's notorious Security Branch, which was responsible for many of the human rights abuses committed during the apartheid era.

Coetzee was known to have been involved in numerous acts of violence and torture against anti-apartheid activists, and his testimony could have shed light on the tactics used by the Security Branch to target and intimidate its opponents.

Cross-examining Coetzee would have allowed Mxenge's lawyers to challenge his credibility and to question the veracity of his testimony. They may have sought to expose contradictions or inconsistencies in his testimony, or to challenge his interpretation of events. They may also have sought to elicit information from Coetzee about the broader context of the Security Branch's activities, including its links to other state agencies and its role in the broader system of apartheid repression.

for more such questions on  legal strategy


COVERED DOCUMENT.—The term “covered document”
means any document that
is necessary for obtaining any Federal Government benefit or service or filing taxes;
provides information about any Federal Government benefit or service; or
explains to the public how to comply with a requirement the Federal Government administers or enforces;
Based on Section 3, covered means:



Based on Section 3, the term "covered" means "included". In this context, it refers to any document that falls within the three categories specified in the definition.

12 A major goal of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was to 1) encourage immigration from Latin American nations (2) strengthen the national commitment to Manifest Destiny (3) prevent further European colonization in the Western Hemisphere (4) improve trade opportunities with Asian nations​


A major goal of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was to prevent further European colonization in the Western Hemisphere. Option 3 is the answer.

The Monroe Doctrine

The Monroe Doctrine was a declaration of foreign policy made by President James Monroe in 1823 with the intention of upholding and defending American interests in the Western Hemisphere. The two primary tenets of the doctrine were the United States' commitment to refrain from meddling in European matters and the European powers' obligation to refrain from interfering in the affairs of independent nations of the Americas.

The Monroe Doctrine's main objective was to stop further European colonization and any attempts to reassert power in Latin America's newly sovereign nations. It said that any attempts by Europeans to colonize or meddle in the internal affairs of the countries in the Western Hemisphere would be seen as threats to the United States and would be grounds for U.S.

Learn more on the Monroe Doctrine here


Newsela North Korean War: How does the
article introduced the idea that Korean War w
a result of many different conflicts? A) bad
listing the countries that supported the North
Korea and communism. B) no Mao Zedong di
help sending 250,000 members of the Chines
peoples volunteer army to North Korea. C) ye
major battles occurred in those two years but
neither side claimed great victories. D) by
highlighting the role that the United States
played in all of these conflicts.


The article introduces the idea that the Korean War was a result of many different conflicts by D) highlighting the role that the United States played in all of these conflicts.

According to the article, the United States had a significant role in the lead-up to the Korean War. It mentions that the U.S. had been involved in conflicts in both Japan and China before the war broke out in Korea.

The article discusses how the United States supported South Korea and provided military assistance, while also noting that China supported North Korea and sent troops to aid them.

By mentioning the involvement of multiple countries and their conflicting ideologies, the article suggests that the Korean War was a confluence of different conflicts and interests.

While option B mentions the support provided by Mao Zedong and China, it does not directly address the idea of multiple conflicts leading to the Korean War.

Option C talks about major battles but does not explicitly link them to the concept of different conflicts.

Option A does not mention the role of the United States and its involvement in various conflicts, which is a key aspect emphasized in the article.

For more such answers on Korean War


Which event prompted the United States to enter World War II?
a) Attack on Pearl Harbor
b) Battle of Stalingrad
c) Invasion of Normandy
d) Bombing of Hiroshima


Answer: a) Attack on Pearl Harbor


The attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese on December 7, 1941, prompted the United States to enter World War II. The U.S. then declared war on Japan and Japan's allies, Italy and Germany, decided to declare war on the United States as well.

Final answer:

The United States was prompted to enter World War II after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.


The event that prompted the United States to enter World War II was the Attack on Pearl Harbor. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the Pearl Harbor Naval base in Hawaii. This devastating attack resulted in the death of over 2,000 American servicemen and essentially forced the United States to enter World War II. The next day, President Franklin D. Roosevelt asked Congress for a declaration of war on Japan.

Learn more about Attack on Pearl Harbor here:


social Responsibility​



Social responsibility is an ethical theory in which individuals are accountable for fulfilling their civic duty, and the actions of an individual must benefit the whole of society. In this way, there must be a balance between economic growth and the welfare of society and the environment.

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The nurse has taught the client about an upcoming endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography procedure. The nurse determines that the client needs further information if the client makes which statement?1."I know I must sign the consent form."2."I hope the throat spray keeps me from gagging."3."I'm glad I don't have to lie still for this procedure."4."I'm glad some IV medication will be given to relax me."I'm glad I don't have to lie still for this procedure." Which of the following provisions is NOT required in HMO contracts/certificates?EnrollmentRates shall not be excessiveNo pre-existing exclusions for childrenSeven-day grace period which of the following is an advantage of using function stubs?group of answer choicesa. makes code run fasterb. requires fewer test casesc. removes the need for testingd. helps with incremental programming Watch help videoThe point A is plotted on the coordinate grid below. Plot the point A', the reflectionof A over the x-axis.Click on the graph to plot a point. Click a point to delete it.53NAT3212A35 If the Fed is concerned about inflation, it should sell bonds or reduce the discount rate. buy bonds or raise the discount rate. buy bonds or reduce the discount rate. sell bonds or raise the discount rate. When work is scheduled in detail using the setup and run time required for each order, it is called which of the following?a.Infinite loadingb.Finite loadingc.Machine-limitedd.Labor-limited Johnson's rule In which form is 2x + 3y = 1 represented:a. Standard form of a lineb. Point-slope form of a line c. Slope-intercept form of a lined. None of these. Bobbie decided to redeem her property after a tax sale. Bobbie exercised her:legal right of rescission.statutory right of redemption.optional right of disclosure.required right of recourse. why did the buddhist faith draw many new followers when it first spread into china? 6. transpiration and stomatal conductance describe transpiration and how water moves from the soil into roots and ultimately out of the leaves in situation 1, mr. perfect seems to be just the person for the job in so many ways. does it make sense to think about restructuring the job (for example, limiting access to cash and blank checks as much as possible) to minimize the concerns that have surfaced because of his story? should a job ever be structured for any single individual? the term statistical significance refers to the conclusion that there are no reasonable alternative explanations the inference that the observed effects are unlikely to be due to chance all of the statistical data of the experimental design the representativeness of the sample how important the data are for future research on the topic A direct-to-consumer genetic test can be best characterized by which of the following descriptions? a. a genetic test that allows the karyotype of a fetus to be examined b. a genetic test that involves testing members of a particular population to determine those that are heterozygous for a recessive genetic disorder c. a genetic test that can be purchased without the involvement of a health professional d. a noninvasive procedure that allows the detection and analysis of fetal cells in matemal bloode. the most accurate genetic test currently available The following observations are on stopping distance (ft) of a particular truck at 20 mph under specified experimental conditions ("Experimental Measurement of the Stopping Performance of a Tractor-Semitrailer from Multiple.Speeds," NHTSA, DOT HS 811 488, June 2011): 32.1 30.6 31.4 30.4 31.0 31.9 The cited report slates that under these conditions, the maximum allowable stopping distance is 30. A normal probability plot validates the assumption that stopping distance is normally distributed. Does the data suggest that true average stopping distance exceeds this maximum value? Test the appropriate hypotheses using alpha =.01. Determine the probability of a type II error when alpha =.01, sigma =.65, and the actual value of mu is 31. Repeat this for mu = 32 (use either statistical software or Table A. 17). Repeat (b) using sigma =.80 and compare to the results of (b). What sample size would be necessary to have alpha =.01 and beta =.10 when mu = 31 and sigma =.65? last year tomas and his friend jamie were both too short to ride the rollercoaster. jamie went to the park this year and was tall enough to ride. because tomas is taller than jamie, he thinks that he will be able to ride the rollercoaster as well. tomas is using the to answer his question. Currently, you sell 1,000 units of product Z per month at a price of $40 per unit. The variable costs are: direct materials $10/unit, direct labor $4/unit, and variable overhead $2/unit. Fixed costs are unknown. You are planning to increase the price to $50 per unit. You expect sales volume to decrease by 20% (from the original level of 1,000 units per month) after this price increase. How much will the profit change in the short term if you increase the price?Group of answer choicesincrease by $3,200decrease by $800no changeincrease by $7,200decrease by $2,800 the musical style known as ars nova first appeared in the early 1300s. True/False Describe the structure of ionic crystals in which the size of the cation and anion are quite different.a) The larger ions assume a close-packed structure with the smaller ions in the cavities of that structure.b) The smaller ions take the corner positions of a body-centered cubic cell with the larger ions in the center of the cube.c) The larger ions take the corner positions of a face-centered cubic cell with the smaller ions in the faces of the unit cell.d) The larger ions and smaller ions take alternating positions in a simple cubic structure.e) The larger ions take corner positions of a body-centered cubic cell with the smaller ions in the center of the cube. quality improvement programs are a part of which nhtsa technical assistance program standard? Define euphemism, understatements and anachronism. How are they useful in developing literary themes?