cause is why something happened. Words like because, since, and reason s
The effect tells what happened as a result of the cause. Words such as so, t
a result signal an effect. Reread the second paragraph under "A New Nation
the letter of the effect of Great Britain's debt.
A. Parliament passed new taxes for the colonies.
B. Britain fought a seven-year war with France.


Answer 1


The text you provided appears to be discussing the concepts of cause and effect. A cause is a reason why something happened, and an effect is what happened as a result of the cause. The text mentions words like "because," "since," and "reason" as signals for a cause, and words like "so" and "as a result" as signals for an effect.

The text also mentions a specific historical example related to Great Britain's debt. It appears to be asking the reader to reread the second paragraph under a section titled "A New Nation" to determine the effect of Great Britain's debt. Two potential effects are listed: A) Parliament passed new taxes for the colonies, and B) Britain fought a seven-year war with France.


Related Questions

The Carpentaria Tropical Savanna is considered a __________ ecosystem.


the answer is : grassland

The U.S. government helps protect the economy and competition

by promoting a command economy
by establishing laws and regulations
by letting the economy regulate itself
by providing goods and services


The U.S. government helps protect the economy and competition by establishing laws and regulations.

The U.S. government plays a crucial role in protecting the economy and ensuring fair competition through the establishment of laws and regulations. These laws serve to create a level playing field for businesses, prevent monopolistic practices, and safeguard consumers.

By enacting laws and regulations, the government can address various economic concerns such as fraud, market manipulation, and unfair trade practices.

For example, antitrust laws are designed to promote competition and prevent the formation of monopolies or oligopolies that can stifle competition and harm consumers. Additionally, regulations may be put in place to ensure product safety, environmental protection, and labor standards.

These laws and regulations serve as guidelines for businesses, outlining the boundaries within which they must operate.

They provide clarity and stability, helping to foster trust and confidence in the market. By promoting fair competition and protecting consumers, the government aims to maintain a healthy and robust economy that benefits both businesses and individuals.

It's important to note that while the government establishes laws and regulations, it also recognizes the importance of market forces and allows the economy to operate relatively independently

For more questions on U.S. government


Identify proverbs and idioms in any of the African languages that reflect the following: you reap what you sow respect due to women patience and self-help doing things for yourself


The following are reflected in proverbs and idioms in any of the African languages: Having sown, having reaped:In Swahili, "Kupanda kwa mabaya huvuna maovu." (Planting evil brings out evil.)Honor owed to women:"Nwany b ife," Igbo (Nigeria). (A lady is valuable.)

A proverbs, which derives its name from the Latin word proverbium, is a straightforward but witty expression of a conventional fact based on experience or common sense.

As well as using formulaic African languages, proverbs frequently incorporate metaphors. A proverbial statement or phrase is a form of customary saying that is passed down orally and is akin to a proverb.

Learn more about proverbs, from :




During the period of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1946, the impact of pseudoscientific ideas of race on the Jewish nation was devastating. The Nazi regime believed in the concept of a pure Aryan race and sought to eliminate those who were deemed racially inferior, including Jews.

Pseudoscientific ideas such as eugenics, the study of how to improve the human race through selective breeding, were used to support this ideology. The Nazi government also commissioned scientific studies to support their racial theories, which were used to justify the persecution and genocide of Jews.

The result of this was the Holocaust, the systematic extermination of six million Jews. The legacy of this period of history has been a continued awareness of the dangers of pseudoscientific ideas and their potential for causing widespread harm and violence.

It is important to recognize and reject these harmful ideas and to work towards promoting inclusivity, diversity, and respect for all people.

For more question on genocide


Newly seated southern legislatures moved to restore slavery in all but name. Enacted
to drive the freed men back to plantations (restricted their freedom of movement and to deny them equalities of law.

codes (known as Black Codes)

Laws (known as Jim Crow Laws)

measures (known as Political Measures)

decrees (known as Legal Decrees)


Newly seated southern legislatures moved to restore slavery in all but name enacted laws (known as Jim Crow Laws) to drive the freedmen back to plantations (restricted their freedom of movement and denied them equalities of law.

States in the South started attempting to ban black voters. By 1910, blacks were denied the right to vote in every Southern state. Southern states passed "Jim Crow" laws, a new variation of the Black Codes, in the 1890s. Sharing public facilities between blacks and whites was prohibited by these laws. Blacks and whites had to use different restrooms, water fountains, libraries, restaurants, and hotels as a result. These restrictions persisted until the civil rights movement waged a fierce offensive against them in the 1950s and 1960s.

Learn more about Jim Crow Laws, here;


Southern legislatures enacted Black Codes, Jim Crow Laws, and other measures (option c) designed to restrict freedoms and deny legal equality to freed men.

After the Civil War, southern legislatures sought to reestablish control over the recently freed slaves through a series of legal measures.

The Black Codes restricted the movement of freed men and women and denied them basic civil rights. The Jim Crow Laws took these restrictions even further, mandating segregation and creating a system of legal discrimination.

Other measures, such as Political Measures and Legal Decrees, were designed to prevent freed men from voting or holding office.

Together, these actions effectively reestablished slavery in all but name, and the effects of these laws were felt for decades to come, long after they were officially abolished. Thus, the correct option is c.

For more such questions on equality, click on:


what is gender based violence​


Gender based violence us a violence directed against a person because of that person's gender or violence that affects person's of a particular gender disproportionately

Which of these conditions helped to make Carter an unpopular president?

Check any of the boxes that apply.
lower taxes
energy crisis
high government debt
Iran hostage crisis
high inflation



The conditions that helped to make Carter an unpopular president were the energy crisis, the Iran hostage crisis, and high inflation.


Newsela North Korean War: How does the
article introduced the idea that Korean War w
a result of many different conflicts? A) bad
listing the countries that supported the North
Korea and communism. B) no Mao Zedong di
help sending 250,000 members of the Chines
peoples volunteer army to North Korea. C) ye
major battles occurred in those two years but
neither side claimed great victories. D) by
highlighting the role that the United States
played in all of these conflicts.



However, we can provide a general explanation of how the Korean War was the result of many different conflicts.

The Korean War was a result of several complex and interconnected conflicts that had been brewing for decades. These included tensions between North and South Korea, as well as geopolitical rivalries between the United States and the Soviet Union.

After World War II, Korea was divided into two separate nations: the communist North and the democratic South. Both North and South Korea claimed to be the legitimate government of the entire Korean peninsula, and tensions between the two nations continued to escalate over time.

In 1950, North Korea launched a surprise invasion of South Korea, sparking the Korean War. The war quickly escalated into a larger conflict, as both the United States and China became involved. The United States supported South Korea and sent troops to fight alongside them, while China supported North Korea and sent troops to fight on their side.

The war lasted for three years and resulted in the deaths of millions of people. It ended in a stalemate, with the creation of a demilitarized zone between North and South Korea that remains in place to this day.

Therefore, the Korean War was the result of many different conflicts, including tensions between North and South Korea, geopolitical rivalries between the United States and the Soviet Union, and the involvement of other countries such as China.


"The Korean War: An Overview,", accessed May 14, 2023,

How do you feel about testing? Do you think as a student you should have end of year
exams to see if you have the content to pass the class? If you didn't have an end of the
year test, what do you think would be an appropriate way for teachers to determine if
you have content knowledge?


Testing should not be the sole measure of a student's abilities or academic performance. Different students have different learning styles and strengths, and relying solely on exams may not capture the full range of their capabilities. It is important to consider other forms of assessment, such as projects, presentations, portfolios, and class participation, to evaluate students' understanding and skills from diverse perspectives.

An appropriate way for teachers to determine if students have content knowledge could involve a combination of assessments. Continuous formative assessments throughout the academic year, such as quizzes, assignments, and class discussions, can provide regular feedback and help track students' progress. Teachers can also incorporate practical applications of knowledge, problem-solving activities, and group projects to gauge students' ability to apply what they have learned in real-world contexts.

Moreover, individualized assessments and differentiated instruction can help cater to students' diverse needs and learning styles. Teachers can provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their knowledge through various methods, such as written exams, oral presentations, research papers, or creative projects. This allows students to showcase their understanding in ways that align with their strengths.

Ultimately, a well-rounded approach to assessment that considers different formats, ongoing feedback, and multiple measures can provide a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of students' content knowledge and academic growth.

For more questions on academic


Women's identity in South Africa from 1950s to 1970s Trade unionism​


What is meant by this question?

I answered it anyway:

This is an essay i wrote a few months ago:

Starting in the twentieth century, women began to become more active as industrial labourers in the South African economy. As their numbers gradually grew, they began to take issue with their unacceptable working conditions and decided to take action against them by means of unionisation. Sexual abuse, minimal pay, unfair demands, and societal perception of female inferiority could no longer be tolerated, and motivated the victimized women to fight for rights and respect in the work place. The leaders of the movement, including Johanna Cornelius, Ray Alexander Simons, Emma Mashinini, and Lydia Kompe quickly found that the most effective way to fight for their rights was through unionisation.

Unequal pay in comparison to men was another important issue to women in the labour force. Many women did the same work as men but were paid much less. The miniscule wages that women were paid hardly covered their living expenses. African and Coloured women were usually forced to live in townships, which required a very tiring and expensive commute to get to downtown Johannesburg. Their pay was so small that the majority of it was spent on travel from their homes to the work place. (Mashinini, 1991 15) Ma Baard, another woman that would eventually become a union leader, was also highly motivated by the desire for higher wages. She often told workers ‘No matter where you work, unite against low wages”¦unite into an unbreakable solidarity and organization.’ (Barrett, 1985 119) Desire for adequate wages motivated women to unionize.

The unfair demands placed on the female workers also contributed to their motivation to unionise. The hours that many women were forced to work were brutal (shifts could be up to twelve hours) while they were still required to take care of all of the maintenance of the home. While at work, male supervisors would yell at them to work faster constantly, showing no sympathy for what they were going through. An excerpt from Emma Mashinini’s autobiography demonstrates the ill treatment that the women experienced. After preparing her children’s bread, clothes, and other needs the night before, she would leave for work at 5am, finally arriving at the factory by 7am.

There would be nothing for you at the factory””no tea, no coffee. The tea-break was at a certain time, and if you had brought something from home that would be when you would eat, in that ten minute tea-break later in the day. And if you had brought nothing, your tea-break would be exhausted while you were walking to the canteen and queuing there. By the time you got your coffee and sat down, five minutes had gone, and you would have to swallow everything and then run to back on time. (Mashinini, 1991 15)

However, it was not just tangible issues that motivated women to unionise. They also came together to fight the overriding cultural belief that women were not meant to be perceived as equals to men. In this time period, it was a widely accepted norm that women were not supposed to be public figures or be involved in organisations. Lydia Kompe gave an example of this in South African Women on the Move when she described what was expected of women in the home. They were often treated as objects by their husbands, who expected them to carry out all chores regarding the home and children, even if the wife worked just as much as the husband. (Barrett, 1985 107) In addition, women were not ever allowed to lead men. Put simply, men were in charge, and women were subordinates. This idea contributed to a lack of rights and respect for women in the work place. Women believed it was imperative to fight to quell that way of thinking.

What man helped unite Germany?


Otto von Bismarck unified 39 states into one Germany nation. He was the first ever chancellor and serve from 1871-1890.

three contrasts of mesopotamia and China​


What are some differences between China and Mesopotamia?

Mesopotamia mainly was slightly less advanced (they came before) and their government was a kingdom, while china had an Empire with the Mandate of Heaven. That is, the emperor claimed he was a god.


Which treaty formally ended World War I?
a) Treaty of Versailles
b) Treaty of Trianon
c) Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
d) Treaty of Paris


a, The Treaty of Versailles


Treaty of Versailles


As well as ending the war, the Treaty of Versailles required Germany to pay reparations, lose territory, give up their colonies, and get rid of/limit their military.

Match each of these words with the phrase that best defines it.
concentration camp

the policy of protecting the interests of
the native inhabitants of a place
anti-Jewish discrimination or
prejudice; hatred toward Jews
a type of prison constructed to hold
people during wartime
violent attacks on helpless people
because of their race or religion
the practice of ending a person's life
to stop pain and suffering



Explanation:Match each of these words with the phrase that best defines it.

concentration camp





(1) Concentration camp is a type of prison constructed to hold people during wartime. (2) Pogrom are violent attacks on helpless people because of their race or religion. (3) Anti-Semitism - anti-Jewish discrimination or prejudice; hatred toward Jews.

Anti-Semitism refers to prejudice, discrimination, or hostility directed against Jewish people based on their perceived ethnicity, religion, or heritage. It encompasses a range of negative attitudes, stereotypes, and actions that target individuals or the Jewish community as a whole. Anti-Semitism reached its most devastating extent during the Holocaust, the systematic genocide committed by Nazi Germany.

(4) Nativism - the policy of protecting the interests of the native inhabitants of a place. (5) Euthanasia - the practice of ending a person's life to stop pain and suffering.

Learn more about Anti-Semitism here:


The complete question might be:

Match each of these words with the phrase that best defines it.

(1) concentration camp

(2) pogrom

(3) anti-Semitism

(4) nativism

(5) euthanasia

the policy of protecting the interests of the native inhabitants of a place

anti-Jewish discrimination or prejudice; hatred toward Jews

a type of prison constructed to hold people during wartime

violent attacks on helpless people because of their race or religion

the practice of ending a person's life to stop pain and suffering

please help me with history i’ll give you brainlist


The events listed, namely the Slovenian War of Independence and the Croatian War of Independence, were part of a larger trend known as A. the breakup of Yugoslavia.

In the early 1990s, Yugoslavia, a socialist federal republic, faced significant political and ethnic tensions, which eventually led to the disintegration of the country. Slovenia and Croatia, two republics within Yugoslavia, sought independence and engaged in armed conflicts to achieve their secession. These events were emblematic of the broader dissolution of Yugoslavia and the subsequent formation of independent nations in the Balkan region. It is worth noting that the "Siberian ethnic cleansing of Albania" mentioned in your list does not correspond to any significant historical event, and thus, its inclusion appears to be incorrect or misplaced.

The breakup of Yugoslavia was marked by ethnic conflicts and the formation of new independent nations, including Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and eventually Kosovo. These events had a profound impact on the region, leading to political and territorial changes, population displacement, and deep scars that still affect the countries in the former Yugoslavia today.

Overall, the breakup of Yugoslavia and the conflicts that followed were part of a larger trend of self-determination, ethnic tensions, and political transformations in the region. It marked the end of a multi-ethnic federation and the emergence of new independent nations in the Balkans.

For more questions on Slovenian War


What was the common justification white Southerners used for lynching?
Select the best answer from the choices provided.
O A.
African Americans were getting too much political power.
White women had to be protected from African American men.
African American soldiers had fought like cowards in battle.
D. All answers are correct.



Step 1: Understand the question

The question is asking for the common justification that white Southerners used for lynching.

Step 2: Read the answer choices

The answer choices are:

A. African Americans were getting too much political power.

B. White women had to be protected from African American men.

C. African American soldiers had fought like cowards in battle.

D. All answers are correct.

Step 3: Eliminate incorrect answers

Answer choice C is not a common justification for lynching and can be eliminated. Answer choice D suggests that all answers are correct, but this is not true as only one justification is being sought.

Step 4: Identify the correct answer

The most commonly used justification for lynching by white Southerners was to protect white women from African American men. Therefore, the correct answer is B.

Step 5: Final answer

The answer to question 8 is B: White women had to be protected from African American men.


Tolnay, S. E., & Beck, E. M. (1995). A festival of violence: An analysis of southern lynchings, 1882-1930. University of Illinois Press.

Chalmers, A. (1980). Hooded Americanism: The history of the Ku Klux Klan. Duke University Press.

In 1999 what percentage of Americans felt that same sex couples should have the same rights as heterosexual couples


In 1999, 35% of Americans felt that same-sex couples should have the same rights as heterosexual couples.

In 1999, the issue of same-sex marriage was not as widely discussed as it is today. However, there were still debates and discussions surrounding the topic. According to a Gallup poll conducted that year, 35% of Americans believed that same-sex couples should have the same rights as heterosexual couples. This number may seem low compared to current statistics, but it was a significant increase from the 27% who held that belief in 1996.

It is important to note that attitudes towards same-sex marriage have changed significantly in the past two decades. In 1999, same-sex marriage was only legal in one state, Vermont. However, as of 2021, it is legal in all fifty states. This shift in attitudes and laws reflects a growing understanding and acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community and their rights.

It is also worth noting that while public opinion on same-sex marriage has shifted in a positive direction, there is still work to be done. Discrimination and violence against the LGBTQ+ community remain prevalent issues, and efforts toward equality and acceptance must continue. It is important to recognize the progress made while acknowledging the work that still needs to be done to create a more inclusive and just society.

know more about Gallup poll here:


write a brief reflection on the process of creating the family tree and how it affected your perception of your cultural identity.​


The process of creating a family tree was a transformative experience that deepened my understanding of my cultural identity.

Creating a family tree can be a fascinating and enlightening process that provides valuable insights into one's cultural identity. As I embarked on the journey of mapping out my family history, I found myself delving into the lives and experiences of my ancestors, tracing their paths across different generations and regions.

It was a process that not only deepened my understanding of my cultural roots but also fostered a sense of connection and belonging. Mapping out my family tree allowed me to explore the diverse tapestry of my heritage. Discovering the origins of my ancestors, their migration patterns, and the cultures they embraced along the way provided a richer context for my own cultural identity.

It made me realize the profound influence that previous generations had on shaping who I am today. Moreover, the process of creating a family tree unearthed stories, traditions, and values that have been passed down through the generations. I gained a renewed appreciation for the struggles and triumphs of my ancestors, which contributed to shaping our family's narrative.

know more about cultural identity here:


textbook civic biology 1925 (close reading) how does this textbook explain where man came from


The textbook explains where man came from in the following points :

Early humans were ape-like creaturesHumans evolved from apes over timeHumans are still evolving today

How did men come about from Civil Biology?

As per the content in Civil Biology, the earliest humans were primates resembling apes who inhabited Africa for millions of years. These organisms had the ability to stand and move on two legs, which is referred to as bipedalism. Moreover, they possessed greater brain capacities than their primate counterparts, which facilitated their proficiency in tool utilization.

Over the course of time, these creatures resembling apes underwent changes and eventually transformed into the modern-day humans we know today. Several elements, including natural selection, genetic alteration, and shifts in the surroundings, contributed to this transformation. The evolution of humans is an ongoing process that persists even in present times.

Find out more on man at



1. Since the Soviet Union was founded on the ideas of Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels...

2. The Soviet Union was a totalitarian government with a command economy, so...

3. As a result of the communist belief in World Revolution...

4. The political system in the United States was different than in the USSR because...

5. The United States fought against the fascist and totalitarian states in World War II, so...

6. The leaders of the United States government believed in the domino theory, so...

7. As a result of the policy of containment...


1. Since the Soviet Union was founded on the ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, it embraced the principles of communism, advocating for the abolition of private property, the means of production being controlled by the working class, and the eventual establishment of a classless society.

2. The Soviet Union, being a totalitarian government with a command economy, exercised extensive control over all aspects of its citizens' lives, including political, economic, and social spheres. The government dictated production targets, allocated resources, and suppressed dissent, thus centralizing power and limiting individual freedoms.

3. As a result of the communist belief in World Revolution, the Soviet Union sought to export its ideology and support communist movements worldwide. This led to intervention in other countries, such as supporting communist parties, revolutions, and insurgencies. The intent was to spark a global proletariat uprising against capitalism, paving the way for the establishment of socialist or communist societies.

4. The political system in the United States was different from that of the USSR because it embraced a democratic system based on principles of individual liberty, representative government, and a market-oriented economy. The United States upheld the values of political pluralism, private property rights, and the pursuit of individual aspirations, which contrasted with the Soviet Union's centralized control and collectivist ideology.

5. The United States fought against fascist and totalitarian states in World War II, including Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. This was in response to the aggressive expansionist policies and human rights abuses committed by these regimes. The war solidified the United States' commitment to defending democratic principles, protecting human rights, and opposing totalitarianism.

6. The leaders of the United States government believed in the domino theory, which posited that if one country fell to communism, neighboring countries would follow suit, leading to the spread of communism across regions. This belief influenced US foreign policy during the Cold War era, particularly in relation to countries involved in anti-communist conflicts, such as the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

7. As a result of the policy of containment, the United States sought to prevent the spread of communism by containing its influence and limiting its expansion. This involved various strategies, including military alliances (such as NATO), economic aid programs (such as the Marshall Plan), and direct military intervention (such as the Korean and Vietnam Wars). The goal was to prevent communist ideology from gaining a foothold in strategically important regions and to maintain the influence of democratic and capitalist systems. The policy of containment shaped US foreign policy for several decades, reflecting the ideological and geopolitical competition between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

For more such question on Soviet Union


The Cold War rivalry was mainly between which two superpowers?
a) United States and Soviet Union
b) United States and China
c) United Kingdom and France
d) Germany and Italy



Explanation:  political rivalry between the united states and the soviet union and caused nuclear disasters


A. The United States and the Soviet Union(USSR)

Describe the current United States foreign policy of internationalism.




The current United States foreign policy of internationalism can be summed up in two words: international leadership. As the country with the most worldwide influence, the United States feels it must be a leader in promoting peace, diplomacy, democracy, and economic cooperation. Starting in 1939 when the United States breached its isolationist tendencies to help defeat the Axis’ power in World War II, the US has since become more active in the international scene. The United States is now a member of the United Nations and works cooperatively with other nations to solve critical world issues.

CONTENT: CIVIL SOCIETY RESISTANCE 1950-1990 KEY QUESTION: WHAT ROLE DID WOMEN PLAY IN CIVIL SOCIETY RESISTANCE FROM 1950 TO 1990s? Women Organisations actively played a critical role in the civil resistance in South Africa. Their involvement in civil protest was crucial ensuring the demise of Apartheid. Do you agree with the statement above? Substantiate your response by referring to various women's organisations and their role in civil resistance. (100)​


Women's organizations and individual women activists made substantial contributions to the struggle against apartheid, helping to bring about its eventual demise. Yes, I agree with the statement that women played a significant role in civil society resistance in South Africa from the 1950s to the 1990s.

Here are some examples that substantiate their crucial role:

Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW): Formed in 1954, FEDSAW played a pivotal role in organizing protests, mobilizing women across racial lines, and advocating for gender and racial equality. They organized the historic Women's March to the Union Buildings in 1956, protesting against passing laws.Black Sash: Established in 1955, Black Sash was a multiracial women's organization that campaigned against unjust laws, particularly the pass laws and forced removals. They used peaceful resistance, including demonstrations, lobbying, and publicizing human rights abuses.Women's National Coalition: Founded in 1981, this coalition comprised various women's organizations. They played a crucial role in promoting women's rights and challenging apartheid policies through campaigns, protests, and lobbying efforts.End Conscription Campaign (ECC): Although not exclusively a women's organization, ECC had significant female involvement. They resisted conscription and militarization, advocating for peace and highlighting the disproportionate impact of armed conflict on women and families.United Democratic Front (UDF): While UDF was a broad anti-apartheid coalition, women played a vital role within its structures and campaigns. Women within the UDF fought against gender-based oppression, mobilized communities, and pushed for gender equality within the liberation movement.

These are just a few examples of women's organizations that actively participated in civil resistance from the 1950s to the 1990s. Women played integral roles as organizers, mobilizers, strategists, and activists, contributing significantly to the struggle against apartheid and the pursuit of social justice and equality in South Africa. Their involvement helped to shape and advance the anti-apartheid movement, demonstrating their commitment to challenging oppressive systems and fighting for a more inclusive and just society.

For more questions on Civil Society


why do you think the lawyers for Griffiths Mxenge wanted to cross-examine Dirk Coetzee?​


cross-examining Coetzee would have been an important part of Mxenge's legal strategy, as it would have allowed his lawyers to challenge the testimony of a key witness and to shed light on the broader context of apartheid-era abuses. It would have also been a way to hold the perpetrators of these abuses accountable for their actions and to seek justice for their victims.

The lawyers for Griffiths Mxenge likely wanted to cross-examine Dirk Coetzee because he was a former member of the South African Police's notorious Security Branch, which was responsible for many of the human rights abuses committed during the apartheid era.

Coetzee was known to have been involved in numerous acts of violence and torture against anti-apartheid activists, and his testimony could have shed light on the tactics used by the Security Branch to target and intimidate its opponents.

Cross-examining Coetzee would have allowed Mxenge's lawyers to challenge his credibility and to question the veracity of his testimony. They may have sought to expose contradictions or inconsistencies in his testimony, or to challenge his interpretation of events. They may also have sought to elicit information from Coetzee about the broader context of the Security Branch's activities, including its links to other state agencies and its role in the broader system of apartheid repression.

for more such questions on  legal strategy


What was the impact of pseudo scientific ideas of the race on the Jewish nation by the nazi Germany during the period 1933 to 1946



Jews were seen as the inferior race that needed to be dealt with. The idea that a certain group of people need to be removed or exterminated from society. This is what happened to the Jews. It started with microagressions, boycotts of Jewish businesses, attacking Jews, classifying Jews, and only grew until "the final solution" to exterminate all Jews. Jews were forced to work, live in ghettos or get killed. The effects of the Holocaust are still present today.

what were the positive and negatives of reagonomics


It depends on how you define “positive” vs. “negative”. For example, many larger corporations have profited from reagonomics, while smaller businesses have not. So essentially, positive vs. negative is hard to define appropriately.

5. Notebook Confirm your understanding of the selection by briefly summarizing
key events. A work in progress.



can you give more info


The 25th Amendment established _____.

the Vice President as next in line for the presidency in case of vacancy

the line of presidential succession following the Vice President

the transfer of presidential “powers and duties” to the Vice President in case of presidential vacancy

Vice President John Tyler as the successor to President William Henry Harrison


Answer is C. Vice president becomes president of something happens to the president



the transfer of presidential “powers and duties” to the Vice President in case of presidential vacancy


This was after the the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, now President Lyndon Johnson certified it.

Which of the following conflicts was a major Native American victory



The Battle of Little Bighorn: 1876

It took place in 1876 during the Black Hills War and was the greatest defeat of the United States military in their conflicts with native people.


Have a nice day!

Which country was not a member of the Warsaw Pact?
a) Soviet Union
b) East Germany
c) Czechoslovakia
d) Italy


Answer: d) Italy


The Warsaw Pact was a military alliance of communist states led by the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and Italy was not a member of this alliance.

Answer: d) Italy


The Soviet Union created the Warsaw Pact and were the principal member, Easter Germany and Czechoslovakia were a part of the Pact as well because they were communist. Italy was not.

Other Questions
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