Codewriting Python 3 main.py3 Saved def solution (blocks, height): You are given array of integers called blocks . Each of the values in this array represents the width of a block - the ith block has a height of 1 and a width of blocks[i] (i.e. it's a 1 x blocks (1) block). You want to pack all the given blocks into a rectangular container of dimensions height x width , according to the following rules: . Place blocks into the container row by row, starting with block . For each row, place the blocks into the container one by one, in the order they are given in the blocks array. • If there is not enough space to put the current block in the current row, start filling the next row. You are given the value height of the rectangular container. Your task is to find the minimal possible width of a rectangular container in which all blocks can fit. Find and return this minimal possible width value. TESTS CUSTOM TESTS RESULTS O RUN TESTS NOTE: The blocks cannot be rotated. A Tests passed: 0/26. Syntax error. Example Test 1 . For blocks - [1, 3, 1, 3, 3] and height - 2. the output should be solution (blocks, height) - 6 Input: blocks: [1, 3, 1, 3, 3] height: Here's how the blocks should be packed in a container size 2 X6 6 Expected Output: LILL-HD-T.


Answer 1

The minimal possible width of a rectangular container in which all blocks can fit is print(solution([1, 3, 1, 3, 3], 2))     #test case

def solution(blocks, height):       #function definition

   width = max(blocks)         #at first width is initialzied with max width of block in blocks list

   while(1):       #loop repeats until correct width is found

       temp = []   #list to store the blocks that are placed succesfully

       x = []  #a list of size height is declared to store the blocks of each row

       for i in range(height):

           x.append(0)     #fill the list x with zeroes

       j = 0               #j is initialzied to zero

       for i in range(len(blocks)):    #for each block present in blocks list

           if(x[j] + blocks[i] <= width):  #if current block can be placed in jth index

               x[j] += blocks[i]       #then it is added

               temp.append(blocks[i])  #and as it is added to x, we can add that to temp also

           else:       #else

               j += 1  #go for next index i.e., increment j by 1

               if(j < len(x) and (x[j] + blocks[i] <= width)): #check if current block can be placed

                   x[j] += blocks[i]       #adds that to x

                   temp.append(blocks[i])  #and to temp also

               else:       #else if the capacity of rectangle exceeds

                   width += 1  #we increase the width by 1 and continue the above process again

                   break       #break from this for loop

       if(len(temp) == len(blocks)):   #whenver temp and blocks are same, all blocks are placed succesfully

           break   #then we break from the while loop

   return width    #width is returned

print(solution([1, 3, 1, 3, 3], 2))     #test case

To learn more about Python


Codewriting Python 3 Main.py3 Saved Def Solution (blocks, Height): You Are Given Array Of Integers Called

Related Questions

Consider your program for the Spinning Out section. How might you adjust your code to stop your SDV after spiraling outward on a 5 x 5 grid? How about a 7 x 7 grid?



To adjust the code for the Spinning Out section to stop the SDV after spiraling outward on a 5 x 5 grid, you could add a conditional statement that checks the current position of the SDV and stops the program if the position exceeds the limits of the grid.

For example, you could add the following code to the end of the main loop:

if (x > 5 || y > 5) {



This will stop the program once the SDV has moved beyond the 5 x 5 grid.

To stop the program after spiraling outward on a 7 x 7 grid, you would simply need to update the conditional statement to check for a maximum position of 7 in both the x and y directions:

if (x > 7 || y > 7) {



This will stop the program once the SDV has moved beyond the 7 x 7 grid.

A student is creating an algorithm to display the distance between the numbers num1 and num2 on a number line. The following table shows the distance for several different values.
Value of num1 - Value of num2 - Distance Between num1 and num2
5 2 3
1 8 7
-3 4 7
Which of the following algorithms displays the correct distance for all possible values of num1 and num2?


Subtract number one from number two and store the outcome in the variable diff. Display the outcome by taking the actual value of the difference.

What kind of algorithm would that be?

The process with doing laundry, the way we solve the difficult math problem, the ingredients for making a cake, and the operation of a web search are all instances of algorithms.

What is an algorithm's straightforward definition?

This algorithm is a technique used to carry out a computation or solve a problem. In either hardware-based or software-based routines, algorithms function as a detailed sequence of commands that carry out predetermined operations sequentially. All aspects of project science employ algorithms extensively.

To know more about Algorithm visit :


In the Guess My Number program, the user continues guessing numbers until the secret number is matched. The program needs to be modified to include an extra criterion that requires all guesses to be within the lower and upper bounds. If the user guesses below or above the range of the secret number, the while terminates. How would the while statement be modified to include the new criterion?
a. while(userGuess != secretNumber || userGuess >= lowerLimit || userGuess <= upperLimit)
b. while(userGuess != secretNumber || userGuess >= lowerLimit && userGuess <= upperLimit)
c. while(userGuess != secretNumber && userGuess >= lowerLimit && userGuess <= upperLimit)
d. while(userGuess == secretNumber || userGuess >= lowerLimit && userGuess <= upperLimit)
e. while(userGuess == secretNumber && userGuess >= lowerLimit || userGuess <= upperLimit)


The while statement should be modified to while(userGuess != secretNumber && userGuess >= lowerLimit && userGuess <= upperLimit).

What should happen if the user guesses a number outside the range of the secret number? If the user guesses a number outside the range of the secret number, they will be prompted with an error message. The message should explain that their guess is outside the range and should provide instructions on how to guess a number within the range. For example, the message could say, "Your guess is outside the range of 1-10.Please enter a number between 1-10 to make a valid guess." Additionally, the user can be given the option to quit the game or retry their guess. If the user chooses to retry their guess, they should be given the opportunity to enter a new number within the range. It is important to provide clear instructions for the user so that they know what to do when their guess is outside the range.

To learn more about while statement refer to:


A students wants to insert a column sparkline in Excel. To do this, she can click on the cell she wants to insert a Sparkline, then click Insert tab, select the Sparkline type of choice from the Sparklines group and then select OK.


The stated statement regarding inserting a tab sparkline in Excel is accurate, according to the given information.

Where can I find Excel without cost?

You only need a Microsoft account to use Excel Spreadsheet and other essential Office products online for free. Visit and select "Sign in" to provide your information. Choose "Sign up for the complimentary version of Microsoft Office" and follow the directions if you don't already have an account.

Should I learn Python or Excel?

Excel is a fantastic tool for beginners and seems to be a quick and simple way to analyze a dataset. But Python offers the tools, methodologies, and processing capacity that Powerpoint, in many cases, lacks for the present era, with its enormous datasets, more complicated analyses, and automation.

To know more about Excel visit :


no actual traffic passes through a passive sensor; it only monitors copies of the traffic. true or false


No actual traffic passes through a passive sensor; it only monitors copies of the traffic is the true statement.

What is a passive sensor?

Passive sensors are remote sensing devices that gauge naturally occurring energy. Energy can only be detected by passive sensors when the energy is present naturally. This can only happen when the sun is shining on the Earth, and this applies to all reflected energy.

A passive sensor merely "listens" to what is going on. Examples comprise: a sensor that can determine whether a light is shining on it. an infrared sensor that measures an object's temperature.

Thus, it is the true statement.

For more information about passive sensor, click here:


Which of the following is the correct statement to return a string from an array a of characters?
A. toString(a)
B. new String(a)
C. convertToString(a)
D. String.toString(a)


The following is the appropriate syntax to extract a string from an array of characters named New String(a).

Which of the following describes the action of directly assigning a value of a primitive data type to an object wrapper?

The process of turning a primitive value into an object of the relevant wrapper class is referred to as autoboxing. Changing an int to a class of integer, for instance.

Which of the following statements uses Java to build a string?

by a new word: The "new" keyword is used to construct Java Strings. Consider this: String s = new String ('Welcome'); Two objects are created (one each in the heap and the String pool), and one reference variable is also created, with the variable "s" referring to the heap object.

To know more about New String(a) visit :-


the general syntax for accessing a namespace member is: namespace_name->identifier.
a, true
b. false




The general syntax for accessing a namespace member is typically "namespace_name::identifier", using the scope resolution operator "::" instead of the arrow operator "->". This syntax can be used to access variables, functions, or other members that have been defined within a namespace.

For example, if a variable called "x" is defined within the namespace "MyNamespace", you could access it using the following syntax:


Or if you have a function called 'myfunction' within the same namespace you could call it using


Please note that this is the general syntax, some programming languages might have a slightly different way of accessing namespace members or even don't have namespaces.

LANs, WANs, and MANs all provide users with an accessible and reliable network infrastructure. Which of the below are the most important network differentiating dimensions? Reliability and timing Confidentiality and performance Security and cost Cost and performance


Performance and price what features distinguish networks the most? Timing and dependability Performance and confidentiality Cost and safety Performance and price.

LAN MAN WAN: What is it?

An office building, a school, or a home may have a local area network (LAN) that links a number of nearby computers. A state, province, or country, for example, can be covered by a wide area network (WAN).

Which four types of wireless communication networks are under the Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) umbrella?

Performance and confidentiality Cost and safety Performance and price. There are four different types of wireless networks, each with a specific purpose: wireless local area networks, wireless metropolitan area networks, wireless personal area networks, and wireless wide area networks.

To know more about LANs visit :-


What are two valid steps in the six step troubleshooting method discussed in this chapter?
1. compliment the user's knowledge, insight, and experience
2. Boot from the Windows setup DVD
3. msconfig.exe
4. Document outcomes
Establish a Theory


4. Document outcomes Establish a Theory .

After one problem has been fixed during an on-site service call, what should you do?

When you believe a problem has been fixed, gently inform the client that the work is complete and leave.

What phase of system troubleshooting is the most crucial and initial?

Finding the issue is the first step inside the troubleshooting procedure. Gather as much data as you can from the computer and the customer during this step.

To know more about Establish a Theory visit:


Problem Statement We have a two-dimensional board game involving snakes. The board has two types of squares on it: +'s represent impassable squares where snakes cannot go, and 0's represent squares through which snakes can move. Snakes may move in any of four directions - up, down, left, or right - one square at a time, but they will never return to a square that they've already visited. If a snake enters the board on an edge square, we want to catch it at a different exit square on the board's edge. The snake is familiar with the board and will take the route to the nearest reachable exit, in terms of the number of squares it has to move through to get there. Write a function that takes a rectangular board with only +'s and 0 's, along with a starting point on the edge of the board (given row first, then column), and returns the coordinates of the nearest exit to which it can travel. If multiple exits are equally close, give the one with the lowest numerical value for the row. If there is still a tie, give the one of those with the lowest numerical value for the column. If there is no answer, output
The board will be non-empty and rectangular. All values in the board will be either
or 0 . All coordinates (input and output) are zero-based. All start positions will be 0 , and be on the edge of the board. For example,
would be the top left corner of any size input. Example Input Consider the following board: If a snake starts at the edge on the left (row 2 column 0 ), the snake will take the following path to another edge square (an exit) If the snake starts where the last one ended (row 5 column 2), the snake has two paths of length 5:


A function that takes a rectangular board with only +'s and 0 's    print(f"The nearest exit Row : {distance[0][1]} , Column : {distance[0][2]}")

#returns list of entry points

def findEntryPoints(board,dim):


   for i in range(0,dim[0]):

       if board[i][0] == "0":


   return entryPoints

#Returns a list which contains Distance from stating point , Coordinate of Exit Row and Coordinate of column

def snake(board,dim,x,y,start,visited):

   #Condition for exit points are:

   #1. x and y cannot be starting points i.e ( x=!start[0] or y!=start[0] )

   #2. for exit points index of (x has to be 0 or dim[0]-1) or index of ( y has to be dim[1] -1 or 0)

   # i.e(x==0 or x==dim[0]-1 or y==dim[1]-1 or y==0)


   if (x != start[0] or y != start[1]) and (x==0 or x==dim[0]-1 or y==dim[1]-1 or y==0):

       #returns a list which contains mininum steps from the exit point and the coordinate of exit point

       return [0,x,y]



       #Creating minPath

       minPath=[[MAX_VALUE,-1,-1] for i in range(0,4)]



       if x-1>=0:

           if visited[x-1][y]==False:






       if x+1<dim[0]:

           if visited[x + 1][y] == False:

               temp = snake(board, dim, x + 1, y, start, visited)

               minPath[1][0] = 1 + temp[0]

               minPath[1][1] = temp[1]

               minPath[1][2] = temp[2]


       if y-1>=0:

           if visited[x][y-1] == False:

               temp = snake(board, dim, x, y-1, start, visited)

               minPath[2][0] = 1 + temp[0]

               minPath[2][1] = temp[1]

               minPath[2][2] = temp[2]


       if y+1<dim[1]:

           if visited[x][y+1] == False:

               temp = snake(board, dim, x, y+1, start, visited)

               minPath[3][0] = 1 + temp[0]

               minPath[3][1] = temp[1]

               minPath[3][2] = temp[2]


       ##sorting minPath[[]] first their distance between nearest exit then row and then column

       minPath.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0],x[1],x[2]))

       return minPath[0]

# Press the green button in the gutter to run the script.

if name == 'main':

   dim=list(map(int,input("Enter the number of rows and columns in the board\n").strip().split()))


   visited=[[False for i in range(0,dim[1])] for i in range(0,dim[0])]

   print("Enter the elements of the board")

   #Creating the board

   for i in range(0,dim[0]):


   # Intializing visited list to keep track of the elements which are

   # not possible to visit and already visited elements.

   for i in range (0,dim[0]):

       for j in range(0,dim[1]):

           if board[i][j] == "+":


   #Returs the entry points list



   #Appends the possible exits

   for i in entryPoints:


   if len(distance) == 0:

       print("-1 -1")


       #sorting distance[[]] first their distance between nearest exit then row and then column

       distance.sort(key = lambda x: (x[0],x[1],x[2]))

       print(f"The nearest exit Row : {distance[0][1]} , Column : {distance[0][2]}")

To learn more about dimensional board games


Torrey changed his pie chart as shown.

Which changes were made to the pie chart?

Which changes were made to the pie chart?

The angle of the slices were adjusted in the Format tab, data labels were added in the Layout tab, and the legend was moved to the bottom in the Layout tab.
The chart style was changed in the Design tab, data labels were added in the Layout tab, and the legend was moved to the bottom in the Layout tab.
The angle of the slices were adjusted in the Format tab, the chart title was added in the Layout tab, and the legend was changed to the bottom in the Layout tab.
The chart style was changed in the Design tab; data labels were added in the Layout tab, and the chart title was added to the bottom in the Layout tab.


The change that was made to the pie chart is that the angle of the slices was adjusted in the Format tab, the chart title was added in the Layout tab, and the legend was changed to the bottom in the Layout tab. Thus, the correct option for this question is C.

What is a Pie chart?

A pie chart may be characterized as a graphical representation technique that displays data in a circular-shaped graph. It is a composite static chart that works best with a few variables.

The design, format, and layout tabs chart Tools contextual tabs appear on the Ribbon when you select a chart. Pie charts are often utilized in order to represent sample data—with data points belonging to a combination of different categories.

Therefore, the correct option for this question is C.

To learn more about Pie charts, refer to the link:


the programmer design tool used to design the whole program is the flowchart blackbox testing gets its name from the concept that the program is being tested without knowing how it works


The programmer design tool used to design the whole program is the flowchart is false and blackbox testing gets its name from the concept that the program is being tested without knowing how it works is true.

What tools are used for designing programs?

Flowcharting, hierarchy or structure diagrams, pseudocode, HIPO, Nassi-Schneiderman diagrams, Warnier-Orr diagrams, etc. are a few examples. The ability to comprehend, use, and create pseudocode is demanded of programmers. Most computer classes typically cover these techniques for creating program models.

How and when is black box testing used?

Any software test that evaluates an application without having knowledge of the internal design, organization, or implementation of the software project is referred to as "black box testing." Unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing are just a few of the levels at which black box testing can be carried out.

To know more about design tool visit


After embracing a BYOD policy, a company is faced with new security challenges from unmanaged mobile devices and laptops. The company’s IT department has seen a large number of the following incidents:
• Duplicate IP addresses
• Rogue network devices
• Infected systems probing the company’s network
Which of the following should be implemented to remediate the above issues? (Choose two.)
A. Port security
B. Route protection


A. Port security and C. NAC (Network Access Control) should be implemented to remediate the above issues.

What is Port security?

Port security is a feature that allows an administrator to specify which devices are allowed to connect to a switch port. It can also be used to limit the number of MAC addresses that are allowed to connect to a port. This can help prevent rogue devices from connecting to the network, which can help prevent unauthorized access and protect against attacks.

What is Network Access Control (NAC)?

Network Access Control (NAC) is a security solution that helps to enforce security policy compliance on all devices attempting to access a network. It is used to authenticate and authorize devices before they are allowed to connect to the network. It can also be used to block or quarantine infected or noncompliant devices to prevent them from spreading malware or compromising the security of the network. Additionally, NAC can be used to ensure that devices connecting to the network have the latest security updates and patches installed.

To know more about BYOD policy visit :


Joe works for an insurance company and has been tasked with creating a web-based application that the field adjusters can use to upload pictures of vehicles they are inspecting. Which of the following components would Joe need to create and configure on their cloud service provider's portal for the pictures to be saved to


We tried several cloud backup services, and while they are all difficult to use for various reasons, we nevertheless advise utilising one.

What is cloud backup services?Local backups serve as the foundation of a sound backup strategy, but an online backup service should be the capstone. In our opinion, Back blaze is the best cloud backup service for the majority of users and the most user-friendly after years of testing.Back blaze is the least expensive backup solution we examined, offering unrestricted online storage for one machine for about $70 annually. On Mac and Windows, it is simple to use. The uploads begin right away with the most frequently used folders that need backing up when the software is installed and the settings are left to their defaults. Despite the fact that Back blaze only retains file versions for 30 days, which is shorter than we'd prefer, it does provide paid upgrades to extend the time that backups are kept accessible. Backblaze supports external drives that are linked to your computer and offers a robust selection of online support resources. However, the use of private encryption keys compromises some security for usability, and the restoration procedure is far too slow.

To Learn more About cloud backup services Refer To:


what two applications are an example of a mail server and a mail client application, respectively?


The two applications are of a mail server and a mail client application is exchange and outlook respectively.

Describe a server.

A computer program or apparatus that offers a software application and its client, also called as the client, is referred to as a server. The actual computer that a server program runs on in a data center also is frequently referred to as a server.

How is a server operated?

A server houses all the information related to the websites it hosts and distributes it to all mobile phones and computers (including yours) that require access to those websites.

To know more about server visit :


A user calls the help desk stating a laptop is performing slowly and the hard drive activity lights are blinking continuously. A technician checks for enough hard drive space, disables antivirus and indexing services, and runs a full-system diagnostics check, which returns no failure. Which of the following should the technician do NEXT?
A. Install a new hard drive
B. Check for hard-drive firmware updates
C. Replace the hard drive with a solid state drive
D. Configure the laptop in high-performance mode
E. Change the boot order in the system BIOS


Check for hard-drive firmware updates. Without requiring any hardware upgrades, a firmware update will provide your device new, sophisticated working instructions.

What is firmware ?Firmware is a particular type of computer software that in computers controls the hardware at the lowest level. Firmware can serve as the entire operating system for simpler devices, handling all control, monitoring, and data manipulation tasks. Computers, home and personal appliances, embedded systems, and computer peripherals are common examples of gadgets that contain firmware. Non-volatile memory systems like flash memory, ROM, EPROM, and EEPROM store firmware. Firmware updates necessitate the actual replacement of ROM integrated circuits or the reprogramming of EPROM or flash memory using a unique technique. Some firmware memory devices have pre-installed software that cannot be removed after purchase. Firmware updates are frequently performed to address bugs or add features.

To learn more about Firmware refer :


The protocol data unit for the Physical layer of the OSI model is payload, or data.​


It is accurate to say that payload, or data, is the protocol data unit for the Physical layer of the OSI model. ​

What does the OSI physical layer's data unit go by?

A protocol data unit (PDU), an open-system interconnection (OSI) term used in communications, is a unit of data added or removed by a layer of the OSI model.

What does network layer protocol data unit mean?

A protocol data unit (PDU) is the fundamental unit of exchange in networking between entities that talk to one another utilizing a particular networking protocol. When addressing protocol interactions when working with a multilayer protocol stack, such as the TCP/IP networking suite, it is crucial to utilize the right PDU.

To know more about protocol data visit:-


After reviewing device security logs, you learn that a malicious user in an airport terminal seating area was able to connect wirelessly to a traveling employee's smartphone and downloaded her contact list. Which type of attack has taken place



This appears to be a type of wireless network attack known as a Man-in-the-Middle (MiTM) attack. In this type of attack, the malicious user can intercept and modify data passing between two parties. In this case, the malicious user intercepted the employee's data by connecting to her smartphone via a wireless connection.


A technician has installed two new drives in one of the computers in the computer lab. Disk1 will be utilized for user and application data. Disk 2 has already been properly configured and has production data on in. The technician has been unable to format the appropriate disk from the command prompt.
The lab requires that Disk1 be a dynamic disk configured with two partitions. The first partition must be 256,000 MB in size and mapped to drive F. The second partition must be 512,000 MB in size and mapped to drive G.
The new partitions must be formatted to ensure that user's files can be secured from other users and that the disk must be configured to account for future redundancy.
Make sure to maintain a consistent file system.
Conduct the necessary steps within the Disk Manager to accomplish these tasks.
If at any time you would like to bring back the initial state of the simulation, please click the Reset All button.


A user has installed two new drives in one of the computers in the computer lab and has been unable to format Disk1 from the command prompt.

How to installed new drives in computers?Right click on disk 1, click on initializeChoose disk and option as MBR. Hit ok.Again, right click on disk 1 and choose convert to dynamic disk.Now right click on disk 1 and choose new simple volume.Specify storage as 256000 and assign a drive letter F and choose file system as NTFS and click finish.Do the same thing for rest of space of disk 1, assigning 512000MB and using Disc GA user has installed two new drives in one of the computers in the computer lab and has been unable to format Disk1 from the command prompt.The lab requires that Disk1 be a dynamic disk configured with two partitionsThe first partition must be 256,000 MB in size and mapped to drive F. The second partition must be 512,000 MB in size and mapped to drive G. The new partitions must be formatted to ensure that user â €™s files can be secured from other users and that the disk must be configured to account for future redundancy.Make sure to maintain a consistent file system.

To learn more about installed drives refers to;


A directory includes the files,, and c.txt. Which command will copy the two files ending in .py to the /tmp/ directory?
A. cp !!.py /tmp/
B. cp *.py /tmp/
C. cp. \.py /tmp/
D. cp /tmp/
E. cp $?.py /tmp/


The command that will copy the two files ending in .py to the /tmp/ directory is B. cp *.py /tmp/. The command cp !!.py /tmp/ uses the !! history substitution, it means that it will copy the last command which is not in this case the files that ends with .py, it could be any command.

The command cp. \.py /tmp/ it's not a valid command because cp. is not a valid option and \.py is not a valid file extension, it will return an error. the command cp /tmp/ doesn't copy the files that ends with .py because # is used to reference the command number in history not the files, it will return an error. The command cp $?.py /tmp/ doesn't copy the files that ends with .py because $? is used to reference the exit status of the last command, it will return an error.

Learn more about code, here


A simple space storage layout is similar to which non-fault tolerant RAID technology? A. RAID0 B. RAID1 C. RAID5 D. RAID6.


The answer is (A), The non-fault tolerant RAID technique known as RAID0 is comparable to a straightforward space storage structure.

What do you mean by RAID?

A technique for duplicating or striped data across numerous low-end disk drives; this improves mean time between failures, throughput, and error correction by copying data across multiple drives.

How does RAID function?

Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks is what RAID stands for. It is a storage system that creates one logical volume out of several physical disks. RAID increases storage space, data redundancy, and overall I/O (input/output) efficiency by utilizing many drives in parallel.

To know more about RAID visit :


True/False: An algorithm can often be implemented with either recursion or iteration, however recursion is typically faster.


False. An algorithm can often be implemented with either recursion or iteration, however recursion is typically faster.

Recursive algorithms are they quicker than iterative ones?

Recursion is slower than iteration, which is more effective. Iterative codes are more straightforward to optimize and typically have polynomial time complexity. In data structures like an array, set, map, etc., they are used to repeatedly iterate over the elements.

Why does recursion beat iteration?

When using the divide and conquer strategy, recursion can be used to speed up the process and reduce the size of your problem at each stage. Recursion is often easier to construct than iterative solutions, making it more "elegant".

To know more about recursion visit :-


Which of the following Intel CPUs is a low power processor that would be found in smartphones and tablets


A:  Intel Atom is the Intel CPU having a low-power processor that would be found in tablets and smartphones.

Intel atom is a low-power, lowe cost, and low- performance processor that was originally made for budget devices. It is known primarily for netbooks, which were very popular in the early 2010s. However, it has also been used in low-end laptops, smartphones, and tablets. No matter what the Intel Atom is used for, one thing is obvious that it is not good at gaming.

Thus, the Intel CPU's low-power processor is known to be as Intel Atom.


Complete question:

Which of the following Intel CPUs is a low power processor that would be found in smartphones and tablets

A: Intel Atom

B: Intel i-core


You can learn more about processor  at


the shop linked to these assets is violating integrity policies and is not eligible to engage in this commerce operation.


No, the shop is not violating any integrity policies and is eligible to engage in the commerce operation.

What is commerce operation?Integrity policies are measures designed to ensure that business operations are conducted in an honest, fair, and transparent manner.These policies include ethical codes of conduct, rules for disclosure and transparency, and prohibitions against fraud, bribery, and other corrupt practices. In this case, the shop linked to these assets has violated these policies and is therefore not eligible to engage in this commerce operation. The shop may have violated these policies by engaging in deceptive practices, such as false advertising or misrepresenting prices or services. It may have also failed to disclose important information or have taken part in other forms of corruption.Additionally, it may have failed to comply with applicable laws and regulations. All of these violations could render the shop ineligible to engage in this commerce operation. By adhering to integrity policies, businesses are able to ensure that they are engaging in ethical and legal practices while also protecting their customers and stakeholders.Therefore, it is essential that all businesses adhere to these policies to remain eligible for engaging in commerce operations.

To learn more about Integrity policies refer to:


the ____ function is used to interchange the contents of two string variables.
a. iterator
b. swap
c. change
d. traverse



b. swap


What methods are most commonly used by physical security teams to verify whether somebody is authorized to access a facility


Security teams can employ physical authentication techniques like ID card scanners and near-field communication (NFC) ID cards to confirm people's identities as they enter and leave different locations.

Which type of physical access control is more prevalent?

The most widespread and affordable type of physical access control device is a set of key locks. The cost of fencing, lighting, and security personnel is significantly higher.

Which of the above controls is an illustration of a physical access control technique?

Which of the above controls is an illustration of a physical access control technique? EXPLANATION One physical access control strategy is the use of locks on doors. Physical barriers prevent or regulate physical access. Technical controls include things like passwords, access control lists, and smart cards.

To know more about Security teams  visit :-


The trackpad/touchpad on my laptop is acting unusual. When I click on something or move to an area, it jumps or moves to another area. What would be a good troubleshooting step to try and resolve this issue


1. Check Drivers: this probably won't solve your issue as driver problems are pretty rare, but it's a pretty good first step. To find drivers, search your model number on your manufacturers website.

2. Dry out the touchpad: I've had similar experiences when a touchpad is wet. Dry out the touchpad using a microfiber cloth or a paper towel.

Medicaid is known as the __________, since it is always billed after another plan has been billed, if other coverage exists.


Since Medicaid is always billed after another plan, if another kind of coverage is available, it is known as the dual-eligible Medi Medi beneficiaries.

What alternative names exist for Medicaid?

They could go by other names, such as "Medical Assistance" or "Medi-Cal." Millions of Americans, including some low-income individuals, families with children, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with disabilities, have access to Medicaid, a joint federal and state program, which offers free or inexpensive health coverage.

In the past, what was a Medicaid?

Medicare and Medicaid were both enacted into law in 1965 under the authority of Title XIX of the Social Security Act. Medicaid programs are set up to offer low-income people health insurance in every state, the District of Columbia, and the US territories.

To know more about Medicaid visit :-


WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!!! Please help me create an image filter in Python, for my Code HS assignment. I have tried everything and nothing will work.


Below is an example of a custom image filter that inverts the colors of an image:

from PIL import Image

def custom_filter(image):

   width, height = image.size

   pixels = image.load()

   for x in range(width):

       for y in range(height):

           r, g, b = pixels[x, y]

           pixels[x, y] = (255-r, 255-g, 255-b)

   return image

 # Usage example

original_image ="example.")

inverted_image = custom_filter(original_image)"inverted_example.")

What is the  Image Filter about?

The above filter uses the Python Imaging Library (PIL) to open an image file, iterate through each pixel, and invert the red, green, and blue color channels by subtracting each channel's value from 255. The resulting image will have inverted colors, like a negative film.

Therefore, You can use this as a starting point and experiment with different ways of modifying the pixels to create your own unique filter. Some ideas to try:

Modifying only a specific color channel in each pixelSwapping color channels in each pixelModifying pixels based on their brightness or saturationModifying pixels based on the pixels around them (e.g. blur, sharpen)Combining multiple modifications together

Learn more about  Filter from


See transcribed text below

Create an Image Filter

In this project, you can pair up with a partner to develop a novel image filter that can be applied to any digital image of your choosing! You will describe your image filter, your development process, and embed your image filter along with its description on your personal portfolio website.


Fill in the function custom_filter that takes in an Image as a parameter, and modifies the pixels in the image in some way to create a new image, then returns that modified Image!

Make your filter unique. Experiment with different ways of modifying each pixel in the image.

Here are some questions to help you brainstorm your custom filter:

• What happens if you only modify one specific color channel in each pixel (red, blue, or green)? • What happens if you swap color channels in each pixel?

• What happens if you only modify pixels if they have a certain amount of red, blue, or green? • What happens if you modify a pixel based on the pixels around it?

Have fun!

disadvantages of network


wifi works with all of the apps and does online classes

Other Questions
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