Consolidated Supplies is a medium-sized distributor of restaurant supplies that operates in Canada and several northern U.S. states. They have 12 large warehouses spread across both countries to service their many customers. Products arrive from the manufacturers and are stored in the warehouses until they are picked and put on a truck for delivery to their customers. The networking equipment in their warehouses is old and is starting to give them problems; these problems are expected to increase as the equipment gets older. The vice president of operations, Pat McDonald, would like to replace the existing LANs and add some new wireless LAN technology into all the warehouses, but he is concerned that now may not be the right time to replace the equipment. He has read several technology forecasts that suggest there will be dramatic improvements in networking speeds over the next few years, especially in wireless technologies. He has asked you for advice about upgrading the equipment.
Should Consolidated Supplies replace all the networking equipment in all the warehouses now, should it wait until newer networking technologies are available, or should it upgrade some of the warehouses this year, some next year, and some the year after, so that some warehouses will benefit from the expected future improvements in networking technologies?


Answer 1


Consolidated Supplies

Consolidated Supplies should upgrade some of the warehouses this year, some next year, and others the year after, so that some warehouses will benefit from the expected future improvements in networking technologies.


Gradual technology upgrade should be the way forward for Consolidated Supplies.  Waiting until newer networking technologies are available is not an option.  Total replacement of all the networking equipment in all the warehouses is not an option, as technology equipment becomes obsolete in no time.  Overall, Consolidated Supplies should never forget the numerous benefits from technology upgrade, including reduction of downtime, increased productivity, and improved customer services and satisfaction.

Related Questions

Write a program that prompts the user to enter a series of numbers between 0 and 10 asintegers. The user will enter all numbers on a single line, and scores will be separatedby spaces. You cannot assume the user will supply valid integers, nor can you assumethat they will enter positive numbers, so make sure that you validate your data. You donot need to re-prompt the user once they have entered a single line of data. Once youhave collected this data you should compute the following: • The largest value • Thesmallest value • The range of values • The mode (the value that occurs the most often) •A histogram that visualizes the frequency of each number Here’s a sample running of theprogram.



The program in Python is as follows:

import collections

from collections import Counter

from itertools import groupby

import statistics

str_input = input("Enter a series of numbers separated by space: ")

num_input = str_input.split(" ")

numList = []

for num in num_input:


                   if num[0] == "-" or int(num)>10:

                             print(num," is out of bound - rejecting")


                             print(num," is valid - accepting")



                   print(num," is not a number")

print("Largest number: ",max(numList))

print("Smallest number: ",min(numList))

print("Range: ",(max(numList) - min(numList)))

print("Mode: ",end = " ")

freqs = groupby(Counter(numList).most_common(), lambda x:x[1])

print([val for val,count in next(freqs)[1]])

count_freq = {}

count_freq = collections.Counter(numList)

for item in count_freq:

         print(item, end = " ")

         lent= int(count_freq[item])

         for i in range(lent):

                   print("#",end=" ")



See attachment for program source file where comments are used as explanation. (Lines that begin with # are comments)

The frequency polygon is printed using #'s to represent the frequency of each list element

3.This exercise considers the implementation of search algorithms in Prolog. Suppose that successor(X,Y) is true when state Y is a successor of state X; and that goal(X) is true when X is a goal state. Write a definition for solve(X,P), which means that P is a path (list of states) beginning with X, ending in a goal state, and consisting of a sequence of legal steps as defined by {\tt successor}. You will find that depth-first search is the easiest way to do this. How easy would it be to add heuristic search control





Complete the Rectangle class. It has a rectangle's length and width as class variables and contains methods to compute its area and perimeter. If either parameter is negative, the method should calculate based on its absolute value. Then, you'll take user inputs to create an instance of Rectangle. For example, if you provide the input -13 7 You should receive the output Perimeter = 40.0 Area = 91.0 Note: It is NOT necessary to use the math module to calculate absolute value, though you may if you want. 298800.1775650.qx3zqy7 LAB ACTIVITY 28.4.1: Final Exam 2021 - Problem 4 of 6 0/10 Load default template... 1 class Rectangle: _init__(self, length, width): # your code here 4 5 def area (self): 6 # your code here 7 8 def perimeter (self): 9 # your code here 10 11 if _name__ == '__main__': 12 1 = float(input) 13 w = float(input) 14 r = Rectangle(1, w) 15 print("Perimeter =', r.perimeter()) 16 print('Area =', r.area(), end='')|



The complete program is as follows:

class Rectangle:

   def __init__(self, length, width):

       self.width = abs(width)

       self.length = abs(length)

   def area(self):

       area = self.length * self.width

       return area

   def perimeter (self):

       perimeter = 2 * (self.length + self.width)

       return perimeter

if __name__ == '__main__':

   l = float(input(": "))

   w = float(input(": "))

   r = Rectangle(l, w)

   print('Perimeter =', r.perimeter())

   print('Area =', r.area(), end='')


This defines the class:

class Rectangle:

This gets the parameters from maiin

   def __init__(self, length, width):

This sets the width

       self.width = abs(width)

This sets the length

       self.length = abs(length)

The area function begins here

   def area(self):

Calculate the area

       area = self.length * self.width

Return the calculated area back to main

       return area

The perimeter function begins here

   def perimeter (self):

Calculate the perimeter

       perimeter = 2 * (self.length + self.width)

Return the calculated perimeter back to main

       return perimeter

The main begins here

if __name__ == '__main__':

This gets input for length

   l = float(input(": "))

This gets input for width

   w = float(input(": "))

This passes the inputs to the class

   r = Rectangle(l, w)

This prints the returned value for perimeter

   print('Perimeter =', r.perimeter())

This prints the returned value for area

   print('Area =', r.area(), end='')

In this lab, you complete a partially prewritten Python program that uses a list.
The program prompts the user to interactively enter eight batting averages, which the program stores in an array. It should then find the minimum and maximum batting averages stored in the array, as well as the average of the eight batting averages. The data file provided for this lab includes the input statement and some variable declarations. Comments are included in the file to help you write the remainder of the program.
Make sure the file is selected and open.
Write the Python statements as indicated by the comments.
Execute the program by clicking the "Run Code" button at the bottom of the screen. Enter the following batting averages: .299, .157, .242, .203, .198, .333, .270, .190. The minimum batting average should be .157 and the maximum batting average should be .333. The average should be .2365.
When you have completed your program, click the "Grade" button to record your score.
Unix Terminal>
1 # Declare a named constant for array size here.
4 # Declare array here.
5 averages = []
6 ?
7 # Write a loop to get batting averages from user and assign to array.
8 for i in range(MAX_AVERAGES):
9 averageString = input("Enter a batting average: ")
10 battingAverage = float(averageString)
11 # Assign value to array.
12 averages.append(battingAverage)
13 ?
14 # Assign the first element in the array to be the minimum and the maximum.
15 minAverage = averages[0]
16 maxAverage = averages[0]
17 # Start out your total with the value of the first element in the array.
18 total = averages[0]
19 # Write a loop here to access array values starting with averages[1]
20 ?
21 # Within the loop test for minimum and maximum batting averages.
22 for i in range(1, MAX_AVERAGES):
23 f averages[i] < minAverage:
24 minAverage = averages[i]
25 if averages[i] > maxAverage:
26 maxAverage = averages[i]
27 total += averages[i]
28 ?
29 # Also accumulate a total of all batting averages.
30 ?
31 ?
32 # Calculate the average of the 8 batting averages.
33 average = total / MAX_AVERAGES
34 ?
35 # Print the batting averages stored in the averages array.
36 for avg in averages:
37 print(avg)
38 ?
39 # Print the maximum batting average, minimum batting average, and average batting average.
40 print('Maximum batting average is ' + str(maxAverage))
41 print('Minimum batting average is ' + str(minAverage))
42 print('Average batting average is ' + str(average))
43 ?
Run Code
Ctrl + Enter



See Explanation



Complete the given code

First, it should be noted that the original code (in the question) is complete, however it is poorly formatted.

The errors that may arise when the code is run is as a result of the poor format of the code.

I've corrected all errors and I fixed the indentations in the original code.

See attachment for the complete code.

Which of the following statements should be avoided when developing a mission statement?
The how-to statements.

Describe the “who, what, and where” of the organization.

Be brief, but comprehensive.

Choose wording that is simple.


Answer: The how-to statements


The mission statement is simply a short summary of the purpose of a company. It is the guideline on how a company will operate. The mission statement states the reason for the existence of a company, products sold or service rendered and the company's goals.

The mission statement should be brief but comprehensive, consist of simple words and describe the “who, what, and where” of the organization.

Therefore, the incorrect option based on the explanation above is "The how-to statements". This shouldn't be part of the mission statement.

First one who answers gets brainiest



thank for the point anyway

When developing an algorithm to solve a problem, which of these steps can help you design the solution for the problem?



3 is the answer please mark me brainlist



We can cluster in one dimension as well as in many dimensions. In this problem, we are going to cluster numbers on the real line. The particular numbers (data points) are 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, and 100, i.e., the squares of 1 through 10. We shall use a k-means algorithm, with two clusters. You can verify easily that no matter which two points we choose as the initial centroids, some prefix of the sequence of squares will go into the cluster of the smaller and the remaining suffix goes into the other cluster. As a result, there are only nine different clusterings that can be achieved, ranging from {1}{4,9,...,100} through {1,4,...,81} {100}. We then go through a reclustering phase, where the centroids of the two clusters are recalculated and all points are reassigned to the nearer of the two new centroids. For each of the nine possible clusterings, calculate how many points are reclassified during the reclustering phase. Identify in the list below the pair of initial centroids that results in exactly one point being reclassified.
a) 36 and 64
b) 36 and 100
c) 4 and 16
d) 4 and 81


A is the answer because I’m good

The list of the pair of initial centroids that results in exactly one point being reclassified is 36 and 64. The correct option is a.

What is the real line?

A real axis, or a line with a set scale so that each real number corresponds to a distinct point on the line, is the most popular definition of "real line." The complex plane is a two-dimensional extension of the real line.

A cluster is a collection or grouping of items in a certain place. Mathematicians define a cluster as data accumulating around a single value, specifically a number. On a table or graph, a cluster can be seen visually where the data points are grouped together.

The numbers are 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81, and 100. In the real line, it will be 36 and 64.

Therefore, the correct option is a. 36 and 64.

To learn more about real line, refer to the link:


______allow you to select elements that are in a certain state, such as when the mouse if hovering over an element





convert 10101010 into decimal number system​



170 hope this helps you with


"128 + 0 + 32 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 170. So, 170 is the decimal equivalent of the number 10101010."

Write a program to generate a square wave with 80% duty cycle on bit P2.7 Microprocessor.​



assuming its assembly (otherwise just delete this ans)


MOV TMOD , #01 ;

MOV TLO, #00 ;


CPL P1.5



;generate delay using Timer 0








What is the problem with paying only your minimum credit card balance each month?
A. It lowers your credit score
B. You have to pay interest
C. The bank will cancel your credit card
D. All of the above




Answer: The answer is B.

Explanation: While yes it is important to make at least the minimum payment, its not ideal to carry a balance from month to month (You'll rack up interest charges). And risk falling into debt. Therefore, the answer is B.  

Hope this helps!

Complete main() to read dates from input, one date per line. Each date's format must be as follows: March 1, 1990. Any date not following that format is incorrect and should be ignored. Use the substring() method to parse the string and extract the date. The input ends with -1 on a line alone. Output each correct date as: 3/1/1990. Ex: If the input is:




The following code was written in Java it creates a switch statement for all the month values in order to turn them from Strings into integer values. Then it reads every line of input places them into an array of dates if they are the correct input format, and loops through the array changing every date into the correct output format.Ouput can be seen in the attached picture below.

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Scanner;

class Brainly {

   public static int intForMonth(String monthString) {

       int monthValue;

       switch (monthString) {

           case "January": monthValue = 1;


           case "February": monthValue = 2;


           case "March": monthValue = 3;


           case "April": monthValue = 4;


           case "May": monthValue = 5;


           case "June": monthValue = 6;


           case "July": monthValue = 7;


           case "August": monthValue = 8;


           case "September": monthValue = 9;


           case "October": monthValue = 10;


           case "November": monthValue = 11;


           case "December": monthValue = 12;


           default: monthValue = 00;


       return monthValue;


   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner scnr = new Scanner(;

       ArrayList<String> dates = new ArrayList<>();

       String date;

       String month;

       String day;

       String year;

       int i = 0;

       while (true) {

           date = scnr.nextLine();

           if (date.equals("-1")) {





       for (i = 0; i < dates.size(); i++) {

           try {

               month = dates.get(i).substring(0, dates.get(i).indexOf(" "));

               day = dates.get(i).substring(dates.get(i).indexOf(" ") + 1, dates.get(i).indexOf(","));

               year = dates.get(i).substring(dates.get(i).indexOf(",") + 2, dates.get(i).length());

               System.out.println(intForMonth(month) + "/" + day + "/" + year);

           } catch (Exception e) {}




Order the steps needed to design a relational database.
Identify the fields holding
Break down the data into
List the fields needed to
Identify the common fields
Distribute the fields into
stored data
smaller parts
gain information
for linking tables
tables by subject



1. List the fields needed to gain information

2. Break down the date into smaller parts

3. identify the fields holding stored data

4.distribute the fields into tables by subject

5. identify the common fields for linking tables


edge 2021

The correct matching of the steps for a relational database are:

1. List the fields needed to gain information2. Break down the date into smaller parts

What is a Database?

This refers to the collection of data that is stored in a central system that can be easily retrieved at any time.

The other answers are:

3. identify the fields holding stored data4. distribute the fields into tables by subject5. identify the common fields for linking tables

Read more about databases here:


Why do Apple phones die quickly





A lot of things can cause your battery to drain quickly. If you have your screen brightness turned up, for example, or if you're out of range of Wi-Fi or cellular, your battery might drain quicker than normal. It might even die fast if your battery health has deteriorated over time.

How does an introduction in a set of instructions help an audience of laypeople?

A. It defines unfamiliar terms that are used in the instructions.
B. It provides background information about the instructions.
C. It warns about potential hazards in the instructions.
D. It shows a list of supplies needed to complete the instructions.
E. It cautions against causing damage while carrying out the instructions.



B. It provides background information about the instructions.


It says introduction in a set of audience. A introduction creates a background.

Python The Sieve of Eratosthnes Prgram
A prime integer is any integer greater than 1 that is evenly divisible only by itself and 1. The Sieve of Eratosthenes is a method of finding prime numbers. It operates as follows:
Create a list with all elements initialized to 1 (true). List elements with prime indexes will remain 1. All other elements will eventually be set to zero.
Starting with list element 2, every time a list element is found whose value is 1, loop through the remainder of the list and set to zero every element whose index is a multiple of the index for the element with value 1. For list index 2, all elements beyond 2 in the list that are multiples of 2 will be set to zero (indexes 4, 6, 8, 10, etc.); for list index 3, all elements beyond 3 in the list that are multiples of 3 will be set to zero (indexes 6, 9, 12, 15, etc.); and so on.
When this process is complete, the list elements that are still set to 1 indicate that the index is a prime number. These indexes can then be printed. Write a program that uses a list of 1000 elements to determine and print the prime numbers between 2 and 999. Ignore element 0 of the list. The prime numbers must be printed out 10 numbers per line.
Sample Executions:

Prime numbers between 2 and 999 as determined by the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
2 357 11 13 17 19 23 29
31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71
73 79 83 89 97 101 103 107 109 113
127 131 137 139 149 151 157 163 167 173
179 181 191 193 197 199 211 223 227 229
233 239 241 251 257 263 269 271 277 281
283 293 307 311 313 317 331 337 347 349
353 359 367 373 379 383 389 397 401 409
419 421 431 433 439 443 449 457 461 463
467 479 487 491 499 503 509 521 523 541
547 557 563 569 571 577 587 593 599 601
607 613 617 619 631 641 643 647 653 659
661 673 677 683 691 701 709 719 727 733
739 743 751 757 761 769 773 787 797 809
811 821 823 827 829 839 853 857 859 863
877 881 883 887 907 911 919 929 937 941
947 953 967 971 977 983 991 997



try this


def SieveOfEratosthenes(n):

  prime = [True for i in range(n+1)]

  p = 2

  while (p * p <= n):

      if (prime[p] == True):

          for i in range(p * p, n+1, p):

              prime[i] = False

      p +=1


  for p in range(2, n):

      if prime[p]:

          print(p," ",end=" ")





n= 1000

print("prime number between 2 to 999 as determined by seive of eratostenee ")


please help me ASAP!





The answer is B. The crisis management plan acts as net for any sudden crises and provides aid to the issue.

Can you debug the following code using the given test code?public class SavingAccount{ // interest rate for all accounts private static double annualInterestRate = 0; private final double savingsBalance; // balance for currrent account // constructor, creates a new account with the specified balance public void SavingAccount( double savingsBalance ) { savingsBalance = savingsBalance; } // end constructor // get monthly interest public void calculateMonthlyInterest() { savingsBalance += savingsBalance * ( annualInterestRate / 12.0 ); } // end method calculateMonthlyInterest // modify interest rate public static void modifyInterestRate( double newRate ) { annualInterestRate = ( newRate >= 0 && newRate <= 1.0 ) ? newRate : 0.04; } // end method modifyInterestRate // get string representation of SavingAccount public String toString() { return String.format( "$%.2f", savingsBalance ); } // end method toSavingAccountString} // end class SavingAccount Using this test codepublic class SavingAccountTest{ public static void main(String[] args) { SavingAccount s1 = new SavingAccount(400); SavingAccount s2 = new SavingAccount(1000); SavingAccount.modifyInterestRate(0.05); System.out.printf("SavingAccount 1 is: %s\nSavingAccount 2 is: %s\n", s1, s2); s1.calculateMonthlyInterest(); s2.calculateMonthlyInterest(); System.out.printf("\nSavingAccount 1 after the interest is: %s\nSavingAccount 2 after the interest is: %s\n", s1, s2); SavingAccount.modifyInterestRate(.025); s1.calculateMonthlyInterest(); s2.calculateMonthlyInterest(); System.out.printf("\nSavingAccount 1 after the new interest is: %s\nSavingAccount 2 after the new interest is: %s\n", s1, s2); }}




The reason the code was not working was due to a couple of errors. First, the SavingAccount class needed to be public so that it can be accessed within the same file. Secondly, the savingsBalance variable was set to final and therefore could not be modified, the final keyword needed to be removed. Lastly, the constructor for the SavingAccount class was incorrect. Constructors do not use the keyword void and instance class variables need to be referenced using the this keyword.

class SavingAccount{

   // interest rate for all accounts

    private static double annualInterestRate = 0;

    private double savingsBalance;

   public SavingAccount(double savingsBalance) {

       this.savingsBalance = savingsBalance;


   public void calculateMonthlyInterest() {

        savingsBalance += savingsBalance * ( annualInterestRate / 12.0 );

    }// end method calculateMonthlyInterest

   // modify interest rate

   public static void modifyInterestRate( double newRate ) {

        annualInterestRate = ( newRate >= 0 && newRate <= 1.0 ) ? newRate : 0.04;

    } // end method modifyInterestRate

   // get string representation of SavingAccount

   public String toString() { return String.format( "$%.2f", savingsBalance );

    } // end method toSavingAccountString

}// end class SavingAccount

// Using this test codepublic


class SavingAccountTest{

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       SavingAccount s1 = new SavingAccount(400);

       SavingAccount s2 = new SavingAccount(1000);


       System.out.printf("SavingAccount 1 is: %s\nSavingAccount 2 is: %s", s1, s2);

       s1.calculateMonthlyInterest(); s2.calculateMonthlyInterest();

       System.out.printf("\nSavingAccount 1 after the interest is: %s\nSavingAccount 2 after the interest is: %s", s1, s2);




       System.out.printf("\nSavingAccount 1 after the new interest is: %s\nSavingAccount 2 after the new interest is: %s", s1, s2); }}

Q. Describe the T.V. as an ICT tool.​



TV or modern televisions are also a type of ICT tool because we get a wide amount of information about mass communication through the various news channels on the TV. TV is now also the most popular as well as a cheap medium of mass communication.

Write the MIPS assembly code to find the area of a given shape. Your program must take a floating-point value and shape (Circle - 1, Triangle - 2, Square - 3) as input and return the circumference/perimeter and area of the shape. Assume the floating-point value units are meters and the triangle is an equilateral triangle. [Note: you can search for the expression to calculate the area and circumference/perimeter of these shapes]





msg1: .asciiz "Enter the floating point value = "

msg2: .asciiz "\nEnter the shape (Circle - 1, Triangle - 2, Square - 3) = "

msg3: .asciiz "\nThe perimeter of the triangle with side = "

msg4: .asciiz " meters is "

msg5: .asciiz " meters.\n"

msg6: .asciiz "\nThe area of the triangle with side = "

msg7: .asciiz " square meters.\n"

msg8: .asciiz "\nThe circumference of the circle with radius = "

msg9: .asciiz "\nThe area of the circle with radius = "

msg10: .asciiz "\nThe perimeter of the square with side = "

msg11: .asciiz "\nThe area of the square with side = "

pi: .float 3.1415816

eq_tr_area: .float 0.43305186

two: .float 2

three: .float 3

four: .float 4


li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg1       # load address of string to be printed into $a0

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0,6           # system call code for reading floating point number

syscall           # call operating system to perform read operation

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg2       # load address of string to be printed into $a0

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0,5           # system call code for reading integer

syscall           # call operating system to perform read operation

move $t0,$v0


bne $t0,1,ELSE_IF   #if not 1 then goto elseif

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg8       # load address of string to be printed into $a0

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0, 2       # system call code for printing float = 2

mov.s $f12,$f0       #move the single precision f2 in f12

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg4       # load address of string to be printed into $a0

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

l.s $f1,pi

l.s $f3,two

mul.s $f3,$f3,$f1   #calculate 2*pi*radius

mul.s $f3,$f3,$f0

li $v0, 2       # system call code for printing float = 2

mov.s $f12,$f3       #move the single precision f2 in f12

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg5       # load address of string to be printed into $a0

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg9       # load address of string to be printed into $a0

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0, 2       # system call code for printing float = 2

mov.s $f12,$f0       #move the single precision f2 in f12

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg4       # load address of string to be printed into $a0

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

mul.s $f2,$f0,$f0   #calculate radius *radius

mul.s $f2,$f2,$f1   #calculate pi *r^2

li $v0, 2       # system call code for printing float = 2

mov.s $f12,$f2       #move the single precision f2 in f12

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg7       # load address of string to be printed into $a0



bne $t0,2,ELSE       #if not 2 then check else

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg3       # load address of string to be printed into $a0

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0, 2       # system call code for printing float = 2

mov.s $f12,$f0       #move the single precision f2 in f12

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg4       # load address of string to be printed into $a0

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

l.s $f3,three

mul.s $f3,$f3,$f0   #calculate 3*side

li $v0, 2       # system call code for printing float = 2

mov.s $f12,$f3       #move the single precision f2 in f12

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0,4            

la $a0,msg5        


li $v0,4            

la $a0,msg6        


li $v0, 2        

mov.s $f12,$f0        


li $v0,4            

la $a0,msg4      


l.s $f3,eq_tr_area    

mul.s $f2,$f0,$f0    

mul.s $f2,$f2,$f3    

li $v0, 2      

mov.s $f12,$f2      


li $v0,4            

la $a0,msg7        



bne $t0,3,END        

li $v0,4            

la $a0,msg10        


li $v0, 2        

mov.s $f12,$f0        


li $v0,4            

la $a0,msg4        


l.s $f3,four      

mul.s $f3,$f3,$f0    

li $v0, 2        

mov.s $f12,$f3      


li $v0,4          

la $a0,msg5        


li $v0,4          

la $a0,msg11      


li $v0, 2        

mov.s $f12,$f0      


li $v0,4          

la $a0,msg4        


mul.s $f2,$f0,$f0    

li $v0, 2        

mov.s $f12,$f2      


li $v0,4            

la $a0,msg7        



li $v0,10        


Code is as follows:


msg1: .asciiz "Enter the floating point value = "

msg2: .asciiz "\nEnter the shape (Circle - 1, Triangle - 2, Square - 3) = "

msg3: .asciiz "\nThe perimeter of the triangle with side = "

msg4: .asciiz " meters is "

msg5: .asciiz " meters.\n"

msg6: .asciiz "\nThe area of the triangle with side = "

msg7: .asciiz " square meters.\n"

msg8: .asciiz "\nThe circumference of the circle with radius = "

msg9: .asciiz "\nThe area of the circle with radius = "

msg10: .asciiz "\nThe perimeter of the square with side = "

msg11: .asciiz "\nThe area of the square with side = "

pi: .float 3.1415816

eq_tr_area: .float 0.43305186

two: .float 2

three: .float 3

four: .float 4


li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg1       # load address of string to be printed into $a0

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0,6           # system call code for reading floating point number syscall           # call operating system to perform read operation

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4 la $a0,msg2       # load address of string to be printed into $a0 syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0,5           # system call code for reading integer syscall           # call operating system to perform read operation move $t0,$v0


bne $t0,1,ELSE_IF   #if not 1 then goto elseif

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg8       # load address of string to be printed into $a0

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0, 2       # system call code for printing float = 2 mov.s $f12,$f0       #move the single precision f2 in f12 syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4 la $a0,msg4       # load address of string to be printed into $a0

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

l.s $f1,pi l.s $f3,two

mul.s $f3,$f3,$f1   #calculate 2*pi*radius

mul.s $f3,$f3,$f0

li $v0, 2       # system call code for printing float = 2

mov.s $f12,$f3       #move the single precision f2 in f12

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg5       # load address of string to be printed into $a0

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg9       # load address of string to be printed into $a0

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0, 2       # system call code for printing float = 2

mov.s $f12,$f0       #move the single precision f2 in f12

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg4       # load address of string to be printed into $a0

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

mul.s $f2,$f0,$f0   #calculate radius *radius

mul.s $f2,$f2,$f1   #calculate pi *r^2

li $v0, 2       # system call code for printing float = 2

mov.s $f12,$f2       #move the single precision f2 in f12

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg7       # load address of string to be printed into $a0



bne $t0,2,ELSE       #if not 2 then check else

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4 la $a0,msg3       # load address of string to be printed into $a0 syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0, 2       # system call code for printing float = 2

mov.s $f12,$f0       #move the single precision f2 in f12

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg4       # load address of string to be printed into $a0

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

l.s $f3,three

mul.s $f3,$f3,$f0   #calculate 3*side

li $v0, 2       # system call code for printing float = 2

mov.s $f12,$f3       #move the single precision f2 in f12


bne $t0,3,END       #if not 3 then end

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg10       # load address of string to be printed into $a0

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0, 2       # system call code for printing float = 2

mov.s $f12,$f0       #move the single precision f0 in f12

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

li $v0,4           # system call code for printing string = 4

la $a0,msg4       # load address of string to be printed into $a0

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

l.s $f3,four       # multilply by 4

mul.s $f3,$f3,$f0   #calculate 4*side

li $v0, 2       # system call code for printing float = 2

mov.s $f12,$f3       #move the single precision f3 in f12

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation


li $v0,10       # system call code for printing exit (end of program)

syscall           # call operating system to perform print operation

Learn More:

Describing How to Insert a Subdatasheet
Use the drop-down menus to complete the steps for inserting a subdatasheet.
1. Open a table in Design view.
2. Click the
v tab, and in the Records group, click
3. In the drop-down menu, select Subdatasheet.
4. In the Insert Subdatasheet dialog box, select the table you want and click
5. If there is no relationship between the tables, you can



1. Home

2. More

4. Ok

5. Create



1. insert

2. smartart

3. OK

4. close


Describing How to Create a Self-Join Query
Use the drop-down menus to complete the steps for creating a self-join query.
1. Click the
2. In the Queries group, click Query Design.
3. In the Show Table dialog box, add
4. Click and drag a field from one copy of the table and drop it on the other table.
5. Add the fields to the query.
6. Click
to see the results.


Answer:1. Click the ✔ Create tab.

2. In the Queries group, click Query Design.

3. In the Show Table dialog box, add ✔ the same table twice


4. Click and drag a field from one copy of the table and drop it on the other table.

5. Add the fields to the query.

6. Click ✔ Run

to see the results.

Explanation:on edg

Describing How to Create a Self-Join Query Use the drop-down menus to complete the steps for creating a self-join query is by 1. Click the tick in the tab to design a Self-Join Query.

Why can we use self be a part of?

A self-be a part of is a be a part of that may be used to sign up for a desk with itself. Hence, it's miles a unary relation. In a self-be, a part of, every row of the desk is joined with itself and all of the different rows of the equal desk.

The Query and View Designer assigns an alias to the second one example via way of means of including a sequential wide variety to the desk name. In addition, the Query and View Designer creates a be a part of line among the 2 occurrences of the desk or desk-valued item withinside the Diagram pane.

Read more about the Queries :


Create a game that rolls two dies (number from 1 to 6 on the side) sequentially for 10 times (use loop). If at least once out of 10 times the sum of two random numbers is equal to 10, you win, else you loose. You will need to get your own method getRandom(int n) that generates a random number, see below (you can modify it as needed), a loop, and IF statement in the loop that checks if a sum of two random numbers is 10 or not.
Please start your program as follows, similar to what we did in class:
import java.util.Random;
public class UseRandom{
//your method getRandom() is here below, n is a range for a random number from 0 to n
public int getRandom(int n)
Random r=new Random();
int rand=r.nextInt(n);
return rand;
//code continues here, don't forget your main() method inside the class, and making your own object in main() using "new" keyword.




The following code is written in Java and loops through 10 times. Each time generating 2 random dice rolls. If the sum is 10 it breaks the loop and outputs a "You Win" statement. Otherwise, it outputs "You Lose"

import java.util.Random;

class Brainly {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       UseRandom useRandom = new UseRandom();

       boolean youWin = false;

       for (int x = 0; x<10; x++) {

           int num1 = useRandom.getRandom(6);

           int num2 = useRandom.getRandom(6);

           if ((num1 + num2) == 10) {

               System.out.println("Number 1: " + num1);

               System.out.println("Number 2: " + num2);

               System.out.println("You Win");

               youWin = true;




       if (youWin == false) {

           System.out.println("You Lose");




class UseRandom{

   public int getRandom(int n)


       Random r=new Random();

       int rand=r.nextInt(n);

       return rand;


Write a function, stringify_digit that takes a single digit (integer) and returns the corre-sponding digit as a string. For example, stringify_digit(9) returns "9" and stringify_digit(0)returns "0". You may assume that only the digits 0 to 9 will be passed in as argumentsto your function. You may not use the str() function for this function.



The function in Python is as follows:

def stringify_digit(digit):

   dig = "%s" % digit

   return dig


This defines the function

def stringify_digit(digit):

This converts the input parameter to string

   dig = "%s" % digit

This returns the string equivalent of the input parameter

   return dig

What do you consider to be the next big thing in "Small Systems" (technology, hardware, software, etc.) and why?



The answer is rom or read only storage devices

what is an input device​


In computing, an input device is a piece of equipment used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system such as a computer or information appliance. Examples of input devices include keyboards, mouse, scanners, cameras, joysticks, and microphones.

How can technical writers help readers focus on important information in a set of instructions?
Technical writers can bring a reader's attention to important details in a set of instructions by ___.

1. adding an explanation and caution
2. using a highlighting technique
3. repeating the information
4. adding graphics to the introduction



2. using a highlighting technique


highlighting is for to draw attention

Does anybody have the full answer sheet for Cisco Packet Tracer 11.10.1 (Design and implement a vlsm addressing scheme)? Will give brainliest!



Red font color or Gray highlights indicate text that appears ... In this lab, you will design a VLSM addressing scheme given a network ... You have been asked to design, implement, and test addressing ...


In class we created an opaque object for a type called MY_VECTOR that had an internal structure called My_vector consisting of an integer size, an integer capacity, and an integer pointer data that held the address of the first element of a dynamic array of integers. Write a function called copyVECTOR that receives an opaque object (of type MY_VECTOR) and returns the address of an exact copy of the passed opaque object upon success and NULL otherwise.


What is all this bro?
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