Determine whether each of the scenarios listed below is a cause of sea level rise, an effect of sea level rise, or is not at all related to sea level rise.
Drag the appropriate items into their respective bins.
1) Causes of sea level rise:
climate warming, melting glaciers on land, thermal expansion of sea water
2) Effect of sea level rise:
more frequent coastal flooding, greater rate of coastal erosion
3) Not related to sea level rise:
depletion of the ozone layer


Answer 1

Climate warming, melting glaciers on land, and thermal expansion of sea water are all causes of sea level rise, while more frequent coastal flooding and a greater rate of coastal erosion are effects of sea level rise. The depletion of the ozone layer is not at all related to sea level rise.

Sea level rise is a phenomenon that is directly related to the effects of climate change. One of the main causes of sea level rise is the warming of the earth's climate due to greenhouse gas emissions. As temperatures rise, ice sheets and glaciers on land start to melt, causing a significant amount of water to flow into the oceans. The thermal expansion of sea water is also a contributing factor to the rising sea levels. As water warms up, it expands and takes up more space, leading to an increase in sea levels.
Sea level rise has several negative effects, including more frequent coastal flooding and a greater rate of coastal erosion. As sea levels rise, low-lying areas and coastal regions become more vulnerable to flooding, which can lead to property damage, loss of land, and displacement of communities. Additionally, the increased water pressure on shorelines can lead to greater rates of erosion and land loss.
The depletion of the ozone layer, on the other hand, is not directly related to sea level rise. While it is an environmental issue with far-reaching effects, it does not contribute to the increase in sea levels that is a direct result of climate change and its various causes.
In summary, climate warming, melting glaciers on land, and thermal expansion of sea water are all causes of sea level rise, while more frequent coastal flooding and a greater rate of coastal erosion are effects of sea level rise. The depletion of the ozone layer is not at all related to sea level rise.

To know more about melting glaciers visit :


Related Questions

The conditions necessary for the formation of stratiform clouds are a lifting action and:stable, moist airunstable, dry airunstable, moist air


Stratiform clouds are flat, layered clouds that cover large areas of the sky. These clouds form as a result of a lifting action and stable, moist air. When warm, moist air rises, it cools and the moisture in the air condenses, forming clouds.

The stability of the air is important because it prevents the clouds from rising further and instead causes them to spread out horizontally. This results in a cloud layer that covers a large area of the sky. If the air is unstable and dry, it may result in the formation of convective clouds, such as cumulus clouds, which are more vertical in nature. Unstable, moist air may also result in the formation of storm clouds. Therefore, stratiform clouds are typically associated with stable, moist air and a lifting action, such as with a warm front or when air is forced to rise over a mountain range.

To know more about Clouds  visit :


when a macho (massive compact halo object) passes between a distant star and us, the distant star (light source) . group of answer choices stays the same brightness drops in brightness and then rises in brightness rises in brightness and then drops in brightness drops in brightness and stays dim rises in brightness and stays bright


When a massive compact halo object (MACHO) passes between a distant star and us, the distant star's brightness drops in brightness and then rises in brightness.

     When a MACHO, such as a black hole or a dense astronomical object, passes in front of a distant star, the phenomenon known as gravitational microlensing occurs. Initially, as the MACHO approaches the line of sight between the distant star and the observer, the star's brightness starts to drop. This is because the gravitational field of the MACHO bends the path of light from the star, causing some of the light to be redirected away from the observer. As the MACHO moves closer to the center of the line of sight, the bending effect reaches its maximum, resulting in the lowest brightness of the distant star. However, as the MACHO continues its motion and moves away from the line of sight, the gravitational bending gradually decreases, leading to an increase in the star's brightness until it returns to its original level. Therefore, the brightness of the distant star undergoes a characteristic pattern of dropping and then rising as a MACHO passes between the star and the observer.

To learn more about astronomical object click here :


Repetitive, ritualistic motor movements such as twirling, flapping hands, and rocking


Motor Diseases similar to involuntary repetitious facial movements, lip smacking, involuntary movements of the box and branches, and shuddering are generally associated with a group of conditions known as movement diseases. One specific type of movement complaint that can beget these symptoms is called Tardive dyskinesia( TD).

TD is a neurological complaint that's utmost generally caused by long-term use of specifics that block dopamine receptors in the brain, particularly antipsychotic specifics used to treat psychiatric diseases similar to schizophrenia. The exact medium of how these specifics beget TD isn't completely understood, but it's believed to be related to changes in dopamine receptor perceptivity in the brain over time.

Other factors that may contribute to the development of TD include age, gender, genetics, and underpinning medical conditions. Symptoms of TD generally involve involuntary and repetitious movements of the face, lingo, lips, box, and branches, which can be distressing and intrude with diurnal conditioning.

Treatment for TD may involve reducing or discontinuing the drug causing the symptoms, if possible. Other treatment options may include switching to a different drug, conforming to the lozenge of the current drug, or adding a drug that can offset the goods of the dopamine-blocking drug. Rehabilitation curatives, similar to physical remedies, may also be helpful in managing the symptoms of TD.

learn more about motor movements at

The complete question is Motor disorders such as involuntary repetitive facial movements, lip smacking, involuntary movements of the trunk and limbs, and twitching is ________.

Motor disorders characterized by involuntary repetitive movements, lip smacking, trunk and limb movements, and twitching are typically associated with a condition known as "Tardive Dyskinesia" (TD).

Tardive Dyskinesia is a neurological disorder caused by prolonged use of certain medications, particularly antipsychotic medicines, which are commonly used to treat psychiatric conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.The repetitive and involuntary movements seen in TD are thought to result from long-term exposure to dopamine-blocking medications, which disrupt the normal functioning of the basal ganglia, a brain region involved in motor control.

Tardive Dyskinesia can be a distressing and socially stigmatizing condition for individuals affected by it. It is important for healthcare professionals to carefully monitor patients who are prescribed antipsychotic medications to minimize the risk of developing this side effect. Treatment options for TD include adjusting the medication regimen, switching to alternative medications, or utilizing additional medications to manage the symptoms.

To know more about motor disorders click here


Complete Question :  Motor disorders such as involuntary repetitive facial movements, lip smacking, involuntary movements of the trunk and limbs, and twitching is :

Isomorphous substitution typically results in a net negative charge on soil clay minerals. (T/F)


The statement is false. Isomorphous substitution refers to the replacement of one type of atom by another within the crystal structure of minerals, including clay minerals.

Isomorphous substitution can result in a variety of effects, including changes in mineral composition, crystal structure, and electrical properties. However, the net charge on soil clay minerals is not inherently negative due to isomorphous substitution alone. The net charge on clay minerals is determined by various factors, including the specific elements involved in the substitution, their valence states, and the overall mineral composition. Some clay minerals can have a net negative charge, while others can have a net positive charge or be electrically neutral, depending on the specific mineralogy and the prevailing environmental conditions.

Learn more about Isomorphous substitution here:


using what you know about isostasy, how would the crust behave if a large glacier were removed?


Isostasy is the principle that the equilibrium of the Earth's crust, where the lithosphere (crust and uppermost mantle) floats on the denser asthenosphere beneath it.

The lithosphere is the rigid outermost layer of the Earth, encompassing the crust and the uppermost portion of the mantle. It is composed of solid rock and is characterized by its brittleness. The lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates, which float on the semi-fluid asthenosphere beneath them. These plates interact with one another through various processes, such as convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries, giving rise to earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the formation of mountain ranges.

The lithosphere is crucial for sustaining life on Earth as it provides a solid foundation for continents, ocean basins, and various geological features. It plays a significant role in controlling the movement of Earth's surface and is responsible for shaping the planet's topography over long periods. The lithosphere also interacts with other Earth systems, including the hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere, influencing climate patterns, weathering processes, and the distribution of ecosystems.

To know more about Lithosphere refer here :


most earthquakes originate deep below the crust because the pressures there are enormous.a. trueb. false


True, earthquakes are caused by the movement of tectonic plates, which are large pieces of Earth's crust.

Most earthquakes occur deep below the Earth's crust in the lithosphere, which is under extreme pressure due to the tectonic activity and movement of the Earth's plates. When these plates shift or collide, they create enormous pressure deep below the surface, which can lead to earthquakes. The pressure builds up over time until the rocks can no longer withstand it, causing them to break and move, resulting in an earthquake. Therefore, it is true that earthquakes originate deep below the crust because the pressures there are enormous.

Learn more about tectonic plates:




C. More unsaturated phospholipids and therefore more hydrogen atoms In response to lower temperatures, fish have been observed to increase the proportion of unsaturated fatty acids in their cell membranes

Unsaturated phospholipids have double bonds in their carbon chains, which introduce kinks in the structure. These kinks prevent the phospholipids from packing tightly together, maintaining fluidity and flexibility in the cell membrane. Additionally, unsaturated fatty acids tend to have more hydrogen atoms attached to their carbon chains, which helps to maintain membrane fluidity and prevent solidification in colder conditions. Therefore, an increase in unsaturated phospholipids with more hydrogen atoms would be beneficial for fish in adapting to lower temperatures.

Learn more about hydrogen atoms here:


streams generally receive their water from two sources. what are those two sources? quizlet


Streams typically receive water from two sources: surface runoff and groundwater. Surface runoff is water that flows over the land surface and into the stream channel, usually as a result of precipitation or snowmelt.

This water can pick up pollutants and sediments as it travels, affecting the quality of the stream water. Groundwater, on the other hand, is water that percolates through the soil and into underground aquifers. Some of this water can seep out of the ground and into the stream channel, providing a steady flow of water even during dry periods.

Groundwater can also supply nutrients and minerals to the stream, which can affect the ecology of the stream ecosystem. Together, these two sources of water play an important role in the health and function of stream ecosystems, and can be influenced by a variety of human activities such as land use changes, development, and water withdrawals.

To know more about groundwater visit:


Which statement describes the relationship between oxygen in rivers and environmental factors? A) The amount of oxygen in rivers increases as the water temperature falls. B) The amount of oxygen in rivers increases as the water temperature rises. C) Oxygen dissolved in rapidly flowing rivers is replaced slowly. D) The amount of oxygen in rivers increases in dry seasons.


B) The amount of oxygen in rivers increases as the water temperature rises. Warmer water has a lower capacity to hold dissolved oxygen compared to colder water.

As the water temperature rises, the solubility of oxygen decreases, leading to a decrease in the dissolved oxygen levels. Conversely, as the water temperature falls, the solubility of oxygen increases, resulting in higher dissolved oxygen levels in rivers. This relationship between water temperature and dissolved oxygen is crucial for aquatic organisms that rely on dissolved oxygen for respiration. Option A is incorrect because as water temperature falls, the solubility of oxygen increases, leading to higher dissolved oxygen levels. Option C is incorrect because rapidly flowing rivers can increase the rate of oxygen exchange, allowing for more dissolved oxygen in the water. Option D is incorrect because dry seasons typically have reduced water flow, which can lead to lower dissolved oxygen levels in rivers due to decreased oxygen replenishment.

Learn more about oxygen here:


Which cloud be the types of commonly be found downwind of a mountain?


Answer: Banner Cloud


A cloud plume often observed to extend downwind behind isolated mountain peaks, even on otherwise cloud-free days.

In the waves created by mountains, lenticular clouds can also develop high above mountains and in their lee (downwind areas). Orographic lift is the force that causes air to rise as it strikes a mountain or hill.

Orographic clouds are those that occur on the windward side of mountains when the flow is sufficiently humid. Even on days with no clouds, a cloud plume is frequently seen to stretch downwind from lone, steep, frequently pyramid-shaped mountain peaks. Banner clouds have regularly been seen on the Matterhorn and Mount Everest, two renowned summits. On hot days, when warm, moist air rises very far into the sky, cumulonimbus clouds form. They appear to be enormous mountains or skyscrapers from a distance.

To know more about lenticular clouds, click here:


mt. kilimanjaro and mt. kenya are ________ that occur along the east african rift.


Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Kenya are mountains that occur along the east African rift.

Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Kenya are two of the most iconic and well-known mountains on the African continent. They are both located along the East African Rift zone, a region of geologic instability where the African Plate is slowly being pulled apart, creating a vast network of deep valleys, steep-sided mountains, and large lakes.

Mt. Kilimanjaro is Africa's highest mountain, and the tallest free-standing mountain in the world. It stands at an impressive 5,895 meters above sea level and is located in Tanzania, near the border with Kenya. It is an extinct volcano, with three volcanic cones, the highest of which is Kibo. Its peak is often covered with snow, and it is a popular destination for hikers and climbers.

Mt. Kenya is the second-highest mountain in Africa at 5,199 meters above sea level. It is located in central Kenya, and is the source of the Tana and Ewaso Ng'iro rivers. The mountain is an inactive volcano, and its peaks are covered in snow and glaciers. It is a popular destination for hikers and climbers, and is most famous for its four distinctive peaks: Batian (5,199 m), Nelion (5,188 m), Lenana (4,985 m) and Point Piggott (4,957 m).

Both Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Kenya are popular tourist destinations and important symbols of African culture and heritage, as well as geologic features of the East African Rift zone. They are both majestic, awe-inspiring mountains that are sure to leave a lasting impression on any hiker or climber that visits them.

To know more about African rift, click here:


in tough economic times, people are generally unwilling to pay a short term cost in exchange for a long term gain. a.True b.False


However, it's not necessarily true that they are always unwilling to pay a short-term cost for a long-term gain.

In tough economic times, people may be hesitant to spend money on anything that doesn't offer immediate gratification or benefits.  For example, investing in education or training that may result in a better job or higher salary in the future could be seen as a worthwhile short-term sacrifice for long-term benefits. Additionally, some people may be more willing to take risks and make investments in difficult economic times in order to secure their financial future. So, while there may be some hesitation, it's not accurate to say that people are generally unwilling to pay a short-term cost for a long-term gain in tough economic times.

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how would wind move if pressure gradient and coriolis forces did not exist?


If pressure gradient and Coriolis forces did not exist, wind would not move in any particular direction. These two forces are the driving forces behind the movement of air masses in our atmosphere.

The pressure gradient force causes air to move from high pressure to low pressure areas, while the Coriolis force causes air to deflect to the right in the northern hemisphere and to the left in the southern hemisphere. Without these two forces, air masses would be stagnant and would not move. The presence of these two forces is what gives rise to the complex wind patterns that we observe in our atmosphere.

In summary, wind would not have any driving force or direction without pressure gradient and Coriolis forces.

To know more about pressure gradient refer here :


an outrigger is the structural member of a supported scaffold used to perform what function?


An outrigger is a crucial component of a supported scaffold that helps to provide additional support and stability to the structure.

The outrigger is typically attached to the scaffold's vertical posts and extends outward to provide support to the scaffold's platform. This helps to distribute the weight of the scaffold evenly, reducing the risk of it tipping over or collapsing. The outrigger may be made of wood, metal, or other sturdy materials, and it is designed to withstand the weight of workers, tools, and materials that are used on the scaffold.

In addition to providing stability, outriggers also help to increase the working area of the scaffold, allowing workers to perform their tasks more efficiently and safely. Overall, the outrigger is a critical component of a supported scaffold, and it plays an important role in ensuring the safety and productivity of workers who rely on this type of structure for their work.

For more about outrigger:


All processes that cause reduction and rearrangement of landforms are included in the term of :_______


Geomorphology is the scientific study of landforms and the processes that cause them to change over time.

This includes the physical and chemical processes that erode and reconfigure Earth’s surface, as well as the biological interactions that influence landform formation. Geomorphology is the study of the origin, evolution, and nature of landforms. It examines how landforms are formed, modified, and destroyed by various processes such as weathering, erosion, sedimentation, tectonics, and landslides.

It looks at the relationship between landforms and the environment, and how landforms interact with and affect the environment. Geomorphology is an interdisciplinary science that applies the principles of physics, geology, chemistry, and biology to the study of landforms. It also encompasses the study of how landforms interact with humans and their activities.

Geomorphic processes are the physical and chemical processes that shape and reshape landforms. These processes include erosion, sediment transport, tectonics, glaciation, and landslides. Geomorphic processes are important because they alter the landscape and affect the environment.

To know more about Geomorphology , click here:


the principle that geologically ancient conditions were similar to those of our own time is called


The principle that geologically ancient conditions were similar to those of our own time is called Uniformitarianism.

Uniformitarianism is a fundamental principle in geology stating that the same processes shaping Earth's surface today have operated throughout its history.

This concept, proposed by James Hutton in the late 18th century, suggests that we can understand ancient geological events by observing present-day processes.

It contrasts with catastrophism, which attributes Earth's features to sudden, large-scale events.

Uniformitarianism supports the idea of a gradually changing Earth, providing a basis for modern geologic time scales and studies.

For more such questions on Uniformitarianism, click on:


select all the features that were present in lobe-finned fish of the devonian period that allowed them to supplement gill respiration in low-oxygen water with breathing air.


Lobe-finned fish of the Devonian period possessed several features that allowed them to supplement gill respiration in low-oxygen water with breathing air. Some of these features include:

1. Lungs: Lobe-finned fish developed rudimentary lungs that allowed them to extract oxygen from the air. These lungs were used for breathing in oxygen during periods of low oxygen availability in water.

2. Labyrinthine structure: The labyrinthine structure in the internal nostrils of lobe-finned fish helped in extracting oxygen more efficiently. This complex structure increased the surface area available for gas exchange, enhancing their ability to extract oxygen from the air.

3. Sturdy pectoral fins: Lobe-finned fish had robust and muscular pectoral fins, which enabled them to move across muddy or shallow waters where oxygen levels might be low. These fins could also be used to support the fish as they partially emerged from the water to breathe air.

Learn more about Lobe-finned fish here:


A binary system, like Cygnus X-1, may have a black hole in it if the following is known about it: (2 answers)choices:the black hole is unseen and its mass is less than 3 solar massesthe system emits infrared radiationthe black hole is unseen and its mass is more than 3 solar massesthe event horizon can be observedthe system emits x raysthe singularity can be observed


A binary system, such as Cygnus X-1, may contain a black hole if certain characteristics are observed. Two key indicators of a black hole in a binary system are Option c. the black hole is unseen and its mass is more than 3 solar masses and Option e. the system emits x-rays.

c. the black hole is unseen and its mass is more than 3 solar masses: A black hole is typically invisible due to its strong gravitational pull, which prevents light from escaping. In a binary system, the presence of a black hole can be inferred if its mass is calculated to be greater than 3 solar masses, which is the minimum mass required for a star to collapse into a black hole according to the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) limit.

e. the system emits x-rays: In a binary system with a black hole, the black hole can pull matter from its companion star, forming an accretion disk. As the matter in the disk spirals towards the black hole, it becomes increasingly compressed and heated, emitting x-rays in the process. These x-rays can be detected and provide strong evidence of the presence of a black hole.

In summary, if a binary system like Cygnus X-1 has an unseen object with a mass greater than 3 solar masses and emits X-rays, the system likely  contains a black hole. Therefore the correct option is C and E.

Know more about TOV here:


When trying to identify a lowered portion of the rain free cloud base as a wall cloud, the most important characteristic to look for is persistent...
Choose the best answer.
*greenish coloration


The correct option is C, The most important characteristic to look for when trying to identify a lowered portion of the rain-free cloud base as a wall cloud is a persistent rotation.

Rotation refers to the act or process of turning or spinning around an axis or center point. It is a fundamental concept in physics and geometry, describing the circular or angular movement of an object or system.

Rotation is also a key concept in geometry, where it describes the transformation of a shape around a fixed point. When a figure rotates, every point on it moves along a circular path, maintaining the same distance from the center of rotation. The degree of rotation is measured in terms of angles, typically in degrees or radians.

To know more about Rotation refer here :


which method is best suited to determine the diameter (rather than the mass) of an exoplanet?


There are several methods that astronomers use to determine the diameter of an exoplanet, but the most commonly used ones are the transit method and the radial velocity method. The transit method involves observing the star as the exoplanet passes in front of it, causing a slight dip in its brightness.

By measuring the depth and duration of the transit, astronomers can calculate the diameter of the exoplanet. The radial velocity method, on the other hand, involves measuring the small wobbles in the star's motion caused by the gravitational pull of the exoplanet. By studying these wobbles, astronomers can determine the mass of the exoplanet, and when combined with its density, they can calculate its diameter.

However, the transit method is considered to be the best-suited method for determining the diameter of an exoplanet, especially for smaller planets. This is because the transit method can detect exoplanets that are smaller and closer to their host star than the radial velocity method. Additionally, the transit method is also capable of detecting the presence of an atmosphere around the exoplanet, which can provide valuable information about its composition and temperature. Overall, while both methods have their advantages and limitations, the transit method is generally considered to be the most reliable method for determining the diameter of an exoplanet.

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Which of the following is most likely to occur at shallow crustal levels
A. ductile behavior B. brittle deformation C. growth of new minerals D. recrystallization of minerals E. metamorphism


At shallow crustal levels, brittle deformation is the most likely to occur. The correct option is B). Brittle deformation refers to the breaking or fracturing of rock due to stress.

This is because the rocks at shallow depths are under relatively low pressure and temperature, and therefore lack the ability to undergo ductile behavior or metamorphism. Additionally, the low pressure and temperature at these depths are not sufficient to promote the growth or recrystallization of new minerals. As a result, rocks at shallow crustal levels are more likely to exhibit brittle behavior and experience fracturing or faulting when subjected to stress. In conclusion, at shallow crustal levels, brittle deformation is the most likely to occur due to the low pressure and temperature conditions.

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be-10 deep "v" hulls operate best in what type of water conditions?


Be-10 deep "V" hulls operate best in rough or choppy water conditions. The deep "V" hull design is characterized by a sharp, angled V-shape at the bottom of the boat's hull.

This design allows the boat to cut through waves and choppy waters more efficiently, providing a smoother ride and better stability. The deep V-hull design helps to deflect water and reduce the impact of waves, minimizing the pounding and jarring experienced by the occupants of the boat.

This makes deep V-hull boats suitable for offshore or open water environments where rougher water conditions are common, such as in coastal areas or large bodies of water.

Learn more about V" hulls


which of the following geometric features should be avoided if possible in the design of structural components made of new ceramics (three best answers): (a) deep holes, (b) rounded inside corners, (c) rounded outside corners, (d) sharp edges, (e) thick sections, and (f) threads?


The correct option is A, D, and F. The three geometric features that should be avoided if possible in the design of structural components made of new ceramics are deep holes, sharp edges, and threads.

Ceramics refer to a broad category of materials that are composed of inorganic compounds, typically including clay, silica, and various minerals. These materials are transformed through processes like shaping, drying, and firing to create a wide range of products with diverse properties. Ceramics have been utilized by humans for thousands of years due to their durability, versatility, and aesthetic appeal.

Traditional ceramics, such as pottery and porcelain, are known for their ability to withstand high temperatures, making them ideal for cooking vessels and decorative items. Modern ceramics, on the other hand, encompass a vast array of applications, including structural components in aerospace and automotive industries, electrical insulators, biomedical implants, and even advanced electronic devices.

To know more about Ceramics refer here :


Which level is at the inner circle of the social-ecological model?Select one:a. individual Correctb. environmentalc. settings/placesd. societal


The inner circle of the social-ecological model represents the individual level.

The social-ecological model is a framework used to understand the various factors that influence human behavior and health. It consists of multiple levels, including the individual, interpersonal, organizational, community, and societal levels. The inner circle of the model represents the individual level. This level focuses on factors that directly impact individuals, such as their personal characteristics, beliefs, attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors. It recognizes that individual-level factors play a significant role in shaping behavior and can be influenced by higher-level factors in the model. Understanding the individual level is crucial for designing effective interventions and strategies to promote health and well-being.

To learn more about social-ecological model :


what is the contour interval of this map?


The contour interval is the difference in elevation between two contour lines on a map. It helps to determine the steepness of the terrain and can be useful for hikers, mountaineers, and geologists.

To find the contour interval of a map, you can look for the labeled contour lines, which are typically thicker than the other lines on the map. Then, find two adjacent contour lines that are labeled with their elevations. The contour interval is the difference between these two elevations.

For example, if one contour line is labeled 1000 feet and the next is labeled 1100 feet, the contour interval is 100 feet. It's important to note that not all maps have the same contour interval. Depending on the scale of the map and the terrain being represented, the contour interval can vary.

A map of a flat area may have a contour interval of 10 or 20 feet, while a map of a mountainous area may have a contour interval of 100 or even 500 feet. Understanding the contour interval of a map can help you better plan your route and understand the terrain you'll be navigating.

For more question on terrain


the net force acting on air which is blowing parallel to straight contours at constant speed is


The wind motion's direction is affected by the net force acting on air that is blowing at a constant speed parallel to straight contours. Since the Coriolis force and the pressure gradient force are balanced, geostrophic wind blows parallel to the isobars.

As a result, hurricanes that approach the equator within a few degrees start to lose their rotating force. The Coriolis effect is strongest at the poles and weakest (actually zero) at the equator. A region of the Earth experiences predominant winds when winds are present in just one direction. Convergence zones are places where the dominant winds meet. As opposed to north-south, the predominant winds typically blow east-west. Due to the Coriolis effect, which is caused by the rotation of the Earth, this occurs.

To know more about Coriolis force, click here:


The net force acting on air which is blowing parallel to straight contours at constant speed is _______.

the high latitude north atlantic is a major co2 oceanic sink because of __________.


The cold and salty waters of the North Atlantic allow for high CO2 absorption, making it a major sink.

The high latitude North Atlantic is a major CO2 oceanic sink due to the unique characteristics of its waters.

The cold and salty waters found in this region have a high absorption capacity for CO2, allowing for significant uptake from the atmosphere.

Additionally, the North Atlantic is a key location for the process of oceanic overturning, which brings the absorbed CO2 to deeper waters, where it can be stored for longer periods of time.

The combination of these factors makes the high latitude North Atlantic a vital component of the global carbon cycle and highlights the importance of understanding and protecting these oceanic regions in the fight against climate change.

For more such questions on North Atlantic, click on:


the geographical obstacle which divides africa's northern coast from the rest of the continent


The geographical obstacle which divides Africa's northern coast from the rest of the continent is the Sahara Desert. This vast desert spans across several countries in North Africa including Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, and Tunisia, covering approximately 3.6 million square miles.

The Sahara Desert acts as a natural barrier that separates the fertile regions of the north from the tropical and subtropical regions of the south. Its extreme climate and harsh conditions make it difficult to travel through, which has contributed to the isolation of North Africa from the rest of the continent. The Sahara also played a significant role in shaping the history and culture of North Africa, as it was a trade route for merchants and nomads for centuries. Despite the challenges posed by the Sahara, there are ongoing efforts to develop infrastructure and transportation networks to connect North Africa with the rest of the continent, promoting economic and social integration.

To know more about Coast visit :


A major earthquake in the subduction zone along the coast of chile is just chile’s problem.a. Trueb. False


The given statement "A major earthquake in the subduction zone along the coast of chile is just chile’s problem" is False because An earthquake in the subduction zone along the coast of Chile is not just Chile's problem.

Earthquakes of this magnitude can cause tsunamis, which have the potential to cause damage in other countries miles away. Earthquakes can also cause liquefaction and landslides which can affect areas far from the epicenter.

Additionally, the economic repercussions of an earthquake can be felt around the world as Chile's economy is closely connected to the global market. For these reasons, earthquakes in Chile are an international concern.

To know more about Earthquakes , click here:


In Wegener's view,what caused mountain ranges to form?


Answer: Wegener said they formed when the edge of a drifting continent crumpled and folded—as when India hit Asia and formed the Himalayas.

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Looking around the world today, income inequality is greatest in which of the following regions?a. North America (b). Latin America c. Europe d. China what property liquid s does the diffusion illustrate which standard stack methods should throw an emptycollection exception?group of answer choicesshowinsertpoppeekpushremovehide Anders owns a struggling coffee shop and has just received devastating i same block. Anders has many debts to pay and his wife is expecting their fourth child. When he hears this bad news, his heart rate zooms and he feels faint, like he is in shock. According to Hans Seyle, Anders is in the stage of the general adaptation syndrome. OA appraisal B. resistance news-a nationally known competitor is moving in on the C. exhaustion D. alarm Thomas Jefferson wrote than men's unalienable rights were "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." He got these who stated that men's unalienable rights were, ideas from "life, liberty, and what information should the nurse include when teaching a client about antacid tablets? a 2.00 m long string transmits waves at 12.9 m/s what is the fundamental frequency for standing waves in this string which patient complaint during assessment will support documentation by the nurse of a cystocele figure: the regional monopolist) use figure: the regional monopolist. assume a regional monopolist has no fixed costs. if the firm profit-maximizes, it will produce units and charge a price of . its profit will be , the consumer surplus will be , and the deadweight loss is .consumer surplus will be , and the deadweight loss is 35;$65;$1,225;$612.50;$612.5050;$30;$1,200;$600;$10070;$35;$1,225;$615.50;$615.50100;$65;$1,500;$615.50;$1,000 Review Qu. 003, Ch 01 Select the statement below which correctly describes a characteristic of the conceptual framework Multiple Choice A. The conceptual framework directly prescribes rules which must be adhered to under US GAAP B. The conceptual framework is organized according to the types and perspectives of anticipated users of financial Information such as investors and creditors C. Guidance for communicating the accounting for transactions is provided in the conceptual framework D. Quantitative materiality guidelines based on size, Industry, and other factors are provided in the conceptual framework, but are not prescriptive many of the world's developing nations peg their currencies, primarily to the: balance the follow reaction under neutral conditions. how many electrons are needed to find a common number of electrons for each half reaction? A 6-ft vertical post casts a 16-in shadow at the same time a nearby cell phone tower casts a 124-ft shadow. How tall is the cell phone tower? Which of the following is LEAST important in becoming an employer-of-choice?The employer offers the highest pay in the industry.The employer provides opportunities for training and personal development.The employer provides competitive compensation and strong benefits.The employer values the human component of businessThe employer maintains a proper balance between work and personal life. given the following information, calculate the total amount of annual operating expenses for this income-producing property: lawn care: $11,000; property taxes: $24,000; maintenance: $35,000; janitorial: $30,000; security: $35,000; debt service: $145,000.A) $70,000. B) $80,000. C) $100,000. D) $275,000. somewhat surprisingly, ml 8 complexes are never found in cubes (o h), but typically in square anti-prism or other geometries. assume that the 8 l bind below via a sigma orbital only, such as the s-orbitals in the example belowa.) Write a reducible representation for the eight ligands orbitals in this geometry. (20 points) b.) Provide the Ossymmetry labels that describe the irreducible representations for the SALCS (18 points) c.) Compare your answer above with the symmetries of the s. D. and d orbitals available for bonding on the metal, and explain why cubes cannot form for MLe complexes Which of the following is a benefit of having a credible nominal anchor?a. It helps control inflation expectations, leading to smaller fluctuations in inflation and outputb. It helps to solve the time-inconsistency problemc. It enables policy makers to achieve price stabilityd. All of the above in addition to choosing their presidential nominee, a national quadrennial convention also approves In this problem, p is the price per unit in dollars and q is the number of units.If the weekly demand function isp = 112 qand the supply function before taxation isp = 4 + 5q,what tax per item will maximize the total revenue?$ /item What is the order of draw recommended by CLSI and ASPT? A. EDTA, Blood culture, Red, Heparin, and Sodium fluoride/potassium oxalate B. EDTA, Blood culture, heparin, Red, and Sodium citrate C. Blood culture, Red, EDTA, Heparin, and Sodium citrate D. Blood culture, Sodium citrate, Red, SST, Heparin, EDTA, and Sodium fluoride/potassium oxalate technique. Coca Cola's ______________________________ is important since it determines where consumers will be able to buy the company's products.a. marketing channel strategyb. supply channel strategyc. product placement strategyd. location strategye. retail strategy