Directions: The following Activities will help you write a speech in preparation to deliver it to your Contact Teacher. The Common Core State Standards require that students know how to write and deliver speeches that:

present information and evidence clearly and logically;
organizes information around a main idea or thesis statement;
uses evidence to support opinions or assertions;
defines any terms or explains any information clearly and completely for the audience;
and uses appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear pronunciation.
Prompt: Some people believe that certain types of texts, movies, and music should be censored, or that they should be banned from view entirely. This means that they want certain books removed from circulation, content they consider offensive (nudity, language, violence, etc.) removed from television or movies, CDs with certain lyrics either "cleaned up" or removed from store shelves, etc. For example, there are some schools who do not think Mark Twain's novel Huckleberry Finn should be read by their students; in a few cases, some people have gone as far as burning it in a public demonstration. Large retailers have refused to sell CDs with lyrics they consider inappropriate. What do you think about this type of censorship? Write a speech in which you explain what censorship is, give some examples of it in society today, and finally whether or not you think censorship should happen. Here are some questions to help guide you:

How is censorship defined?
What are some examples of censorship? Has it happened in your own community at all?
Why do some people believe censorship is necessary? Why do others believe it isn't?
How do you feel about the issue—Is it good to censor offensive materials to keep these things away from children?
Do you think some things should be censored but others left alone? Or do you believe it should never happen at all?
This Activity focuses on the preparation for writing the speech; the following Activities will guide you through writing and delivering it.

STEP 1: Analyzing the Situation
The first step in writing a narrative speech will be to think about the writing prompt in terms of purpose, audience, and message. Use the Text Editor to answer the following questions to assist you:
To determine your purpose, ask yourself:
What type of speech am I being asked to write and what type of writing will I need to use? What kind of information will I need to include that is specific to this type of writing (sensory details? facts and statistics? personal experiences?)
To determine your audience, ask yourself:
Who will be listening to my speech? What does the audience already know about my topic and what information will be necessary to include? What kind of language is most appropriate for this audience?
To determine your message, ask yourself:
What are the main ideas or points I want to communicate to the audience? How can I best communicate this message to the audience? Why is this message significant or meaningful?
STEP 2: Organization
Think carefully about the options presented on the previous pages and determine what will be best for your presentation. Ask yourself:

What will be the most rhetorically effective structure to communicate my message?
What important things do you need to say about your experience?
What are some of the main points and what are the supporting details?
Using the Text Editor or on another piece of paper, create a graphic organizer to help you see some of your ideas. Be sure to review the Writing Rubric before you begin. An assessment of Proficient or above is necessary to satisfy the writing portion of this assignment.


Answer 1

Censorship is the suppression of opinions and facts that people, organizations, or government officials deem objectionable or harmful.

In various contexts, examples of censorship have been observed in a number of European nations. In order to prevent diplomatic rifts between China and the EU, European Union officials have been charged with engaging in self-censorship on topics considered sensitive by China.

Censorship is important as it's is an act suppressing ideas and information that are harmful.

What is censorship?

When some people are successful in imposing their own political or moral values on others, censorship—the suppression of "offensive" words, images, or ideas occurs. Both the government and non-governmental pressure organizations have the power to censor. Government censorship is against the law.

The suppression of speech, public communication, or other information is known as censorship. On the grounds that the content is deemed objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient," this may be done. Governments, private organizations, and other controlling entities can censor content.

Learn more about censorship on:


Related Questions

Reflect on the Biosphere:
What do you think rice plants need in order to grow and survive on a


A hot, humid atmosphere is necessary for the rice production. It works best in areas with high humidity, continuous sunlight, and a reliable supply of water.

What is the best environment for rice to grow?

Rice grows best on very little-draining, semi-acidic soil. To produce the ideal environment for development, add mulch, compost, or potting soil that is rich in fertiliser. Heavy clay or loam will hold water effectively. As the rice crop grows, important management aspects should be taken into account.

A tropical plant like rice needs enough water to thrive effectively. Soil needed to cultivate rice should be capable of holding a lot of water. Some of the soil types that are ideal for growing rice are clay, silt clay, and silt clay loam.

To know more about Rice, visit:


Do you think capitalism is the best social economic system for workers of the world? Answer this question using the information covered in this final lecture module on Iraq and Oil.



Based on the information covered in the final lecture module on Iraq and Oil, it is difficult to make a definitive statement on whether capitalism is the best social economic system for workers of the world. The information covered in the module focused on the role of oil in Iraq's economy, and how the country has been affected by the global oil market. While capitalism is the primary economic system used in Iraq, its effects on workers have been mixed. On the one hand, the oil industry has provided jobs and economic growth for many Iraqi citizens. On the other hand, the oil industry has also been associated with environmental degradation, human rights violations, and other forms of exploitation. Therefore, it is difficult to make a definitive statement on whether capitalism is the best social economic system for workers of the world without considering other factors.


Our text says "American had no intention of backing down or surrendering the sky to any other country."

What did the author mean by this statement? Why was it important for America (at this time) to build faster planes than the Russians?


The author means by this statement it was important for America (at this time) to build faster planes than the Russians. Military conflicts are had been there, As the role of the fighter aircraft is to establish air superiority in the battlespace.

What is conflict?

Conflicts result from conflicts of interest, viewpoints, or even philosophical concepts. The basis of conflict can be personal, racial, class, caste, political, or even international, thus it will always exist in society. Conflict is a heated argument and disagreement about a significant issue. When two parties or groups are at odds,

it was important for America (at this time) to build faster planes than the Russians because of the military conflicts are been there, As the Ukraine war is also there by which they can help or, Support them.

Therefore, By building faster planes, America can easily help The countries and they can, Also protected themselves.

Learn more about the conflict here:


2023 is what for most people



not a good enviorowmhuiesv



A year after 2022 that is probably gonna suck as much as 2019-2022


Brainliest would be appreciated


when should the US become involved in events beyond its borders



because it should!!!!


lol good answer if u ask me

Please Help Me, I've to submit it by 8 January
Answer the question using complete sentences:
Pretend that you were a delegate to the Philadelphia Convention. Would you have supported the new Constitution or keeping the Articles of Confederation? Explain your answer.



As a delegate to the Philadelphia Convention, I would have supported the adoption of the new Constitution. There were several reasons why I believed that the new Constitution was necessary and would be beneficial for the country.

First and foremost, the Articles of Confederation were simply not effective at governing the country. The Articles gave too much power to the states and not enough to the federal government, which made it difficult to address important national issues such as trade, foreign affairs, and military defense. The lack of a strong central government meant that the country was vulnerable to external threats and unable to effectively address the many challenges it faced.

In contrast, the new Constitution proposed a stronger federal government that would have more power to address these issues. It created a system of checks and balances that would prevent any one branch of government from becoming too powerful, and it established a system of federal courts that would help to ensure that the laws were uniformly applied throughout the country. These and other provisions of the Constitution would have provided the stability and security that the country needed to thrive.

Another reason I would have supported the new Constitution is that it provided a greater level of representation for the people. Under the Articles of Confederation, each state had one vote in Congress, regardless of its size or population. This meant that smaller states had the same level of influence as larger ones, which was not necessarily fair or democratic. The new Constitution, on the other hand, established a system of representation based on population, which meant that larger states would have more influence in Congress. This would have better reflected the will of the people and ensured that the government was more responsive to the needs of the majority.

In conclusion, there were many good reasons why I would have supported the adoption of the new Constitution. Its provisions for a stronger federal government and a more representative democracy would have been beneficial for the country, and it was clear to me that the Articles of Confederation were simply not up to the task of governing the nation. I believe that the new Constitution was a necessary step forward and would have provided the stability and security that the country needed to thrive.

Under the veil of ignorance, people cannot think and reason.


Answer: True

Explanation:Philosopher John Rawls suggests that we should imagine we sit behind a veil of ignorance that keeps us from knowing who we are and identifying with our personal circumstances. By being ignorant of our circumstances, we can more objectively consider how societies should operate.




The church at the portrayed death as



The church portrayed death as an inevitable part of life and a gateway to the afterlife.


I do not believe that the federal government has the authority to guarantee suffrage or civil rights to African Americans. Nor do I believe
it is advisable to grant such rights to former slaves. Not only are they incapable of exercising such rights but they also would sooner cut
a white man's throat than not.
Which of the following people would have been the most likely to make this statement?
O Thaddeus Stevens
O President Lincoln
O President Andrew Johnson


Instead of Thaddeus Stevens or President Lincoln, it is very possible that the quote you cited was uttered by President Andrew Johnson. He was a steadfast supporter of abolition and equal rights for African Americans during the Civil War and Reconstruction.

Who was President Andrew Johnson?He worked to have the 14th and 15th amendments to the US Constitution passed, which gave African American men the right to vote and equal protection under the law, respectively.In addition to opposing slavery, he supported giving African Americans rights. He signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared all slaves in Confederate territory free, despite not advocating for speedy enfranchisement for African Americans throughout the Civil War.On the other hand, he opposed the granting of rights to African Americans and rejected several rehabilitation legislation that would have safeguarded their rights and given them the right to vote.

To know more about President Andrew Johnson, refer:


What impact did improvements in transportation have on the Tang and Song China? Think about: ways transportation was improved, how these improvements were made, relationships among regions in China and trade with other countries.


The impact that was experienced as a result of improvements in transportation on Tang and Song China was New Roads and Canals linking regions within China and promoted more unity and spurred internal trade.

What were the impact of improvements in transportation in China?

Improvements in transportation during the Tang and Song dynasties (618–907 AD and 960–1279 AD respectively) had a significant impact on the economy and society of China.

The Impact that transportation had during the dynasty included:

Economic growth: Improvements in transportation, such as the construction of roads and canals, made it easier and cheaper to transport goods and raw materials, which led to increased trade and economic growth. Cultural exchange: The improved transportation infrastructure also facilitated the movement of people and ideas, leading to an exchange of culture and technology between different regions of China. Administrative efficiency: The Tang and Song dynasties were characterized by a high degree of centralization, and improved transportation made it easier for the imperial government to maintain control over its vast territories. Military advantage: Improved transportation also made it easier for the imperial armies to move quickly and efficiently, which gave the Tang and Song dynasties a military advantage over their rivals.

In conclusion, the improvements in transportation during the Tang and Song dynasties played a key role in shaping the economy, society, culture and politics of China and creating a strong centralized empire.

Read more about China transportation


what is the nearest city in valenzuela?



Quezon City


The nearest city to Valenzuela is Quezon City, which is located approximately 5.5 kilometers away.

The nearest city in Valenzuela is Quezon City

Thousands of amendments to the constitution have been proposed. Why do you think only 27 formal amendments have been added to the constitution


Due to informal amendments and how simple they are compared to formal amendments, there have only been 27 additions to the Constitution.

Why have the Constitution's official changes been made so infrequently?

First, three-fourths of state conventions or state legislatures must support each amendment. Getting that many states to concur on a long-lasting amendment to the Constitution is exceedingly challenging. Consider the Equal Rights Amendment, or ERA, as an illustration. 1923 saw the introduction of the ERA.

Are there 27 formal or informal amendments?

The Constitution has currently undergone 27 amendments. The U.S. Constitution has 27 amendments, which is what we call formal revisions.

To Know more about  Constitution.


Old Major was which of the following?
The cart horse
O The prize show pig
The raven
Mr. Jones's farm hand
(animal farm)


Answer:O The prize show pig


How was propaganda used by the Nazi government to shape the views of the German people?


The Nazi government, led by Adolf Hitler, used propaganda to shape the views of the German people in several ways. They used a variety of mediums, including posters, films, newspapers, and rallies, to disseminate their ideas and influence public opinion.

One of the main goals of Nazi propaganda was to create a sense of national unity and to promote the idea of a national community (Volksgemeinschaft) that transcended social and economic class. The Nazis presented themselves as the only party that could bring about national renewal and restore Germany to its former glory after its defeat in World War I.

It's important to note that the use of Propaganda was not unique to Nazi Germany but it was highly centralized, pervasive and effective. It was also heavily reinforced by the secret police (Gestapo) and the SS that would use violence and repression to ensure that everyone was loyal and compliant to the government's message.

Learn more about nazi government:

The propaganda tools used by the Nazi government to shape the views of the German people were film, radio, newspapers, books, posters, and speeches.

Propaganda played a significant role in the Nazi regime's efforts to shape the views of the German people. The Nazi government, under the direction of Joseph Goebbels, used a variety of methods and mediums to disseminate propaganda, including film, radio, newspapers, books, posters, and speeches. The goal of this propaganda was to create a single, unified narrative that supported the Nazi party's political agenda and ideals and to create a sense of national pride and solidarity among the German people.

One of the main techniques used by the Nazi propaganda machine was to create a sense of fear and urgency by emphasizing the threats posed by Jews, communists, and other perceived enemies of the state. This helped to create a sense of unity among the German people and a shared enemy.

The Nazi regime also used propaganda to create a cult of personality around Adolf Hitler, portraying him as a strong, charismatic leader who was a saviour for Germany. This was done through images, symbols, and slogans that emphasized his strength and leadership.

The Nazi regime also used education, the arts, and the media to ensure the German people were exposed to the same ideas and that any dissenting views were suppressed. They created strict censorship laws to control the content of newspapers, books, radio, and films. They also established centralized control over the education system to ensure that the Nazi version of history and ideology were taught in schools.

In addition, the Nazi regime used propaganda to create a sense of social conformity and control people's behavior. They emphasised traditional gender roles, religious values, and racial purity, which helped create a sense of moral righteousness and duty among the German people.

It's important to note that the propaganda used by the Nazi government was not only sophisticated but also highly effective in shaping the views of the German people and creating support for the Nazi party's ideals and agenda, leading to a society where dissent was effectively silenced and the population turned a blind eye to the atrocities committed by their leaders and fellow citizens.

Learn more about Nazi government:

How did John Quincy Adams fight against slavery as a member of Congress?
OA. He proposed that Congress accept the gag rule on slavery.
B. He argued for the immediate abolition of slavery.
OC. He argued that slavery should not be allowed to spread to new
O D. He proposed the Compromise of 1850 to keep the United States


He argued that slavery should not be allowed to spread to new states. As a member of Congress, John Quincy Adams argued against the expansion of slavery to new states.

What is slavery?

Slavery is the practice of one person owning another person as property and forcing them to work without pay or consent. It is a form of human exploitation and is considered a violation of human rights. It is an extreme form of exploitation that has been practiced throughout history in many different societies and cultures. Slavery has been outlawed in most countries, but it still exists in some parts of the world today.

He proposed the Missouri Compromise, which prohibited slavery in the Louisiana Territory north of the 36°30' latitude line, in order to prevent the spread of slavery. He also introduced legislation to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia and was an outspoken opponent of the Fugitive Slave Law.

To learn more about slavery

(50 Points and marked the brainiest)

Which of the following statements about Augustus Caesar is true?

A) He ignored the day to day work of administering his empire
B) He launched a 200 year period of stability and prosperity
C) He expanded the empire into China
D) After Julius Caesar’s death, he restored the Roman Republic


I believe it is D, he didn't technically restore it after his death but it continued to grow and prosper after.

A necessity for beginning industry is the investment of ______


Capital  Investments can be divided into three categories: Stocks. Bonds. equivalent in money

How much capital was spent overall?

Total capital investment refers to the economic value of any long-term gifts, acquisitions, or improvements directly related to an economic development activity but not financed with RISE funds. This includes utilities such as electric, gas, and telephone as well as land and improvements to it.

The capital investment cycle is what?

The cycle of capital investments also entails the acquisition and utilization of the fixed assets required to support ongoing activities. Understanding the business asset conversion cycle will help you predict when and why the company will require additional funds to operate, as well as when and how it will be able to pay those funds back.

To know more about Capital Investment visit:


Regan's focus on national defense:
hurt the Soviet economy.
resulted in increased spending by the Soviets.
forced the Soviets to reform and become more open with the U.S.
All of these choices are correct.


Regan's focus on national defence hurt the Soviet economy, resulted in increased spending by the Soviets and forced the Soviets to reform and become more open with the U.S. Hence, option D is correct.

What did Reagan do to the Soviet economy?

Through NSDD-32, the Reagan administration changed its approach to the Soviet Union in order to combat it on three fronts: limiting Soviet access to advanced technology and reducing their resources, which included lowering the price of Soviet goods on the international market.

Reagan favored a larger military build-up to counter Soviet power. He increased military spending by 43% and continued the weapons race while implementing the "peace through strength" doctrine.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more information about Reagan do to the Soviet economy, click here:






What was it like to be a soldier in the Continental Army?



Life in the Continental Army was difficult. It was mundane and monotonous. Generally, when not engaged in combat, soldiers in the Continental Army served three duties: fatigue or manual labor, such as digging vaults (latrines), clearing fields, or erecting fortifications.

What Is one reason more families were visiting Florida in the 1920's?


For the first time, Americans had the leisure and resources to visit Florida and make real estate investments. The 1920s brought paid vacations, pensions, and fringe benefits unheard of during the Victorian era for educated and talented working Americans.

What happened in the 1920s in Florida?

Florida's first real estate bubble was the 1920s Florida land boom. Between 1924 and 1926, Florida had a groundbreaking period of land speculation that drew investors from throughout the country. New, well-planned settlements that were integrated into towns and cities were left behind by the land boom.

Millions of people went to the opulent hotels and the brand-new towns that sprang quickly from the teeming marshes during that decade, creating the biggest human movement in American history that far surpassed the settling of the West.

Learn more about Florida in the 1920s, here:


Which statement best describes the results of the disagreement that happened within George Washington's Cabinet?

Alexander Hamilton participated in the sale of enslaved people.
John Jay fled to Paris with his family.
Thomas Jefferson resigned from his position.
James Madison went to live on his Virginia plantation.


The statement best describes the results of the disagreement that happened within George Washington's Cabinet is Thomas Jefferson resigning from his position. Thus Option C is the correct answer.

Who was George Washington?

George Washington was the first president of the United States from 1789 to 1797. He was an American military officer, statesman, and Founding Father.

Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton, Secretary of War Henry Knox, and Attorney General Edmund Randolph were the four original members of George Washington's cabinet

Therefore, the disagreement in the cabinet led to Thomas Jefferson resigning his position.

To learn more about George Washington, click here:


In the mid-1800s, early American writers such as
were influenced by transcendentalism.

Herman Melville was another well-known writer in this period. He wrote novels such as Moby based on his experiences


In the mid-1800s, early American writers such as C. Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau were influenced by transcendentalism.

Herman Melville was another well-known writer in this period. He wrote novels such as Moby Dickens based on his experiences D. As a crew member on several ships.

What was transcendentalism period?

A philosophical movement known as transcendentalism emerged in New England in the late 1820s and early 1830s. Although society and its institutions have tainted the innocence of the individual, a basic notion is that people are at their best when they are truly "self-reliant" and autonomous. Transcendentalists promoted the idea of having a personal understanding of God and held that having spiritual insight might occur without the aid of a middleman. They supported idealism, emphasizing the natural world and rejecting materialism.

Typee, Herman Melville's debut book, received positive reviews upon publication. The work was praised for bridging New England culture with cultures overseas. When one of his crewmates verified Melville's claim that the stories were factual, the Melville Herman biography gained even more steam.

Therefore, option C and D are correct.

Learn more about transcendentalism at:


check complete question:

In the mid-1800s, early American writers such as------ were influenced by transcendentalism.

Herman Melville was another well-known writer in this period. He wrote novels such as Moby Dickens based on his experiences ---------.


A. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Walt Whitman

B. Moby Dickens and Henry David Thoreau

C. Ralph Waldo Emerson And Henry David Thoreau

D. Ralph Waldo Emerson and Herman Hesse


A. as a cook who prepared seafood

B. A a miner who lived by the sea

C. As a fish seller in a fish market

D. As a crew member on several ships

do you believe that the wealthy and powerful are obligated to help the weak and disadvantaged why or why not


The wealthy and powerful are obligated to help the weak and disadvantaged because of ethics.

What is Ethics?

Ethics is the moral values that a person holds, ethics is the decision between right and wrong. Ethics does not have an exact decision but this is rather based on judgement and moral values of the person taking the decision. These are based on the basic values of a person and this is a completely judgmental and depends on the thinking and decision making. Ethics is mostly about thinking for the better for public at large.

A person who have a good wealth and have surplus wealth should as an ethical person, help the poor and those in need. It is in the general ethics that we all should try and help the person who are less fortunate, weak and disadvantaged.

Learn more about Ethics at


Prepare a list of qualifications for a government to be considered totalitarian.



you need to try doing it your self so you can

During the War of 1812, why did enslaved Black men like Frisby Harris choose to fight for the side that they did?

They wanted to live in Canadian provinces like Nova Scotia.
They received money from the government of Trinidad.
Great Britain promised to secure their freedom.
Tecumseh had asked for their help before he was killed.


The most likely reason why enslaved Black men like Frisby Harris chose to fight for the British during the War of 1812 was that Great Britain promised to secure their freedom. Option 3

What happened in the war of 1812

During the War of 1812, the British promised freedom to enslaved Blacks who were willing to fight against the United States. This offer attracted many enslaved Black men to join the British forces. The British also promised to transport these men, along with their families, to freedom in British colonies such as Canada or Sierra Leone in Africa.

Tecumseh, the Native American leader, did ask for help from Black soldiers, but this was not the primary reason for their enlistment. Similarly, there is no evidence that the government of Trinidad provided money to Black soldiers during the War of 1812.

Read more on war here:


2. If someone claims that a diary is biased, what does that mean?
OIts details may not be completely accurate.
It is written in a very formal style.
OIt includes feelings as well as facts.
OIt was written without firsthand knowledge.


According to the question, If someone claims that a diary is biased, it means that it includes feelings as well as facts.

Why keep a diary?

An individual's thoughts, feelings, and events are documented in a diary. They are often organized chronologically, and the events you write about genuinely occurred. Although these may be more personal and serve more as technical record, they are also frequently referred to as journals. There are many different ways to keep a diary.

Is keeping a diary healthy?

Simply putting your thoughts and emotions into writing will help you comprehend them better. Additionally, maintaining a diary can be an excellent option if you experience stress, despair, or anxiety. You may be able to better manage your emotions and maintain better mental health.

To learn more about diary visit:



Its details may not be completely accurate.


dancing through sports in the 24st century world



dancing through sports in the 24st century world.

Which best describes why George Washington was against forming political parties?

emphasis on wealth instead of security
desire to start conflicts with other nations
ability to understand needs of the entire country
loyalty to party instead of to nation


George Washington was against forming political parties because he believed that political parties would emphasis on wealth instead of security.

Who was George Washington?

George Washington was the first president of the United States from 1789 to 1797. He was an American military officer, statesman, and Founding Father.

In his Farewell Address, published in newspapers across the country in 1796, Washington warned the nation about political parties. He feared that partisanship would breed a "spirit of vengeance" in which party members would govern for the sake of power rather than the good of the people.

Therefore, due to the fact that political parties would emphasis on wealth instead of security, George Washington was against forming political parties.

To learn more about George Washington, click here:


The plan for filling a presidential vacancy is called presidential
O succession.
O consequence.
O veto.


The plan for filling a presidential vacancy is called presidential amendment.

What Amendment establishes the succession plan in the event of a presidential vacancy?

On February 10, 1967, the Constitution's Amendment 25 was approved. It developed and clarified the whole succession plan for the presidency and included a number of backup plans to cover any executive positions that might become vacant.

According to the Constitution, what happens when the position of vice president becomes vacant?

When the position of vice president becomes vacant, Section 2 states that the president shall propose a candidate. If confirmed by a majority vote of both Houses of Congress, the nominee will enter office.

The succession amendment is what, exactly?

Overview of the Twenty-Fifth Amendment and the Presidential Vacancy, Amendment 25. The Second Congress in 1792 exercised its power under Article II, Section 1, Clause 6 to establish a succession to the Presidency in the event that neither the President nor Vice President could fulfill their responsibilities and exercise their powers.

To Know more about amendment.


Compose a list of do's and don'ts for Ottoman emperors. How would you advise them to success and longevity?




Consistently demonstrate strong leadership skills and make fair and just decisions for the benefit of the empire and its people.

Foster strong relationships with the Ottoman nobility and military, as well as foreign leaders, to maintain stability and support within the empire.

Encourage cultural and scientific advancement, as well as economic growth, to improve the prosperity and well-being of the empire.

Promote tolerance and diversity within the empire, respecting the rights and beliefs of all peoples within its borders.

Seek the counsel of advisors and make use of their expertise in various fields.


Avoid making decisions that could be seen as excessively lavish or selfish, as this could lead to discontent among the people and the nobility.

Avoid engaging in actions that could be seen as weak or indecisive, as this could undermine your leadership and authority.

Don't neglect the welfare of the empire and its people, as this could lead to unrest and possibly even revolt.

Don't allow personal biases or prejudices to influence your decision-making, as this could have negative consequences for the empire.

Don't isolate yourself from your advisors and the broader community, as this could limit your ability to effectively govern the empire.

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What was the main reason behind these actions Identify a method of developing systems that is well-suited to traditional project management tools and technique Find the range of values of x for which|2x+1|-x-3 A lost tourist arrives at a point with 2 roads A and B. Road A leads to the city and takes either 4 or 8 hours, depending on traffic, with equal probability. Road B brings him to the city after 7 hours on average. Since there are no signs on the road, the tourist chooses a road with equal probability; what is the expected time until the tourist arrives to the city What's the main purpose of jumping into the Caribbean water? Select the correct answer. two people are having a discussion. what should they do to ensure that the discussion is positive and rewarding? a. they should withhold their views to avoid being judged. b. they should speak openly with few inhibitions. c. they should steer the conversation in their favor. d. they should speak more than they listen. Alesandro, a manager at Harwood Publishing, gave a bad reference to a former employee. Alesandro could most likely be accused of ________ if the information is both false and harmful. What is an important influence in desired service expectations? What are the two elements of an allegory? Read the excerpt below from the Yung Wing's book My Life in China and America published in 1909.In 1835, when I was barely seven years of age, my father took me to Macao. Upon reaching the school, I was brought before Mrs. Gutzlaff. She was the first English lady I had ever seen. On my untutored and unsophisticated mind she made a deep impression. If my memory serves me right, she was somewhat tall and well-built. She had prominent features which were strong and assertive; her eyes were of clear blue lustre, somewhat deep set. She had thin lips, supported by a square chin,both indicative of firmness and authority. She had flaxen hair and eyebrows somewhat heavy. Her features taken collectively indicated great determination and will power.As she came forward to welcome me in her long and full flowing white dress (the interview took place in the summer), surmounted by two large globe sleeves which were fashionable at the time and which lent her an exaggerated appearance, I remember most vividly I was no less puzzled than stunned. I actually trembled all over with fear at her imposing proportionshaving never in my life seen such a peculiar and odd fashion. I clung to my father in fear. Her kindly expression and sympathetic smiles found little appreciative response at the outset, as I stood half dazed at her personality and my new environment. For really, a new world had dawned on me. After a time, when my homesickness was over and the novelty of my surroundings began gradually to wear away, she completely won me over through her kindness and sympathy. I began to look upon her more like a mother. She seemed to take a special interest in me; I suppose, because I was young and helpless, and away from my parents, besides being the youngest pupil in the school. She kept me among her girl pupils and did not allow me to mingle with what few boys there were at the time.Select the sentence that best identifies the purpose of the excerpt. To express the narrators happiness about starting school in a new place. To persuade the reader to adopt the narrators perspective about his dislike of his parents. To entertain the reader with a funny anecdote about his first day of school. To inform the reader how the narrator felt when meeting Mrs. Gutzlaff, and to characterize his teacher that had a great impact on him.