Drag each tile to the correct box.
Match the bolded words in the excerpts to their contextual meanings.
He was a gentleman from sole to crown,
Clean favored and imperially slim.

(from "Richard Cory" by Edwin Arlington Robinson)

This debt we pay to human guile;
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,
And mouth with myriad subtleties.

(from "We Wear the Mask" by Paul Lawrence Dunbar)

. . .if it must, these things are important not because a

high-sounding interpretation can be put upon them but because
they are
useful. When they become so derivative as to become
the same thing may be said for all of us, that we
do not admire what
we cannot understand. . .


Answer 1

The matches of contextual meanings are:

Clean favored: Well-groomed

Myriad: Numerous

Derivative: Unoriginal

What is contextual meanings?

The meaning of a term that is inferred from the words, texts, or paragraphs around it is known as contextual meaning. The words' definitions in dictionaries could be different.

The terms in the passage have meanings that are different from their dictionary definitions. For example, the word favourite in this context indicates clean and well-groomed rather than recommended.

The words gentleman and imperially slender, which define the man's personality, modified the definition of the word.

Thus, the words are matched.

For more information about contextual meanings, click here:



Related Questions


According to the chart above on language development in children, which of the following scenarios below, might show a delay in language development in a child?

A: a five month old baby turns his head when his parents say his name

B: a six month old baby frequently laughs

C: a 12 month old child says “Dada” and “Mama” frequently

D: a 24 month (2 year) old child uses 1-2 words


The earliest sign that a kid may have a developmental delay can be when they fail to accomplish milestones or do so considerably later than peers their own age.

Which of the following situations below might indicate a delay in a child's language development, based on the above chart on language development in children?

The right response is a 24 month old (2 year old) youngster utilizes 1-2 words.(option d)A delay in language development may occasionally be a symptom of a more severe developmental problem, such as autism, intellectual disability, deafness, or hearing loss. Nobody knows your child like you do. Speak with your doctor or another healthcare provider if you are concerned. Delay in development or bilingualism may be secondary causes of speech impediment.

To know more about language development visit:



We are going to the mall tomorrow underline the verb phrase circle the main phrase


The lexical verb and the principal verb are other names for the main verb. This term refers to the sentence's important verb, which typically reveals the subject's action or state of being.

Main verbs can be used by themselves or in conjunction with a helping verb, also known as an auxiliary verb.

We are going to the mall tomorrow - are is verb.

What is a good illustration of a main verb?

Give a few illustrations of main verbs. Eat, drink, move, talk, have, have had, am, is, take, keep, need, try, and so on, are a few verbs that function as main verbs.

To learn more about conjunction here:



1. Write a letter to your penpal about the effect of water pollution in your area.
Write a story that ends with 'had I know is always at last.
3. Write a letter to the member of parliament in your area on the three importance things in your
Read or
1. Punctuation
2. Adverbs
3. Prepostion
4. Phrase
5. Clauses
Write a summary of the story book you have read during vacation.



Dear Penpal,

I wanted to write to you about the effect of water pollution in my area. It's a really big issue, and it's something that I feel very strongly about.

Water pollution is a serious problem here, and it's getting worse every day. The water that we use for drinking, cooking, and bathing is contaminated with pollutants from industrial waste, agricultural runoff, and sewage. This has caused a number of health problems in our area, including skin rashes, respiratory problems, and even cancer.

It's heartbreaking to see the effects of water pollution on our community. It's impacting our health, our environment, and our quality of life. We need to do something about it, and I'm doing my part by raising awareness and advocating for better pollution regulations.

I hope you can join me in my fight against water pollution. Together, we can make a difference.


[Your Name]


Once upon a time there was a young man who had been searching for the answer to life's great mysteries. He had traveled the world, studied with the wisest scholars, and spoken to the oldest of wise men. He was still unable to find the answer he sought.

One day, while he was walking through a forest, he stumbled upon a small cottage. Inside, he found an old man who seemed to have all the answers. The old man welcomed the young man and invited him to stay for a while.

The young man quickly learned that the old man was wise beyond measure, and he was eager to learn from him. The old man began to share his wisdom, and the young man was amazed. He soon realized that all the answers he had been searching for were right there in front of him.

After a few days, the young man was ready to leave. He thanked the old man for his wisdom and said goodbye. As he walked away, the old man said to him, "Remember, had I known is always at last."

The young man took the old man's words to heart and realized that he had found the answer he had been searching for. He had learned that the key to life was to never give up and to keep searching until the answer was found. Had he known this all along, he would have saved himself a lot of time and energy.

Had I known is always at last.


Dear [Name of Member of Parliament],

I am writing to you today to discuss the three most important things in my school.

First and foremost, I believe that the most important thing in my school is the quality of education that we receive. We have excellent teachers and staff who are dedicated to helping us reach our educational goals. They ensure that our classes are challenging and engaging, and that we have the resources and support we need to succeed.

The second most important thing in my school is the sense of community that exists. We have a strong network of students and teachers who work together to create a positive environment. Everyone is encouraged to express their opinions and ideas, and everyone is respected and valued.

Finally, I believe the third most important thing in my school is the extracurricular activities that are available to us. We have a wide range of clubs and activities that allow us to explore our interests and develop our skills. These activities also help us build relationships with our peers and learn more about the world around us.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I hope that you will take my thoughts into consideration when making decisions about my school.


[Your Name]

Can u send ur screen bc I don’t get it?



tis confusing



Are commas and semicolons interchangeable? Why or why not?




Remember, semicolons are not interchangeable with commas or periods. Instead, they're somewhere in between: stronger than a comma but not quite as divisive as a period. When you are introducing a formal statement or a quotation, you can use a colon in much the same way you would use a comma to do the same job. The only difference is that the colon emphasizes the statement or quotation more strongly.

Which of the following effectively paraphrases paragraph 5?
An honor system as a way to judge a competition seems silly and leaves the contest open to birders being able to claim they've seen more species than
they have
OIt is pretty hard to cheat in the competition, and most birders take great pride in their reputation and their abilities to see and hear a bird.
O Participants in the Big Year competition take the contest so seriously that few question the submissions despite there being no requirement of photo or
video evidence.
The birds the contestants are counting are the number they see in a particular year’s


The right paraphrasing is- An honor system as a way to judge a competition seems silly and leaves the contest open to birders being able to claim they've seen more species than they have.

What is paraphrasing?

Using your own words to express someone else's ideas is known as paraphrasing.

To be clear, the birds these participants are counting are the quantity that they observe within a specific year. The competition is run on an honor system, as you can see. Proof of a sighting need not include photographs or any other kind of documentation. The majority of birdwatchers are very proud of their reputations and their capacities to first sight or hear, then identify, a bird. There are typically hundreds of birders present at significant sightings of the uncommon birds required to obtain counts in the 700s. Few people are interested in cheating, but it is fairly difficult to cheat your way to a record-breaking year.


To learn more about paraphrasing from the given link



Based on the following reactions who many not have been listening to your thoughts on recycling?
A. "These are some great ideas. We should try to get more towns to follow this plan."
B. "I did not understand your idea about adding more recycling pick up days. Can you explain that again?"
C. "That's good."
D. "You have some good ideas, but remember, not all plastics can be recycled."


It seems that the person who made the statement C. "That's good." is not being very responsive and might not have fully listened to your thoughts about recycling.

What is listening?

A sound or activity is the focus of listening. A person listens to what other people are saying while attempting to decipher what they mean. Complex emotive, cognitive, and behavioral processes are all involved in listening. The act of listening involves focusing on sound and attempting to decipher its meaning. Receiving, interpreting, and understanding spoke or aural information is an active process. It's a crucial communication ability that enables us to comprehend others' messages and react properly. Effective listening involves not only hearing the words but also comprehending the actual meaning, tone, and environment of the communication. Nonverbal cues like nodding or keeping our eyes open are also used to demonstrate that we are listening and comprehending what is being said. Being able to recognize the speaker's viewpoint and respect their sentiments is another aspect of effective listening.

To know more about listening, visit:



How does early 19th century American literature explore the connection between nature, society, and one’s identity?


Early 19th-century American literature often explores the connection between nature, society, and one's identity through themes of individualism, self-reliance, and the nation's relationship to the natural world.

How did this time period connect to nature and individuals?

In this period, the idea of the "frontier" and westward expansion played a significant role in shaping American identity and the nation's relationship to nature.

Many writers, such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, wrote about the importance of nature in shaping the individual and society, and the need to preserve and respect the natural world.

Other writers, such as Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne, used nature as a backdrop to explore issues of society and identity, often using symbols and imagery to represent the characters' inner lives and struggles.

Read more about 19th century American literature here:



Why O'Brien lied to his daughter about killing someone in the war?


When she was nine years old, O'Brien's daughter Kathleen questioned him about if he had ever killed someone in the war. He declined, but he hopes she will ask again when she is an adult.

What is a war?

A war is a fierce armed struggle between two or more states, governments, society, or paramilitary organizations like militias, mercenaries, or insurgents.

Extreme violence, damage, and fatality, whether caused by conventional or irregular military forces, are typically its defining characteristics. The term "warfare" describes the typical actions and traits of particular war types or of wars in general.

Total war is defined as warfare that extends beyond solely military objectives and is capable of causing significant suffering and casualties among civilians and other non-combatants.

While some war studies experts believe that violence is an innate and universal component of human nature, others contend that it is a response to particular sociocultural, economic, or ecological conditions.

Learn more about war, here



Study island please help

adapted from Indian Tales by Rudyard Kipling

His name was Charlie Mears: he was the only son of his mother who was a widow, and he lived in the north of London, coming into the City every day to work in a bank. He was twenty years old and suffered from aspirations1, of which perhaps his mother was unaware. I met him in a public billiard-saloon. Charlie explained, a little nervously, that he had only come to the place to look on, and since looking on at games of skill is not a cheap amusement for the young, I suggested that Charlie should go back to his mother.
That was our first step toward better acquaintance. He would call on me sometimes in the evenings instead of running about London with his fellow-clerks. Soon, he started speaking of himself as a young man must, and told me of his aspirations, which were all literary. He desired to make himself an undying name chiefly through verse. It was my fate to sit still while Charlie read me poems of many hundred lines and bulky fragments of plays that would surely shake the world. My reward was his unreserved confidence and the self-revelations and troubles of a young man. Charlie had never fallen in love, but was anxious to do so on the first opportunity; he believed in all things good and all things honorable, but at the same time, he was curiously careful to let me see that he knew his way about the world as befitted a bank clerk on twenty-five shillings a week. I fancy that his mother did not encourage his aspirations, and I know that his writing-table at home was the edge of his washstand. This he told me almost at the outset of our acquaintance, when he was ravaging my bookshelves, and a little before I was implored to speak the truth as to his chances of "writing something really great, you know." Maybe I encouraged him too much, for, one night, he called on me, his eyes flaming with excitement, and said breathlessly:
"Do you mind- can you let me stay here and write all this evening? I won't interrupt you, I won't really. There's no place for me to write in at my mother's."
"What's the trouble?" I said, knowing well what that trouble
"I've a notion in my head that would make the most splendid story that was ever written. Do let me write it out here. It's such a notion!.


The effect of point of view here is that the reader only sees what the narrator thinks and sees.

What is point of view in narration?

The writer uses point of view to demarcate who is telling the narrative to whom. It's critical to establish a distinct point of view since it affects how your reader perceives characters, events, and other crucial elements. The first person, second person, and third person are the three different types of point of view.

What is first persons point of view?

The pronouns "I," "me," "we," and "us" are used in first person point of view literature to convey the narrator's perspective. In a first-person narrative, The narrator  is generally the protagonist  or one of the secondary supporting characters tell the story from their pespective, this is also a way of controlling the amount of information available to the reader and help build drama and tension.

to learn more about narratives visit:



Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore with plummet and sounding-line, and you waited with beating heart for something to happen? I was like that ship before my education began, only I was without compass or sounding-line, and had no way of knowing how near the harbour was.

—The Story of My Life,
Helen Keller

Based on the passage, how does Helen Keller feel about her education? Check all that apply.

It made her feel lost.
It helped her understand ships.
It gave her knowledge.
It made her anxious.
It gave her direction.


Marine operations in the northern Gulf of Mexico are significantly hampered by sea fog. regularly in places like Galveston and the Houston Ship Channel.

What creates the thick oceanic fog?

It develops when moist, warm air passes over relatively cold seas. Over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the Gulf of Mexico, the Great Lakes, and other bodies of water, sea or lake fog can appear. Due to the fact that the sea is often significantly colder than the neighboring land, fog is a year-round occurrence along the U.S. Pacific coastline.

Why is a ship and education being compared?

I was like a ship without navigation before my education started, she claimed. She was implying that prior to her education, she was similar to a ship without any sort of navigation.

To know more about dense fog visit:-





It should be DNA, which makes the most sense:
"With a desired DNA into another organism of the same or different species"

Active and Passive Voices 1.6: Identifying passive verb forms. tion: Read the following magazine article. Pay special attention to verbs in the passiv voice and underline them. ademy Awards are given out every year to recognize outstanding work of movie actor s, and others who are part of the movie-making industry. These awards, called Oscar Sented in a formal ceremony in Hollywood. Several people are nominated in specif es, such as Best Movie, Best Actor, Best Music, and Best Costumes. One nominee to receive an award in each category. When the awards ceremony started in 1929, were presented and the ceremony was attended by only 250 people. Tickets cost $10, a who could afford a ticket could attend. Today about two dozen Oscars are present are no longer sold to the general public; invitations are sent only to people involved the movies and to their guests. Today the awards are presented in the 3400-seat Ko e in Hollywood. Until 1941, the winners' names were already known before the cerem- blished in newspapers the night before the ceremony. Now the winners' names are pla ed envelopes and the envelopes are not opened until the night of the ceremony. S Oscar night has been televised and broadcast all over the world. This show is seer ds of millions of people. Viewers watch as their favorite movie stars arrive loo- ul and hopeful. y 1.7. ction: In your group list down the verbs in passive voice below. 3 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.​



Verbs in Passive Voice:

3. are given

8. are nominated

9. were presented

10. are present

11. are sent

12. are presented

13. were already known

14. are played


HELP! LIMITED TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Which of the following correctly punctuates an absolute phrase?

Select one:

1, We found a puppy, his fur matted and rough nearby the gas station.

2, We found a puppy, his fur matted and rough, nearby the gas station.

3, We found a puppy his fur matted and rough nearby the gas station.

4, We found a puppy his fur matted and rough, nearby the gas station.


selection one would be great because we have a lot of people that are interested in the game and we have a lot of other people that are looking to buy the same thing

Read the following quote from a group discussing a good charity to donate money from a recent fundraiser: "I think we should give the money to an animal shelter." What is
wrong with this idea?
A. It lacks support.
B. It is off topic.


The proposal is unpopular among the group looking for a good charity to donate money from a recent event.

How do I decide the charity I want to support?

Because they provide quantifiable assessments of doing good, websites like guidestar.org, charitynavigator.org, charitywatch.org, and givewell.org are terrific places to start if you're attempting to choose a charity to support.

How can I tell whether a charity is reputable?

Before you give to a charity, research its ratings from organisations like Charity Navigator, CharityWatch, and the Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance. You should also get in touch with your state's charity regulator to make sure it is authorised to gather funds there. online research of your own

To know more about good charity visit:-



Otaking responsibility for one's actions
O taking care of one's children.
Odisobeying the gods to follow one's path
the rules to achieve one's goals


Taking responsibility for one's actions. Heracles is often seen as an example of a hero who took responsibility for his own actions and fate, no matter how difficult it may have been.

What is Taking responsibility?

Taking responsibility is the recognition and acceptance of one’s actions, choices, and consequences. It requires that you acknowledge your part in a situation and accept the outcome, whether it is positive or negative. Taking responsibility means having accountability for your words, actions, and decisions, and recognizing the impact they have on yourself, others, and the world around you. It involves self-reflection and honest evaluation of your behavior and its consequences. Taking responsibility for your actions can help you make better decisions in the future and improve your relationships with those around you.

He faced numerous challenges and obstacles throughout his life, but he never backed down and always accomplished his goals.

To learn more about Taking responsibility

of stion Complete the following sentences using the Simple Past form of the verb in parentheses. (Use contractions if possible.) 1. It was warm, so I took 2. The film wasn't very good. I didn't enjoy 3. I knew Sarah was very busy, so I didn't disturb 4. I was very tired, so I went to bed early. (go) 5. The bed was very uncomfortable. I didn't sleep 6. Sue wasn't hungry, so she didn't eat off my coat. (take) 7. We went to Kate's house but she didn't is 8. It was a funny situation but nobody laughed 9. The window was open and a bird you understaund 10. Did Please answer all parts of the question. it very much. (not/enjoy) her. (not/disturb) very well. (not/sleep) anything. (not/eat) home. (not be) . (laugh) into the room. (fly) (understand) yesterday's English lesson?​


The simple past form of the verb in parentheses will be:

Yes, I understood yesterday's English lesson.

What is verb?

A  verb is a word that is used to describe an action, state, or occurrence. It is one of the main parts of speech in the English language. Verbs indicate when an action has taken place, is taking place, or will take place. Verbs can also be used to describe the state of being of a noun or pronoun. Verbs are used to express physical actions, mental actions, or states of being. Examples of physical actions are run, jump, and eat. Examples of mental actions are think, believe, and hope. Examples of states of being are am, is, and were. Verbs can be regular or irregular. Regular verbs are verbs that follow a specific pattern when conjugated. Irregular verbs are verbs that do not follow a specific pattern when conjugated. Verbs can be classified as transitive, intransitive, auxiliary, modal, and phrasal.

To learn more about verb


In "Reflections In Westminster Abbey," which of the following is not a reason that Addison is "delighted" with "modern epitaphs" on monuments?

They are written with justness of thought.

They are written with elegance of expression.

They serve the dead and the living.

They are short and vague.


In "Reflections In Westminster Abbey," the option that is not a reason that Addison is "delighted" with "modern epitaphs" on monuments is D. They are short and vague.

What is Westminster Abbey?

Westminster Abbey is a church in London where important national ceremonies, like coronations, are held. It is located in the Greater London borough of Westminster, to the west of the Houses of Parliament. It is lcated on what used to be a Benedictine monastery's grounds.

The author Joseph Addison discusses his serious sense of humor in the essay Reflection in Westminster Abbey, indicating that he preferred serious humor.

Here, they are written with justness of thought, written with elegance of expression and serve the dead and the living.

Learn more about Westminster Abbey on:



What would be a good thesis that answers to the question and main point on how the author uses flashbacks and saengs reflections to reveal aspects of her character for the story The Winter Hibiscus?



One possible thesis that addresses the question of how the author uses flashbacks and self-reflections to reveal aspects of the character's identity in "The Winter Hibiscus" could be:

"Through the use of vivid flashbacks and introspective self-reflections, the author of 'The Winter Hibiscus' effectively reveals the multifaceted and complex identity of the protagonist, illuminating the struggles and triumphs that have shaped her into the person she is today."

Which of the following sentences opens with a prepositional phrase?
A. After the conference, Miranda decided to go out to dinner with her coworkers. B. If you are having trouble in math class, then ask the tutor to help you.
C. As he predicted, Carlos discovered a nail in his flat tire.
D. Everyone in our study group forgot the class notes at home.


Prepositions, their objects, and any words used to modify the objects make up a prepositional phrase. Hence option A is correct .

What is  prepositional phrase?

A prepositional phrase usually modifies a verb or a noun. Adverbial and adjectival prepositional phrases are the two different types of prepositional phrases.

A prepositional phrase is a sentence fragment made up of a single preposition and the subject it modifies. A prepositional phrase's object can be a clause, gerund, or noun. An illustration of a prepositional phrase follows (in italics): She arrived in time for the bus. The prepositional phrase is "on time."

Learn more about prepositional phrase here



Answer:C. As he predicted, Carlos discovered a nail in his flat tire.


To be successful as an MA, you must learn specific.

physicians' names.

knowledge of medical terms, set of and behaviors.

locations of hospitals.

medical codes.


To be successful as an MA, you must learn specific in knowledge of medical terms, set of and behaviors.

What is MA?
stands for Master of Arts and is a postgraduate degree. It is awarded to students who have completed a course of study, usually for two years, in a specific subject area. This degree focuses on developing the student's understanding of the subject and its related fields, rather than the practical skills associated with a professional career. MA degrees also require students to submit a thesis or dissertation to meet the course requirements. MA courses cover a wide range of academic areas, including art, literature, history, philosophy, sociology, psychology, and education.

To learn more about literature


Which sentence is correct?

I got good grades in my Algebra, Biology, and English classes.
I got good grades in my algebra, biology, and English classes.
I got good grades in my algebra, biology, and english classes.
I got Good Grades in my algebra, biology, and English classes.


The correct sentence is: I got good grades in my algebra, biology, and English classes.

Importance of biology

Biology is incredibly important because it helps us to understand the natural world around us. It helps us to learn how different organisms interact with one another and with their environment, and it gives us insight into the complexity of life. Biology is also important because it can help us to better understand our own bodies and how we can maintain our health. Finally, it can also help us to develop better strategies and tactics  for protecting and preserving our natural resources.

To know more about Importance of Biology

2. Autobiographies are written in the ______ person point of view
<4 words>



Autobiographies are written in the first person point of view.


Hope it helps! =D

Autobiographies are written in the first person

Read the excerpt from Chapter 29 of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

The dinner was exceedingly handsome, and there were all the servants and all the articles of plate which Mr. Collins had promised; and, as he had likewise foretold, he took his seat at the bottom of the table, by her ladyship’s desire, and looked as if he felt that life could furnish nothing greater. He carved, and ate, and praised with delighted alacrity; and every dish was commended, first by him and then by Sir William, who was now enough recovered to echo whatever his son-in-law said, in a manner which Elizabeth wondered Lady Catherine could bear. But Lady Catherine seemed gratified by their excessive admiration, and gave most gracious smiles, especially when any dish on the table proved a novelty to them. The party did not supply much conversation. Elizabeth was ready to speak whenever there was an opening, but she was seated between Charlotte and Miss de Bourgh—the former of whom was engaged in listening to Lady Catherine, and the latter said not a word to her all dinner-time.

How does the social atmosphere of the dinner party affect the characters?

Consideration of Lady Catherine is at the center of the guests’ actions and reactions.
The food is more important than the conversation for most of the guests.
The elaborate and unusual meal makes most of the guests uncomfortable.
Conversation between guests is eased by Lady Catherine’s generosity and good spirit.


The social atmosphere of the party affects the characters as "Consideration of Lady Catherine is at the center of the guests’ actions and reactions," option A.

What happens in the excerpt?

The excerpt under analysis here belongs to the famous novel "Pride and Prejudice," by Jane Austen. The main character Elizabeth is at Lady Catherine's mansion with her friends. Since Lady Catherine is extremely wealthy and a person of rank, many of those present feel the need to compliment everything and please her.

Therefore, we could say that consideration of Lady Catherine is at the center, that is, is the motivation of the guests' actions and reactions. Everything they do is done in order to make her happy. And it seems to work. She is especially delighted to see how excited they are about anything that is new.

In the story, Elizabeth and Lady Catherine's nephew, Mr. Darcy, fall in love. The aunt is against their marriage, but she cannot prevent their happy ending.

Learn more about Lady Catherine here:



plot diagram for the gift of the magi


The plot diagram for the gidt of the magi are: Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution

What is plot diagram?
A plot diagram is a visual representation of the structural elements of a story, usually presented as a graph. It shows how characters, events, and ideas interact with one another in a narrative. The diagram includes the exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. The diagram can be used to identify the major turning points of a story, as well as to track the development of characters and themes.

Della and Jim are a young, impoverished couple in love. Della sells her hair to buy Jim a pocket watch chain, and Jim sells his watch to buy Della a set of combs.The couple discovers that their gifts, while thoughtful, are now useless as they no longer have the items they were intended for. Despite their disappointment, the couple is comforted by the fact that they sacrificed something valuable to each other out of love.

To learn more about plot diagram


In what way does the final vignette "Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes" suggest that
Esperanza will "come back" for the ones she "left behind"?
Esperanza will leave Mango Street to get her education but will come back to
the barrio to work and live and help others.
Esperanza will "come back" by writing about her experiences on Mango Street to
help people stop the cycles of violence, sexism, and poverty.
Esperanza will move away but will come back to rescue people by encouraging
them to move away from Mango Street, too.
Esperanza will keep in touch with her closest friends, like Sally, Lucy, Rachel, and


The final vignette indicates that Esperanza will move, but will come back to rescue people, encouraging them to move from Mango Street as well, as shown in the fourth option.

Why will she go back to Mango Street?Because she knows that not many people are strong enough to leave Mango Street.Because she knows Mango Street doesn't offer a quality life.Because she knows that Mango Street has nothing to offer its residents.

Rua Mango is a place without infrastructure and encourages poverty, racism, xenophobia, sexism, lack of perspective, and humiliation of its residents.

Esperanza knows she won't have a future there and that's not what she wants for her life. However, Esperanza has a lot of willpower to look for an improvement in her life and that will only be possible by leaving Mango Street and she knows that she will do it one day.

However, she recognizes that there are many good people on Mango Street who are not strong and brave enough to leave and therefore she wants to go back and help them.

This question is about "A House of Mango Street" and you can find out more about it at the link:




Option 2. Esperanza will "come back" by writing about her experiences on Mango Street to help people stop the cycles of violence, sexism, and poverty. Is the correct answer


I just took a test with this question and got it correct. The author is essentially Esperanza from what I understand, and she did exactly as option 2 says.

Hopefully this helps anyone who needs it.

All good literature, such
as Le Morte d' Arthur, will
A. A happy ending
B. An exciting plot
C. A theme or themes


There will always be a topic or motifs in good literature, including Le Morte d'Arthur.

What issues are addressed in Le Morte d'Arthur?

Loyalty and its manifestation in chivalry are the main themes of Le Mort d'Arthur. The foundational principle and goal of a knight's life is loyalty to the king. It is said that honour and the willingness to help and defend the defenceless and helpless are at the heart of chivalry.

What genre of writing is Morte d'Arthur?

One of the best works of prose fiction ever written in English, Le Morte d'Arthur was completed in 1469 or 1470 and printed by Caxton in abbreviated form in 1485.

To know more about good literature visit :-



how many city of Pakistan ?


Pakistan has several large cities, with the capital city being Islamabad. Other major cities in Pakistan include Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi, and Peshawar.

In the context of the text, what will the future look like? Are either dystopian or utopian texts realistic possibilities for the future?


The text to analyze is not available, but there are some things which can be explained.

What is the word refers to Utopian and Dystopian?

Utopian refers to a utopia that is an imagined community or society that has certain qualities for its citizens that are believed to be perfect or nearly perfect. A utopia focuses on equality in economics, government, and justice, while the term dystopian is the opposite meaning which it could be or that it takes elements from reality.

Utopian defines a society that is believed to be perfect whereas dystopian is just the opposite as it defines a fictional society that is as inhuman and unpleasant as possible.

Thus, the text to analyze is not available, but there are some things which can be explained.

Learn more about Utopian and Dystopian, here:



5. How do wolves hunt prey? A They team up with other animals. B They work together with each other. They use trumpeting to communicate. D They choose several leaders to take control.​



I believe it's B


For C- I'm not sure what trumpeting means, D is (I'm pretty sure) since there's only one alpha member of the pack, and A is wrong because wolves mostly stay within their own pack and their own. Hope this helps!

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