Every morning I lay on the floor in the front parlour watching her door. The blind was pulled down to within an inch of the sash so that I could not be seen. When she came out on the doorstep my heart leaped. I ran to the hall, seized my books and followed her. I kept her brown figure always in my eye and, when we came near the point at which our ways diverged, I quickened my pace and passed her. This happened morning after morning. I had never spoken to her, except for a few casual words, and yet her name was like a summons to all my foolish blood.

Her image accompanied me even in places the most hostile to romance. On Saturday evenings when my aunt went marketing I had to go to carry some of the parcels. We walked through the flaring streets, jostled by drunken men and bargaining women, amid the curses of labourers, the shrill litanies of shop-boys who stood on guard by the barrels of pigs’ cheeks, the nasal chanting of street-singers, who sang a come-all-you about O’Donovan Rossa, or a ballad about the troubles in our native land. These noises converged in a single sensation of life for me: I imagined that I bore my chalice safely through a throng of foes. Her name sprang to my lips at moments in strange prayers and praises which I myself did not understand. My eyes were often full of tears (I could not tell why) and at times a flood from my heart seemed to pour itself out into my bosom. I thought little of the future. I did not know whether I would ever speak to her or not or, if I spoke to her, how I could tell her of my confused adoration. But my body was like a harp and her words and gestures were like fingers running upon the wires.

One evening I went into the back drawing-room in which the priest had died. It was a dark rainy evening and there was no sound in the house. Through one of the broken panes I heard the rain impinge upon the earth, the fine incessant needles of water playing in the sodden beds. Some distant lamp or lighted window gleamed below me. I was thankful that I could see so little. All my senses seemed to desire to veil themselves and, feeling that I was about to slip from them, I pressed the palms of my hands together until they trembled, murmuring: “O love! O love!” many times.

At last she spoke to me. When she addressed the first words to me I was so confused that I did not know what to answer. She asked me was I going to Araby. I forgot whether I answered yes or no. It would be a splendid bazaar, she said she would love to go.

“And why can’t you?” I asked.

While she spoke she turned a silver bracelet round and round her wrist. She could not go, she said, because there would be a retreat that week in her convent. Her brother and two other boys were fighting for their caps and I was alone at the railings. She held one of the spikes, bowing her head towards me. The light from the lamp opposite our door caught the white curve of her neck, lit up her hair that rested there and, falling, lit up the hand upon the railing. It fell over one side of her dress and caught the white border of a petticoat, just visible as she stood at ease.

“It’s well for you,” she said.

“If I go,” I said, “I will bring you something.”

What innumerable follies laid waste my waking and sleeping thoughts after that evening! I wished to annihilate the tedious intervening days. I chafed against the work of school. At night in my bedroom and by day in the classroom her image came between me and the page I strove to read. The syllables of the word Araby were called to me through the silence in which my soul luxuriated and cast an Eastern enchantment over me. I asked for leave to go to the bazaar on Saturday night. My aunt was surprised and hoped it was not some Freemason affair. I answered few questions in class. I watched my master’s face pass from amiability to sternness; he hoped I was not beginning to idle. I could not call my wandering thoughts together. I had hardly any patience with the serious work of life which, now that it stood between me and my desire, seemed to me child’s play, ugly monotonous child’s play.

Paragraph 2 is primarily developed through
contrasting symbols
parallel structure
ironic commentary


Answer 1


The answer is B, description.

Related Questions

What rhetorical device does Twain use by referencing this well-known proverb


Even though the proverb was not posted here, this question is still perfectly answerable.


The rhetorical device Twain uses by referencing a well-known proverb is allusion.


Allusion is a figure of speech in which a reference is made to something or someone that has significance. The author does not explain much, since he/she assumes the audience knows who or what he/she refers to.

For instance, if someone says a woman is as beautiful as Helen of Troy, we would understand he/she means that woman is extremely beautiful. Helen of Troy is a famous character from the Iliad, by Homer, and she was the most beautiful woman in the world. The person making the allusion will not explain this fact, since it is well know.

Therefore, if Twain is referring to a well-known proverb, he is making an allusion to it.

Identify the error in the sentence.

I'm so incredibly tired; because I didn't sleep well last night.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



c.   ;


Remove the semi-colon; no punctuation is needed there.


the answer would be c ; bc you dont need them there

Describe how the plot of "Of Monsters and Mazes" reinterprets the
myth of Theseus and the Minotaur to tell a new story. Use two details
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Душе я танцую как живу в этом смысле жизни не

В этом смысле не знаю как я
Я не хочу идти на работу е

(ELA) The answer choices for this question include a direct quote from the paragraph below. Which answer choice is punctuated correctly?

The first place that I can well remember was a large pleasant meadow with a pond of clear water in it. Some shady trees leaned over it, and rushes and
water-li les grew at the deep end. Over the hedge on one side we looked into a plowed field, and on the other we looked over a gate at our master's
house, which stood by the roadside; at the top of the meadow was a grove of fir trees, and at the bottom a running brook overhung by a steep bank.

A. Because the narrator mentions a master's house, I think the narrator is someone's pet.

B. Because the narrator "mentions a master's house," I think the narrator is someone's pet.

C. Because the narrator mentions a "master's house," I think the narrator is someone's pet.

D. Because the narrator mentions a master's house, I think "the narrator Is someone's pet."








Since master's house was originally from the paragraph, you have to put quotations around it.

false dilemma definition



A False Problem


Hope this helps :)

Answer: A false dilemma is a type of informal correlative based fallacy in which a statement falsely claims or assumes an either or situation, when in fact there is at least one additional logically valid.

Which sentence is written correctly?

Eren Said, "I can't wait to be old enough to join the Scout Regiment".
Eren said, "i can't wait to be old enough to join the Scout Regiment."
Eren said, "I can't wait to be old enough to join the Scout Regiment."
Eren said "I can't wait to be old enough to join the Scout Regiment."


The answer is C.Eren said,

Please help, 20 points. (right answers only)
In 2–3 complete sentences, thoroughly explain the protagonist's main motivation or goal in Condensed Milk by Varlam Shalamov? What does the protagonist want?



In "Condensed Milk" the protagonists main motivation is to get food and that is why he tricked Shestakov that he would escape with him if he gave him condensed milk.



The protagonist wants to be freed from the gulag, but to do so he will need sustenance so he could have the energy to escape. The best thing to get was condensed milk. In the protagonist's words, "There are lots of different tinned foods—meat, fish, fruit, vegetables—but the best of all is milk, condensed milk. Condensed milk doesn’t have to be mixed with boiling water. You eat it with a spoon, or spread it on the bread, or swallow it drop by drop from the tin, eating it slowly, watching the bright liquid mass turn yellow with starry little drops of sugar forming on the can.." 


dont forget to change it up, also i got full credit for this answer.

please answer what to look back i give you free 10 points if you answer this question ok ​



1:On top of the second floor

2:The beginning of a new day

3:Feel the heat of the shinning sun


Now this may not be correct,so don't rely on this answer.

1. new, second, two, shining, morning (i.e., the italicized words)

2. These words are adjectives (adjectives are descriptive words that describe a noun).

3. The words new, shining, and morning are different from second and two because they are describing qualitative qualities of their respective nouns, while second and two describe quantities (numbers).

Read this introductory paragraph from a student essay
and then answer the question.
Which choice best revises sentence 5 to make it a solid
thesis statement?
(1) Have you ever felt great fear but decided to face that
fear anyway? (2) There is no single definition of courage
and more than one way to show it. (3) In Heart of a
Samurai, Manjiro is faced with grave dangers. (4) In The
Boy Who Harnessed the Wind, William must overcome
disbelief and ridicule. (5) Both heroes show tremendous
O The heroes in both stories show tremendous courage
in the face of the great obstacles they face.
O The Heart of a Samurai and The Boy Who Harnessed
the Wind both deal with great obstacles that must be
faced and overcome.
O The heroes in Heart of a Samurai and The Boy Who
Harnessed the Wind both show courage in the face of
the obstacles they face.
O. Both heroes show tremendous courage that I could
only hope to have one day in the face of great









The "new literacies" are important both for classroom learning and for securing jobs after graduation.

Which evidence would be the most credible to support the claim?

In a 2014 survey of the top U. S. corporations, 89 percent stated that "technology literacy" was a very important consideration in their hiring decisions.

John B. Scott, a ninth grade student was quoted as saying: "I am determined to learn as many technology skills as I can so I can get a good job."

Most teachers agree that students should be learning technology in the classroom so they can get employment.

A May 2014 article in the Reed High School Newspaper stated, "Students with technology skills have the easiest time finding jobs after graduation."



a. In a 2014 survey of the top U. S. corporations, 89 percent stated that "technology literacy" was a very important consideration in their hiring decisions.


Based on the question, it is claimed that "new literacies" are vital to both classroom learning and getting jobs after graduation.

The evidence that would most likely support this claim would be option A. This is because the evidence is giving by the most credible source of all, which is the hiring corporations themselves.

Refer to the Newsela article “Can Eating Less Meat Cool the Climate?” The author of the PRO argument states that livestock are responsible for much of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. Which approach does the author of the CON argument take to address this idea? HELP ASAPPPPPP



The Environmental Protection Agency has recommended replacing meat with fruits and vegetables to reduce emissions. (B



One of the benefits of an online dictionary is that

it is updated more regularly than a traditional printed dictionary.
its contents may vary depending on whether it is a .com, .org., or .edu website.
it may display a number of entries on one page.
it has search bars that look similar to dictionary guide words.



I'm not sure but i'd say that its the first one (it is updated more regularyly than a traditional printed dictionary.)



yep, it's 100% A


Pls help!!

Which of the following words more likely offers a formal tone?

Select one







unwise, the others are aggressive




imagery in God see the truth but waits
Show me 7 or 8 imagery answers and get LOTS OF POINTS CROWN AND BRAINLYIEST ​


Answer: telletubbies!! dekndcwdmmwmdkwmkcec

Explanation: yes

intro-What it takes to be a good friend?


Answer: A true friend will accept you for who you are, even if they don't always agree with you. They will also respect your boundaries, be honest and trustworthy, and stick with you in both good and bad times. True friends also make time for you and put in work to help keep the friendship going.


Answer:Be real. People are turned off by those who are constantly trying to be someone they are not. We are most comfortable around others who are comfortable in their own skin. So just be yourself. Even though you aren’t perfect, the way you handle your strengths and faults with humility and confidence will give other people permission to be real and relaxed with you, as well. Real friends are relaxed around each other.

Be honest. Keep your promises and do what you say you’re going to do. Be reliable. Nobody wants to be friends with someone who lies. And lies always have a way of coming to the light. Also, friends will say the truth to one another, even when it’s hard. The wisest man in the Bible, King Solomon, said: Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. Shannon got caught up in an eating disorder until her friend called her out: I was addicted to being skinny and looking absolutely perfect. I never really understood what I was actually doing to myself until a good friend of mine talked to me about it.

Take an interest in the details of your friend’s life by being a good listener. Don’t watch television or text while your friend is sharing something with you. Most times people need more than good advice, they need someone to listen to them as they talk through their feelings. Ask them what’s going on in their life and how they feel. Mari commented: Kyler is my best friend because he listens. No matter what is going on he is genuinely interested in how I am. He always has my back and would drop everything if I needed him.

Make time for your friend. Time is one of the greatest gifts we possess. When we share extra time with a friend, we are giving back to them that gift. No friendship can develop overnight. It takes time. A real friend will take that time.

Keep their secrets. Prove yourself to be a trustworthy person who will guard their secrets with your life. A good way to prove you are trustworthy is to be free to share some of your own secrets with your friend. King Solomon also said:  Friends come and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family. Are you willing to be a friend like that?


Someone please help me



c) although.....


What is the mystery that needs to be solved in Act I of Antigone?



The mystery is about where Antigone spent the night.


In the first act, Antigone comes home at dawn, which makes everyone questioning where she spent the night and what she was doing, as this was not the appropriate time for maidens to go out, nor was it right for them to stay out of the house for so long. home without a companion. Everyone starts to think that Antigone went to meet a lover and although she does not deny this suspicion, she does not say what she was doing, which leaves her way out of the mystery.

Antigone actually went out to disobey the king's rule that no one should attend her brother's funeral, however, this is only revealed during the play.

What conclusion can be drawn about how Alec views
the people who "walk among the stars"?
Read the passage from The Phantom Tollbooth.
"Does everyone here grow the way you do?" puffed
Milo when he had caught up.
"Almost everyone," replied Alec, and then he stopped a
moment and thought. "Now and then, though, someone
does begin to grow differently. Instead of down, his feet
grow up toward the sky. But we do our best to
discourage awkward things like that."
"What happens to them?" insisted Milo.
"Oddly enough, they often grow ten times the size of
everyone else," said Alec thoughtfully, "and I've heard
that they walk among the stars." And with that he
skipped off once again toward the waiting woods
O He is jealous of them.
O He is afraid of them.
O He is inspired by them.
O He is unimpressed by them.


Answer: C

Explanation: brainlest please

Alec views the people who walk among stars as he is afraid of them.

Option B is the correct answer.

What was the Phantom Tollbooth?

The Phantom Tollbooth was a novel written by an author named Norton Juster and was published in the year 1961.

Alec is getting afraid of them as the stars are getting bigger enough in size. They are increasing in size of multiple of ten in comparison to the size of other things due to which they are seeming to be very giant. He also gets to know that these things walk along with the stars which seems to be fascinating but at the same time can be very scary also.

Therefore, Alec gets afraid of them as he views the people walking among the stars.

Learn more about the Phantom Tollbooth in the related link:



What is an inference?

Question 2 options:

The message of the story that the author wants the reader to learn.

Factual information from the story.

A guess or conclusion based on evidence and clues in the story.

What the characters say or do in a text.



A guess or conclusion based on evidence and clues in the story.


Jhon wanted to get someplace quickly . would he walk vigorously? why or why not





The word vigorously mean in a way that involves physical strength, effort, or energy; strenuously.

to walk faster he would use more strength and walk vigorously

Hurry Up

1.What is Water Mill?​



A watermill is a mill that uses hydropower. It uses a water wheel to drive a mechanical process such as milling (grinding), rolling, or hammering.


Which of the following most closely describes one way the author of "Wealthier than Kings" modernizes "Sonnet 29"?

The author of "Wealthier than Kings" adds more characters to make the emotions deeper than those featured in "Sonnet 29."

The author of "Wealthier than Kings" employs simpler language than that used in "Sonnet 29" while maintaining the same themes.

The author of "Wealthier than Kings" leaves out the dramatic and unrealistic change of character that "Sonnet 29" features.

The author of "Wealthier than Kings" maintains the repetitious style of "Sonnet 29" while keeping the same theme and changing the characters.



The author of "Wealthier than Kings" leaves out the dramatic and unrealistic change of character that "Sonnet 29" features.


The creator of "Wealthier than Kings" goes out of the climactic and unreliable transformation of character that "Sonnet 29" characteristics. The creator of "Wealthier than Kings" reserves the redundant technique of "Sonnet 29" while maintaining the equivalent theme and developing the characteristics.

Match the character names on the left with the items on the right.
Column A
-great grandmother
Column B
was a wild woman who was forced to get married.
-has tightly-curled hair that smells like bread
-has bell-like laughs.


Answer: Has tightly curls hair that smell like bread. A


Has bell like laughs B

What makes a strong thesis statement?? quick I have 2 min to complete!!



why is the time showing 5 hours ago ....? this is making me crazy.

What is probably the cause of most of the accusations of witchcraft in Salem?
A. jealousy, acts of revenge, and power grabs B. a desire to overthrow the government
C. a real belief in witchcraft



A. A couple of little girls accused woman of posessing them.


Most people probably kept the ball rolling, and used the witch trials as an excuse to hate on a few people.

The television does not go out until after Diana Moon Clampers shoots and threatens people most likely because .

Answer choices for the above question

A. those in charge know that the viewing public craves watching violence

B. it was most likely an accident that the signal aired the shooting

C. the government wants the public to witness that the authorities are still in control

D. the authorities are trying to protect the families of the victims





I have run more marathons than



Usan Bolt


I think that's how you say his name


than what


a dog...a cat...

does the sentence below have a misplaced or dangling modifier?

Filled with all sort of clutter, Gregory needed a whole day to clean up the room.

B. Dangling



It has a misplaced modifier, it should be Gregory needed a whole day to clean the room filled with all sorts of clutter.


Just took the test

Reread paragraph 3. Which persuasive technique is used in this paragraph



where is the paragraph



bandwagon apeal


I got it right.

Identify the colloquial speech.

I’m gonna do it, I just need more time.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



A. Gonna

Hope it helps

Other Questions
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