Explain how abstraction makes your computer easier to use. Give at least one example.


Answer 1

Abstraction removes all specific details, and any problems that will help you solve the problem. Thus makes your computer easier to use.

What is abstraction?

An abstraction is a generic thought as opposed to one that pertains to a specific thing, person, or circumstance. The concept of abstraction is one that applies to both the actual world and OOP languages.

The typical details of an idea are left out. Code that uses abstractions is simpler to comprehend since it focuses on the main functions and operations rather than the minute details. Don't program to implementations; program to interfaces.

Therefore, abstraction eliminates all specific information and any issues that could aid in problem-solving.

To learn more about abstraction, visit here:



Related Questions

What benefit do internal networked e-mail systems provide over Internet-based systems?

A) They enable the transmission of videos.
B) They allow e-mail to be sent to coworkers.
C) They allow files to be shared by sending attachments.
D) They provide increased security.



The correct answer is D) They provide increased security.

How did the case Cubby v. CompuServe affect hosted digital content and the contracts that surround it?


Although CompuServe did post libellous content on its forums, the court determined that CompuServe was just a distributor of the content and not its publisher. As a distributor, CompuServe could only be held accountable for defamation if it had actual knowledge of the content's offensive character.

What is CompuServe ?

As the first significant commercial online service provider and "the oldest of the Big Three information services," CompuServe was an American company. It dominated the industry in the 1980s and continued to exert significant impact into the mid-1990s.

CompuServe serves a crucial function as a member of the AOL Web Properties group by offering Internet connections to budget-conscious customers looking for both a dependable connection to the Internet and all the features and capabilities of an online service.

Thus,  CompuServe could only be held accountable for defamation if it had actual knowledge of the content's offensive character.

To learn more about CompuServe, follow the link;



technology helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and/or disseminate information. a. Computer b. Nano c. Communication d. Information O O ​


The technology that helps to produce, manipulate, store, communicate, and/or disseminate information are:

a. Computer

b. Communication

d. Information

What is the technology  about?

Computer technology helps to produce, manipulate, store, and communicate information through various software and hardware.

Communication technology helps to disseminate information through various means of communication such as phone, internet, radio, and television.

Therefore, Information technology encompasses all technologies used to handle and process information, including computer and communication technology.

Learn more about Communication from



List 2 or 3 visual aids that you might use during a speech on "Technology in the Classroom" (or a topic of your choosing) to illustrate your main points, and explain exactly how you plan to use them. (Site 1)



Graphs or charts: I would use graphs or charts to illustrate the trend of technology usage in the classroom over time. For example, I could show a line graph that compares the percentage of classrooms that had no technology, limited technology, or full technology access in the past decade. This would allow the audience to see the increasing trend of technology adoption in the classroom and better understand the impact that technology is having on education.

Photos or videos: I would use photos or videos to provide concrete examples of how technology is being used in the classroom to enhance teaching and learning. For example, I could show a video of a teacher using a virtual reality headset to take her students on a virtual field trip to a museum, or I could show a series of photos of students using tablets or laptops to complete assignments and collaborate with their peers. These visual aids would help the audience to better understand the specific ways in which technology is being used in the classroom and how it is benefiting students and teachers.

Infographic: I would use an infographic to present a summary of the main points of my speech in a visually appealing and easy-to-understand format. The infographic could include bullet points or graphics that highlight the key benefits of technology in the classroom, such as increased engagement, improved learning outcomes, and enhanced collaboration. By presenting the information in this way, I could help the audience to quickly grasp the main points of my speech and better retain the information.

Use routers, Switches and Hubs to design a simple network for Maendeleo Institute of Technology having 240 employees. The Institute has five departments: Computer Science has 100 employees, Information Technology 60 employees, Accounts 40 employees, Human Resource has 20 employees and Marketing has 20 employees.


• Network topology showing five network that corresponds to five departments.

• Use Class C IP addresses (example to show the subnet ID and broadcast ID of each department, the IP address must not overlap

• Consider Scalability

• Give reasons for your choice/ decisions



To design a simple network for Maendeleo Institute of Technology with 240 employees, we could use a combination of routers, switches, and hubs.

Our network would consist of five separate networks, one for each department at the institute. We would use class C IP addresses, with a subnet mask of /24, to create the following subnets:

Computer Science department:

Information Technology department:

Account department:

Human Resource department:

Marketing department:

Each department would be connected to the network via a switch, which would allow for communication within the department and with other departments as needed. A router would be used to connect the individual department networks to the wider internet, and would also serve as a firewall to protect the network from external threats.

We would also include a hub in the network to allow for communication between devices within a department, as well as to provide additional connectivity and scalability.

Overall, our network design would provide each department with its own separate network, with the ability to communicate with other departments as needed. It would also be scalable, allowing for the addition of new devices and departments as the institute grows. The use of class C IP addresses and a /24 subnet mask would ensure that IP addresses do not overlap, ensuring efficient and reliable communication within the network.

The user is able to input grades and their weights, and calculates the overall final mark. The program should also output what you need to achieve on a specific assessment to achieve a desired overall mark. The program should be able to account for multiple courses as well.

I have done some pseudocode. So to double check, please provide pseudocode and python code.
I do plan to use homework, quizzes and tests for the grades portion and using the exam as part of the desired mark portion.



Here is some pseudocode that outlines the steps for creating a program that calculates overall final marks and outputs the necessary grades for a desired overall mark:

DEFINE a function called "calculate_final_mark"

INPUT: grades (list), weights (list), desired_mark (float)

CREATE a variable called "overall_mark" and set it to 0

FOR each grade and weight in the grades and weights lists:

 MULTIPLY the grade by the weight

 ADD the result to the overall_mark

IF overall_mark equals the desired_mark:

 OUTPUT "You have already achieved the desired mark."


 CREATE a variable called "needed_mark" and set it equal to the desired_mark minus the overall_mark

 OUTPUT "You need a" needed_mark "on your next assessment to achieve a" desired_mark "overall mark."

END the function

Here is the equivalent code in Python:

def calculate_final_mark(grades, weights, desired_mark):

 overall_mark = 0

 for grade, weight in zip(grades, weights):

   overall_mark += grade * weight

 if overall_mark == desired_mark:

   print("You have already achieved the desired mark.")


   needed_mark = desired_mark - overall_mark

   print(f"You need a {needed_mark} on your next assessment to achieve a {desired_mark} overall mark.")

Which computers were the first PCs with a GUI


The earliest GUI-equipped PCs were Linux and Mac-based. These are the right answers to the question that was asked.

Which PCs had a graphical user interface (GUI) first?

The first computer to employ a mouse, the desktop metaphor, and a graphical user interface (GUI), concepts Douglas Engelbart first introduced while at International, was the Xerox Alto, developed at Xerox PARC in 1973. It was the first instance of what is now known as a full-fledged personal computer.

When was the GUI added to Windows?

Windows is based on what is known as a graphical user interface (GUI), which was created by Xerox in 1975 but was never used. The "window, icon, menu, and pointing device" (WIMP) combination will make up the majority of a typical GUI.

To learn more about GUI visit:



Write a program that will calculate the internal angle of an n-sided polygon from a triangle up
to a dodecagon. The output to the console should show what the random number chosen was
and the value of the internal angle. Remember to find the internal angle of a polygon use:



The  program that will calculate the internal angle of an n-sided polygon from a triangle upto a dodecagon is given below

import random

def internal_angle(n):

   angle = 360 / n

   return angle

n = random.randint(3, 12)

print("Random number chosen:", n)

angle = internal_angle(n)

print("Internal angle of a", n, "-sided polygon:", angle, "degrees")

What is the Python program  about?

The program uses the formula for calculating the internal angle of a polygon, which is 360° divided by the number of sides (n). It also generates a random number between 3 and 12 to represent the number of sides of the polygon, and uses this value to calculate the internal angle.

The program starts by importing the random library, which is used to generate a random number. Then, it defines a function called "internal_angle" that takes one parameter, "n", which represents the number of sides of the polygon.

Inside the function, the internal angle of the polygon is calculated by dividing 360 by n and storing the result in the variable "angle". The function then returns this value.

Therefore, It's important to note that the internal angle of a polygon would be correct as long as the number of sides is greater than 2.

Learn more about Python program from


Write a Java program that have ten integral values into an array namely List. Your program
should have a menu to select/perform the following functions :-
lnsert ( ) - accept a value into the array if it's not full
Remove ( ) - remove a value from an array if it's not empty based on user selection
Search ( ) - Return the numbers of the particular search value
lncrease ( ) - lncrease the percentage of the store value based onto the input percentage
Update ( ) - Edit the existing value choose by user.


Here is a Java program that includes a menu with the four functions you specified: Insert, Remove, Search, and Increase. The program uses an array named "List" to store the integral values, and allows the user to perform the specified actions on the array. I have also included a function called "Update" that allows the user to edit an existing value in the array based on their selection.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class ArrayMenu {
static Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
static int[] List = new int[10];
static int size = 0;

public static void main(String[] args) {
boolean exit = false;
while (!exit) {
System.out.println("1. Insert a value");
System.out.println("2. Remove a value");
System.out.println("3. Search for a value");
System.out.println("4. Increase the value of all elements by a percentage");
System.out.println("5. Update an existing value");
System.out.println("6. Exit");
System.out.print("Enter your choice: ");
int choice = input.nextInt();
switch (choice) {
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
exit = true;
System.out.println("Invalid choice. Please try again.");

public static void insert() {
if (size < 10) {
System.out.print("Enter a value to insert: ");
int value = input.nextInt();
List[size] = value;
} else {
System.out.println("Array is full. Cannot insert a new value.");

public static void remove() {
if (size > 0) {
System.out.print("Enter the index of the value to remove: ");
int index = input.nextInt();
if (index >= 0 && index < size) {
for (int i = index; i < size - 1; i++) {
List[i] = List[i + 1];
} else {
System.out.println("Invalid index. Please try again.");
} else {
System.out.println("Array is empty. Cannot remove a value.");

public static void search() {
System.out.print("Enter a value to search for: ");
int value = input.nextInt();
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (List[i] == value) {
System.out.println("Value found at index " + i);
found = true;
if (!found) {
System.out.println("Value not found in the array.");

Match each characteristic to its operating system.

[A] This system can be ported to more computer platforms than any of its counterparts.
[B] The operating system functions require many system resources.
[C] The operating system works only with specific hardware.

[1] Microsoft Windows Operating System
[2] Linux Operating System
[3] Apple Operating System



[A] This system can be ported to more computer platforms than any of its counterparts. - [2] Linux Operating System

[B] The operating system functions require many system resources. - [1] Microsoft Windows Operating System

[C] The operating system works only with specific hardware. - [3] Apple Operating System

4.3 lesson practice phython



user input loop

count variable

user input


these are you answers

How do networks help protect data?

A) by shutting down at 5:00 p.m. each evening
B) by restricting access to department chairs
C) by scheduling regular backups
D) by preventing access by more than one person at a time


D) by preventing access by more than one person at a time

Networks use authentication and authorization to control access to data. They require that a person entering the network has valid credentials, such as a username and password, before they can access any data on the network. Once the credentials have been provided and verified, the user is typically given limited access to the data that is based on authorization rules set up within the network. This helps ensure that data is securely accessed by only those users that need to access it, preventing unauthorized access by multiple persons at once.

5. Which of the following is a hypothetical concept?
a. Limited Memory
b. Self-aware Al
Fill in the blanks.
1. Al processes large amount of data using algorithms.
2. The term Al was coined in the year
3. The domain of Al that makes systems improve their decision-making abilities is called
c. Reactive Machines
- Intelligent systems refer to an approach that employ computers in
uses neural networks to process data to gain insights and give solutions
for Falco


Involving or based on a hypothesis: conjectural; involving or based on a postulated concept or theory. speculative arguments a fictitious circumstance.

How should a hypothetical example be written?

The words or abbreviations "for instance," "for example," "i.e." or "e.g." are frequently used after a hypothetical example, albeit the latter two, as you are probably aware, will only come after a comma and won't initiate a new sentence like "for instance" or "for example." Use hypothetical examples with caution.

What is a fictitious person?

The human whose existence is implied by other data rather than directly attested. theoretical individual hypothetical (adj.) is a 1580s term that means "based on or defined by a hypothesis, conjectural," from the Latinized form of the Greek word hypothesis, which means "pertaining to a hypothesis."

to know more about the hypothetical concept here:



If you have a PC, identify some situations in which you can take advantage of its multitasking capabilities.


Situation one: using multiple monitors for tutorials on one screen and an application on another

Situation two: using virtual desktops for separating school and personal applications

Create a program that asks the user to input three integers. After saving the values, the
program should identify the maximum and minimum from the three numbers. The output
should read
The minimum number entered was….
The maximum number entered was….


Here is a Python program that asks the user to input three integers and then outputs the minimum and maximum number:

Put the networks below in order according to the geographic distance they cover. Put a one next to the network that covers the largest area, a two next to the one that covers the second largest area, etc.










A LAN (Local Area Network) typically covers a small geographic area, such as a single building or campus. A MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) covers a larger geographic area, such as a city or metropolitan region. A WAN (Wide Area Network) covers the largest geographic area, such as a country or the entire world.

In the flag, the RGB values next to each band indicate the band's colour.
RGB: 11111101 10111001 00010011
RlGB: 00000000 01101010 01000100
RGB: 11000001 00100111 00101101
First, convert the binary values to decimal. Then, to find out what colours these values correspond to, use the Colour names' handout (ncce.io/rep2-2-hw) or look up the RGB values online. Which European country does this flag belong to?​



To convert the binary values to decimal, you can use the following steps:

Start with the rightmost digit and assign it the value of 0.

For each subsequent digit moving from right to left, double the value of the previous digit and add the current digit.

For example, to convert the first binary value, 11111101, to decimal:

10 + 02 + 04 + 08 + 016 + 132 + 164 + 1128 = 253

So the first binary value, 11111101, corresponds to the decimal value 253.

Using this method, you can convert the other binary values to decimal as well. To find out what colours these values correspond to, you can use the Colour names' handout or look up the RGB values online.

To determine which European country this flag belongs to, you can try looking up the colours and seeing if they match any known flags. Alternatively, you could try searching for flags of European countries and see if any of them match the colours you have identified.

Can someone write a code that makes circles change colors. Name it update () function.


Using the knowledge in computational language in python it is possible write a code that makes circles change colors.

Writting the code:

import PyQt5, sys, time,os

from os import system,name

from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets

from PyQt5.QtCore import QPoint,QTimerEvent,QTimer,Qt

from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget,QApplication,QMainWindow

from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter

class Stoplight(QMainWindow):

   def __init__(self,parent = None):




   def paintEvent(self,event):

       radx = 50

       rady = 50

       center = QPoint(125,125)

       p = QPainter()





       p1 = QPainter()






class Stoplight1(Stoplight):

   def __init__(self,parent = None):




   def paintEvent(self,event):

       radx = 50

       rady = 50

       center = QPoint(125,125)

       p = QPainter()





       p1 = QPainter()






if __name__ == "__main__":

   application = QApplication(sys.argv)

   stoplight1 = Stoplight()

   stoplight2 = Stoplight1()






See more about python at brainly.com/question/29897053


draw a flowchart to accept two numbers and check if the first number is divisible by the second number



I've attached the picture below, hope that helps...

Rory has asked you for advice on (1) what types of insurance she needs and (2) how she should decide on the coverage levels vs monthly premium costs. Give Rory specific recommendations she can follow to minimize her financial risk but also keep a balanced budget.


She should get a basic health insurance plan with a monthly premium choice as she is a single lady without children in order to make payments more convenient.

How much does health insurance cost?

All full-time employees (30 hours or more each week) have their health insurance taken out of their paychecks. It will total 9.15 percent of your salary when combined with your pension payment. For illustration, a person making 300,000 per month will have 27,450 taken out.

Where in the world is medical treatment free?

Only one nation—Brazil—offers universally free healthcare. According to the constitution, everyone has the right to healthcare. Everyone in the nation, even transient guests, has access to free medical treatment.

to know more about health insurance here:



A table student consists of 5 rows and 7 columns. Later on 3 new attributes are added and 2 tuples are deleted. After some time 5 new students are added. What will be the degree and cardinality of the table?​



The degree of a table refers to the number of attributes (columns) it has. In the case you described, after the 3 new attributes are added, the degree of the table would be 7 + 3 = 10.

The cardinality of a table refers to the number of rows (tuples) it has. In the case you described, after 2 tuples are deleted, the cardinality of the table would be 5 - 2 = 3. After 5 new students are added, the cardinality would increase to 3 + 5 = 8.

solve the MRS y,x = 12 mean?




The MRS (Marginal Rate of Substitution) is a concept from microeconomics that describes the rate at which one good (in this case, y) can be substituted for another good (in this case, x) while still maintaining the same level of utility or satisfaction for the consumer.

The equation you provided, MRS y,x = 12, tells us that in order for a consumer to maintain the same level of satisfaction, they would be willing to give up 12 units of good y in exchange for 1 unit of good x. This means that, in this specific case, the consumer values good y 12 times more than good x.

It's important to keep in mind that the MRS is a concept that can vary depending on the context and the consumer. The value of the MRS can change depending on the consumer's preferences, the availability of the goods, and the prices of the goods, among other factors.

On this equation alone, I can't confirm what exactly it refers to as more information about the context and the goods themselves is needed, also to make this equation valuable, it's should be done in a utility function or optimization problem in order to give some meaning to the number 12.

python best hashing algorithm for passwords with mysql


Answer: So you Wait a minute I do believe that mysql is a sql cracking suit but you would need to build a hashing suit or you could use passlib.hash.mysql41 so you are looking to crack some stuff ok look at the file I sent.


how to Design a registration page​ for a school called At school complex with html



<!DOCTYPE html>



 <title>At School Complex Registration</title>

 <meta charset="utf-8">



 <h1>At School Complex Registration</h1>


   <label for="name">Name:</label><br>

   <input type="text" id="name" name="name"><br>

   <label for="email">Email:</label><br>

   <input type="email" id="email" name="email"><br>

   <label for="phone">Phone:</label><br>

   <input type="phone" id="phone" name="phone"><br>

   <label for="grade">Grade Level:</label><br>

   <select id="grade" name="grade">

     <option value="kindergarten">Kindergarten</option>

     <option value="elementary">Elementary</option>

     <option value="middle">Middle</option>

     <option value="high">High</option>



   <input type="checkbox" id="activities" name="activities">

   <label for="activities">I am interested in after-school activities</label><br>

   <input type="submit" value="Submit">




A ______ is a good choice for long-term archiving because the stored data do not degrade over time.

C) solid state hard drive



DVD-R is a good choice for long-term archiving because the stored data do not degrade over time. This is due to its write-once, read-many nature, which makes it less likely to degrade compared to magnetic tape, HDDs or solid-state drives (SSDs).


The most reliable way to store important files without having to worry about backups or media failure is ____________.

A) cloud storage
B) on a USB flash drive
C) on a hard disk drive
D) on an optical disc


The answer to this question is letter B
A. Cloud storage

The ideal approach to save data for a longer time is cloud storage. Data security and storage reliability are two advantages of cloud storage that can't be matched. In addition, end-to-end encryption ensures the safety of all transmitted data.

Gigantic Life Insurance has 4000 users spread over five locations in North America. They have called you as a consultant to discuss different options for deploying Windows 10 to the desktops in their organization. They are concerned that users will be bringing their own mobile devices such as tablets and laptops to connect to their work data. This will improve productivity, but they are concerned with what control they have over the users' access to corporate data. How will Windows 10 help the company manage users who bring their own devices?


The answer is nuclear reactions

70 POINTS!!!!
what is the importance of genders in computer science
give at least 3 complete paragraphs
PLS answer correctly...i will mark u as brainlyst!!!!!




The biggest question now is how do we attract more women into the computer science field. Women need more encouragement, especially from teachers of both sexes and fellow students. Mentoring is a definite means to attract and keep women more interested in the field. Even just the support of other females present in a classroom setting can help boost the confidence in each other. Multiple studies have shown that the lack of women in computer science is very likely to start before college (Cohoon). They need this encouragement not only while taking college courses but also early on in their education. Females tend to be just as interested in science as men when they are young but their teachers and schools, who would have the most influence on them, aren’t doing their job in nurturing and identifying these women (Gurian). A possible solution to improving their confidence would be to have more mentors who can help attract and keep women interested in the field. The shortage of women in the computer science field has made it more difficult to have women in high positions. This makes it important for women who are in high positions to be mentors to all women interested. According to Joanne Cohoon a professor at the University of Virginia “CS departments generally retained women at comparable rates to men when the faculty included at least one woman; was mentored, and supervised female students; enjoyed teaching; and shared responsibility for success with their students”. It is also found that departments with no female faculty lost female students at high rates relative to men (Cohoon). Seeing other women in computer science can definitely raise confidence in women to continue or begin studying the subject. “In a new survey, 40 percent of women in the STEM fields… report that they were discouraged from their career choices, typically in college and often by their professors” (Downey). This data shows how we need more mentors willing to support women and that we are lacking teachers to help inspire young women into entering the field.

Since the beginning of computing most software and programs have been male-oriented. Video games were originally targeted at males with sport and violent themes with mostly male lead characters and limiting female roles like women who need to be rescued (Lynn). Early experiences with computers are important in shaping someone’s willingness to explore technology. “Playing with computer, console, and arcade games and educational ware can provide an introduction to computer literacy, creating familiarity and building confidence in skills” (Lynn, 145). Because computer science is so dominated by men, the software tends to be more male- friendly. To make software more appealing to girls, it should have low frustration levels, be challenging and be interactive (Lynn). By having more women in the field, women can create much more women-friendly software. Girls tend to prefer games where they can make things, rather than destroy them(Lynn). Recently more and more games have been produced that are more girl-friendly, like simulation games. The Sims is a video game where you create humans, animals and homes and has proved to be a big success with a female audience. A strategy to get more women to break outside the stereotype of women being less competitive than men would be to take games designed for boys and demand comparable female characters to empower them to be more competitive and assertive. Video games often become involved with computing as a byproduct of wanting to master gaming (Lynn).

Many boys tend to have more experience with computers at a younger age because of video games, when boys and girls are put together in a class to learn about computers the boys are already at a higher level, which is not encouraging to the women beginning at a lower level in the same class. Making more computer classes mandatory both in high school and at the college level will not only help women because of the increasing number of other female peers, but it can spark interest in women early on, helping teachers to identify students with aptitude.

Alvin has designed a storyboard using the following technique. Which storyboard technique did he use?


50 Points <3



D. Wheel storyboard


The wheel method is like spokes connected to a main hub.

Write a program that will ask the user to enter the amount of a purchase. The program should then compute the state and county sales tax. Assume the state sales tax is 5 percent and the county sales tax is 2.5 percent.in python



This program first prompts the user to enter the amount of the purchase. It then defines the state and county sales tax rates as constants. It calculates the state and county sales tax amounts by multiplying the purchase amount by the appropriate tax rate. Finally, it calculates the total sales tax by adding the state and county sales tax amounts together, and prints the results.

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