aufwachen = waking up
Imagine scientists moved 200 randomly selected rock pocket mice from an area with very few volcanic outcrops to an area where dark volcanic outcrops are very common. (a) Predict the predominant coat color variant(s) after one generation: (b) Predict the predominant coat color variant(s) after 20 generations: (c) Explain your predictions:
Pocket mice live in different environments in New
Mexico’s desert: lighter sands and darker lava rock.
• Mice in the darker environment have darker fur on
the top of their bodies, providing camouflage so
predators won’t see them. The mice’s underbellies
are white because there’s so selective pressure for it
to be dark; the predators come from above.
• The differences in mouse fur color are driven by
The rock pocket mice populations in Arizona use a different genetic mechanism to control coat color than the New Mexico populations. What does this tell you about the origin the genetic mechanism for coat color?
5.Imagine scientists moved 200 randomly selected rock pocket mice from an area with very few volcanic outcrops to an area where dark volcanic outcrops are very common.
(a) Predict the predominant coat color vartant (s) after one generation
(B)Predict the predominant coat color variant() after 20 generations .
(C) Explaint your predictions
Was haben Sie Leute gemacht?: Schreiben Sie Sätze im Perfekt. Achten Sie die Kasusfromen (Akkusativ und Dativ)!
1. geben: ich// mein Bruder // meine alte Schultasche
2,bringen:du// deine Mutter // der Autoschlüssel //?
3.kochen: die Oma // die Kinder // eine Hühnersuppe die Eltern // die Tochter // zum 16. Geburstag // ein Auto
5.erzählen: die Lehrerin // die Schüler // eine sapnnende Geschichte
i rlly dont know this it confuses me because no matter what i put i it means the same thing