
Answer 1

I feel it is C, but I am not sure if it is correct, I can only apologize if it is wrong.

Related Questions

Which statement about technology before the invention of the printing press is true?


Answer: See explanation


You didn't give the options to the question and I searched and couldn't find the particular question.

Here, are some of the things about technology before the invention of the printing press.

1. Before printing press, monks copied books such as bibles as they'll copy calligraphy and illustrations in order for them to spread the messages in the Bible across to people.

2. Before printing press, oral communication was the way that people communicated with each other.

3. Drawings and writings were done by hand before printing press.

4. Before the invention of printing press, in order to transcribe books, different materials that were used include wax, parchment, clay and papyrus.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class PigLatin {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Scanner console =new Scanner(;
System.out.println("Please enter a word");
String phrase=console.nextLine();


public static String eachWord(String phrase) {
String help[]=phrase.split(" ");

for(int i=0; i
if (help[i].charAt(0) == 'a'){
return help[i] + "-ay";
if (help[i].charAt(0) == 'e'){
return help[i] + "-ay";
if (help[i].charAt(0) == 'i'){
return help[i] + "-ay";
if (help[i].charAt(0) == 'o'){
return help[i] + "-ay";
if (help[i].charAt(0) == 'u'){
return help[i] + "-ay";
if (help[i].charAt(0) == 'A'){
return help[i] + "-ay";
if (help[i].charAt(0) == 'E'){
return help[i] + "-ay";
if (help[i].charAt(0) == 'I'){
return help[i] + "-ay";
if (help[i].charAt(0) == 'O'){
return help[i] + "-ay";
if (help[i].charAt(0) == 'U'){
return help[i] + "-ay";
else {
return help[i].substring(1)+"-"+help[i].charAt(0)+"ay";

return "aoujbfgaiubsgasdfasd";

I need help with this Pig Latin Program. I want to split the string so each word can run through the method eachWord. I don't know how to revamp this!




I took quiz





What are elements ?Give any five example​


Chemical element, also called element, any substance that cannot be decomposed into simpler substances by ordinary chemical processes. Some examples are carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, gold, silver and iron.

Technical environment refers to all the technological surroundings that influence organization. Technology consists of skills,methods,systems and equipment. It includes and innovations. It makes work more efficient. It is a means to transfer input into outputs.

Technology influences organizations by bringing about changes in jobs, skills, lifestyles, production methods and processes. Automation, computerization, robotics, informatics, biotechnology, laser, new materials and artificial intelligence have all influenced organizations.Information technology affects every function of within the organization.Organizations should be aware of technological changes tot avoid obsolescence and promote innovation.

Technological forecasting is also important.Technology reaches people through organization. It is a powerful force that shapes their destiny.

1)Level of technology: The level of technology can be appropriate or sophisticated. It can be labour-based or capital-based.The level of technology influence organizations.

Labour based technology: Human labour is mainly used for operations.

Capital based technology: Machinery is mainly used for operations. Technology is represented by automation, computerization, robotizing, etc.

2)Pace of technological change: Technology is a dynamic force. Its speed of change is accelerating. Invention, innovation and diffusion increase its pace. Organizations should adapt to changing technological forces. They should also upgrade the skills of their human resources to effectively cope with the demands of technological changes.

Technological change influences organizations in the following :

It can make existing industries obsolete.It can the rates of obsolescence.

It can rejuvenate the existing industries through product improvements or cost reductions.

It can create entirely new industries.

It can increase government regulations.

3)Technological transfer: Sources of technology can be within the organization, within the country or foreign countries. Technology transfer implies technology import for organizations.

Technological transfer implies technology imported from technologically advanced foreign countries. Its speed is important for organizations.

Globalization: Global companies are the key sources of technology transfer in developing nations.

Projects: Turnkey projects based on global bidding serve as a source of technology transfer.

Trade: This consists of the sale of equipment or machines by the manufacturer.

Technical assistance: Bilateral and multilateral donors under technical assistance provide international consultants who bring new technology with them.

Training and publication: They provide opportunities to about new technology.

Technological transfer influences organization by :

Increasing and decreasing costs.

New product development and product improvement.

Improving production systems and processes.

Better satisfaction of customer needs.

4)Research and development: R&D is the essence of innovation. The Expectation for improvement is increasing. Customers expect new products of superior quality which are safe, comfortable and environment friendly. This calls for increase research and development budget by organizations. Government and industry collaboration and spending in R&d efforts is also an important aspect of the technology environment.

I hope this helped!

4.9 Code Practice: Question 2
Write code using the range function to add up the series 20, 30, 40, ... 90 and print the resulting sum each step along the way.

Expected Output


total = 0

for x in range(20,91,10):

   total += x


I hope this helps!


sum = 0

for i in range (20, 91, 10):

  sum += i


For this assignment, you will create a calendar program that allows the user
to enter a day, month, and year in three separate variables as shown below.
Then, your program should ask the user to select from a menu of choices
using this formatting
1) Calculate the number of days in the given month.
2) calculate the number of days left in the given year.

I would really appreciate it if someone could help me on this.


Following are the program to the given question:

Program Explanation:

Defining three methods "leap_year, number_of_days, and days_left " is declared. In the "leap_year" method, it accepts the year variable, which calculates the year is the leap year and returns its value that is 1. In the next method "number_of_days", it is define which accepts the "year and month" variable in the parameter and calculate and returns its value. In the last "days_left" method, it calculates the left days and returns its value, and outside the method, two dictionary variable days_31 and days_30 is declared.  It initilized a value by using 3 input variable "day, month, and year" variable which accepts user-input value. In the next step, a "c" variable is declared, that input values and calls and print its value accordingly.


def leap_year(y):#defining a method leap_year that takes one parameter

   l= 0#defining l variable that holds an integer

   if y % 4 == 0:#using if block that check year value module by 4 equal to 0

       l = 1#holding value in l variable

   if y % 100 == 0:#using if block that check year value module by 100 equal to 0

       l = 0#holding value in l variable

       if y % 400 == 0:#using if block that check year value module by 400 equal to 0

           l= 1#holding value in l variable

   return l#return l value

def number_of_days(m, y):#defining a method number_of_days that takes two parameters

   months = {1: 31, 3: 31, 4: 30, 5: 31, 6: 30, 7: 31, 8: 31, 9: 30, 10: 31, 11: 30, 12: 31}#defining months variable that hold value in ictionary

   l = leap_year(y)#defining l variable that calls leap_year method and holds its value

   if l == 1 and m == 2:#use if that check l value equal to 1 and 2

       return 29#return value 29

   if m == 2:#use if that check month value equal to 2

       return 28#return value 29

   return months[m]#return months value

def days_left(d, m, y):#defining a method days_left that takes three variable in parameter

   l = leap_year(y)#defining l variable that hold leap_year method value

   days = 0#defining days variable that hold integer value

   months = {1: 31, 3: 31, 4: 30, 5: 31, 6: 30, 7: 31, 8: 31, 9: 30, 10: 31, 11: 30, 12: 31}#defining months variable that hold value in ictionary

   if l== 1:#using if that check l equal to 1

       if m > 2:#defining if that check m value greater than 2

           days += (29 + 31)#using days variable that Calculate holds its value

           i = m#defining i variable that holds months value

           while i > 2:#defining while loop that checks other days

               days += months[i]#defining a days variable that holds months value

               i -= 1#decreasing i value

           days -= (months[m] - d)#defining days that subtracts leap value

       elif m == 2:#defining elif block that checks m equal to 2

           days += (29 - d) + 31#holding value in days variable

       else:#defining else block

           days = 31 - d#Calculating days value

       return 366 - days#using return keyword that Calculates days value

   else:#defining else block

       if m > 2:#using if that checks m value greater than 2

           days += (28 + 31)#Calculating and store value in days

           i = m#holding months value in i

           while i > 2:#defining while loop that checks i value greater than 2

               days += months[i]#holding list value in days

               i -= 1#decreasing i value

           days -= (months[m] - d)#defining days that subtracts leap value

       elif m == 2:#using elif block that checks m value equal to 2

           days += (28 - d) + 31#Calculating and store value in days

       else:#defining else block

           days = 31 - d##Calculating and store value in days

       return 365 - days#return total days

print("Please enter a date")#print message

day = int(input("Day: "))#input value

month = int(input("Month: "))#input value

year = int(input("Year: "))#input value

print("Menu: ")#print message

print("1) Calculate the number of days in the given month.")#print message

print("2) Calculate the number of days left in the given year.")#print message

c = int(input())#input value

if c == 1:#using if that checks c value equal to 1

   print(number_of_days(month, year))#calling method and print its return value

elif c == 2:#using if that checks c value equal to 2

   print(days_left(day, month, year))#calling method and print its return value


Please find the attached file.

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whats the name of the windows 10 nucleus





If it is 12 am on January 7 in Reykjavík, Iceland (location B), what date and time is it in Galápago Islands,
Ecuador (location E)?



Since the time zone of the Galapagos Islands is UTC -06: 00, while the time zone of Iceland (including its capital, Reykjavik) is UTC 00:00, the time difference between both territories is 6 hours behind in the Islands Galapagos with respect to Iceland.

Thus, since 12:00 AM implies 00:00 hours or the beginning of the day, if it were 12:00 AM on January 7 in Reykjavik, it would be 06:00 PM on January 6 in the Galapagos Islands.

How are blogs and wikis alike?

accessible 24/7

telecommunications technology

collaboration tool

available online

used for online dialog

increase business productivity



i think 1 3 and 4


How can you continue learning about computer science and improve your coding abilities?



5 Ways to Improve Your Coding and Programming Skills

Take advantage of books and other free resources. ...

Sign up for a bootcamp. ...

Practice, practice, practice. ...

Engage with the computer science community. ...

Pursue a formal education in computer science.

Considering there are 2 dictionaries, one with the name of the person and the stock name and number of stocks they have and the other dictionary has the stock name and it’s today’s market value -

Ex: a = { “Joe” :{“AAPL”:5, “AMZN”:2}, ”Bill” :{“AAPL”:2, “AMZN” :5 }}

B = {“AAPL” : 227, “AMZN” :1721 , “NFLX” : 267 , “TSLA” : 244, “FB” : 179 }

Write a Python program to find the amount of money each person makes by selling all of their stock today, and who will get the most value


a = {"Joe": {"AAPL": 5, "AMZN": 2}, "Bill": {"AAPL": 2, "AMZN": 5}}

B = {"AAPL": 227, "AMZN": 1721, "NFLX": 267, "TSLA": 244, "FB": 179}

total = 0

largest = 0

for x in a:

   for w in a[x]:

       total += a[x][w] * B[w]

   a[x] = total

   if total > largest:

       largest = total

   print("{} will have ${}".format(x, total))

for x in a:

   if a[x] == largest:

       print("{} will get the most value".format(x))

I hope this helps!

AI structure question. Please help
Type the correct answer in the box. Spell all words correctly.

On what structure is an artificial neural network based?

An artificial neural network is based on interconnected _______.



A). An ANN is based on a collection of connected units or nodes called artificial neurons, which loosely model the neurons in a biological brain. Each connection, like the synapses in a biological brain, can transmit a signal to other neurons.

B). Understanding an Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

Artificial neural networks are built like the human brain, with neuron nodes interconnected like a web. The human brain has hundreds of billions of cells called neurons.



The answer to this question is Neurons


I took the test on Plato and got a 100%.

Discuss one simple example of hybrid computer.​



thermometer , petrol pump

Can you guys list all the Linux Debian Apps that can only be installed on a Linux terminal command line, I have a deb 32 bit



Two of those are apt and apt get and the other one is dpkg. 4. You will see a list of Debian Ensure package lists and installed packages are up to date. ... Apt may fail to remove old Linux kernels when using an Ubuntu version that 39 s ... To install it just enter the following command from the Terminal sudo apt install apt ...


colour statement is used for setting .................... and .................. colors​
(a) screen,Paint (b) line,circle
(c) foregroung,Background
(d) none of these



The answer to this question is given below in the explanation section.


The correct answer to this question is C. i,e, foreground, and background.

First, we need to know what is a color statement.

The purpose of the color statement is to select display colors. It is used to select the foreground and background colors of the display.

So, the correct answer is :

Colour statement is used for setting foreground and background colors.

In general, it allows you to select foreground and background colors for a display. You can use different codes to display and see the effect of the color statement.  

While other options are not correct, because the color statement used to select foreground and background color for the display. It does not use for setting screen and paint color in it. It also does not use for drawing lines and circles etc.

In which area of the screen can features and functions of Word be accessed?

Scroll bar

Please Hurry!!!





j don't know if you meant that instead of scroll bar, but tool bar is the answer


scroll bar


What makes e-mail different from other forms of business communication?



because it is an electronic mail


Email can be both formal or informal however face to face communication is usually most effective in business.

okay all the people that make other people cry leave me alone got it good





So many people have made me cry!!

You want to add a picture of a potential new office layout to the title page of a proposal. How can you adjust the size of the image without changing its proportions?



You can adjust the size of an image without changing its proportion by holding down the shift key while adjusting one of the edges.

Amy is not sure if the Web page loaded completely in her browser. She should look at the _____.

status bar
command toolbar
search engine
address bar



Status Bar


A status bar will show the progress of the page that is being loaded.

Status bar It shows how much the page has loaded and how much it has left till fully loade

The most commonly used auxiliary storage device(s) is/ are _____.
floppies and tapes
a filing cabinet
hard disks and floppies
tapes and hard disks


Answer: A


write some positive and negative impacts of computer in our daily life​


Positive impacts are
1. Communicating with people
2. Daily update of what going on in the world
3. learn new things
Negative impacts are
1. Viruses
2. Private information shared
3. Less face to face conversations

What is the purpose of i in the code?

for (var i = 0; i < fruitList.length; i++ ) {
console.log (fruitList [ i ] );



i is a variable used to store information in this case the number 0. The i is then added to repeatedly to create a list.

What will you see on the next line?
>>> int(13.6)





If we input [tex]\texttt{int(13.6)}[/tex] into bash (say python3), we will return with 13.


The [tex]\texttt{int()}[/tex] function of python basically stands for integer. It will convert whatever is inside the parentheses to an integer. This works with strings as well, and can be useful for turning strings into numbers readable by a program.

An integer is any real whole number (like -2048, 0, or 6, etc.) However, Python does not round the number based on whether it's closest to one value or not. Python always rounds down, basically what it does is takes away the decimal from the number.

If you would like to round to up, however, you might have a program that does this.

[tex]\texttt{import math}[/tex]


Hope this helped!


I hope this helped :)

Which careers require completion of secondary education, but little to no postsecondary education? Mathematical Technicians and Mechanical Engineers Sociologists and Electronics Engineering Technicians Food Science Technicians and Zoologists Nondestructive Testing Specialists and Surveying Technicians



Nondestructive Testing Specialists and Surveying Technicians


A nondestructive testing specialist and surveying technician refers to an individual who is saddled with the responsibility of providing services such as the inspection of structures (aeroplane, dam, trains, reactors, bridges), machines or equipments, and raw materials in order to check for problems or any defective part.

Hence, Nondestructive Testing Specialists and Surveying Technicians is a career that requires the completion of secondary education, but little to no postsecondary education because they use equipments mainly to find detects and gather details about any problem.


D is correct on test review

Write a python program to input money in Bahrain dinar and find out number of denominations can be used to make that money.

For example: -
Enter total money in BD: 76
Then the output Should be :
No.of 20 BD : 3
No.of 10 BD : 1
No.of 5 BD : 1
No.of 1 BD : 1

Pls answer fast


n = int(input("Enter total money in BD: "))

n20 = n//20

n10 = (n-(n20*20))//10

n5 = (n - ((n20*20)+(n10*10)))//5

n1 = (n - ((n20*20)+(n10*10) + (n5*5)))//1

print("No. of 20 BD: "+str(n20))

print("No. of 10 BD: "+str(n10))

print("No. of 5 BD: "+str(n5))

print("No. of 1 BD: "+str(n1))

Answer: There are various ways to earn money online in Bangladesh. Here are some options you can explore:

Freelancing: Freelancing is one of the most popular ways to earn money online in Bangladesh. You can offer your skills and services on various freelance platforms such as Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer. You can offer services such as content writing, graphic designing, web development, data entry, and more.

Affiliate marketing: You can earn money by promoting products and services through affiliate marketing. You can join affiliate programs of various companies such as Amazon, Clickbank, and ShareASale and earn commission on the sales made through your unique affiliate link.

What are the pros and cons for E-trade?



Pros                                            Cons

• Free stock and ETF trading • Higher fees for non-free mutual funds

• Some mutual funds and bonds are free

• Low non-trading fees


Pros-Quick, easy purchases, ability to know what's available, access to limitless products.

Cons-Potential to get hacked, get scammed by false advertising, amount of time to receive product


Its not a great list but I really hope this helps

Joann wants to save the building block she created for the title of her company.

In which file does she save this building block?



Building Blocks.dotx


Just did it on Edge2020

What is the main citation style for English and humanities classes? Modern Language Association style (MLA) American Psychological Association style (APA) .edu style (EDU) .gov style (GOV)






A) Modern Language Association style (MLA) Is your answer!


If you think about it the other answers either don't fit or don't make sense! :)

Hope this helps! :)

who got houseparty and tryna play uno



awww shiiiii yessss

What is a characteristic of tasks in Outlook?
The Tasks view can be seen by clicking the View tab.

New tasks are created in the Appointments form

Tasks are an action item in Outlook and are basically a to-do list.

Old tasks are automatically deleted from your list​



C. Tasks are an action item in Outlook and are basically a to-do list.


A to-do List is just a list of tasks.

and I took the test and got it right


C. is correct


edg 2021

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