HEYOOOO, HELP A FELLOW GIRLIE OUT IGHT? LIKE, SERIOUSLYYYY HELP XDDDDDDD How was the Abrahamic Covenant made? Use complete sentences.


Answer 1


The Abrahamic covenant is a unilateral covenant that God made with Abraham. A unilateral covenant is an agreement made between two parties, in which only one of the parties has responsibility to act. In the case of the agreement between God and Abraham, God was the only one who was required to act, making it a unilateral (or unconditional) covenant. The Abrahamic covenant is found in Genesis 12:1-3. Abram was a man living in ancient Mesopotamia, a descendent of Noah through Shem (Genesis 11:10-27). One day, God called to Abram and gave him a command that was also a promise: "Go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed" (Genesis 12:1-3). This promise is what we now call the Abrahamic covenant.We know that the covenant was unilateral because, in the ancient world, a covenant would be made official by cutting open a dove or a ram or some other animal or animals, and placing them on the ground so that both parties involved in the covenant could walk between the pieces. In the case of the covenant God made with Abraham, God took on the form of a "smoking furnace and a flaming torch" and passed between the pieces alone. God caused Abraham to fall asleep while this took place, further ensuring that the full weight of responsibility in the covenant was to fall on God, rather than Abraham.

Answer 2

The God made a promise to the Abraham to bless him and all of his descendants. The god asked for the removal of foreskin of Abraham and all his descendants which will serve as a sign of the Abrahamic covenant.

How was the Abrahamic Covenant made?

The Abraham became a part of a celestial wedding and was made a high priest and he also received the gospel.

The god then promised to blessed Abraham along with his family and all his descendants which were recognised as covenants.

Therefore, when god blessed all the descendants of Abraham , they were said to be the covenants of Abraham.

Learn more about Abrahamic Covenant here:


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Many individuals were out of work because of the war


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please help





The president makes the Environmental Protection Agency responsible for implementing the law.

This makes sense because the EPA is responsible for the environment.

A bill proposing stronger restrictions on pollution has been signed by the president. The president makes the Environmental Protection Agency responsible for implementing the law.

What is the responsibility of the Environmental Protection Agency?

Environmental and human health is safeguarded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It offers technical help for planning the restoration of the healthcare system and facilities.

When the President of the country approves or signs any bill then it becomes the law. After it becomes the law the respective department announces and implements it.

Therefore, option D The president making the Environmental Protection Agency responsible for implementing the law is the appropriate answer.

Learn more about Environmental Protection Agency, here:



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 The Boers, also known as  Afrikaners, were descended from the first Dutch settlers in South Africa. The British occupied the Dutch Cape  in 1806 during the Napoleonic Wars.


hope this helps.

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A breaking up monopolies and protecting the rights of workers
B restricting the absolute freedom of business leaders
C advancing business interests and lowering taxes
D lowering tariff rates on foreign imports



C. advancing business interests and lowering taxes


Mellon favored policies that reduced taxation and the national debt in the aftermath of World War I.

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im taking the same test

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Answer: Andrew Jackson regarded the South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification as a clear threat to the federal union and to national authority. He reacted by submitting to Congress a Force Bill authorizing the use of federal troops in South Carolina if necessary to collect tariff duties.

Andrew Jackson regarded the South Carolina Ordinance of Nullification as a clear threat to the federal union and to national authority. He reacted by submitting to Congress a Force Bill authorizing the use of federal troops in South Carolina if necessary to collect tariff duties.

Write three body paragraphs for an essay arguing that either the UNIA or the NAACP was more successful at improving the lives of Black people in the early 20th century. Each paragraph should include a topic sentence, at least three supporting detail sentences, and a concluding sentence. Your paragraphs should focus on:

1. The UNIA's goals and successes

2. The NAACP's goals and successes

3. Which organization was more successful in improving the lives of Black people and why

This section is worth 18 points.


UNIA was formed by Marcus Garvey and it was founded for the advancement of the people that had African ancestry around the world.

The main goal of UNIA was to establish numerous components and seek easy to improve the lives of Africans all over the world. The organization set up several small businesses that were owned by blacks.

NAACP means the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. It was put in place in order to advance justice for African Americans.

In conclusion, both organizations were successful in improving the lives of Black people.

Learn more about UNIA on:


The UNIA was formed by Marcus Garvey in 1913. His goal was to promote the welfare of Black communities. He argued that Black people would be better off strengthening their own communities and businesses. In New York City, the UNIA provided Black history classes and job training, and advertisements for Black-owned businesses.

The NAACP was formed by W.E.B Du Bois and a group of activists in 1909. Their goal was to ensure political, educational, social and economic equality in the United States. Allowing equality among the races. They fought to stop discrimination and violence and to secure voting rights.

One of the UNIA’s goals was to transport Blacks back to Africa using the Black Star Line as they believed equality would not be achieved in the United States. However the shipping company was never completed and Garvey was deported to Jamaica, his native land. Because of this, this makes the NAACP more successful, though UNIA was influential to the advancement of Black Nationalism.

Hope this helps :)

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Guru Nanak


is anyone smart and can help?


Answer: sorry i’m stup/d and the worst part is you need help with history which is my weakest subject. i have this history homework due tomorrow and i still haven’t done it. yeah,


Why does the article refer to third parties as “gadflies,” and why is this something positive? (Must be in your own words)


Can you try re attaching the article


The article refers to third parties as gadflies because third parties tend to bring attention to political, social, or national issues that neither major party wants to discuss. The article describes the two-party system in a positive way, because in a multiparty system, parties can still gain political power. hope this helps :)


In what year did Egypt gain its independence?



Answer is


June 18, 1953

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Answer:      here is the link :


hope this helps

Why was the counting of slaves for representation a subject of debate?.


Because racism was a problem

What does it mean to democratize knowledge?
O A. To provide people with equal access to information and to allow
them to contribute to that information as well
B. To give everyone a chance to decide what information is shared by
O C. To grant everyone the right to own and use a computer or any
other electronic device
O D. To allow a group of people to decide what is important for the
public to know



A. To provide people with equal access to information and to allow

them to contribute to that information as well

The CIA is the only agency in the United
States government to have what designation?
A. The agency is above the law of the U.S. Constitution.
B. The agency does not have to report any of its activity to
C. The agency works on behalf of the U.S. Supreme Court.
D. The agency is the only one which acts on the direction of the
U.S. President.


b the agency does not have to report any of its activity to

2. What was the fate of the civilians of Nanking?



An estimated 40,000 to over 300,000 Chinese were killed.[11][12] Since most Japanese military records on the killings were kept secret or destroyed shortly after the surrender of Japan in 1945, historians have been unable to accurately estimate the death toll of the massacre. In 1946, the International Military Tribunal for the Far East in Tokyo estimated that over 200,000 Chinese were killed in the massacre.[13] China's official estimate is "more than 300,000" dead, based on the evaluation of China's own Nanjing War Crimes Tribunal in 1947. The death toll has been contested by scholars since at least the 1980s.[3][14]

The Chinese government has been accused by many Japanese of exaggerating details surrounding the massacre, such as the death toll.[12][15][16][17] The government of Japan has admitted to the killing of many non-combatants, looting, and other violence committed by the Imperial Japanese Army after the fall of Nanjing,[18][19] and Japanese veterans who served there have confirmed that a massacre took place.[20] In Japan, public opinion of the massacre varies, but few deny outright that the event occurred.[21] A small but vocal minority in the Japanese government and society have argued that the death toll was military in nature and that no such crimes ever occurred. Denial of the massacre and revisionist accounts of the killings have become a staple of Japanese nationalism.[21] Historical negationists go as far as claiming the massacre was fabricated for propaganda purposes.[22]



The Nanjing Massacre or the ### of Nanjing (formerly written as Nanking Massacre or #### of Nanking) was an episode of mass murder and mass #### committed by Imperial Japanese troops against the residents of Nanjing (Nanking), at that time the capital of China, during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945). The massacre occurred over a period of six weeks starting on December 13, 1937, the day that the Japanese captured Nanjing. During this period, soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Army murdered tens or hundreds of thousands of disarmed combatants and unarmed Chinese civilians, and perpetrated widespread #### and looting. The event remains a contentious political issue and an obstacle in Sino-Japanese relations. The controversy surrounding the massacre also remains a central issue in Japanese relations with other East Asian nations, such as South Korea.


They were extremely brutal and you should not do this to anyone.

the #### are taggings of words that are not allowed on this website.

the word is an unwilling sex

Which two philosophers have very similar ideas about how society should be governed?


Montesquieu and Rousseau

The issue of a railroad to the Pacific precipitated a major sectional split in 1853 when the ___________ Purchase of territory from __________ seemed to favor the technically easier southern route. Motivated by a desire to benefit both his region and himself, Illinois Senator Stephen A. _____________ countered in 1854 with a northern route proposal that would require the area west of the Missouri River to be formally organized into a territory. His proposal was to split this territory into two parts, with the status of slavery to be decided on the principle of "_____________ sovereignty." The northern territory, to be called _____________, would presumably vote for "free-soil," while the southern territory, to be called _____________, was expected to favor slavery.


According to historical records, the issue of a railroad to the Pacific precipitated a major sectional split in 1853 when the Gadsden Purchase of territory from Mexico seemed to favor the technically easier southern route.

Motivated by a desire to benefit both his region and himself, Illinois Senator Stephen A. Douglas countered in 1854 with a northern route proposal that would require the area west of the Missouri River to be formally organized into a territory.

He proposed to split this territory into two parts, with the status of slavery decided on the principle of "Popular or Squatter sovereignty."

The northern territory, to be called Free state, would presumably vote for "free-soil," while the southern part, to be called Slave state, was expected to favor slavery.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the Gadsden purchase led to a failed attempt at a southern railroad and eventually one of the major causes of civil war.

Learn more about the Gadsden Purchase here: https://brainly.com/question/7643903

Legislation passed during Harding's administration was the:

Armament Race Bill

Eighteenth Amendment

Teapot Dome Scandal

Prohibition Act

Emergency Quota Act



E.) The Emergency Quota Act

what did the pilgrims eat at the first thanksgiving




There are only two surviving documents that reference the original Thanksgiving harvest meal. They describe a feast of freshly killed deer, assorted wildfowl, a bounty of cod and bass, and flint, a native variety of corn harvested by the Native Americans, which was eaten as corn bread and porridge


venison, seafood,lobsters and potatoes


hope it helps<3

mark me as brainliest if tis ok

one result of mongol expansion across eurasia during the middle ages was —



it was a vast, unified empire of many cultures


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