How can vegetarians make sure they get enough protein?


Answer 1

Vegetarians make sure they get enough protein by adding Beans and lentils ,Soy products ,Whole grains, Nuts and seeds in their daily meals .

Protein is one of the most essential nutrients for daily life , as they are required to help your body repair cells and make new ones. Protein also plays crucial role in growth and development in children and expecting mothers .

In general , proteins are required for the repairing and building your body's tissues, They also allows metabolic reactions to occurs at place for easy body function . so we can say that protein is crucial for maintaining structural framework of body and also helps in maintaining fluid balance .

To learn more about Protein , here


Related Questions

Cells actively involved in secreting proteins would contain large numbers or quantities of ________.


Cells producing huge portions of proteins would have numerous nucleoli.  One potential explanation that the proteome is such an ample deal bigger than the genome is that mRNAs can be grafted in elective ways in this manner expanding the Digi of items paid from a clear rate.

Ribosomes are especially plentiful in cells that orchestrate a lot of protein. For instance, the pancreas is answerable for making a few stomach-related catalysts and the cells that produce these compounds contain numerous ribosomes.

Cells that successfully produce proteins have various ribosomes in the cytoplasm, which give it a dull blue tone (basophilia) when stained with Wright stain. Cytoplasmic basophilia is especially unmistakable in erythroid forerunner cells when hemoglobin and other cell parts are effectively orchestrated.

To learn more about Cells here


If the cell's external environment becomes very WATERY (dilute) then the outside of the cell will have a higher water concentration. We say the cell environment is HYPOTONIC. Water will diffuse in this case.
Which way is the water going to diffuse?


The cell's exterior cell will contain higher water percentage if the external environment of the cell becomes particularly watery (dilute). The cell milieu is referred to as hypotonic. In this situation, water will diffuse.

A hypotonic solution is what is it?

Any external solution with a low solute content and a high water concentration in comparison to body fluids is referred to as a hypotonic therapeutic solution. There is a net transfer of water first from solution through into body in hypotonic solutions.

Has hypotonic water gained?

When a cell is in a concentrated solution, water goes out of the cytoplasm when both solutions equal isotonic because the workaround has a greater moisture content than the cell cytosol. When cells are submerged in a hypotonic solution, their surfaces will absorb water.

To know more about hypotonic visit:


What are the 5 characteristics of natural selection?


In fact 5 characteristics for any natural selection, is that it is so straightforward that it can be divided into five fundamental processes, which we'll refer to as VISTA in this instance: Variation, Inheritance, Selection, Time, and Adaptation.

Natural selection is a straightforward method that results in long-term population changes in living things. Three factors inevitably lead to natural selection: most qualities are inherited, more offspring are generated than can survive, and kids with more advantageous traits will endure and create more offspring than those with less advantageous traits.

Environment-adapted organisms have a higher chance of surviving and dispersing the genes that contributed to their success. Over time, this mechanism leads to the evolution and divergence of species. Natural selection is a method of accounting.

Learn more about natural selection Visit:


When trees lose leaves in the fall, they begin to regrow them again in the spring. Would you say this is an example of a process running in reverse or something else. Explain your reasoning.

Answer using at least 2 complete sentences.



The process of trees losing their leaves in the fall and regrowing them in the spring is not an example of a process running in reverse. Rather, it is an example of a cyclical process, in which the tree goes through a period of dormancy during the winter and then becomes active again in the spring. This process is driven by changes in the length of daylight and temperature, as well as other factors such as the availability of water and nutrients.

During the fall, trees begin to prepare for winter by shedding their leaves, which helps them conserve energy and resources. In the spring, as the weather warms up and the days become longer, the trees begin to produce new leaves, which allow them to photosynthesize and produce the energy they need to grow and thrive.

So while it may seem like the process of leaf growth is running in reverse, it is actually a natural part of the tree's life cycle that happens every year.

The tree has a period of dormancy over the winter and then becomes active once again in the spring, which is an illustration of a cyclical process.

How do tree leaves regrow?

It is not a case of a process going backward when leaves fall off trees in the fall and grow again in the spring.

Trees lose their leaves in the fall to start preparing for the winter, which helps them save energy and resources.

The trees start to develop new leaves in the spring when the temperature increases and the days lengthen, allowing them to photosynthesize and generate the energy they require to grow and survive.

Therefore, the tree has a period of dormancy, when trees lose leaves in the fall, they begin to regrow them again in the spring is an illustration of a cyclical process.

Learn more about the tree, here:


What happens in a global convection cell?

A. Cool air moves upward in the center; warm air moves downward at

the edge.


B. Warm air and cool air move in circles, causing hurricanes and



C. Cool air and warm air repeatedly collide, pushing air up and

causing storms.


D. Warm air moves upward in the center, cool air moves downward at

the edge


In a global convection cell the correct option is (C). Cool air and warm air repeatedly collide, pushing air up and causing storms.

In a convection cell, the alterations are profound. The air molecules start to move and vibrate as the air at the cell's base heats. As a result, they start to spread out and collide, which reduces the density of the air parcel.

Convection is a pattern that occurs on a large scale. On a smaller scale, it also takes place within certain storms. However, because to Earth's rotation, the air that travels north and south from the equator likewise revolves with the Earth. Northbound air makes a right turn. Southbound air turns to the left.

Less dense air rises and moves away from the equator in a global convection cell. And the dense air from the pole flows backwards toward the equator as it descends. The poles can be thought of as the longitudinal edges of the earth's sphere, with the equator acting as its centee. The Coriolis Effect, a result of the spinning of the Earth, also aids in this airflow.

To know more about global convection


What are Mendel's 4 hypotheses and what does each mean?


(1) Principle of Paired Factors is the first of Mendel's four postulates and principles of heredity. (2) The Law of Segregation or Law of the Purity of Gametes (Mendel's First Law of Inheritance), (3) The Dominance Principle, and (4) The Law of Independent Assortment

In his law of segregation, he put forth the concept of paired components being separated during the creation of gametes. According to Mendelian law, every pair of unit components would separately assort into brand-new gametes.

Only one version of a trait will emerge in the offspring of two parents who have different, opposing characteristics, according to Mendel's law of dominance. The dominant trait will be the only phenotypic trait that the hybrid offspring exhibits. The dominance law is the fundamental rule of inheritance.

Because a gamete only contains one of the two alleles dominant or recessive and not both, the law of segregation is also known as the law of pure gametes.

The development of reproductive cells causes various genes to separately separate from one another, according to the Principle of Independent Assortment. During his research on the genetics of pea plants in 1865, Gregor Mendel made the first observation of an independent assortment of genes and their related phenotypes.

To learn more about Mendel's


What general information do we need to research further to investigate the origin of life on Earth?


The fossil record is the information we need to research to investigate the origin of life on Earth.

How do we know the origin of life on Earth?

The earliest evidence of life on Earth comes from fossils that are discovered in Western Australia which is about 3. 5 billion years ago. These fossils are the structures called stromatolites which are formed by the growth of a layer of single-celled microbes such as cyanobacteria.

The major source to know the history of life on earth is fossil records. Fossils are the remains of organisms that are present centuries ago. They form when an organism dies and is burry in dirt and is solidified by minerals.

So we can conclude that fossils are the information that shows the life of the earth.

Learn more about the earth here:


Based on Figure 1, which of the following statements best predicts the effect that a change from a moderately acidic environment (pH near 6) to a basic environment will have on peroxidase activity ?
O Peroxidase activity will decrease.
O Peroxidase activity will increase.
O Peroxidase activity will stay the same.
O Peroxidase activity will increase at first and then decrease.


The effect that a change from a moderately acidic environment (pH near 6) to a basic environment will have on O Peroxidase activity will decrease.

What is  Peroxidase activity?Demonstrated that the performance of hydrogen peroxidase was greatly affected by all three factors, temperature, concentration level, and pH.The peroxidases are enzymes whose primary function is to oxidize hydrogen donors at the expense of peroxides. They are highly specific for hydrogen peroxide, but they accept a wide range of hydrogen donors, including polyphenols.Thyroid peroxidase also called as thyroperoxidase (TPO) is mainly expressed in thyroid organs. It is a large transmembrane glycoprotein with covalently linked haem, present in cells on the apical membranePeroxidase activity was pH-dependent, with complete inactivation at pH 2.5 and when 8.5  The maximum enzyme activity observed at pH 6.5 decreased when the pH was reduced or increased; the drop was sharper in the alkaline than in the acid range

To learn more about Peroxidase activity refers to:


What can be known about Mendel's five part hypothesis it is an answer to a scientific?


Mendel established a set of five guiding principles to explain how features are passed down in pea plants, which he called his "five-part hypothesis." The following rules are there are specific "factors" that are transferred from parent to offspring and defining traits.

For each attribute, each parent gives their offspring one component. One factor will be dominant and the other will be recessive when the factors influencing a trait are distinct.

The phenotype will show the expression of the dominant factor but not the recessive factor. A child has a 50% chance of getting a particular trait from a parent.

Mendel's five-part hypothesis has been expanded upon and refined in the century and a half since his initial experiments, but the basic principles he discovered continue to form the foundation of modern genetics. Mendel's work helped establish the concept of the gene as the unit of inheritance and the idea that different versions of a gene (alleles) can result in different traits.

To learn more about Mendel


Energy from the cell is needed to move substances against a concentration difference.
Compare and Contrast What are the similarities and differences between facilitated
diffusion and active transport by a protein pump?


Facilitated diffusion and active transport are two processes by which cells can move substances across their membranes. Both processes involve the use of proteins to transport substances, and both require energy from the cell to function. However, there are also some key differences between the two processes:


Both facilitated diffusion and active transport involve the use of proteins to transport substances across a cell membrane.
Both processes require energy from the cell to function.

Facilitated diffusion is a passive process, which means that it does not require the cell to use energy to actively pump substances across the membrane. Instead, substances are transported down their concentration gradient, from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
Active transport, on the other hand, is an active process that requires the cell to use energy to pump substances against their concentration gradient, from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration.
Facilitated diffusion can transport substances in either direction, while active transport can only transport substances in one direction (from low concentration to high concentration).
Facilitated diffusion is limited by the concentration gradient of the substance being transported, while active transport is not. This means that active transport can continue to transport substances even when their concentrations are equal on either side of the membrane.
Active transport is an active process

What is a characteristic displayed in an organism?


Answer: All living organisms share several key characteristics or functions: order, sensitivity or response to the environment, reproduction, growth and development, regulation, homeostasis, and energy processing.

The cardiac muscle receives its supply of oxygenated blood by which of the following​ mechanisms?
A. Coronary veins that branch off the pulmonary vein
B. The cardiac conduction system
C. The carotid and femoral arteries
D. Coronary arteries that branch off the aorta


The cardiac muscle receives its supply of oxygenated blood by D.) coronary arteries that branch off the aorta.

How does cardiac muscles receives its supply of oxygenated blood?

The cardiac muscle receives its supply of oxygenated blood by the coronary arteries that branch off of the aorta.

Coronary arteries supply blood to heart muscles. Like all other tissues in  body, the heart muscle needs oxygen-rich blood to function. And, oxygen-depleted blood must be carried away. Coronary arteries wrap around the outside of heart.

4 main coronary arteries are the right coronary artery, left main coronary,  left anterior descending and the left circumflex artery.

To know more about coronary arteries, refer


helix-turn-helix and zinc fingers are secondary structural motifs in dna and rna, respectively. true or false


In DNA and RNA, respectively, helix-turn-helix and zn fingers constitute secondary structural motifs. FALSE.

What is the main function of RNA?

Translation is the main mechanism by which RNA makes proteins. Genetic information is transmitted by RNA and decoded by ribosomes into a range of proteins needed for biological processes. rna, trna, and tRNA are the three main RNA varieties involved in the production of proteins.

What exactly is RNA, in simple terms?

Ribonucleic acid, sometimes known as RNA, is a nucleic acid that is present in all living cells and has characteristics similar to those of DNA. However, unlike DNA, RNA frequently has a single strand. The backbone of a Rna is composed of alternating hydrophilic groups and the sugar ribose, as opposed to the deoxyribose found in DNA.

To know more about RNA visit


What is the importance of mitosis for uni cellular organisms?


In unicellular organisms like bacteria, mitosis aids asexual reproduction by creating a near-exact duplicate of the parent cell.

A "amoeba" is another illustration of a eukaryotic, unicellular creature. An amoeba creates new life through cell division. Cell division in unicellular organisms is required just for reproduction. They divide their cells through a process called mitosis to create their daughter cells. Cell division is crucial for the development of new body cells and reproduction in multicellular animals. One pair of parents are used in asexual reproduction to create genetically identical kids. The primary method of cell division utilised by unicellular organisms is binary fission. The cell divides into two daughter cells that are genetically identical to one another.

Learn more about cell division at


How does smoking weaken damage the respiratory system?


The smoking or act of inhaling smoke can damage the respiratory system by reducing the surface area for the exchange of the gases and can lead to cancer as well.

Smoking can cause lung disease by damaging your airways and the small air sacs (alveoli) found in your lungs. It can also cause irritation of the trachea (windpipe) and larynx (voice box). Inhaled tobacco smoke moves from the mouth through the upper airway, ultimately reaching the alveoli.

As the smoke moves more deeply into the respiratory tract, it can cause inflammation and damage to the cilia, tiny hairs that play an essential role in the function of the respiratory system. Smoking can also increase the production of phlegm and mucus, leading to an increased risk of respiratory infections. It can also damage the cilia that help to clear unwanted particles from our lungs over time. Cigarette smoke can also contain high levels of carcinogens, which can lead to lung cancer.

To know more about smoking, click here,


I need help with this. The topic is renewable and non renewable resources


Plastic packaging has non-renewable resources, whereas paper packaging is renewable. The difference between renewable and non-renewable energy sources is that renewables use resources that are not depleted or regenerated in nature.

What do you understand by non-renewable resources?

Non-renewable sources are those that have a limited reserve on our planet and that do not regenerate - or that take thousands of years to do so. Oil is perhaps the best known example, are ores and natural gas.

The difference between renewable and non-renewable energy sources is that renewables use resources that are not depleted or regenerated in nature. Non-renewable energy sources, on the other hand, use resources that are depleted in nature and, therefore, can generate several problems for the environment.

Learn more about renewable and non-renewable  in


Which two molecules bond together to form a disaccharide?





Joining two Monosaccharides will create a Disaccharide. For example, the monosaccharides, glucose, and fructose bond together to form the disaccharide sucrose, which is produced by plants and is used in white sugar.

12. The structures labeled A, B, C, and D in the
diagram below represent
(1) organelles
(2) organs
(3) nuclei
(4) mitochondria
16. C
17. N


Nuclei are labeled C in the diagram, as they are the larger structures and typically contain the genetic material (DNA) of the organism, while mitochondria are labeled D and are smaller organelles responsible for producing energy in the cell.

Approximately 1.5 minutes of intense exercise will obtain ATP mostly from which process (think sprinting):
a. ATP
b. Anaerobic glycolysis
c. Phosphocreatine
d. Aerobic glycolysis


Approximately 1.5 minutes of intense exercise will obtain ATP mostly from the anaerobic glycolysis process.

Thus, the correct answer is B.

Аnаerobic glycolysis is the mаin metаbolic pаthwаy used in the setting of limited oxygen supply during exercise. It is used during high-intensity, sustаined, isometric muscle аctivity. It is inefficient from аn energetic stаndpoint аnd produces only two АTP molecules per glucose molecule, which is 19 times less thаn the full energy potentiаl of а glucose molecule. Despite its inefficiency, it is а rаpid process, аpproximаtely 100 times fаster thаn oxidаtive phosphorylаtion. The finаl step in the pаthwаy is the conversion of pyruvаte to lаctаte, which leаds to аccumulаtion of lаctic аcid.

For more information about anaerobic glycolysis refers to the link:


In your own words, describe what happens when a flat sign is put in front of a pitch and how the sound is affected.



When a flat is put in front of a pitch it raises the pitch of the original note by a half step, a flat lowers the pitch of a note by one half step.


This type of a boundary can be located at around 40°N latitude and 0° longitude?


3. Transform plate boundary can be located at around 40°N latitude and 0° longitude. It is a Venezuela region which lies in between South American Plate and Caribbean Plate.

What do plate tectonics entail?

Large rock slabs called tectonic plates that separate the Earth's crust move constantly, changing the topography of the planet. According to the system of ideas behind the plate tectonics theory, the lithosphere, which makes up Earth's outer shell, is divided into many plates that move across the rocky inner layer of the planet above its soft core (mantle).

What constitutes a plate boundary?

The line dividing two plates is referred to as a tectonic plate boundary. The tectonic plates are constantly and slowly shifting, but they do so in numerous directions. Some are travelling past each other while others are moving in opposite directions.

Learn more about plate boundary here:


Which location would energy be transferred more quickly between the atmosphere and Earth's surface, a lake where the air is 5*C or an ice sheet where the air is 5*C


I’m sorry I have no idea but please let me know when you’ve got the answer because I need it too

you may have noticed that water sticks to surfaces such as glass,which property of water is responsible for this phenomena.


Answer: Adhesion


Is there a difference in diversity between the two sites if you looked at only the number of species


The difference in diversity of species which are present in two different sites cannot be determined just be looking at the number of species.

The diversity of species or species diversity can be defined as the number of different species which are present in an ecosystem and also the abundance of those species. Species diversity changes with change in location.

There are several factors which determine the species diversity. These factors include competition amongst the species, genetic diversity, diversity in habitat etc. These factors can help us determine the difference in species diversity of different locations. We cannot conclude regarding diversity just by looking at the number of species.

To learn more about species diversity here


The stomach is the only part of the alimentary canal with three muscular layers. Why does the stomach need three layers of muscle


The stomach is the only part of the alimentary canal with three muscular layers. The stomach need three layers of muscle for digestion through peristalsis.

The stomach is a part of the body that includes the entire abdominal cavity which consists of the digestive tract and accessory organs, the urinary system, and the spleen. There are three layers of muscles in the stomach, namely the outer longitudinal muscles, the middle circular muscles, and the inner oblique muscles which help in peristaltic events.

Peristalsis is a movement in the form of muscle contractions in the digestive tract that pushes and stirs food so that it is digested. Through peristalsis the stomach will break down food and absorb nutrients during the digestive process.

Learn more about peristalsis at:


Imagine you are stranded on a deserted island with 400 individuals. Once you and the others have built some shelters and taken stock of the island, how would you move forward


The question above seeks to assess your perception of government and your ability to manage a population. In that case, it's not correct for me to write an answer for you, but I'll show you how to create that answer.

Divide the 400 survivors into groups. Determine that each group is responsible for determining representatives, who will form the legislative body. Determine the number of representatives in each group according to the number of legislators you wish to have. You can assign 3-5 representatives for each group. You must divide these legislators into two chambers to maintain greater control of the laws that will be introduced. You can follow the example of the National Congress and research how it is established, to have a basis for the Congress you will form on the island.

To learn more about population check the link below:


Complete question:

Imagine you are stranded on a deserted island with 400 individuals. Once you and the others have built some shelters and taken stock of the island, how would you move forward? Based on what you know about government, describe how you would set up the law-making body of government for the island’s survivors. Make sure to include the number of members in your legislature, how many houses it will have, how long members can be law makers, how they are chosen, and their responsibilities.

What are 3 examples of common mutations?


The most common example of mutations are: Color blindness, Cystic fibrosis, Down syndrome.

Mutations are the change in the normal genetic sequence of the DNA that results in varied gene expression. Mutations can be at a single nucleotide or they can be over large strand of DNA, called point mutations and frameshift mutations respectively.

Down syndrome is the disease caused due to the presence of an extra copy of chromosome number 21, also called trisomy of chromosome 21. The disease cause some physical and developmental problems in the child. The symptoms include flattened face, small head, poor muscle tone, etc.

To know more about mutations, here


Cell volume (and therefore cell function) in most cells is dependent upon careful regulation of
A) permeability of cell membranes.
B) blood pressure.
C) volume of extracellular fluid.
D) resting membrane potential.
E) osmolarity of extracellular fluid.


In most cells, careful management of cell volume (and hence cell function)

How do cells form?

Through a process known as the cell cycle, new cells are generated from existing cells. A cell has the ability to duplicate itself and give rise to two additional daughter cells. Every cell cycle requires the performance of two key functions. Cells must first create a perfect replica of their DNA. membrane potential during rest.

Where do cells develop?

Depending on the area of the body, it can take a cell from the moment it is formed in the base layer of skin until it is lost from the surface for around a month.

To know more about  cells visit:


In most cells, careful management of cell volume (and hence cell function)

How do cells form?

Through a process known as the cell cycle, new cells are generated from existing cells. A cell has the ability to duplicate itself and give rise to two additional daughter cells. Every cell cycle requires the performance of two key functions. Cells must first create a perfect replica of their DNA. membrane potential during rest.

Where do cells develop?

Depending on the area of the body, it can take a cell from the moment it is formed in the base layer of skin until it is lost from the surface for around a month.

To know more about  cells visit:


What organelle helps the cell maintain homeostasis?


Organelle helps the cell maintain homeostasis are Cell membrane, Mitochondria, Autophagosomes, Lysosomes

The cell's outer layer, or cell membrane, acts as a largely permeable barrier to the extracellular environment. The cell membrane is a semi-permeable barrier that only permits certain chemicals to enter the cell.

Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell, but they also actively contribute to homeostasis. The cytoplasmic levels of nutrients are detected by mitochondria, which are also involved in the breakdown of lipids.

By destroying and eliminating hazardous substances including outdated or damaged organelles, pathogens, protein aggregates, and storing nutrients like lipid droplets, autophagosomes contribute to homeostasis. These dangerous chemicals are delivered to lysosomes by autophagosomes. The primary recyclers within a cell are lysosomes. They export their remains outside the cell after digesting the deadly chemicals.

To learn more about homeostasis please visit here:


Label the following blood pressure readings as hypotensive, normal, pre-hypertensive, or hypertensive.


The following blood pressure readings are :

100/70 - Normal

150/95 - Hypertensive

130/85 - Pre-hypertensive

80/50 - Hypotensive

High blood pressure is nothing but high blood pressure and is a serious condition because it forces the heart to work harder to pump blood throughout the body and can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke and kidney failure if left untreated. Likewise, low blood pressure is hypotension.

Normal blood pressure varies from person to person, but the American Heart Association recommends a target blood pressure of less than 120 mm Hg systolic and less than 80 mm Hg diastolic. Stage 1 hypertension is when a person has a systolic blood pressure of 130-139 or a diastolic blood pressure of 80-89.

For more information on blood pressure , visit :


Complete question :

Label the following blood pressure readings as hypotensive, normal, pre-hypertensive, or hypertensive.

100/70, 150/95, 130/85, 80/50

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