How did World War 2 change technology?


Answer 1

During the Second World War, numerous innovations were developed, including radar, computers, penicillin, and more. During the Second World War, numerous innovations were developed, including radar, computers, penicillin, and more. The atomic bomb is among the most notorious World War II inventions.

Massive analog devices, the first computers employed in World War II were successful in the Manhattan Project and many other wartime tasks, allowing them to advance in the post-war era. Ulrich explains that digital computers, which were created later in the 1940s, replaced analog computers.

The Allies were able to identify their enemies thanks to radar. Using sophisticated gyroscope technology, bombsights, planes could target their bomb assaults. Pilots dropped bombs manually before World War II and hoped for the best.

To know more about World War 2 :


Related Questions

What did Griffith's experiment show ?


In his well-known experiments, Griffith [66] showed in 1928 that S. pneumoniae "rough" strains that were still alive but avirulent might acquire the ability to synthesise a capsule and so become virulent.

What experiments  Griffith do?

Frederick Griffith, an English bacteriologist, documented the transformation of a non-pathogenic pneumococcal bacteria into a virulent strain in his 1928 experiment known as "Griffith's Experiment." 17 In this experiment, Griffith combined live, non-virulent bacteria with a virulent strain that had been inactivated by heat. He then administered this concoction to mice, and much to his amazement, the animals died of pneumonia. He was also successful in separating colonies of the pathogenic strain from these mice.  The initial observation of this event was made, but a year later, Dawson and Sia, who could also carry out this change in vitro, confirmed it.

Know more about synthesise a capsule visit:


What was rationed during World War II?


Despite the fact that thousands of things became scarce during the war, only those that were absolutely necessary for the endeavour were rationed.

Rationing laws applied to essential items like sugar, tires, fuel, meat, coffee, butter, canned foods, and shoes.

Oil, butter, sugar, and canned milk were among the items that had to be rationed because they needed to be used for the war effort. Trade was hampered by war, which reduced the supply of several items.

In times of scarcity, rationing was a way to make sure that food and other necessities were distributed fairly. After the commencement of World War II, it started with gasoline and then expanded to encompass other products including butter, sugar, and bacon. With the exception of fruit and vegetables, the rationing system eventually included the majority of goods.

To know more about World War II, click here:


(03. 03 MC) Compare the emergence of advanced civilizations in Meso and South America with the four early river valley civilizations. How did the economies of the Incan Empire and ancient Egypt differ?


"both civilizations (Meso and South America ) arose in regions with water supplies," but it should be highlighted that this was more often the case with the early River Valley Civilizations. Unlike the Egyptians, the Incans collected taxes.

What enduring legacy does the Inca culture have?

The Inca civilization is renowned for building the largest empire ever to exist in the Americas, for their amazing agricultural practices, and for their art and architecture, which merged geometric masonry with the surrounding natural terrain in a singular way. The largest empire in pre-Columbian America was that of the Incas, known to their people as Tawantinsuyu. Cusco served as the imperial government's administrative, political, and military hub. Sometime around the year 1300, the Peruvian highlands gave rise to the Inca civilization.

To know more about Incans visit:


Why would control of the press be such an important issue for Hitler and the Nazi’s?

How do you think a lack of free press affected the outlook of the average German citizen?



Hitler and the Nazi party saw media dominance as crucial to influencing public opinion and gaining support for their government. The Nazi party was especially worried about the power of the international press, thus it actively sought to stifle any coverage or criticism that was unfavorable of the regime abroad. The Nazi party was able to provide a one-sided version of events and pass off its propaganda as reality because they controlled the media.

The viewpoint of the typical German citizen would have been negatively impacted in a variety of ways without a free press. Citizens would be more inclined to accept the official party line as fact if they were denied access to varied sources of information and the opportunity to read and hear alternative opinions. This might lead to people not thinking for themselves and being in the dark about what's happening in their nation. Potential negative outcomes include increased obedience and less willingness to speak out against the government. A society suffers when there is less of an opportunity for people to express their opinions and share their knowledge with others.

Control of the press was important for Hitler and the Nazi Party because it allowed them to control the flow of information and manipulate public opinion in their favor. The Nazi regime used propaganda and censorship to shape the views and beliefs of the German population, and to suppress any opposing viewpoints or dissent. By controlling the media, the Nazi Party was able to present itself as a strong and successful government, and to portray its enemies and critics as threats to the nation.

A lack of free press can have a significant impact on the outlook of the average citizen, as it can limit their access to diverse perspectives and accurate information. In the case of Nazi Germany, the lack of a free press meant that the public was only exposed to the views and policies of the Nazi Party, and was not able to hear alternative viewpoints or to question the actions of the government. This may have contributed to the widespread support for the Nazi regime, as the public was not able to fully understand the consequences of its policies or the true nature of its ideology.

In addition to newly freed people, who else might have been refugees in the South?


Congress created the Freedmen's Bureau, officially known as the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, in 1865 to aid the millions of emancipated African slaves.

What happened to slaves after they were freed?

Some recently freed slaves promptly left the area where they lived, while others worked as wage workers for their former masters. Most crucially, African Americans had the freedom to decide for themselves where and what kind of employment they would do.

Following the Civil War, life for many freedmen in the South was not socially egalitarian, with many of them inhabiting the lowest social strata. In the South, racism was still pervasive and even institutionalised. The Freedmen's Bureau had its greatest success in the area of education.

To know more about Freedmen, visit:


What are the top 4 lifestyle factors that contribute to the leading causes of death?


A person is least likely to enjoy physical activity and is more likely to become sedentary because of the weather, cost, surroundings, health, and social factors, according to studies.

Diabetes mellitus is a lifestyle disease since it is a condition that is brought on by or impacted by a person's manner of living. Diabetes mellitus is a condition in which the body does not produce as much insulin as is necessary. The only way to manage this condition is through a person's lifestyle. One of the strategies to control.

Diabetes mellitus is by consuming foods lower in sugar and fat, as well as by only eating when it is absolutely required to prevent obesity. Alcohol misuse is among the other elements of an unhealthy lifestyle that scientists identify as having a negative impact on its length. According to the world health organization, smoking currently claims the lives of one in then persons worldwide, making it the leading preventable cause of death.

To know more about lifestyle factors visit:


What kind of place does Gatsby live in?


It is built in the manner of a European chateau, much like many of the residences in both the real and mythological West Egg and East Egg.

Remember that Nick calls it "a true reproduction of some Hotel de Ville in Normandy," a French chateau constructed in the Renaissance style.In the book, Gatsby's residence would have faced Daisy's residence on Sands Point's western bank and been located on Great Neck's eastern coast. On the other side of the lake from Beacon Towers, also referred to as "Gatsby's Mansion," was the magnificent estate and residence known as Pembroke.

To learn more about it residence here,


Similar to WW I the WW II was also a _________ _____________.


They were the largest military conflicts in human history. Both wars involved military alliances between different groups of countries. hope this helps


Both wars involved military alliances between different groups of countries.

What was life like for women after ww2?


Women continued to work as waiters, secretaries, and other clerical positions after the World war—a group of jobs known as "pink collar" jobs. The pay was lower, and the work was less interesting or difficult.

Which occupation did women in World War Two hold most frequently?

Only single women between the ages of 20 and 30 were first enlisted, but by mid-1943, about 90% of unmarried and 80% of married women were employed in factories, on farms, or in the armed forces. In the auxiliary services as air-raid wardens, fire officers, and evacuation officers, as drivers of fire engines, trains, and trams, as conductors, as nurses, and in industries making armaments, building ships and airplanes during World War II, women worked in a variety of jobs.

To know more about World War visit:


what did the empire made important in the byzantine empire


The preservation of the Greek and the Roman civilization.

which country aquired the most gold as a result of the age of exploration


The answer is Canada

3. Use the compass rose on the map of Texas below. If you travel from Fort Worth to Amarillo which direction would you be traveling?
a) northeast
b) southeast
c) northwest
d) southwest


A map's representation of the cardinal directions is a compass rose. The four cardinal directions—north, south, east, and west—are the major compass points. The answer is option (a). northeast.

How do you use a compass rose?

The four cardinal directions of north, east, south, and west make up the majority of a compass rose. These directions are separated from one another by 90 degrees. The four ordinal (intercardinal) directions of northeast, southeast, southwest, as well as northwest are each situated halfway among two cardinal directions.

All magnets have two poles, a north pole as well as a south pole, and the north pole of one magnet is drawn to the south pole of another magnet, which is why a compass points north.

To know more about compass rose, visit:


Which of the listed options is NOT an aspect of a typical feudal
a. widespread literacy and lots of public education
b. innovative farming practices like the three field system
c. local religious officials, monasteries, priests, etc.
d. self sufficiency and very little reliance on outside resources


Widespread literacy and lots of public education is not an aspect of a typical feudal manor. Hence, option (a) can be considered as the correct choice of answer.

Give a brief account on manorialism.

Manorialism, often referred to as seigneurialism, the manor system, or the manorial system, was a kind of land ownership (or "tenure") in the Middle Ages in several regions of Europe, most notably in France and later in England. A large, occasionally fortified manor house where the lord of the manor and his dependents resided and managed a rural estate, as well as a populace of laborers, one of its unique features was that they farmed the surrounding land to sustain both the lord and themselves. These labourers later fulfilled their obligations with cash payments rather than labor hours or in-kind goods as commercial activity increased. Manorialism was a widespread practice in medieval western and some of central Europe. It had its roots in the Roman villa system of the Late Roman Empire. Manorialism, a fundamental component of feudal society, was gradually superseded by the emergence of a market economy based on money and novel agrarian contract types.

To know more about, manorialism, visit :


Describe the federal (national government) justice system under the Articles. What powers over the states does Congress have?


Article III describe the federal (national government) justice system under the Articles.

What is a justice system?

The justice system can be defined as where the people have been given the rights that they and their interests will be protected. This defines that if there are any unlawful or unethical activities that have been done then the person who has done is to be punished.

According to article three of the constitution, there are various power that has been given to Congress as well as the chief justice have been given some power. In this particular system, the court decides what will be the judgment and the prosecution whereas the president has the right to confirm or declare war.

Learn more about the justice system, here:


What are Clara Bow’s Religious beliefs?



it is not definitively known what her religious beliefs were.


It is possible that she may have held private beliefs that were not publicly known or that she may have been private about her religious beliefs. So, it is not possible to give a definitive answer about her religious beliefs.

What form of government did Thomas Paine reject


Answer: monarchical and mixed forms of government

Hitler called himself the __________ and wanted to ________________.




Hitler and his followers called him "DER FUHRER" and he wanted to control  germany and the rest of the world he wanted to make everybody the same

What types of jobs did women have during World War II ?


during World War II they held jobs as nurses, truck drivers, mechanics, and secretaries. Some were slain in battle or taken prisoner of war. Numerous awards for bravery under pressure were given to more than 1600 nurses.

Which occupation did women in World War Two hold most frequently?

Only single women between the ages of 20 and 30 were first enlisted, but by mid-1943, about 90% of unmarried and 80% of married women were employed in factories, on farms, or in the armed forces.

In the auxiliary services as air-raid wardens, fire officers, and evacuation officers, as drivers of fire engines, trains, and trams, as conductors, as nurses, and in industries making armaments, building ships and airplanes during World War II, women worked in a variety of jobs.

To know more about World War visit:


Jefferson Davis stated in his inaugural address, ". It is the right of the people to alter or abolish a government when it becomes destructive of the ends for which it was established. " What are Davis's views on secession?

He believed states could not secede

He believed states could take a break from the government but not secede

He believed states had to remain part of the Union

He believed states had the right to secede from the federal government


In his inauguration address, Jefferson Davis said that "the people have the right to change or overthrow a government."

What does the phrase "inaugural meeting" mean?

The first gathering of a new agency or the debut speech made by a senior leader of a group or a nation is known as an opening session or address. The President made a call for cooperation in his inauguration address. Alternatives include first, initial, and maiden. Additional words for inaugural Advanced Learner's Dictionary by Collins COBUILD...

What is the use of inaugural?

The word "inaugural" is frequently used to refer to official events and objects that are associated to them, such as major initiative and inaugural committees. Also often

To know more about inaugural visit:



the answer is b


it says Upon the consent of the governed so they could not leave (secess) if they didnt get permision from goverment

how does jesus childhood play a major role in his life ?


Jesus was raised in a busy, expanding household. Matthew makes it quite apparent that Joseph & Mary were childless before to the birth of Jesus.

How was the childhood of Jesus?

The world has been saved by Jesus Christ. As we turn to Him, He delivers us, makes His love tangible to us, and gives us hope. His responsibility is to protect us and set a good example for us. And he instructed his people in prayer. Jesus worked evidence of God's power by feeding the hungry, providing drink for the thirsty, curing the sick, and raising the dead.

Additionally, he delivered individuals from demonic spirits. When asked which commandment was the most important, Jesus replied, "You must love the Savior your Lord with your whole your love, all of your spirit, all of your mind, and all of your mind.

To know more about Jesus, visit:


What food was rationed in WW2 and how much?


Answer:Butter: 50g (2oz) Bacon and ham: 100g (4oz)

Sugar: 225g (8oz). Meat: To the value of 1s.2d (one shilling and sixpence per week. That is about 6p today)

Cheese: 2oz (50g) Eggs: 1 fresh egg a week.

Jam: 450g (1lb) every two months. Dried eggs 1 packet every four weeks.


ng to Nicholas II was supposed to spark ______ in Russia. It was also to create a distraction from the harsh realty of poverty in Russia.


Ng to Nicholas II was supposed to spark nationalism in Russia. It was also to create a distraction from the harsh realty of poverty in Russia.

In the early 19th century, Russian nationalism first gained popularity. Pan-Slavism was intimately associated with it throughout its history, from its inception in the Russian Empire through its suppression during early Bolshevik government to its resurgence in the Soviet Union.

Count Sergey Uvarov came up with the motto "Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationality" for Russia, and Emperor Nicholas I embraced it as the nation's guiding principle.

Russian nationalist politicians tried to use desperation and disillusionment as reasons for people to vote against Yeltsin. Vladimir Zhirinovsky, a provocateur who promoted racism and antisemitism and who served as the leader of the misleadingly termed Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR), called for the restoration of an autocratic Russian state inside the confines of the Soviet Union.

To know more about Russian nationalism


What is rationing and why was it used during WW2?


Due to the necessity to shift supplies to the war effort, items including canned milk, butter, sugar, and gasoline were rationed. Trade was hampered by war, which reduced the supply of several items.

In times of scarcity, rationing was a way to make sure that food and other necessities were distributed fairly.

After the commencement of World War II, it started with gasoline and then expanded to encompass other products including butter, sugar, and bacon.

With the exception of fruit and vegetables, the rationing system eventually included the majority of goods.

Because everyone was only allowed to purchase a specific number of things, rationing helped transform mindsets and fostered cooperation and sharing in Britain.

It was acknowledged that the government was more concerned with the welfare and diet of its citizens.

To know more about World War II, visit:


A report on one of the five regions of the world covered on the United Nations website,
with a specific focus on how the economic crisis has impacted that region. Start by
addressing the questions below.


The economic crisis has had a significant impact on the Asian region in a number of ways. One major impact has been the slowdown in economic growth. Many countries in Asia have experienced a slowdown in economic growth as a result of the crisis, with some even experiencing negative growth. This has had a number of consequences, including increased unemployment and a decline in living standards for many people.

Another impact of the crisis has been an increase in poverty. The crisis has disproportionately affected lower-income groups, who have seen their incomes decline or their employment prospects deteriorate. This has led to an increase in poverty rates in many countries in the region.

The crisis has also had an impact on trade and investment in the Asian region. The global nature of the crisis has led to a decline in demand for Asian exports, which has had a negative impact on the export-dependent economies of many countries in the region. The crisis has also led to a decline in foreign direct investment, as investors have become more risk-averse and less willing to invest in emerging markets.

Finally, the crisis has had an impact on the financial sector in the Asian region. Many financial institutions in the region have faced challenges as a result of the crisis, including declining asset values and a tightening of credit conditions. This has made it more difficult for businesses to access credit, which has had a negative impact on economic growth and job creation.

Overall, the economic crisis has had a significant impact on the Asian region, with many countries experiencing slower economic growth, an increase in poverty, and challenges in the trade, investment, and financial sectors.

What were 4 effects of the Russian Revolution?


The effect of the Russian Revolution is that (A) Russia was evolving into a communist nation. (B) Farmers had access to a variety of farmlands. (C) Workers were allowed access to the factory. (D) The nationalization of the banks led to the establishment of an economic management council.

What was the Russian Revolution?

The Russian Revolution, a time of political and social upheaval in the former Russian Empire, began with the start of the First World War.

Russia dissolved its monarchy and switched to a socialist system of government after two further revolutions and a horrible civil war during this period.

One could argue that the Russian Revolution served as the inspiration for other European revolutions that occurred during or after World War I, such as the German Revolution of 1918.

Short-Term Effects:

(A) Russia becoming a communist nation.

(B) Farmers were given access to various farmlands.

(C) Workers received factories.

(D) Since banks were nationalized, a national council was in charge of managing the economy.

Therefore, the effect of the Russian Revolution is that (A) Russia was evolving into a communist nation. (B) Farmers had access to a variety of farmlands. (C) Workers were allowed access to the factory. (D) The nationalization of the banks led to the establishment of an economic management council.

Know more about the Russian Revolution here:


What was Frederick and Griffith's experiment and what did they discover?


Frederick Griffith was a British bacteriologist who was born on October 3, 1877, in Eccleston, Lancashire, England, and died in London in 1941. His 1928 bacterium experiment was the first to demonstrate the "transforming principle," which led to the realization that DNA serves as the carrier of genetic information.

What do you study in bacteriology?

In the field of microbiology known as bacteriology, bacterial species are identified, categorized, and described. Medical professionals' need to test and implement the germ hypothesis of illness as well as financial worries about food and wine rotting led to the development of the field of bacteriology.

know more about professionals' visit


A state decides to change its high school graduation requirements. The state will no longer require all students to take a language other than English. Students can instead meet graduation requirements by taking one of several different career and technical education courses, such as information technology, law and public safety, and hospitality and tourism. Which part of the US Constitution gives states the power to make this policy decision?



A 10th amendment


Just took the quiz

The part of the US Constitution that gives states the power to make this policy decision is the 10th Amendment of the Constitution.

What is Constitution?

The constitution can be defined as the document that contains the rules and regulations for governing the nation. It is a legal framework followed by the people of democratic and republic countries.

The Constitution reserves all other authorities to the individual States or to the people; neither the United States nor the States are given those rights by the Constitution.

A state chooses to alter the standards for high school graduation. All pupils will no longer be required by the state to take a language besides English. Instead, students can fulfill graduation requirements by enrolling in one of several vocational and technical education courses.

Therefore, it can be concluded that the 10th Amendment of the Constitution, illustrates the above policy.

Learn more about Constitution here:


What type of document is this? How trustworthy do you think this type of document is?


Being written by someone who resided in the Texan territory in 1826 makes the letter's source reliable as proof of the reasons why Texans rose up in rebellion.

The appropriate answer to this open-ended question is the following: We can infer from the question's gaps and the absence of any references that it relates to Rafael Manchola, a Tejano-Mexican who wrote the "Manchola letter" in 1826. Because the letter was written by someone who resided in the Texan territory in 1826, the source is reliable as proof of the reasons why Texans revolted. Manchola claimed in the letter that the American colonists could not be trusted since they did not abide by the guidelines in his letter to military authority. simply adhere to their own rules. Manchola remarked that the Americans who colonized the Texan region had pledged to uphold and obey Mexican law.

Learn more about Texan territory here:


What are haiku themes?


Haiku authors have traditionally focused on expressing emotionally intriguing moments of understanding natural things.

What exactly is a haiku?

Haiku (pronounced high-Koo) is a type of Japanese short-form poetry. Although the term haiku was coined in the nineteenth century, the form has been around for hundreds of years. Haiku was originally known as hokku and were part of a wider literary style known as renga.

Renga is long, linked collaborative poetry written by numerous authors. Poets began producing hokku as standalone pieces by the seventeenth century, and by the end of the nineteenth century, poet Masaoka Shiki was modernizing the genre while working within it. One of his changes was the invention of the term haiku.

Learn more about haiku with the help of the given link:


How did industry affect the war effort?


The First World War was significantly influenced by industrialization. It was now possible to manufacture new military equipment on a far greater scale and much more quickly. One of the most catastrophic battles in human history resulted from this, together with cutting-edge technology.

How did American business support the war effort?

U.S. businesses not only redirected industry to produce for the war effort but also provided a large portion of the military hardware required by the Allies, including the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom.

Manufacturing facilities were transformed to produce military equipment such tanks, weapons, ammo, airplanes, and ships. Energy conservation, the planting of "Victory Gardens," and the purchase of war bonds were all urged on the "Home Front."

To know more about industrialization visit:


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