how do teens in the u.s. differ from teens in other countries when it comes to employment?


Answer 1


How do teens in the U.S. differ from teens in other countries when it comes to employment? Teens in the U.S. spend a great deal more time working than teens in other industrialized nations. Which of the following terms would be applied to someone who is low in masculinity and femininity?

Answer 2

When it comes to employment, teens in the United States differ from teens in other countries in several ways. Firstly, the legal working age in the U.S. is 16, while in some countries it can be as low as 14. This means that teens in other countries may have more opportunities to start working earlier in their teenage years.

When it comes to employment, teens in the United States differ from teens in other countries in several ways. Firstly, the legal working age in the U.S. is 16, while in some countries it can be as low as 14. This means that teens in other countries may have more opportunities to start working earlier in their teenage years. Additionally, the types of jobs that teens are able to work in can differ between countries. For example, in some European countries, teens are able to work in the hospitality industry, such as restaurants and bars, at a younger age than in the U.S.

However, on the other hand, teens in the U.S. have more opportunities to work part-time jobs while in school. Many high schools have work-study programs or partnerships with local businesses, which allow teens to gain work experience while also completing their studies. This is not always the case in other countries.

Overall, the differences between teens in the U.S. and other countries when it comes to employment can be influenced by legal regulations and cultural norms. It's important to note that each country has its unique characteristics when it comes to teens in the workforce.

To know more about teenage visit:


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what radical change in egyptian religion did amenhotep iv (akhenaten) decree?



As pharaoh, Akhenaten changed the polytheistic religion of Egypt to a monotheistic religion devoted to the Aten, which was depicted as a sun disk. The Egyptians despised this radical idea, but were forced to change their religion, art and their overall way of life.

Amenhotep IV, who later changed his name to Akhenaten, brought about a radical change in Egyptian religion by introducing a monotheistic cult centered around the worship of Aten, the sun disk.

He believed that Aten was the only true god and that all other deities should be abandoned. This change was a departure from the traditional polytheistic beliefs of ancient Egypt. Akhenaten moved the capital of Egypt to a new city he founded called Akhetaten, where he established the center of Aten worship. He commissioned many temples to be built in honor of Aten, and he also created a new artistic style that emphasized naturalistic portrayals of himself and his family. This radical change in religion was met with opposition from the powerful priests of the traditional gods and goddesses, and it ultimately did not survive after Akhenaten's death. However, his influence on art and religion was significant and is still studied and appreciated today.

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how did pennsylvania and new york seek to create new regional markets for goods in the 1810s?


In the 1810s, Pennsylvania and New York sought to create new regional markets for goods by investing in transportation infrastructure. They focused on improving roads and constructing canals to facilitate trade and commerce.

First, Pennsylvania developed the Lancaster Turnpike in 1795, which served as a model for other Turnpike projects in the 1810s. These improved roads allowed for faster and more efficient transportation of goods between towns and cities.

Second, New York embarked on the ambitious Erie Canal project, which started in 1817 and was completed in 1825. This 363-mile-long canal connected the Hudson River with Lake Erie, enabling goods from the Great Lakes region to reach New York City and vice versa.

These transportation projects not only created new regional markets for goods but also stimulated economic growth and development in both states. By making it easier to move goods and people, Pennsylvania and New York were able to expand their markets, attract more businesses, and encourage innovation in the early 19th century.

To know more about infrastructure visit :


When the number of time periods in a binomial model is large, a European call option value does what? a. fluctuates around its intrinsic value
b. converges to a specific value
c. increases without limit
d. converges to the European lower bound
e. none of the above


Answer: i belive the answer is C

Explanation: the binomial model describes the number of survivors x in n independent tests. like the picture down bellow

How does the Heritage bring unity and close the gaps of the past


Heritage brings unity and closes the gaps of the past through the cultivation of shared identity, cultural understanding, healing historical wounds, inclusivity narratives, and educational opportunities.

Heritage plays a significant role in bringing unity and closing the gaps of the past. It serves as a powerful tool for fostering a sense of shared identity and pride among individuals and communities.

By connecting people to their cultural, historical, and social roots, heritage emphasizes the commonalities that exist among diverse groups. Heritage helps in healing historical wounds by acknowledging and addressing past injustices. It provides a platform for truth-telling, reconciliation, and the process of coming to terms with the darker chapters of history.

By confronting the past and working towards understanding and forgiveness, heritage plays a crucial role in bridging gaps and promoting unity. Inclusivity is another aspect of heritage that contributes to closing gaps.

By embracing diverse voices and narratives, heritage ensures that marginalized or underrepresented communities are given a platform to share their stories and experiences. Heritage offers valuable educational opportunities. By learning about different heritages, individuals gain knowledge, perspective, and insight into the experiences of others.

know more about shared identity here:


in contrast to european immigrants, immigrants from china a. settled largely on the east coast, not the west coast. b. were largely excluded from the united states after 1882. c. were usually admitted quickly after being processed at angel island. d. mostly traveled to the united states on boats in steerage class.


In contrast to European immigrants, immigrants from China were largely excluded from the United States after 1882.

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 prohibited Chinese laborers from entering the United States and denied citizenship to those already living in the country. This was a stark contrast to European immigrants who were largely welcomed into the country during this time period. Immigrants from China who did manage to enter the United States were often subjected to discriminatory laws and practices, such as being forced to live in segregated neighborhoods. Angel Island, located in the San Francisco Bay, was the primary processing center for Chinese immigrants and many were held there for months or even years before being admitted into the country.

Immigrants from China faced significant challenges and discrimination upon entering the United States, particularly after the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act. Unlike European immigrants who were largely welcomed, Chinese immigrants were largely excluded and subjected to discriminatory practices.

To know more about immigrants visit:

write the action scene that occurs between the two. hero encounters a monster 10 english derivatives


The hero cautiously crept through the dark and eerie forest, his heart pounding with fear and anticipation. Suddenly, he heard a deafening roar that echoed throughout the forest, causing the ground to shake beneath his feet. He quickly drew his sword, ready to face whatever monster was lurking in the shadows.

As he turned a corner, he saw the beast that had been causing the commotion. It was a massive, fire-breathing dragon, its scales glistening in the moonlight. The hero didn't hesitate for a moment. He charged at the dragon, his sword held high.

The dragon let out another deafening roar and lunged at the hero, its razor-sharp claws aimed straight for his chest. The hero deftly dodged the attack, narrowly avoiding being shredded to pieces. He swung his sword with all his might, striking the dragon's scaly hide with a resounding clang.

The dragon howled in pain and fury, its fiery breath scorching the air around them. The hero continued to fight with all his might, his sword flashing in the darkness as he dodged the dragon's attacks and landed blow after blow.

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he history of theatre goes back more than 2,000 years in europe and 1,500 years in asia. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse, unselectedgroup ends


True. The history of theatre dates back to ancient civilizations and can be traced back more than 2,000 years in Europe and 1,500 years in Asia.

Ancient Greek theatre, for example, is considered the birthplace of Western theatre and was first performed around 5th century BCE. Meanwhile, traditional Chinese theatre, such as Beijing Opera, dates back to the Song Dynasty in the 13th century CE. Theatre has played an important role in society throughout history, serving as a form of entertainment, education, and social commentary. The art form has evolved over time, adapting to cultural and societal changes, and has produced some of the most influential works of art in history. Today, theatre remains a vibrant and important part of many cultures around the world, continuing to entertain and inspire audiences of all ages.

Learn more about theatre from here:


the age of the milky way galaxy has been estimated to be at least 13 billion years based on


The age of the Milky Way galaxy has been estimated to be at least 13 billion years based on a variety of scientific observations and measurements. This estimate is based on a combination of observations of the galaxy's stars, the age of its oldest known stars, and the age of the universe itself.

The age of the universe is estimated to be around 13.8 billion years old, and this is based on observations of the cosmic microwave background radiation, the expansion of the universe, and the ages of the oldest known stars. Given the age of the universe, it is logical to assume that the Milky Way galaxy is at least as old, if not older.

Scientists have used a variety of methods to estimate the age of the Milky Way galaxy. One of the most reliable methods is to study the ages of its oldest known stars. These stars are located in the galaxy's halo, which is a spherical region of stars that surrounds the galaxy's central disk. By studying the properties of these stars, scientists have been able to estimate their ages and infer the age of the galaxy as a whole.

Learn more about Milky Way galaxy


in europe on the eve of colonization, one conception of freedom, called "christian liberty,"


In Europe on the eve of colonization, there were various conceptions of freedom that existed. One of these was called "Christian liberty". This concept was rooted in the belief that individuals were created in God's image and that they had inherent worth and dignity. As such, Christian liberty held that people had the right to worship as they saw fit and to live according to their own conscience.

In Europe on the eve of colonization, there were various conceptions of freedom that existed. One of these was called "Christian liberty". This concept was rooted in the belief that individuals were created in God's image and that they had inherent worth and dignity. As such, Christian liberty held that people had the right to worship as they saw fit and to live according to their own conscience.

Christian liberty also emphasized the importance of personal responsibility and self-government. Individuals were encouraged to take control of their own lives and to make choices that were in line with their values and beliefs. This concept was closely linked to the Protestant Reformation, which had swept across Europe in the preceding decades.

Colonization, however, would bring about significant changes to the idea of Christian liberty. As European powers began to conquer and settle new lands, they often did so in the name of spreading Christianity. This led to a blending of religious and political power that would have far-reaching consequences.

Overall, Christian liberty was one of several conceptions of freedom that existed in Europe on the eve of colonization. While it emphasized the importance of personal responsibility and self-government, its association with colonialism would ultimately shape its evolution in the centuries to come.

To know more about colonization visit:


the original plan for new st. peter's in rome was a square or central plan.t/f



Bramante's original design was for a central plan, however—as built—the church combines elements of a central plan with the longer nave of a basilica.


True, the original plan for the new St. Peter's in Rome was a central plan. Architect Donato Bramante designed a centrally planned church with a large dome inspired by the ancient Pantheon. However, the final design evolved over time and included contributions from various architects, resulting in the current basilica which is a combination of central and longitudinal plans.

The original plan for New St. Peter's in Rome was a central plan. The decision to switch from a square plan to a central plan was made by Michelangelo, who was one of the architects working on the project. The central plan allowed for a larger dome and a more grandiose appearance for the church. The final design of New St. Peter's is a combination of both central and longitudinal plans, resulting in a unique and striking architectural masterpiece. This answer summarizes that the original plan for New St. Peter's was a central plan, which allowed for a larger dome and a grandiose appearance, and that the final design is a combination of central and longitudinal plans.

To know more about St. Peter's visit:


what were the people of paris looking for when they stormed the bastille on july 14, 1789?


The people of paris were looking for weapons and ammunition to defend themselves against the royal army and to arm the National Guard, which had been formed to defend the people of Paris.

On July 14, 1789, the people of Paris stormed the Bastille, a symbol of the monarchy's power. The crowd was made up of a mix of angry Parisians, revolutionaries, and soldiers who had turned on their officers. The Bastille was also a symbol of the corruption and tyranny of the old regime, and its destruction marked the beginning of the French Revolution. The people of Paris were demanding more political rights and an end to the economic inequality that had plagued France for centuries. The storming of the Bastille was a pivotal moment in history that inspired similar uprisings across Europe and ultimately led to the overthrow of the French monarchy.

To know more about The Bastille visit:


The people of Paris stormed the Bastille on July 14, 1789, because they were seeking weapons and gunpowder to arm themselves for a possible revolution against the French monarchy.

The Bastille was a symbol of royal authority and tyranny, and its fall marked a turning point in the French Revolution.

However, the reasons for the revolution were more complex than just the search for weapons. The French people were frustrated with the monarch's ineffectiveness and corruption, and they wanted greater representation and more rights. They also suffered from economic hardship, as many were struggling to feed their families while the aristocracy lived in luxury.

The storming of the Bastille was a powerful symbol of the people's determination to take matters into their own hands and demand change. It inspired others across France to rise up against the monarchy and fight for their freedom and equality. The revolution would go on to reshape French society and politics, and its impact would be felt around the world.

To know more about Bastille visit


Who perpetuated the Armenian Genocide?
The Kurds
The sultan of the Ottoman Empire
The Young Turks
The soldiers from Allied troops


The Young Turks were responsible for perpetuating the Armenian Genocide.

what were two motives that encouraged spain to establish colonies in the americas


Economic motives: Spain was seeking to increase its wealth and power through overseas expansion.
Religious motives: Spain was also driven by religious motives to establish colonies, because the Spanish crown was deeply committed to spreading Catholicism

How did the us respond to the soviets testing of the atomic bomb


Answer: The US reacted to the news of a Soviet bomb by putting together a plan to offer to turn over all weapons to the UN. This offer was rejected by the USSR, and an arms race ensued.

after world war i what did the us government hope to achieve by lending money to germany


Economic stability was what us government hope to achieve by lending money to germany

What the US triued to achieve

After World War I, Germany was burdened with enormous war reparations as a result of the Treaty of Versailles. The economic strain of these payments led to a severe economic crisis in the country, including hyperinflation and widespread unemployment.

In response, the U.S. government, along with other international actors, stepped in with a plan to stabilize the German economy. This plan, known as the Dawes Plan (1924), and later the Young Plan (1929), involved lending money to Germany.

Read mor eon world war 1 here:


no hip-hop song had ever made it onto the top 40 charts until which song


No hip-hop song had ever made it onto the top 40 charts until the song Rappers delight.  

Rapper's Delight" is an 1979 hip hop hit produced by Sylvia Robinson by the Sugarhill Gang. Although it was predated by the Fatback Band's "King Tim III (Personality Jock)," "Rapper's Delight" is credited with popularising hip-hop music, hitting the top 40 in the United States, the top three in the United Kingdom, and number one in Canada. It served as a model for numerous styles of rap music. The music interpolates Chic's "Good Times," prompting Chic's Nile Rodgers and Bernard Edwards to threaten a copyright infringement lawsuit against Sugar Hill Records; a settlement was negotiated that granted the two songwriting credits. The song was recorded in one take.

Learn more about Rappers delight, here:


What ancient wonder was the tallest structure in the world for 3,800 years?
• The Colossus of Rhodes
The Hanging Gardens of
• The Temple of Artemis
• The Great Pyramid of Giza


The ancient wonder that was the tallest structure in the world for 3,800 years is the Great Pyramid of Giza. For that reason, the correct option is the last.

The Great Pyramid of Giza (last option) is located in Egypt and was built around 2560 BC. It was constructed as a tomb for the pharaoh Khufu and is the largest of the three pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex.

The Great Pyramid of Giza held the title of the tallest structure in the world until the Lincoln Cathedral in England was built in 1311 AD. This is an incredible feat considering it was built over 4,000 years ago. The pyramid stands at 146.5 meters tall and was the tallest structure in the ancient world.

The construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza was a huge undertaking that required a significant amount of resources and manpower. It is believed that the construction took around 20 years and involved the work of over 100,000 workers. The pyramid was built using limestone blocks that were quarried and transported from nearby land.

The pyramid was built in a time when religion played a significant role in the lives of people. The pyramid was built as a tomb for the pharaoh Khufu and was believed to be a pathway for him to reach the afterlife.

The construction of the pyramid was also seen as a way for the pharaoh to adapt to the demands of the land and show his power and wealth.

Overall, the Great Pyramid of Giza is an incredible example of the engineering and construction abilities of ancient Egypt.

Its history and significance in the ancient world make it a truly remarkable structure that continues to captivate people to this day.

Learn more about the Great Pyramid of Giza:


why were the north koreans given permission to invade south korea in 1950? [choose all that apply] luoa


North Korea sought to occupy South Korea militarily in order to take control of all of Korea and reunite it under its communist rule. President Harry S. Truman was alarmed that the Soviet Union and Communist China might have encouraged this invasion.

The Korean War broke out on June 25, 1950, after five years of simmering tensions on the Korean peninsula, when the Northern Korean People's Army attacked South Korea in a coordinated general assault at several strategically important locations along the 38th parallel, the line separating communist North Korea from the non-communist Republic of Korea.

Learn more about South Korea here:


the chernobyl accident happen on april 26, 1986. did the soviet authorities allow ukraine to cancel the traditional may 1 parade, that was traditionally held across most major soviet cities to commemorate the international workers' day?


No, the Soviet authorities did allow Ukraine to cancel the traditional May 1 parade in 1986, despite the Chernobyl accident occurring on April 26, 1986.

The Soviet authorities did allow Ukraine to cancel the traditional May 1 parade in 1986. The reason for this was due to the aftermath of the Chornobyl accident that occurred just days before the scheduled parade. The government officials recognized the severity of the nuclear disaster and understood that the parade would not be appropriate to hold given the situation. The accident had resulted in the evacuation of many citizens and had caused widespread panic and concern, so it was decided that canceling the parade was the right course of action.

Learn more about nuclear disaster:


becoming indian: the struggle over cherokee identity in the twenty-first century



In Becoming Indian, author Circe Sturm examines Cherokee identity politics and the phenomenon of racial shifting. Racial shifters, as described by Sturm, are people who have changed their racial self-identification from non-Indian to Indian on the US Census.

the treatment of john wilkes resembled which act of parliament against the colonies?



Tea Act


The treatment of John Wilkes resembled which act of Parliament against the colonies? answer choices Tea Act.

The treatment of John Wilkes resembled the Stamp Act of 1765 against the American colonies.

John Wilkes was an English radical politician and journalist who openly criticized the British government and its policies.

He became a prominent figure during the 18th century and was known for his advocacy of civil liberties and freedom of the press. However, his writings and actions provoked the ire of the government, leading to his arrest and persecution.

Similarly, the Stamp Act imposed by the British Parliament on the American colonies in 1765 was met with strong opposition. The act required that various legal documents, newspapers, pamphlets, and other printed materials in the colonies be produced on paper carrying an embossed revenue stamp. This measure was intended to raise revenue for the British government and assert its authority over the colonies.

Both John Wilkes' treatment and the Stamp Act were met with resistance and protests. In the case of John Wilkes, his arrest and subsequent expulsion from the House of Commons sparked public outrage and led to widespread demonstrations in support of his cause. Likewise, the American colonists saw the Stamp Act as a direct violation of their rights and an imposition of taxation without representation, leading to protests and boycotts that ultimately contributed to the larger tensions and conflicts that led to the American Revolution.

Learn more about freedom here:


which of these ancient civilizations survived, intact, until the twentieth century?



Ancient China

the first major union to have a significant impact in the united states was called the:


The first major union to have a significant impact in the United States was called the National Trades' Union (NTU).

The first major union to have a significant impact in the United States was called the National Trades' Union (NTU). It was formed in 1834 and was one of the earliest attempts to organize workers on a national level.

The NTU consisted of a number of craft unions that sought to improve wages, working conditions, and job security for their members.

The organization was able to mobilize large numbers of workers across different industries and regions, and was instrumental in establishing the eight-hour workday as a standard.
However, the NTU faced significant challenges, including opposition from employers, lack of legal protection for unions, and internal divisions among its members.

These challenges led to the organization's decline in the 1840s, and it was eventually replaced by other national unions such as the Knights of Labor and the American Federation of Labor.
Despite its relatively short lifespan, the NTU paved the way for future labor movements in the United States, and helped establish the importance of collective bargaining and worker solidarity.

Today, unions continue to play a vital role in protecting workers' rights and advocating for better working conditions, wages, and benefits.

For more such questions on National Trades' Union (NTU)


in what way did the great society's higher education act contribute to post-secondary education?


The Great Society's Higher Education Act of 1965 was a significant legislative effort aimed at increasing access to post-secondary education for American students. The act provided funding for scholarships, grants, and loans to help low-income students pay for college tuition and other expenses. It also created programs to support historically underrepresented groups such as minorities and women.

One of the most significant contributions of the Higher Education Act was the creation of the Federal Pell Grant program, which provides need-based aid to students pursuing higher education. The program has since helped millions of students attend college who may not have been able to afford it otherwise. In addition, the act also established the National Student Loan Program, which provides loans with low-interest rates and favorable repayment terms to students.
The Higher Education Act also led to the establishment of several federal agencies that provide support and oversight for post-secondary education, including the Department of Education and the National Center for Education Statistics. These agencies have helped to ensure that students have access to quality education and that institutions are held accountable for providing it.

In conclusion, the Higher Education Act played a crucial role in expanding access to post-secondary education for American students. Its impact is still felt today, as it has helped to provide opportunities for millions of students who may not have been able to pursue higher education without it.

To know more about legislative effort visit:


InThe Tragedy of Macbeth, Act II, what does Macbeth really mean when he says that the blood on his handswill redden all the seas?a.He feels his guilt is enormous.b.He is afraid to wash the blood off his hands.c.He is afraid of being found out.d.Lady Macbeth will not be able to wash off the blood


He feels his guilt is enormous: Macbeth really means when he says that the blood on his hand will redden all the seas. Thus, option A is the correct option.

When Macbeth says that the blood on his hands will "redden all the seas," he is expressing the overwhelming weight of his guilt and remorse.

This metaphorical statement reflects his belief that his heinous actions, symbolized by the blood on his hands, are so grave and significant that they could taint and pollute even the vastness of the seas. It highlights the extent of his inner turmoil and the realization of the magnitude of the crimes he has committed.

Thus, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about Macbeth here:


As a result of the Spanish-American War, Spain relinquished
to the United States control of Puerto Rico, Cuba, and which
of the following?
a. Alaska
b. Hawaii
c. The Panama Canal Zone
d. Bermuda
e. The Philippines


As a result of the Spanish-American War, Spain relinquished control of Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines to the United States.

The Treaty of Paris, which was signed on December 10, 1898, marked the end of the war and established the terms of Spain's surrender. The acquisition of Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines represented a significant expansion of American territory and influence, and marked the emergence of the United States as a global power. The annexation of Hawaii, which had already been annexed by the United States in 1898, was not a direct result of the Spanish-American War, but was part of a broader trend of American territorial expansion in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Panama Canal Zone was not part of the Treaty of Paris, but was acquired by the United States through a separate agreement with Panama in 1904.

Learn more about war from here:


how did the belgian colonizers of east africa identify who was tutsi and who was hutu?



Through changes in the legal system and mandatory identity cards to specify whether people were Hutu or Tutsi the Belgians had constructed the Hutu and Tutsi as two distinct races. The Hutu was the indigenous “Bantu” people, and the Tutsi was the “Hamitic” invaders[lxxxv].


The Belgian colonizers of East Africa identified who was Tutsi and who was Hutu by using physical characteristics such as height, nose size, and skin tone. They believed that Tutsis were taller and had more European features, while Hutus were shorter and had more African features. They also used a system of identity cards to officially classify individuals as either Tutsi or Hutu. This classification system further exacerbated existing tensions between the two groups and ultimately contributed to the 1994 Rwandan Genocide.

In East Africa, Belgian colonizers used a combination of physical characteristics and social status to identify Tutsis and Hutus. They introduced identity cards to categorize the population, often favoring the Tutsi minority due to their perceived "superior" traits. Tutsis were generally taller, thinner, and had finer features, while Hutus were shorter and had broader noses. The Belgians also considered Tutsis as more elite due to their traditional role as cattle herders, while Hutus were predominantly farmers. This classification system ultimately exacerbated tensions between the two ethnic groups.

To know more about Rwandan Genocide visit:


in 1860, nearly two-thirds of all individuals in american almshouses were


In 1860, almshouses were a common form of housing for the poor and elderly in America. These facilities were often run by local governments or charitable organizations and were designed to provide basic necessities such as food and shelter for those in need. According to historical records, nearly two-thirds of all individuals in American almshouses during this time were women.

In 1860, almshouses were a common form of housing for the poor and elderly in America. These facilities were often run by local governments or charitable organizations and were designed to provide basic necessities such as food and shelter for those in need. According to historical records, nearly two-thirds of all individuals in American almshouses during this time were women. This was likely due to a variety of factors, including gender inequality and economic hardship. Many women in the 19th century were excluded from the workforce and had limited opportunities to earn a living, which made them more vulnerable to poverty and homelessness. Additionally, women were often responsible for caring for children and other family members, which could further limit their ability to provide for themselves. Overall, the high number of women in almshouses in 1860 highlights the challenges that many women faced during this period and the need for more comprehensive social welfare policies.

To know more about America visit:


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Comment on the results. i. If we want to maximize the ratings for the brownies, with minimum desirable rating to be a rating of 10, at what levels of the factors should we make the brownies?b. Is the analysis in part (a) the correct approach? There are only eight batches; do we really have eight replicates of a 23 factorial design? What do you think is the correct design for this problem? Why? Run the problem using your suggested model then and comment on the results.c. Analyze the average and standard deviation of the scrumptiousness ratings. Comment on the results. Is this analysis more appropriate than the one in part (a)? Why or why not? tThe scrumptious brownie experiment. There are many different ways to bake brownies. The purpose of this experiment was to determine how the pan material, the brand of brownie mix, and the stirring method affect the scrumptiousness of brownies. The factor levels were Factor Low High + A- pan material Glass Aluminum B- stirring method Spoon Mixer C brand of mix Expensive CheapThe response variable was scrumptiousness, a subjective measure derived from the questionnaire given to the subjects who sampled each batch of brownies. (The questionnaire dealt with such issues as taste, appearance, consistency, aroma and so forth.) An eight-person test panel sampled each batch and filled out the questionnaire. describe the rationale for each patient to have his or her own patient record Is Biden supporting the conviction of Trump by a US court? the books of _____________ form the transition from the era of the judges to that of the kings. All of the following are contextual factors in the integrated model of motivation exceptA. Organizational CultureB. Rewards & ReinforcementC. Group NormsD. Core Self-EvaluationsE. Leader Behavior which unusual image is hidden on the walls of the snake pit in raiders of the lost ark? which one of the following is a combination of a disease, its pathogen, and the tissue type targeted by that pathogen?a.the flu, influenza, white blood cellsb.sickle cell anemia, malaria, red blood cellsc.vibrio cholerae, cholerae, small intestinesd.aids or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, hiv or human immunodeficiency virus, t cells Which disease spread faster Covid-19 or Black Death and why might it spread faster?Which of these pandemics Covid-19 or The Black Death had a bigger effect on society? Windmills generate electricity by transferring energy from wind to a turbine. A study was conducted to examine the relationship between wind velocity in miles per hour (mph) and electricity production in amperes for one particular windmill. For the windmill, measurements were taken on twenty-five randomly selected days, and the computer output for the regression analysis for predicting electricity production based on wind velocity is given below. The regression model assumptions were checked and determined to be reasonable over the interval of wind speeds. represented in the data, which were from 10 miles per hour to 40 miles per hour.Predictor Coef SE Coef T PConstant 0.137 0.126 1.09 0.289Wind velocity 0.240 0.019 12.63 0.000S=0.237 R-Sq=0.873 R-Sq (adj)=0.868a) Use the computer output above to determine the equation of the least squares regression line. Identify all variables used in the equation.b) How much more electricity would the windmill be expected to produce on a day when the wind velocity is 25 mph than on a day when the wind velocity is 15 mph? Show how you arrived at your answer.c) What proportion of the variation in electricity production is explained by its linear relationship with wind velocity?d) Is there statistically convincing evidence that electricity production by the windmill is related to wind velocity? Explain. what is the U.S. state similar in size to Rwanda and Burundi