How was anti-Jewish legislation in Germany established?


Answer 1

Answer: Anti-Jewish legislation in pre-war Nazi Germany comprised several laws that segregated the Jews from German society and restricted Jewish people's political, legal, and civil rights. Major legislative initiatives included a series of restrictive laws passed in 1933, the Nuremberg Laws of 1935, and a final wave of legislation preceding Germany's entry into World War II.


Anti-Jewish laws have been a common occurrence throughout Jewish history. Examples of such laws include special Jewish quotas, Jewish taxes, and Jewish "disabilities".

Some were adopted in the 1930s and 1940s in Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy and exported to the European Axis powers and puppet states. Such legislation generally defined Jews, deprived them of a variety of civil, political, and economic rights, and laid the groundwork for expropriation, deportation, and ultimately the Holocaust.

Hope it Helps!

Related Questions

Find a saint who lived a Eucharistic way of life. This might include the
Truth of their teaching (others) about the Eucharist, the Beauty of their worship, and the Goodness of their accompaniment of persons in poverty and those who are vulnerable. Research their life and write an essay or video presentation about how they lived all or some of these in a living relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist. In your essay, incorporate at least three of the following themes:
● Grace
● Real Presence
● Sacrament
● Mystery
● Communion - with Christ or with others
● Teaching
● Worship
● Church
● Prayer
● Commitment to the poor
● Sacrifice
● Meal
Your typed explanation must be at least 3 paragraphs long


Saint Teresa of Avila is one example of a saint who led a Eucharistic lifestyle. She was a mystic, author, and Catholic Church reformer who lived in Spain in the sixteenth century. She is renowned for her fervent love of the Eucharist and emphasis on the importance of living an inward life of prayer and reflection.

Who was Saint Teresa of Avila?The grace that is present in the Eucharist was something that Saint Teresa really understood. She was aware that the consecrated bread and wine represent the actual presence of Jesus Christ, not just a symbol. She held that the Eucharist served as both the beginning and the culmination of the Christian life, and that it was only by participating in the Eucharist that one could truly come to know and love Jesus Christ. She also highlighted the Eucharist as a sacrament that enacts the mystery of God's love and results in personal development.

To know more about Saint Teresa of Avila, refer:


Part B Research a current immigration issue. Explain what the issue is. Then describe push and pull factors, the effect of globalization, and public opinion of the issue.



One current immigration issue is the situation at the United States-Mexico border, where many individuals, including children, are seeking asylum due to violence, persecution, and economic insecurity in their home countries.

Push factors refer to the conditions or circumstances that drive individuals to leave their home countries and migrate to another country. In the case of the situation at the US-Mexico border, some of the push factors may include violence and persecution in countries such as El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, as well as economic insecurity and lack of opportunities in these countries.

Pull factors refer to the conditions or circumstances that attract individuals to migrate to a particular country. In the case of the US-Mexico border, some of the pull factors may include the prospect of safety and security, as well as the potential for economic opportunity and a better standard of living in the United States.

Globalization has also played a role in the current immigration issue at the US-Mexico border. Globalization refers to the interconnectedness and interdependence of countries and their economies, as well as the flow of goods, services, and people between countries. In this case, globalization may have contributed to the push factors in countries such as El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, as well as the pull factors of the United States. For example, economic globalization may have led to the outsourcing of jobs and the destabilization of local economies in these countries, leading to increased poverty and insecurity. At the same time, the United States, as a global economic power, may have attracted individuals seeking economic opportunity and a better standard of living.

Public opinion on the immigration issue at the US-Mexico border is divided. Some people support the rights of individuals seeking asylum and believe that the United States has a moral obligation to provide a safe and welcoming environment for refugees. Others believe that the United States has the right to control its borders and that asylum seekers should seek protection in their home countries or in other countries closer to their home countries. There are also concerns about the cost of providing services and support to asylum seekers, as well as potential security risks.

Why were more than 110,000 people of Japanese ancestry in the United States relocated to places such as the Poston Relocation center in Arizona?


Poston relocation center in arizona elberson's responsibility at the poston relocation center was to assist interns with their move. It should be mentioned that don elberson met the incoming Japanese-American interns at.

Tule Lake and transferred them to poston relocation Center after executive order 9066 was issued. He found this challenging since the people were suffering, and he could not bear to witness the anguish on their faces as they were packed into the cramped quarters of the detention camps. He thought it was wrong to restrict people's freedom.

Isamu noguchi's visit to the Poston War relocation Center in Arizona had the consequence of forcing the US government to remove about 120,000 persons of japanese ancestry.A few months later, noguchi drove into the desert and parked outside the poston War relocation center, which was still under construction.His goal was to create an arts and crafts curriculum that the other camps could adopt.

To know more about Relocation centre visit:


You have read a speech written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Do you agree with Elizabeth Cady Stanton's new approach to raising girls? Compose an opinion essay stating your position. Make sure to write an introduction, include three reasons to support your opinion, use text evidence that agree with your claim, and provide a conclusion.

I need help. Im not so good with history!!


Her unrelenting commitment to women's suffrage led to the Constitution's 19th amendment, which gave women the right to vote the views of Elizabeth Cady  Stanton

In her speech "The Solitude of Self," Elizabeth Cady Stanton discussed her viewpoints on independence, a topic that was crucial to the feminist movement. Throughout the entire lecture, Cady Stanton makes the case that because we are social beings, we must rely only on one another in order to survive.One of the early figures in the women's rights movement, Elizabeth Cady Stanton was an abolitionist, human rights advocate, and campaigner. Despite coming from a wealthy family, she made the decision early in life to fight for women's equal rights.

To know more about Elizabeth Cady Stanton here


How did the Internet contribute to Bill Clinton's high popularity levels?


By enabling firms to sell products online, it boosted the economy.

Who was Bill Clinton?

The 42nd president of the United States was an American politician named William Jefferson Clinton, who presided over the country from 1993 to 2001. He previously held the offices of Arkansas attorney general from 1977 to 1979, governor of Arkansas from 1979 to 1981, and again from 1983 to 1992.

Clinton, a Democrat, gained the moniker "New Democrat" because many of his policies were influenced by the "Third Way," a political theory that is considered to be moderate. He is married to Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee who served as secretary of state from 2009 to 2013 and as a U.S. senator from New York from 2001 to 2009.

Learn more about Bill Clinton, from:


What is the basic difference between Shi’ite and Sunnis?


Sunnis focus on following the Prophet's example, but  Shi'a focus on the lineage of Muhammad's family through a series of Imams.

Shi'ite Muslims and Sunni Muslims are the two largest branches of Islam, with the overwhelming majority of Muslims being Sunni. The main difference between the two branches is that Sunni Muslims consider the first four caliphs to be the rightful leaders of the Muslim community after the death of the Prophet Muhammad, while Shi'ite Muslims believe that the first caliph should have been Ali, the prophet's cousin and son-in-law. This difference in belief has led to some historical conflicts between the two branches, although the vast majority of Muslims today coexist peacefully regardless of their branch of Islam.

Which of the following statements about the Texas Constitutional Convention of 1865 is not true? A. There were strong Union and secessionist factions at the convention. B. Texas had to repudiate the war debt incurred by the state. C. Texas had to return to the federal government parts of Oklahoma seized by Texas Confederate soldiers. D. The state had to formally reject the right of secession. E. Texas had to accept the abolition of slavery.



C. Texas had to return to the federal government parts of Oklahoma seized by Texas Confederate soldiers.

Prior to September 11th, bin Laden and al-Qaeda had successfully carried out attacks against Americans and their in allies in (select all that apply)


Prior to September 11th, bin Laden and al-Qaeda had successfully carried out attacks against Americans and their allies in Nairobi, Kenya, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and Jersey City, USA.

Al-Qaeda refers to a broad militant Islamist organization founded by Osama bin Laden in the late 1980s. It initially emerged as a logistical network to support Muslims fighting against the Soviet Union during the Afghan War. Upon the withdrawal of Soviet Union from Afghanistan in 1989, the organization dispersed but continued to oppose what its leaders considered corrupt Islamic regimes and foreign (i.e., U.S.) presence in Islamic lands.

In 1993, the World Trade Center was bombed for the first time in New York City with a bomb built in Jersey City which was driven into an underground garage of the World Trade Center. In 1995, a car bomb exploded at a facility in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia where the U.S. military was training Saudi National Guardsmen. In 1998, Al-Qaeda operatives carried out the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania,

Note: The question is incomplete as it is missing options which are A) Madrid, Spain B) Nairobi, Kenya C) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia D) New York City, USA E) Tehran, Iran

Learn more about Al-Qaeda:


2.05 world history Analyze the painting. Using specific examples from the painting, describe the economic changes in medieval Europe. What were the lasting effects of these changes


As marketing increased, market economies quickly developed in rural regions, and connections between the nations grew stronger.

This picture illustrates a business partnership in the Middle Ages. A storefront where various goods were sold, including boots, clothing, and utensils in exchange for cash, is depicted in the painting. We can find that there were different classes in painting at that time.

Silver was the most significant trading resource. For them, it was more priceless than gold. It is quite comparable to the way people trade now when they browse through clothing options, pick what they like, and then buy after articulating with the seller.

To learn more about economic changes in medieval Europe,


What did the colonists form in 1774?


The First Continental Congress.was formed by colonists in 1774. The Association of 1774, which asked the colonies to forgo using British goods and to establish committees to uphold this prohibition, was one of the Congress's accomplishments.

Between September 5 until October 26, 1774, the First Continental Congress met in Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Twelve of Britain's thirteen American colonies sent representatives to a meeting to assess the country's future in the face of increasing British aggressiveness.

Delegates from the colonies gathered in 1774 to form the First Continental Congress in response to the British government's Intolerable Acts, a set of regulations enacted after the colonies objected to higher taxes. The Second Continental Congress met in 1775, far into the Revolutionary War.

The first Continental Congress of the United States convened on September 5, 1774, in Philadelphia to discuss how to respond to restrictions on trade and representative government imposed by the British government in the wake of the Boston Tea Party.

Know more about Continental Congress:


During the Berlin Conference or Scramble for Africa, Europeans divided Africa amongst themselves according to:

A) The location mountains and rivers.
B) population density in an area
C) African tribal boundaries
D)European convenience



C) African tribal boundaries


During the Berlin Conference or Scramble for Africa, Europeans divided Africa amongst themselves by arbitrarily drawing up borders, creating a hodgepodge of colonial holdings, and disregarding the cultural and linguistic boundaries already established by the indigenous African population. This led to the creation of 50 countries in Africa by 1914.

what part of China are they located? Why would these features have made sea
trade more popular than overland trade?


Different regions of China were connected by an extensive system of rivers and canals They are situated in China. Due to these factors, marine trade has surpassed overland trade in popularity.

What geographical features does China have?

Mountains, high plateaus, sand deserts, and lush woods can all be found within its borders. China's territory is made up of mountains on one-third of its surface. Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, is located between China and Nepal. There are countless rivers in China. One of the oldest civilizations in the world originated in China, yet the country has only lately developed into a "modern" state. China has transformed more quickly than any other nation in the world over the past 20 years. Each dynasty in Chinese history denotes the time during which a certain line of emperors ruled. The Qin dynasty, which started in 221 B.C., was the first empire. China became a republic in 1912 after the last emperor was toppled. In 1949, the communist government took over after a civil war with the Chinese Nationalists.

Invention flourished in ancient China. For many years, China was far ahead of most other nations in math, science, and technology. A few of the inventions made by the Chinese include paper, the magnetic compass, printing, porcelain, silk, and gunpowder.

Learn more about communist  from here;


Which Canadian province (Quebec) was designated by the British government for French speakers in 1791


In 1791, the British administration established Quebec as the province for French-speaking people.

The old French colony of Canada was a part of the British North American colony known as Quebec. After the British soldiers in the Seven Years' War conquered New France, it was founded by the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1763. France renounced its claim to the colony as part of the Treaty of Paris, although it negotiated to maintain the small, lucrative island of Guadeloupe.

Canada was designated the Province of Quebec after the Royal Proclamation of 1763, and it expanded from Labrador's coast on the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes and beyond to the junction of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers in the southwest to the Saint Lawrence River Valley. The British kept a military presence there until 1796, although portions of its southwest, those regions south of the Great Lakes, were later surrendered to the newly founded United States in the Treaty of Paris (1783) at the end of the American Revolution. Lower Canada and Upper Canada were created in 1791 after the region north of the Great Lakes was reorganized.

To know more about Province of Quebec


Develop a thesis that evaluates the similarities between the effects of the French Revolution and the American Revolution in the 1750-1900 time period.


Late eighteenth-century economic conflicts and enlightenment ideals served as the foundation for both the French and American Revolutions.

Define the years 1750 to 1900?

The Age of Revolution is defined as occurring between 1750 and 1900. French, Haitian, and British North American revolutions as well as Latin American independence movements occurred during this time. Although women had a significant impact on the revolutionary movement, these revolutions entrenched gender roles and gave upper middle class individuals a stronger say in politics while simultaneously calling into question the system of slavery.

The increasing political status of upper middle-class, educated professionals was one significant development brought about by the revolutionary era. A group that includes the landed gentry and many others led the American Revolution.

To know more about Age of revolution visit:


What is Joseph Stalin best known for during ww2?


The Communist Party of the Soviet Union's General Secretary (1922–1952) and Chairman of the Soviet Union's Council of Ministers (1941–1953), Joseph Stalin is most remembered for his wartime leadership.

What about Joseph Stalin?Soviet revolutionary and political figure Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was a Georgian-born Soviet revolutionary who served as the country's leader from 1924 until his death in 1953. He was the Soviet Union's Chairman of the Council of Ministers (1952–1922) and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union's General Secretary (1922–1952). (1941–1953). He began overseeing the nation as a member of a group of leaders, but by the 1930s, he had amassed enough control to become a dictator. He formalized these concepts as Marxism-Leninism while adhering to the Leninist interpretation of Marxism and his own policies are referred to as Stalinism.

To know more about Joseph Stalin, visit:


In what way did progressive reforms such as the initiative and referendum processes allow United States citizens to participate MORE in the political system?


Initiatives and referendums are procedures used in American politics that give voters of many states the opportunity to put new legislation or recently existing law up for a vote.

How did citizens benefit from progressive reforms?

Progressive Era reformers widened the scope of what the government might do to control the economy and stop large corporations from engaging in unethical behavior. They made it possible for voters to engage more directly in the legislative process through initiatives and referendums.

What is one way the Progressive Era reform of initiative has affected US politics?

Progressives promoted women's suffrage as a means of advancing democracy and bringing in a "purer" female vote in order to revitalize democracy. They also established direct primary elections, senators elected directly (rather than by state legislatures), initiative and referendum laws, and women's suffrage.

To know more about Progressive Era visit:


Why was Magna Carta presented to King John in 1215?


The Magna Carta, which was published in June 1215, was the first document to express the idea that the king and his government were not above the law. It attempted to stop the king from abusing his position.

Why is the Magna Carta still relevant today? What is it?

Magna Carta, which translates to "The Great Charter," is one of the most significant legal documents in history because it established the idea that everyone, including the king, is subject to the law and protects individual rights such as the right to justice and the right to a fair trial. Later political power formation and development in England were impacted by it. The king had to follow the law, and it was one of the most significant clauses.

To know more about Magna Carta visit:


In a federal system of government, power isdivided between the national government and the states.held by one person who makes all the decisions.held by a central government that makes decisions.divided equally between all state governments.


In a federal system of government, power is: A. divided between the national government and the states.

What are the seven principles of government?

Generally speaking, the Constitution of the United States of America is specifically designed (drafted) or written based on seven (7) basic principles of government and these include the following:

Checks and balances.Republicanism.Individual rights.Limited government.Separation of powers.Popular sovereignty.Federalism.

What is federalism?

Federalism is sometimes referred to as a federal system of government and it can be defined as a form of government in which the federal (national) government and other institutional bodies such as states, smaller units, and provinces share power and authority.

In this context, we can reasonably infer and logically deduce that power is shared between the national (federal) government and the states (subnational governmental units) in a federal system of government.

Read more on federalism here:


Contrast the foreign policies of Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson. Drag each policy to the correct president.Theodore Rooseveltmoral diplomacyWilliam Howard Taftbig stick diplomacyWoodrow Wilsondollar diplomacy


Intervene with the military force - Theodore Roosevelt.

Invested in foreign economies - William H. Taft.

Acted based on moral imperatives - Woodrow Wilson.

What were the policies of Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson?

Theodore Roosevelt led the country as its president from 1901 until 1909. He identified as Republican. He built his foreign policy around the concept of the Big Stick. When necessary, he threatened to use force. William H. Taft served as president from 1909 until 1913. Also a Republican, he His foreign policy was based on investing abroad and influencing other countries economically. He invented the concept of "Dollar Diplomacy" in order to invest in underdeveloped countries. Woodrow Wilson presided over the country from 1913 until 1921. He was a Democratic. He sought to make morally right choices in order to have an impact on foreign policy. At the commencement of World War I, he made the choice to abstain from participating in the fighting until critical world events forced him to do so.

To know more about foreign policy visit:         


Why did Justice Sonia Sotomayor write her book just help how do you build a better world?


Sonia Sotomayor leads young readers on a tour of a neighborhood where children and adults, activists and bus drivers, friends and strangers all work together to create a better world for themselves and their neighborhood.

What is the impact of Sonia Sotomayor on the world?

As the first federal judge of Hispanic descent in New York State, Sotomayor became the youngest judge in the Southern District. She was the first woman from Puerto Rico to hold a federal court judgeship in the United States.

What does Sonia Sotomayor's Just Ask have as its central theme?

The abilities that youngsters and individuals of all ages have are examined in this book. Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor writes about youngsters with all kinds of challenges—and examines the unique abilities that kids have as well—using her own experience as a child who was diagnosed with diabetes.

To know more about Sonia Sotomayor visit:


What is one of the arguments in favor of gap?


One of the arguments in favor of the Wealth gap is that investments by the upper class create jobs for the lower class

What is the Wealth Gap about?

Economic inequality translates into a very uneven availability of economic resources among individuals in society. And with such a discrepant distribution of wealth, the gap between rich and poor individuals, and the opportunities for each other, is widening. This disparity results from differences in income and in the historical accumulation of assets across generations.

For more about most demanded jobs here


Answer now for brainless


Answer: B, changes to the monarchy

Explanation: The Conservatives were heavily opposed to widespread reform; or changes to the government.

What caused Japan to become angry with the United States?


Japan had three major reasons to get angry with the US- its lack of resources, its political self-interests, and America's Embargo Policy.

It was around the time of the World War when Japan's economy was in dire states and adding to the injury was the fact that the United States wasn't really helping in any manner. Rather, it was at odds with Japan because of its monopoly over the Chinese resource market.

The US also wanted that embargoes on oil and other essential goods would somehow or the other lead to a halt in Japan's expansionism. All these reasons convinced Japan that it was time it hit back at the US in response to their interference.

Learn more about Japan in World War on


according to document


The business that was intended to be targeted include those owned by Jews

What is business?

An innovative company or group that engages in professional activities is referred to as a business. They could be industrial, commercial, or something else. Businesses that are for-profit operate to make a profit, whereas those that are nonprofit do so to further a philanthropic cause.

The companies to be attacked were those run by Jews. The document is being used to secure non-Jewish enterprises and shut down Jewish-owned firms. This text was written in Nazi Germany.

Therefore, Thus option(C) is correct.

Learn more about the business here:


which businesses were to be targeted?

a) any conducting illegal activities

b) those owned by Jews

c) all that had done business with Britain and France

d) those without a business license

What is oligarchy example?


"Oligarchy" is a phrase that is typically used to describe China and Iran in modern times. China calls itself a "people's republic" that practices communism, although for many years, a small number of people have held power.

What nation has an oligarchy?

minorities ruling

Examples of this system include the Sultanate of Zanzibar, Liberia under American-Liberians, South Africa during apartheid, and Rhodesia, where the establishment of oligarchic authority by the offspring of foreign settlers was mostly seen as a legacy of various forms of colonialism.

To know more about Oligarchy visit:


What is on the Flvs world history module 2 Dba ?? Please help


on flvs lessons 2.01 or something else it tells u what to prepare for , i believe if you search up the exact question you said it will bring up the answers


What organization formed at the end of world war ii to promote international peace and security?


Answer: The United Nations

Explanation: After the end of the war, the United Nations formed to prevent a world war like this from happening again and promoting peace as their global mission, and concerns about the earth anywhere, and anytime.

How did the home front support ww1?


The domestic, economic, social, and political histories of the participating nations during World War I are referred to as the "home front." It doesn't include military history, but it does cover the mobilisation of armed troops, war supplies, and other people's lives. See World War I's Diplomatic History for information on the major players' non-military dealings.

The most popular way to support the war at home was undoubtedly by purchasing war bonds or savings stamps. People were making loans to the government when they purchased bonds or savings stamps. After the war, their money would be returned with interest. During four Liberty Loan drives, organisations in each county sought to get in touch with every resident. The Liberty Loan Navy was the name given to the fund-raisers in Kinston because they had to cross creeks, slog through muck, and endure pouring rain.During four Liberty Loan drives, organisations in each county sought to get in touch with every resident. The Liberty Loan Navy was the name given by the fund-raisers in Kinston because they had to cross creeks, slog through muck, and endure pouring rain. There were gatherings and protests everywhere. A French army officer sang the French national anthem after a speech by the local congressmen in Asheville. He brought up how France had aided America in gaining its independence from Britain.

To know more about War:


what were the jim crow laws intended to do


Jim Crow laws were a collection of state and local statutes that legalized racial segregation.

How were Jim Crow laws used?

To prevent Blacks and Whites from interacting as equals, segregation was extended to parks, cemeteries, theatres, and restaurants. Despite the fact that overt racial discrimination was prohibited by the United States Constitution, every Confederate state worked to deny African Americans the right to vote by enacting discriminatory voting laws, strict property requirements, or complicated poll taxes.

Jim Crow is a term derived from a once-famous theatre production that premiered in 1828. As a result of this type of show, known as a minstrel show, the phrase "Jim Crow" was coined to refer to black people as a derogatory term. These laws were enacted to ensure the continuation of white supremacy in the former Confederate states.

Learn more about Jim Crow Laws here:


Why did Kennedy and Johnson want Asians and Eastern Europeans to see the US as a "land of opportunity"?


Kennedy and Johnson want Asians and Eastern Europeans to view the US as a "land of opportunity" because it offers more prospects for freedom and prosperity than communist countries, which are ruled by authoritarian regimes.

What is 1965 Immigration Act?

The 89th United States Congress enacted and President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, often known as the Hart-Celler Act and more subsequently as the 1965 Immigration Act.

The statute did away with the National Origins Formula, which had served as the cornerstone of American immigration law since the 1920s. De facto discrimination against Southern and Eastern Europeans, Asians, other non-Western, and Northern European ethnic groups was eliminated by the act from American immigration policy.

Learn more about 1965 Immigration Act, from:


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IRead this excerpt from a passage and the workscited entry for the source listed below the excerpt."Over the next 170 years, many clues to theexpedition's grisly fate have been recovered. Asdescribed in "19 Facts About the FranklinExpedition, the Real-Life Inspiration for TheTerror," these include gravesites on remote Arcticislands, Inuit stories of strange men trekking acrossthe ice, and even the sunken wrecks of both ships.Many theories were proposed for the disaster,including disease, murder, and starvation. In recentyears, most experts thought that the expedition hadbeen poisoned by the lead used to seal the tin cans offood. (Mental Floss, 2018)"Long, Kat. "19 Facts About the FranklinExpedition, the Real-Life Inspiration for TheTerror." Mental Floss, 26 Apr. the website Mental Floss a credible source? Whyor why not?This source is credible because it was publishedrecently.This source is credible because is well writtenand contains no spelling or grammar errors.This source is not credible because it describes Compare and contrast the difference between the Upper mantle and the lower mantle. can someone answer this question really quick Simplify the expression by combining like terms.43a12b+13a+52bEnter your answer as an expression, like this: 42x+53 What is the metaphor used in the poem? The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 greatly increased the accountability of auditors, executives, and corporate lawyers. This law is an example of which segment of the general environment ?O economicO socioculturalO political and legalO demographic Leo's bank balances at the end of months 1, 2, and 3 are $1,500.00, $1,530.00, and $1,560.60, respectively. The balances form a geometric sequence.What will Leo's balance be after 8 months?Leo's bank balance will be $ after 8 months. Plate motion occurs as a consequence of convection in Earth'scrustmantlecore Name the Counties of Libera. Smiling Cow Dairy can sell all the milk it wants for $5 a gallon, and it can rent all the robots it wants to milk the cows at a capital rental price of $200 a day. It faces the following production schedule: Number of Robots Total Product (Gallons) 0 0 1 60 2 100 3 135 4 155 5 170 6 180 In what kind of market structure does the firm sell its output Timbre describe a sound : Loudness, quality, quietness ,rhythm Neoclassical economic theory strongly supports the role of government in promoting balanced growth. True False What are the 3 parts of a quadratic equation? If the reserve ratio is 100-percent, then a new deposit of $1000 into a bank account O a. eventually increases the money supply by $1000. O b. leaves the size of the money supply unchanged. O c. eventually decreases the size of the money supply by $1000, O d. eventually increases the money supply by $2000. Fractional indexWithout using mathematical table simplify the following (16/81)^-3/4 What were the 5 largest cities in the colonies? What are all values of $p$ such that for every $q>0$, we have$$\frac{3(pq^2 p^2q 3q^2 3pq)}{p q}>2p^2q The nurse is collecting data from a child who may have a seizure disorder. Which nursing observations suggest an absence seizure Solve the system of inequalities by graphing. If there is no solution, click on "No solution".3x+y3x-1 What is Thoreau's main point in civil disobedience? please answer all 3 questions thank you~!!!!