i stub my toe and i think i broke it

Here take some points
also, What was the importance of the year 1932 in the history of France?-
i could look it up buttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt- yea dont feel like it


Answer 1

ummm thanks for the Points

Answer 2
Legislative election held

Paul gorguloff assassinates the president,
Paul doumer in Paris

Albert lebrum becomes the new president of France

French sub promethee sinks off Cherbourg

And more Rip your toe btw

Related Questions

Which issues led to the decline of the Roman Empire?

Select all correct answers.

epidemics of foreign diseases

low taxes on Roman citizens

cruel and incompetent emperors

attacks from barbarian tribes



The reasons for the fall of the empire include military overreach, invasion by emboldened tribes of Huns and Visigoths from northern and central Europe, inflation, corruption and political incompetence.

1 .
ruling class in Rome
2 .
merchants and bankers
3 .
farmers and industrial workers
4 .
common citizens
lowest class of people in Rome
5 .
threat to Roman rulers
6 .
used by disciples to spread teachings of Christ
7 .
still in use today
8 .
good road system
language which is the basis for Spanish,French, and Italian.


1 - used by disciples to spread teachings of Christ

2 - ruling class in Rome

3 - language which is the basis for spanish, french and italian

4 - merchants and bankers

5 - farmers and industrial workers

6 - still in use today

7 - threat to Roman rulers

8 - lowest class of people in Rome

Answer found from question here: https://brainly.com/question/12457180

Write a paragraph comparing the Patriots and the Loyalists. If you were to have taken sides with one of them, which one would you have been and why?
If anyone can help me with this thank you! (I will report any non-answers though.)



Loyalists were those colonials who were loyal to the King of England. They may not have agreed with the policies and laws of the Crown, but they knew they had a duty to uphold the laws and remain loyal to the government that controlled their daily lives. The Patriots were those colonials who were growing weary of British rules and policies, especially when they had no say in how these laws would be made or implemented. They strived for freedom from a tyrannical royal government, often led by Royal Governors who suppressed any utterance of rebellion. The Patriots grew tired and weary of being British citizens without British rights. From my point of view it seems like the Loyalists had it easy so that's who I would pick but it's all up to you.

I hope this helps :)

Was Sherman’s March to the Sea justified? Explain your response.


In asking a specific event and asking whether or not the course taken is justified or not, you are essentially asking whether or not the tactic employed was justifiable or not. Sherman's March to the Sea employed a more common military tactic known as the "scorch-earth policy" which is used in two ways:

Firstly, the scorch-earth policy is used mostly by the defending force. The deployment of this tactic is very similar, in removing any viable transportation courses (such as blowing up bridges, railroads, roads, as well as sabotaging established communication lines), as well as viable food sources, especially crops. Large mobile armies, back in those days, did heavily rely on captured enemy resources to sustain their armies, especially when transportation lines are drawn out great distances.

However, it is important to note that it was Sherman's army that employed this tactic. It gives us two important lessons. Firstly, Sherman understands that war is not always won by just battles, but that, in the greater scheme of things, it is actually a battle of spirit, population, but most importantly, resources. The destruction of the crops show Sherman's understanding that, even if the land was retaken, the crops lost would be a blow to the Southern troops, as well as seeing their native land in ashes. Secondly, Sherman understands the importance of transportation. The destruction of railroads and roads served to impede any active reinforcements in the area as well as a more concentrated attack, as the fastest ways to travel has been destroyed.

The third point of Sherman's March to the Sea is more of a ideology and policy, rather than a strategic justification. Sherman's march to the sea generally freed large amounts of previous slaves, who were left behind to take care of their master's houses while they were at war. This takes a more humanitarian approach, and casts a more positive light in the wake of destruction, in which, even though there was destruction, there was also freedom.

Sherman's March to the Sea is entirely justified, especially in a all-out war like the American Civil War. Remember, there is no Geneva Convention, no "illegal weapons", but rather a loose stratagem that asked for only one thing, to employ everything in their power to grasp the victory. History is written favorably for the victors, and justification comes along with it.


How was feudal Japanese society organized and what were the roles of each level of society?



D. shoguns at the top, daimyos in the middle, and peasants at the bottom.


Have A Good Day

Hope That Helps ♡

Write three short body paragraphs on the qin dynasty. Make sure all of your body paragraphs support the thesis statement. Your body paragraphs should also contain evidence that supports the claims that you are making. Use transitional words and phrases between the paragraphs to maintain the flow of ideas in your essay

Now write a conclusion for your research paper. The conclusion should restate the main idea of the paper. It should also bring your explanation to a close in a meaningful way.


The Qin Dynasty is the first dynasty ruled by the first emperor Qin Shi Huang, it also created the Great Wall and a large army of Terracotta Warriors. The Emperor Qin made a number of improvements to the infrastructure of China. He had a vast network of roads and canals built throughout the country. This helped to improve trade and travel. He also began the building of the Great Wall of China.

According to Buddha, how can people avoid the process of reincarnation?



Rebirth in Buddhism refers to the teaching that the actions of a person lead to a new existence after death, in an endless cycle called saṃsāra. This cycle is considered to be dukkha, unsatisfactory and painful. The cycle stops only if liberation is achieved by insight and the extinguishing of craving.


Buddhists believe death is a natural part of the life cycle. They believe that death simply leads to rebirth. This belief in reincarnation – that a person's spirit remains close by and seeks out a new body and new life – is a comforting and important principle.

fun activity for y'all try to write a punic war letter! i've already wrote mine it was pretty fun!



Here's mine

Hey Sargent I think were have a attack!! What no that can't be....

Wait i here something Smash People running blood on everywhere we can't stop em Mean While the person on the phone also dies.



I not that good but ill try


Dear family,

everything is going great here in the fort.

No war or anything.

thats good right.

no really i dont know

Our general is so confusing.

well, hes calling us.

i want icecream.

training is great.

I got to go.


How were the political ideologies of the United States and the Soviet Union different during the Cold War?

The political system of the United States was grounded in direct democracy, while the Soviet Union was ruled by the politburo system.

A basic component of the United States system was federalism, while the Soviet Union was founded as a republic.

The political system of United States was run by a single executive with supreme power, while the Soviet Union had a limited monarchy.

The political system of the United States was based on rule by the people, while the Soviet Union had a totalitarian government.



A) The political system of the United States was grounded in direct democracy, while the Soviet Union was ruled by the politburo system.


The political and economic systems of the capitalist USA and communist USSR were incompatible. In a capitalist state, the economy is largely free from state control, while the government is democratically elected and freedom of speech is cherished.

Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
Online Content: Site 1

Explain why it's wise to only proofread a document for only one type of error at a time.




Because if you rush through it you may miss a error that his why you should proofread the document one error at a time

You should proofread the document one error at a time because if you rush through it, you might miss one.

Why proofreading a document is important?

The final step in the writing process before the author submits the piece for publication is proofreading. It is the step of verification, either by the author or by someone else. The main goal of proofreading is to raise the paper's quality, ensure there are no lingering errors, and fix generic discourse mistakes or grammatical inconsistencies. Basically, you want to confirm that your communication objectives are clear.

Just two of the fundamental tasks to produce publication-ready work include evaluating whether the content is properly communicated and whether the sentences are written with good syntactic and grammatical conventions. Specifically, a flawless manuscript that is prepared for publication in the premier scientific journals. It makes sense that you would want to deliver a document that is flawlessly written in order to avoid looking foolish.

Learn more about proofreading, here:



Match the weaknesses of the government under the Articles of Confederation (AoC) with their meaning


These voting rules were too strict for any changes to be made

The colonies did not have a national court system

Congress could not enforce laws

The colonies did not have money to repay debts from the Revolutionary War

The AoC not being able to tax was a problem because…

The AoC not having a federal judicial branch was a problem because…

The AoC not having a federal executive branch was a problem because…

The AoC not being able to change anything without the consent of all 13 states was a problem because…


1. The Aoc not being able to tax was a problem because the colonies did not have money to repay debts from the Revolutionary War.

2. The Aoc not having a federal judiical branch was a problem because the colonies did not have a national court system.

3. The AoC not having a federal executive branch was a problem because Congress could not enforce laws.

4. The AoC not being able to change anything without the consent of all 13 states was a problem because these voting rules were too strict for any changes to be made.

How were the actions of the victorious Allies in the after World War II different from those following previous wars?


From this perspective, the Allies won because their benign, more-integrated societies allowed them to totally mobilize for war, while the conservative, even reactionary attitudes of the Nazis and the Japanese ensured that they lost. ... In World War II, the Allies outfought the Axis on land, in the air, and at sea.

Allies wanted unconditional surrender so they advanced west while soviet played offense in the east. hitler went into hiding and committed sucide while the US launched an atomic bomb on japan ending the war.

After the war, the Allies rescinded Japanese pre-war annexations such as Manchuria, and Korea became militarily occupied by the United States in the south and by the Soviet Union in the north. The Philippines and Guam were returned to the United States. ... Okinawa became a main US staging point.

In WWll there was a lot of death

What did Sherman and his men do throughout Georgia?



Tore up and destroyed much of the land that they crossed in order to persuade the south to surrender

Sherman led some 60,000 soldiers on a 285-mile march from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia. The purpose of Sherman's March to the Sea was to frighten Georgia's civilian population into abandoning the Confederate cause.

Describe the North’s total war strategy (what was it/why did they do it). Need at least 4


It was to basically destroy everything the south had, they would do it because it would leave the south short handed on supplies such as food, water, etc

5. How did Musa promote Islam within his empire?
He oversaw the construction of schools and
mosques in his cities so people could learn to
read the Muslim holy book.
® He made sure Mali's economy stayed strong,
which meant people had more free time to
spend in prayer.
© He gave away more than $100-million worth of
gold during his pilgrimage.
He conquered major cities including Timbuktu.



A or B


He oversaw the construction of schools and

mosques in his cities so people could learn to

read the Muslim holy book.

® He made sure Mali's economy stayed strong,

which meant people had more free time to

spend in prayer.

Sounds legit . Well done

To protect slaves and people who helped them, the Underground Railroad created a set of code words to communicate with one another.



This is true, The Underground Railroad set a code with one another.

Hello I have a question for all of you guys today!!!



Increased predators


B I hope this helped!

(100 Points!) How did the communist system of the USSR differ from the capitalist system of the United States?

A.) The Soviet government controlled resources and discouraged private ownership of property

B.) The Soviet government promoted competition and encouraged private ownership of property

C.) The Soviet government advised people to shop around for the best prices for goods

D.) The Soviet government encouraged workers to search for the highest-paying jobs.​



The Soviet government controlled resources and discouraged private ownership of property. 

A because the Soviet Union was very controlling

Social Security provides income to retired, unemployed, and disabled workers. Benefits are based on how long a worker was employed. The comments below are from a discussion between two speakers with different perspectives on the future of Social Security.Speaker A:
Social Security is now facing a real problem. Soon the system will be paying more in benefits to retirees than it is collecting from payroll taxes. If we don’t fix this situation, the system will soon have nothing left. The best solution is to stop paying benefits to retirees with high incomes.

Speaker B:
What you propose is unfair. Workers pay into Social Security their whole working lives. After they retire, they are entitled to receive benefits based on what they have paid into the system. Even if they have high incomes, they are entitled to benefits from their own payments.

How do Speakers A and B differ?Immersive Reader

Speaker A believes too much money is paid to rich individuals; Speaker B sees the wealthy as the main drivers of the economy.

Speaker A fears Social Security will soon not have enough money to pay anyone; Speaker B feels retirees are entitled to benefits they have paid for.

Speaker A would rather invest in schools than pay retirees; Speaker B believes retirees are more in need of government help.

Speaker A believes the current system is unfair; Speaker B argues the system is basically fair.



I think B) Speaker A fears Social Security will soon not have enough money to pay anyone; Speaker B feels retirees are entitled to benefits they have paid for.

Feels right

At the battle of Shiloh,

A. the Confederacy turned the Union back quickly

B. the Union won a narrow victory

C. there was no clear winner

D. Grant demanded unconditional surrender


C for sure Just trust the processs
The answer is B

Apr 7, 1862 CE: Battle of Shiloh. On April 7, 1862, the Battle of Shiloh ended with a United States (Union) victory over Confederate forces in Pittsburg Landing, Tennessee.

Write an essay about how andrew jackson was a bad president



This Is An Essay About Andrew Jackson


Hope It is Useful

What did the Second Great Awakening lead people to do?


The Second Great Awakening lead people to a period of antebellum social reform and an emphasis on salvation by institutions.
The Second Great Awakening led to a period of antebellum social reform and an emphasis on salvation by institutions. ... The Great Awakening notably altered the religious climate in the American colonies. Ordinary people were encouraged to make a personal connection with God, instead of relying on a minister.

Why did the Confederacy have a difficult time stopping Sherman?



He eliminated Atlanta's war making potential and brought sheer destruction to Georgia, then offered generous surrender terms. His vision of hard war brought the Confederacy to its knees, but forestalled thousands of battlefield and civilian deaths.

What were the primary causes of the first World War and, in your opinion, which was the most important for provoking global conflict?


part 1: The immediate cause of World War I that made the aforementioned items come into play (alliances, imperialism, militarism, nationalism) was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. In June 1914, a Serbian-nationalist terrorist group called the Black Hand sent groups to assassinate the Archduke.

In my opinion what was the most important for provocking global conflict was assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary.

hope it helps

Read Question On PNG


The answer is D. federalism
The answer is D aka Federalism .

Which of these things was NOT part of Mesoamerican religion?

Ritual Ball Game
Human Sacrifices
Praying five times a day while facing east
Worship in temples led by priests


I believe the answer is c ^^

the answer is C because they do not pray that often and the others they do on a daily

What are some achievements of Polo? [sport]


What is polo? is it like a known sport or no

What happened when Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton attended the World Anti-Slavery Convention in London



Here's your answer


For ten days in June 1840, abolitionists from both sides of the Atlantic met together at the World Antislavery Convention in Freemason's Hall in London, England. ... The treatment of Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton at the convention led them to begin their own movement—for women's rights.

What were the three main goals of the New Deal legislation proposed by President Roosevelt?

A. jobless relief, stock regulations, and prosecution of banks
B. labor union reforms, giving money to banks for repayment, and regulating the stock market
C. creating shelters for the homeless, deregulating industry, and limiting immigration
D. jobless relief, economic recovery, and reforms to prevent another depression





Answer: The answer is B.

Explanation: I say this because of the stock crash of 1929 and in 1933 when Roosevelt became presedent this is something that he did try to fix.

Which describes President Andrew Johnson?

Question 3 options:

He sought congressional advice on Reconstruction

He was loyal to the Union, stubborn and unwilling to compromise.

He was extremely vain about his broad education

He was an abolitionist who despised slavery.



He was an abolitionist who despised slavery.

The best description of Andrew Johnson was that He was loyal to the Union, stubborn and unwilling to compromise.

What did Andrew Johnson do?

Andrew Johnson was a Southerner who remained loyal to the Union even when the South seceded.

When he became president, he was stubborn and unwilling to compromise in his reconstruction plans which led to conflict with Congress.

Find out more on Andrew Johnson at https://brainly.com/question/454252.


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Which type of credit is most likely to be unsecured? auto loanscredit cardsmortgage loanspersonal loans] anyone knowww thiusss ?no scammers pleaseeee Which of the following approaches to free trade relations today would the information in both the high price of free trade and NAFTA a decade of success most likely supportA. Existing free trade agreement should serve as models for expansion of their economic zones to benefit more nationsB. Citizens must remain vigilant in challenging the provisions of future free trade to ensure more protections for workers at all levelsC. Treaties must be reevaluated to limit free trade to nations of equal economic and political standing in the worldD. Free trade should continue to open doors among nations but must also strive to level the term of competition among international workers and businesses The Bountiful Bakery is considering hiring another pastry chef. The bakery knows the average product of its chefs currently is 15 dozen croissants per day. It also believes that the next chef hired will produce an extra 12 dozen croissants per day. A dozen croissants sell for $30. The bakery should hire another worker: What are the measures of 1 and 2? Find the 8th term in thesequence-1/2,-1, -2, -4,...Hint: Write a formula to help you.1st term . Common Ratio desired term 1) write the name of any two reptile that are protected by nepal government? The height of the equilateral triangle below is 15 units. What is the value of x?An equilateral triangle is shown. A perpendicular bisector cuts the triangle into 2 equal parts. They hypotenuse has a measure of x.15 StartRoot 3 EndRoot30 StartRoot 3 EndRootStartFraction 15 Over StartRoot 3 EndRoot EndFractionStartFraction 30 Over StartRoot 3 EndRoot PLEASE HELP ASAPMr. Green has a class of 15 students. He can spend $20 on each student to buy math supplies for the year. He first buys all of his students calculators, whichcosts a total of $144.75. After buying the calculators, how much does he have left to spend on each student? How were the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation made obvious by Shay's Rebellion? Janette measures the heights in inches of some of the flowers in her garden to see which ones are growing more. The heights are listed below. Which line plot represents the data correctly? 7 1 2 712 7 7 7 1 2 712 6 3 4 634 7 1 4 714 7 1 4 714 7 1 4 714 7 7 6 1 2 612 7 3 4 734 7 3 4 734 6 3 4 634 8 1 4 814 7 7 7 1 2 712 7 7 7 1 4 714 7 7 7 1 2 712 7 1 2 712 what are the primary elements that make up the earth's atmosphere? help asap pleaseeee !!!!!! Underline the tense and state the kind of it:-1. he had forgotten to take his umbrella. what is the value of x? Can you think of multiple ways to show that all three expressions are equivalent? Moon Company owns 56 million shares of stock as a long-term investment in Center Company and Moon does not have significant influence over Center. During 2018, the fair value of those shares increased by $34 million. What effect does this increase have on Moon's 2018 adjustments in the statement of cash flows? Group of answer choices No effect. Cash flow from financing activities will be increased. Cash flow from investing activities will be increased. Cash flow from operating activities will be decreased. Opportunity and Spirit, NASA's Mars Exploration Rovers, were the first scientific instruments able to collect samples directly from the surface of Mars. One of the mission's goals was to determine the likelihood that life ever existed on Mars. How were Spirit and Opportunity best able to supply evidence that in the distant past Mars may have had an environment favorable to life? PLESE HELP WILL GIVE BRAINLYESTYImagine that you are Sir Isaac Newton. Write a short autobiographical statement that talks about who you are, where youre from, and some of your important contributions. why is it important to be ethical in your studies