In 2 paragraphs (4-6 sentences each), compare and contrast the Black Death and COVID-19 (how they spread, symptoms, etc.) as well as the human response to both pandemics.

For the Black Death, use examples and information from your notes. For COVID, use your own experiences over the past few years having dealt with it and how it impact society.

Use COMPLETE SENTENCES, not bullet points.


Answer 1

The Black Death and COVID-19 are both pandemics that have greatly impacted human society. However, they differ in their mode of transmission. The Black Death, also known as the bubonic plague, was primarily spread through flea bites from infected rats.

On the other hand, COVID-19 is mainly spread through respiratory droplets when an infected person talks, coughs or sneezes in close proximity to others.

Both diseases present with different symptoms. The bubonic plague caused swollen and painful lymph nodes, fever, chills, and weakness, while COVID-19 symptoms include fever, cough, loss of taste or smell, and shortness of breath.

In terms of human response, there are similarities and differences between the two pandemics. During the Black Death, people had limited knowledge of medicine and were unable to contain the spread of the disease.

As a result, many resorted to superstition and blamed marginalized groups such as Jews, lepers, and foreigners for the spread of the disease, leading to persecution and violence against them. Similarly, during the COVID-19 pandemic, some people have blamed certain groups such as immigrants or people from certain countries for the spread of the disease, leading to discrimination and xenophobia.

However, unlike during the Black Death, we now have scientific knowledge and tools to combat COVID-19, such as vaccines, masks, and social distancing measures.

Nevertheless, there have been challenges in implementing these measures, and the response to the pandemic has been influenced by political and social factors.

For more questions on: bubonic plague


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which 1968 presidental candidate ahd the support of lyndon b johnson?


In 1968, Lyndon B. Johnson was serving as the incumbent president of the United States.

However, due to growing opposition and unrest related to the Vietnam War, Johnson announced on March 31, 1968, that he would not seek re-election.

During the Democratic primaries, Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey emerged as the establishment candidate and received the support of Johnson. Johnson's endorsement of Humphrey was seen as significant, as it carried the weight of the sitting president. Johnson's support for Humphrey was not surprising since Humphrey had been his vice president and a loyal member of his administration.

Despite Johnson's backing, Humphrey faced significant challenges within the Democratic Party. The primary race was marked by strong opposition to the Vietnam War, and Humphrey was seen by many as a continuation of Johnson's policies. This led to significant divisions within the party, with anti-war sentiment fueling support for other candidates like

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the papua new guinea tribes people worked for the leahy brothers because: a. they never stopped believing that the whites were gods b. they were treated as indentured slaves/laborers c. white men were different and they had shells and guns d. the brothers paid them with their own gold


The Papua New Guinea tribespeople worked for the Leahy brothers because they were treated as indentured slaves/laborers.

The white men were seen as different and powerful because they had access to shells and guns, and that the brothers paid them with their own gold, which further reinforced their status as wealthy and important figures. It is also important to note that while some tribespeople may have believed that the whites were gods, this was likely not the primary reason for their work with the Leahy brothers.

Learn more about Papua New Guinea tribespeople:


the books of _____________ form the transition from the era of the judges to that of the kings.



1-2 Samuel


The books of 1-2 Samuel form the transition from the era of the judges to the use of kings.

The books of Samuel form the transition from the era of the judges to that of the kings.

The era of the judges was a time in ancient Israel's history where God appointed judges to lead and deliver the Israelites from their enemies. However, this period was marked by disobedience and lawlessness among the people, and they began to demand a king. Samuel, a prophet and last judge of Israel, anointed Saul as the first king of Israel. However, Saul's reign was marked by disobedience and eventually, David, a man after God's heart, was anointed by Samuel as the next king. The books of Samuel detail the lives of these two kings and their impact on Israel. These books also mark the beginning of the monarchy in Israel and the end of the era of the judges. Through the books of Samuel, we see God's sovereignty over Israel's history and how He uses imperfect human leaders to accomplish His purposes.

To know more about judges visit:


john calvin accepted the legitimacy of church documents other than the bible believed the church was beyond reform he accepted ultimate papal authority and luther did not found merit in the selling of indulgences


John Calvin, a major figure in the Protestant Reformation, believed in the legitimacy of church documents other than the Bible, such as the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds.

However, he did not view the church as beyond reform, as he advocated for the purification and restoration of the church. In contrast to Luther, Calvin did not completely reject the authority of the pope, but he did view it as subordinate to the authority of Scripture. Additionally, Calvin disagreed with the selling of indulgences, which was a common practice in the Catholic Church at the time. He believed that salvation could not be bought or earned through good deeds, but rather it was a gift of grace from God that could only be obtained through faith in Jesus Christ. Overall, while Calvin had some theological differences with Luther and the Catholic Church, his beliefs were grounded in a commitment to Scripture and a desire for the restoration of the church.

Learn more about church from here:


How did the actions of the federal government in the 1960s and 1970s affect the number of interest groups?


The actions of the federal government in the 1960s and 1970s led to an increase in the number of interest groups.

During this time, the federal government passed several landmark pieces of legislation, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Clean Air Act of 1970, among others.

These laws created new opportunities for interest groups to organize and advocate for their causes.

For example, civil rights groups such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) were instrumental in pushing for the passage of the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act.

At the same time, these laws also created new challenges for interest groups.

The federal government began to take a more active role in regulating industries and protecting consumers, which led to the formation of new interest groups, such as environmental organizations like the Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council.

Overall, the actions of the federal government in the 1960s and 1970s had a mixed impact on the number of interest groups. While some groups were able to thrive under the new legal framework, others struggled to adapt to the changing political and social landscape.

For more question on government visit;



Write a paragraph on the Ottoman empire's trading, advancements, and key components:


The Ottoman Empire, was a powerful and expansive state that encompassed diverse regions and cultures.

What were the Ottomans known for ?

The economic prosperity and cultural exchange of the empire were heavily dependent on trading. The Ottomans constructed an extensive system of commercial pathways that linked three continents - Europe, Asia, and Africa.

They created a remarkable kind of architecture that combines features from various cultural backgrounds such as Byzantine, Islamic, and European, and includes notable landmarks such as the Hagia Sophia and the Topkapi Palace.

The successful management and tax collection system established by the empire's administrative framework contributed to the consistent stability and advancement of its domains. By virtue of their formidable military power, the Ottomans were able to expand their domain and exert authority over extensive territories.

Find out more on the Ottoman empire at


a rock festival that drew hundreds of thousands of people in 1969 was at



The Woodstock festival



Woodstock Festival


The Woodstock Festival, which took place in August 1969, was a turning point in the counterculture movement of the 1960s. A three-day music festival that organizers had anticipated would draw 50,000 people attracted an estimated 500,000 people.

The festival, which is advertised as "Three Days of Peace and Music," has the same cultural impact as the Apollo 11 moon landing, which had the whole world spellbound a month earlier. Although Woodstock was clearly a once-in-a-century cultural event, it was also a traffic-clogged, rain-soaked, mud-caked catastrophe, a fact that is sometimes missed in the nostalgia for the 1960s.

in the fifteenth century, what state became the successor to ghana and mali in the niger region?



the Songhai (Songhay) Empire

a religion that combines elements of two or more different belief systems is:


syncretic religion :)))

how did the ancient egypt civilisation develop



monkeys I think because they were there longer

When Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai and his son were in the cave, was the Roman Empire Christian?


No, the Roman Empire was not Christian during the time Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai and his son were in the cave. The Roman Empire was actually a pagan society at that time.

The Roman Empire was actually a pagan society at that time, worshipping various gods and goddesses such as Jupiter, Apollo, and Venus. Christianity did not become the official religion of the Roman Empire until the 4th century AD, when Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity and made it the state religion. However, there were Christians living in the Roman Empire during Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai's time, as Christianity had begun to spread throughout the region. It is important to note that Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai lived during the 2nd century AD, which was a time of great political turmoil and conflict within the Roman Empire, as various groups vied for power and control.

Learn more about pagan from here:


what was the name of the battle where the us defeated a group native americans led by tecumseh?



The Battle of  Tippecanoe courtesy of


The Battle of Tippecanoe NOO was fought on November 7, 1811, in Battle Ground, Indiana, between American forces led by then Governor William Henry Harrison of the Indiana Territory and Native American forces associated with Shawnee leader Tecumseh and his brother Tenskwatawa (commonly known as "The Prophet"), leaders of a confederacy of various tribes who opposed European-American settlement of the American frontier.

The battle you are referring to is the Battle of Tippecanoe, which took place on November 7, 1811, in Indiana. Tecumseh, a Shawnee chief, and his brother, Tenskwatawa, also known as the Prophet, had been leading a confederation of Native American tribes in an effort to resist American expansion into their lands.

The battle you are referring to is the Battle of Tippecanoe, which took place on November 7, 1811, in Indiana. Tecumseh, a Shawnee chief, and his brother, Tenskwatawa, also known as the Prophet, had been leading a confederation of Native American tribes in an effort to resist American expansion into their lands. However, American forces under the command of William Henry Harrison attacked and defeated the Native American camp at Prophetstown. This battle was significant because it weakened Tecumseh's confederation and allowed for further American expansion into Native American territories. The victory at the Battle of Tippecanoe also boosted Harrison's political career, as he later became the ninth President of the United States.

To know more about Tippecanoe visit:


From the beginning of his presidency, kennedy vigorously supported black civil rights.a. Trueb. False


False. From the beginning of his presidency, Kennedy did not vigorously support black civil rights.

While he recognized the importance of the civil rights movement and made some efforts to address racial inequality, his initial approach was cautious and hesitant. Kennedy was cautious about taking strong legislative action on civil rights, fearing that it would alienate southern Democrats.

It was not until later in his presidency, particularly after the Birmingham campaign and the March on Washington, that Kennedy became more proactive in supporting civil rights. His administration eventually proposed and supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but it was his successor, President Lyndon B. Johnson, who successfully shepherded the bill through Congress and signed it into law.

Learn more about civil rights


officially opened in 1869, what artificial waterway connects the mediterranean sea to the red sea?


The artificial waterway that connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea is the Suez Canal.

It was officially opened on November 17, 1869, after ten years of construction by the French engineer Ferdinand de Lesseps. The Suez Canal is located in Egypt and it provides a shorter route for ships to travel between Europe and Asia, avoiding the long and dangerous trip around the southern tip of Africa.

The Suez Canal is about 120 miles long and it is a vital waterway for global trade. It has also played a significant role in the history of the Middle East. In 1956, the canal was nationalized by Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, leading to the Suez Crisis, an international conflict that involved Britain, France, and Israel.

The canal was closed during the conflict, causing major disruptions to global shipping.

In recent years, the Suez Canal has undergone significant expansion and modernization, including the addition of a second lane to allow for two-way traffic and the deepening of the canal to allow for larger ships to pass through.

The Suez Canal Authority, which manages the waterway, continues to play an important role in the global shipping industry.

For more question on waterway visit:


in may, 1989, the chinese communist rulers suppressed the "fifth modernization" by their action at


The Chinese Communist government quashed the "fifth modernization" in Tiananmen Square in May 1989.

The fifth modernization was a Chinese movement that advocated for democracy, human rights, and free expression, among other things. The movement was part of a larger push to modernize China's economy and society, which was launched by Deng Xiaoping, China's leader at the time.

The Chinese Communist rulers' suppression of the Fifth Modernization resulted in a brutal crackdown on pro-democracy protestors in Tiananmen Square, ensuing in the deaths of centuries, if not thousands, of people.

As a result, the significance of the Chinese communist rulers suppressed the "fifth modernization" are the aforementioned.

Learn more about on Chinese Communist, here:


a key difference between the cold war and current animosity between the united states and russia is


One key difference between the Cold War and the current animosity between the United States and Russia is the nature of the relationship.

During the Cold War, the US and Russia were engaged in a global competition for power and influence, with each side seeking to spread its ideology and gain control over other nations. This led to a nuclear arms race, proxy wars, and a deep mistrust between the two superpowers.
In contrast, the current animosity between the US and Russia is characterized by a more complex set of factors. While there are still concerns about Russian aggression and interference in US elections, the relationship between the two countries is also shaped by economic interests, geopolitical rivalries, and domestic politics.
Another important difference is the level of international support and alliances that each country has. During the Cold War, the US was part of a broad coalition of Western countries, while Russia was aligned with communist states in Eastern Europe and Asia. Today, the US has strong alliances with countries in Europe and Asia, while Russia has been increasingly isolated on the international stage.
Overall, while there are certainly similarities between the Cold War and current tensions between the US and Russia, the nature of the relationship and the broader geopolitical context have evolved significantly over time.

To know more about animosity  visit:


what were the series of wars by european christians to recover the holy land from the muslims


The series of wars by European Christians to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims is known as the Crusades.

The Crusades lasted for almost two centuries, starting in 1095 and ending in 1291. The European Christians were motivated by religious, political, and economic reasons to launch the Crusades. They believed that recapturing the Holy Land, including Jerusalem, would guarantee them a place in heaven and save them from their sins. Additionally, the Pope was hoping to unite the Christian world and increase his power. The Muslims, on the other hand, were not a united force and were divided into several smaller kingdoms.

However, they were determined to defend their land from the European invaders.
The Crusades had a significant impact on the relationship between Christians and Muslims and had long-lasting effects on both cultures. It also led to the development of trade routes and the exchange of ideas between Europe and the Middle East.

In conclusion, the Crusades were a series of wars by European Christians to recover the Holy Land from Muslims that lasted for almost two centuries.

To know more about Crusades visit:


.Which of the following are examples of movements that developed in the First World in the decades after World War 2?
a. the Anti-Vietnam War Movement, the Prague Spring and the Warsaw Pact.
b. The Prague Spring, NATO, and the Berlin Airlift.
c. Palestine-Israeli conflict, South African apartheid, the Anti-Vietnam War movement.
d. the civil rights movement, the women's movement, and the Prague Spring.
e. the women's movement, the civil rights movement, and the environmental movement.


The women's movement, the civil rights movement, and the environmental movement are all examples of movements that developed in the First World in the decades after World War II. So, the correct answer is option e.

These movements emerged as responses to social and political issues, advocating for equality, justice, and environmental conservation.

The women's movement sought to address gender inequality and promote women's rights and opportunities. It aimed to challenge patriarchal norms and discrimination, advocating for women's suffrage, reproductive rights, and workplace equality.

The civil rights movement focused on combating racial segregation and discrimination, particularly against African Americans. It fought for equal rights, desegregation, and voting rights, leading to significant social and legislative changes.

The environmental movement arose in response to growing concerns about environmental degradation and the need for conservation. It aimed to raise awareness about pollution, resource depletion, and the importance of sustainable practices to protect the environment.

Know more about the civil rights Movement here:


Which disease spread faster Covid-19 or Black Death and why might it spread faster?
Which of these pandemics Covid-19 or The Black Death had a bigger effect on society?



black death is the most spreading disease

Covid-19, of course, has now been certified as the cause of death for 1.94 million people in the space of one year. That makes it worse in absolute terms than most influenza pandemics in history, except 1918’s; worse than the seven cholera pandemics of the 19th and early 20th century; but much less bad than HIV, 1918, or the Black Death and associated bubonic plague outbreaks. Every mentioned pandemic surpasses it in terms of deaths per capita, though — much of its high death toll is a consequence of the world’s population having grown from about 2 billion in 1920 to more than 7.8 billion today.

the missouri compromise stipulated that in the rest of the louisiana purchase north of 36°30´:a free blacks could not become citizens.b majority rule would determine whether slavery would be legal.c slaves would become free at age twenty-five.d there would be no restrictions on slavery.e slavery would be excluded.


The Missouri Compromise was a critical legislative agreement that was enacted in 1820. It was a decision that would help to resolve the question of slavery in the territories of the Louisiana Purchase. The agreement stipulated that in the area north of 36°30´, slavery would be excluded.

The Missouri Compromise was a critical legislative agreement that was enacted in 1820. It was a decision that would help to resolve the question of slavery in the territories of the Louisiana Purchase. The agreement stipulated that in the area north of 36°30´, slavery would be excluded. This meant that slavery would not be legal in the northern territories. However, in the southern territories, slavery would still be legal. The Missouri Compromise was a crucial legal decision that helped to keep the balance of power between free and slave states in the United States. It was a necessary step towards the eventual abolition of slavery and the promotion of civil rights for all citizens, regardless of race or ethnicity.

To know more about legislative visit:


Philip formed a Pan-Hellenic League that included all the states he conquered including Persia.True or False?


The given statement,"Philip formed a Pan-Hellenic League that included all the states he conquered including Persia" is false because Philip II of Macedon did create a league of Greek states, but it was called the League of Corinth, not the Pan-Hellenic League.

The League of Corinth was formed in 338 BCE after Philip's victory at the Battle of Chaeronea, and it included many of the Greek city-states, although not all of them.

The purpose of the league was to unite the Greek states under Macedonian leadership, and it was modeled after the Delian League, which had been formed in the 5th century BCE to combat Persian aggression.

While Philip did conquer parts of Persia, he did not include it in the League of Corinth. In fact, Persia was never part of any of the Greek leagues, as it was considered a foreign power and not a Greek state.

Therefore, the statement that "Philip formed a Pan-Hellenic League that included all the states he conquered including Persia" is false.

For more question on conquered visit:


Construction of the Roman Colosseum, which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, was completed a decade later, during the reign of Titus, who opened the Colosseum with a one-hundred-day cycle of religious pageants, gladiatorial games, and spectacles.
Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D
Option E


The construction of the Roman Colosseum, officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D. 69 under the reign of Vespasian and was completed a decade later under the reign of Titus.

The Colosseum was inaugurated by Titus with a series of grand events including religious ceremonies, gladiatorial games, and spectacles that lasted for a hundred days.

The Roman Colosseum, one of the most iconic structures of ancient Rome, started its construction in A.D. 69. The initiative was undertaken by the emperor Vespasian, who aimed to build an amphitheater that would showcase grand spectacles and provide entertainment for the Roman citizens. However, it was during the reign of his successor, Titus, that the construction was completed in A.D. 80. To mark the completion and inauguration of the Colosseum, Titus organized a magnificent series of events that lasted for one hundred days. These events included religious ceremonies, gladiatorial combats, animal hunts, and other extravagant spectacles that captivated the audience and demonstrated the grandeur of the Roman Empire. The Colosseum has since become an enduring symbol of Rome's architectural and cultural achievements, attracting millions of visitors each year.

Learn more about Flavian Amphitheater here:


what was the greatest failure in new york city’s response to the world trade center attacks?


The lack of effective communication and coordination between agencies, particularly the NYPD and FDNY, along with inadequate interoperability, led to delays in resource deployment and compromised the overall response effectiveness.

One of the greatest failures in New York City's response to the World Trade Center attacks was the breakdown in communication and coordination among various agencies involved in emergency response. The attacks on September 11, 2001, were unprecedented in scale and complexity, requiring a swift and efficient response from multiple organizations.

One significant failure was the lack of effective communication between the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and the New York City Fire Department (FDNY). Both agencies were operating on different radio frequencies, which hindered their ability to coordinate efforts and share critical information. This communication breakdown resulted in many firefighters entering the towers unaware of the deteriorating conditions and the evacuation orders given by the police.

Additionally, the response was further hindered by inadequate interoperability between different emergency response systems and agencies at the local, state, and federal levels. This lack of coordination led to delays in deploying resources, including specialized equipment and personnel, causing a less effective and efficient response overall.

To learn more about World Trade Center


revisions in the 1960s to the federal agricultural adjustment act encouraged the production of


In the 1960s, modifications to the Federal Agricultural Adjustment Act predominantly favored the development of maize and soybeans. Here option D is the correct answer.

During the 1960s, the United States experienced a shift in agricultural policies, with a growing emphasis on the production of grain crops such as corn and soybeans. These policy changes were influenced by several factors, including advancements in agricultural technology and the increasing demand for feed grains and oilseeds.

The revisions to the Federal Agricultural Adjustment Act aimed to support and incentivize farmers to increase their production of corn and soybeans. This was driven by the rising demand for these crops, not only for human consumption but also for animal feed, biofuel production, and various industrial uses. The government provided subsidies, price support, and other forms of assistance to farmers to encourage them to expand their corn and soybean production.

These policy changes had a significant impact on agricultural practices and production patterns in the United States, leading to an increased focus on corn and soybeans as major cash crops during the 1960s and beyond.

To learn more about agricultural policies


Complete question:

Which of the following options best describes the production encouraged by the revisions made to the Federal Agricultural Adjustment Act in the 1960s?

A) Livestock

B) Fruits and vegetables

C) Cotton

D) Corn and soybeans

Mexican American activism in the 1950s and 1960s was most directly inspired by which of the following?
The tactics and goals of the African American Civil Rights movement
The emergence of evangelical Christian political activism
The arguments made by conservatives about the role of the federal government
The public reaction against antiwar protesters


The correct answer is A) The tactics and goals of the African American Civil Rights movement.

Mexican American activism in the 1950s and 1960s was indeed most directly inspired by the tactics and goals of the African American Civil Rights movement. The African American Civil Rights movement, led by figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., sought to challenge and dismantle racial discrimination and segregation in the United States.Mexican Americans, also facing systemic racism, discrimination, and unequal treatment, found inspiration in the strategies employed by the African American activists.

They observed the nonviolent protest methods, such as sit-ins, marches, and boycotts, used by African American civil rights leaders to bring attention to racial injustices and push for change. Mexican American activists recognized the potential effectiveness of these tactics in raising awareness, mobilizing communities, and advocating for their own civil rights and social justice.

Learn more about  African American Civil Rights here:


american modernism differed from european modernism, in part because america lacked the artistic traditions against which european artists rebelled. True or False?


True. American modernism developed independently of European modernism, in part because America lacked the artistic traditions against which European artists rebelled.

While European modernism was influenced by the artistic traditions of ancient Greece and Rome, as well as the Renaissance and the Enlightenment, American modernism was influenced by a different set of cultural and intellectual movements, such as the Romantic movement, the transcendentalist movement, and the industrial revolution.

As a result, American modernists often approached their work from a different perspective than their European counterparts, focusing on themes such as American identity, urban life, and the American landscape. American modernists also experimented with different techniques and styles, such as abstraction, cubism, and impressionism, and were often more concerned with the social and political implications of their work than their European counterparts.  

Learn more about American modernism


Option 2—Make a picture collection! Pick one representative image from each period and explain it in two complete sentences. Take one sentence to explain what it is, and one sentence to explain how it represents that period. As always, review the lesson carefully enough and research enough to find an image that is not on one of the most popular reference websites. With this option, you will submit at least five images, each with its own explanation in complete sentences.


There are the different periods such as:

Dorothea Lange's 1936 image of "Migrant Mother"Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1963 "I Have a Dream" speech.Nick Ut's 1972 image of "Vietnam Napalm" and J. Howard Miller, 1942, "Rosie the Riveter" poster.

The Dorothea Lange "Migrant Mother" portrait, taken in 1936, captures the challenges faced by migrant workers during the Great Depression. The picture depicts a mother and her kids who are striving to make ends meet while living in poverty.

Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, delivered in 1963, epitomizes the Civil Rights Movement and the struggle for racial equality in the United States. A strong call to action is made throughout the speech for people to band together and work to create a society that is more just.

Learn more about on Migrant Mother, here:


Which spurred increased european interest in colonizing north america?


Several factors spurred increased European interest in colonizing North America. One of the most significant was the desire for economic opportunities, particularly in the form of valuable natural resources such as timber, fish, and furs.

Another important factor was the desire for religious freedom, as many Europeans faced persecution and discrimination based on their beliefs.

Additionally, political and social instability in Europe, such as the Thirty Years' War, drove many people to seek new opportunities in the New World. Finally, advances in navigation technology and increased competition among European nations for global power and influence also contributed to the push to colonize North America.

For more questions on: colonizing North America


how did the increasingly confident republican party prepare for the election of 1860?


They had grown in numbers and support, especially in the North, and were gaining traction in the West as well. In order to prepare for the election, the Republican Party held a national convention in Chicago in May of 1860, where they officially nominated Abraham Lincoln as their candidate for president.

The Republican Party was increasingly confident heading into the election of 1860, as they had made significant strides in the previous years. This was a strategic move, as Lincoln was a well-respected figure and had broad appeal. The party also developed a platform that focused on opposing the expansion of slavery into the Western territories. Additionally, the Republican Party ran a well-organized and effective campaign, utilizing new campaign strategies such as rallies and parades. Overall, the Republican Party's preparation for the election of 1860 paid off, as Lincoln was elected president, cementing the party's place in American politics for years to come.

To know more about The Republican Party visit:


The increasingly confident republican party prepare for the election of 1860 by  believing that  they could defeat the incumbent Democratic Party, which had been plagued by division and scandal.

The Republican Party, which had formed just four years prior, was gaining confidence in the lead up to the 1860 election. They believed they could defeat the incumbent Democratic Party, which had been plagued by division and scandal. The Republican Party held their national convention in Chicago in May 1860 and nominated Abraham Lincoln as their presidential candidate. They also adopted a platform that emphasized free labor, free soil, and opposition to the expansion of slavery.

The party worked hard to mobilize voters, particularly in the North, through rallies, speeches, and the distribution of campaign literature. They also used emerging technologies like the telegraph and the railroad to communicate with supporters and coordinate campaign efforts. By the time of the election, the Republican Party was a well-organized and confident political force.

To know more about republican party visit


west virginia was the only state to come out of the civil war what happened to the soldiers who left the southern state of virginia and returned to the northern state of west virginia


During the American Civil War, West Virginia separated from the state of Virginia and became its own state in 1863.

This division occurred primarily due to differences in political loyalties and the issue of slavery.

Regarding the soldiers who left the Confederate state of Virginia and returned to the Union state of West Virginia, it is important to note that not all soldiers who fought for the Confederacy in Virginia automatically returned to West Virginia. Soldiers who had joined Confederate regiments from the western counties of Virginia (which later became West Virginia) had the  to either remain with their Confederate units or defect to the Union side and join Union forces.

Those soldiers who chose to leave the Confederate state and join Union forces were generally treated as returning Union soldiers. They would have been subject to the regulations and protocols of the Union military, and their treatment would depend on various factors such as their rank, unit, and individual circumstances. They may have been integrated into existing Union regiments or organized into new units specific to West Virginia.

It is worth mentioning that the experiences of individual soldiers varied, and there were nces of hardship, challenges, and adjustments faced by soldiers who switched sides during the war. However, in general, soldiers from West Virginia who had fought for the Confederacy and returned to West Virginia were recognized as loyal to the Union and would have been treated as such by the Union authorities.

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If a country's population increases at a higher rate than the growth in its real GDP:GDP per capita has increased.the standard of living in the country has declined.average output per person remains constant.the country's rate of inflation has increased. getting the "wind knocked out" of you is characteristic of a:____. the type of sinkhole that shows a circular depression over longer periods of time is called a golden gulag: prisons, surplus, crisis, and opposition in globalizing california as a result of the seven years' war, a number of french residents in nova scotia Enter the solutions from least to greatest.(X+ 1)(3x + 4) = 0lesser x =greater x = 1. The school district wanted to determine whether the more expensive floor wax (Brand A) was better than the cheaper one (Brand X) at protecting its floor tiles against scratches. One liter of each brand was applied to each of 10 test sections of the cafeteria floor. The test sections were all the same size. Ten (10) other test sections received no wax. After 4 weeks, the number of scratches in each of the test sections was counted. What is the dependent and independent variable?- number of tiles-type of wax- number of scratches- number of weeksWhat is the control of the experiment?-floor tiles with no wax- brand A-brand X-there is no control2. Which type of graph would best represent the number of students whose favorite sport was either basketball, tennis, football, or track:a. line graphb. histogramc. circle graphd. bar graph why is the sky orange and red at sunrise and sunset? gases absorb orange and red light. blue wavelengths are absorbed by the atmosphere. the thick atmosphere scatters a a cylinder is filled 10 lwith of gas and a piston is put into it. the initial pressure of the gas is measured to be82.5 kpa . the piston is now pushed down, compressing the gas, until the gas has a final volume of . calculate the final pressure of the gas. round your answer to significant digits. The Cyprus Company recently lost its entire inventory in a fire. The accounting records reflect the following information :Beginning Inventory $36,000Net Purchases $220,500Net Sales $378,300Gross Profit Rate 40% Using the gross profit method, estimated inventory is: A. $36,000 B. $29,520 C. $102,600 D. Cannot be determined with given information a buyer signs an offer while he is seriously impaired by alcohol, but two days later, he delivers the earnest money check to the agent and reviews the contract with the agent while unimpaired. because he came back unimpaired, and still decided to perform his obligation to the contract, the contract is said to have been: On June 1, Year 1, Decker verbally guaranteed the payment of a $5,000 promissory note, which Decker's cousin owed Baker. On June 3, Year 1, Baker wrote Decker confirming Decker's guarantee. Decker did not object to the confirmation. On August 23, Year 1, Decker's cousin defaulted on the promissory note. Which of the following statements is true? a. Decker is not liable under the verbal agreement if it expired more than 1 year after June 1. b. Decker is not liable under the verbal agreement because Decker's promise was not in writing, Oc Decker is liable under the verbal guarantee because Decker did not object to Baker's June 3 letter. O d. Decker is liable under the verbal agreement because Baker demanded payment within 1 year of the date the guarantee was given master cookie bakers sells customized cookies to restaurants and standardized cookies to individual buyers. the firm is using: Which oral tradition was held by enslaved African people when they were brought to North America? embryonal carcinoma, yolk sac tumor, choriocarcinoma, and teratoma are all types of: lead can _______ damage your nervous, urinary, blood-forming, and reproductive systems. Problem 3: Below is a table of calls to a Poison center in Manhattan Kansas for exposures to disinfectants. (Review class 22 and 23) within each age group, 0-5, 6-59 (put two 6-19 and 20-59 together to get enough data), and 60 and up, run the poisson difference tests we discussed to see if there are any interesting differences across the years. there will be 3 comparisons pre age group times 3 groups for 9 tests, use fdr, not independent at the q value of .1 to evaluate. which of the following life insurance policies will be included in the client's probate and gross estate? group of answer choices a. the clients life policy payable to his daughter. b. the policy the client owns on his daughter's life. c. the client's life policy payable to his favorite charity. d. the client's life policy he sold to a viatical company two years ago. what does recent archaeological evidence suggest about hierarchy, violence, and aggression? Using the pH meter, compare the liquid from the lake to other samples. a) It's alkaline with a high pH b) It's neutral, like water c) It's very acidic with a low pH