in 2012, how many people in america were counted as poor by the federal government?


Answer 1

According to the federal government's 2012 poverty threshold, a family of four earning less than $23,283 annually was considered to be living in poverty. In that year, more than 46.5 million people in America were counted as poor by the federal government. This number represented 15 percent of the total population and was a slight increase from the previous year's figures.

According to the federal government's 2012 poverty threshold, a family of four earning less than $23,283 annually was considered to be living in poverty. In that year, more than 46.5 million people in America were counted as poor by the federal government. This number represented 15 percent of the total population and was a slight increase from the previous year's figures. The poverty rate in America has fluctuated over the years, but the federal government continues to use income as the primary indicator for determining poverty levels. In recent years, there have been debates about whether other factors, such as access to healthcare and affordable housing, should also be considered when determining poverty levels.

To know more about federal visit:


Related Questions

the failure to become aware of stimuli that one is physically capable of sensing is called:


The failure to become aware of stimuli that one is physically capable of sensing is called sensory neglect or inattentional blindness.

This phenomenon occurs when our attention is focused on one particular task or stimulus, causing us to miss other stimuli that are present. Our brains are constantly processing large amounts of information, and when we are not actively attending to a particular sensation, our brain may not register it. For example, if we are focused on a conversation, we may not notice a car honking outside. This phenomenon is common and can be useful in certain situations, but it can also be dangerous if it leads to a failure to detect important information. It is important to remain vigilant and actively engage in our surroundings to avoid sensory neglect.

To know more about stimuli visit:


attitudes are comprised of three dimensions: cognition, affect, and _______.


Attitudes are comprised of three dimensions: cognition, affect, and conation. The conation dimension refers to the behavioral component of attitudes, which encompasses an individual's tendency to act or behave in a particular way based on their attitude.

It represents the behavioral intentions or actions that arise from one's attitudes and beliefs. The conation dimension reflects the link between attitudes and behavior.

While cognition involves the beliefs, thoughts, and knowledge individuals hold about an object, and affect refers to the emotional or evaluative component of attitudes, conation focuses on the behavioral aspect. It encompasses the actions, intentions, and behaviors that result from the cognitive and affective components of attitudes.

Understanding the conation dimension is crucial because it helps explain how attitudes influence behavior. Attitudes alone may not always lead to behavioral outcomes, as various factors can mediate the translation of attitudes into actions. The conation dimension bridges the gap between attitudes and behavior, shedding light on the active component of attitudes that propels individuals to act in accordance with their attitudes or intentions.

To know more about cognition,


norms that guide everyday casual interactions. violators are sanctioned subtly or not at all. (example: making out- deep kissing- with a partner in some public places is frowned upon)


Norms that guide everyday casual interactions and are subtly or not at all sanctioned when violated are known as folkways.

Folkways are informal social norms that govern customary behaviors and etiquette in society. These norms are often specific to particular cultural or social groups and can vary across different contexts. Unlike more formal norms, such as laws or legal regulations, the violation of folkways typically results in mild disapproval, social discomfort, or informal sanctions rather than severe consequences. Examples of folkways include appropriate dress codes for specific occasions, greetings and gestures, table manners, or public displays of affection. While making out or deep kissing in some public places may not be explicitly prohibited by laws, it is often considered a violation of social norms and can lead to disapproving glances, comments, or other subtle forms of social pressure. Folkways play a role in maintaining social order, harmony, and cultural expectations within a community or society.

To read more about Folkways click here


How did the Industrial Revolution change jobs and organizations?
a. productivity fell at companies as workers focused on their singular tasks
b. managers realized the importance of customer relations
c. cottage workers worked with each other out of small homes that were often built in a semicircle
d. unskilled workers running machines began to replace high-paid, skilled artisans
e. managers realized the importance of synergistic tasks


The Industrial Revolution transformed jobs and organizations by replacing skilled artisans with unskilled machine operators, increasing productivity through specialization and synergistic tasks, and transitioning from the cottage industry system to larger-scale production facilities.Option D is the correct answer.

As a result of these new production techniques, productivity increased at companies (a), but this was accompanied by a shift in focus to singular tasks for workers. This specialization allowed employees to become more efficient at their respective tasks, contributing to the overall increase in productivity.

Another effect of the Industrial Revolution on organizations was the realization of the importance of synergistic tasks (e) by managers. This meant that they started to understand the value of having employees work together towards a common goal, as it could improve the overall performance of the organization.

Furthermore, the Industrial Revolution led to a shift from the cottage industry system (c), where workers produced goods in small homes, to factories and large-scale production facilities. This change facilitated the growth of organizations and contributed to the increased division of labor.

Therefore the correct answer is option D
For more questions on Industrial Revolution

_________ see personality as nothing more than a set of learned responses.


Behaviorists see personality as nothing more than a set of learned responses.

Behaviorists, as a psychological perspective, emphasize the role of environmental factors and learning experiences in shaping and determining personality. According to behaviorism, personality is viewed as a result of conditioning processes, where individuals acquire specific behaviors through the reinforcement and punishment of their actions.

Behaviorists reject the notion of innate or unconscious influences on personality and instead focus on observable behaviors and the environmental contingencies that shape them. They believe that personality can be understood and modified through the study and manipulation of environmental stimuli and behavioral responses. In this perspective, personality is seen as a product of external influences rather than inherent traits or characteristics.

Learn more about Behaviorists


What should be used first when dealing with problem behaviors?


When dealing with problem behaviors, it is important to use positive reinforcement techniques first. Positive reinforcement is a technique that involves rewarding desirable behaviors in order to encourage their repetition. This technique has been found to be particularly effective in modifying behavior in children, adolescents, and adults.

Positive reinforcement can be used in a variety of ways, such as offering praise, providing tangible rewards, or giving privileges. The key is to find a reward that is meaningful to the individual and that they will be motivated to work for. For example, a child who loves video games may be motivated to complete their homework by being offered extra screen time. Alternatively, a teenager who loves sports may be motivated to clean their room by being offered a ticket to a game. Using positive reinforcement has several advantages. Firstly, it helps to build positive relationships between the individual and their caregiver or teacher. This is because positive reinforcement techniques focus on praising and rewarding good behavior rather than punishing bad behavior. This positive approach is more likely to be perceived as fair and respectful, which can help to reduce conflicts and build trust.
Secondly, positive reinforcement can be used to teach new behaviors or skills. For example, if a child is having difficulty sharing with others, positive reinforcement can be used to encourage them to take turns and share their toys. Over time, this positive reinforcement will help the child to learn new social skills and become more cooperative.
Finally, positive reinforcement can be used to maintain good behavior. By providing rewards for good behavior, individuals are more likely to continue behaving in the desired way. This can help to prevent relapse into problem behaviors and promote long-term behavior change.

Learn more about problem behaviors here:


A point estimator is a sample statistic that provides a point estimate of a population parameter. Complete the following statements about point estimators. Given two unbiased estimators of the same population parameter, the estimator with the is f its is equal to the value of the population A point estimator is said to be parameter that it estimates. if, as the sample size is , the estimator A point estimator is said to be tends to provide better estimates of the population parameter.


Given two unbiased estimators of the same population parameter, the estimator with the lower variance is better since it is more precise and closer to the true value of the parameter.

A point estimator is said to be consistent if, as the sample size increases, the estimator tends to provide better estimates of the population parameter. A point estimator is said to be unbiased if its expected value is equal to the value of the population parameter that it estimates. A point estimator is considered to provide better estimates of the population parameter if it is both unbiased and consistent, allowing for accurate and reliable inference about the unknown population characteristic based on sample data.

Learn more about population  here:


this type of study observes the same participants on many occasions over a long period of time.


The type of study that observes the same participants on multiple occasions over an extended period of time is called a longitudinal study.

Longitudinal studies are research designs that involve collecting data from the same individuals or participants at multiple points in time, allowing researchers to examine changes and patterns over an extended period. By observing participants over time, researchers can track developments, behaviors, or outcomes and identify how they may vary or evolve over the course of the study. This longitudinal approach provides valuable insights into the stability, growth, or decline of variables of interest. These studies are particularly useful for investigating developmental processes, such as cognitive, social, or emotional changes over the lifespan. Longitudinal studies also allow researchers to examine the impact of certain factors or interventions on participants' outcomes or behaviors. By following participants over an extended duration, researchers can better understand the long-term effects of various factors and make more accurate assessments of causality. However, conducting longitudinal studies can be resource-intensive and require sustained participant engagement and data collection efforts.

Learn more about longitudinal study here


in the following uml class diagram, calculatescore(): int depicts a . a box contains the following: the header reads game. the text below the header reads: - score: int - playername: string calculatescore(): int playerinfo() A. member variable of type int with public access specifier B. method name which returns an int value and is accessible only to the class member C. Member variable of type int with public access specifier D. Method name wich returns an int value and with a public access specifier


D correctly describes the "calculatescore(): int" function as a method with a public access specifier that returns an integer value.

based on the given information,  d. "method name which returns an int value and with a public access specifier" accurately describes the function "calculatescore(): int" in the uml class diagram.

the "calculatescore()" method is denoted by its name, followed by parentheses containing any required parameters, and a return type indicated after the colon. in this case, "calculatescore()" is a method that returns an integer value (int).

the presence of the public access specifier indicates that the method can be accessed and invoked by other classes and objects within the system.

Learn more about parameters here:


Which elements of beowulf is most clearly an archetypal pattern?


The hero's journey is the most clearly an archetypal pattern in Beowulf.

The hero's journey is a recurring archetypal pattern found in myths and legends across different cultures. In Beowulf, this pattern is prominently depicted through the protagonist's quest to battle and defeat monstrous foes. The hero's journey typically involves stages such as the call to adventure, crossing the threshold into the unknown, facing various trials and challenges, receiving aid from mentors or supernatural beings, and ultimately achieving victory or personal transformation.

Beowulf's journey follows these archetypal stages as he is called to defeat Grendel, ventures into the monster's lair, confronts numerous obstacles, receives aid from the wise Hrothgar, and ultimately emerges victorious. The hero's journey archetype in Beowulf reinforces the timeless narrative structure of a heroic quest and the transformative journey undertaken by the protagonist.

Learn more about archetypal pattern


what is the first step you should take before backing any vehicle


Before backing any vehicle, the first step you should take is to assess your surroundings. This means checking for any potential hazards such as people, other vehicles, or objects that may obstruct your path.

It is important to use your mirrors and look over your shoulder to ensure that your blind spots are clear. Once you have assessed your surroundings, the next step is to signal your intention to back up. This includes using your turn signal and possibly honking your horn to alert anyone in the vicinity. Taking these steps before backing any vehicle can help ensure the safety of both yourself and others around you.

To know more about ensure refer :


according to edgar schein, the most important role of an organization's leader is


The creation and management of culture is the most crucial function of an organization's CEO, according to Edgar Schein. According to him, culture is the "software of the organization" and is a key factor in deciding how well an organization runs.

An organization's common views, values, and norms are referred to as its organizational culture. It controls how individuals act and communicate at work.

In establishing and directing culture, the leader must:

Showcase the ideal values and behaviors. By their actions and the principles they uphold, leaders shape the culture of the company.Promote the mission and values of the company. So that everyone knows what is expected of them, leaders must effectively convey the organization's vision and principles to all employeesEncourage and reward desired behavior. Employees that display the desired behaviors and beliefs need to be rewarded and reinforced by leaders. This makes it crystal obvious what matters most to the company.

Therefore, Leaders have the ability to contribute to the success of their organizations by establishing and guiding the culture. Top talent can be attracted and retained, and customer satisfaction may be increased with a strong, positive culture.

Learn more about Edgar Schein, here:


a long-term interruption (outage) in electrical power availability is known as a(n)


A long-term interruption (outage) in electrical power availability is known as a(n) surge.

A power surge actually refers to a sudden and temporary increase in electrical voltage, which can potentially damage electronic devices and appliances.

When it comes to a long-term interruption in power supply, the correct term is a power outage or blackout. A power outage occurs when there is a prolonged disruption in the delivery of electricity to a specific area or region. This can be caused by various factors such as severe weather conditions, equipment failure, grid issues, or scheduled maintenance.

During a power outage, electrical services are completely unavailable for an extended period, leading to a loss of power for homes, businesses, and infrastructure. These outages can have significant impacts on daily life, causing inconvenience, disruption to services, and potential safety concerns.

Power utility companies work to restore electricity as quickly as possible by identifying the cause of the outage and undertaking necessary repairs or maintenance. They strive to minimize the duration and impact of power outages on affected areas and their residents.

Know more about  interruption   here:


A long-term interruption in electrical power availability is known as a blackout. Blackouts can occur due to a variety of reasons such as severe weather conditions, equipment failure, and high demand for electricity.

Blackouts can cause significant disruptions to daily life as they can affect not just residential areas but also commercial and industrial facilities. They can also result in economic losses due to business interruptions and damage to electrical equipment. In extreme cases, blackouts can lead to public health and safety issues, particularly for those who depend on electricity for life-saving medical equipment. A long-term interruption in electrical power availability is known as a blackout. Blackouts can occur due to a variety of reasons such as severe weather conditions, equipment failure, and high demand for electricity. Therefore, it is essential for governments and utility companies to take measures to prevent blackouts by investing in infrastructure and maintaining equipment regularly. Additionally, households and businesses can take steps to prepare for potential blackouts, such as having backup power sources and emergency supplies. By taking these measures, it is possible to minimize the impact of blackouts and ensure the safety and well-being of individuals and communities.

learn more about conditions


In which of the following ways do children raised by same-sex parents differ from children with parents of both sexes?
A. They tend to have reduced psychological adjustment or well-being.
B. They are more artistic and score higher on openness to experience.
C. They are more likely to be transgender.
D. They endorse fewer gender stereotypes.


Research has shown that children raised by same-sex parents tend to endorse fewer gender stereotypes compared to children with parents of both sexes. Option D is correct.

Children who grow up in same-sex households are more likely to undergo growth in They go through development pretty similarly to kids brought up in typical households.

The biological, psychological, and emotional changes that take place in people between conception and the end of puberty are referred to as child development.

Children raised in same-sex homes are likely to grow similarly to kids from traditional families in terms of personality and interests.

There are five main viewpoints on how children development, and they are as follows:

psychoanalytic growthbehavioural progressionEvolutionary developmentcontextual developmentcognitive development

The other options (A, B, and C) are not supported by the majority of research studies.

Learn more about children development here


in martinique, fears about environmental contamination intersect with which type of discrimination?


In Martinique, fears about environmental contamination intersect with environmental racism.

This is because the effects of pollution, such as the toxic chemicals from the former sugar cane plantations, are disproportionately affecting low-income and minority communities. The island's history of colonialism and exploitation has led to a concentration of industrial sites and toxic waste dumps in these marginalized neighborhoods, leading to higher rates of illnesses and health problems. Additionally, the lack of resources and political power within these communities often means that they are ignored or dismissed when they raise concerns about environmental hazards. Overall, the issue of environmental contamination highlights the intersectionality of environmental and social justice issues in Martinique.

To learn more about racism, visit:


operating far from the flagpole ___ will have a direct impact on the outcome of the larger operation


Operating far from the flagpole can have a direct impact on the outcome of the larger operation, as it introduces additional complexities and challenges that need to be effectively managed to ensure mission success.

operating far from the flagpole refers to conducting operations or activities that are distant from the central or command headquarters. in this context, the statement suggests that operating far from the flagpole can have a direct impact on the outcome of the larger operation.

when operating far from the flagpole, there can be challenges in terms of communication, coordination, and decision-making. the distance from the central command can lead to delays or difficulties in transmitting information, receiving guidance, or obtaining media necessary resources and support. this can hinder the ability to respond quickly and effectively to changing circumstances on the ground.

operating far from the flagpole can also increase the level of autonomy and independence required by the personnel involved. they may need to make critical decisions in real-time without immediate guidance or supervision from higher authorities. this can impact the overall outcome of the larger operation as individual actions and decisions made in the field can have consequences for the success or failure of the entire mission.

Learn more about media here:


what was the name of the ship in which charles darwin, the naturalist, sailed around the world


The name of the ship that Charles Darwin, the naturalist, sailed around the world on was the HMS Beagle. Darwin embarked on this voyage in 1831 and spent five years exploring various regions of the world, including South America, the Galapagos Islands, Australia, and Africa.

During his travels, Darwin collected numerous specimens of plants and animals, which he later used to develop his theory of evolution through natural selection. The voyage of the HMS Beagle is considered one of the most important scientific expeditions in history and greatly influenced Darwin's scientific thinking.

The name of the ship in which Charles Darwin, the naturalist, sailed around the world is the HMS Beagle.

To know more about Charles Darwin visit:-


what is the key feature of a confederacy? how does this feature contrast with federalism and unitary national government?


The key feature of a confederacy is that power is primarily held by individual states or regions, and a central government serves only to coordinate their activities.

What is it?

This is in contrast to federalism, where power is divided between a central government and its constituent states or provinces, and unitary national governments, where power is concentrated in the central government alone.

In a confederacy, individual states retain a great deal of autonomy, and the central government has limited power over their affairs.

This can lead to difficulties in coordinating national policies and responding to crises, but also provides for a high degree of local control and diversity.

To know more on Federalism visit:


A vehicle suddenly cuts in front of you, creating a hazard. What should you do first?a. Honk and step on the brake firmly.b. Take your foot off the gas pedal.c. Swerve into the lane next to you.


Option b: Take your foot off the gas immediately if a car unexpectedly cuts in front of you, posing a hazard.

By releasing the gas pedal and using the brakes gently, you can slow down.

extend the following distances: To create extra space between your car and the other vehicle, slow down or change lanes if necessary.

Blast your horn to warn the other driver if they are not aware of the danger they have created.

Avoid swerving or moving quickly since doing so increases the chance that you'll lose control of your car or hit another vehicle.

Keep an eye on the road in front of you and look for any hazards or obstructions.

Get ready to act evasively: Be ready to take evasive action, such as swerving or changing lanes, if necessary, to prevent a collision.

To learn more about hazards, here:


________ was one of the first researchers to look at the laws involved in learning voluntary responses.Edward ThorndikeJohn WatsonB. F. SkinnerMartin SeligmanIvan Pavlov


Edward Thorndike was one of the first researchers to look at the laws involved in learning voluntary responses.

Edward Thorndike, an influential psychologist in the early 20th century, conducted extensive research on animal learning and formulated the "law of effect." His studies with cats in puzzle boxes led him to propose that behaviors followed by satisfying consequences are more likely to be repeated, while behaviors followed by unsatisfying consequences are less likely to recur. Thorndike's work laid the foundation for the understanding of operant conditioning and the principles of reinforcement and punishment in learning.

His research had a significant impact on subsequent behavioral psychologists such as B. F. Skinner, who further expanded upon these concepts. Thorndike's contributions to understanding voluntary responses and the laws of learning have had a lasting influence on the field of psychology.

Learn more about Edward Thorndike


Complete Question:

________ was one of the first researchers to look at the laws involved in learning voluntary


Edward ThorndikeJohn WatsonB. F. SkinnerMartin SeligmanIvan Pavlov

"Cult" is often used pejoratively to distinguish a tradition that is new. This is imprecise becauseA. it refers only to an old tradition that is bad.B. it refers only to a new tradition that is bad.C. it has a specific meaning of a group that follows a spiritual leader.D. it has a specific meaning of a tradition that arises outside other traditions.


"Cult" is often used pejoratively to distinguish a tradition that is new. This is imprecise because it has a specific meaning of a tradition that arises outside other traditions.

It does not necessarily refer to a new tradition or an old tradition, nor does it necessarily refer to a tradition that is bad. The answer is D. "Cult" has a specific meaning of a tradition that arises outside other traditions.

The term "cult" is often used pejoratively to stigmatize or delegitimize a particular group or practice, but it is important to be aware of its actual meaning and to use it judiciously and accurately.

To know more about Cult visit:


on which shakespearean play is the movie "10 things i hate about you" based?


"10 Things I Hate About You" is a modern adaptation of William Shakespeare's play, "The Taming of the Shrew." It was directed by Gil Junger and released in 1999, starring Julia Stiles and Heath Ledger.

The movie is set in a high school in Seattle and follows the story of Kat Stratford, a strong-willed and independent girl who is pursued by Patrick Verona, a bad boy who is hired by another student to take her out on a date. The movie follows the same general plot as the play, with the added challenge of translating Shakespeare's language and themes into a modern high school setting. The movie was well-received by audiences and critics, and has since become a beloved classic in the teen movie genre."

To know more about William Shakespeare visit:


almost half of the grandchildren who move in with grandparents are raised by:


Grandchildren move in with their grandparents, they are often raised primarily by their grandparents themselves.

This can occur due to various circumstances such as parental challenges, including substance abuse, incarceration, mental health issues or death.

Additionally, other reasons like financial difficulties, divorce or military deployment of parents may lead to grandparents assuming the primary caregiving role.

Research suggests that grandparents play a significant role in providing stable and nurturing environments for their grandchildren when the parents are unable to do so.

Grandparents often step in to offer emotional support, financial assistance and stability, ensuring the well-being and upbringing of their grandchildren.

They may take on parental responsibilities such as providing daily care, attending to educational needs, instilling values and promoting overall development.

The specific percentage or proportion of grandchildren being raised by grandparents may vary depending on the region, cultural factors and socioeconomic conditions.

Studies have consistently shown that grandparents play a critical role in providing care and support for their grandchildren in various circumstances when the parents are unable to fulfill this role.

For similar questions on Grandchildren


Unripened wheat kernels that are dried but not cracked are known as what? a. manti b. basmati c. fireek d. tah dig e. bulgur.


Unripened wheat kernels that are dried but not cracked are known as fireek. The correct option is c.

Fireek is a type of wheat that is commonly used in Middle Eastern cuisine. It is similar to bulgur, but the difference is that bulgur is made from cracked wheat kernels, while fireek is made from whole uncracked kernels.

Fireek is used in a variety of dishes, such as soups, stews, and salads. It has a nutty flavor and a chewy texture, and it is also a good source of fiber and protein.

In summary, fireek is a type of wheat that is dried but not cracked, and it is commonly used in Middle Eastern cuisine.The correct option is c.

To know more about Unripened refer here:


True or false, Families that cope with everyday hassles could be described as having positive adaptive processes, which in turn improves family well-being.


True. Families that cope with everyday hassles in a positive and adaptive manner tend to experience improved family well-being.

Why is it so?

Positive adaptive processes refer to the strategies, behaviors, and attitudes families adopt to effectively deal with the stressors and challenges of everyday life.

When families adopt effective coping mechanisms such as open communication, problem-solving, flexibility, support, and resilience, they are more likely to deal constructively with everyday problems. This can improve family functioning, improve relationships, and improve overall well-being.

By proactively recognizing and managing everyday stressors, families can build stronger bonds, maintain healthier relationships, and create a positive and supportive environment. Developing adaptive processes can help families manage and reduce the negative effects of stress, ultimately contributing to family well-being and resilience.  

To know more about family challenges -


Which of the following diagnostic findings is likely to result in the most serious brain insult?A) Mean arterial pressure (MAP) that equals intracranial pressure (ICP)B) Moderate decrease in brain tissue volume secondary to a brain tumor removalC) Increased ICP accompanied by hyperventilationD) High intracellular concentration of glutamate


High intracellular glutamate levels probably cause the most severe damage to the brain.

Option d is correct .

Glutamate is actually an excitatory neurotransmitter that plays an important role in normal brain function. However, too high levels of glutamate can cause what is called excitotoxicity, which can damage neurons and cause cell death.

Excitotoxicity occurs when glutamate receptors, particularly NMDA receptors, are overactivated, resulting in an influx of calcium ions into neurons. Excessive calcium influx can trigger a number of deleterious processes, including mitochondrial dysfunction, formation of reactive oxygen species, disruption of cellular ionic balance, and activation of cell death pathways.  

Hence, Option d is correct .

To know more about Mean arterial pressure  visit :


suppose you are reading a novel and gradually fall asleep and begin to dream . how would your brain waves change during this sequence of events ?


Initially, the brain enters a relaxed state characterized by alpha waves, followed by theta and delta waves, during deep sleep and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep.

As you start to fall asleep while reading, your brain waves transition from a state of wakefulness, characterized by beta waves, to a more relaxed state. This relaxed state is associated with alpha waves, which indicate a relaxed and drowsy state of mind. Alpha waves are typically observed when the eyes are closed, and the mind begins to disengage from the external environment.

During the transition from drowsiness to deeper sleep, the brain waves shift further. As you enter non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, your brain activity slows down, and slower waveforms become prominent. Theta waves, which are slower and more synchronized than alpha waves, start to dominate during the early stages of NREM sleep. Theta waves are associated with light sleep and the early phases of dreaming.

As sleep deepens, the brain enters stages of NREM sleep where slower and more synchronized delta waves prevail. Delta waves are the slowest brain waves and are associated with deep sleep and restorative processes. During this stage, the brain is less responsive to external stimuli.

Finally, during REM sleep, which is the stage associated with vivid dreaming, brain activity becomes more active and resembles wakefulness. Rapid eye movements occur during this stage, and the brain exhibits a mix of beta and theta waves. These waves are similar to those observed when you are awake and actively engaged in mental processes, possibly reflecting the intense and immersive nature of dreaming.

As you fall asleep while reading a novel and transition into dreaming, your brain waves change. Initially, alpha waves signify a relaxed state. Then, theta waves become prominent during the early stages of sleep, followed by slower delta waves during deep sleep. During REM sleep, brain activity increases, resembling wakefulness with a mix of beta and theta waves. These changes in brain waves reflect the different stages of sleep and dreaming processes.

To learn more about Brain waves click here:


A group of people living inthe same place or having a particular characteristic in common is _______


A group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common is called a community (Option A).

A community refers to a social group of individuals who share common interests, values, or geographic proximity. It can be a neighborhood, a town or city, a religious or cultural group, or any other collective entity where individuals interact and form connections. Communities can vary in size, scope, and characteristics, but they generally involve a sense of belonging, shared resources, and social interaction among their members.

While family (Option B) and populations (Option D) are also terms related to groups of people, they have more specific connotations. Family refers to a group of individuals related by blood, marriage, or adoption. Populations, on the other hand, usually refers to a larger group of individuals within a defined geographic area or sharing specific characteristics, such as a population of a particular species or a population within a specific country.

Humans (Option C) refers to the species to which we belong, encompassing all individuals of the Homo sapiens species. While humans can form communities, it is not a term specifically used to describe a group of people living in the same place or sharing a common characteristic.

To learn more about Social group, click here:


concerning confidence intervals, which statement is most nearly correct


Option B is the most nearly correct statement because the Student's t distribution is used when the population standard deviation is unknown. The t distribution takes into account the uncertainty introduced by estimating the standard deviation from the sample data.

a. Option A states that we should use z instead of t when n is large. This statement is incorrect because when the sample size (n) is large, the sample mean tends to follow a normal distribution, and the standard deviation of the sample mean can be estimated using the population standard deviation (σ). In such cases, the z-distribution is appropriate. The t-distribution is used when the population standard deviation is unknown or when the sample size is small.

b.Option B is the closest to being right. When the population standard deviation (σ) is unknown, the Student's t distribution is employed.

This distribution accounts for the additional uncertainty introduced by estimating the standard deviation from the sample data. When the sample size is small, the t-distribution is more appropriate than the z-distribution.

c. Option C states that using the Student's t distribution instead of z narrows the confidence interval. This statement is incorrect. In reality, using the t-distribution instead of the z-distribution widens the confidence interval.

The t-distribution has fatter tails compared to the z-distribution, which reflects the increased uncertainty associated with estimating the population standard deviation from a small sample size. As a result, the confidence interval tends to be wider to accommodate this additional uncertainty.

For more such questions on population, click on:


The probable question may be:

Concerning confidence intervals, which statement is most nearly correct? Why not the others?

a. We should use z instead of t when n is large.

b. We use the Student’s t distribution when is unknown.

c. Using the Student’s t distribution instead of z narrows the confidence interval.

what is one reason contemporary mothers might be unlikely to give their children up for adoption?


Contemporary mothers may be unlikely to give their children up for adoption due to the stigma and negative perception surrounding adoption.

Historically, adoption was viewed as a last resort for unmarried and teenage mothers who were unable to provide for their children. This societal perception has led to a belief that adoption is a failure on the part of the mother to fulfill her maternal responsibilities. Additionally, the idea of giving up a child for adoption can be emotionally and psychologically taxing on the mother, which may discourage her from pursuing this option. With the availability of resources such as childcare, financial assistance, and counseling, contemporary mothers may feel empowered to make the decision to raise their child on their own.

Furthermore, the increase in open adoption options allows mothers to maintain a relationship with their child while also providing them with a stable and loving family. Overall, the negative stigma surrounding adoption and the emotional burden associated with giving up a child are reasons contemporary mothers may be unlikely to pursue this option.

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color blindness occurs in 4% of the male population. design a simulation that can be used to estimate the probablitiy that a randomly chose male will be color blind Gamma Corporation is involved in the manufacture of parts for the aerospace industry. Assuming U.S. GAAP applies, which of the following is least likely classified as an investing activity by the firm? O Cash paid to purchase intangible assets Investing in securities classified as held for trading O Acquisition of a subsidiary How is oxygen binding affected when the Val residue is mutated to isoleucine? A. Substitution of valine with isoleucine would increase the affinity of oxygen binding because the side chain of Ile decreases steric hindrance and increases the size of the binding site.B. Substitution of valine with isoleucine would decrease the affinity of oxygen binding because the side chain of Ile increases steric hindrance and decreases the size of the binding site.C. Substitution of valine with isoleucine would increase the affinity of oxygen binding because the side chain of Ile increases steric hindrance and decreases the size of the binding site.D. Substitution of valine with isoleucine would decrease the affinity of oxygen binding because the side chain of Ile decreases steric hindrance and increases the size of the binding site. Which angle is adjacent to ADB? Part A What are the coefficients of the reactants and products in the balanced equation above? Remember to include H_2 O(l) and H^+ (aq) in the appropriate blanks. Your answer should have six terms. Enter the equation coefficients in order separated by commas (e.g., 2, 2, 1, 4, 4, 3). Include coefficients of 1, as required, for grading purposes. Part B what are the coefficients of the reactants and products in the balanced equation above? Remember to include H_2 O(1) and OH^- (aq) in the blanks where appropriate. Your answer should have six terms. Enter the equation coefficients in order separated by commas (e.g., 2, 2, 1, 4, 4, 3)-Include coefficients of 1, as required, for grading purposes. Which of the following athletes would be least likely to develop iron deficiency anemia?a. a female marathon runnerb. a male basketball player who is a veganc. a female gymnastd. a male distance swimmer if a corner does not have a marked crosswalk, who has the right-of-way? what did aristotle believe about the relative speeds of fall for heavy and light objects? Assembly Language x86A computer architecture uses 5 bits for exponent and 10 bits for fraction and 1 bit for the sign.a) How is the value -14.125 is represented by this architecture? Show the hex value. Show your work.b) Represent the smallest de-normalized positive number in this architecture in decimal. Show your work. You may leave the answer in powers of 2. you are at an event with a group of friends, eating a delicious four-course meal. you all end up sick and reason that it must have been from the food you all ate. this is an example of ______. ethan is an early-maturing boy. he is probably perceived by both adults and peers as atch each definition with a term listed below. thin, flexible, flow-directed multi-lumen tube positioned in a branch of the pulmonary artery intra-arterial cannula catheter placed into a vein and connected to a monitor central venous access device implanted completely under the skin implanted port thin plastic tube that is inserted into an artery and connected to a monitor internal catheter small reservoir that has a rubber plug attached to the catheter swan-ganz catheter 2 y = 3x-6 Work out the value of y when:x = 3x=-2X=0Work out the value of x when:y=6y = -3y=0 why is it necessary to erase the startup configuration before reloading the router? (question 8) Find the critical points of the function Rhodamine 6G, abbreviated R6G, is an organic dye that is often used in fluorescence microscopy. The absorption spectrum of R6G spans the range 480 nm to 540 nm; its emission spectrum runs from 540 nm to 620 nm. Assume that the lowest possible R6G energy is 0 eV.Part A: What is the energy in eV of the upper edge of the n= 2 band of excited state?Part B: What is the energy in eV of the lower edge of the n= 2 band of excited state?Part C: What is the energy in eV of the upper edge of the n=1 band of states? Foreshadowing: What does this hint to in Rowan & Citra's future relationship with Scythe Faraday? A non-dividend-paying stock is currently trading at 100. A call option has one year to mature, the periodically compounded risk-free interest rate is 5.15%, and the exercise price is 100. Assume a single-period binomial option valuation model, where u = 1.35 and d = 0.74. What is the call option value? The two types of services at which monks and nuns sang wereA. the worship service and the praise serviceB. the monastery and the conventC. the salvation service and the holiness serviceD. the office and the mass Hindus bury their dead so that the soul may return to Mother Earth. TrueFalse