In light of the above extract. Put yourself in Isabel's shoes and write two diary entries expressing your thoughts and feelings before and after the debating contest with Zolile High School​


Answer 1

The two diary entries expressing your thoughts and feelings before and after the debating contest with Zolile High School​.

Before the Debating Contest:

Dear Diary,

Tomorrow is the debating contest with Zolile High School, and I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves. This competition means so much to me, and I've been preparing for weeks. The thought of standing up in front of an audience, defending my arguments, and engaging in a battle of wits is both thrilling and daunting. I believe in our team's abilities, but the unknown factor of Zolile's team adds an extra layer of anxiety.

I hope we can make a strong impression and convey our ideas effectively. Winning would be amazing, but I also want to learn from this experience, regardless of the outcome. The debating society has taught me so much about critical thinking, public speaking, and teamwork. I want to give it my all and make our school proud.

Wish me luck, diary. I'll pour my heart into this contest and hope that our hard work pays off. I can't wait to see how it all unfolds.



After the Debating Contest:

Dear Diary,

What an exhilarating experience! The debating contest with Zolile High School was nothing short of intense. Our team delivered our arguments with passion and conviction, and I felt a surge of confidence as I addressed the audience. Zolile's team was formidable, and the exchange of ideas was truly stimulating.

Although we didn't come out as the winners, I feel a deep sense of accomplishment. The feedback from the judges highlighted our strengths and areas for improvement. We held our ground and presented our ideas coherently, even under pressure. It was a humbling experience, and I've learned so much from observing Zolile's team.

More importantly, the camaraderie among our team members was incredible. We supported each other and worked together seamlessly. The bond we formed through countless rehearsals and brainstorming sessions made this journey worthwhile.

I'm grateful for this opportunity, diary. The debating contest pushed me out of my comfort zone and taught me the value of perseverance, teamwork, and continuous growth. I can't wait to bring these lessons forward and take on new challenges.

Until next time,


For more such questions on diary entries,click on


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Read the excerpt from
The history of roller skating goes back a lot further
than you would think. Back in 1743, actors strapped
wheels onto their shoes in a play, attempting to show
that they were ice skating. These weren't the quad, or
four-wheeled, roller skates you see today; those
weren't invented until 1863. According to the National
Museum of Roller Skating, James Plimpton not only
invented quad skates but also made them popular.
Then, as they say, the rest is history! Roller skating
remains a popular pastime today; it is a relatively
inexpensive, fun exercise that requires no special
equipment besides the skates themselves. You don't
need a team, either-just you and the sidewalk, and
you're participating in the sport. Although it is
technically a solo activity, there is no other sport that
fosters friendships like skating; the skating community
is a bonded aroup of people who have unbridled
Mark this and return
Which statement best explains why the excerpt key
contains bias?
The source stands to make a profit.
The author uses emotional appeal.
O The source omits alternate viewpoints.
O The author presents unverifiable facts.


The excerpt contains bias because the author uses emotional appeal (option b), emphasizing friendships and the skating community.

The excerpt from contains bias as the author uses emotional appeal to promote roller skating.

By stating that "there is no other sport that fosters friendships like skating," the author creates a sense of camaraderie and exclusivity within the skating community.

This emotional appeal could lead readers to view roller skating more positively compared to other sports.

While the excerpt also provides historical context and information about roller skating, it is the emotional appeal that introduces bias in the text.

For more such questions on author, click on:


Read the speech.
For the Equal Rights Amendment
by Shirley Chisholm
In 1968, Shirley Anita St. Hill Chisholm became the first African
American woman elected to Congress. Later, in 1972, Chisholm
was the first African American woman to announce her intention
to campaign to be the Democratic nominee for president.
Throughout her seven-term career in Congress, Chisholm
advocated fiercely for women's rights and civil rights. On August
10, 1970, she gave this speech on the floor of the U.S. House of
Representatives urging support for the Equal Rights
To demonstrate the need for the Equal Rights Amendment
(ERA), Chisholm develops several key ideas.
How does Chisholm develop key ideas in her speech?
For each key idea, select the details that Chisholm uses to
develop the idea.
Key Idea
affects both
is contradictory
to American
values and
common sense.


Shirley Chisholm develops key ideas in her speech on the Equal Rights Amendment. One key idea she presents is that sex discrimination affects both sexes.

Shirley Chisholm develops key ideas in her speech on the Equal Rights Amendment. One key idea she presents is that sex discrimination affects both sexes.

She supports this idea by highlighting the various ways in which women are discriminated against, such as unequal pay, limited job opportunities, and unequal treatment under the law.

She also notes that men are affected by sex discrimination, as they are expected to adhere to rigid gender roles that limit their personal and professional growth.
Another key idea Chisholm develops in her speech is that sex discrimination is contradictory to American values and common sense.

She argues that the Constitution was meant to protect all citizens equally, regardless of sex, and that sex discrimination goes against this fundamental principle.

She also points out that denying women equal rights and opportunities is wasteful and illogical, as it limits the potential of half the population and prevents society from benefiting from their talents and contributions.
To support these key ideas, Chisholm uses specific examples of discrimination and inequality faced by women in various aspects of life, including education, employment, and marriage.

She also appeals to common sense and logic, pointing out the irrationality of denying women equal rights and opportunities. Overall, Chisholm's speech is a powerful argument for the need for the Equal Rights Amendment, and she effectively uses evidence and reasoning to develop her key ideas.

For more such questions on Shirley Chisholm



To demonstrate the need for the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), Chisholm develops several key ideas.

How does Chisholm develop key ideas in her speech?

For each key idea, select the details that Chisholm uses to develop the idea.

Key Ideas: Sex discrimination affects both sexes.
                 Sex discrimination is contradictory to American Values and common sense.

“Men are oppressed by the requirements of the Selective Service Act, by enforced legal guardianship of minors, and by alimony laws.” Sex discrimination affects both sexes.

“Legal discrimination between the sexes is, in almost every instance, founded on outmoded views of society and the pre-scientific beliefs about psychology and physiology.” Sex discrimination is contradictory to American Values and common sense.

“Laws setting employment limitations on the basis of sex are irrational, and the proof of this is their inconsistency from State to State.” Sex discrimination affects both sexes.  

“…which provides for equality under the law for both men and women, represents one of the most clear-cut opportunities we are likely to have to declare our faith in the principles that shaped our Constitution.” Sex discrimination is contradictory to American Values and common sense.


which options best summarizes what is expected of citenzens in a democracy



To play an active role in selecting government leaders


She had red that book last month spell correctly


She had read that book last month

5.What is the speed of sound? Do you know 6. Does sound travel faster than light? Do you know 7. Are dogs color blind? Do you know 8. Why is the sky blue? Annie wants to know 9. Does that store accept credit cards? Do you know 10. Do insects have ears? The little girl wants to know 11. When will the next earthquake occur in California?No one knows 12. Will there be another earthquake in California this year?No one knows 13. Do animals have the same emotions as human beings? The little boy wants to know. 14. How do dolphins communicate with each other? Do scientists know 15. Can people communicate with dolphins? I want to find out 16. Have beings from outer space ever visited the earth? I wonder​


After reading the questions, it was possible to infer that we are supposed to write indirect questions using the ones that appear at the end of each number.

Do you know what the speed of sound is?Do you know if sound travels faster than light?Do you know whether dogs are color blind?Annie wants to know why the sky is blue.Do you know if that store accept credit cards?The little girl wants to know if insects have ears.No one knows when the next earthquake will occur in California.No one knows if there will be another earthquake in California this year.Do scientists know how dolphins communicate with each other?I want to find out whether people can communicate with dolphins. I wonder if beings from outer space have ever visited the Earth.

How to write indirect questions

As their name suggests, indirect questions are questions asked indirectly, with another clause at the beginning. To transform a direct question into an indirect one, we have to do the following:

Remove auxiliaries such as "do" or "did".In case there is the verb "to be" in the question, we should place it after the subject.Auxiliaries such as "will" or "would" are not removed. We do to them what we do to the verb "to be".In same cases, if the initial clause is not in question format, we should drop the question mark.

Take a look at the examples below:

Is it good? - I want to know if it is good.Does she know about it? - Do you think she knows about it?

With that in mind, we can conclude we have correctly answered the question.

Learn more about indirect questions here:


how to write two diary entries?​


Entry 1: Achieved dream university acceptance but my best friend got into a car accident. Rollercoaster of emotions.

Entry 2: Volunteered at an animal shelter, found joy in helping. Started meditation and excited about a new book release. Reflecting on growth and gratitude.

Diary Entry 1: May 10, 2023

Dear Diary,

Today was a day filled with mixed emotions. In the morning, I received the exciting news that I had been accepted into my dream university.

I felt a surge of joy and relief as all my hard work had finally paid off. I celebrated with my family and friends, grateful for their support throughout my academic journey.

The sense of accomplishment is overwhelming, and I cannot wait to embark on this new chapter of my life.

However, later in the day, I received some distressing news. My best friend, Sarah, had been involved in a car accident.

My heart sank upon hearing this, and I rushed to the hospital to be by her side.

Seeing her in pain was heartbreaking, but I stayed strong, providing her with comfort and support. We spent hours talking and reminiscing, reminding each other of our unbreakable bond.

Today taught me that life is a rollercoaster of emotions. It is important to cherish the highs and support each other through the lows.

I am filled with gratitude for the blessings in my life while sending all my love and positive thoughts to Sarah for a speedy recovery.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

For more such questions on Reflecting on growth


Do you think it is harder for some people to maintain physical wellness than others? Why or why not? You may want to consider factors such as age, gender, habits, health conditions, family health history, etc.


It can be harder for some people to maintain physical wellness than others due to various factors such as age, gender, habits, health conditions, family health history, and more.

As individuals age, their bodies may experience natural changes that can make it more challenging to maintain physical wellness. Older adults may face issues such as reduced metabolism, decreased muscle mass, and a higher risk of chronic health conditions. Biological differences between genders can impact personal wellness. For example, women may face unique challenges related to reproductive health, such as menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause. Additionally, men may have higher risks of certain health conditions, like heart disease.

Learn more about personal wellness here.


an essay on teenage pregnancy



I Will Be Happy Too Help You

Teenage Pregnancy Essay: Teenage is a crucial growth phase in the life of any individual fraught with physiological changes and often, psychological conflicts. In this condition, finding oneself to be a pregnant teenager can come down as shocking and even traumatizing for the individual, as-well-as, for her family and friends.

Scientifically speaking, teenage pregnancy is the occurrence of pregnancy in females under the age of twenty. Sometimes, even pre-teen females can become pregnant, as reported in various instances. Teenage pregnancy is a matter of social stigma in most countries


Teenage pregnancy is a significant social issue that has garnered attention from policymakers, educators, and healthcare providers. It refers to pregnancies that occur to adolescents aged 19 years or younger. The issue poses a range of challenges for the pregnant teenager, the child, and society at large. This essay will explore the causes and consequences of teenage pregnancy and interventions proposed to address this issue. Get instant homework help from proffrank01[at]gma il. c om. Score maximum points always.

There are numerous factors contributing to teenage pregnancy. These include poverty, low educational attainment, early onset of sexual activity, lack of access to contraception, and poor parental supervision. Additionally, teenagers who come from families that have a history of teenage pregnancy could become pregnant themselves. The underlying cause of teenage pregnancy is complex and multifaceted. It reflects deeper social and economic challenges facing young people.

Teenage pregnancy has several negative consequences. First, teenage mothers are at higher risk of experiencing complications during pregnancy and childbirth, such as premature birth, low birth weight, and pre-eclampsia. These complications can lead to long-term health problems for both the mother and child. Second, teenage mothers are less likely to complete their education and could live in poverty. These can have long-term negative consequences for their children. Third, children born to teenage mothers are at higher risk of poor health outcomes, including infant mortality and developmental delays. Lastly, teenage pregnancy can perpetuate the cycle of poverty and illiteracy, leading to negative outcomes for society.

To address teenage pregnancy, various interventions have been proposed. Comprehensive sex education programs could delay the onset of sexual activity and increase contraceptive use among teenagers. Access to contraception, including long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), can also reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy among sexually active teenagers. Moreover, policy changes can also help to address the underlying social and economic factors contributing to teenage pregnancy. These policies include increasing the age of sexual consent, providing financial incentives to teenage mothers to complete their education, and increasing support for teenage parents.

In conclusion, teenage pregnancy is a complex social issue with negative consequences for the pregnant teenager, the child, and society. Addressing teenage pregnancy requires a multifaceted approach that includes access to comprehensive sex education, contraception, and policy changes that address the underlying social and economic factors contributing to this issue. By addressing teenage pregnancy, we can improve the health and well-being of young people and reduce the negative impact on society.


Describe which strategies would be best for an introduction pamphlet for new office staff members and why.


Answer:The best strategies for an introduction pamphlet for new office staff members are those that provide a warm and welcoming introduction to the workplace, while also providing important information about the organization's culture, policies, and procedures. 


What is first-person point of view in a literary text?
- a point of view in which the narrator is telling their own story and the reader knows what the narrator is thinking
and feeling
- a point of view in which the narrator is telling their own story and the reader does not know what the narrator is
thinking and feeling
- a point of view in which the narrator is telling someone else's story and the reader knows what the characters are
thinking and feeling
- a point of view in which the narrator is telling someone else's story and the reader does not know what the
characters are thinking and feeling


Answer: The correct answer is: a point of view in which the narrator is telling their own story and the reader knows what the narrator is thinking and feeling

Explanation: First-person point of view is a narrative perspective in which the story is told by a character within the story. The narrator refers to themselves as "I" and shares their personal experiences, thoughts, and emotions with the reader. This provides insight into the narrator's perspective and allows the reader to have a direct understanding of their thoughts and feelings.

which word has the same meaning as cerebral
1. Competitive


The answer is C - intellectual


intellectual because cerebral means intelligent and brainy and may other so intellectual is also means same

one of the themes in the drama , My children my africa! is the generational Conflict. Discuss this Theme​



The theme of childhood and generational conflict is stressed through flashbacks. Thami tells a story to the audience about how he used to love school when in Second Form, and was even asked to read an essay he wrote to the entire school. He takes the audience through his growth from Second through Tenth Form; he progresses from enthusiasm to cynicism about the education system. Mr. M also tells a flashback story about when he was around ten years old, around the same age Thami was in his story, when he argues with Thami in their last scene together. Mr. M tells Thami about the teacher who inspired him to love books, showing how little Mr. M changed, following that inspiration to read and teach until it brings him to his death.


Hope this Helps

Second Portfolio Activity: (25) Go back to the Assignment 1 Discussion Forum. 1 With regard to your own submission, reflect on your initial thoughts about the misunderstanding. After developing a more profound sympathy for linguistic and cultural differences during the completion of this module, can you think of more appropriate ways to respond to the situation now? (10) 2 Compare your self-reflection submitted for Assignment 1 with what you see when you look into the mirror now. Has this module impacted your feelings and thoughts about whom you are regarding language and culture negatively or positively, and why? (5) 3 Now look at the comments from other students on this Discussion forum (the comments do not need to be comments on your work, they can be comments written to other students). Select any two comments that, after​


It's possible that It was dismissive or annoyed with the misunderstanding and blamed it exclusively on the other person's ignorance or lack of understanding. However, attitude to the circumstance would be more acceptable and understanding after a broader awareness of linguistic and cultural disparities.

As an AI language model, I am not capable of looking in the mirror or experiencing emotions and ideas about myself. I am unable to compare my self-reflection for Assignment 4 with what I see when I look in the mirror as a result.

Individual differences may exist in how the AFL1501 module affects how people feel and think about their language and culture. Given that the program promotes self-reflection and respect for one's language and culture, some people may have had a favorable influence.

Learn more about culture, here;


Look at the procedural text.
Dressing for Success:
Avoid Scarf Slip-Ups
Once-Around Knot
Avoid fashion mishaps with these simple steps. The
procedure for the once-around knot could not be
simpler Start by draping the scarf around your neck,
allowing one end to be slightly longer than the other.
Next, grab the longer end, drape it around your neck
again, and let it fall over your chest. If you have a
particularly long scarf, you may choose to overlap the
scarf in back just a bit so that most of your neck is
Parisian Knot
First, take the scarf in both hands and fold it over
lengthwise Next, drape it around your neck, inserting
the loose ends through the loop hanging in front of
Mark this and retur
What procedure does this text teach readers?
O how to select just the right scarf
how to wear specific styles of scarf
how to dress appropriately for work
how to follow the latest fashion trends


The procedural text provides instructions on how to wear specific styles of scarf: the once-around knot and the Parisian knot. It does not explicitly teach readers how to select the right scarf, dress appropriately for work, or follow the latest fashion to wear specific styles of scarf

The correct answer would be how to wear specific styles of scarf.

The focus of the text is on demonstrating specific styles of wearing a scarf. The instructions for the once-around knot explain how to drape the scarf around the neck, creating a simple and elegant look. The Parisian knot instructions describe a different technique involving folding the scarf and inserting the loose ends through a loop, resulting in a stylish and sophisticated appearance.

By providing step-by-step instructions, the text aims to help readers avoid fashion mishaps and achieve a desired look with their scarves. It emphasizes the simplicity of the procedures, suggesting that anyone can easily follow the instructions and achieve the desired results.

Overall, the text primarily teaches readers how to wear specific styles of scarves by demonstrating the once-around knot and the Parisian knot, offering practical guidance for individuals looking to enhance their fashion sense and accessorize their outfits with scarves.

For more such information: scarf


what moral choice was made by polonius​


Polonius, a character in William Shakespeare's play "Hamlet," makes a moral choice that ultimately leads to tragic consequences.

As a courtier and advisor to King Claudius, Polonius acts as a concerned father to his daughter, Ophelia, and son, Laertes.

Polonius decides to spy on his son, instructing a servant to follow Laertes and report back on his activities in Paris.

While Polonius may have believed he was acting out of paternal concern and protecting his son's well-being, his decision to invade Laertes' privacy can be seen as morally questionable.

Furthermore, Polonius is involved in a larger web of deceit and manipulation within the play. He agrees to spy on Hamlet on behalf of King Claudius, further compromising his moral integrity.

This choice ultimately leads to his demise when he is mistakenly killed by Hamlet, who believes Polonius to be someone else. Polonius' moral choice to engage in spying and deception sets in motion a chain of events that ends in tragedy, underscoring the consequences of compromising one's moral principles.

For more such questions on tragic consequences


Who is Ha? Based on this poem, “Birthday Wishes,” and one other poem you have read so far in the novel, describe Ha as a character: her traits, values, or beliefs. Write a paragraph in which you explain your current understanding of Ha, using specific evidence from the text of both poems to support your analysis. You may use your journal, your book, QuickWrite 1, and the “Who Is Ha?” anchor charts posted in the room to support your answer. Be sure to indicate the title of the second poem (as well as any other poems you choose) in your response.
• Answer the prompt completely
• Provide relevant and complete evidence bnj[pl
• Paragraph includes the following:
* A focus statement
* At least three pieces of specific evidence from the text
* For each piece of evidence, an analysis or explanation: what does this
evidence mean?
* A concluding sentence


Ha is a character in the novel Inside Out & Back Again by Thanhha Lai. She is a young girl who is forced to leave her home country of Vietnam due to the Vietnam War. In the poem "Birthday Wishes," Ha is portrayed as a resilient and hopeful character.

She wishes for peace and stability in her life, which shows her desire for a better future. Ha is also shown to be a caring and thoughtful person in the poem.

She thinks about her mother and wishes for her to be happy. In the poem "Papaya Tree," Ha is shown to have a deep connection to her culture and home country. She remembers the papaya tree in her backyard and longs to return home. This demonstrates her strong values and beliefs in her cultural heritage.

Additionally, Ha is shown to be a strong-willed and determined character who is willing to overcome any obstacle to achieve her dreams. Overall, Ha is a complex character who is shaped by her experiences of war, migration, and displacement. Despite the challenges she faces, Ha remains hopeful and resilient, making her a relatable and inspiring character for readers.

For more such questions on Birthday Wishes


C. Environmental laws of various countries or continents are subject to the provisions of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Name at least two environmentally aligned SDGs.​


Two environmentally aligned SDGs are Goal 13: Climate Action and Goal 14: Life Below Water.

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 global goals adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015. The goals aim to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all.

Goal 13: Climate Action focuses on combating climate change and its impacts. The goal aims to strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters. It also seeks to integrate climate change measures into policies, strategies, and planning, and improve education and awareness on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction, and early warning.

Goal 14: Life Below Water focuses on conserving and sustainably using the oceans, seas, and marine resources. The goal aims to protect and restore marine ecosystems and biodiversity, reduce marine pollution and ocean acidification, and increase scientific knowledge, research, and technology transfer.

In summary, environmental laws of various countries or continents must align with the SDGs, including Goal 13: Climate Action and Goal 14: Life Below Water. These goals are critical to ensure a sustainable and resilient future for our planet and its inhabitants.

For more such questions on General Assembly, click on:


1.4.1. Which curve represents the average revenue (AR) curve?
1.4.2. How many firms dominate this type of market?
1.4.3. Why does the marginal revenue (MR) curve lie below the demand curve?
1.4.4. Why will the monopolist not be able to charge excessively high prices for his/her product?
1.4.5. Redraw the graph above into the ANSWER BOOK. Indicate economic profit on your graph
by inserting the average cost (AC) curve and marginal cost (MC) curve on the same set of


1.4.1. The curve that represents the average revenue (AR) curve in a monopoly market is the same as the demand curve.

1.4.2. In a monopoly market, there is only one firm that dominates the market.

1.4.3. The marginal revenue (MR) curve lies below the demand curve in a monopoly market because the monopolist must lower the price of their product in order to sell more units.

1.4.4. The monopolist will not be able to charge excessively high prices for their product because doing so would reduce demand for the product and lower their overall revenue.

1.4.5. The graph for a monopoly market with economic profit would show the average cost (AC) curve and the marginal cost (MC) curve intersecting at a point below the demand curve.

1.4.1. The curve that represents the average revenue (AR) curve in a monopoly market is the same as the demand curve. This is because a monopoly is the sole provider of a particular product or service, so the demand curve represents the entire market demand for that product or service.

1.4.2. In a monopoly market, there is only one firm that dominates the market.

1.4.3. The marginal revenue (MR) curve lies below the demand curve in a monopoly market because the monopolist must lower the price of their product in order to sell more units. This means that the marginal revenue earned from selling an additional unit is less than the price of that unit, as the lower price also applies to all previous units sold.

1.4.4. The monopolist will not be able to charge excessively high prices for their product because doing so would reduce demand for the product and lower their overall revenue. This is because the demand for the product is not infinitely elastic, meaning that as the price increases, the quantity demanded decreases. The monopolist must balance the price they charge with the demand for their product in order to maximize their profits.

1.4.5. The graph for a monopoly market with economic profit would show the average cost (AC) curve and the marginal cost (MC) curve intersecting at a point below the demand curve. The area between the AC and the demand curve represents the economic profit earned by the monopolist. However, it is important to note that the monopolist's behavior can lead to market inefficiencies and reduced social welfare.

For more such questions on monopoly, click on:


Which line from prologue of Romeo and Juliet reveals the ending of the play?



The prologue of Romeo and Juliet does not explicitly reveal the ending of the play. However, there are hints throughout the prologue that suggest a tragic outcome, such as the lines:

"Doth with their death bury their parents' strife."

"These two foes a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life."

These lines indicate that the play will revolve around the tragic fate of two lovers and foreshadow their untimely demise. The prologue sets the stage for the tragic events that unfold in the play but does not explicitly reveal the specific ending.

Unreliable narrators may be untruthful on purpose or may not have information or background knowledge about what that information means.




Yes unreliable narrators can be untruthful and untrustworthy because they don’t have background information on the subject at hand. They will mislead you and usually not say everything 100% factual.


Explanation: took the test

Select the correct text in the passage.
Which two sentences best show how the point of view allows the author to express Jillian's thoughts and emotions?
The Not-So-Big Day
The day of the big soccer tournament had arrived, and Jillian was not in a good mood. Part of her bad mood was due to
chatter, but most of it was due to the pesky weather. Usually, the rain showers lasted anywhere between a few minutes
downpour had started last night and refused to show any signs of stopping. Even if it did let up, there was no hope for
turned the soccer field into a mire, filled with slushy mud that might trap feet and pull people down. Both coaches said t
play in such a swamp. Unless someone had access to an indoor gym big enough to fit 20 players, Jillian knew she wou
than outside playing on the field.
Next The not so big day


The two sentences that best show thoughts and emotions are "Jillian was not in a good mood","Part of her bad mood was due to the chatter, but most of it was due to the pesky weather."

These sentences provide insights into Jillian's internal state and subjective experience, offering a glimpse into her thoughts and emotions.

The use of the third-person limited point of view allows the author to present Jillian's perspective while maintaining a certain narrative distance.

The first sentence sets the stage by explicitly stating Jillian's emotional state, indicating that she is in a negative mood. This insight gives the reader a sense of the protagonist's emotional state right from the beginning, creating a foundation for understanding her subsequent actions and reactions.

The second sentence goes further by delving into the reasons behind Jillian's bad mood. It reveals that part of her discontent stems from the chatter, likely referring to the noise and distractions around her.

However, the primary source of her dissatisfaction is the pesky weather, specifically the persistent rain showers. This detail provides an explanation for her negative mood, highlighting her frustration with the unfavorable conditions for the soccer tournament.

By incorporating these sentences into the narrative, the author employs the point of view to express Jillian's thoughts and emotions, allowing readers to empathize with her and gain a deeper understanding of her perspective on the not-so-big day.

For more question on sentences visit:


Where does Bennett say the narrator will find his story?


In the short story "The Lady in the Looking-Glass: A Reflection," written by Virginia Woolf, the narrator is searching for a story to tell. The narrator approaches a man named Bennett, who is known for his storytelling abilities, and asks for his advice. Bennett responds by telling the narrator that he should not look for his story in the present, but instead, he should search in the past.

Bennett tells the narrator to "look inwards, into his own past" and to "find a memory, a scene, a situation" that has emotional weight. Bennett believes that by tapping into these memories, the narrator will find a story that is both meaningful and impactful. Bennett's advice emphasizes the importance of introspection and self-reflection in storytelling.

Therefore, according to Bennett, the narrator will find his story by looking within himself and searching his own past for significant memories or experiences.

For more such questions on Virginia Woolf, click on:


write a letter to the editor of the newspaper about the electricity failure speacialy at night which is causing trouble to prepare for board exam​
You are Rohan


A letter to the editor of the newspaper about the electricity failure speacialy at night which is causing trouble to prepare for board exam is given below.

How to write the letter

Dear Editor,

I am writing to bring your attention to a pressing issue that is adversely affecting students in our community. The frequent and prolonged electricity failures, particularly during the night, are causing significant trouble for students who are preparing for their board examinations.

The consequences of these electricity failures are severe. Students are unable to complete their assignments, study with adequate lighting, or access the internet for educational resources. I urge the concerned authorities, including the electricity board and local administration, to take swift action to address this issue. Furthermore,

Together, we can create a positive and supportive environment for our students, ensuring their success in the board examinations.

Yours sincerely,


Learn more about letters on


7) Which syllabication is true of the word LOTION?:
OA) -tion is a prefix
OB) -tion makes its own syllable
OC) Divide the word between the I and O
OD) Lo- is a prefix



My answer is OB)

Hope you got it

The correct syllabication of the word LOTION is option (C), which is to divide the word between the "I" and "O".

Here, The word LOTION has three syllables:


Now, Option (A) is incorrect,

As "-tion" is not a prefix in this word but a suffix that changes the noun "lotion" into a verb "lotionize".

And, Option (B) is incorrect,

As "-tion" is not pronounced as a separate syllable but as part of the second syllable "-tion".

And, Option (D) is incorrect,

As "lo-" is not a prefix in this word, but rather the complete first syllable.

Hence, The correct syllabication of the word LOTION is option (C), which is to divide the word between the "I" and "O".

Learn more about Prefixes on


According to “The Hero’s Adventure,” how is a mother a hero?
a A mother’s life is altered forever during the process of giving birth.
b Children will look up to their mothers from the moment of birth onward.
c Giving birth is a painful process that mothers must endure.
d People always respect mothers for their generosity and self-sacrifice.


Children will look up to their mother

what would you use to get a brief amount of information on a topic


An encyclopaedia would be my go-to resource if I only needed a quick quantity of knowledge about a subject. An encyclopaedia is a thorough reference work that offers a broad overview of a subject.

It often includes a summary of the subject matter, as well as a number of statistics and numbers related to it. A list of related subjects is also provided, which may be utilised to go deeper into the main subject.

An internet search engine is another tool I may utilise to find some quick facts on a subject. Search engines are excellent for swiftly discovering information. Users can enter keywords relevant to the subject to receive a list of websites that are linked to the subject.

Learn more about  keywords  at:


which of the following materials, if included in a research project you are writing, requires a citation?


Direct quotations, paraphrased information, statistical data, images, and ideas or theories from others require citation in a research project.

In any research project, it is important to provide appropriate citations for any material that is not considered common knowledge or your original contribution.

The following materials generally require citation:

Direct quotations: Whenever you directly quote someone else's words, you must provide a citation to acknowledge the source.

Paraphrased information: If you rephrase someone else's ideas or information in your own words, you still need to cite the original source.

Statistical data: Any statistical data, such as survey results or numerical findings, obtained from a specific source must be cited.

Images, graphs, and diagrams: If you include visual elements created by someone else, such as images, graphs, or diagrams, you need to provide a citation for their source.

Ideas or theories: If you discuss or reference a specific idea, theory, or concept developed by another individual, you should provide a citation.

Remember, the purpose of citations is to give credit to the original creators, acknowledge their intellectual contributions, and enable readers to locate the sources for further information.

For more such questions on Direct quotations


Explain why Pharoah Xixothros refuses the protagonist's proposal toward the end of the mummy's foot story ??? I don't get it ​


Pharaoh Xixothros refuses the proposal because it challenges his power and authority and would require him to accept responsibility for his civilization's immoral practices.

Pharaoh Xixothros refuses the protagonist's proposal at the end of "The Mummy's Foot" story due to a combination of factors.

Firstly, Pharaoh Xixothros is depicted as a proud and authoritative ruler, unwilling to accept anything that may challenge his power or authority.

The protagonist's proposal, which involves returning the stolen mummy's foot to its rightful place, implies acknowledging the existence of an unknown supernatural power and admitting that his rule may have been tainted.

Secondly, Pharaoh Xixothros is portrayed as an embodiment of the decadence and corruption of ancient Egyptian society.

Accepting the proposal would mean accepting responsibility for the immoral practices and grave desecration committed by his civilization.

This would undoubtedly tarnish his reputation as a powerful and revered ruler.

Overall, Pharaoh Xixothros' refusal stems from his pride, fear of losing authority, and reluctance to face the consequences of his actions and the societal decay he represents.

For more such questions on immoral practices


Write a short story of about 120 words about a celebration that you took part in ( in Viet Nam)


As the vibrant streets of Hanoi brimmed with excitement, I found myself immersed in the exuberance of a traditional Vietnamese celebration.

Lanterns glowed like stars above, casting a warm glow on the cheerful faces around me. The air was filled with laughter and the tantalizing aroma of street food.

Colorful dragon dances mesmerized the crowd, their rhythmic movements captivating young and old alike. I joined the joyful throng, wearing an áo dài, the elegant Vietnamese national costume.

The melodious sounds of traditional instruments echoed through the night as fireworks burst into the sky, illuminating the city in a shower of brilliant colors.

In that moment, I felt a profound sense of belonging, embraced by the rich heritage and spirit of Vietnam.

For more such questions on Vietnamese,click on


1. Unforgettable experience before pandemic

2. About environment

3. What I have learned in the time of pandemic​



Explanation:1. Unforgettable experience before pandemic

2. About environment

3. What I have learned in the time of pandemic1. Unforgettable experience before pandemic

2. About environment

3. What I have learned in the time of pandemic1. Unforgettable experience before pandemic

2. About environment

3. What I have learned in the time of pandemic

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