in the alarm stage of stress, glycogen and oxygen are diverted to all of these except:


Answer 1

In the alarm stage of stress, glycogen and oxygen are diverted to all organs except the digestive system.

This is because during the fight or flight response, the body prioritizes the organs and systems that are essential for survival, such as the heart, lungs, and muscles, and diverts resources away from non-essential functions such as digestion. In the alarm stage of stress, the body undergoes physiological changes in response to the perceived threat or stressor. During this stage, several responses occur to prepare the body for fight or flight. One of these responses involves diverting resources to areas that are essential for immediate action. However, without specific options provided in your question, I am unable to identify the exceptions accurately.

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Related Questions

in the mood and lexical decisions study discussed in class, when participants felt happy, they responded faster to words and slower to words.


In the mood and lexical decisions study discussed in class, researchers examined how participants' emotional state, specifically feeling happy, influenced their response times in lexical decision tasks.

The study aimed to investigate the relationship between mood and cognitive processing.

During the experiment, participants were first induced to experience a positive mood state, such as happiness, through various methods, such as watching a funny video or listening to upbeat music. Once the participants were in a positive mood, they were presented with a series of words and asked to indicate whether each word was a real word or a non-word as quickly as possible.

The findings of the study revealed an interest pattern. When participants were in a happy mood, they tended to respond faster to words that were congruent with their mood. For example, if the word "joy" or "laughter" appeared, participants in a happy mood would respond more quickly compared to when they were in a neutral or negative mood. This phenomenon is often referred to as mood-congruent processing.

On the other hand, participants in a happy mood responded slower to words that were incongruent with their mood, such as negative or sad words. This delay in response time suggests that the participants' positive mood influenced their cognitive processing, making it more difficult for them to process or categorize words that were emotionally incongruent.

The study's results provide insights into the intricate relationship between mood and cognitive processes. It suggests that our emotional state can impact how we perceive and process information, with mood-congruent processing playing a role in influencing our cognitive performance.

Learn more about interest here:


which of the following is not true about lex talionis? group of answer choices it was a key tenet in the brutalization hypothesis provided a sense of revenge referred to the babylonian law of equal retaliation provided a sense of uniformity in punishments


Among the options provided, the statement "it was a key tenet in the brutalization hypothesis" is not true about lex talionis. However, lex talionis did provide a sense of revenge, referred to the Babylonian law of equal retaliation, and aimed to establish a sense of uniformity in punishments.

Lex talionis, also known as the law of retaliation or "an eye for an eye," is a principle of justice where the punishment for a wrongdoing is proportional to the offense committed. The statement that lex talionis was a key tenet in the brutalization hypothesis is not true. The brutalization hypothesis suggests that harsh and brutal punishments lead to an increase in violence, while lex talionis focuses on proportional retaliation rather than promoting brutality as a key principle.

However, the other statements about lex talionis are accurate. Lex talionis did provide a sense of revenge by aiming to ensure that the punishment inflicted on a wrongdoer was equal to the harm caused. It sought to restore a sense of justice and fairness by balancing the consequences of an offense with an equivalent punishment. Lex talionis is often associated with the Babylonian law of equal retaliation, where the punishment mirrors the nature of the offense. This concept can be found in various ancient legal codes, including the Code of Hammurabi.

Furthermore, lex talionis aimed to establish a sense of uniformity in punishments. By linking the punishment directly to the offense committed, it sought to ensure consistency and fairness in the application of justice. This approach provided a clear and understandable framework for administering justice in societies that adhered to this principle. In summary, the statement that lex talionis was a key tenet in the brutalization hypothesis is not true. However, lex talionis did provide a sense of revenge, referred to the Babylonian law of equal retaliation, and aimed to establish uniformity in punishments.

To learn more about lex talionis click here


the three parts of the information-processing model of memory are _________.


The three parts of the information-processing model of memory are encoding, storage, and retrieval. These stages describe the process by which information is acquired, stored, and later accessed in memory.

The information-processing model of memory is a theoretical framework that describes how information is processed and stored in memory. It consists of three main stages: encoding, storage, and retrieval.

Encoding: This stage involves the initial acquisition and transformation of information into a format that can be stored in memory. Encoding can occur through various sensory channels, such as visual, auditory, or tactile. It involves processes like attention, perception, and interpretation, where incoming information is actively processed and organized for storage.

Storage: Once information is encoded, it enters the storage stage, where it is held in memory for later retrieval. Storage involves the maintenance of information over time. The information can be stored in different forms and structures, including sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory. Each of these memory systems has different capacities, durations, and levels of accessibility.

Retrieval: The retrieval stage involves accessing and recalling stored information from memory when it is needed. Retrieval can occur through various cues or triggers that activate the relevant memory traces. The process of retrieval involves searching and locating the desired information and bringing it back into conscious awareness.

These three stages of the information-processing model—encoding, storage, and retrieval—work together to enable the acquisition, retention, and retrieval of information in human memory.

To learn more about information-processing model click here


jung explored human behavior and divided it into functions. one of them is


Jung explored human behavior and categorized it into psychological functions. One of the functions identified by Carl Jung is the "Feeling" function.

In Jungian psychology, the Feeling function is one of the four main psychological functions, along with Thinking, Sensation, and Intuition. The Feeling function is associated with evaluating and assessing information based on personal values, emotions, and subjective judgments. It involves making decisions and forming opinions based on internal feelings and considering the impact on individuals' relationships and values.

Individuals who have a dominant Feeling function tend to prioritize interpersonal harmony, empathy, and understanding. They rely on their emotions and values to guide their decisions and interactions with others. They may be more attuned to the emotional needs of themselves and others and often seek consensus and cooperation in their relationships.

It is worth noting that Jung's theory of psychological functions is just one way to understand and analyze human behavior, and different psychological frameworks may present alternative perspectives.

for more questions on feeling function. visit;


attempts to explain how the actual, imagined or implied presence of others influences the thoughts, feelings and behaviors of individuals.


The concept you are referring to is social influence, which attempts to explain how the presence of others, whether real, imagined, or implied, can impact an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This influence can occur through various mechanisms, such as conformity, obedience, and persuasion. Conformity is the tendency to adjust one's behavior to match the norms and expectations of a group. Obedience is the compliance with a request or order from someone in authority. Persuasion involves the use of communication to change or reinforce an individual's attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors. Social influence can be both positive and negative, and it plays a critical role in shaping our social interactions and relationships.
Attempts to explain how the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others influences the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individuals can be described through the concept of social influence. Social influence refers to the way in which individuals modify their attitudes, beliefs, and actions in response to real or perceived social pressures.

There are three main types of social influence: conformity, compliance, and obedience. Conformity occurs when individuals change their behavior to align with the norms of a group. Compliance involves adjusting one's actions in response to a direct request, while obedience entails following the orders of an authority figure.

Imagined or implied presence of others can also impact individuals through social comparison and the desire for social approval. Social comparison involves evaluating oneself in relation to others, which can influence one's self-esteem and motivation. The need for social approval may drive individuals to adopt certain behaviors or attitudes that are perceived as more favorable by others.

In summary, the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others can significantly influence an individual's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors through various forms of social influence, social comparison, and the desire for social approval. These factors play a crucial role in shaping human behavior and interpersonal interactions.

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where does competition fit on the scales of concern for self and concern for others?


Competition can be viewed as fitting somewhere in between concern for oneself and concern for others. On the one hand, competition is often associated with self-interest and the desire to win or come out on top. This can be seen as prioritizing one's own success above others. On the other hand, competition can also involve consideration for others and their abilities.

For example, in a fair competition, each participant has the opportunity to showcase their skills and talents, and the winner is determined based on merit. This can be viewed as a balance between concern for oneself and concern for others, as each participant has the chance to succeed while also respecting the abilities and efforts of their competitors. Ultimately, the level of concern for oneself and others in competition can vary depending on the individual and the context of the competition.

Competition fits on the scales of concern for self and concern for others in a way that balances personal growth with social consideration. On one end, competition can foster self-improvement, pushing individuals to strive for better performance and achievement. This reflects a higher concern for oneself, as personal success and progress are prioritized.

On the other end, competition can encourage collaboration and empathy, highlighting the importance of teamwork and supporting others. In this sense, competition demonstrates concern for others by fostering an environment where individuals work together to achieve common goals.

In summary, competition exists on a spectrum between concern for oneself and concern for others, balancing personal growth and social awareness. By understanding this dynamic, individuals can participate in healthy competition that supports both individual and collective success.

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when friends and family are asked to describe 28-year-old tracy, they say she is eager to seek out new experiences and loves to travel. on which personality trait would tracy be ranked high on?


Based on the information provided, Tracy would likely be ranked high on the personality trait of openness to experience.

This trait is characterized by curiosity and a willingness to explore new ideas, experiences, and ways of thinking. People who score high on this trait are often described as imaginative, creative, and adventurous, and they tend to seek out new challenges and opportunities for growth. Tracy's love of travel and eagerness to seek out new experiences suggest that she possesses many of these qualities and is therefore likely to score high on the openness to experience trait. Other potential indicators of high openness to experience might include an interest in the arts, a willingness to try new foods, a desire to learn about different cultures, and a tendency to think outside the box and challenge conventional wisdom. Overall, openness to experience is a valuable personality trait that can contribute to personal growth, creativity, and adaptability in a wide range of contexts.

Learn more about curiosity here:


Based on the given information, it is clear that Tracy exhibits traits of option C. conscientiousness. This trait is one of the five personality traits known as the Big Five, which are openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism.

Conscientiousness refers to an individual's level of responsibility, organization, and self-discipline. People who score high on this trait tend to be reliable, hardworking, and goal-oriented. They are often efficient and dependable, and they tend to be good at planning and prioritizing tasks. Tracy's friends and family describe her as hardworking, self-disciplined, and reliable, which are all characteristics of someone who is conscientious.

In contrast, neuroticism refers to an individual's tendency to experience negative emotions such as anxiety, worry, and insecurity. Extraversion refers to an individual's level of outgoingness and sociability, while openness refers to an individual's openness to new experiences and ideas.

Based on the information provided, it is clear that Tracy is not high in neuroticism, as her friends and family do not mention her as being prone to negative emotions. She also does not exhibit traits of extraversion, as she is not described as being outgoing or sociable. Finally, while Tracy's level of openness is not explicitly stated, it can be inferred that she is not particularly high in this trait, as her friends and family do not mention her as being particularly creative or curious.

In conclusion, Tracy's high score on the Big Five is conscientiousness, as she exhibits traits of responsibility, organization, and self-discipline, as described by her friends and family.

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When friends and family are asked to describe 28-year-old Tracy, they say she is hardworking, self-disciplined, and reliable. On the Big Five, Tracy ranks high on:

a. neuroticism.

b. extraversion.

c. conscientiousness.

d. openness.

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the research of the chicago school was based on a model taken from:


The research of the Chicago School of sociology was based on a model taken from urban ecology.

The Chicago School, which emerged in the early 20th century, focused on studying urban environments and their impact on social behavior and development.

The scholars of the Chicago School drew inspiration from natural ecology and applied ecological principles to understand how cities and urban communities functioned.

The ecological model they adopted viewed cities as dynamic ecosystems, with various social groups and institutions occupying different spatial areas within the urban landscape.

This model emphasized the interplay between social factors, such as race, ethnicity, social class and physical characteristics of neighborhoods, in shaping patterns of social behavior and community dynamics.

Key concepts developed by the Chicago School included urbanism, social disorganization and the concentric zone model.

Urbanism referred to the distinctive characteristics and social adaptations of urban life social disorganization focused on how the breakdown of social norms and community cohesion in certain neighborhoods contributed to crime and deviance.

The concentric zone model proposed that cities were organized into concentric rings, with the central zone being the most disadvantaged and experiencing the highest levels of social problems.

By adopting an ecological framework, the Chicago School researchers aimed to understand the complex interactions between individuals, communities and their physical environment.

Their studies laid the foundation for future research on urban sociology and influenced subsequent generations of sociologists in studying the social dynamics of cities and urban communities.

For similar questions on Chicago School


If a party to a contract engages in an anticipatory repudiation of the contract, which of the following statements is correct?
A. The repudiation is a material breach of the contract.
B. The repudiating party cannot retract the anticipatory repudiation.
C. The other party never has a duty to mitigate any losses resulting from the repudiation.
D. The other party cannot take action against the repudiating party until the time for performance has passed and performance has not occurred.


If a party to a contract engages in an anticipatory repudiation of the contract, the correct statement is The repudiation is a material breach of the correct answer is A

If a party to a contract engages in an anticipatory repudiation of the contract, it means that they have indicated their intention to breach the contract before the time of performance arrives. This creates uncertainty for the other party and can lead to damages. In such a scenario, the other party has certain options available to them. The other party does not have to wait until the time for performance has passed and performance has not occurred before taking action against the repudiating party. They can treat the anticipatory repudiation as a breach of contract and pursue remedies for the breach immediately. This may include claiming damages or seeking specific performance. However, if the other party does not take action and waits until the time for performance has passed, they may be seen as having affirmed the contract and may lose their right to claim damages.

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Independent agencies have _____ freedom from oversight than executive departments do and _____ be controlled by the president through his appointees.


Independent agencies have more freedom from oversight than executive departments do and cannot be controlled by the president through his appointees.

Independent agencies are established by Congress to perform specific functions, such as regulating industries or overseeing financial institutions. They are created as independent entities to avoid any potential conflicts of interest or political influence. Unlike executive departments, which are directly controlled by the president through his appointees, independent agencies have greater freedom from presidential oversight. This means that they are able to operate independently and carry out their mandate without political interference. While the president may appoint individuals to head these agencies, once appointed, they are expected to act independently and without political bias.

In conclusion, independent agencies have a greater degree of freedom from oversight than executive departments and cannot be controlled by the president through his appointees. This allows them to operate independently and carry out their mandated functions without political interference.

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the fossil record records the first appearance, range, and last appearance of organisms that have lived, mostly over the last 540 million years. TRUE/FALSE


True. The fossil record indeed records the first appearance, range, and last appearance of organisms that have lived, primarily over the last 540 million years.

Fossils are preserved remains or traces of ancient organisms found in sedimentary rocks. By studying these fossils, paleontologists can piece together the history of life on Earth, including the evolution, diversification, and extinction of various species. The fossil record provides valuable insights into the timeline of life's development and the relationships between different organisms.

It helps scientists understand how species have changed over time and how biodiversity has evolved. Although the fossil record is incomplete and biased towards organisms with hard body parts, it remains a critical resource for studying Earth's biological history.

Learn more about fossil record


which of the following is correct regarding workers' compensation? a. it covers the entire labor force. b. it covers all self-inflicted, on-the-job injuries. c. it is not the exclusive remedy for workplace injury. d. it does not require proof of employer negligence.


The correct  regarding workers' compensation is c. It is not the exclusive remedy for workplace injury.

Workers' compensation is an insurance program that provides benefits to employees who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses.

However, it is not the exclusive remedy for workplace injury, meaning that there are situations where injured workers may have additional legal s outside of the workers' compensation system. The availability of alternative remedies depends on the specific circumstances and the laws of the jurisdiction.

To provide further context, here are explanations for the other s:

a. Workers' compensation does not cover the entire labor force. Coverage may vary depending on factors such as the type of employment, the size of the employer, and the specific requirements set forth in the applicable laws.

b. Workers' compensation generally covers work-related injuries, but it may not cover all self-inflicted, on-the-job injuries. Generally, the injury must arise out of and occur in the course of employment to be compensable under workers' compensation.

d. Workers' compensation is generally a no-fault system, meaning that it does not require proof of employer negligence for an injured worker to receive benefits. In most cases, workers' compensation benefits are available regardless of who is at fault for the injury, with some exceptions for intentional or egregious actions.

It's important to consult the specific laws and regulations of your jurisdiction to understand the details and requirements of workers' compensation coverage in that particular region.

Learn more about insurance here:


Which of the following phrases is most true concerning random assignment to group?
A. "all other things being equal"
B. "Use your best guess"
C. " it is close enough for government work"


The best option is option A that is  "all other things being equal." Random assignment to group is a process of assigning participants to different groups in an experiment without any bias or preconceived notions. This ensures that all groups are similar and any differences in the results can be attributed to the treatment or intervention being tested. "All other things being equal" means that the only difference between the groups is the treatment or intervention being tested.

Random assignment to group is an important aspect of experimental research design. It helps to minimize the effects of confounding variables and ensures that any differences observed between groups can be attributed to the intervention being tested. Random assignment means that participants are randomly allocated to different groups without any preconceived notions or biases.  The phrase "all other things being equal" is used to describe the ideal scenario where all the groups are similar in all aspects except for the treatment being tested. This means that the groups are similar in terms of age, gender, education, socio-economic status, and any other relevant factors that could influence the outcome of the study. random assignment to group is an important aspect of experimental research design. The most true phrase concerning random assignment to group is A. "all other things being equal." This phrase emphasizes the importance of ensuring that the groups are as similar as possible, except for the treatment being tested. This helps to minimize the effects of confounding variables and ensures that any observed differences can be attributed to the treatment being tested.

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The pure functional structure does not enable the organization to be:
a cost leader.


The pure functional structure does not enable the organization to be flexible and highly adaptable and responsive to changing market conditions or customer needs.

While the functional structure is effective for specialization and expertise within specific functional areas, it can create silos and hinder cross-functional collaboration.  Communication and decision-making processes may be slow and bureaucratic, making it challenging to quickly adapt to market demands or implement innovative ideas. The functional structure may also lack a clear slow  focus on overall organizational goals and customer satisfaction, as individual functions prioritize their own objectives. In dynamic and fast-paced environments, organizations need agility and the ability to swiftly respond to changes, which may be limited within a pure functional structure.

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A problem gambler is defined as a person whose gambling behavior causes difficulty in which of the following parts of his or her life?
#1. psychological
#2. physical
#3. sociological
#4. vocational (professional or educational)


All option are fully correct that is psychological, physical, sociological, and vocational. a problem gambler's gambling behavior can cause difficulty in all four of the areas listed: psychological, physical, sociological, and vocational.

Gambling addiction can have far-reaching negative effects on a person's life. Psychologically, a problem gambler may experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Physically, they may neglect self-care, leading to poor health and hygiene. Sociologically, they may experience strained relationships with family and friends, or even engage in criminal behavior to support their addiction. Finally, vocational or educational pursuits may suffer as a result of their preoccupation with gambling. In summary, problem gambling can impact a person's life in multiple ways, including psychological, physical, sociological, and vocational. It is important for individuals who may be struggling with a gambling addiction to seek help in order to address these issues and improve their overall well-being. All option are fully correct that is psychological, physical, sociological, and vocational.

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what three choices do you have in responding to illegal interview questions


When faced with illegal interview questions, there are generally three choices you can consider in responding to them:

Answer the question: If you are comfortable and willing to disclose the information being asked, you can choose to answer the question directly. However, it's important to remember that you are not obligated to answer illegal questions, even if you choose to do so.

Refuse to answer: You have the right to refuse to answer any illegal questions during an interview. You can politely decline to respond and redirect the conversation to more relevant and appropriate topics. It is important to remain professional and respectful when declining to answer.

Address the concern indirectly: Instead of directly answering the illegal question, you can respond by providing relevant information or discussing your qualifications, skills, and experiences that are pertinent to the job. This allows you to steer the conversation back to your professional qualifications and avoid disclosing protected information.

Remember, illegal interview questions are those that inquire about protected characteristics such as age, race, gender, marital status, religion, national origin, disability, and other similar factors that are not job-related. It is important for both interviewers and interviewees to be aware of these boundaries and ensure a fair and unbiased interview process.

Learn more about interview here:


private exclusive clubs are nonprofit 501(c)(7) clubs and are regulated by:___


Private exclusive clubs, which are nonprofit 501(c)(7) clubs, are regulated by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

As nonprofit organizations, private exclusive clubs that operate as 501(c)(7) entities are subject to regulations and oversight by the IRS in the United States. The IRS grants tax-exempt status to these clubs under section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code, which pertains to social and recreational clubs.

To maintain their tax-exempt status, these clubs must adhere to certain requirements and restrictions set by the IRS. These regulations may include limitations on the sources of income, restrictions on the distribution of profits, and guidelines for the club's activities and membership eligibility. The IRS monitors compliance and ensures that these clubs operate within the parameters of their tax-exempt status.

To know more about nonprofit , click here.


.Which of the following is the likely result of including technology tools such as digital games in the curriculum for middle grade students?
A) Student motivation for learning will increase
B) Students will be distracted from obtaining learning objectives
C) Students will obtain fewer learning objectives
D) Students will be disengaged from learning


The sentence that serve as the likely result of including technology tools such as digital games in the curriculum for middle grade students is A) Student motivation for learning will increase

What is the impact of technology on the society?

The efficiency of human actions  can be seen to have increased by modern technology since since it helps to complete work faster. Meanwhile, smarter decisions may be made and human error can be minimized because of the abundance of information available.

Digital games, according to academics, can help students meet a variety  of ways which can help to boost their interest in studying, help them comprehend topics better, and help them develop their problem-solving skills.

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by the late nineteenth century, most of the old immigrant groups from northern and western europe


By the late nineteenth century, most of the old immigrant groups from northern and western Europe had already established a significant presence in the United States.

These immigrant groups, including those from countries such as Ireland, Germany, England, Scotland, and Scandinavia, had been arriving in large numbers since the early to mid-nineteenth century. They played a crucial role in shaping American society, contributing to various sectors of the economy, politics, and cultural development. By the late 1800s, these groups had established communities, institutions, and social networks that provided support and continuity for subsequent generations of immigrants.

However, it is important to note that immigration patterns and flows continued to evolve, and new waves of immigrants from different regions of Europe and other parts of the world would follow in the decades to come.

To learn more about immigrant groups, visit here


Like evolutionary psychology, instinct theory most clearly assumed that behavior is influenced by a. homeostasis. b. set points. c. incentives.


Instinct theory most clearly assumed that behavior is influenced by innate biological factors.

Instinct theory posits that certain behaviors are innate and instinctual, meaning that they are not learned but rather biologically programmed. This theory assumes that behavior is influenced by natural instincts that have been developed through evolution to ensure survival. These instincts drive an organism to engage in specific behaviors that are necessary for survival, such as seeking food and water, finding shelter, and reproducing.

Instinct theory has been largely discredited in modern psychology, as it is too simplistic and fails to account for the complex interplay between biological and environmental factors that shape behavior. However, it was a prominent theory in the early days of psychology and was influential in shaping our understanding of human behavior. Like evolutionary psychology, instinct theory assumes that behavior is influenced by biological factors. However, while evolutionary psychology emphasizes the importance of adaptive behaviors that have evolved over time, instinct theory posits that behavior is largely determined by innate, biologically programmed instincts. One of the key assumptions of instinct theory is that behavior is largely automatic and reflexive, driven by innate biological impulses rather than conscious decision-making processes. This means that behavior is seen as largely determined by genetics and biology, rather than environmental factors.

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in alan baddeley's model of working memory, the hypothetical central executive engages in


In Alan Baddeley's model of working memory, the hypothetical central executive is responsible for coordinating and controlling the other components of working memory, including the phonological loop and the visuospatial sketchpad.

The central executive serves as the supervisory system that directs attention, switches between tasks, inhibits irrelevant information, and integrates information from different sources. Essentially, the central executive is like the conductor of an orchestra, ensuring that all the different instruments (i.e. the other components of working memory) are playing in harmony to achieve a common goal.

Without the central executive, working memory would not be able to function effectively.

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Passion in a committed romantic relationship refers to sexual excitement, while intimacy refers to spiritual and emotional excitement. Intimacy refers to feelings of emotional closeness. T/F?


True. In a committed romantic relationship, passion refers to sexual excitement, while intimacy refers to spiritual and emotional excitement. Intimacy is characterized by feelings of emotional closeness between partners.

Intimacy involves the development of trust, vulnerability, and emotional connection between partners. It includes sharing personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences, as well as providing support and understanding to one another. It is about being open, honest, and receptive to each other's needs and desires.

While intimacy can involve spiritual and emotional excitement, it also encompasses physical closeness and affection, such as hugging, cuddling, and non-sexual touch. Intimacy can be expressed through acts of kindness, empathy, and active listening. It involves fostering a deep sense of connection and understanding between partners, allowing them to feel secure, valued, and validated within the relationship.

Passion, on the other hand, specifically refers to sexual excitement and desire within a romantic relationship. It involves the physical and sexual attraction between partners. While passion can contribute to intimacy, they are distinct aspects of a relationship. Intimacy encompasses a broader range of emotional, spiritual, and physical connections, while passion specifically pertains to sexual excitement.

The statement is partially true as intimacy does refer to feelings of emotional closeness, but it extends beyond spiritual and emotional excitement alone, encompassing a wider range of experiences within a committed romantic relationship.

For more such questions on Passion


use of symbols such as words and mental images, simple problem solving, and talking about things not present characterizes the ____.


The use of symbols such as words and mental images, simple problem solving, and talking about things not present characterizes the preoperational stage of cognitive development according to Jean Piaget's theory.

During the preoperational stage, which typically occurs between the ages of 2 and 7 years, children start to use language and symbols to represent objects and events. They develop the ability to use mental representation , such as mental images and symbols, to represent objects and actions in their minds. This allows them to engage in imaginative play, use pretend and symbolic play, and representation in simple problem-solving tasks.

However, children in the preoperational stage often struggle with logical reasoning and the ability to understand abstract concepts. They may exhibit egocentrism, where they have difficulty seeing things from others' perspectives, and they may engage in centration, focusing on one aspect of a situation while neglecting others. Conservation, the understanding that the amount of a substance remains the same despite changes in appearance, is also not fully representation at this stage.

In summary, the characteristics described are associated with the preoperational stage of cognitive development, as proposed by Piaget.

Learn more about representation here:


channel conflict often results when a manufacturer opens a new distribution channel, especially if it directly competes with its existing intermediaries


true. Opening a new distribution channel that competes directly with existing intermediaries can create channel conflict, causing strain in relationships and potential disruptions within the distribution network.

channel conflict can indeed arise when a manufacturer opens a new distribution channel, particularly if it directly competes with its existing intermediaries. this situation occurs because the manufacturer's decision to establish a direct channel may bypass or undermine the traditional intermediaries, such as wholesalers or retailers, that were previously responsible for distributing their products.

the existing intermediaries may view the manufacturer's move as a threat to their business and may perceive it as a breach of trust or a lack of loyalty. they may feel that the manufacturer is now competing with them for customers, potentially leading to reduced sales and profits for the intermediaries.

moreover, channel conflict can occur due to issues such as pricing, control over marketing and promotion, territorial rights, and overall market competition. the manufacturer's direct channel may offer competitive advantages, such as lower prices or better customer service, which can further exacerbate tensions with existing intermediaries.

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the time that lapses between the presentation of two stimuli is called _______.


The time that lapses between the presentation of two stimuli is called the inter-stimulus interval (ISI). The ISI plays an important role in various aspects of cognitive processing, including perception, attention, and memory.

The ISI can be manipulated in experiments to investigate how the brain processes information. For example, researchers can vary the length of the ISI to see how it affects the perception of a visual or auditory stimulus. Shorter ISIs may lead to more accurate and faster responses, while longer ISIs may allow for more complex processing and integration of information. In addition to its role in perception, the ISI is also relevant for memory consolidation. Studies have shown that the timing and spacing of stimuli can impact how well information is retained in memory. A longer ISI may allow for better encoding and retrieval of information, whereas a shorter ISI may lead to interference and poorer memory performance. the interstimulus interval is the time that lapses between the presentation of two stimuli, and it is an important factor in cognitive processing, including perception and memory. Its manipulation can provide valuable insights into how the brain processes information.

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in the united states, the federal government has rewarded this group more than its counterparts in other developed nations. A.lower rates of physical illness
B.higher life expectancy rates
C.higher rates of mental illness
D.lower crime rates
E.greater rates of college completion


In the United States, the federal government has rewarded the group with greater rates of college completion than its counterparts in other developed nations.

Higher rates of college completion have been prioritized and incentivized by the federal government in the United States. This is evident through various policies, financial aid programs, and initiatives aimed at promoting higher education and increasing college completion rates.

Investing in education and encouraging college completion is seen as a means to foster economic growth, innovation, and a skilled workforce. The federal government provides financial support through grants, scholarships, and student loans to make higher education more accessible and affordable. Additionally, programs like the Pell Grant and tax benefits, such as the American Opportunity Tax Credit, further incentivize college attendance and completion.

The emphasis on higher education in the United States is driven by the belief that attaining a college degree leads to better career prospects, higher earning potential, and overall socioeconomic advancement. By prioritizing college completion, the federal government aims to create opportunities for individuals and contribute to the nation's development and competitiveness.

However, it is important to note that the prioritization of college completion does not necessarily mean that other areas, such as physical illness, life expectancy, mental illness, or crime rates, are neglected by the federal government.

These factors may also be addressed through various policies, programs, and initiatives at both federal and state levels. The prioritization of college completion simply highlights a specific area of focus within the broader context of government efforts to improve societal well-being and economic prosperity.

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Kerrie paid $100 to eat dinner and hear the candidate for governor talk. Which of the following summaries of the speech would leave Kerrie satisfied with her entry fee?
a. The candidate's inspirational theme music.
b. The candidate’s obvious enthusiasm and state-specific spending plans.
c. The candidate’s abilities to discuss water planning stream by stream.
d. The candidate’s bashing of likely opposition.


The summary that would leave Kerrie satisfied with her entry fee is option B: The candidate’s obvious enthusiasm and state-specific spending plans.

Spending plans refer to the detailed strategies and allocations of financial resources by individuals, organizations, or governments to meet specific objectives or goals. In personal finance, spending plans involve creating a budget that outlines income sources, expenses, savings goals, and debt repayment strategies. This helps individuals track and control their spending, prioritize their financial needs, and work towards their financial aspirations.

This summary indicates that Kerrie would be pleased with the speech because it highlights two key aspects that she likely valued: the candidate's enthusiasm and their specific plans for spending within the state. By focusing on these aspects, the summary suggests that the candidate provided valuable information and demonstrated a strong commitment to addressing relevant issues. Kerrie, who paid to hear the candidate speak, would likely find this summary fulfilling as it aligns with her expectations and interests.

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cognitive decline can be slowed down when an individual engages in specialized traning programs. which of these activities are typically included in these training programs?


Specialized training programs for cognitive decline typically include activities such as memory exercises, problem-solving tasks, and mental stimulation through puzzles and games.

Memory exercises are an integral part of specialized training programs for cognitive decline. These exercises aim to improve and maintain memory skills, such as recalling information, learning new material, and retaining important details. By engaging in memory-related activities, individuals can strengthen their ability to remember and retain information. These exercises often involve tasks like memorizing lists, recalling specific details, or learning through repetition and practice. They can also incorporate techniques like visualization and association to enhance memory performance.

Problem-solving tasks are another key component of specialized training programs. These tasks are designed to enhance cognitive flexibility and reasoning abilities. They typically involve puzzles, riddles, or logical challenges that require critical thinking and finding solutions. By engaging in problem-solving tasks, individuals exercise their cognitive processes associated with decision-making, problem-solving, and adaptability. These tasks stimulate the brain and promote the development of new neural connections. Regular practice of problem-solving tasks can improve cognitive functions such as attention, executive functioning, and logical reasoning. By incorporating these activities into specialized training programs, individuals can actively work to slow down cognitive decline and improve overall brain health.

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What most closely reflects washington's advice to avoid foreign entanglements?


Washington's advice to avoid foreign entanglements can be summarized as "avoidance of permanent alliances."

In his Farewell Address of 1796, Washington urged Americans to avoid forming permanent alliances with foreign nations. He believed that such alliances could lead to the United States being drawn into conflicts that did not concern them, and could compromise their independence and sovereignty. Instead, he suggested that the United States should engage in commerce with other nations, but should maintain a policy of neutrality and non-interference in their internal affairs.

Washington's advice on avoiding foreign entanglements was rooted in his belief that the United States should be a "republican" nation, committed to the principles of self-government, independence, and freedom from foreign influence. He believed that permanent alliances with other nations could threaten these values, by drawing the United States into conflicts that did not concern them and by exposing them to the influence of foreign powers. Washington's advice was also influenced by his experiences during the Revolutionary War, when he saw firsthand the dangers of foreign entanglements. The United States had relied on military support from France during the war, but Washington was aware of the risks of relying too heavily on foreign powers. He believed that the United States should be able to defend itself and maintain its independence without relying on the aid of other nations.

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after watching a large number of sexually violent movies, ollie will probably be


Ollie will get desensitized to sexual violence and may display aggressive behavior after watching a lot of sexually violent films, according to the statement that most accurately characterizes Ollie. Here option B is the correct answer.

Watching a large number of sexually violent movies can have various effects on an individual, and while it is challenging to predict specific outcomes for Ollie, it is more likely that desensitization and potential aggression would occur.

Exposure to sexually violent content on a regular basis can desensitize individuals to the graphic nature of violence, including sexual violence. This desensitization can make it more difficult for Ollie to empathize with victims and understand the real-life consequences of such acts. Over time, Ollie may become desensitized to the emotional impact of sexual violence, leading to a diminished sensitivity towards others and an increased tolerance for aggression.

Furthermore, exposure to sexual violence in media has been associated with an increased likelihood of aggressive behavior. It may influence Ollie's attitudes toward relationships, consent, and appropriate boundaries. Ollie may be more inclined to engage in aggressive or violent behaviors due to the normalization and reinforcement of such acts portrayed in the movies.

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Complete question:

Which of the following statements best describes Ollie after watching a large number of sexually violent movies?

A) Ollie will likely develop a distorted perception of sexuality and relationships.

B) Ollie will likely become desensitized to sexual violence and may exhibit aggressive behavior.

C) Ollie will likely experience emotional distress and have difficulty forming healthy relationships.

D) Ollie's attitudes towards sex and violence may become influenced by the content but the specific effects cannot be determined.

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