In the book outliers explain this quotation and include evidence from the text to support your
answer: "The idea that IQ has a threshold."


Answer 1


In other words, IQ has a threshold. If you are smart enough, you can have as much success as anyone else who is smart enough. Gladwell clarifies with an analogy: Basketball players generally need to be tall. But a player who is 6'8” is not necessarily better than a player who is 6'5”.


Related Questions

What are 3 examples of satire in pop culture?


Scary Movie Horror movies

What are three instances of satire?

Saturdayr than blatant wickedness. The narrative voice is usually tolerant and funny. Juvenalian satire (named after the Roman satirist Juvenal) is far more harsh and sardonic than Horatian satire. Menippean satire (named after the Greek Cynic philosopher Menippus) targets mental attitudes and prejudices rather than particular persons or organizations. It usually involves pleasant intellectual humor and light sarcasm.

Wonderful New World (Aldous Huxley, 1932)
This dystopian science fiction novel depicts a futuristic civilization that exaggerates and satirizes real-world elements: Huxley envisioned a severely state-controlled future world. It shows conformity, a caste system with genetically created infants, and a drugged, submissive populace.

Animal Farm  (George Orwell, 1945)
Animal Farm is an anti-utopian parody based on the Russian Bolshevik revolution.

It features a bunch of farmyard animals that usurp their owners, only to be controlled by a tyrannical pig dictatorship.

Slaughterhouse-Five (Kurt Vonnegut, 1969)
This science fiction, anti-war novel use dark humor, sarcasm, and absurdity to address large issues such as World War II and the philosophical dilemma of whether free will exists.

To learn more about satire to refer:


It encompasses media artifacts, leisure activities, fashion and fads, and linguistic norms.

What is meant by pop culture?

South Park, a television program that combines cutting criticism with childish humor, serves as a contemporary example. Abortion, the Pope, Hollywood, and criminal justice are just a few of the contentious issues that the program has addressed.

The group of behaviors, viewpoints, and artifacts together known as popular culture represent the social systems' most widely accepted meanings. In addition to other things, it encompasses media artifacts, leisure activities, fashion and fads, and linguistic norms.

Satire is an art form, mostly literary and dramatic, in which human or individual vices, follies, abuses, or weaknesses are held up to condemnation through scorn, mockery, burlesque, irony, parody, caricature, or other approaches, often with the purpose to promote social reform.

To learn more about pop culture refer to:


What is the main theme of Fish Cheeks?


The main theme of Fish cheeks is be "proud of who you are."

At first, Amy felt ashamed of herself for being Chinese, especially because her white crush, Robert, was coming over for a Chinese Christmas dinner. She felt embarrassed after that supper and it "threw her deeper into depression." Amy was "stunned into silence for the remainder of the night" because she was so humiliated when her father let out a loud belch to express his appreciation with the meal. Amy was unaware that all of her favorite Chinese dishes had been chosen by her parents to celebrate and share with the minister and Robert. Even the fish's best feature, the cheek, was saved by her father for Amy.

For such more question on Fish Cheeks:


What do you think is the main conflict in the drama A Raisin in the Sun?


The main conflict in the drama A Raisin in the Sun is of the youngsters.

The struggle of the Youngers, a working-class African American family residing in Chicago, to realise their hopes and aspirations while contending with discrimination and racial prejudice, is the primary tension in Lorraine Hansberry's drama A Raisin in the Sun. After the father passes away, the family is given a $10,000 life insurance check, and each family member has a different plan for how to spend the money. While his mother, Lena, wants to use the money to buy a home in a better area, Walter wanted to use it to invest in a liquor store and elevate his family out of poverty.

Walter's sister Beneatha intends to utilise the funds to work toward her goal of becoming a physician. The main argument emerges between Walter and his mother because they disagree on how to spend the money and what purpose it should serve for the family's future. While his mother views it as a method to give her family a better life, Walter sees the money as his chance to show himself and become a successful man. Through the course of the play, tension and conflict are generated as they attempt to reconcile their divergent viewpoints.

Read more about A Raisin in the Sun on:


Why did Romantic writers focus on nature beauty and imagination *?


The Romantic writers focused on nature beauty and imagination, in order to heal  the sorrows of human beings by their writings.

The romantics tended to define and to present the imagination as our ultimate" shaping" or creative power, the approximate mortal fellow of the creative powers of nature or indeed deity. It's dynamic, an active, rather than unresistant power, with numerous functions.

The Romantic writers authentically allowed that they were predictive numbers who could interpret reality. They stressed the mending power of the imagination, because they truly believed that it could enable people to transcend their troubles and their circumstances.

To learn more about  Romantic writers here


What is irony What are the 3 types of irony and examples of each?


Irony is a literary technique used by writers to express a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation of the words. It is often used to express a subtle tone or emotion, such as humor, sarcasm, or surprise.

Irony often relies on the audience’s knowledge and context to create a contrast between what is said and what is actually meant. There are three main types of irony: verbal, situational, and dramatic.

Verbal irony is when a speaker or writer intentionally says the opposite of what they mean, often for humorous effect. It is most often used for sarcasm or jokes. For example, if someone asked if you wanted to go to a movie and you responded, “No, that’s the last thing I want to do,” you are using verbal irony.

Situational irony is when the outcome of a situation is the opposite of what was expected or intended. It is often used to develop a story, as it helps to add suspense and humor. For example, if a character is trying to escape a dangerous situation, but instead ends up in an even more dangerous situation, that would be an example of situational irony.

Dramatic irony is when the audience knows something that the characters in the story do not. This type of irony is often used to create suspense and tension, as it allows the audience to be aware of a potential danger that the characters are not. An example of dramatic irony is when a character walks into a room and the audience knows that there is a dangerous animal waiting to attack them, but the character does not.

Learn more about Dramatic irony at :


English is now the second language of at least one-sixth of the nation’s restaurant workers, and about one-third of that group speaks no english at all. the proportion of fast food workers who cannot speak english is even higher. which type of evidence does the author use in this excerpt?


The type of evidence that the author uses in this excerpt is statistical.

Statistical evidence focuses on trying a claim or declaration by utilizing numerical facts, especially in conditions of percentages or facts that interpret dimensions from a fuller culture. An excerpt in writing is a cited passage captured from a more interminable work, in the way that a book, poetry, or an item.

In the excerpt from Fast Food Nations, this type of evidence is secondhand cause it includes analyses to a degree "individual-sixth of the nation’s saloon traders, and about individual-tertiary of that group talks no English by any means" that refers to proportions or percentages to support welcome/her plans about the peasants contracted in fast-foodstuff cafeterias and their inception or dialects they speak.

To know more about excerpt refer to:


Why do birds symbolize death?


In many cultures and communities across the world, birds have long been connected to death. Among the explanations for this link are migratory patterns, omens, and soul carriers.

Birds were thought to be the souls of the deceased or to have the capacity to transport the souls of the dead to the afterlife in many ancient societies. This link may have started because birds have the ability to soar high into the sky and are not constrained by the confines of the earth, giving them an otherworldly appearance.

Birds, particularly raptors like vultures and ravens, have historically been regarded as portending bad luck because of their frequent associations with decease and decay. They frequently inhabit cemeteries or areas close to battlefields and eat on carrion.

Seasonal migration is the practice of many birds, who go from one place to another. The bird's habit of leaving and returning can be interpreted as a metaphor for life and death; the soul departs the body to return to the afterlife, much as the bird leaves one spot and returns to another.

To learn more about birds


Read the excerpt from "How the Grimm Brothers Saved the Fairy Tale. " Which idea does the author develop with the text example cited in the excerpt?


The Grimms added extra information to their stories in their final versions, as evidenced by the text example from which the author draws in the excerpt.

What does this passage's main idea?

The tales are not gathered from peasants but from educated individuals. The Grimms gathered tales of actual living situations from reliable sources. The sources who provided the contributors' accounts were unknown to the Grimms.

The fact that the Grimm brothers aimed to preserve German oral tradition tales and morals that otherwise would be lost supports the passage's main thesis, which is that of their tragic and cruel tales. The following are some key points that support the notion that the Grimm Brothers gathered tales to preserve culture: They wanted to capture stories because there weren't many people who were interested in gathering and preserving them. Their goal is to show how culture, language, and customs can unite people.

To know more about Grimm Brothers Saved the Fairy Tale visit:


What is the speaker saying in Sonnet 18?


The sonnet's speaker wonders if he should liken the Fair Youth to a summer day but then goes on to say that the Fair Youth is better than any summer day.

He also points out that a summer day's attributes are dynamic and will inevitably change and diminish. The Fair Youth, the speaker continues, will continue to exist so long as the poem is read. The irony of this sonnet is that it is not the young man himself who will be immortalized, but rather the poet's description of him; yet the poet provides little to no description of the young man himself, instead focusing on a summer day that will outlive him.

Want to know more about Sonnet 18 visit the link which is given below;


Write the format of a Job application, with a sample (example) ​



Here is a sample job application that I had to fill out as a fake person in school. Hope this helps!


What is being said to be joy forever and who is the poet of the poem?


It resembles a bower, where we might relax under the safety of a tree's canopy. It allows us to have restful sleep with pleasant dreams.

What is the figure of speech in A thing of beauty is a joy forever?The epigram is used as a figure of speech in this instance because it cleverly and carefully reflects the concept of beauty.A beautiful object is an eternal joy, according to John Keats. It is a perpetual source of joy and enjoyment. Every second it is more beautiful. Never will it vanish into nothingness.The well-known romantic poet John Keats is the author of the poem A Thing of Beauty. Because it serves as a constant source of inspiration and joy and leaves an imprint on us, a work of beauty is a joy for all time. It never loses its ability to bring delight and pleasure; rather, it just gets stronger.Summary Stuart Kestenbaum's book "Joy" explains how to widen our hearts so that we can appreciate every second.

To learn more about Poem refer to:


This is about physcology. So I had a dream, I was in a city with my friends (Not my irl friends) and then someone threw a paper at a bully (Might off been me) and they started chasing us. I ran to a coroner where I thought I was safe. I saw my best friend (Not irl best friend) running down a stair case. Then someone grabbed my from behind a put a shot/needle in my neck. My vision started getting blurry and I passed out. I really thought I was passing out because it was so realistic. Anyway then I woke up(Still in a dream) and I saw a Lady in a red dress next to me in a bed. She had a very broad jaw and face structure but she was extremly creepy, she was also staring at me. I knew it wasn't real though so I closed my eyes and opened them and I said "I know you aren't real". After that i woke up. (All of this was in anime for some reason) (Also before the dream I fell asleep in a position facing the wall and when it got to the bad part with the lady I was in the same position but there was no wall) Please Interpret my dream


It is not uncommon for people to have dreams that feel realistic and have elements that are disturbing or unsettling. Dreams can sometimes reflect our unconscious mind, and may be influenced by our thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

What is the dreams about?

The city and the chase scene in your dream may represent your daily life and the challenges you face in your waking world. The coroner may symbolize a place of safety or protection, while the person who grabbed you and injected you with a needle could represent a fear or threat in your life. The lady in the red dress who appeared after you woke up could be a manifestation of your unconscious mind or a symbol of something that is unsettling or unknown to you.

It is also possible that the dream may have been influenced by your physical position while sleeping and the absence of a wall in your bedroom. These elements may have contributed to the feeling of realism and the sense that something was off or different in your dream.

In all, it is important to remember that dreams are subjective and personal, and their interpretation can vary from person to person. It may be helpful to consider what the different elements in your dream might represent to you and how they may be connected to your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

Learn more about dreams from

What is the mood of the poet in these lines the road not taken?


The mood of the poet is one of regret that we miss seeing the beauty of nature because of our preoccupation with our daily, mundane routine.

What is the tone or mood of the poem?The poet's attitude toward the poem's speaker, reader, and subject matter, as interpreted by the reader. Often described as a “mood” that pervades the experience of reading the poem, it is created by the poem's vocabulary, metrical regularity or irregularity, syntax, use of figurative language, and rhyme.The mood of a poem is the emotion evoked in the reader by the poem itself. Mood is often confused with tone, which is the speaker's attitude toward the subject. Mood is created by diction, imagery, and sound devices.The mood of a piece might be funny, sad, creepy, cheerful, nostalgic, curious, and so on. Tone is how the author — or, in fiction, the narrator — feels about their subject matter. This will often be closely related to the mood of the piece — but there can also be a disconnect.

To learn more about Mood refer to:


Why are the Elgin Marbles so called?


Elgin marbles are named after Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin, who from 1801 to 1812 oversaw the removal of marbles from the Parthenon, Erechtheion, Temple of Athena Nike and Propylaea and their shipment to England.

The Elgin Marbles are a collection of Ancient Greek sculptures from the Parthenon and other monuments on Athens' Acropolis that were brought to Britain by agents of Thomas Bruce, 7th Earl of Elgin, from Ottoman Greece and are currently housed in the British Museum.

The bulk of the statues were commissioned in the 5th century BCE by artist and architect Phidias. The phrase Parthenon Marbles or Parthenon Sculptures refers to sculptures from the Parthenon's frieze, metopes, and pediments that are housed in various institutions, primarily the British Museum and the Acropolis Museum.

To know more about Elgin Marbles here-


What are the steps in comparison shopping?


Comparison shopping is a strategy for researching and comprehending the costs of several products before making a purchase.

what do you mean by shopping

Retailers frequently utilize comparison shopping to find out how much their competitors are charging for a specific product on the market. Since the bulk of people now buy things online, comparison shopping has become somewhat of a fad.

A large number of online portals have appeared as a result of this expanding trend. The most well-known online merchants are Amazon, Myntra, and Flipkart. These websites can be regarded as a form of online price comparison website because they include numerous product categories in each section.

To know more about shopping visit:-


Can somebody please help me with this question!

LITERARY ANALYSIS: In "A Voice," the speaker shares her fear of how others might perceive her at a speech contest due to her background. How does the speaker's characterization of her mother convey her attitude toward her background?


The speaker attitude portrayal of her mother shows  toward her history, which is that she won't be able to deliver a speech utilizing English well because of her family's education.

How accurate is the speaker's portrayal of the speaker's mother?

The poem's speaker describes the mother as an immigrant who had to deal with a harsh environment because it did not share her language and hence rejected her. The speaker is unaware of the instruction she had as a child and how it shaped her language aptitude because her mother prevented speaking English at home.

What point is the poet trying to make with us?

The poet aims to convey the idea that people shouldn't be treated differently based on their looks, religion, or area. Tease someone because of their distinct heritage since it is inhumane.

To know more about speaker attitude visit:-


Please Answer for my HSPT!!!!

Traditional is to Orthodox as comical is to ___.

A. eject
B. person
C. depressed
D. funny



d) funny


in terms of religion, orthodox means to conform or follow as closely the rules of that region, so orthodox would have a similar meaning to traditional; comical and funny have similar meanings

What is the central idea in this passage when my sisters and I cared too much?


The central idea in this passage is that caring too much can be a burden and cause a person to become overwhelmed and unable to cope with life's challenges.

What is passage?

Passage is a form of writing that expresses a particular point of view or idea. Passages are often written as essays, stories, or even poems, and they can be used to explain a concept, provide information, or simply entertain the reader. Passages can be used to make a point, persuade readers to think differently, or to teach a lesson. They are often used in educational settings to provide students with an opportunity to practice and hone their writing skills. Passages can also be used in literature to provide additional context and meaning to a text.

To learn more about passage


What is the definition of hearty??


A person with full of energy, enthusiastic, jovial, e.t.c.

Answer: 2 answers


It could mean wholesome, or people wise, loud and cheerful.

Write a letter to editor discussing how trekking may indirectly cause environmental issue


Air and water pollution were always a problem in our rapidly growing metropolis, but more recently, individuals have begun to follow the trend of celebrating their extravaganzas by making as much noise as they can.

What is Enviornmental issue?

The time when visitors might relax in the tranquillity of our peaceful temples and mosques and take in the peace of the city is long past. In contrast, currently every block has a loudspeaker blaring out some sort of message.

Wedding processions and DJs disrupt the ceremony by playing loud music to anyone nearby, whether they are guests or strangers.

The time when visitors might relax in the tranquillity of our peaceful temples and mosques and take in the peace of the city is long past. In contrast, currently every block has a loudspeaker blaring out some sort of message.

Therefore, Air and water pollution were always a problem in our rapidly growing metropolis, but more recently, individuals have begun to follow the trend of celebrating their extravaganzas by making as much noise as they can.

To learn more about enviornmental issue, refer to link:


What are the types of verbal?


Infinitives, gerunds, and participles are the three different kinds of verbals. They can can be used alone or collectively in a sentence. The fundamental form of a verb is an infinitive, which is followed by the word to. It has noun, adjective, and adverb functions.

Types of verbal communication

As was already said, verbal communication is the process of transmitting and receiving information through words. You can accomplish this by communicating verbally or by delivering written communications. For instance, Gerald wanted to let his supervisor know that he would be taking the day off work to go to the doctor. He decided that sending the message by email would be more professional than making a call in that sense.

There are several forms of verbal communication that may be categorized, including:

communication between individualsRelational interactionSmall-group interactionpublic discoursebroad dissemination

Learn more about verbal communication to visit this link


A summary for 1963 the year that changed everything



1963 was a year of immense change and progress for the world. It was the year of the March on Washington, where Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech, and the year the United States and the Soviet Union signed the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, which marked the beginning of the end of the Cold War. It was also the year that the United States and the United Kingdom signed the Hot Line Agreement, which established a direct communication link between the two countries in order to reduce the risk of accidental nuclear war. In addition, the United States and the Soviet Union signed the Limited Test Ban Treaty, which banned nuclear testing in the atmosphere, underwater, and in outer space.


write a short introduction to the text this picture by mike licht might accompany


The short introduction to the text in the picture by Mike Licht could be: People can post anything online without fear of retribution of subjugation.

What does the picture depict?

The picture itself communicates some sort of movement for free speech. The picture contains an original picture from history that was used by women in emancipation when they advocated for equality.

By overlaying that picture with a laptop and stating that "We can blog it", the creator is clearly saying that because we have the leverage of the internet, we can express ourselves online on any issue.

Learn more about introductions:

How was the colonels life saved in the death disk?


Abby may have given colonel Mayfair the fatal death disk, but she was also the reason he was saved.

Fatal be a synonym?

Deadly, lethal, and mortal are a few examples of popular synonyms for fatal. All of these terms refer to "creating or capable of causing death," but the word "fatal" emphasizes the certainty of what has really caused death or devastation.

What does fatal safety mean?

Any workplace accident that results in death within a year of the accident is considered deadly. Usually, it's not the deceased's fault that these accidents happen. You have a responsibility as an employer to create a secure working environment.

To know more about fatal visit:


What is the three paragraph rule?


There are three main sections to a good body paragraph: a closing (or transition) sentence, relevant supporting sentences, and a topic sentence (or key sentence).

Your paragraph will remain focused on the main idea thanks to this structure, which provides information that is clear and concise.

What is an appropriate opening sentence for a body paragraph?

The first sentence of your body paragraph should serve as the topic sentence, introducing the main point of the paragraph. It is frequently the hardest sentence to write. The topic sentence, also known as the "paragraph leader," introduces the discussion with an underlying claim (or, occasionally, a question).

How do you begin each paragraph in the body?

A topic sentence, a one-sentence summary of the paragraph's central idea, is typically the first sentence of an effective body paragraph. 7. Support sentences that provide details, facts, examples, statistics, or anecdotes about the topic follow the topic sentence.

To learn more about topic sentence here:


Is Snowball a boy or girl?


Snowball is not specified as a boy or a girl in the novel.

Snowball is a fictional character from George Orwell's novel Animal Farm. He is one of the main pig leaders in the rebellion against the human farmers. Snowball is intelligent, passionate, and hardworking and is initially portrayed as a strong leader.

However, as the novel progresses, he becomes increasingly at odds with Napoleon, another pig leader, and is eventually driven out of the farm. . The character represents the idea of a well-intentioned leader who is ultimately overthrown by a more ruthless and power-hungry individual.

This reflects the political message of the novel, which critiques the corruption and abuse of power that occurred during the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin's regime.

Read more about Animal Farm :


Design posters condemning lynching or any other type of punishment without a fair trial.

If possible, you can also share the picture of the poster, but it is up to you.


Starting with the Definitions of lynching and other forms of punishment without a fair trial should be given first. Describe what these procedures entail and why they are improper.

What are the further steps of designing a poster?

Give instances of lynching and other forms of punishment that have taken place without a fair trial. This can aid in demonstrating the effects of these behaviours in the actual world.Talk about the value of a fair trial in the legal system.Discuss how lynchings and other forms of punishment that don't involve a fair trial weaken the legal system and rip apart social cohesion.Encourage your audience to speak out against lynching and other forms of punishment without a fair trial by ending with a call to action. Provide detailed advice on how people can participate and make a difference.

Thus, the steps are given above.

For more information about  steps of designing a poster, click here:


I will visit my cousin in Quebec next month.

identify the adverb and verb, adjective, or adverb it modifies


Next month, I'll travel to Quebec to see my cousin. The adverb and the verb, adjective, or adverb it modifies in this sentence are visit and time.

Which adverb describes the place where an event or action takes place?

place adjectival-

Where something is done or occurs is revealed by a place adverb. For illustration, we can have lunch here. How something is done or occurs is described by a manner adverb. Example: The brawl left the brothers seriously hurt.

Adverbs can be used to modify verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, phrases, and clauses. An adverb provides an explanation for how, when, where, what caused it, or to what extent something occurred.

While certain adverbs can be distinguished by their distinctive "ly" suffix, the majority of them must be distinguished by separating apart the grammatical relationships within the sentence or clause as a whole. You can study and review the fundamentals of adverbs in this article. These will go a long way toward assisting you in comprehending how adverbs are used in English. This page can be used as a review resource in your free time.

To know more about Adverbs visit:



Explain how the PMRC changed its "original suggestions" to the music industry in regard to record labeling. Use two details from the passage to support your answer. Use RACE


Note that the PMRC (Parents Music Resource Center) presented various record labeling ideas to the music business, although these suggestions altered over time. Here are two examples of revisions to their initial suggestions:

It developed a "Adult Warning" label for songs with explicit content; andRecord labels are now required to use a labeling scheme.

What is the origin of PMRC (Parents Music Resource Center)?

The Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) was an American group founded in 1985 with the claimed objective of strengthening parental control over children's access to music with violent, drug-related, or explicit themes through the use of Parental Advisory stickers on records.

The committee was created by four ladies known as the "Washington Wives," referring to their husbands' official ties in the Washington, D.C. region.

Tipper Gore, wife of Senator and subsequently Vice President Al Gore; Susan Baker, wife of Treasury Secretary James Baker; Pam Howar, wife of Washington realtor Raymond Howar; and Sally Nevius, wife of former Washington City Council Chairman John Nevius are the women who formed the PMRC.

Learn more about music business:

Write an argumentative essay on the effects of social media on today's young adults. Is social media a positive or negative aspect in society today?



I have to put it in a Picture because it has a forbidden words.

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