Order the topics from broadest to narrowest.
protecting mountain gorillas
protecting mammals at risk
protecting animal species at risk


Answer 1


Protecting Animal Species

Protecting Mammals

Protecting Mountain Gorillas


Related Questions

What are good hooks for an argumentative essay about school lunches being free?



"Hunger should not be a barrier to education. All students deserve access to nutritious meals at school, and making school lunches free would help ensure that all children have the fuel they need to learn and succeed."

"In a country as wealthy as the United States, it is unacceptable that so many children go hungry. Providing free school lunches would be a step towards addressing this issue and promoting equity for all students."

"Paying for school lunches places an unnecessary burden on low-income families, who are already struggling to make ends meet. By making school lunches free, we can help alleviate this financial stress and ensure that all students have the support they need to thrive."

Here are a few ideas for hooks for an argumentative essay about making school lunches free:

-A statistic about the number of children who rely on school lunches as their main source of nutrition.

-A quote from a child who struggles to afford lunch at school.
-An anecdote about a child who was humiliated or stigmatized because they couldn't afford to pay for lunch at school.

-A rhetorical question about the value of education and whether it is fair to deny children a basic necessity like lunch because of their family's financial situation.

-A bold statement about the importance of ensuring that all children have access to nutritious meals at school.

I hope these ideas help you get started on your essay! Let me know if you have any other questions.

hope is the thing with feathers the poet uses the words gale and storm as metaphors. what might these words represent


It compares hope to a bird that sings through the heaviest storm, the "chilliest country," and the "strangest Sea" and perches in the soul.

"Hope is the thing with feathers," a poem by Emily Dickinson, demonstrates her steadfast dedication to optimism. She asserts that every person, no matter how noble or depraved, possesses hope. When a person encounters difficult times in life, it endures and continues to function. Hope is depicted by Emily Dickinson as a winged creature in a wonderful way. With the help of her poem "Hope is the Thing with Feathers," Emily Dickinson demonstrates how everyone possesses hope, which, with enough faith, can overcome any obstacles. Dickinson employs metaphor in her poem to personify hope and give it birdlike features.

To know more about endure refer :



What are the 6 types of blogs?


The 6 types of blogs are How-to blogs, Review blog , Issue blog, Hobby and fan blogs,  Personal blogs , Humorous blogs.

Many people establish blogs to share their information because they realize that their knowledge is valuable and that they should preserve and spread it. This is especially true of the curious. It also makes logical because teaching helps one learn more. Since blogging calls on you to do more study and present the greatest possible version of your knowledge. The most typical justification for blogging is this. Many people enjoy writing, especially when they are writing for themselves. This is essentially what blogging is all about. It's the reason blogging began and why blogging still exists. Most folks merely want to maintain an online writing place.

To know more about essentially refer :



What were the 2 types of plays that were performed?


They can be tragedies or comedies, but are often neither of these. History as a separate genre was popularised by William Shakespeare.

What were the two main types of plays performed by the Greeks?Greek playwrights and actors created comedies, tragedies, and satyr tales. The comedies and tragedies were the most significant and had the biggest impact on theatre in the future.Tragedy - Greek tragedies were extremely sombre plays with a lesson on morality. Typically, they presented tales of a fabled hero who, due to his arrogance, met his demise.Comedy - Compared to tragedies, comedies were lighter in tone.Although they frequently are none of these, they can be comedies or tragedies. William Shakespeare made history a popular genre in its own right. The historical dramas Demetrius by Friedrich Schiller and King John by William Shakespeare are two examples.

Learn more about two types of plays the Greeks performed refer to :



What happens in the downstairs office that frightens the inhabitants of the Secret Annex?


Someone breaks into the office in the downstairs office that frightens the inhabitants of the Secret Annex.

Tales from the Secret Annex is a collection of eclectic prose fabrication andnon-fiction written by Anne Frank while she was in caching during the Nazi occupation of The Netherlands. It was first published in The Netherlands in 1949, also in an expanded edition in 1960.

During WWII, Anne Frank's family hid in the Secret Annex for over 2 times, with the Van Pels family and Fritz Pfeffer. There are eight people hiding as inhabitants in an apartment put away away from view of the road behind a storehouse and business office in Amsterdam.

To learn more about  the Secret Annex here



What is the supporting details in first paragraph?


Major and minor supporting details come in two different categories.

The fundamental structure of a paragraph is made up of the main concept and its major supporting components. The fundamental points that bolster the core notion are the major specifics. Smaller information are frequently included in paragraphs. The supporting elements are expanded upon by the key details, which explain and further develop the core notion.

EXAMPLE: Key Concept and Major Detail

According to studies, a person's first name might affect them.

Some names have a favourable connotation for the bearer. However, other names might be detrimental.

Example: Key Concept, Major Point, and Minor Point

According to studies, a person's first name might affect them.

Some names have a favourable connotation for the bearer. For instance, a poll revealed that American males find names like Susan to be quite seductive. Additionally, participants in a British survey believed that Tony was the name of a particularly amiable person. However, other names might be detrimental. In one study, teachers, for example, gave essays purportedly written by boys named Hubert and Elmer lower grades than they gave the exact same essay when they credited lads with more well-known names. According to a different study, girls with less popular names performed worse on IQ and achievement tests than those with names that are more endearing.

To learn more about supporting details in first paragraph, refer: https://brainly.com/question/19805865


how do paragraphs 3-29 contribute to the key concept of the colonies independence from Great Britain


This clause was added to the constitution to deter the king from punishing the colonists who had proclaimed their independence with further atrocities.

What occurs in the final sentence of the Declaration of Independence?

That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States is the most significant and dramatic phrase in the Resolution of Independence, which appears near the end. It professes a full rupture with Britain and its monarch while asserting its independence.

What three reasons did the colonies give for deciding to secede?

In order to be free of the British Empire, the colonists fought the British. Because of unjust levies, they battled the British. Because they lacked self-government, they battled.

To know more about constitution visit :-



Can someone help me with this question ?
Reem is 14 years old. Her weight is slightly higher than average, but she is not obese. She hates exercise and enjoys eating a lot of sugary foods. Reem has decided to talk to the school nurse about her weight as she is worried about her health. Many members of her family have diabetes.
-- What advice would you give and why? --



It would be important for Reem to talk to her healthcare provider about her weight concerns, as well as her family history of diabetes. The healthcare provider can help evaluate her overall health and provide personalized recommendations.

In general, some advice that could be given to Reem would include:

Eating a balanced diet that is high in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in added sugars and saturated fats.

Engaging in regular physical activity. The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association both recommend at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity per week, or a combination of both, plus muscle-strengthening activities on at least 2 days per week.

-Limiting sedentary behavior, such as prolonged screen time

It's also important for her to understand that weight is not always a good indicator of health, and focus on overall healthy habits rather than weight loss.

It's also a good idea to address any concerns about her weight or diet in a compassionate and non-judgmental manner, as it's more effective and motivating for the long term.

How does the description of Dr. Druring's house in paragraph 6 contribute to the theme in the second half of the excerpt


In paragraph 6 of the excerpt, the description of Dr. Druring's house highlights its eerie and desolate nature, symbolizing a sense of isolation and emptiness.

The decaying, overgrown garden and boarded windows evoke a feeling of neglect and abandonment, mirroring the emotional state of the characters in the second half.

This contributes to the theme of loneliness, despair, and the passage of time, as the characters grapple with their own internal struggles, much like the neglected house that stands as a haunting reminder of forgotten memories and lost connections.

The house serves as a poignant metaphor, deepening the exploration of human fragility and the consequences of unaddressed emotional wounds.

Learn more about Dr. Druring's house here



Reread Shakespeare's "Sonnet 12. " Does this poem address a universal human problem, or is the situation specific to the speaker and an unseen listener? Or can it be both?

Support your answer with details from the poem. Use the RACES strategy to formulate your response


In Shakespeare's "Sonnet 12," the speaker addresses a universal human problem, which is the fear of being forgotten after death. The speaker expresses his concern that his poetry will not survive after his death and that he will be forgotten.

The speaker uses the metaphor of a "chronicle of wasted time" to describe his fear that his poetry will be forgotten, and that his memories of him will disappear with time. He describes the poetry as his "bare ruined choirs" that will be left behind after his death.

The RACES strategy can be used to analyze the poem as follows:

Restate the problem: The speaker expresses his fear of being forgotten after death.

Analyze the evidence: The speaker uses the metaphor of a "chronicle of wasted time" to describe his fear that his poetry will be forgotten, and that his memories of him will disappear with time.

He describes the poetry as his "bare ruined choirs" that will be left behind after his death.

Cite the text: "But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, / All losses are restored, and sorrows end" (lines 13-14)

Explain the significance: The speaker acknowledges that his poetry will not survive after his death, but he finds solace in the thought that as long as someone remembers him, his poetry will live on.

He also implies that the memories of those who remember him will be a source of comfort and will help to alleviate the sorrow of being forgotten.

In conclusion, Shakespeare's "Sonnet 12" addresses a universal human problem, the fear of being forgotten after death, and the poem can be seen as a universal theme that is not specific to the speaker and an unseen listener.

The speaker's fear of being forgotten is a common fear that many people share and the imagery and metaphor used by the speaker in the poem make it relatable to a wide audience.

To know more about Shakespeare's "Sonnet 12",



Did the benefits of European Exploration outweigh the costs?


Exploration in Europe was hardly an exception. Although there were costs and benefits associated with European exploration, it is clear from a study of primary sources that the latter were overwhelmed by the former.

In what ways did exploration help Europe?

Exploration journeys had a significant effect on trade in Europe. This led to an increase in the amount of goods, raw materials, and precious metals entering Europe. In particular, the Netherlands and England saw the development of new trading hubs.

Did the Age of Exploration make the globe a better or worse place?

In the Age of Exploration, there was more harm than good done by adventurers. Although the explorers conquered new areas, amassed enormous money, and spread the Word of God, they did not treat the indigenous with much kindness when they conquered other lands.

To know more about European visit:-



What literary devices are used in Trifles?


Susan Glaspell's novel Trifles employs symbolism, imagery, and allegory as literary devices. The play's title serves as a metaphor for the undervalued position that women held in the early 20th century.

What type of irony is used in Trifles?

Dramatic irony enriches a story by highlighting the effects of misunderstandings. In Susan Glaspell's play "Trifles," a dead pigeon that serves as a clue to a murder that other important players in the play are unaware of, is discovered by the two female characters. This is one instance of dramatic irony used well.

"Trifles," a novel from the turn of the 20th century, discusses the rights, standards, and preconceptions that women at the time had of themselves in society. The statements Hale and the County Attorney spoke were spoken in verbal sarcasm.

To learn more about Trifles, visit:



create a new business idea​ (in detail please)





what do jacqueline and maria share in the book brown girl dreaming?


Answer: They exchange dinners.

Explanation: Maria giving Jacqueline Puerto Rican food and Jacqueline giving Maria traditional Southern food.

What is the central message of the concept?


All of the other fictional devices the author employs to tell the story are tied together by the central concept, which acts as the narrative's overarching theme.

The theme is another term for the overriding impression or fundamental idea that the story conveys. In literature, several components come together to form a compelling plot. Every story has a fundamental idea at its core.

The main idea, often referred to as the central idea, is a condensed summary of the main theme of the entire story. In most cases, we state the key idea in a single sentence. The central idea is separate from the message and the subject. It provides the framework for the story.

To learn more about theme here:



What is gerunds and infinitives with examples?


The present participle (-ing) form of the verb, such as singing, dancing, or running, is known as a gerund. Infinitive = to Plus the verb's basic form, such as to dance, to sing, or to run. Depending on the primary verb in the statement, you will either use a gerund or an infinitive. I anticipate receiving the operation's findings soon.

What are some instances of gerunds?

The noun form of a verb with the ending -ing is known as a gerund. Taking play, dancing, and eating as examples. Since they are accustomed to seeing that form as the continuous/progressive form of the verb (e.g., "she is eating," "they were dancing," etc.), pupils immediately find this puzzling.

What are instances of infinitive verbs?

An infinitive is a verb that has the word "to" before it. To love, eat, run, believe, follow, laugh, look, and marvel are a few examples.

Learn more about gerunds and infinitives  to visit this link



What is the meaning of the foreign expression in bold?

Some historians believe that well-respected author Daniel Defoe also published works under the nom de plume captain Charles Johnson


The meaning of the foreign expression in this context means someone who is luxurious and enjoys that lifestyle.

What are the 5 most important things for writing a successful blog article?


The 5 most important things for writing a successful blog article are Magnetic headline, Compelling lead, Useful subheads, Informative and engaging body, Appealing graphics.

If you've ever given an elevator pitch—a succinct two-minute presentation on your company—to investors, you know that the objective isn't to secure funding straight away but rather to provide enough information to pique their interest. I want to be absolutely clear about the definition of "compelling" in this context. A lead in news reporting should summarize the key details of the news story. But in a blog, it might not always be the case. You want to lure readers in, thus the initial sentence or brief paragraph of your blog should compel readers to read the second paragraph. Make sure there is enough build-up and that you don't take too long to get to the point so that readers will be interested.

To know more about  elevator refer :



write a short paragraph about the methods of preparing sandwiches.




You have the option of tosting the bread or not. Then add your sauce or not then lettuce tamatoes grilled onions/normal onions or none at all. Then add chese or no cheese. Then add any other form of condement of your choice. Then put the last piece of bread. And there you are a nice sandwich to enjoy.

Which of the following describes alkenes?
A. organic compounds that are recognized by no bonds that are present in their chemical structure
B. organic compounds that are recognized by the single bonds that are present in their chemical structure
C. organic compounds that are recognized by the double bonds that are present in their chemical structure
D. organic compounds that are recognized by the triple bonds that are present in their chemical structure


Alkenes are organic compounds that are recognized by the double bonds that are present in their chemical structure. Thus option C is the answer.

The general chemical formula for an alkene is [tex]CnH2n[/tex], where n is the number of carbon atoms. The double bond in an alkene is typically represented by the symbol [tex]C=C[/tex], with each carbon atom in the double bond having a single bond to another atom (such as another carbon atom) and a lone pair of electrons.

The double bond in an alkene is responsible for the compound's chemical reactivity and can be used in a wide range of chemical reactions.

Learn more about alkenes:


Read the sentences. To the south and southeast of China are the Himalayas. These are the highest mountains in the world. They provided a nearly impassable border for ancient China, keeping the area isolated from many other civilizations. What type of context clue helps describe the meaning of the underlined term


Option A: inference type of context clue helps describe the meaning

of the underlined term.

In a sentence, a word or phrase might not always be instantly explained. Relationships that are assumed or inferred but not explicitly stated. In the sentence in which the term is used, as well as before and after it, the reader must search for hints. Although words are not defined explicitly in the text, you can infer their meanings from what you already know and what you have read. She was so starving that others felt bad for her and gave her food to eat.

To learn more about context clue Please click on the given link:



Complete question is:

Read the sentences.

What type of context clue helps describe the meaning

of the underlined term?

To the south and southeast of China are the

Himalayas. These are the highest mountains in the

world. They provided a nearly impassable border for

ancient China, keeping the area isolated from many

other civilizations.

A. inference

B. restatement

C. antonym or synonym

D. definition or explanation

What are 3 dramatic irony examples?


The 3 examples of dramatic irony are:

In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet are unaware that they are the children of their families' feuding enemies. In the movie The Sixth Sense, the audience knows that Bruce Willis' character is dead, but he is unaware of this fact. In Oedipus Rex, Oedipus searches for the murderer of the former king, unaware that he is actually the killer himself.

What is dramatic irony?

Dramatic irony is a literary device in which the audience is aware of a situation, or outcome, that the characters in a story are not aware of. It is often used to create:

suspensehumorother effects

Learn more about Dramatic irony:



How do you know a statement is positive?


Any assertion that can lead to the development of experimentally testable hypotheses is considered positive.An opinion or personal values are the foundation of a normative declaration, in contrast.

What is a favorable statement, exactly? Any assertion that can lead to the development of experimentally testable hypotheses is considered positive.An opinion or personal values are the foundation of a normative declaration, in contrast.A statement that can be validated, modified, or disproven by comparing it to the evidence is considered positive.Consider how lower housing prices will result from higher interest rates.An opinion statement that cannot be tested is referred to as normative.For illustration, the minimum wage needs to be raised by the government.Positive phrases known as affirmations can aid in challenging and eradicating self-defeating and pessimistic beliefs.The statements "the unemployment rate in France is higher than that in the United States" and "an increase in government spending would lower the unemployment rate" are two examples of statements that are supportive to the economy.

To learn more about positive statement refer



How do men and women view differently in Trifles?


The 'Trifles' want the men to perform in a more commanding, authoritative manner, while the women are expected to behave in the stereotypical "housekeeper" manner.

What does Trifles say about women?

The drama 'Trifles' explores the demise of a woman's spirit. Her tyrannical spouse has an overwhelming influence on her, and she eventually kills him for smothering her spirit. Glaspell gives male characters distinct traits than she does female ones. The men in this play treat their spouses the way a man would have in 1916.

The drama depicts a society with rigid gender roles, with males exclusively responsible for the world of labor and women restricted to the home. However, the boundary between the domains of men and women goes beyond a simple split of labor.

To learn more about Trifles, visit:



How do you cure Millicent?


In order to cure Millicent, you should talk to her and her the needle, of which she'll be hesitant at first but later she'll be cured.

Millicent or Milicent is a womanish given name that has been in use since the Middle periods. The English word Millicent is derived from swinth" strength, the Old French Melisende, and the Germanic amal" work"

At Church of Plague, you will find a point of Grace, a Sacred Tear, while you will see Millicent slunk in the corner of the church remains. You should talk with her and offer her the needle. Though she will be reluctant but if you go rest at the point of Grace and return you will next see her standing up, putatively cured of her scarlet spoilage.

To learn more about Millicent here



Lines 62-79

Question #4

#1. Identify the lines of dialect in these lines.

#2. Restate events of these lines in your own words.

Banana Tree story 6th grade


The word hollerin' appears in lines 62 to 79 as an example of dialect. These terms are used to weave an African-American accent with a narrative as a means of describing "hollering."

What is Banana Tree story?

It is a Cambodian horror movie based on a ghost story about just a vengeful spirit killing her husband while haunting a banana tree. The typhoon and the banana tree both serve as symbolic elements in the narrative. What is a key theme in The Banana Tree? Never venture outside during a storm. Family should be respected. The tree became enraged and ordered them to go and continue to be burnt by the sun. In actuality, Lord Vishnu is symbolized by the banana tree, which is regarded as one of the sacred trees. In auspicious rituals, banana leaves are tied to a pillars and meal is served on them as a symbol of growth and renewal.

To know more about Banana Tree story visit:



Over time Pangaea broke apart to form other continents.

Which modern-day continents composed Gondwanaland?


Gondwanaland is composed of the modern-day continents of Africa, South America, Antarctica, Australia, and India.

What is Gondwanaland?

Gondwanaland was an ancient supercontinent that existed during the late Paleozoic and early Mesozoic eras, approximately 300 to 180 million years ago. It was composed of the landmasses of modern-day South America, Africa, Madagascar, India, Australia, and Antarctica. Gondwanaland was named after the Gondwana region of India, where rocks similar to those found on other continents within the supercontinent were first discovered. Gondwanaland was the largest landmass on Earth during its time, and its breakup is thought to have been the result of continental drift. The breakup of Gondwanaland is believed to have been the cause of the formation of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The breakup of Gondwanaland is also thought to have been responsible for the formation of the Himalayas, the Alps, and the Rocky Mountains.

To learn more about Gondwanaland

Write a short story with no less than 10 sentences. It must have proper, common, collective, concrete, abstract and compound nouns.


"Finding Joy in the City"

The city council met to discuss the budget for the upcoming year. The concrete plan included new roads and a community center. The abstract concept of happiness was also on the agenda, as the council members debated ways to increase the collective joy of the citizens. Despite their best efforts, the meeting ended in disagreement, and the council members left with heavy hearts. As the sun set on the bustling metropolis, a group of children played in the park, their laughter a reminder of the importance of finding joy in the everyday. The group of friends shared a concrete picnic bench, munching on sandwiches and talking about their dreams for the future. One child, a dreamer with a wild imagination, spoke of her desire to fly to the moon. The others listened with wide-eyed wonder, their minds filled with the possibility of adventure and discovery. As the night fell and the children headed home, the council members gathered their things, ready to continue the budget discussion the next day. Despite the challenges they faced, they remained determined to create a better future for the community they served.

“At last, in 1611, was made, under the auspices of King James, the famous King James version; and this is the great literary monument of the English language.” Lafcadio Hearn, author who died in 1905
Should this quote be paraphrased or directly quoted and why?
This quote should be paraphrased to share information and ideas from another source.
This quote should be directly quoted because it is especially moving and historically meaningful.
This quote should be paraphrased to emphasize your own authority.
This quote should be directly quoted in order to preserve a statement that is exceptionally well-written.



This quote should be directly quoted in order to preserve a statement that is exceptionally well-written.


In this quote by Hearn, the original meaning and full power of the English language are kept.  It is important to preserve this extraordinarily well-written remark by quoting it verbatim.

This quote should be paraphrased or directly quoted and the reason for this is:

B. This quote should be directly quoted because it is especially moving and historically meaningful.

What is a quote?

A quote refers to the exact words of another speaker. It is important to include the exact words of a quote when the words have special significance and will add more weight to the message of the passage.

In the above text, we can see that the diction used is reflective of the King James era and the words therein are historically meaningful so readers will benefit from reading the text directly.

Learn more about quotes here:



Is drama and play the same agree or disagree?


Answer: I think disagree even tho i don't know much about stuff like that drama and play are not the same thing

the answer is disagree
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