Can I please have an explanation to help me understand?

What was one major cultural change caused by the Industrial Revolution in the United States?

Women had fewer options for working outside the home.

People became more likely to buy products instead of making them.

The cost of consumer goods rose rapidly because of greater demand.

Children began to attend school rather than work in factories.


Answer 1

Answer:I think its A

Explanation:i did it on a test and i rlly dont remerber what i put

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Take the perspective of Deborah Sampson, who joined the
Patriots in the conflict by disguising herself as a man. Write a short
autobiography describing what you went through to become a soldier and why
taking part in the war was important to you.


To write an autobiography about Deborah Sampson's perspective on her experiences in the American Revolution, you must conduct structured research on the topic.

Who was Deborah Sampson?

 Born in Massachusetts in 1760, she is considered an American hero for her feats of disguising herself as a man to join the Patriots during the conflict period of the American Revolution.

As challenges, she even needed to take care of herself in the injuries suffered during the war, since she could not have her identity discovered for being a woman.

Therefore, Deborah Sampson received a military pension for having dedicated her life to an ideal of American freedom, and such details of her experiences may be detailed in her autobiography.

Find out more about Deborah Sampson on:


What factors best explain the the
relative advantage of civilizations in the modern
world and to what extent might that advantage
be rooted in the geographical features of human
civilizations beginnings?


lThere are many factors that have contributed to the relative advantage of certain civilizations in the modern world. These include a variety of historical, cultural, economic, and technological factors. Some of the key factors that have contributed to the relative advantage of certain civilizations include:

Access to natural resources:

Civilizations with access to abundant natural resources, such as fertile land, minerals, and energy sources, have often been able to leverage these resources to fuel economic growth and development.

Cultural and social institutions:

The values, beliefs, and institutions of a society can play a significant role in its development. Civilizations with strong cultural traditions of innovation and learning, for example, may be more likely to advance technologically and economically.

Political and economic systems:

The political and economic systems of a civilization can also influence its relative advantage. For example, civilizations with more open and inclusive economic systems may be more innovative and better able to adapt to changing circumstances, while those with more closed and centralized systems may be less flexible and adaptable.


Access to transportation, communication, and other infrastructure can also play a role in a civilization's relative advantage. Civilizations with well-developed infrastructure may be better able to facilitate trade, communication, and the movement of people and goods, which can contribute to economic growth.

It is difficult to quantify the extent to which the geographical features of a civilization's beginnings might impact its relative advantage in the modern world. However, it is likely that the physical environment has played some role in shaping the trajectory of human civilizations, particularly in terms of access to natural resources and the development of transportation and communication infrastructure.

Learn more about " the

relative advantage of civilizations in the modern


Sustainable Actions Make A Difference:

Research work:

Collect information about recycling plants in U.A.E. and create a flip book. Also add some pictures related to it.

Please, I need the Information in 20 to 30 lines, In a form of a small flip book.


It is not possible to have access to the current information about recycling plants in UAE. But I can provide you with some general information and give you an idea on how to structure your flip book.

What is the issue of recycling plants in U.A.E.?

Recycling is becoming increasingly important in the United Arab Emirates. The country's recycling plants play a vital role in reducing the amount of waste going to landfills and protecting the environment. Some of the key recycling plants in the UAE include:

Emirates Environmental Group (EEG) Recycling Plant in Dubai: This plant processes paper, plastic, and metal waste and produces recycled raw materials.

Abu Dhabi Waste Management Centre: This recycling plant processes various types of waste, including construction and demolition waste, municipal solid waste, and hazardous waste.

Sharjah Waste Management Centre: The centre recycles various types of waste and has the capacity to process up to 1,200 tons of waste per day.

Al Ain Municipality Recycling Plant: This recycling facility processes paper, plastic, and metal waste and produces recycled raw materials.

Al Dhafra Recycling Industries: This recycling plant is one of the largest in the UAE, with a capacity to process 2,500 tons of waste per day.

To structure your flipbook you could start with an introduction on the importance of recycling in the UAE, then have a section on the different types of recycling plants in the UAE, and their processes.

Next, have a section on some of the key recycling plants in the UAE, including information such as the location, the types of waste they process, and their capacity.

Therefore, you could also include some pictures of recycling plants or recycling process. And then finally, you could conclude with a section on the importance of recycling and how it helps the environment, and encourage people to recycle.

Learn more about recycling plants from


Transfers of money, goods, or services that are not reported to the government are indicative of
Multiple Choice

A.capitalistic profits.


C. an informal economy.

D.socialist sanctions.


Transfers of money, goods, or services that are not reported to the government are indicative of

Multiple Choice

A.capitalistic profits.


C. an informal economy.

D.socialist sanctions.

Transfers of money, goods, or services that are not reported to the government are typically associated with an informal economy, which refers to economic activities that are not regulated by the government or included in official measures of economic activity. Therefore, option C is correct.

What is the an informal economy?

The informal economy refers to economic activities that are not regulated by the government or included in official measures of economic activity. This can include activities such as street vending, cash-in-hand work, and unregistered small businesses.

The informal economy operates outside of formal legal frameworks, often characterized by limited government oversight and lack of legal protections for workers. It is estimated that a significant portion of the global workforce participates in the informal economy, particularly in developing countries.

While participation in the informal economy can provide opportunities for income generation and self-employment, it can also pose challenges for workers, including lack of job security, limited access to social protections and benefits, and vulnerability to exploitation.

Learn more about informal economy here:


Cite the three major problems with consumer interviews or surveys and provide an example of each.



There are several major problems with consumer interviews and surveys that researchers and marketers should be aware of. These include:

Sampling bias: This occurs when the sample of people who participate in the survey or interview is not representative of the larger population. For example, if a survey is conducted online and only reaches people who use the internet, it may not accurately reflect the views of the general population.

Response bias: This occurs when people who participate in the survey or interview do not accurately or honestly report their views or behavior. For example, people may be reluctant to admit to certain behaviors that are considered taboo or socially undesirable.

Questionnaire design: The way questions are phrased and the order in which they are asked can influence the responses that people give. For example, if a survey asks people to rate their satisfaction with a product or service before asking them to rate the specific features they like or dislike, the results may be biased.

It is important for researchers and marketers to be aware of these problems and take steps to minimize their impact when conducting consumer interviews and surveys. This may involve using a representative sample, ensuring that questions are neutral and unbiased, and taking steps to minimize response bias.


Explain why adding new states became an issue for the Union.


Adding new states to the Union became an issue for the Union because it raised questions about the balance of power between the Northern and Southern regions of the country. The Northern states, which were more industrialized and had a larger population, generally favored the admission of new states that would be likely to support their interests and strengthen their political power. In contrast, the Southern states, which were heavily dependent on agriculture and had a smaller population, generally opposed the admission of new states that would shift the balance of power away from them. This tension between the North and South was one of the factors that led to the American Civil War.

If an imaginary country called Perfection has the following statistics related to the Age Specific Fertility Rate, calculate the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) of the country.
________ _____________
age group --------ASFR
________ ___________
15-19 -----‐- 50
________ ________
20-24-------- 148
________ __________
25-29-------- 200
________ _________
30-34-------- 170
________ ________
35-39 --------135
________ _________
40-44 --------45
________ ________
45-49 --------30
________ ________
total --------778​


Explaination:hope this help you select as branlist

Which option is the best example of diplomacy?


The best example of diplomacy negotiating a peaceful resolution to a conflict.

What is diplomacy?

Diplomacy is the art of conducting negotiations and maintaining relationships between countries and other entities. It involves the management of international relations, including political, economic, and cultural exchanges. Diplomats represent their countries and governments in foreign countries, and they are also responsible for negotiating treaties and agreements. Additionally, diplomats engage in public diplomacy, which is the use of public channels to promote mutual understanding and cooperation between countries. Diplomats also provide advice to their governments on international affairs, and they act as intermediaries in times of crisis.

To learn more about diplomacy

Which option is the best example of diplomacy?

A. Making a public statement denouncing a rival's actions

B. Negotiating a peaceful resolution to a conflict

C. Threatening military action if demands are not met

D. Imposing economic sanctions on a hostile nation

. If you worked for H&M, what would you suggest that it focus on to become even larger than it is now? Should it have its own factories? Should it expand to more than the 64 countries (54 with stores and 10 online) that it is in now? Should it control more of the global supply chains?


For H&M to become even bigger than it is now, it should develop a strategic plan focused on business expansion.

How can a company expand?

There is a set of strategies that can help a company achieve this goal, such as having its own factories to reduce supplier costs, internationalizing business to new markets and increasing control over its global supply chain, generating economies of scale and increased value. market.

Therefore, such expansion strategies, when well structured and planned, help a company to increase its market share, create value and be more successful.

Find out more about global supply chain on:


Which statement best describes how the fed responds to resources?



it increases the money supply.


mark brainliest

how did they try to hide the genocide in bosnia


In an attempt to conceal their crimes, Bosnian Serb officials dug up mass graves of their victims and reburied the bodies across a wide swath of territory.

International and national authorities have worked to find out what happened to the more than 20,000 people who have gone missing across Bosnia and Herzegovina. More than half of the bodies have been identified in the decades since the conflict, including thousands from Srebrenica. The ICTY determined that genocide had occurred in Srebrenica. Judges have also ruled that was used as a tool of terror by members of the Bosnian Serb armed forces, and that a "hellish orgy of persecution" occurred in concentration camps in northwestern Bosnia.

In June 2017, the Hague Court of Appeal ruled in response to a lawsuit filed by the "Mothers of Srebrenica" that the Netherlands was partly responsible for the deaths of approximately 350 Muslims in Srebrenica. Dutch-national UN peacekeepers handed over the men under their protection to Bosnian Serbs, contributing to a genocide that claimed over 8,000 lives.

The roots of denial can be found in groupings of Serbian and foreign academics, who have received some assistance from Serb and foreign political and media organizations. Following the conflict, the Serb culture adopted the viewpoint that they were the wronged party and that certain historical occurrences had impeded national objectives.

Learn more about Bosnian

key facts from the genocide in bosnia


Answer:Prior to the dissolution of the former Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, President Josip Broz Tito ruled the Balkans. Although there were many different ethnic groups in his territory, he managed to maintain peace by commanding with a "Iron Fist" style. Despite the fact that he was sometimes referred to as a "benevolent dictator," he did not allow much tolerance for cultural diversity outside of Yugoslav nationalism. This Yugoslav identity did not start to split into many ethnic groups until after his passing in 1980.

"Ethnic cleansing" is the word used to describe the Serbs' brutality toward Bosniaks and Croats during this civil conflict. The goal of the Serbs was not just to wipe out an entire ethnic group, but to drive that people out of a particular region. This does not apply to the 1995 attack, or more accurately, "shelling," of Srebrenica, which the UN designated as a genocide in 2007.

Srebrenica, Zepa, and Gorazde were designated as safe havens by the United Nations in 1993, indicating that all three would be placed under the protection of foreign peacekeepers and disarmed.


List the main problem faced by the poor


Answer: Hunger, limited education and basic services, social discrimination, and lack of participation in decision-making.

The following holidays:





Explanation:on god

What are some traits counterproductive leadership and how do you professionally handle said leader?



Counterproductive leadership refers to leadership styles or behaviors that are detrimental to the effectiveness and success of an organization or group.

Some traits of counterproductive leadership include:

1. Lack of accountability: A leader who is not accountable for their actions or the actions of their team can create a culture of confusion and lack of responsibility.

2. Inability to communicate: A leader who is unable to effectively communicate their vision or expectations can lead to misunderstandings and decreased productivity.

3. Lack of transparency: A leader who is not transparent in their decision-making process can create a lack of trust and confidence among team members.

4. Poor conflict resolution skills: A leader who is unable to effectively manage and resolve conflicts can create a toxic work environment.

To professionally handle a counterproductive leader, it is important to first try to address the issue directly with the leader themselves. This can involve having an open and honest conversation about their behavior and the impact it is having on the team or organization. If the leader is unwilling or unable to address the issue, it may be necessary to escalate the issue to a higher level of management or to human resources. It is also important to document any instances of counterproductive behavior to provide a record of the issue.

To know more about leadership traits:-


social issues and solution to that issue


The balance between the various components must exist because the planet earth contains the perfect amount of each element needed for a living thing to survive.  

As a result, all organisms, whether single-celled or multicellular, must have access to enough nutrients to survive. Now, there are some environmental elements that are more frequently referred to as "the lungs of the globe or ecosystem," namely the trees. Trees are necessary because they capture carbon dioxide from the air and offer the maximum amount of oxygen to all living things. As a result, each element in the planetary system is in a state of equilibrium. But because we now take nature for granted, no one even considers protecting the forests and other natural resources because people are so preoccupied with the idea of industrialization and profiting from some of the products that the businesses make. As a result, it reacts by bringing forth phenomena like global warming.

To know more about social issues on

what is the largest state in the us?









New Mexico





And Wyoming


Transportation spending between the east and west was another reason many wanted to seperate the state.

a true
b false


True: Another reason why many desired to split the state was the cost of transportation between the east and west.

What is transportation?

Moving people, creatures, and products from one location to another is done through transportation. People have relied on horses and carts or carriages for this since the dawn of human civilization. Ships have been used by nations all over the world for maritime trade for hundreds of years.

Transportation refers to the different ways that people and/or products are moved from one location to another. Traffic congestion in towns and cities is one benefit of transportation. Compared to buying and operating a car, public transportation is less expensive.

To know more about transportation, visit:


what are some important facts on Kosovo’s pursuit of self-determination (timeline)



1. In 1989, the Kosovo Assembly declared Kosovo a republic within Yugoslavia, sparking a violent response from Serbia.

2. In 1998, the Kosovo War began, leading to the displacement of over 1 million people.

3. In 1999, NATO intervened in Kosovo's conflict and the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1244, which established an interim UN administration.

4. In 2008, Kosovo declared its independence from Serbia, which was recognized by over 100 countries.

5. In 2010, the International Court of Justice ruled that Kosovo's declaration of independence did not violate international law.

6. In 2013, Kosovo and Serbia reached a landmark agreement on normalizing relations.

7. In 2015, Kosovo joined UNESCO, becoming the organization's 193rd member.

8. In 2017, Kosovo was granted membership in the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.


How did some immigrants' desire for religious freedom lead colonists to revel against
British rule?


Hi! It was just another motive to move away to the colonies. Especially a colony like maryland, which was known as a safe haven for catholics.

Hope this helps :D

Why is CBR considered crude and ASFR calculated according to the ages of women? Also make a comparison between the two methods of fertility measurement.​



The Crude Birth Rate (CBR) is considered crude because it simply looks at the number of births in a given year in relation to the total population, without taking into account any other factors. The Age-Specific Fertility Rate (ASFR) is calculated according to the ages of women because it looks at the number of births for a specific age group in a given year, in relation to the population of that age group.

When compared, CBR is a more general measurement of fertility, while ASFR is more specific. CBR looks at the overall fertility rate of a population, while ASFR looks at the fertility rate of a specific age group. CBR is also easier to calculate, while ASFR requires more in-depth data collection.


What are the types of environment


Terrestrial or aquatic ecosystems are the two main types of ecosystems. Aquatic ecosystems are based on water, while terrestrial ecosystems are based on land. Forests, grasslands, deserts and marine environments are the main categories.

Every living and non-living object in a certain natural environment makes up an ecosystem. Major elements of many ecosystems include plants, animals, insects, microorganisms, rocks, soil, water, and sunlight.  Aquatic ecosystems are based on water, while terrestrial ecosystems are based on land. Forests, grasslands, deserts, tundra, freshwater, and marine environments are the main categories. The term "biome" can also refer to terrestrial ecosystems that cover a significant region of land, such as tundra. But keep in mind that specific characteristics of any ecosystem might vary greatly from one to another; for instance, an oceanic ecosystem in the Caribbean Sea will have very different species than one in the Gulf of Alaska.

Learn more about environment on

Differentiate between floors and floor coverings


The ground itself is regarded as the floor (usually inside). A floor is constructed of flooring. A tile floor, for instance, would be constructed using tile flooring. With wood flooring, one might create a wood floor.

Give a brief account on floor.

The floor is a room or a car's bottom surface. The surface of a floor can be formed of several different layers or just be made of dirt in a cave. Any material that can withstand the anticipated load is acceptable for floors, including stone, wood, bamboo, and metal. Although the term "story" is more appropriate, buildings' levels are frequently referred to as "floors." A subfloor for support and a floor covering that provides a good walking surface are the conventional components of a floor. Plumbing, electrical wiring, and other services are frequently integrated into the flooring of modern structures. Floors must adhere to tight construction rules in some areas because they must fulfill a variety of requirements, some of which are crucial for safety.

To know more about, floors, visit :


What concept refers to the ways that a society keeps people from breaking the laws and norms?



Social Control


The concept you are referring to is social control. It refers to the ways that a society keeps people from breaking the laws and norms, such as through the use of punishment, rewards, education, and socialization. Social control can take many forms, including formal methods like the criminal justice system and informal methods like peer pressure and social norms.

In what ways does the function of counties vary from region to region?



The function of counties varies considerably from region to region. In some areas, counties are responsible for a wide range of services, including public safety, health, education, and transportation. In other areas, counties may be primarily responsible for property taxes and land use regulation.

Freida is earning a master’s degree in social work and putting together a presentation for class about the origin of human services using her own life. What part of her life will Freida MOST likely use for her presentation?

her workplace

her class

her family

her friends



Freida is most likely to use her family as a part of her presentation about the origin of human services.


A master's degree in social work typically involves the study of social welfare policies, programs, and practices that aim to address social and economic inequalities and improve the well-being of individuals and communities. In putting together a presentation about the origin of human services, Freida might draw on her own experiences and background to illustrate the various factors and influences that have shaped her understanding of social work and her desire to pursue a career in this field.

Freida's workplace, class, and friends are less likely to be central to her presentation about the origin of human services, as they are not directly related to her personal history or development as a social worker. Instead, it is more likely that Freida will focus on her family and other personal experiences and influences that have shaped her understanding of social issues and her desire to help others.

Caroline is interested in helping many different people regardless of their income level or particular needs. What type of career should she choose?


human services


social services



B. Human Services


I hope it helps

Which service model is an example of pairing therapy with psychiatric medication?


public health

social service

human service


The correct answer is A. medical. This service model involves pairing therapy with psychiatric medication as part of a treatment plan that is typically administered by medical professionals such as doctors and nurses. The other service models listed (B. public health, C. social service, and D. human service) do not specifically involve the pairing of therapy with psychiatric medication as a part of their services.

The correct answer is A



hope this helps:3 75.84% chance of getting this right

Answer: B. People became more likely to buy products instead of making them.


Five similarity of a state and nation


The five similarities between both states and nation are :

1. Both states and nations have defined territories and populations that reside within their boundaries.

2. Both states and nations have a government that exercises control and authority over their territory and citizens.

3. Both states and nations have laws and institutions that govern the behavior of their citizens and maintain order within their territory.

4. Both states and nations have a sense of identity and shared culture among their citizens.

5. Both states and nations interact with other political entities through diplomacy, trade or other means.

It's important to note that the term "nation" can also refer to a cultural, ethnic or linguistic identity, which may or may not have a state to represent it politically. However, for the most part, states and nations do share these similarities, and both are considered as sovereign entities that make decisions for their own people and have the ability to govern themselves.

To learn more about state and nation,

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