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How were the middle ages described ad the age of faith and the age of chivalry


Answer 1

Because of the Catholic Church's dominance during this time period, the Middle Ages are known as the Age of Faith.

Why middle ages are the age of faith and the age of chivalry?Due to the widespread Christian belief in Europe at the time, the Middle Ages are also known as the "Age of Faith."The vast majority of people in Europe at the time were Christians; only a small minority were Jews, Muslims, or other non-Christian religions. This is not hyperbole.Both peasants and nobility were subject to Christian rule during the Middle Ages.The best knight in the Middle Ages wasn't just the best combatant.He was also polite, generous, kind, and loyal to his lady—qualities that when combined produced the epitome of chivalry.

To learn more about the middle ages, refer


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What were some of the colonists’ grievances that culminated in the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776?


Quartering British troops in the colonies. Not punishing these troops when they harm colonists. Cutting off the colonists' trade with the rest of the world. Taxing the colonists without their permission.

How did the South Asian varna (also known as "caste") social structure compare and contrast to social hierarchies in other societies we have studied?


'Varna' literally means color and derives from the word 'Vri' which signifies employment choice. As a result, Varna is preoccupied with one's skin color or employment. Caste, or 'Jati,' derives from the root term 'Jana,' which means to give birth. As a result, caste is preoccupied with birth.

What is a Social Structure?

In sociology, social structure is the unique, permanent arrangement of institutions through which human people in a community interact and live together.

The notion of social structure is frequently discussed in conjunction with the concept of social change, which deals with the processes that modify the social hierarchy and the organization of society.

Learn more about Social Structures:

What is the goal of Hinduism, according to the Upanishads?

Select one:

To live a sinless life.

Union with Brahman ("World Soul")

To bring happiness to all creatures on earth.

To be reincarnated as a priest.


The goal of Hinduism, according to the Upanishads is c.To bring happiness to all creatures on earth.

How can the goal of Hinduism, according to the Upanishads be described?

The  goal of Hinduism, according to the Upanishads can be described as one that focus on the peace as well as the happiness of the people in the world as well as the life after death.

In this case we can come into conclusion that  Hinduism focus on seen every creature of human being as been divine and they should be treated as as such because it believe in one God.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about Hinduism at:


What are the pros and cons of living in Oklahoma?



Low cost of housing

Moderate living expenses

Attractive mid-sized cities

Productive economy

Enjoyable 4 season living

Chances for extreme weather

Dull landscape

No access to major metropolitan areas

High state and local taxes

Sub-par K-12 education


Low cost of housing

Moderate living expenses

Attractive mid-sized cities

Productive economy

Enjoyable 4 season living

Chances for extreme weather

Dull landscape

No access to major metropolitan areas

High state and local taxes

16. Why is hard money more difficult to raise than soft money?

a.Congress has banned hard-money contributions to political parties.

b. Most candidates discourage hard-money contributions.

c Hard-money contributions are limited in amount and must be reported.

d.Hard money is used for activities that most contributors don't want to fund.


Answer:  Hard-money contributions are limited in amount and must be reported.

Soft money: campaign money raised apart from federal regulation and can be given directly to one candidate. hard money: campaign money raised for a specific candidate in federal elections and spent according to federal laws and restrictions.

Consider what is said about Sparta’s conquered ‘helots’ (essentially slaves), and the militarization of its society. What distinguishes it from Athens?

This is the text: Like other Greek city-states, Sparta needed more land. Instead of starting new colonies, as some states did, the Spartans conquered
the neighboring Laconians. Later, beginning around 730 B.C., the Spartans undertook the conquest of neighboring Messenia despite its
larger size and population.
After their conquest, the Messenians and Laconians became serfs and were made to work for the Spartans. These captured people
were known as helots, a name derived from a Greek word for “capture.” To ensure control over the conquered helots, the Spartans
made a conscious decision to create a military state.
Between 800 B.C. and 600 B.C., the lives of Spartans were rigidly organized and tightly controlled—thus, our word spartan, meaning
“highly self-disciplined.” Males spent their childhood learning military discipline. Then they enrolled in the army for regular military
service at age 20.
Although allowed to marry, Spartan males continued to live in the military barracks until age 30. All meals were eaten in public dining
halls with fellow soldiers. Meals were simple: the famous Spartan black broth consisted of a piece of pork boiled in animal blood, salt,
and vinegar. A visitor who ate some of the black broth once remarked that he now understood why Spartans were not afraid to die. At
30, Spartan males were allowed to vote in the assembly (discussed later). They could live at home, but they stayed in the army until the
age of 60.
While their husbands lived in the barracks, Spartan women lived at home. Because of this separation, Spartan women had greater
freedom of movement and greater power in the household than was common elsewhere in Greece. Spartan women were expected to
remain fit to bear and raise healthy children. Many Spartan women upheld the strict Spartan values, expecting their husbands and sons
to be brave in war. The story is told of a Spartan mother who, as she handed her son his shield, told him to come back carrying his
shield or being carried on it. In other words, he was not to drop his shield in retreat but to be victorious or to die bravely.
The Spartan government was an oligarchy headed by two kings, who led the Spartan army on its campaigns. A group of five men,
known as the ephors (EH • fuhrs), were elected each year and were responsible for the education of youth and the conduct of all
citizens. A council of elders, composed of the two kings and 28 citizens over the age of 60, decided on the issues that would be
presented to an assembly made of male citizens. This assembly did not debate; it only voted on the issues.
To make their new military state secure, the Spartans turned their backs on the outside world. Foreigners, who might have brought in
new ideas, were discouraged from visiting. Except for military reasons, Spartans were not allowed to travel abroad, where they might
encounter ideas dangerous to the stability of the state. Likewise, Spartan citizens were discouraged from studying philosophy, literature,
or the arts. The art of war was the Spartan ideal. All other arts were frowned upon.


History tell us that the Messenian helots lost to Sparta when Epaminondas liberated Messenia circa 370 but its system continued in Laconia until the 2nd century BCE but in Athens, the (helots) were in a sense a state slaves that are bound to the soil and assigned to individual Spartans to till their holdings

What is the difference in Athens and Sparta society?

Both Athens & Sparta hold a historic value for Greece and the world. The city of Athens is the capital and largest city of Greece, a center for economic, political, financial and culture life in Greece. Its embodies the symbol of freedom, art and democracy in the conscience of the civilized world. In history, the name "Athens" was from the goddess Athena which means the goddess of wisdom and knowledge.

The place call "Sparta" is a town near the river Evrotas which is located in the center of the Peloponnese in southern Greece. It was the Dorian Greek military state which was considered as the protector of Greece as it was providing large army to Greece for many years. Presently, the town of Sparta is the administrative capital of the prefecture of Laconia.

Read more about Athens & Sparta


Executive summary of russia/ukraine war.



Incursions into Ukrainian territory culminated in Russia's annexation of Crimea, followed shortly afterwards by the beginning of the war in Donbas between Russia-backed separatists and Ukrainian state forces; fighting for the first eight years of the conflict also included naval incidents, cyberwarfare, and heightened

5. Which once kept certain groups of voters such as African Americans Native Americans, and Latino voting?

a.residency requirements

b. age requirements

C.literacy tests

d. purging
chapter 18


c literacy tests
because many of these groups were either not allowed to attend school or unable to

7. How can the Betts case be used effectively by Gideon?


The Betts Case be used effectively by Gideon by following conclusions.

1) - The right to legal representation for criminal defendants in federal and state courts was established by the Supreme Court's majority decision in favor of Gideon in 1963. After the judgment, Gideon was given a second chance to defend himself and was found not guilty.

2) - The American criminal justice system's operation and objectives have been significantly impacted by the Supreme Court's judgment in Gideon that "lawyers in criminal courts are requirements, not luxuries," as well as by its guarantee of the right to counsel in state criminal proceedings.

Hence, it can be effectively used as The Court decided that it was appropriate for criminal defendants who lacked the financial means to hire an attorney to be provided with a lawyer paid for by the state in order to ensure a fair and impartial trial.

To Learn more about the Gideon's Case, Click the links.


when did john Winthrop and the Massachusetts bay company land the puritans in north America


john Winthrop and the Massachusetts bay company land the puritans in north America in 1630

Under the leadership of Governor John Winthrop and Deputy Governor Thomas Dudley, a party of roughly 1,000 Puritan refugees from England founded Massachusetts Bay Colony, one of the earliest English colonies in modern-day Massachusetts, in 1630. The Mayflower and the Pilgrims' landing in Massachusetts, one of the original 13 colonies and one of the six New England states, is undoubtedly the state's most well-known claim to fame. John Smith, an English explorer and colonist, gave the Massachusett tribe credit for naming the state.

To know more about john Winthrop refer to


1. DETERMINING CENTRAL IDEAS List four things that helped the Spanish to defeat the Aztec and Inca Empires. Which of these advantages do you think was most important? Rank the items on your list in order of importance, with number one as "most important." Europe Conqu The early Spa The rulers of settlements i Spain one-fif The Co The Aztec, w America, an empires con a conquista​


Four factors helped Spain defeat the Aztecs:

superior weapons Spanish weapons were far superior to those used by the Aztecs and Incas. alliances and experiences. The invading Spanish forces also took advantage of internal divisions within the Aztec and Inca empires. The power of the horse. fatal diseases.

It's no surprise that health dental and vision insurance are among the most valuable benefits for employees. Unfortunately, health insurance is also the most expensive of the benefits offered, with personal coverage averaging $6,435 per employee and family coverage $18,142.

Regular physical activity can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes heart disease high blood pressure, and stroke. If you have any of these health problems, physical activity may help your condition. Health insurance, flexible working hours, and vacations. In today's job market, a generous benefits package is essential to attracting and retaining top talent.

Learn more about The Aztecs here:-


As a result of Kennedy’s plans, NASA created the Mercury program specifically


As a result of Kennedy’s plans, NASA created the Mercury program specifically so that the United States should focus all its capabilities with the aim to landing a man on the moon and returning him back to Earth before the end of the decade.

During the 1960s, America launched its first man-in-space mission, a 5-year-programme, with the objective to launch 8 unmanned flights and 6 manned flights from 1961 to 1963.

It resulted in Alan Shephard in a 15-minute suborbital flight in 1961. However, the glory was short-lived as Yuri Gagarin was launched into space by the Soviet Union just weeks earlier. That took the edge off America's program and Alan's flight.

Hence, concerned with the Soviets' taking over and catching up with the United States in space travel, President Kennedy announced the Mercury plan.

The Mercury program is regarded as the first American human space program. Its initial focus was to win the battle against the erstwhile Soviet Union, which it failed to do so. But it helped the United States to redeem its lost glory and pave way for future space missions.

to know more about the Mercury Programme:


The preemption of state and local laws by federal laws is based on what clause of the us constitution


The preemption of state and local laws by federal laws is based on Supremacy clause of the U.S. constitution.

"The Supremacy Clause says that federal law is “the supreme Law of the Land” regardless any state law to the conflict. This is the basis for the doctrine of federal preemption, according to which federal law outlaw opposing state laws. In reality, there is no separate preemption clause in the US Constitution. Rather common wisdom holds that the power of Congress to preempt state law comes from the Supremacy Clause, the Commerce Clause, or sometimes the Dormant Commerce Clause.  A federal court may need a state to stop specific action or behavior it believes interfering or conflicting with federal law."

To learn more about Supremacy Clause,


The Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian War.

What was part of that treaty?


The French regained Fort Duquesne.
The French regained Fort Duquesne.

The French gave Canada to the English.
The French gave Canada to the English.

The French were banned from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.
The French were banned from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains.

The French were banned from using the Mississippi River.


As the Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian War, what was part of that treaty is the French gave Canada to the English.

What was the Treaty of Paris of 1763?

The Treaty of Paris was the treaty which was signed on 1763 by the Great Britain, France and Spain after the Great Britain and Prussia's victory over France and Spain during the Seven Years' War.

In essence, this treaty ended the French and Indian War/Seven Years' War between the Great Britain, France and their respective allies. In the terms of this treaty, the French government gave up all its territories in mainland North America which effectively endied any foreign military threat to the British colonies there.

Read more about Treaty of Paris of 1763


4.Which federal law passed in 1993 was intended to make voter registration easier?

a. 24th Amendment
b Civil Rights Act

C Motor Voter Law

d. Voting Rights Act

chapter 18


The answer is D. Voting rights act.

Which are depicted on the Chi Rho page in the Book of Kells?


winged angels

the Holy Ghost


interlacing patterns


The things that are depicted on the Chi Rho page in the Book of Kells are:

Animalsinterlacing patternswinged angels

What are the things that are been depicted on the Book of Kells ?

The  things that are been depicted on the Book of Kells varies because it encompass different things that has their different meaning on the book.

For instance the animals has their own meaning as well as their own interpretation, because the animal that was on the book was used in the representation of the three parts of creation.

It should be noted that the three parts of creation do encompass the earth which according to that book is the portion that the animals such as the cats and mice can be found, and this is the region that help their reproduction and that support their existence.

Other part is sea which is the region that contain the otter and sky which is the region that contains the moths.

Therefore, option A B D are correct.

Read more about Book of Kells here:


Which of the following are arguments made by Thomas Mun? Select all that apply.

The English should decrease their purchases of foreign foods and clothing.

The English should expord their domestic products but not their money.

Domestic commodities should be charged a tax or custom charge only slightly greater than that of foreign wares.

The English should charge an export custom (tax) on goods made from foreign materials, especially cloths like silk.

English international commerce should be conducted using English ships.


The correct arguments are:-

- The English should decrease their purchases of foreign foods and clothing.

- The English should export their domestic products but not their money.

- The English should charge an export custom (tax) on goods made from foreign materials, especially cloths like silk.

- English international commerce should be conducted using English ships.

Thomas Mun was an important representative of the English mercantilists. He wanted to regulate the foreign trade of the country to achieve a favorable balance of trade. He supported accumulation of wealth which could be possible by reducing imports and increasing exports. He also suggested that imports should be taxed at a high rate and exports at a moderate rate.

To know more about English mercantilists here


This form of emancipation is what most northern states did to free slaves. Immediate emancipation Gradual emancipation Willed Emancipation Abolishment of Slavery


The long-known battle for abolishing slave rights was being fought over the years and centuries in America. But it was in 1865 as passed by Congress and under the 13th Amendment that the Abolition of Slavery was passed.

Emancipation of slavery was sometimes Gradual and sometimes Immediate. Most Northern States followed Gradual Emancipation, whereby, the date of the release of the slaves was given, and thus were left to walk freely.

What does Abolition of Slavery mean?

The abolition of Slavey was first of all done by the then President of The United States Abraham Lincoln.

Lincoln brought the 13th Amendment Act and also the Abolition proclamation by taking into account the wars in which intentionally the slaves were being forced to participate and in turn gave their lives.

All these led to the Emancipation Proclamation and the Abolishment of Slavery in the year 1865.

Learn more about the Abolition of Slavery here:


Which of the following best describes Chinese resistance to Japanese invasion in the 1930s? (A.) Chinese groups fought amongst themselves along with fighting the Japanese (B.) The Chinese army defeated and drove out the Japanese forces (C.) The communists solidified power and fight the Japanese alone (D.) All Chinese groups banded together to fight the Japanese


The statement that best describes the Chinese resistance to Japanese invasion in the 1930s is that "all the Chinese groups banded together to fight the Japanese".

What was the Sino-Japanese War?

It was also known as the War of Resistance. It was a military conflict that was primarily waged between the Republic of China and the Empire of Japan and made up the Chinese theater of the wider Pacific Theater of the Second World War.

The beginning was conventionally dated to Marco Polo Bridge Incident on 1937 when a dispute between Japanese and Chinese troops in Peking escalated into a full-scale invasion; as such, the full-scale war between the Chinese and the Empire of Japan is also known as the beginning of World War II in Asia.

Read more about Sino-Japanese War



Chinese groups fought amongst themselves along with fighting the Japanese.


got it correct on the self check

Give examples about the role of social economic development in Ghana





I don't know how it's is also a question for me

Unemployment and low income are one of the best examples to understand socio-economic development. If the unemployment rate is high, people have to work for industries that are lower than their ability on a way lesser pay scale. This suppresses the overall socio-economic development.

What was the effect of Matthew Berger finding the collarbone?


Nothing but pure curiosity led Matthew to carry off what his father identified as a collarbone. Matthews curiosity moved us a step further into understanding human evolution.

please hurry and answer!


As a colony, Georgia was controlled by an elite group of aristocratic planters. Rice and indigo thrived in the coastal region around Augusta and Savannah,

Aristocratic Planters?Georgia was governed as a colony by a wealthy class of aristocratic landowners. A few men were able to acquire land, enslave people, and amass fortune in the coastal region of Augusta and Savannah where rice and indigo prospered, leaving the majority of white people there poor and politically powerless. The Revolutionary War (1775-83)'s unrest and the British occupation of Savannah and Augusta had a significant impact on the plantation economy, weakening the political and economic clout of the colonial elite and strengthening that of the modest yeoman planter.This power was adopted by the Georgia Constitution of 1777, which embodied the idea of the common man running the government.

To learn more about Aristocratic Planters refer to:


which book of Justinian law was about settling disputes between people?


Corpus Juris Civilis is the book of Justinian law was about settling disputes between people.

The Corpus Juris Civilis is the modern name for a set of fundamental works in jurisprudence, provide from 529 to 534 by setup of Justinian I, Byzantine Emperor. It is also sometimes mentioned to alliteration after one of its parts, the Code of Justinian.

Corpus juris is Latin word for “body of law.” It may also be the title of a large, encyclopedic collection of laws, includes an intact body of law.

The Justinian Code or Corpus Juris Civilis (Corpus of Civil Law) was a main reform of Byzantine law generated by Emperor Justinian I (r. 527-565 CE) in 528-9 CE.

The collective title of the shape of ancient Roman law as assemble and organized under the emperor Justinian in the 6th century A.D. take in the Digest, the Institutes, the Justinian Code, and the Novels.

To know more about Corpus Juris Civilis here


Which two statements are true about the members of the Creek tribe after the Civil War?
They rebelled because they felt that government funds were not being shared lairly.
They required white settlers to have a permit to work and trade on their land.
They made Wewoka their capital and built a council house and capitol building there.
They focused on rebuilding and reestablishing schools and churches.
They wrote a new constitution to attempt to bring peace and unity LO the tribe.



The two statements that are true about the members of the Creek tribe after the civil war are in first place that They focused on rebuilding and reestablishing schools and churches, and in second place They wrote a new constitution to attempt to bring peace and unity to the tribe, because the Creek Civil War (from 1813 to 1814) was a war where due to that the Upper Creeks weren't agree with the acceptation of the American encroachments in their lands, they decided to fight against the U.S militia and  the Lower Creeks (who accepted the Americans encroachments), which caused that the Upper Creeks were defeated at Horseshoe Bend, and as a result of that, they had to cede to the U.S more than 20 millions of acres. Whereby, time later in 1836 the Creeks were forced to be removed from their homeland and be relocated in the Indian Territory by the U.S Army, but a few Creek branches resisted, so it generated the Creek War of 1836, and then, when the other Creeks (who didn't resisted) arrived to Indian territory, they had to rebuild and reestablish their homes, buildings, churches and schools, to create a new government in their new capital (in Okmulgee) and also they decided to wrote a new constitution with the purpose to restart and bring peace and unity to all Creeks (the Uppers and the Lowers).

I need help!!!?!!!!!$/&&:


either c or d, hope you get it right

how was freedom part of the early european ideals in america cite at least 2 examples historical argumentation


Individual, economic, and religious liberty have all been investigated. The early Americans shaped the new world with their differing views on liberty. Columbus had two goals: global exploration and cultural evangelization.

Who were the first Americans?

In the 1970s, archaeology students like myself learned that the first humans to arrive in North America crossed a land bridge from Asia and Siberia around 13,000 to 13,500 years ago. These first North Americans were known collectively as the Clovis people.

According to archaeologists all over the world, their journey was made possible by a corridor that had opened up between giant ice sheets covering what is now Alaska and Alberta. As a result, the Clovis people moved down the North American continent, carrying their distinctive tools to various sites in the Plains and Southwest before moving eastward.

Learn more about early Americans with the help of the given link:


twenty points for dis



I Think It's Letter B I did my best for that so correct me if I'm wrong

In 1803, the Louisiana Territory


what is the question?

how did the chorus function as one in Greek Theater


chorus, in drama and music, those who perform vocally in a group as opposed to those who perform singly. The chorus in Classical Greek drama was a group of actors who described and commented upon the main action of a play with song, dance, and recitation.

Based on the comment made by a Portuguese captain, what do you think of the first impressions of Europeans about the Great Zimbabwe?


The city was considered too advanced to have been created by Africans, and instead, European colonists believed it had been built by Phoenicians or some other non-African people.

How did the Great Zimbabwe site appear to and/or be explained to Europeans?

Although they were only too glad to investigate and plunder the ruins of Great Zimbabwe, European colonists mistakenly believed that the city had been constructed by Phoenicians or some other non-African group because they believed it was too advanced to have been built by Africans.

The first European archaeologists believed that the Great Zimbabwe site had been created by someone else.

Most academics agree that it was constructed by people from the Gokomere culture, the forebears of the contemporary Shona in Zimbabwe. By the fourth century AD, the Great Zimbabwe region was populated.

Learn more about the Great Zimbabwe:


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