PLEASE “Shooting an elephant” essay.
Orwell sees both sides of the situation in Burma. In your own words, describe Orwell’s internal conflict.


Answer 1
He developed a struggle on following orders

Related Questions

hiwot is making coffee.change into passive voice​


Hiwot is making coffee into passive voice will be coffee is being made by Hiwot.

What is passive voice?

Many languages use grammatical voice constructions known as the passive voice. The grammatical subject expresses the theme or patient of the main verb in a clause written in the passive voice, that is, the individual or thing that is subjected to the action or has its state altered.

In grammar, the passive voice is a grammatical voice that describes a situation where the subject of a sentence is the recipient of the action, rather than the performer of the action. In the passive voice, the verb is conjugated to show that the subject is being acted upon, rather than performing the action.

Examples of passive voice sentences include "The ball was thrown by the boy" and "The car was hit by a truck." It is generally considered less effective in writing as it can make sentences longer and less direct.

Learn more about passive voice on


A promising new chef opens a restaurant in your city and considers local food supply chains the best way to feature regional flavors on her menu. Compose a one-paragraph entry for a single menu item— an entree, appetizer or dessert—and describe three ingredients used in its creation. Include a backstory for each ingredient and explain how it is a part of the local food supply chain. Include two benefits of utilizing a local food supply chain rather than a global.


One of the restaurant's desserts is a chocoflan for which the chef uses eggs, milk and flour produced in the town itself. This allows you to access these products in an easier way, in addition, their flavor is characteristic of the area due to the craftsmanship with which they are manufactured.

How to write an entry?

To write an entry we must choose a specific topic. Once we have our topic we can write anything about our topic, the purpose of the entry is to develop a clear idea exposing, arguing or reporting on a particular fact or element. In this case, we need to make an entry about local market ingredients that can be used in a dish. Next the entry.

One of the restaurant's desserts is a chocoflan for which the chef uses eggs, milk and flour produced in the town itself and that she buys at the local market. This allows you to access these products in an easier way, in addition, their flavor is characteristic of the area due to the craftsmanship with which they are manufactured. These products are produced on one of the largest farms in the town, where the animals are raised the old-fashioned way and for this reason their products (milk and eggs) taste different from those produced in large breeding plants. On the other hand, the wheat is grown organically, which allows the consumer to have a much more natural product.

Learn more about an entry in:


What is A Modest Proposal saying?


A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift is a satirical essay in which he suggests that the poverty-stricken Irish should sell their children as food to the wealthy in order to better their own situation.

What is modest proposal ?

Swift proposes a solution to Ireland's poverty and overpopulation problem by suggesting that the poor sell their children as food for the rich.

The essay is a satirical attack on the political and economic policies of the time, which Swift believed were unfairly punishing the poor and vulnerable. His proposal is shocking and outlandish, but he argues for it in a logical and carefully thought-out way, making it an effective piece of satire.

To learn about Modest Proposal


Which rhetoric appeal relates to the trustworthiness of the speaker? ethos kairos logos pathos


The rhetoric appeal relates to the trustworthiness of the speaker is have ethos to cover the people attention.

What is meant by ethos?Greek ethos is the root word for "custom" or "character." It initially meant to a man's character or demeanor in the way that Aristotle first used the term, particularly in the way that it balanced ardor and caution. Today, ethos is used to describe the behaviors or principles that set one person, group, or culture apart from others. An ethical appeal is made in rhetoric or writing by using the word ethos, which originates from the ancient Greek and means "character." By proving that they are a dependable source of truthful information, authors establish ethos in their writing. Sounding fair or proving your knowledge, education, or pedigree are ways to convey your ethos in speech or writing. Examples of ethos include the following: I am qualified to inform you that this course of treatment will probably result in the best outcomes since I am a doctor.

To learn more about ethos refer to:


its ethos cuz ethos definition is the appeal using logic

What are PACs advantages and disadvantages?


The capacity to digitally modify images and the quality of the images were listed as PACS's top two benefits. The two biggest drawbacks were the slow speed of image retrieval and poor dependability.

What makes PACS difficult?

The results demonstrate that PACS providers face numerous difficulties, a few of which include lack of space, inadequate infrastructure, inadequate picture storage, system immaturity, and vendor-specific issues.

How would you describe PACS?

The Civil Solidarity Pact (Pacs) is an agreement made by two adults, of either the same sex or a different sex, to manage their cohabitation. The Law of 15 November 1999 established it. In terms of financial support, housing, estate planning, taxes, and social rights, it establishes the partners' rights and obligations.

To know more about PACS advantages, visit:


1.5b dressing up (adverbs)


For dinner, you don't have to dress up. I simply adore the enjoyment of dressing in period attire. For fiestas, young girls dress as angels. My mother adored dressing me up.

Give five examples of what are adverbs.

Yesterday, last week, here and there, today, daily, rarely, incredibly, annually, etc., are a few adverbial examples.

What words are adverbs?

A word that can alter or describe a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or an entire sentence is an adverb. Adverbs can be used to indicate manner, degree, location, and time (when something takes place).

In grammar, what is a dress up?

A dress-up in writing is any feature of the language that makes the text more vivid and descriptive.

To learn more about adverbial here:


What is being personified in the following paragraphs?
There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it, fearfully. What was it? She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name. But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air.
Now her bosom rose and fell tumultuously. She was beginning to recognize this thing that was approaching to possess her, and she was striving to beat it back with her will--as powerless as her two white slender hands would have been. When she abandoned herself a little whispered word escaped her slightly parted lips. She said it over and over under the breath: "free, free, free!" The vacant stare and the look of terror that had followed it went from her eyes. They stayed keen and bright. Her pulses beat fast, and the coursing blood warmed and relaxed every inch of her body.


The statement that is is being personified in the following paragraphs is "She did not know; it was too subtle and elusive to name. But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air."

What would a decent personification definition be?

Through personification, you can highlight a non-traits human's by defining them in terms of human traits. The non-human being in question could be a thing, an animal, an idea, or even a concept.

Through personification, you can highlight a non-traits human's by defining them in terms of human traits. The non-human being in question could be a thing, an animal, an idea, or even a concept.

Learn more about Personification at:


Directions: Write the complete verb phrase in each sentence.

I don't get it please help



1. has run out

2. becoming very tired

3. was named speedy

4. going to take

5.climb over that

6. is coming soon

7. is going to

8. had to run

9. has run out can buy

11. was blown off

12. making a banging noise

13.leaning to one side

14. wants to buy

15. have been saddled


verb is an action complete verb is words that help make up the verb (dunno if that makes sense sry)

Which signal words indicate a cause? Check all that apply.

due to
in addition



since, due to, because

Any more??

Hey, just wanted to say happy birthday and congrats on getting into columbia. i knew you could do it and am so proud of you. hope you've been doing ok. you don't have to respond to this but i just wanted to tell you that im happy for you.


English: It's my birthday!, In Spanish, ¡Feliz cumpleaños! "That is so kind of you, I wish you all the happiness in return," "I am happy for you too, keep your charm up."

Pharrell wrote Happy for a reason.

Williams stated that he was asked to write a song about Gru, who for the majority of Despicable Me was unhappy and grumpy, falling in love and becoming more cheerful in the sequel.

What was Pharrell's profit from Happy?

According to the Financial Times, Pharrell Williams was paid just $6,300 for the 105 million plays of his hit song "Happy." According to reports, Sony did not take a cut. Pandora currently pays approximately $ despite working on multiple fronts to reduce rates. 0014 for each song played, divided between all rightsholders.

To learn more about English here:


What is the climax of the novel?
when Tom confronts Gatsby about his relationship with Daisy
when Gatsby decides to take the blame for Myrtle's death
when Gatsby is found dead in his pool
when Nick reintroduces Gatsby to Daisy at his home


In "The Great Gatsby," the climax takes place when Tom confronts Gatsby about his relationship with Daisy, option A, which is the point of highest tension.

What is climax?

When it comes to literature, climax refers to that moment in the story where the tension is palpable, where readers are excited and/or nervous to see what the characters will do, how they will solve the conflict and get out of that situation.

In the novel "The Great Gatsby," we can say the climax begins when Tom decides to confront Gatsby. It turns out that Gatsby is having an affair with Daisy, Tom's wife, but Tom is not willing to let go of her just yet. He wants to put Gatsby against the wall and humiliate him in front of her. Things get so intense that, afterward, while driving recklessly, Daisy runs over none other than Tom's lover.

That is why option A seems to be the best answer. Options B and C are already part of the falling action and resolution. Option D is actually part of the rising action. Only option A is a good fit for the climax.

Learn more about climax here:


How do you write a 3 paragraph review?


Before you start writing, make a terse summary for your review. also, compose an preface, three body paragraphs that support it, and a conclusion paragraph that restates your position.

What format does a review follow?

Reviews generally contain an abstract, an overview, a section on the literature review, a section on the ways if you have special information to give, and sections on the discussion and conclusion.

How an excellent review appears?

An effective review presents enough specifics for compendiums to get a sense of what occurred. Prospective guests really would like to know further than just that someone differently was pleased. They're curious about the specifics of what they enjoyed so that they may determine whether it matches their own preferences.

To know more about Paragraph review, visit:


can some right a chapter summary for chapter 8-9 of to kill a mocking bird




In chapter 8 of "To K*ll a Mockingbird," Scout and Jem's cousin Francis tells them that Atticus is a "n*gger-lover" and that he is going to get in trouble for defending Tom Robinson, a black man accused of raping a white woman. This upsets Scout and she gets into a physical fight with Francis, who is eventually sent home by Atticus. In chapter 9, Scout and Jem's uncle, Jack, tells them how Atticus used to be a good shot with a rifle and how he once killed a mad dog threatening the town. Jack also advises Scout to be more ladylike and to try to act more like a proper young lady.

Later, Scout and Jem overhear their father talking to their uncle about the Tom Robinson case and how Atticus believes that he has to defend Robinson, even though he knows that he will likely face a lot of criticism and hostility for doing so. Atticus tells Jack that he believes in treating everyone fairly, regardless of their race or social status, and that he will do everything he can to ensure that Tom receives a fair trial. The chapter ends with Atticus going to bed, and Scout and Jem reflecting on the lessons they have learned from their father about empathy and fairness.

What are the five inalienable rights?



Son: (en orden) la libertad de religión, la libertad de expresión y la libertad de prensa, el derecho a reunirse “pacíficamente” y el derecho “a solicitar al gobierno la reparación de agravios”.

An effective claim in an argumentative essaytends to be nonspecific and an idea that anyone would support.establishes a focus for the reader.offers a very passionate viewpoint.


An effective claim in an argumentative essay offers a very passionate viewpoint.

An argumentative essay is an essay that uses substantiation and data to support the claim it's making. Its purpose is to convert the anthology to agree with the argument being made. A good argumentative essay will use data and substantiation to support the argument, rather than just the author's studies and opinions.

Hence, an effective claim in an argumentative essay will be a true statement that isn't academic and can be proved with the help of substantiation and data. Data can noway be denied or encountered. They aren't debatable at all. Hence, it can be described as an effective claim.

To learn more abut  argumentative essay here


What is a theme in a literary text ?


A literary topic is a central idea or underlying meaning that a writer focuses on in a novel, short tale, or other literary work.

Modern literary studies refer to a story's central subject, notion, or message as its theme. A moral or message may serve as the theme in shorter works. The main theme of more complicated stories is often a more in-depth investigation of a fundamental facet of people or society. A theme in a novel can be conveyed by characters, setting, language, plot, or a combination of these elements.

There are six recurring ideas in literature:

1. Good versus evil

2. Love;

3. Atonement;

4. Courage and tenacity

5. Growing up

6. Retaliation

To know more about Theme, refer to this link:


explain how protesting pulls pressure on employers of farm workers to improve their working conditions in a short and simple setence.
please help asap thank u so much!


The protesting pulls put pressure on employers of farm workers to improve their working conditions by advocating for better working conditions.

How to illustrate the information?

A labor union for farmworkers in the United States is called the United Farm Workers of America, or simply United Farm Workers.

The United Farm Workers union garnered national attention, won labor contracts with higher wages and better working conditions, and inspired the Chicano movement through a series of marches, national consumer boycotts, and fasts. The movement secured better pay and working conditions on many farms as well as the right of workers to organize.

Learn more about farm on:


What are the two different reason animals that Lennie is compared to in this chapter


what book? are you taking about the book of mice and men by john steinbeck

What are 5 examples of unreliable sources?


Books, journal articles, newspaper or magazine articles, websites, blogs, etc. are all examples of unreliable sources.

When the author lacks the necessary credentials to write on the subject, when there is plagiarism or uncited information in the source, or when there is inaccurate or false information, the source is unreliable. Some sites, like Wikipedia, are unreliable because their authors might not fully comprehend a subject or have in-depth expertise in it. Scholarly journals are often trustworthy sources, however, some of them have a history of prejudice or are unreliable.

Keep in mind that anyone can publish material online, thus we must be CRITICAL READERS to decide what to believe.

To know more about Unreliable Sources, refer to this link:


Carol writes out her entire speech, word for word, and reads it when presenting to the audience. Carol also uses hand gestures, tone variations, and good eye contact while speaking. Which style of speaking is Carol using


Carol also uses hand gestures, tone changes, and good eye contact when speaking. The style of speaking  Carol is using is Manuscripts.

The required details for Manuscripts in given paragraph

A manuscript  has traditionally been any document written by hand—or, when convenient typewriters appeared, typed—as opposed to a mechanically printed or indirectly or automatically duplicated . More recently, the includes Term any written, typed or drafted copy of an author's work as opposed to a printed version. The study of the handwriting of surviving manuscripts, the "hand," is called paleography. The traditional abbreviations are MS for manuscript and MSS for manuscript, while the forms MS., MS or MS. for singular and Hss., Hss or Hss. Plurals are also accepted The second s is not simply plural; By old convention, doubling the last letter of the abbreviation expresses the plural as pp. stands for "pages". Before the advent of printing, all documents and books were manuscripts.

Manuscripts are not defined by their content, which may combine writing with mathematical calculations, maps, musical notation, explanatory engravings, or illustrations.

To know about Manuscripts click here


Read this passage from "The Obligation to Endure":

We allow the chemical death rain to fall as though there

were no alternative, whereas in fact there are many, and

our ingenuity could soon discover many more if given


What is the comparison in this passage?

A. Human innovation is compared to a chemical that rains down

from the sky

B. The chemical-filled rain is compared to death

C. The number of alternatives to using pesticides is compared to

raindrops in a storm.

D. Death is compared to rain washing away chemicals.


The amount of pesticide-free options is contrasted in the text to raindrops falling during a storm.

How do pesticides work?

Pest control agents are compounds known as pesticides. This comprises herbicide, insecticide, nematicide, molluscicide, piscicide, avicide, rodenticide, bactericide, bug spray, animal repellent, destroy life, fungicide, and lampricide. Herbicides are the most widely used of them, making for around 80% of all pesticide application. The majority of pesticides are designed to act as crop protection agents, or plant protection products, which often shield plants from weeds, fungus, or insects. For instance, the aquatic weed Salvinia is controlled by the fungus Alternaria solani. A pesticide is typically a chemical (like carbamate) or biological weapon (such as a virus, bacterium.)

To know more about pesticides

a Multimedia Presentation
In this activity, you will deliver the multimedia presentation you have created ba
research paper.


A multimedia presentation is a standalone presentation that has data given with the help of slides, videos, or digital representations. It also includes sound, which could be in the form of narration, music, or sound effects.

What are the steps in presentation?

Making and delivering a presentation about the UK economy involves the following steps:

Describe the Goal (The decline in UK economic growth)

List the intended audience (UK people)

The Material (UK economy)

Choose a design from the slide for the presentation.

Enter all content that relates to the nation.

Use, format, and end with graphics, audio, and video.

Thus, A multimedia presentation is a standalone presentation that has data given with the help of slides.

For more information about steps in presentation, click here:


Irascible \Vi-ra-sə-bəl\ adjective 1. Having or showing a tendency to be easily angered. Middle French, from Late Latin irascibilis, from Latin irasci to become angry, be angry, from ira.
Using the dictionary entry, which sentence uses irascible correctly?

A. When Sadie heard the concert had been cancelled, she became irascible and cried herself to sleep from disappointment.

B. Mr. Cowen, a well-liked science professor, often gave his students funny nicknames, which demonstrated his irascible nature.

C. On the days when Liam's guitar lesson proved he had practiced hard all week, his teacher was irascible instead of her usual cheerful self.

D. The irascible dog growled and snarled whenever strangers neared the fence​


Answer: D: The irascible dog growled and snarled whenever strangers neared the fence.

Explanation: The dictionary entry defines "irascible" as having or showing a tendency to be easily angered. In sentence D, the word "irascible" accurately describes the behavior of the dog. The dog's growling and snarling whenever strangers approached the fence demonstrates its tendency to become easily angered.

In contrast, the other sentences do not use "irascible" correctly.

What are the 5 characteristics of speech styles?


Joos (1976) classified speech style into five categories. The five are the frozen style, formal style, consultative style, and intimate style.

What makes a strong speech introduction?

In order to be effective, an introduction must capture the audience's interest, state the issue, make it applicable, establish credibility, and summarize the important ideas. Introductions should be drafted last because they set the mood for said speech and must compliment its substance.

How do you introduce and conclude a speech?

Just at beginning of your speech, pose a question, and then respond to it in the conclusion. Bring a story to a conclusion while illustrating your point using anecdotes. Finish with the presentation's title; a forceful, memorable title is excellent for this.

To know more about Speech visit:


Why are the men not able to find the necessary evidence against Mrs Wright?


They're unfit to notice the kitchen area because of it's domestic relation to women that no women could have killed the hubby. The men search outdoors and upstairs for the physical substantiation. They aren't concern where Mrs. Wright spent utmost of her time inside the kitchen and where the substantiation lays hidden.

The required details for substantiation in given paragraph

In this part, substantiation is generally understood as a private internal state. Important motifs in this field include the questions of what the nature of these internal countries is, for illustration, whether they've to be propositional, and whether misleading internal countries can still qualify as substantiation. In phenomenology, substantiation is understood in a analogous sense. Then, still, it's limited to intuitive knowledge that provides immediate access to verity and is thus positive.  still, it's largely controversial whether substantiation can meet these conditions. Other fields, including the lores and the law, tend to emphasize more the public nature of substantiation. In gospel of wisdom, substantiation is understood as that which confirms or disconfirms scientific suppositions. measures of Mercury's" anomalous" route, for illustration, are seen as substantiation that confirms Einstein's proposition of general reciprocity.

In order to play the part of neutral arbitrator between contending propositions, it's important that scientific substantiation is public and safe, like observable physical objects or events, so that the proponents of the different propositions can agree on what the substantiation is.

To know about substantiation click here


Read Struck by Lightning and answer questions 1-7:
Let us enjoy reading this Chinese Story of 'Struck by Lightning' .
A valet was riding behind his master, the aristocratic Chen Yu. Chen Yu turned round and when he saw his valet lagging far behind, yelled at him to ride faster. With great effort, the valet caught up with his master.
"Stay right behind me!" roared Chen Yu.
"My horse is old, master," said the valet. "It cannot keep up with yours."
"That's because you've not fed it!" said Chen Yu, angrily, and gave the lad such a blow on his head that it nearly unhorsed him.They continued on their journey. Chen Yu's anger soon subsided but the valet smoldered. It was not the first time his master had hit him and he had begun to resent being used as a punching bag.
As he brooded, the sky became overcast and it began to thunder. Chen Yu was afraid of thunder and looked up fearfully at the sky.
When it thundered again, he closed his eyes tightly and hid his face in the horse's mane. His valet noticed his discomfort and a mischievous idea entered his head.
When next it thundered, the valet rode up behind his master and gave him a blow on the back of his head, at the same time shouting: "Lightning!"
Chen Yu thought he had been struck by lightning and slumped onto the back of his horse.
After some time he raised his head again. When again it thundered the valet gave him another blow, shouting as before. This happened again and again. On the tenth occasion, the aristocrat fell from his horse and became unconscious.
The valet dismounted and sat beside him. He felt remorse for what he had done. After all, the man was his master and also, much older than him. When Chen Yu began to stir, the boy quickly lay down and closed his eyes. Chen Yu got up and was pleased to see that his valet too had been knocked unconscious. He began to shake him. The lad opened his eyes and pretended to be dazed.
"What happened, master?" he said.
"Lightning hit you just once and you became unconscious!" laughed Chen Yu. "I was hit ten times before I fell."
When the storm had subsided they resumed their journey. Chen Yu felt that the gods had punished him for his cruelty to his manservant and from then on never hit the valet again.
What caused the valet to feel bitter?(1 Point)

A. frequent abuse from his master

B. being forced to ride on an old horse

C. his inability to ride as fast as his master

D. his inability to feed himself and his horse
Chen Yu's anger soon subsided but the valet smouldered. The word 'smouldered' has been used to mean that the valet............(1 Point)

A. felt guilty and wanted to apologise

B. tried hard to forget about the incident

C. felt very strongly but didn't express it

D. became angry with his master for the first time
Why was Chen Yu pleased to see the valet unconcious?(1 Point)

A. He was happy that he woke up first.

B. He took it as proof that he was stronger.

C. He realised that the gods agreed with him.

D. He wanted his valet punished for riding slowly.
I was hit ten times before I fell.
Which of the following best describes the tone of the above line?
(1 Point)

A. angry

B. arrogant

C. sarcastic

D. Humourous
Which of these best describe Chen Yu?(1 Point)

A. witty and cheerful

B. greedy and jealous

C. strong and intelligent

D. short tempered and proud
The last paragraph reveals that Chen Yu is..........(1 Point)

A. wise

B. religious

C. stubborn

D. forgiving



The respective solutions are given as

A. frequent abuse from his masterC. felt very strongly but didn't express itB. He took it as proof that he was stronger.C. sarcasticD. short-tempered and proudD. forgiving


Generally, Understanding and interpreting what was read are components of comprehension.

People must be able to interpret what they read, relate what they read to what they already know, and think critically about what they have read in order to effectively comprehend written content.

Read more about COMPREHENSION


What are the 3 parts of a paragraph in the correct order select one?


In general, a paragraph is made up of three sentences: the topic sentence, the supporting sentences, and the last sentence that serves as a transition to the following paragraph or section.

An example of a three-paragraph essay

Write down the background material you require, starting with the introduction. Lay out your argument. Make a list of at least three topics you want to explore in the paragraph's body. Consider the remark you want to make to wrap up the paper before writing the conclusion.

What are the first paragraph's three components?

The opening, which might be one or two paragraphs long, introduces the topic of the essay. An introduction is made up of three sentences: the main sentence, the supporting sentences, and the opening statement.

To know more about paragraph  visit:-


Read the article about cutlery (knives, forks and spoons) which you can eat.

Write a summary about the advantages of edible cutlery compared to plastic cutlery, AND the disadvantages.

Your summary should be about 100 words long (and no more than 120 words long). You should use your own words as far as possible.

You will receive up to 6 marks for the content of your summary and up to 5 marks for the style and accuracy of your language.


The spoons come in a range of sizes and may be used for both serving and eating, exactly like plastic ones. Even though most people choose not to reuse their plastic silverware, edible spoons have no such option since they can only be used once.

What are the drawbacks of using edible cutlery?

The fact that edible cutlery is not widely available for mass consumption is its only drawback. Although the lifespan of edible cutlery is shorter than that of plastic,

What does "edible cutlery" actually mean?

It is cutlery that can keep your meal till the very last bite while yet being edible. Some edible cutlery can endure up to 18 months, according to Bakeys, one of the brands.

To know more edible cutlery visit;-


Flashback is a tool used by
authors to
A. supply detail and information about
other stories they have written.
B. share their purpose for writing their
and to relay their message to the readers.
C. supply detail a reader needs after
the story has already begun.


Authors utilise flashback as a tool to explain to readers why they chose to write a certain story and to convey their point.

What does a film flashback serve as?

Flashbacks are frequently utilised to fill in important backstory by recalling incidents that occurred before the story's main sequence of events. A flashforward (also known as a prolepsis) reveals future events going the other way.

What literary device is the flashback?

A chronological narrative can be moved from the present to a scene in the past using the mechanism of flashback. Flashbacks are frequently abrupt interjections that add background knowledge and memories to stories or characters to help explain them.

To know more about Flashback visit:-


When you click on my answer tab on the dashboard?


When you click on my answer tab on the dashboard, you see all the answers you've submitted till date.

What is called dashboard?All of your data is shown visually on a dashboard. Although it has a wide range of applications, its main purpose is to present information quickly, like KPIs. The information for a dashboard often comes from a connected database and is shown on its own page.A dashboard's primary function is to provide a thorough overview of data from many sources. Dashboards may be used to track, measure, and analyse pertinent data in important areas.A dashboard is a sort of graphical user interface used in commercial computer information systems that frequently offers at-a-glance views of important performance indicators pertinent to a certain goal or business process.

Complete question :

When you click on my answers tab on the dashboard what will you see?

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1. What is the measure of angle ABE?M Sesergab,916 108 algns brisrisqod ment girlsm va2. Select all true statements about the figuraEAB129lellisisa40gros20 WovCsaq bebundenda10 bos kasnil 62 anil Is Germany still paying WWI reparations? On monday, your bank account balance was -$12.58. Because you didn't realize this, you wrote a check for $30.72 for groceries. a) What is the new balance in your checking account? b) The bank charges a $25 fee for playing a check on a negative balance. What is the balance in your checking account after this fee? c) How much money do you need to deposit to bring your account balance back up to $0 after the fee? There are 13 muffins in each box. Which shows the totanumber of muffins in 4 boxes?(4 10) + (4 x 3) = 52(4 x 10) + 3 = 43AB4+ (10 x 3) = 345 (4+10)+(4+ 3) = 21 Write a 4-8 poem about friendsHELP ME PLEASE A 20-gallon bathtub is to be filled with water that is exactly 100F. The hot water supply is 175F and the cold water supply is 20F. When mixed, the temperature will be a weighted average based on the amount of each water source in the mix. How much of each should be used to fill the tub as specified? In the book Drivers Ed by Caroline Cooney what game does Lark suggest to the students in Drivers Ed? What is the author's point of view in the passage? Question 1 of 30How do scientists collect data?A. Through careful observation and measurementB. Through interpretation of the conclusionsC. Through educated guessesFD. Through analysis of the results 4. There are 36 units in a case. You have 90 loose units of stock in the store. The store manager has requested a stock count in CASES. How many cases of stock will 90 units fill? CALCULATION: I need some help with the problem from my math class (-4w - 7)5 Sadiya, who owns a dance studio, consistently reminds her employees that dance lessons are a luxury for customers, so they should be both informative and fun. By making these statements, Sadiya isMultiple Choicetelling a narrative based on true events, which emphasizes a particular value.physically manifesting her organizations core beliefs.exhibiting the values and norms of the local community.explicitly stating values and norms preferred by her organization. Fill in the blank: A keyword set to _____ match type will display your ad if the search term includes that keyword, or a very close variation. What are the 4 types of assets? before you begin writing, what practicle question should you ask yourself? The images below show women protesting for their rights and working physically intensive jobs during World War I. A balance sheet that places the liabilities and equity to the right of the assets isa(n):Select one:a. Report form balance sheet.b. Interim balance sheet.c. Account form balance sheet.d. Unclassified balance sheet. Consider the demand for pumpkin pie. For each of the following events, will the demand for pumpkin pie increase, decrease, or will demand remain unchanged? Identify the determinant of demand. (4 points) a. The price of apple pie has decreased. B. The government informs consumers that pumpkin pie increases immunity against many viruses. C. The price of pumpkin pie has increased. D. Consumer incomes are rising and pumpkin pie is a normal good Potassium(k)=1s22s22p63s23p64s its asking for the electron configuration A 20 - year - old woman has had worsening fatigue for the past year . On examination her mucus membranes are pale . No hepatosplenomegaly is present . Her CBC shows a Hgb of 7.1 g / dl . , Het 19.9 % , MCV 67 fl , platelet count 190,000 / uL . , and WBC count 5,400 / uL . There is no history of drug ingestion . Which of the following is the most likely etiology for her findings ? A. Cobalamin deficiency B. G6PD deficiency C. Folate deficiency D. Iron deficiency