In this task, you’ll write a personal essay (three to four pages). Consider your current academic career, and identify short- and long-term personal goals.

What actions do you plan to take to help achieve these goals, and what obstacles might you face? Use the self-reflection notes you made throughout the unit and your reflections from the previous task to support your answers. Also, refer to and use the information gathered from your interviews to show other viewpoints on this topic.

Structure your essay clearly. For example, you should present your central idea in the beginning. Create a logical body for your essay with notes from your reflections. Finally, conclude your essay by summarizing how you plan to approach high school as a stepping stone to a successful future.

Read more about the essay structure to help you write and revise your essay. This document will give you tips about how to organize the elements of an essay, including the thesis. It will help you to plan, organize, and structure your essay. The document also provides tips for reviewing and revising your essay for grammar, cohesion, and clarity.

You can evaluate the effectiveness of your essay by consulting this checklist:

Is the essay organized logically and cohesively with a clearly defined introduction, body, and conclusion?

Does the essay meet the required length?

Does it contain a detailed analysis of the main topics of discussion?

Is it free of spelling and grammar errors?


Answer 1


I. Introduction

A. Overview of current academic capabilities

 B. Overview of personal ambitions

 C. Thesis statement

II. Strengths

 A. Academic strengths

 1. Strong analytical thinking

 2. Effective communication

 3. Ability to work independently

 B. Transferable skills

 1. Time management

 2. Problem solving

 3. Adaptability

III. Challenges

 A. Academic challenges

 1. Overcoming procrastination

 2. Improving organizational skills

 3. Developing critical thinking

 B. Other challenges

 1. Dealing with stress

 2. Managing a demanding workload

 3. Pursuing a balanced lifestyle

IV. Conclusion

 A. Summary of academic capabilities and ambitions

 B. Reflection on personal growth


This format allows you to have an easier time writing "your" essay.

Related Questions

Write down some examples that best depicts the denotative meaning of a word.



Sure! Here are some examples that depict the denotative meaning of words:

1. Dog: A domesticated mammal of the Canidae family, typically having a pointed snout, an acute sense of smell, and a barking or howling vocalization.

2. Chair: A piece of furniture with a raised surface supported by legs, used for sitting on.

3. Apple: A round fruit with a red, green, or yellow skin and crisp flesh.

4. Car: A four-wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation, typically powered by an internal combustion engine.

5. Book: A written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.

6. Table: A piece of furniture with a flat horizontal surface supported by legs, used for placing objects or having meals.

7. Tree: A tall, perennial woody plant with a trunk and branches, typically bearing leaves and producing seeds or fruits.

8. Pen: A device used for writing or drawing, consisting of a tube filled with ink that flows out through a small opening.

9. Laptop: A portable computer that is small and lightweight, designed to be used on the lap.

10. Water: A transparent, odorless, and tasteless liquid that forms the seas, lakes, rivers, and rain and is the basis of the fluids of living organisms.

These examples demonstrate the denotative or literal meaning of words, focusing on their objective definitions as commonly understood.

The denotation of the word means the literal or dictionary definition of a word."dog" is a four-legged mammal that barks and the word "home" is a place where someone lives.

Tree: A tall, perennial plant with a single main trunk and branches, typically providing shade and bearing leaves or fruits.

Book: A written or printed work consisting of pages bound together, containing information, stories, or other content.

Chair: A piece of furniture with a raised surface for sitting, typically having four legs and a backrest.

Cat: A small, carnivorous mammal with retractable claws and a distinctive hunting instinct, often kept as a domestic pet.

Car: A four-wheeled motor vehicle used for transportation, typically powered by an internal combustion engine and designed to carry passengers on roads.

Table: A flat, horizontal surface supported by legs or other forms of support, used for eating, working, or placing objects.

Sun: The star at the center of the solar system, which provides light and heat to the Earth.

Water: A transparent, odorless, tasteless liquid, composed of hydrogen and oxygen, essential for the survival of most organisms.

Computer: An electronic device capable of storing, manipulating, and retrieving data, performing various tasks based on programmed instructions.

House: A building used for human habitation, typically providing shelter and containing rooms for living, sleeping, and other activities.

Learn more about  denotative here


the degree to which a speaker is perceived as skilled, reliable, and informed is known as


The degree to which a speaker is perceived as skilled, reliable, and informed is known as their credibility. Credibility is an important factor in effective communication, as it influences the audience's trust and willingness to accept the speaker's message.

Factors that contribute to credibility include the speaker's expertise, their reputation, their confidence, and their ability to establish a connection with their audience. Building credibility takes time and effort, and often requires the speaker to demonstrate their knowledge, experience, and understanding of the topic at hand. In summary, credibility is a crucial aspect of effective communication and plays a significant role in how the speaker is perceived by their audience.

The degree to which a speaker is perceived as skilled, reliable, and informed is known as credibility. In a long answer, credibility is an essential aspect for a speaker to effectively communicate their message and influence their audience. A credible speaker can build trust, establish authority, and enhance the overall persuasiveness of their speech.

To know more about Degree visit:-


vincent says that the word "talking" can be split into two meaningful units "talk" and "ing." in this case, vincent is most likely discussing the of the word.


Vincent is most likely discussing the morphology of the word "talking".

Question 7 of 20
Which comment on a peer's research essay provides "big-picture" feedback?
A. The conclusion of your essay is very well written.
OB. The last few sentences on page 2 include several spelling
OC. The third sentence in this paragraph includes a comma error you'll
want to fix.
D. The overall clim of your essay is clear and well supported with


Answer: its A

Explanation: The comment in the research provides big-picture feedback on the overall claim of the essay and is clear and well supported by evidence therefore it is A  and if you look at the example look below the piture shows  two examples what should you put in a essay

which one of the five makes the best comparison? son is to mother as nephew is to:


The comparison between "son is to mother" and "nephew is to" is a common analogy used to explain the relationship between a male offspring and a female parent, and between a male offspring of a sibling and a female parent of that sibling.

To make the best comparison, we can use the relationship between a father and a daughter. In this analogy, the father is the "son" of the mother, and the daughter is the "niece" of the father.

This analogy shows that the relationship between a father and daughter is the same as the relationship between a mother and her son. So, the correct answer is "father is to daughter as mother is to son."  

Learn more about nephew visit:


Correct Question:

What is the one of the five makes the best comparison?

write a letter to the ministry of environment on to the solution to the problem of flooding in the Gambia​



you: „why did you flooded Gambia brah“ ministry of enviroment: „bc i can“

From the literature of realism
O. de Balzac. "Gobsek"
1. Name the person to whom Hobbes tells about himself.
2. What. the main goal in the life of Hobbes?
3. In what way did Hobsec show his contempt for the Countess's wealth?
4. How did the power of gold manifest itself over Hobbes before his death?
5. Symbol of what is the pantry Hobsack?
6. The reason why Hobbes was eager to accumulate money?

Із літератури реалізму
О. де Бальзак. "Гобсек"
1. Назвіть особу, якій Гобсек розповідає про себе.
2. Яка. головна мета в житті Гобсека?
3. Яким способом Гобсек вказав свою зневагу до багатства графині?
4. Як проявилася влада золота над Гобсеком перед його смертю?
5. Символом чого є комора Гобсека?
6. Причина, з якої Гобсек заповзято накопичував гроші?


Answer: I'm going to put it in English cause it might get reported for using a different language scroll down, hope this helps! :)

1. The person to whom Gobseck tells about himself is a young law student named Derville.

2. The main goal in the life of Gobseck is to accumulate wealth and to become powerful through money.

3. Gobseck shows his contempt for the Countess's wealth by refusing to lend her any more money despite her pleas and attempts to flatter him.

4. Before his death, Gobseck becomes increasingly obsessed with his wealth, and he suffers from a fear of losing it. He becomes paranoid and suspicious of everyone around him, including his friends and business partners. He dies alone and miserable, with his money as his only comfort.

5. The pantry in Gobseck's house symbolizes his wealth and his obsession with money. It is filled with gold and other treasures that he has accumulated throughout his life.

6. The reason why Gobseck is eager to accumulate money is never explicitly stated in the story, but it is suggested that his obsession with money may be linked to his difficult childhood and his experiences as a young man. He may see wealth as a way to gain power and control over his life and to protect himself from the vulnerabilities and uncertainties of the world.

Особою, якій Гобсек розповідає про себе, є молодий юрист на ім'я Дервіль.

Головна мета в житті Гобсека - накопичення багатства і здобуття впливу та влади за допомогою грошей.

Гобсек вказав свою зневагу до багатства графині, відмовивши їй у позиції грошей, не дивлячись на її благання та спроби лестощів.

Перед своєю смертю Гобсек став все більше й більше залежним від свого багатства, страждаючи від страху його втратити. Він став параноїдальним та підозрілим до всіх, хто оточував його, включаючи друзів та партнерів з бізнесу. Гобсек помер самотнім і нещасливим, зі своїми грошима як єдиним комфортом.

Комора в будинку Гобсека символізує його багатство і його нав'язливу увагу до грошей. Вона наповнена золотом та іншими скарбами, які він накопичив протягом свого життя.

Причина, з якої Гобсек заповзято накопичував гроші, не є явно викладеною в історії, але можна припустити, що його нав'язлива увага до грошей може бути пов'язана з його складним дитинством та досвідом як молодої людини. Можливо, він бачив багатство як спосіб отримати владу та контроль над своїм життям, та захистити себе від уразливостей та невизначеностей світу.


An email to your teacher who is accusing you of cheating oñ a test​


I deny the accusations of cheating. I value honesty and integrity and would like to discuss this matter further.

Subject: Regarding Accusations of Cheating on the Recent Test

Dear [Teacher's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to address the serious accusations of cheating leveled against me regarding the recent test we had in [subject]. I want to assure you that I have not engaged in any form of academic dishonesty.

I take my studies seriously and value the principles of honesty and integrity. I understand the gravity of the situation and the importance of maintaining academic integrity.

I have always strived to complete my assignments and exams independently, putting in the necessary effort to understand and demonstrate my knowledge.

If there are any concerns or doubts regarding my performance on the test, I kindly request the opportunity to discuss them with you in person.

I am more than willing to provide any additional information or clarification to alleviate any suspicions.

It is crucial for me to rectify this misunderstanding promptly and ensure my commitment to academic integrity is not questioned.

I appreciate your attention to this matter and your willingness to give me a fair chance to address the accusations.

I look forward to discussing this issue further and finding a resolution that upholds the principles of fairness and honesty.

Thank you for your understanding.


[Your Name]

For more such questions on accusations of cheating


how should marina improve her tone? start shouting to distract herself. stop, take a deep breath, and speak louder. shut her eyes and continue. stop and start using the same volume


To improve her tone, Marina should consider the following suggestions: Take a deep breath and speak calmly: Instead of shouting or raising her voice.

Marina should focus on maintaining a calm and composed demeanor. Taking deep breaths can help her regulate her emotions and project a more controlled and confident tone.

Speak clearly and enunciate: Marina should ensure that her words are pronounced clearly and that she articulates them properly. This will enhance clarity and effective communication style.

Use appropriate volume: Marina should aim for a volume that is loud enough to be heard clearly, but not excessively loud or overpowering. Speaking too softly may make it difficult for others to understand while speaking too loudly can come across as aggressive or unprofessional

By implementing these suggestions, Marina can improve her tone and create a more engaging and effective communication style.

To learn more about effective communication style, visit here


an intense reaction to an event is known as: please choose the correct answer from the following choices, and then select the submit answer button. suppression. emotion. mood. reappraisal.


Answer: Emotion


Change the reported speech to the direct speech.

Example: He said the meeting had finished. -> "The meeting has finished."

1) He said that the bus hadn't come in time the day beforе. -> "The bus ."
2) The boys said Peter would go to the football match. -> "Peter ."
3) She asked me where I was then. -> " ?"
4) She said that Kate had had a cold a week before. -> " ."
5) The man wanted to know if Mary had got blue eyes. -> " ?"


1) "The bus didn't come in time yesterday," he said.
2) "Peter will go to the football match," the boys said.
3) "Where are you now?" she asked me.
4) "Kate had a cold a week before," she said.
5) "Does Mary have blue eyes?" the man wanted to know.

Reported speech is a way of conveying what someone said without using their exact words. Direct speech, on the other hand, is when you quote the person's exact words. To change reported speech to direct speech, you need to use the same words the person originally used.

In the first sentence, the reported speech was "He said that the bus hadn't come in time the day before." To change this to direct speech, you would say "The bus didn't come in time yesterday," using the same words as the person who spoke.

In the second sentence, the reported speech was "The boys said Peter would go to the football match." To change this to direct speech, you would say "Peter will go to the football match," using the same words as the boys who spoke.

In the third sentence, the reported speech was "She asked me where I was then." To change this to direct speech, you would say "Where are you now?" using the same words as the person who asked the question.

In the fourth sentence, the reported speech was "She said that Kate had had a cold a week before." To change this to direct speech, you would say "Kate had a cold a week before," using the same words as the person who spoke.

In the fifth sentence, the reported speech was "The man wanted to know if Mary had got blue eyes." To change this to direct speech, you would say "Does Mary have blue eyes?" using the same words as the man who asked the question.

In conclusion, changing reported speech to direct speech involves using the exact words that the person who spoke originally used. This helps to convey their message more accurately and clearly.

For more such questions on football match


What is the author's likely purpose for including parenthesis, ellipses, and dashes in
paragraph 28?
A. To highlight Yevgeny's nervousness about disciplining his rebellious son.
B. To suggest that Yevgeny has planned his speech out very carefully.
C. To emphasize Yevgeny's uncertainty for how to handle the situation.
D. To imply that Yevgeny is pausing repeatedly for dramatic effect.


In paragraph 28, the author's likely purpose for including parenthesis, ellipses, and dashes is to emphasize Yevgeny's uncertainty for how to handle the situation.

The use of parentheses, for instance, indicates an interruption in Yevgeny's speech and conveys a sense of hesitancy and doubt in his words.

Similarly, the use of ellipses suggests that Yevgeny is struggling to articulate his thoughts and may be unsure of what to say next.

Finally, the use of dashes is often used to indicate a sudden change in thought or a pause for emphasis, which could suggest that Yevgeny is grappling with conflicting emotions and struggling to come to a decision. Taken together, these punctuation marks serve to underscore the complex emotional state of the character and to heighten the tension and drama of the scene.

Ultimately, the author's purpose is to convey Yevgeny's inner turmoil and to create a sense of uncertainty and suspense in the reader.

For more such questions on situation, click on:


at the end of the first iteration the team finishes user stories


If at the end of the first iteration the team finishes all the user stories that were planned, this is definitely a positive outcome. It means that the team was able to accurately estimate the amount of work that they could accomplish during the iteration, and they were able to stay focused and productive throughout the duration of the iteration.

However, it's important to note that just because all the user stories were completed, it doesn't necessarily mean that the iteration was a complete success. There are other factors that need to be taken into consideration, such as the quality of the work that was produced, the level of collaboration and communication among team members, and the overall satisfaction of the stakeholders.

It's also worth noting that completing all the user stories planned for an iteration is not always the goal. Sometimes, the team may have planned too little work, and they finish early. Other times, unforeseen obstacles may arise that prevent the team from completing all the work planned. In both of these cases, the team should adjust their planning and estimation processes to better align with their capabilities and the challenges they face.

To know more about user stories visit:-


2. what is the double meaning in the phrase "biting the dirt", and why does azar call it "classic"?


The phrase "biting the dirt" is a colloquialism that can be interpreted in two different ways, depending on the context in which it is used. On the one hand, it can refer to someone literally falling to the ground and getting dirt in their mouth or biting down on the ground in pain or defeat.

On the other hand, it can be a metaphor for someone experiencing a significant failure or defeat in a situation.
Azar calls this phrase "classic" because it is a commonly used and recognizable expression that has been around for many years. It is a phrase that has been used in a variety of contexts and has become ingrained in popular culture. Azar may also find it "classic" because of its versatility in being able to be used in both literal and metaphorical senses.

In the context of the novel "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien, the phrase "biting the dirt" is used to describe the death of Curt Lemon, a fellow soldier in the Vietnam War. The phrase takes on a metaphorical meaning in this instance, as Lemon's death represents a significant defeat for the soldiers and a reminder of the dangers and horrors of war.
The double meaning in the phrase "biting the dirt" includes both a literal and metaphorical interpretation.

To know more about Biting the dirt visit:-


complete the statement using the correct term. in order to practice as a lawyer specializing in digital media (or as a lawyer of any kind), you need to pass the state exam.


In order to become a lawyer specializing in digital media, or any kind of lawyer, it is necessary to pass the state bar exam.

This exam is administered by each state's bar association and serves as a test of one's knowledge of the law. The exam consists of both multiple-choice questions and essay questions, covering a wide range of legal topics. It is a rigorous and challenging process, requiring years of preparation and study. However, passing the bar exam is a necessary step towards obtaining a law license and practicing law. Once licensed, lawyers are able to represent clients and provide legal advice on a variety of matters, including digital media law.

More on lawyer:


Choose the words that have -ize as suffixes.


The words that have "-ize" as suffixes are "minimize" and "civilize." Option B , D.

"Minimize" is a verb that means to reduce or make something as small as possible. The suffix "-ize" is added to the base word "minim" to indicate the action of making something minimal or reducing its size, extent, or importance.

"Civilize" is another verb that means to bring or develop a society, culture, or individual to a more advanced, organized, and refined state. The suffix "-ize" is added to the base word "civil" to indicate the process or action of making something more civilized.

It's important to note that the word "advertisement" does not have the suffix "-ize." "Advertisement" is a noun that refers to a public notice or announcement designed to promote a product, service, or event.

As for the word "residence," it does not have the suffix "-ize" either. "Residence" is a noun that typically refers to a place where someone lives or resides.

To summarize, out of the words provided, "minimize" and "civilize" have the suffix "-ize" to indicate the action or process of making something minimal or reducing its size, and making something more civilized, respectively. "Advertisement" and "residence" do not have the suffix "-ize" and are used as nouns in their respective contexts. So Option B,D, is correct.

For more question on suffixes visit:


Note the correct question is

Choose the words that have -ize as suffixes.






Select the correct answer.

Which details from paragraph 30 of the passage are emphasized in the artwork?

Beatrice's natural beauty and wisdom
Benedick's sympathy for not returning Beatrice's interest in him as a suitor
Beatrice's unrequited love for Benedick
Benedick's sighting of Beatrice after overhearing the men's conversation


Answer: Benedick's sighting of Beatrice after overhearing the men's conversation

Explanation: do you guys not read?

Behind every beautiful thing, there's been some kind of pain ​


Answer Bob Dylan says this quote

Explanation: I looked it up


This is a quote by Bob Dylan

use the following noun in a complex sentences
1. Environment
8.Business men
9. Government
10. Filipinos
(pls send it fast)​


1.The government implemented strict regulations to protect the environment, ensuring that industries adopt sustainable practices.

2.Farmers play a crucial role in preserving the environment by employing organic farming techniques and reducing the use of pesticides.

3.Soil erosion can have a detrimental impact on the environment, causing loss of fertile land and affecting agricultural productivity.

4.Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping to mitigate climate change and improve the overall health of the environment.

5.Nutrients are essential for the growth and development of plants, and farmers use fertilizers to enrich the soil and provide these necessary elements.

6.Erosion control measures, such as terracing and planting cover crops, are implemented to prevent soil erosion and protect the environment.

7.Animals, both wild and domesticated, contribute to the biodiversity of the environment and play a vital role in maintaining ecosystem balance.

8.Businessmen have a responsibility to adopt sustainable practices and reduce their carbon footprint, contributing to the preservation of the environment.

9.The government's policies and initiatives can promote environmental conservation and sustainable development, benefiting both present and future generations.

10.Filipinos are known for their resilience and resourcefulness, and they can actively participate in environmental initiatives to protect their natural resources and preserve their unique ecosystems.

For more such questions on environment,click on


This is a short story about YOU. Something you experienced.

Things to remember about a Story of the Moment:
A strong story of the moment takes the reader to the scene of the action. To do this, there are three main elements to engage:
It is an explosion of one focused moment
The Inclusion of sensory details (Sight, touch, sound, taste, smell) designed to heighten the emotional experience of the moment.
Effective use of dialogue (limited, only a few actual quotations)
Concision (keep the story to one paragraph!)

Each story must be a paragraph which is 5 sentences.



Example of a story about me using the elements you mentioned:

I suddenly found myself surrounded by the energetic hum of a busy city street. The sun's rays playfully cast shadows on the pavement as they filtered through the shade of the trees. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee and flowers in bloom in the distance filled the air.

The people moved rapidly, creating a symphony of rhythmic beats in the process. A child's laugh echoed through the din, filling the room with unbridled excitement. My digital existence was permanently changed by this wonderful moment when I realized the beauty of my surroundings and the power of human connection.

Learn more about Story, here:


How might rural communities feel about telehealth services? How could this be improved? Talk to your friends.​



they might feel bad because there is no haelth services nearby

CAMPAIGN TO ROOT OUT SUBSTANCE ABUSE The National Department of Social Development is embarking on an anti-substance abuse campaign in an effort to root out this problem in communities. [Adapted from Accessed on 26 April 2019.] Define the term campaign and state TWO benefits of the youth participating in anti- substance abuse campaigns. (1+2) (3) Discuss THREE contributing factors that may lead to an increased number of learners (3x2)(6) abusing substances in schools. Recommend TWO practical strategies that could be implemented by the National Department of Social Development to ensure that the campaign is effective. For EACH answer also indicate how EACH strategy may contribute to the success of the campaign. (2x3) (6)​


A campaign, in this context, refers to a coordinated and targeted effort by the National Department of Social Development to address and combat substance abuse issues within communities .Participating in anti-substance abuse campaigns offers several benefits for the youth. Firstly, it raises awareness among young individuals about the dangers and consequences of substance abuse. Secondly, involvement in such campaigns fosters a sense of responsibility and leadership among the youth.

Several contributing factors may lead to an increased number of learners abusing substances in schools. Firstly, peer influence plays a significant role, as adolescents are susceptible to peer pressure.  Secondly, inadequate parental supervision and communication. Lastly, socio-economic factors, such as poverty and unemployment.

To ensure the effectiveness of the campaign, the National Department of Social Development can implement practical strategies. Firstly, they can establish peer support programs within schools. Secondly, the department can collaborate with schools and community organizations to develop comprehensive education programs

A campaign, in this context, refers to a coordinated and targeted effort by the National Department of Social Development to address and combat substance abuse issues within communities. It involves implementing various strategies and initiatives aimed at creating awareness, providing education, and mobilizing resources to tackle this problem effectively.

Participating in anti-substance abuse campaigns offers several benefits for the youth. Firstly, it raises awareness among young individuals about the dangers and consequences of substance abuse. By engaging in these campaigns, they gain knowledge about the risks associated with drugs and alcohol, empowering them to make informed decisions and resist peer pressure.

Secondly, involvement in such campaigns fosters a sense of responsibility and leadership among the youth. It provides them with an opportunity to actively contribute to their communities by promoting healthy lifestyles and advocating for positive choices. Through their participation, they become role models and influence their peers to refrain from substance abuse.

Several contributing factors may lead to an increased number of learners abusing substances in schools. Firstly, peer influence plays a significant role, as adolescents are susceptible to peer pressure and may experiment with drugs or alcohol to fit in or seek acceptance. Secondly, inadequate parental supervision and communication can leave students vulnerable to substance abuse, as they may lack guidance and support at home. Lastly, socio-economic factors, such as poverty and unemployment, can contribute to increased substance abuse rates, as individuals may turn to drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism.

To ensure the effectiveness of the campaign, the National Department of Social Development can implement practical strategies. Firstly, they can establish peer support programs within schools, where trained student mentors provide guidance and support to their peers, promoting a drug-free environment. This strategy encourages positive peer relationships and strengthens the influence of anti-substance abuse messages among students.

Secondly, the department can collaborate with schools and community organizations to develop comprehensive education programs that emphasize the risks and consequences of substance abuse. These programs can provide accurate information, raise awareness, and equip students with life skills to resist peer pressure and make healthy choices. By targeting educational institutions and involving multiple stakeholders, the campaign can reach a wider audience and have a greater impact on reducing substance abuse.

In conclusion, the anti-substance abuse campaign led by the National Department of Social Development aims to address this issue by raising awareness, empowering the youth, and mobilizing communities. By participating in such campaigns, the youth benefit from increased awareness and develop leadership skills. Factors contributing to substance abuse in schools include peer influence, inadequate parental supervision, and socio-economic factors. Practical strategies, such as peer support programs and comprehensive education initiatives, can enhance the effectiveness of the campaign by promoting positive peer relationships, providing accurate information, and equipping students with the necessary skills to resist substance abuse.

For more such information: campaign


change this in passive form.
6. They had already informed us about the case. 7. You were selling books at the fair. 8. Some boys were harassing her for quite some time. 9. Pranoy will bring some bananas today. 10. The President will cancel his membership. 11. They sold their property at a very low price. 12. The terrorists kidnapped two small boys. 13. I will have completed this book by next year. 14. The police asked the tourists to leave the town. ​



We had already been informed about the case.Books were being sold by you at the fair.She was being harassed by some boys for quite some time.Some bananas will be brought by Pranoy today.His membership will be cancelled by the President.Their property was sold at a very low price.Two small boys were kidnapped by the terrorists.This book will have been completed by me by next year.The tourists were asked to leave the town by the police.

TRUE/FALSE. auditory, visual, and tactile are all examples of noise.





Noise is related to the auditory sense, so it has no connection with the other senses.

Which of the following is a characteristic of Sidney’s Sonnets 31 and 39? A. The speaker is engaged in an internal conflict. B. A heavenly body stimulates the speaker’s thoughts. C. The speaker accepts that his love is lost. D. The speaker sees Stella’s image in his sleep.


Based on the given options, the characteristic that applies to Sidney's Sonnets 31 and 39 is:

A. The speaker is engaged in an internal conflict.

Both Sonnets 31 and 39 by Sir Philip Sidney's Sonnets exhibit a theme of internal conflict within the speaker. These sonnets are part of Sidney's larger sequence of sonnets called "Astrophel and Stella," which explores the speaker's complex emotions and struggles related to love and desire.

In Sonnet 31, the speaker grapples with the inner turmoil caused by his love for Stella. He experiences conflicting emotions, desires, and thoughts, struggling to reconcile his passionate feelings with reason and moral considerations. The internal conflict is reflected in the sonnet's language and imagery.

To learn more about Sidney's Sonnets, visit here


in the context of tenets of the european union data protection directive, which of the following terms refers to an individual's right to challenge the accuracy of the data and provide the corrected data? group of answer choices use enforcement security correction


The term that refers to an individual's right to challenge the accuracy of their data and provide corrected data is "correction."

According to the tenets of the European Union data protection directive, individuals have the right to request the correction of any inaccurate or incomplete personal data that is being processed by an organization. This means that individuals can challenge any data that is incorrect or outdated and request that it be updated or corrected. The organization must then verify the accuracy of the data and make any necessary corrections. This right is important for ensuring that individuals have control over their personal information and that their data is being processed accurately and fairly.

More on data correction:


Which of the following was believed to be the cause of sickness and disease in ancient times?

evil spirits





B.germs is the right answer

A student measures an angle that turns through 29 360 of a circle. The student says the angle measures 29°. Is the student correct or incorrect?


In this scenario, the student is correct in stating that the angle measures 29°.

The reason behind this is that one full circle has 360 degrees. The measure of an angle is expressed in degrees, with each degree representing 1/360 of a full circle.

So, if the student measured an angle that turns through 29/360 of a circle, it means that the angle is 29/360 of the full circle. To find out the degree measure of this angle, we need to multiply 29/360 by 360.

29/360 * 360 = 29

Therefore, the angle that turns through 29/360 of a circle is equal to 29°. The student was correct in stating the measure of the angle as 29°.

It's important to note that the use of degrees to measure angles is the most commonly used method in mathematics, physics, and engineering. Other units of angle measurement include radians and gradians, but degrees are the most widely used in everyday life.

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A student measures an angle that turns through 29/360 of a circle. The student says the angle measures 29°. Is the student correct or incorrect and why?

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2. Which option from the left column shows how the events of the passage interact over the course of the passage?
1 point
A. Dickey's movements from one career to the next influenced his expression as an author.
B. Dickey's teaching career supported his decision to adjust his path in order to attain success as a novelist.
C. Dickey's educational experiences established his unconventional attitude toward advertising.
D. Dickey's involvement in the wars resulted in him becoming an accomplished poet.


The option from the left column that shows how the events of the passage interact over the course of the passage is:

B. Dickey's teaching career supported his decision to adjust his path in order to attain success as a novelist.

This option suggests that Dickey's teaching career played a role in his decision to change his career path and pursue success as a novelist. It indicates a cause-and-effect relationship between his teaching career and his choice to become a novelist.


Say one quote in chapters 5-8 from the book called “flipped” to describe how Juli feels in these chapters, include page number



One quote from "Flipped" in chapters 5-8 that describes how Juli feels is:

"I realized then how much I relied on Bryce's being around. His house, his family, and even the sycamore tree were a part of my life, and I missed them all" (page 67).

This quote shows that Juli is struggling with the absence of Bryce in her life. She has come to rely on him and his family as a source of comfort and stability, and their sudden absence has left a void that she is struggling to fill. This highlights Juli's growing attachment to Bryce and her increasing desire to be a part of his life, which becomes a central theme in these chapters as she tries to navigate her feelings for him.


"I was in love with the idea of him, but the reality of him was starting to make me feel sick." (page 82) This quote from Chapter 6 of the book "Flipped" describes how Juli feels about Bryce after he disappoints her by not standing up for her when she is being bullied. She realizes that the Bryce she thought she loved was just an idealized version of him, and that the real Bryce is not the person she thought he was.
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