Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

What is Jefferson saying here about overthrowing the government?


Answer 1


People have the right to overthrow their government whenever they feel like it


Jefferson saying about overthrowing the government is that people has the right to overthrow a government when they are not satisfy from their performance. People should not over throw a government just for one reason, if the government works against the will and prosperity of people and its country so the people has the right to overthrow the government.

Answer 2


People should not overthrow the government for any reason

overthrowing a government is not a decision to be taken lightly



Related Questions

Use the following poster to answer the question.



The correct answer is - B. propaganda promoting total war efforts.


The given poster is the Canadian propaganda poster during World War 2, various authors, filmmakers, and journalists generated propaganda to influence the citizen of the country towards promoting the war effort.

They are the new media, including cinema (film), newsreels, and radio to influence the population nationwide and overseas. Thus, these poster are example of propaganda promoting total war efforts.

two ways in which social media platforms are abused​



Sends you unwanted, explicit pictures and demands you send some in return. Pressures you to send explicit videos. Steals or insists on being given your pas.


1. Why should we pay taxes to government? 2. Who were the parties involved in the " tripartite struggle"?
3. What is an ecosystem? ​


Answer: (1) We pay taxes for federeal reasons and local srevices. (2)The parties involved in the tripartie struggle were Pratihara Empire, the Pala Empire, and the Rashtrakuta Empire. (3) An ecosystem is a community of living and nonliving organisms interacting.  


(1) Taxes pay for social security, medicare, defense, and education. (mostly defense though if you're American)

(2) The empires were fighting over control of northern India and took place in the ninth century.

(3) An ecosystem is a combination of abiotic and biotic (nonliving and living) organisms interacting with eachother and depend on each other for food and habitats.

What impact has globalization had on the music you listen to, the books you read, or the movies or television you watch, use at least one website to illustrate your response.
Can someone provide an elaborate answer
Will mark brainly :)



Globalization has had a significant influence on the music people listen to, the literature we read, and the movies and television shows people watch. Conclusions People may listen to music from all over the world on a variety of devices thanks to globalisation in the music business. It also enables musicians to release music in places where they would not have been allowed to do so ten years ago.

- El precio de dos servicios A y B en total es de RD$4 500.00.
¿Cuál es el precio de cada servicio, si A es 3 veces mayor que B?






Para empezar, sabemos que la suma de ambos servicios es 4500:

A+B =4500

Además sabemos que el precio de A es 3 veces mayor que B:


Entonces, reemplazando A podemos construir la siguiente formula:


Combinamos 3B y B para obtener 4B:


Dividimos ambos lados por 4:



Dividimos 4500 por 4 para obtener 1125.


Entonces, el precio de B es 1125, yu restando este monto al total podemos descubrir el valor de A:

A+1125 =4500

Subtraemos 1125 de ambos lados:


Subtraemos 1125 de 4500 para obtener 3375.


Define the concept of judicial review. How does a court decision involving judicial review differ from an ordinary court decision, such as a ruling in a case involving robbery


Answer and Explanation:

Judicial review is the term used to describe a court's ability to validate or invalidate judicial or administrative decisions when they are deemed improper or unconstitutional. In other words, this is the ability of the judiciary to revoke a decision within its sphere or in other spheres. A court decision, on the other hand, is the sentence given by a judge or court in any type of case they assess.

In a case involving robbery, while the court decision determines the punishment for those involved and the laws applied to the case, the judicial review has the function of analyzing whether the court decision is constitutional and if it is within the appropriate legislative and legal concepts.

Of the 5 ships he bagan his voyage with how many return to Spain?


Answer: A. 1


This is about the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan who attempted to find a western route to Asia from Spain. The expedition ran into a lot of problems and almost ended when Magellan himself died in battle whilst fighting natives.

The leadership of the expedition was then taken over by Juan Sebastián Elcano after several others failed to lead effectively and under him, the expedition eventually made it back to Spain with only one ship remaining of the fleet of 5 that had gone out.

Which of the following is a False statement about Self evaluation.


Where are the statements ? I would answer but I can’t see them.

Elabore un mapa conceptual que revele la relación entre rol, tareas y funciones del profesional de la educación.


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

No podemos elaborar un mapa perceptual porque esa es tu tarea. Lo que sí podemos hacer con mucho gusto es compartirte algunas ideas para que las incluyas dentro de tu mapa.

Los roles y actividades principales de un profesional de la educación son las siguientes.

-El profesional de la educación es un guía para el alumno. No sólo se limita a impartir información, sino que guía al alumno para que éste la aplique.

-El profesional de la educación es un motivador del aprendizaje. No obliga, motiva a sus alumnos.

-El profesional de la educación plantea problemas y asesora a los alumnos a buscar sus propias respuestas.

-El profesional de la educación es un generador de pensamiento crítico para que los alumnos puedan reflexionar sobre problemas contemporáneos.

-El profesional de la educación ofrece ayuda pedagógica y aconseja sobre la mejor manera de utilizarla.

-El profesional de la educación es un consejero, quien responsablemente orienta al alumno en asuntos diversos.

-El profesional de la educción no solo califica, sino que retroalimenta a los alumnos paa que sepan cuáles fueron sus errores y cómo corregirlos.

Describe any six risky situations youth are frequently exposed to​


1) Unprotected sexual activities.

2) Stong addiction of drugs and alcohol.

3) Addiction of different casino games which can cause financial damages.

4) Involvement in illegal works for easy earnings.

5) Under-age driving of different two wheeler or four wheeler vehicles.

6) Involvement in political parties where they might face different threatening situations.

Nelly was sexually abused as a child. In her early twenties, she discovered that she could not recall a set of traumatic events that took place in her adolescence. What disorders is Nelly most likely to be diagnosed with?



Traumatic Dissociative Amnesia, maybe dissociative identity disorder depending on how they decide to cope with it. they could also very well develop a multitude of personalities or start mentally/emotionally regressing in age.

People in certain professions seem particularly effected by role conflict owing to their diverse responsibilities. One such profession is journalism, where regular conflict is experienced when it comes to reporting crime and disasters. Should their primary focus be on covering the incident or help the victims? Select two other professions and discuss the role conflicts that they experience.



The two professions are "Government employees" and "Teachers and lectures". A further explanation is provided below.


Throughout the political hierarchy, government personnel plays a crucial part. They have spent time throughout the community development. Professionals labor to organize society, but cannot immediately engage with the individual of societal structure.Low-level professors, as well as vocational programs or degree courses, play a key part in teaching youngsters mostly in the social system.

Thus the above is the correct response.

A culture in which public space and private space are similar in size and individuals guard their public space carefully, because entry into public space affords entry into private space as well is called: ascription culture. neutral culture. diffuse culture. achievement culture.



diffuse culture.


Diffuse culture is one in which people prefer and understandindirect communication. This is in a bid to limit exposure of their public space.

The belief is that those having access to their public space can also access their private space.

For example a parent in the upper class conveying to their child that they cannot marry from a lower class.

This behaviour limits public space in order to protect private space. So they are similar in size.

Countries that have diffuse culture include: China, Russia, India, Spain, and Argentina.

Answer: Ascription culture


Ascription culture could be defined as how a society guards it's values, their achievement and respect whatever they hold together, projecting to the society their togetherness. This culture places an emphasis on titles, rank and hierarchy are important in and of themselves. People are valued based on what they have and can offer.

Which map features the natural landforms of the Earth



Physical maps show the natural landforms of the Earth


topographic map guess y'all ain't gonna do that for me


EYSTrealesTis you

Com relação ao Crowdfunding (financiamento coletivo), leia as assertivas abaixo e depois faça o que se pede.
I - O Crowdfunding ou financiamento coletivo permite o levantamento de recursos. Ele é conhecido pelo seu alto potencial de risco, em virtude das altas taxas de juros.
II - O fracasso em campanhas desse tipo não faz com que você perca dinheiro, como acontece quando o empreendedor faz um empréstimo bancário.
III - Caso o empreendedor não alcance a meta, as doações voltam para as pessoas e o empreendedor fica desobrigado a pagar as recompensas.
IV - A grande vantagem deste desta modalidade de financiamento é que o empreendedor não precisa dar nada em troca para quem financiou a sua campanha.
Agora, marque a alternativa que contenha apenas assertivas CORRETAS:


Sorry can’t help don’t understand this language

1. Based on Quinlan and Cruzan cases, examine the importance of end of life issues. What documents should one prepare and keep ready and why


The Quinlan choice sets up the power of patients' desires over the state's obligation to protect life. The Cruzan choice perceives that the option to decline clinical treatment is ensured by the U.S. Constitution. A ultimate

hope this helps

What was the effect of the battle of gettysburg on troop strength



Tens of thousands of soldiers died on each side of the Civil War, which effected troop strength negatively. The loss of troops is what made the South lose the war that they seemed to be winning. The loss at Gettysburg also hurt morale because the South knew they lost their chance at winning.


prepare a speech on human resources and its importance​



Meaning of Human Resources:

By the term human resources we mean the size of population of a country along-with its efficiency, educational qualities, productivity, organisational abilities and farsightedness. By human resource we mean human capital. Human capital implies the abilities, skills and technical knowhow among the population of the country. A country should introduce manpower planning for the development of its human resources.


Human resources must be considered both from the angle of assets as well as the liabilities connected with the attainment of economic development. For the attainment of economic development, proper utilisation of both natural as well as human resources is very much essential.

Proper utilisation of natural endowments and the level of production of national wealth depend very much on the extent and efficiency of human resources.

But too much population will again eat up all the fruits of development. Thus from the point of view of economic welfare, it is quite essential to study human resources in detail. It should be equally stressed that human beings are the vital instrument of production and at the same time, fruits of all economic activities are rested on the betterment of conditions of living of human beings.

Thus in view of its importance, it is quite essential to know both in quantitative and qualitative terms, the size, rate of growth, the composition, distribution and all other demographic features of population of India


I hope it helped U

stay safe stay happy

At the Munich Conference, Hitler promised that Germany would not invade any further territory once it acquired the Sudetenland. Britain and France agreed to these terms in order to preserve peace. Please select the best answer from the choices provided OT OF​



British and French prime ministers Neville Chamberlain and Edouard Daladier sign the Munich Pact with Nazi leader Adolf Hitler. The agreement averted the outbreak of war but gave Czechoslovakia away to German conquest.

Munich was a disaster because it led to the exact opposite of what it intended to achieve. The agreement set a dangerous precedent by showing that Britain and France would accept the annexation of smaller European states for the sake of continent-wide stability.


I hope this helps in some way sorry if it doesn't

About sociology class.
In dramaturgical theory, when you are texting with friends, you are on the back stage. True or False





Give a description of a recent (2016-2018) example of how human trafficking
has displayed itself in your community.



I cannot do this because this is a question for you personally.


Admitting to a mistake is especially likely to draw positive benefits if it is coupled with.

A. An offer to rectify the situation

B. admissions of errors on the part of others

C. a promise to be discrete about the error

D. proof of performance


It would definitely draw positive benefits if coupled with an offer to rectify the situation. Answer a

If it were not for the law of diminishing returns, a firm's average cost and average variable cost would not increase in the short run. Do you agree with the statement? Explain



See i don't know the answer for this question so sorry


How can we use social media and networking to address the problems brought by political, social,
and cultural change? Expound your answer.

In 7 to 10 sentences own words



1. Across industries, social media is going from a “nice to have” to an essential component of any business strategy

2. Social media platforms may be the banks of the future

3. Social media is shaking up healthcare and public health

4. Social media is changing how we govern and are governed

5. Social media is helping us better respond to disasters

name three factors which may prevent accessibility to printed media​


Printed media includes newspapers, billboards, posters, fliers and other means of information dissemination or advertisements which involves the use of physically printed materials   .

Printed media has the benefit of using pictures to tell stories which often gives visual clue and understanding of the information being propagated.

Accessibilty to printed media may be hampered by the following factors :

COST: The price at which materials are being sold is always a deciding factor during purchase.  Hence, if the cost of printed media proves expensive, then other media types may be favored as substitute.

TECHNOLOGY : Print media involves the use of instruments such as cameras, printers and other visualization equipment which are always enhanced and upgraded over time. Lack of inadequate technology to match current visual trends may hamper accessibility to print media.

DISTRIBUTION: To ensure adequate coverage, newspapers, fliers, banners and so on has to be distributed across various locations. Without adequate distribution channels , it won't be accessible to all.

Learn more :

Indonesia's capital , was once the Dutch East Indies port of Batavia

O Sulawesi
O Puncak Jays
O Jakarta
O Krakatoa






1)Physical evidence suggests that long ago the climate was much the same all over the earth.



2)The Bible is one of the records of life.



3)Natural and human influences affect the balance of nature.





1. the sentatment is false

2. the sentatment is true


The constitution delared India as a union
of state Although it did not use the word
Federation the Indian union is based on
The principal of federalism-Evaluate the
statement with five suitable points-​



The Constitution did not use the word ‘Federation’ but it has the division of powers into a three- tier system of the central government, the state governments and the local governments. The Constitution of India has also mentioned the distribution of legislative powers in the form of three lists namely—Union, State and Concurrent. So each level of the government has its own jurisdiction to legislate. But we have a centralised federation in which Union government carries more powers than the State governments. It is seen in such a way that Union government has 97 subjects, whereas State as well as Concurrent lists have much less number of subjects. Besides, Union government also has the power to legislate on the residuary powers


What are nerve impulses



a signal transmitted along a nerve fiber. It consists of a wave of electrical depolarization that reverses the potential difference across the nerve cell membranes.




a signal transmitted along a nerve fiber. It consists of a wave of electrical depolarization that reverses the potential difference across the nerve cell membranes.

PLS HELP A bill has made it to subcommittee. What are two things that can happen next?
A. The subcommittee can decide not to send the bill back, killing it.
B. The subcommittee gives the bill to the president.
C. The subcommittee can make changes to the bill.
D. The subcommittee can pass the bill into law.


C is the correct answer


this needs two answer which means youre missing one



Other Questions
Which of the following correctly names a side of the triangle below?A. ZCB. B. D. AABC find any 4 rational number between -1/2 and -1/3 Amelia is writing an argumentative text about year-round schooling. Her claim is that year-round schooling is not the answer to the decline instudent achievement and engagement.Which example below best supports her claim?. .a newspaper article highlighting high performance year round interview with a student from a year round school.a research journal revealing data that both traditional and year round schooling have the same Impact on student growthOD. personal story about summer school Find the volume and surface area of the cone (to the nearest tenth) PLS HELP ASAP ILL MARK BRAINLIEST Find the geometric probability of landing in the shaded area of the picture. The small circle has a diameter of 6 meters and the larger circle has a diameter of 54 meters. Show and explain all work. Two charged bees land simultaneously on flowers that are separated by a finite distance. For a few moments, the charged bees rest on the flowers. The charged bees both generate an electric field, and while the charged bees are resting on the flowers, the net electric field at some distance between them is zero.Required:Do the bees have the same or opposite signs of charge? Yo _____ contenta. Options:A) estamosB) estnC) estD) estoy A man ran a 5 mile race. The race looped around a city park and backto the starting line. What is the man's total displacement? A. 0 milesB. 2.5 milesC. 5 milesD. 10 miles PLS HELP FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!! Write the rule for the translation shown below. What new information is presented in this text that is not present in "The Steam Engine"? A. George Stephenson's genius transformed steam engines to transport passengers and goods. B. George Stephenson conceived of a special road designed to carry the weight of a steam train. C. George Stephenson's developments made the new railroad commercially successful.D. George Stephenson was joined by other inventors to enhance the design of locomotives. When blood glucose concentration rises, the pancreas secretes _______, and when blood glucose levels fall the pancreas secretes _______. please tell me the differences between a compound and a simple leaf. 5 differences if possible. 1. The diagram below represents structures found in a human female,3 to the document willspWhich process results in the formation of structure X?A) mitosisB) meiosisC) recombinationD) cloning A 15 foot ladder leans against a building and reaches a window 12 feet above the ground. What is the measure of the angle, to the nearest degree, that the ladder forms with the ground? What is the meaning of vicnity? Find the value of cos 28cos 62 sin 28sin 62 does anyone have a picture of standing six feet away like in a store?I really need this for my hw. Which of the following is a subsystem of an organism?a.cellb.organ systemc.tissued.all of the above Know how to rearrange formulae Question 1: Make y the subject of each of the following (a) y + w = c (b) y- p = m C) m + y = s (d) y - 2g = n (e) 3y = c (f) ay = w (g) y/c =w (h) y/a= 2c (i) a = y + pSomeone please help me.