Question 10(Multiple Choice Worth 50 points
(01.08 MC)
Arcology is a type of urban design that combines ecology and architecture to provide sustainable urban growth options. Which statement describes an
arcology principle for sustainability?
O Build taller buildings with more homes
O Build fewer balconies and courtyards
O Purchase inexpensive imported food
Increase single use items


Answer 1
Purchase inexpensive imported food increase single use items
Answer 2


increase single use items


it means less productits to be use it is better for the earth and humans.

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Which substance should have the highest pH? distilled water lemon juice bathroom cleaner vinegar


Bathroom cleaner would have the highest pH because it is an alkaline substance (pH more than 7) whereas distilled water is around pH 7 and lemon juice and vinegar are acids (pH less than 7).

Hope this helps!

An individual has the genotype tt. He marries a woman who can taste PTC paper. They have 2 kids - one who can taste and one who can't. Based upon this information, what can you say about the mother's genotype?





The kidneys help to regulate the salt balance of the body. Normally, more than 99% of the sodium filtered at the ____________ is returned to the blood. Most of this sodium is reabsorbed at the ____________ .


Normally, more than 99% of the sodium filtered at the glomerulus is returned to the blood. Most of this sodium is reabsorbed at the proximal tubule.

The glomerulus are enveloped networks of capillaries found in the nephron of the kidney.

The glomerulus are responsible for filtering and purifying blood plasma (such as sodium, phosphorus and potassium).

The efferent arteriole emerges from each glomerulus, from which arises a network of peritubular capillaries and descending vasa rectus.

Efferent fibers stimulate renin release and proximal tubular sodium reabsorption, thereby affecting renal and systemic vascular resistance.

Reabsorption of the initial charge of the main solutes takes place in the proximal tubule.

The reabsorption of water throughout the nephron follows the reabsorption of solutes.

67% of the filtered water is reabsorbed in the proximal tubule by osmosis, with the reabsorption of sodium coupled to other solutes at this level being the generator of the osmotic gradient.

Therefore, we can conclude that the sodium filtered at the glomerulus is returned to the blood. Most of this sodium is reabsorbed at the proximal tubule.

Learn more here:

Where is the lowest water potential in plan?






Water potential is expressed in negative numbers. The highest water potential we find in plants is zero, and water will always moves into areas of more negative water potential. The most negative areas of a plant are at the top where evaporation is occurring, and the least negative are in the roots.

This model chose to include certain features and exclude other features. For example, this simulation only includes rabbits, wolves, and grass but there are other predators of rabbits and other food sources for rabbits. Why do you think the creators focused on these data elements and not others


The creator focused on these data elements and not others because he was trying to create a food chain instead of a food web.

In the ecosystem, the living and non-living things interact over time leading to exchange of energy.

A food chain can be defined as the steps through which energy transfer occurs in an ecosystem.

The energy flows from the producers (grass), primary consumers, (rabbits) and then the secondary consumers (wolves).

The energy flow is indicated with an arrow thus,

grass ---> rabbit -----> wolves.

Food chain, therefore includes linear sequence of organisms.

Food web on the other hand illustrates a complex feeding relationship within the ecosystem.

The food web is made up of a prey that can be eaten by more than one predator.

Therefore, even though there where other predators of rabbits and other food sources for rabbits, he chose only few features to create a food chain.

Learn more here:

air is made of ____and ____​


ANSWER: Nitrogen, oxygen or gas, dust particles


Air is made up of:

Nitrogen (78%)Oxygen (21%)Other gases (1%)


Hoped this helped.

Question 1) Discuss how compounds in different types of organisms can be used to benefit people? ( Will Mark Brainliest).​


Compounds from different organisms are being used widely bu humans for their benefits. Some of the compounds are used as drugs. For example, penicillin is used as a drug or antibiotic. There are many plants which provides humans with other types of medicines and herbal remedies. There are other compounds which are used for cancer treatment. For example, taxol is a compound obtained from trees which are being used as anticancer drugs.

Why is grafting considered asexual reproduction and not sexual



The reason that grafting is not considered sexual is because there is no conjoining of male and female germ cells. (there is no germination like how sperm and egg cells do). So its considered asexual


Armani broke his arm while playing soccer. His doctor recommends he change his diet while healing. Which is most likely to be a change Armani should make? *



not really a pro at health but I can try! I would say have a different diet while healing and stay home from soccer and let it heal. he should go to therapy daily for updates to see if his arm is healing or not. he should not take to much pressure onto his arm.


Cuales son las partes del craneo de un perro



General anatomy


Bones: skull, occipital bone, parietal bone, frontal bone, pre sphenoid bone, basosphenoid bone, temporal bone, etmoied bone, vomer, incisor bone, nasal bone, maxilla, zygomatic bone, palatine bone, lacrimal bone, ptergoid bone, mandible, hyoidus, spine

Skull sutures






Oral cavity



Paranasal sinuses


Central Nervous System





Lymph nodes


Which of the following explains how rumen biotechnology improves feed for ruminant animals?
by identifying small amounts of bacteria from tiny samples of meat
by boosting the bioavailability of carbohydrates and protein in plants
O by helping animals grow larger more quickly and produce cleaner meat
O by screening animals for physical defects and certain diseases


Rumen biotechnology improves feed for ruminant animals by boosting the bioavailability of carbohydrates and protein in plants. It can be used to improve the nutritive value of ruminant feedstuffs.

Rumen biotechnology refers to the use and management of the techniques of forestomach fermentation in order to improve the efficiency of ruminant production.

Rumen biotechnology can be used to improve the amount as well as the availability of macronutrients (i.e., carbohydrates and proteins) in plants.

However, this technology (rumen biotechnology) exhibits several limitations mainly associated with the identification of bacterial strains used during inoculation, proteins (recombinant enzymes) and genomic stability of the genetic constructs.

Learn more in:

Why is IV medication not very effective at treating infections at a burn site?


IV(intravenous) medication not very effective at treating infections at a burn

site because of the immunosuppression experienced as a result a systemic

inflammatory response

IV medication which contains antibiotics is given intravenously to burn

patients and it helps to prevent infections of of the body.

The IV medication won't perform at optimal level as a result of the immune

system being weak due to the systemic inflammatory response which is why

it isn't very effective.


What key environmental factors determine the location of terrestrial ecosystems?


Answer: Temperature and rainfall


PLS HELP ME jejej dkejjfjdkqkwlel ekeko man





i need a bit more information about what you are learning. But by what i know (im in college for biology) this appears to by hypotonic because there is more water in the cell than in the solution.

Which bacteria are useful in converting milk into curd?
(A) Azotobacter
(B) E. Coli
(C) Lactobacilli
(D) Pseundomonas​


[tex]▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪  {\huge\mathfrak{Answer}}▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪[/tex]

The correct Choice is ~ C

Lactobacillus bacteria are useful in converting milk into curd ~

Answer: (C) Lactobacilli

Brainliest pls if correct!

Which of the following statements apply to leukocytes? Select all that apply.
Multiple select question.

They eject major organelles when mature.

They are capable of protein synthesis.

They live approximately 120 days.

They retain their organelles throughout their life time.

They are not uniform in form and function.



leukocytes are white blood cells. mainly 4 killing bacterial infections.

Leukocytes are the specialized cells which are a part of blood. These are known as white blood cells. These protects the body. These produce antibodies. Thus, the correct options are B, D, and E.

What are Leukocytes?

Leukocytes are the white blood cells. These are a type of specialized cell type which is present in blood along with erythrocyte and plasma. Leukocytes are primarily responsible for protecting the body from pathogens and germs by producing antibody proteins which fight against these organisms.

Leukocytes are irregular in shape. They can change their shape to engulf or kill the bacteria which enters the blood to prevent disease. Erythrocytes change their shape which allows them to pass through the capillaries which are very tiny.

Therefore, the correct option is B, D, and E.

Learn more about Leukocytes here:


la respiration cellulaire aérobie, l'oxygène gazeux est combiné avec
des molécules alimentaires où



La respiration cellulaire est l'ensemble des processus du métabolisme cellulaire convertissant l'énergie chimique contenue dans le glucose en adénosine triphosphate (ATP). Ces processus impliquent une succession de réactions chimiques formant des voies métaboliques qui appartiennent au catabolisme, c'est-à-dire qu'elles consistent à cliver les grosses molécules biologiques en molécules plus petites, ce qui libère de l'énergie ainsi qu'un certain nombre de déchets. Ces réactions sont globalement exothermiques, c'est-à-dire qu'elles produisent de la chaleur, la plupart étant des réactions d'oxydoréduction. De ce point de vue, la respiration s'apparente chimiquement à une combustion des nutriments, jouant le rôle de donneurs d'électrons (réducteur), en présence d'un accepteur d'électrons (oxydant).

La respiration est l'une des voies essentielles permettant aux cellules de produire de l'énergie métabolique pour leur développement et leur activité. Parmi les nutriments utilisés par les cellules des animaux et des plantes, on compte les glucides (ose), les peptides (acides aminés) et les lipides (acides gras), tandis que l'oxydant le plus fréquent dans les systèmes biologiques est l'oxygène moléculaire O2. L'énergie biochimique récupérée sous forme d'ATP peut ensuite être utilisée par des processus qui consomment de l'énergie tels que les biosynthèses, la locomotion ou encore le transport actif de substances chimiques à travers les membranes biologiques. La respiration aérobie requiert du dioxygène O2 pour produire de l'ATP. C'est la voie prépondérante de dégradation du pyruvate, issu de la glycolyse. Celle-ci se déroule dans le cytosol, mais le pyruvate doit pénétrer dans les mitochondries pour y être entièrement oxydé par le cycle de Krebs, lequel se déroule dans la matrice mitochondriale. Le cycle de Krebs convertit le pyruvate en dioxyde de carbone CO2 et en coenzymes réduites (NADH et FADH2), coenzymes dont les électrons à haut potentiel de transfert contiennent l'essentiel de l'énergie chimique des molécules dégradées. Ces coenzymes réduites sont alors oxydées par la chaîne respiratoire dans la membrane mitochondriale interne. L'énergie des électrons à haut potentiel de transfert permet de pomper des protons hors de la matrice mitochondriale vers l'espace intermembranaire. Il s'établit un gradient de concentration de protons à travers la membrane interne, lequel génère un gradient électrochimique suffisant pour actionner l'ATP synthase, une enzyme capable de phosphoryler l'ADP en ATP grâce à l'énergie emmagasinée dans ce gradient électrochimique. On appelle phosphorylation oxydative l'ensemble formé par la chaîne respiratoire et l'ATP synthase couplés par gradient électrochimique.

Les manuels de biologie indiquent généralement que chaque molécule de glucose entièrement oxydée par la respiration cellulaire est susceptible de produire 38 molécules d'ATP : 2 ATP issus de la glycolyse, 2 ATP issus du cycle de Krebs, et 34 ATP issus de la chaîne respiratoire. Ce rendement nominal n'est cependant jamais atteint en raison des pertes par dissipation du gradient électrochimique à travers la membrane interne des mitochondries ainsi qu'en raison du coût énergétique du transport actif du pyruvate depuis le cytosol jusqu'à la matrice mitochondriale, de sorte que les estimations actuelles s'établissent autour de 30 à 32 molécules d'ATP formées par molécules de glucose oxydée1.

La respiration aérobie est jusqu'à 15 fois plus efficace que la respiration anaérobie, qui produit seulement 2 ATP par molécule de glucose oxydée. Cependant, certains organismes anaérobie, comme les archées méthanogène, sont capables d'accroître ce rendement en utilisant d'autres accepteurs d'électrons finaux que l'oxygène.


La glycolyse est une voie métabolique qui se déroule dans le cytosol des cellules de pratiquement tous les êtres vivants. Elle peut fonctionner de manière aérobie ou anaérobie, c'est-à-dire respectivement en présence ou en l'absence d'oxygène. Chez l'homme, elle conduit au pyruvate en conditions aérobies et au lactate en conditions anaérobies.

En conditions aérobies, ce processus convertit une molécule de glucose en deux molécules de pyruvate, avec production concomitante de deux molécules d'ATP. Plus précisément, il commence par consommer deux molécules d'ATP pour accroître la réactivité du glucose en vue de son clivage par l'aldolase puis en produit quatre par phosphorylation au niveau du substrat, avec production de deux molécules de NADH. La réaction globale de la glycolyse peut s'écrire :

glucose + 2 NAD+ + 2 Pi + 2 ADP → 2 pyruvate + 2 NADH + 2 ATP + 2 H+ + 2 H2O + chaleur.

Explanation:más inteligente por favor

Complete the Punnett square


1. BbEE
2. BbEe
3. BbEe
4. bbEe

Hope this helps!

1) BbEE

2) BbEe

3) BbEe

4) bbEe

    The Punnett square is a diagram used to predict the genotypes of a particular breeding / etc. For example, in the top left BE and BE becomes BBEE because you take both letters and put them together. Here, the Bs will go first and the Es. In the one to the right of that, Be and BE becomes BBEe as you put the Bs and Es in order, but you also have to make sure that lowercase bs go after uppercase bs, and etc.

Have a nice day!

    I hope this is what you are looking for, but if not - comment! I will edit and update my answer accordingly. (ノ^∇^)

- Heather

4. What factors might affect bone strength?



Bone strength is influenced by changes in the structure (size and shape) and composition [cortical (compact) bone, trabecular (sponge-like) bone, amount of cartilage] of the bone. 6 A high peak mass at a young age and the decrease of bone loss at a later age are two ways to reduce osteoporosis risk.



Bone need enough Calcium


The amount of calcium in your diet. A diet low in calcium contributes to diminished bone density, early bone loss and an increased risk of fractures.

Physical activity. ...

Tobacco and alcohol use. ...

Sex. ...

Size. ...

Age. ...

Race and family history. ...

Hormone levels.

The change that occurred in peppered moths is an example of
a. overproduction
b. natural selection
c. migration
d. isolation

Studying DNA to find evolutionary similarities among organisms is a
type of _____ evidence.




I think that will help u

Reactions occur within the sun to transform _____ energy into _______ energy.



Chemical and light and thermal energy.


Reactions occur within the sun to transform chemical energy into light and thermal energy.

In the Sun, chemical energy transforms into light and thermal energy. Plants transform the Sun's light energy into chemical energy during the process of photosynthesis.

Hope this helps :)


chemical and thermal energy

If a 1000 bp of DNA were inserted between the two restriction sites, how would the banding pattern on the gel differ from the one you drew in part a


Hello, is there anyone here a pharmacy technician?

What is the purpose of the trendelenburg position in labor/ pregnancy?



Due to the angle, the Trendelenburg position allows for the patient's abdominal organ to move towards the head by the use of gravity, improving surgical access to the pelvic organs.


Which of these changes to the dna triplet 3’ TCA 5’ will affect the protein produced.


And write your reasoning




Answer: C. AGG

Explanation: The original DNA sequence is:



Amino acid: Thr His Glu Phe Ala Thr Cys Ala Thr

I need help with dis the one dat says a diagram


Hello, is there anyone here a pharmacy technician?


I believe the answer is B

pls I need answers ASAP,thank you


Which answers? can you show a picture or explain in some sort

In what type of organism is cell differentiation
A. prokaryotes
B. kingdom archaebacteria
C. single-celled organisms
D. multi-cellular organisms


It’s D. multi-cellular organisms. Differentiated cells are important in a multicellular organism because they are able to preform a specialized function in the body.
The answer is D that’s what I got

write the protein formed from the following DNA strand. TACGCGASSTTAGAT​



These proteins are VirD2, a single molecule of which is covalently linked to the 5′ end of the T strand (8, 12, 15, 30, 32), and VirE2,


Osteoporosis is more prevalent among women than men because women generally
have more bones in their bodies than men have.
take in more calcium than men take in.
have lower bone mass than men have.
exercise more than men do



Have lower bone mass than men have


Osteoporosis is a bone thinning disease that is more prevalent among women than men and typically occurs after 50. The reason women are more likely to get the disease than men is because after 50 many women have gone through or are going through menopause. Menopause causes the ovaries to produce less estrogen which is what had previously been promoting bone density.

The other answers are incorrect because...

A: have more bones in their bodies than men have: for the most part everyone has the same amount of bone in there body (although there are diseases that cause a persons bones to fuse together making them have fewer bones than the average person)

B: take in more calcium then men take in: more calcium would actually cause someone to be less likely to get osteoporosis because it strengthens the bones.

C: exercise more than men do: Osteoporosis is more common in malnourished women and women who do not get regular physical activity to strengthens there bones. So getting more exercise would actually lessen the chance of getting osteoporosis.

Hope this helps! :)

Quante tipo di carte geografica ci sono



According to the ICSM (Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping), there are five different types of maps: General Reference, Topographical, Thematic, Navigation Charts and Cadastral Maps and Plans.

Sorry that's not my language : (

By thank you for points im so sorry for that nonsense word: /
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