1.In what way does the African perspective on human development differ from Erikson's
psychosocial theory?

2.How does spirituality and belief in the invisible world influence socialisation and identity
formation in African societies?

2.According to collectivism, a person is a person through others (Nwoye, 2017). What does
this imply with regard to personality development?

4.A characteristic of adolescent peer group relationships is an increase in conformity. Define
conformity, and discuss the three main types of conformity.


Answer 1



I'd be happy to help you with your questions!

1. The African perspective on human development differs from Erikson's psychosocial theory in several ways. Firstly, the African perspective emphasizes the interconnectedness of individuals with their social and cultural environment, whereas Erikson's theory focuses on individual development through a series of universal stages. Additionally, the African perspective places greater emphasis on communal identity and the importance of social relationships in shaping an individual's development, whereas Erikson's theory focuses more on individual identity formation.

2. In many African societies, spirituality and belief in the invisible world play a central role in socialization and identity formation. For example, traditional rites of passage often involve spiritual rituals and practices that help to shape an individual's understanding of their place in the world and their relationship to their community. Additionally, beliefs about the spirit world and the ancestors can influence how individuals think about their own identities and their relationships with others.

3. The idea that "a person is a person through others" implies that personality development is shaped by social relationships and the cultural context in which an individual lives. In collectivist cultures, individuals are seen as interconnected with their social environment, and their identities are shaped by their relationships with others. This means that personality development is not solely an individual process, but rather is influenced by the collective beliefs, values, and practices of the culture in which an individual lives.

4. Conformity refers to the tendency of individuals to adjust their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors in order to align with the norms and expectations of a group. The three main types of conformity are normative conformity, which occurs when individuals conform in order to fit in and be accepted by a group; informational conformity, which occurs when individuals conform because they believe the group has access to information that they do not; and internalized conformity, which occurs when individuals adopt the norms and beliefs of a group as their own. Adolescents may be particularly susceptible to normative conformity as they seek to establish social connections and gain acceptance from their peers.

Related Questions

Compare the geographic conditions of WWII in the Pacific with those of Europe and explain how this affects combat.


Answer: During World War II, the geographic conditions of the Pacific and Europe were very different, which had a significant impact on the nature of combat in each theater.

In the Pacific, combat was fought over vast expanses of water, including many small islands and atolls. The Japanese forces, who were primarily defending their territory, were at an advantage due to their knowledge of the geography and their naval capabilities. The Allies, led by the United States, had to rely heavily on amphibious landings to gain a foothold on enemy-held islands, which was a risky and difficult operation. The jungle terrain, extreme heat and humidity, and prevalence of tropical diseases further complicated combat in the Pacific.

In contrast, the conditions of combat in Europe were characterized by the vast network of roads and cities, as well as the varied terrain of mountains, forests, and plains. The major European powers had well-developed infrastructure, which allowed for quick mobilization of troops and supplies. The war in Europe was fought primarily with conventional infantry and armored units, which were well-suited for the terrain. The use of airpower and artillery was also more prevalent in Europe, given the ability to more easily move such equipment through the established roadways.

Overall, the geography of the Pacific made the war there more difficult for the Allies, who were forced to contend with harsh conditions and unfamiliar terrain. The geography of Europe was more conducive to conventional warfare and allowed for quicker mobilization of troops and supplies.

Explanation: :)


a) What problems existed in nations and colonies that led to revolutions?

b) What were the political, economic, religious, social, and intellectual causes of
the French Revolution?

c) What were the causes and effects of each phase of the French Revolution?

d) Why did the Terror occur and what were its consequences?

e) Were the ideals of the French Revolution lost during Napoleon's reign?

f) How is nationalism both a unifying and dividing force?

g) Were the leaders of the Latin American independence movements revolutionaries?

h) Do revolutions create social change?

i) Do revolutions need to be violent to be effective?


The questions are regarding French Revolution. The French Revolution was a period of political and social upheaval in France that led to the overthrow of the monarchy and the rise of radical political movements.

a) Problems that led to revolutions included oppressive governance, lack of representation, social inequality, economic hardships, religious persecution, and intellectual discontent.

b) Causes of the French Revolution: Political - absolute monarchy and lack of representation; Economic - financial crisis and inequality; Religious - discontent with the Catholic Church; Social - class disparities; Intellectual - Enlightenment ideas.

c) French Revolution phases: Moderate - political and economic grievances, National Assembly formed; Radical - radical political groups, Reign of Terror; Directory - political instability, paving the way for Napoleon's rise.

d) The Terror occurred due to fear of counterrevolutionaries. Its consequences were fear, political repression, social divisions, and a loss of trust.

e) Ideals of the French Revolution were partially lost during Napoleon's reign, as he established an authoritarian regime but implemented some reforms reflecting revolutionary ideas.

f) Nationalism can unify by fostering a shared identity but divide by excluding certain groups based on differences, potentially leading to conflicts.

g) Yes, leaders of Latin American independence movements like Bolívar and San Martín were revolutionaries seeking independence from Spanish colonial rule.

h) Revolutions can create social change by challenging existing power structures and promoting new ideologies and policies.

i) Revolutions don't have to be violent to be effective, but historical examples show that violence is often employed as a means to achieve revolutionary goals.

For more questions on French Revolution


Discuss Sen's capability approach and sustainable development as approvhrs toward human centered development


Sen's capability approach and sustainable development are two approaches that contribute to a human-centered development paradigm by emphasizing the well-being and capabilities of individuals and ensuring long-term environmental sustainability.

The capability approach, developed by Nobel laureate Amartya Sen, focuses on enhancing individuals' freedom and capabilities to lead lives they value. It shifts the focus from income and material wealth to what individuals can actually do and be. On the other hand, sustainable development aims to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

These two approaches are complementary in achieving human-centered development. The capability approach provides a framework for understanding and addressing the diverse needs and aspirations of individuals, focusing on their freedom and agency. It highlights the importance of equity, participation, and social justice in development processes.

By integrating the capability approach and sustainable development, policies and practices can be designed to enhance human well-being, address inequalities, promote social justice, and ensure the preservation of the natural environment for present and future generations. This holistic approach recognizes the intrinsic value of human beings and their interconnectedness with the environment, fostering a more inclusive and sustainable development paradigm.

Know more about sustainable development here:


Whose play was produced by the
Roman Academy in 1486, which
prompted Renaissance dramatists.
to model their plays after his


The play produced by the Roman Academy in 1486, which prompted Renaissance dramatists to model their plays after his style, was "The Menaechmi" by Plautus.

Plautus was a renowned Roman playwright who lived during the 3rd and 2nd centuries BCE. His comedic plays, including "The Menaechmi," were highly popular during his time and continued to influence subsequent generations of playwrights.

"The Menaechmi" is a farcical comedy that tells the story of identical twin brothers who are separated at birth and reunite in a series of mistaken identities and humorous misunderstandings. The play's witty dialogue, lively characters, and clever plot devices captivated audiences and showcased Plautus' comedic talent.

During the Renaissance, there was a revival of interest in classical literature and dramatic forms, and Plautus emerged as a prominent figure in this movement. His works, including "The Menaechmi," served as a source of inspiration for Renaissance dramatists, who sought to emulate his comedic style, use of stock characters, and comedic devices.

The influence of Plautus can be seen in the works of renowned Renaissance playwrights such as William Shakespeare, who drew upon Plautine elements in his comedies like "The Comedy of Errors." Plautus' contribution to Renaissance drama left a lasting impact on the development of comedic theater and shaped the stylistic conventions of the time.

For more questions on Renaissance dramatists.


Why did Diocletian divide the empire into two sections?


Diocletian, the Roman Emperor who reigned from 284 to 305 AD, divided the empire into two sections for several reasons, primarily driven by the challenges he faced in governing such a vast and troubled empire.

One of the main reasons for the division was the increasing difficulty in administering the sprawling Roman Empire from a single center. The empire had become too large to effectively govern from a single capital. Diocletian sought to improve administrative efficiency and governance by creating two administrative divisions, each with its own ruler, known as the tetrarchy. This division allowed for better management of the empire's vast territories and provided more localized administration.

Another reason for the division was the need to address the ongoing military and external threats. Diocletian faced numerous invasions and incursions along the empire's borders, particularly in the east. By dividing the empire, he could concentrate military forces in the areas most vulnerable to external threats, ensuring a more effective defense against invading forces.

Furthermore, the division of the empire helped address the issue of succession. Diocletian established the system of co-emperors, with himself as the senior Augustus and a junior co-emperor called Caesar. This system allowed for a smoother transition of power and prevented the frequent power struggles and civil wars that had plagued previous successions.

Overall, Diocletian divided the empire into two sections to improve administrative efficiency, better address military threats, and provide a more stable system of succession. The division marked a significant shift in the governance of the Roman Empire and set the stage for further reforms and changes in the following centuries.

Know more about Diocletian here:


what factors helped india pls help


India becoming a major provider of outsourced work and having a large English-speaking population that could do business with English speakers were significant factors that helped India become a major world economy.So, option A and B is the right choice.

India's emergence as a major world economy can be attributed to several factors, but two key factors are:

The country became a major provider of outsourced work: India's information technology (IT) and business process outsourcing (BPO) industries experienced significant growth. Many global companies started outsourcing their services to India due to its skilled workforce, cost advantages, and quality of service. This led to an influx of foreign investment and contributed to India's economic expansion.

Many of its people spoke English and could do business with English speakers: India's large English-speaking population became an advantage in the global business arena. It facilitated communication, collaboration, and business transactions with English-speaking countries, attracting international companies to establish operations in India. This linguistic advantage opened doors for trade, investments, and global partnerships, contributing to India's economic growth.

While factors like population decline (C) may have implications for the labor market, it is not a factor that significantly contributed to India becoming a major world economy. Additionally, while economic reforms have occurred in India, such as liberalization and opening up of markets, the specific transformation from a mixed economy to a free market economy (D) is not a defining factor for India's rise as a major world economy.

The right choice is A.The country became a major provider of outsourced work and B.Many of its people spoke English and could do business with English speakers.

For more such question on English-speaking population


The 20th century saw rapid economic growth across the world especially in four Asian countries dubbed the "Asian Tigers". Modernization Theory claims as countries develop or get rich they will become more democratic while in contrast Dependency Theory claims poor countries will remain poor or dependent as other countries and word trade do not allow them to develop. Do the Asian Tigers confirm or challenge these theories?


The Asian Tigers, comprising Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan, experienced remarkable economic growth in the 20th century, challenging both the Modernization Theory and the Dependency Theory to some extent.

Modernization Theory posits that as countries become wealthier, they will adopt democratic principles. While South Korea and Taiwan underwent economic growth and eventually transitioned to democracies, Singapore and Hong Kong did not fully conform to this theory. Singapore remains a semi-authoritarian regime with limited political pluralism, and Hong Kong's democratic development is heavily influenced by China.

On the other hand, Dependency Theory claims that poor countries remain dependent on developed nations and face barriers to progress due to global trade dynamics. The Asian Tigers defied this theory by pursuing export-oriented industrialization, leveraging foreign investment, and focusing on education and technology. This enabled them to achieve rapid economic development and reduce reliance on more developed countries.

In conclusion, the Asian Tigers' experiences both confirm and challenge aspects of the Modernization and Dependency Theories. While their economic growth has led to varying levels of democratic development, they have also demonstrated that it is possible for countries to break free from dependency and achieve prosperity through strategic economic planning and policy implementation.

Know more about Modernization Theory here:


Let it be from now on the task of our Party to break foolish traditions…[I]t is inevitable that the main issue of this campaign should revolve about…a depression so deep that it is without precedent…Republican leaders not only have failed in material things, they have failed in national vision, because in disaster they have held out no hope…I pledge you, I pledge myself, to a new deal for the American people.

—Franklin Roosevelt, speech delivered to the Democratic National Convention, July 2, 1932

What was Roosevelt’s point of view regarding the Republican response to the Great Depression?


Roosevelt believed that the Republican response to the Great Depression was marked by a failure in both policy and perspective.

Roosevelt's point of view regarding the Republican response to the Great Depression can be summarized as highly critical and dismissive. In his speech to the Democratic National Convention in 1932, he asserted that the Republican leaders had not only failed in addressing the material challenges of the Great Depression but also lacked a national vision. He argued that they had offered no hope to the American people during the deep and unprecedented economic crisis.

He accused Republican leaders of clinging to "foolish traditions" that were inadequate for addressing the severity of the crisis. By referring to a "depression so deep that it is without precedent," he emphasized the severity of the economic downturn and implied that the Republican leaders were ill-prepared to handle such a crisis.

Furthermore, Roosevelt criticized the lack of vision displayed by Republican leaders. He claimed that they had not provided any solutions or prospects for improvement, leaving the American people without hope. By contrasting their failure with his promise of a "new deal," he sought to position himself as an alternative with a fresh perspective and a comprehensive plan for recovery.

Overall, Roosevelt's point of view was that the Republican response to the Great Depression had been ineffective and lacked the vision needed to guide the nation through such a challenging time. He believed that a new approach was necessary, one that would bring about substantial changes and offer hope to the American people. This perspective laid the foundation for his subsequent presidency and the implementation of his New Deal policies aimed at stimulating economic recovery and providing relief to those affected by the Great Depression.

Know more about Republican here:


Which of the following was a problem cause by the articles of concede creating a weak federal government?


Congress couldn’t tax the states or regulate interstate commerce

plan your research What lessons can south Africans learn from Bantu Stephen Biko Who died 46 years ago?​


planning research on what lessons South Africans can learn from Bantu Stephen Biko requires a thoughtful and systematic approach that involves identifying key themes and issues, conducting a literature review, developing research questions, collecting and analyzing data, and communicating findings to relevant stakeholders.

Identify the key themes and issues related to Biko's life and legacy. This may include his contributions to the anti-apartheid movement, his ideas about black consciousness and empowerment, and his impact on South African politics and society.

Conduct a literature review to identify existing research and scholarship on Biko and his legacy. This may include academic articles, books, and other sources of information.

Develop research questions based on the key themes and issues identified in step one. These questions should be specific and focused, and should guide the research process.

Collect data through a variety of sources, including primary sources such as Biko's own writings and speeches, as well as secondary sources such as interviews, news articles, and historical documents.

for more such questions on South Africans


What group finally defeated the Western Roman Empire



The Angles and Saxons populated the British Isles, and the Franks ended up in France. In 476 C.E. Romulus, the last of the Roman emperors in the west, was overthrown by the Germanic leader Odoacer, who became the first Barbarian to rule in Rome.

Europe no longer possesses unity of faith, of mission, or of aim. Such unity is a necessity in the world. Here, then, is the secret of the crisis. It is the duty of every one to
examine and analyse calmly and carefully the probable elements of this new unity. But those who persist in perpetuating, by violence or by Jesuitical compromise, the external
observance of the old unity, only perpetuate the crisis, and render its issue more violent.
There are in Europe two great questions; or, rather, the question of the transformation of authority, that is to say, of the Revolution, has assumed two forms; the question which
all have agreed to call social, and the question of nationalities. The first is more exclusively agitated in France, the second in the heart of the other peoples of Europe. I say,
which all have agreed to call social, because, generally speaking, every great revolution is so far social, that it cannot be accomplished either in the religious, political, or any
other sphere, without affecting social relations, the sources and the distribution of wealth; but that which is only a secondary consequence in political revolutions is now the
cause and the banner of the movement in France. The question there is now, above all, to establish better relations between labour and capital, between production and
consumption, between the workman and the employer.
It is probable that the European initiative, that which will give a new impulse to intelligence and to events, will spring from the question of nationalities. The social question
may, in effect, although with difficulty, be
partly resolved by a single people; it is an internal question for each, and the French Republicans of 1848 so understood it, when, determinately abandoning the European
initiative, they placed Lamartine's [Note: A French poet and politician] manifesto by the side of their aspirations towards the organisation of labour. The question of nationality
can only be resolved by destroying the treaties of 1815, and changing the map of Europe and its public Law. The question of Nationalities, rightly understood, is the Alliance of
the Peoples; the balance of powers based upon new foundations; the organisation of the work that Europe has to accomplish.

1. Think about the purpose of the source. What was the author's message or argument? What
was he/she trying to get across? Is the message explicit, or are there implicit messages as




The purpose of the source seems to be a reflection on the crisis in Europe following World War II and an analysis of the two major questions facing the continent: the transformation of authority (i.e. the Revolution) and the question of nationalities. The author argues that Europe no longer possesses unity of faith, mission, or aim and that this unity is necessary for the world. The author suggests that those who persist in perpetuating the external observance of the old unity only perpetuate the crisis and make its issue more violent.

The author's message is that a new unity is needed in Europe and that the two major questions facing the continent (the transformation of authority and the question of nationalities) must be addressed. The author argues that the social question (i.e. better relations between labor and capital, production and consumption, workman and employer) may be resolved by a single people, but the question of nationalities can only be resolved by destroying the treaties of 1815 and changing the map of Europe and its public law.

The message is explicit, and there do not appear to be any implicit messages in the source.

If An Indian reservation lies within a state’s boundaries why can’t a state simply enforce its laws on the reservation just like it can anywhere else in the state


The relationship between Indian reservations and state jurisdiction is complex due to the unique legal and political status of Native American tribes in the United States.

The reservation lands are sovereign territories of the tribal nations, which means they have a degree of self-governance and are subject to federal, rather than state, jurisdiction.

The legal framework governing reservations is primarily established by federal laws and court decisions. One of the key principles is the concept of tribal sovereignty, which recognizes the inherent authority of tribes to govern their own affairs, make and enforce laws, and regulate activities within their reservations. This sovereignty is derived from the historical and political relationship between the tribes and the U.S. federal government, as recognized in treaties, statutes, and court rulings.

As a result, state governments generally do not have the authority to enforce their laws directly on Indian reservations. Tribal governments have the power to enact and enforce their own laws within their territories, covering areas such as criminal justice, civil matters, land use, and taxation. They may also collaborate with the federal government on matters of shared concern.

However, there are instances where state and tribal jurisdictions overlap or interact. For example, certain laws may have concurrent jurisdiction, meaning both the state and the tribe have authority in specific areas. Additionally, tribal members residing outside the reservation generally remain subject to state laws and regulations.

For more questions on United States.


What happened on Bastille Day, July 14th?

Question 35 options:

French women marched from Paris to Versailles in search of the queen

Robespierre was executed using the guillotine

King Louis XVI was executed

a mob stormed a prison looking for gunpowder


Bastille Day, July 14th French women marched from Paris to Versailles in search of the queen. Thus, option (a) is correct.

The French National Day, Bastille Day, is celebrated on July 14th. It celebrates the French Revolutionary and the fall of the Bastille prison in 1789, regarded as a watershed moment in the French Revolution's success.

Military parades, pyrotechnic concerts, balls, and other events are held throughout France, notably Paris. Despite its historical significance, many Paris museums and landmarks, including the Louvre, Muses d'Orsay, and Chateau de Versailles, are open on Bastille Day.

As a result, the significance of the Bastille Day, July 14th are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on Bastille Day, here:


3. Excerpt 2: In the second excerpt, President Roosevelt contrasted nature's bounty
with the goods of mankind. What does each phrase mean, and which of the two
does he link most directly related to the peril the nation faces?


In the second excerpt, President Roosevelt highlighted the contrast between nature's bounty and the goods of mankind. He linked nature's bounty most directly to the peril the nation faces, emphasizing the importance of preserving and protecting the country's natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations.

By nature's bounty, he referred to the abundance of natural resources that are available in the country such as timber, water, and land. On the other hand, by the goods of mankind, he meant the products and services that are produced by human efforts, such as machinery, factories, and transportation systems. President Roosevelt linked nature's bounty more directly to the peril the nation faces.

He argued that the country's natural resources were being exploited and depleted at an alarming rate, which posed a threat to the nation's well-being. He pointed out that the reckless use of natural resources had led to soil erosion, deforestation, and water pollution, which could have serious long-term consequences for the country's economy and the environment. Furthermore, President Roosevelt emphasized that the depletion of natural resources could also lead to a decline in the quality of life of the American people.

He called for the responsible use of natural resources and the conservation of the country's natural wealth for the benefit of future generations. In conclusion, President Roosevelt's contrast between nature's bounty and the goods of mankind highlights the need for responsible use of natural resources and the conservation of the country's natural wealth.

know more about President Roosevelt here:


Question 10 of 10
The majority of the citizens of Egypt are Muslim. Their food consists mainly
of vegetables, grains and fish, supplemented by small amounts of meat. Most
people live close to the Nile River as the rest of the land is very arid.
These behaviors and beliefs that describe the people of Egypt make up their:
A. social norms.
OB. hierarchy.
OC. acculturation.
OD. culture.


D. culture.

The behaviors and beliefs that describe the people of Egypt, such as their religion, diet, and settlement patterns, are all aspects of their culture. Culture includes the shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviors, and artifacts that characterize a group or society. In this case, the culture of Egypt is influenced by a variety of factors including religion, geography, history, and social norms.

12 A major goal of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was to 1) encourage immigration from Latin American nations (2) strengthen the national commitment to Manifest Destiny (3) prevent further European colonization in the Western Hemisphere (4) improve trade opportunities with Asian nations​


A major goal of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) was to prevent further European colonization in the Western Hemisphere. Option 3 is the answer.

The Monroe Doctrine

The Monroe Doctrine was a declaration of foreign policy made by President James Monroe in 1823 with the intention of upholding and defending American interests in the Western Hemisphere. The two primary tenets of the doctrine were the United States' commitment to refrain from meddling in European matters and the European powers' obligation to refrain from interfering in the affairs of independent nations of the Americas.

The Monroe Doctrine's main objective was to stop further European colonization and any attempts to reassert power in Latin America's newly sovereign nations. It said that any attempts by Europeans to colonize or meddle in the internal affairs of the countries in the Western Hemisphere would be seen as threats to the United States and would be grounds for U.S.

Learn more on the Monroe Doctrine here


social Responsibility​



Social responsibility is an ethical theory in which individuals are accountable for fulfilling their civic duty, and the actions of an individual must benefit the whole of society. In this way, there must be a balance between economic growth and the welfare of society and the environment.

Study the pie chart, then select the best answers from
the drop-down menus.
was the biggest cause of
deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon between 2000
and 2005.
Compared to logging, small-scale agriculture
accounted for
percentage of deforestation.
According to the information in the chart,
of deforestation.
were also causes



Explanation:Study the pie chart, then select the best answers from

the drop-down menus.

was the biggest cause of

deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon between 2000

and 2005.

Compared to logging, small-scale agriculture

accounted for

percentage of deforestation.

According to the information in the chart,


of deforestation.

were also causes

Final answer:

The question is about reading and interpreting a pie chart related to causes of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon from 2000 to 2005. It involves comparing different sectors of the pie chart to understand percentages related to various activities like logging and small-scale agriculture. These activities represent different causes of deforestation.


Since the question does not provide the actual pie chart, a specific answer can't be given. However, the process of answering such a question can be explained. To find the biggest cause of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon between 2000 and 2005, locate the largest part of the pie chart. That would indicate the biggest cause of deforestation. To find the percentage of deforestation caused by small-scale agriculture compared to logging, you would need to compare the sectors of the pie chart related to these activities. In general, all parts of the pie chart contribute to the total deforestation, providing the other potential causes.

Learn more about Interpreting Pie Charts here:


The Founders of the United States wrote and advocated for freedom while enslaving other human beings. They claimed an identity as Americans, not British, while displacing the first peoples of the Americas. They saw the value and power in being able to vote while taking no steps to give the vote to anyone but white men. Match the name of the Founder with a contradiction in his life.


It is important to recognize that the Founders of the United States were complex individuals, and their actions often exhibited contradictions. Here are some examples of contradictions in the lives of certain Founders:

Thomas Jefferson:

Contradiction: Jefferson wrote in the Declaration of Independence that "all men are created equal" and are entitled to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." However, he owned enslaved individuals throughout his life and did not take significant steps to abolish slavery.

George Washington:

Contradiction: Washington fought for American independence and served as the first President of the United States, emphasizing the principles of liberty and freedom. Nevertheless, he was a slave owner who held hundreds of enslaved individuals and did not fully address the issue of slavery during his lifetime.

Benjamin Franklin:

Contradiction: Franklin was a vocal advocate for freedom of speech, press, and religion, as well as an influential figure in drafting the U.S. Constitution. However, earlier in his life, he owned slaves and made derogatory remarks about African Americans.

James Madison:

Contradiction: Madison is considered the "Father of the Constitution" and was instrumental in drafting the Bill of Rights, which guarantees fundamental rights to American citizens. Yet, he also owned slaves and did not actively work towards the abolition of slavery.

Alexander Hamilton:

Contradiction: Hamilton championed the idea of a strong central government and played a significant role in shaping the U.S. financial system. However, he was involved in the slave trade during his early career as a merchant in the Caribbean.

It's important to critically examine the actions and beliefs of historical figures, including the Founders, and acknowledge the contradictions and complexities within their lives. Understanding these contradictions helps provide a more nuanced perspective on the history of the United States and the ongoing work towards equality and justice.

For more questions on United States


Who was the U.S. President during the Cuban Missile Crisis?
a) John F. Kennedy
b) Richard Nixon
c) Harry S. Truman
d) Dwight D. Eisenhower



a) John F. Kennedy


John F. Kennedy was the U.S. President during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Answer: a) John F. Kennedy


John F. Kennedy was the President of the United States during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. He was hailed for standing his ground against the Soviets in an encounter that could potentially have led to a Third World War.

Thomas Paine argued in Common Sense that


he argued that the colonies should be free and form their own country. In Common Sense, Paine argued that it was absurd for an island to rule a Continent, that America could avoid European conflicts by being free of Great Britain, that London was too far from America to rule it, and that the King and Parliament would inevitably rule for Britains benefit, not Americas.

The 25th Amendment established _____.


The vice president as the second in line to the presidency. In case of removal or death of POTUS, VPOTUS shall take over as President

How were the invasions of China and Poland different


The invasions of China and Poland were different in several significant ways:

Timing: The invasion of Poland occurred at the beginning of World War II, specifically on September 1, 1939, when Germany launched a full-scale invasion. On the other hand, the invasion of China by Japan took place over a longer period, with the initial hostilities starting in 1931 during the Mukden Incident and the full-scale invasion known as the Second Sino-Japanese War starting in 1937.

Motivation and goals: Germany's invasion of Poland was a strategic move aimed at expanding its territory and establishing dominance in Europe. The invasion was part of Adolf Hitler's larger plan for territorial conquest and the establishment of a German-dominated empire. In contrast, Japan's invasion of China was driven by various factors, including imperial ambitions, access to resources, and the desire to establish a puppet state in China.

Alliances and international response: The invasion of Poland triggered the beginning of World War II, as Poland was supported by alliances with France and the United Kingdom. Germany's invasion led to a broader conflict involving multiple countries. In the case of Japan's invasion of China, the international response was less unified. While some countries condemned Japan's aggression, the global response was generally weaker, and the conflict was largely localized to the Asian theater.

Overall, while both invasions had significant impacts on the countries involved and the broader geopolitical landscape, they differed in terms of timing, motivation, international response, duration, and cultural context.

For more questions on invasions


women organization actively played a critical role in the civil resistance in South Africa essay​


During the period of apartheid in South Africa, women's organizations played a crucial role in the civil resistance movement. These organizations were formed by women from different racial and ethnic backgrounds who shared a common goal of ending apartheid and promoting equal rights for all South Africans.

One such organization was the Federation of South African Women (FSAW), which was founded in 1954. The FSAW organized several anti-apartheid campaigns, including the Women's Charter campaign, which called for gender equality and the end of discriminatory laws against women.

Another significant women's organization was the Black Sash, founded in 1955. This organization was primarily composed of white women and focused on challenging apartheid policies through peaceful protests and civil disobedience.

The Black Sash became well-known for their silent protests, where they would stand in public places wearing black sashes to symbolize their opposition to apartheid.

Women's organizations also played a critical role in providing support for political prisoners and their families. The Detainees' Parents Support Committee (DPSC) was founded in 1981 by women whose children had been arrested and detained without trial.

The DPSC provided legal support, food, and other necessities to the families of political prisoners, as well as raising awareness about the injustices of the apartheid system.

In conclusion, women's organizations in South Africa played a crucial role in the civil resistance movement against apartheid. Through their activism and advocacy, these organizations helped to bring about significant social and political change in the country.

For more questions on: civil resistance movement


the first and second opium wars determined chinese relationships with




The first and second Opium Wars determined China's relationships with Western powers, particularly Britain. The wars resulted in China being forced to open its ports to foreign trade and cede Hong Kong to Britain, among other concessions. The wars also demonstrated China's weakness in the face of Western military and technological superiority and led to a period of foreign interference and exploitation known as the "Century of Humiliation."

What caused California’s population to increase in 1848 and 1849? Cotton production expanded. Gold was discovered. California became a state.


The discovery of gold in 1848 and 1849 caused California's population to increase.

The discovery of gold in 1848 and 1849 in California led to a massive influx of people from all over the world seeking their fortune. This period of time, known as the California Gold Rush, caused the state's population to increase rapidly.

The lure of riches drew people from Europe, Asia, Australia, and South America, as well as from across the United States.

The discovery of gold not only brought individuals seeking wealth, but also increased California's economic growth and led to the establishment of numerous mining towns throughout the state.

This event helped shape California's history and solidified its role as a prominent state in the U.S.

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The pseudoscientific ideas of race propagated by Nazi Germany during the period 1933 to 1946 resulted in the systematic persecution, dehumanization, and genocide of millions of Jews, leading to unimaginable suffering and loss of life.

The impact of pseudoscientific ideas of race on the Jewish nation by Nazi Germany during the period 1933 to 1946 was devastating. The Nazis propagated the notion of Aryan racial superiority and targeted Jews as a supposed "inferior race." These ideas formed the ideological basis for the systematic persecution and dehumanization of Jews.

Under the Nazi regime, Jews were subjected to discriminatory laws, forced segregation, and widespread propaganda aimed at demonizing them. The pseudoscientific theories of race were used to justify the implementation of the "Final Solution," which resulted in the genocide of six million Jews in the Holocaust.

The impact was immense, leading to the destruction of Jewish communities, the loss of countless lives, and the trauma that still affects survivors and their descendants to this day. The Nazi's pseudoscientific ideas of race had a profound and tragic effect on the Jewish nation, forever altering its history and leaving an indelible mark on the collective memory of humanity.

For more such question on genocide


The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was the trigger for which war?
a) Cold War
b) World War I
c) World War II
d) Rwandan Genocide



Your answer is B) World War I


According to the internet, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand was one of the causes of World War I.

Answer:  b) World War I


The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in 1914 was the catalyst that led to the outbreak of World War I.

COVERED DOCUMENT.—The term “covered document”
means any document that
is necessary for obtaining any Federal Government benefit or service or filing taxes;
provides information about any Federal Government benefit or service; or
explains to the public how to comply with a requirement the Federal Government administers or enforces;
Based on Section 3, covered means:



Based on Section 3, the term "covered" means "included". In this context, it refers to any document that falls within the three categories specified in the definition.
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