French Revolution
The purpose of this assignment is to write one body paragraph in the expectation of the enduring issue essay.
Haitians had a written constitution in 1801. Following Toussaint L'Ouverture's death in a French prison in 1803,
Haitian independence movement leaders continued the revolution which resulted in independence in 1804. These
revolutionary leaders wrote a new constitution for an independent Haiti. On May 20, 180S, Emperor Jacques
Dessalines ratified this constitution. This is an excerpt of the 1805 Constitution.
Constitution of Hayti (Haiti)
Do declare that the tenor [intent) of the present constitution is the free spontaneous and invariable
expression of our hearts, and the general will of our constituents, and we submit it to the sanction [approval]
of H.M. [His Majesty] the Emperor Jacques Dessalines our deliverer, to receive its speedy and entire
execution [implementation].
Preliminary Declaration
Art. 1. The people inhabiting the island formerly called St. Domingo, hereby agree to form themselves into a
free state sovereign and independent of any other power in the universe, under the name of empire of Hayti.
Art. 2. Slavery is forever abolished.
Art. 3. The Citizens of Hayti are brothers at home; equality in the eyes of the law is incontestably [certainly]
acknowledged, and there cannot exist any titles, advantages, or privileges, other than those necessarily
resulting from the consideration and reward of services rendered to liberty and independence.
Art. 4. The law is the same to all, whether it punishes, or whether it protects....
Art. 6. Property is sacred, its violation shall be severely prosecuted....
What enduring issue should I use?


Answer 1
The enduring issue of the Haitian Revolution is freedom. The Haitian people fought for and won their freedom from slavery and from French rule. This enduring issue is still relevant today, as people around the world continue to fight for their freedom from oppression.

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explain other ways through which political parties compete for power during election​


Other ways through which political parties compete for power during election​ are:

1 ) Forming political action committees which contribute money to the election campaigns of candidate for government office

2) Staging media events and thereby gathering dramatic, eye cathecting newspaper headlines.

What is election?

The democratic system of government is fundamentally influenced by elections. Since most contemporary societies cannot function as direct democracies, where political decisions are made directly by the entire body of qualified citizens, democratic government must be carried out through representatives.

Voters can choose their leaders through elections, and they can also hold them responsible for how they perform in office. When elected officials don't care if they get re-elected or when one party or coalition is so dominant that voters have little to no choice but to support it, regardless of its historical or other justifications, accountability can be compromised.

Learn more about elections



The keys of the kingdom of heaven are a symbol of the decisions and behaviors required to get into heaven.


The keys of the kingdom of heaven are a symbol of the decisions and behaviors required to get into heaven.

The statement is True.

With the Keys of St. Peter, regularly one secret's gold, and the opposite is silver.

The primary represents the power to bind and unfastened in heaven, religious authority, whilst the second represents the power to bind and loose in the world, temporal authority.

Jesus gave Peter “the keys of the dominion of heaven,” no longer the keys to heaven.

Keys are symbols of establishing and final. Locks and keys affect our lives in numerous approaches. from time to time a key means the distinction between freedom and incarceration, or lifestyles and dying.

Keys also affect our lives in other approaches; they provide us security – we will lock our door and recognize that no one else has the key.

Learn more about kingdom here: https://brainly.com/question/17746220


Railroads not only led to an increase in the ability to transport raw materials, but they also led to


Railroads not only led to an increase in the ability to transport raw materials, but they also led to increasing in demand for raw materials.

How railroad led to increasing in demand of raw materials?

In the US's economic history, the railroads played a crucial role. Due to better transportation, the railways generated demand for new products, which in turn increased demand for new products, and ultimately increased the capacity of the industries.

In the end, everything boosted the demand for raw resources used in the manufacture of goods. Iron and coal, two natural resources required to create steel, could be transported in huge amounts much more easily thanks to railroads, which led to an increase in demand for those goods.

Learn more about Railroad, here:



you are to conduct a search for an article on globalization. Your response will review and summarize this article. Be sure to include your opinion on the importance of globalization on the consumer in your response.

Your response should be a paragraph of at least 7-10 sentences.


The importance of globalization on the consumer in your response is that globalization reduce inflation because it reduce cost of production which will makes the consumer to afford good an services.

What is Globalization?

Globalization  can be described as term that is been used to explain the trade as well as the technology and how they were able to connect the world and make the world a global village.

It should be noted that through globalization there is usually reduced inflation and when there is no inflation, the consumer will be able to buy what they want and pay for them with ease.

Learn more about globalization from



What specific factors suggested by the readings softened the social effects of the early
Industrial Revolution in America?


Industrialization accelerated urbanization. Due to agricultural changes, population increase, and labor shortages, millions of people left farms for cities. This is further explained below.

What is Industrial Revolution in America?

Generally, The years 1870 to World War II are considered to represent the beginning to end of the American Industrial Revolution.

This period of time is sometimes referred to as the Second Industrial Revolution.

In conclusion, During this time period, agriculture and industry were both mechanized, and new forms of transportation, such as steamships, automobiles, and aircraft, were developed.

Read more about Industrial Revolution in America



CQ not found(readings )

The country is in debt. They are so far in debt that the numbers no longer matter; they just keep going farther into debt. A new president comes into the White House and says that he will not approve any new spending by the government, even though Congress really needs more money to pay for a war that the United States has recently gotten involved in. In order to solve this money issue, Congress asks another country for some money and promises to pay them back. The other country agrees and Congress is able to use it to help pay for the war.

What power(s) is Congress using?

What line from the scenario supports your opinion?


Answer: I'm pretty much sure its communism


I need help with this Pleasee anyone


The correct option is (A). The statement which expresses the idea of the Scientific Revolution is that people should use reason and experimentation to draw scientific conclusion.

Scientific revolution means a series of events that marked the beginning of science during the early modern period. Due to this, the developments seen in fields like mathematics, physics, biology, astronomy, human anatomy and chemistry changed the views of society about what they think about nature. For example in astronomy, the scientific revolution led to the development of telescope of Galileo Galilei.

The Scientific Revolution emphasized on reasoning, quantitative thought, experimentation, treating nature as a machine and understanding how it works, and drawing scientific conclusions by developing scientific methods.

To know more about Scientific revolution here



Aurangzeb is best known for building what structures?



Answer down below!


The Badshahi Mosque in Lahore, which is today one of the largest mosques in the Indian subcontinent. The mosque he constructed in Srinagar is still the largest in Kashmir. Most of Aurangzeb's building activity revolved around mosques, but secular structures were not neglected.



It required colonists to house and feed British soldiers.

The Quartering Act required the colonies to accommodate British soldiers in barracks, homes, and other localities.

what is the duty of good government according to jonathan mayhew


This lays the groundwork for the movement against “tyrants and public oppressors.” Mayhew’s argument goes on at duration however clearly articulates a purpose that has become more and more part of the colonial cognizance.

The purpose of government became the common precise, and citizens, running with installed political government at the neighborhood and kingdom level, had an ethical duty to withstand tyranny.

The “Stamp Act Congress” exemplified the colonists’ moderation. The delegates’ answers had been shielding in nature: a boycott of British goods, an announcement, and petitions protesting Parliament’s taxes, all to be despatched to Britain.

These files made clear what the colonies had maintained considering that their founding: the colonies were subordinate to Britain, and had prevalent Parliamentary authority over their outside affairs as they had for over a century of exchange guidelines.

Learn more about Stamp Act here: brainly.com/question/207865


a lack of resources and support means that many bilingual students in the United


Answer: may struggle learning English from their foreign speech, when they struggle early on in school learning that it make become a struggle for them to fine a job.


Please help!! I did it once and got an F on it so I need it redone!! Needs to be very in detail and multiple paragraphs with works cited! Ah please help! I can’t fail! Below I’ve posted the comment he left on my response so maybe that will help ? Just help meee

Analyze how British colonial policy led to the unity of the 13 colonies and eventually their Declaration of Independence.
Give specific examples and evidence in your answer.
(Examples of British colonial policy would be like the Stamp Act or try to control the colonists through the
Revolutionary War)


In response, the British government raised taxes on the American colonists, which encouraged the colonies to become more united.

Examine how the 13 colonies' eventual unification and adoption of the Declaration of Independence were influenced by British colonial policies.

From 1774 until 1789, the 13 American colonies and later the United States were governed by the Continental Congress. Delegates from the colonies gathered in 1774 to form the First Continental Congress in response to the British government's Intolerable Acts, a set of regulations enacted after the colonies objected to higher taxes. The Second Continental Congress met in 1775, far into the Revolutionary War. It made the historic decision to declare America's independence from Britain in 1776. The United States was governed under the Articles of Confederation, the first national constitution, for five years before the U.S. Constitution was adopted in 1789.

The British Crown was the single institution that brought the American colonies together politically for the majority of colonial history. The French and Indian War and other conflicts contributed significantly to England's debilitating debt during the Imperial Crises of the 1760s and 1770s.

In response, the British government raised taxes on the American colonists, which encouraged the colonies to become more united. The 13 American colonies banded together to oppose the British government's new imperial taxing scheme when it was implemented in 1765.

The British Parliament's first direct internal tax on colonists, the Stamp Act of that year, sparked organized resistance among the colonies. The Stamp Act Congress, an extralegal conference that assembled to plan the colonies' response to the new tax, was attended by representatives from nine provincial assemblies. Although the Stamp Act Congress was only temporary, it provided a preview of the improved cooperation among the colonies that would soon come.

The Continental Congress was put on indefinite hiatus when the new United States Constitution took effect in 1789, and the U.S. Congress took its place. Despite its poor performance during times of peace, the Continental Congress had pulled the country through one of its darkest crises, declared its independence, and helped to win a war to uphold that freedom.

Learn more about Declaration of Independence: https://brainly.com/question/14578050


Africans were not captured and shipped by Europeans alone. Other powerful African governments had practiced slavery and viewed the people traded to Europeans as an important commodity true or false


Slavery was used by other prominent African countries, and those who were transported to Europeans were seen as valuable commodities is a false statement.

What is slavery?

When a person is controlled by some other person, slavery is said to have occurred. In this case, the person in question is not receiving any compensation for the work or services he performed for the other person, and he is also not receiving humane treatment.

The Africans were captured by the Europeans and they have been making them slaves if they caught them in waterways, war, or in any other format.

Learn more about slavery, here:



“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation… ” -1776.

The main purpose for writing the document above was to ......


The main purpose for writing this was to talk about the reason why it had become important to have the people in the colonies move away from the governance of the British people

What is the declaration of independence?

This is the term that is used to refer to the declaration that was made in the colonies that had the people clamoring for the ways that they would have to lead themselves.

That is it has to do with the fact that the people no longer wanted the British around in their governance. They wanted to be separated from al;l of the ties that held them together with the British. This was the reason that led to the writing.

Read more on declaration of independence here: https://brainly.com/question/9515546


which philosopher had the most profound influence on thomas jefferson’s political thought?


John Locke had the most profound influence on Thomas Jefferson's political thought.

It is acknowledged that Thomas Jefferson was significantly influenced by John Locke. The writing by Thomas Jefferson on the country's founding charter demonstrates this effect. The Declaration of Independence is the name of this document. The Two Treatises of Government were written by English Enlightenment philosopher John Locke to challenge the notion that kings had a divine right to rule and to promote the Glorious Revolution of 1688. This work of political philosophy offered numerous justifications for the rights and duties of the populace to remove an unjust government. Locke's theories from his Two Treatises of Government greatly impacted Thomas Jefferson's justification for the appropriateness of America's separation from England.

Thomas Jefferson used John Locke's notion of natural rights to justify the rebellion. He continued by providing evidence that a revolution was required in 1776 to abolish King George's rule over the colonists.

To read more about The Declaration of Independence see:



Summery of the New England colonies


The majority of colonists' everyday lives were spent sustaining the family's profession. Farming supported nearly all rural villages, but bigger, more concentrated port cities were centers for mercantile businesses and artisan trades.

What was the New England colony's main goal?

The ultimate purpose of the New England settlers was spiritual, not economic wealth. Pilgrims and Puritans, dissatisfied with the ceremonial Church of England, aspired to recreate society in the way they felt God intended it to be designed.

The New England colonies relied on fishing, logging, and subsistence farming because the soil was too rocky for plantation development. Farming and commerce ships were also important in the economies of the Middle colonies.

Learn more about the New England colony here:



why the Battle of Argonne Forest was a critical battle for the U.S.?


The Meuse-Argonne Attack, which took place in the Argonne Forest region of France from September 26 to November 11, 1918, was the last Allied offensive on the Western Front in World War I. It was the culmination of the One Day Offensive and resulted in the final German defeat in the conflict. This is the main importance of  the Battle of Argonne Forest

The Battle of the Argonne Forest, sometimes referred to as the War of the Bulge, was the Germans' last ditch effort to turn the tide of the conflict in their favor. The United States and the United Kingdom's troops were about to be split up by the Germans. Not only were their forces to be punished, but their partnership was also to be broken. The offensive's goal was to get to Antwerp, which was essential for resupplying allied forces.

Although the offensive didn't achieve its goals, it was a big success. The Together States and the Together Kingdom's armies remained united. The port of Antwerp was inaccessible to the Germans. The onslaught also claimed several deaths from the German army. Germany lost many of its best infantry and armored forces in the attack. Never again would Germany be able to launch a counteroffensive.

What is the Battle of Argonne Forest?

During the Hundred Days Offensive in World War I, the Meuse-Argonne Offensive was a crucial operation for the Allies. In addition, it lasted a terrible 47 days, from September 26th, 1918, until an armistice on November 11th. The bulk of the offensive was conducted in France, around Verdun.

The Allied force in this operation, which the Germans opposed, was made up of a combination of American, French, and Siamese forces. In addition to the 1.2 million American and French soldiers, there were also about 850 Siamese soldiers. In addition, the allies brought 2,780 pieces of artillery, 840 aircraft, and 380 tanks.

Know more about the Battle of Argonne Forest



Why were Hispanic Americans more likely to support the union during the Civil War


Hispanic Americans are more likely to support the Union during the Civil War because most Hispanic Americans lived in Union states. The correct option is D.

What happened to Hispanics during the Civil War?

Hispanics held a range of military positions, with the highest being full admiral of the Union Navy. The highest military honor bestowed by the United States, the Medal of Honour, was given to three Hispanics.

Hispanic families, like all Americans, made their allegiance to the Union or the Confederacy based on a variety of complicated social, economic, cultural, and personal considerations.

Many Hispanic Americans were opposed to slavery and saw the Union cause as a fight to end this practice. Hispanic Americans, especially those from areas where slavery had been abolished, saw the Confederacy as supporting an institution they opposed.

Thus, the ideal selection is option D.

Learn more about the Civil War here:



Need help immediately!!

In 1935 and 1936 the Supreme Court declared that important parts of points the New Deal were unconstitutional President Roosevelt responded by threatening to

A. impeach several Supreme Court justices.

B. Eliminate the Supreme Court.

C. appoint additional Supreme Court justices who shared his views.

D. override the Supreme Court's decisions by gaining three-fourths majorities in both houses of Congress.


In 1935 and 1936 the Supreme Court declared that important parts of points the New Deal were unconstitutional President Roosevelt responded by threatening to - impeach several Supreme Court justices.

The correct option is A.

As soon as Roosevelt was inaugurated in March 1933, the New Deal he had promised the American people started to take form. A financial reform bill, an emergency relief programme, a work relief programme, and agricultural programmes were all passed during the early days of Roosevelt's presidency on the grounds that the federal government's power was required to help the nation out of the depression.

A second New Deal would later take shape, bringing with it measures to safeguard unions, the Social Security Act, and help for tenant farmers and migrant labourers. Many of the New Deal's programmes or organisations gained notoriety because to their acronyms.

Charles Evans Hughes is the chief justice. Hughes thought that the New Deal's badly written legislation was the Supreme Court's main criticism of the programme.

Roosevelt's economic policies came under fire, particularly the transition from individualism to collectivism that came with the astronomical growth of the welfare state and the control of the market.

To learn more about Roosevelt's New Deal, refer



A persuasive argument may appeal to a reader's emotions (pathos) or reason (logos). Another important part of an argument's ability to persuade is the authority and expertise of the speaker (his or her ethical identity or ethos). Drag and drop the following statements into the column that describes the type of appeal made in each one.
1. Ethos:
2. Pathos:
3. Logos:

A. As a video game designer, I work hard to make games that are both entertaining and educational.
B. Research shows that videogames are good for players\' minds.
C. Why would people want to take away videogames and make children so sad?
D. Playing video games improves thinking skills, reaction time, and hand-eye coordination.
E. Video games help improve players\' reaction times.​


Each statement should be matched with the type of appeal that describes it as follows:

Ethos: "As a video game designer, I work hard to make games that are both entertaining and educational." Logos: "Research shows that videogames are good for players' minds."Pathos: "Why would people want to take away videogames and make children so sad."Logos: "Playing video games improves thinking skills, reaction time, and hand-eye coordination."Logos: "Video games help improve player´s reaction times."

What is a persuasive argument?

A persuasive argument can be defined as a type of argument in which the aim of an author (writer) or speaker is to convince the readers (audience) or listeners to accept his own point of view, perspective, ideas or opinions.

In English literature, the three modes of persuasion in a rhetorical situation include the following:

Logos: it involves the use of logic. Pathos: it involves the use of either emotions or feelings.Ethos

What are ethos?

Ethos simply refers to the emotions or character of an author (writer) that are expressed, in order to persuade an audience to accept a specific point of view, perspective, ideas or opinions.

Read more on ethos here: https://brainly.com/question/14368462


Why, according to this document, were the Americans justified in fighting the British?


The Americans were justified in fighting the British. There are several reasons why this is true. One reason was that the British began to violate the rights of the colonists. When the British passed the Stamp Act and the Townshend Acts, the colonists didn’t have representatives in Parliament that could speak about and vote on these taxes. This is a right all British citizens have. However, the Parliament still passed these laws without the colonists having representation in Parliament.

Why were the English settlers able to overcome the conflict and attacks with the Native Americans in New England?

A.Starvation had set in due to massive crop failures across all of New England

B.The Spanish were working with the French to use the natives to attack the English colonists

C.The Natives People never united due to differences in language, governmental structures, culture, and the fact that many tribes were enemies with each other.

D.The Native People were attacked by the colonists, the French, and the English


D.The Native People were attacked by the colonists, the French, and the English. This is why English settlers able to overcome the conflict and attacks with the Native Americans in New England.

The definition of a colonist is a person who becomes an original settler in a colony or presently lives in a colony. William Bradford of the Plymouth Colony is an instance of a founding American colonist. The ones dwelling in the New Zealand colony Tokelau are examples of colonists. An inhabitant of a colony. A colony is a country or vicinity under the overall or partial political control of every other united states, typically a far off one, and occupied by using settlers from that us of a. Five - eight. Social studies, global records. Even though maximum of the white colonists have been from the British isles, the colonies additionally covered human beings from different ecu international locations, specifically Germany. Approximately 20 percent of the colonies' population were enslaved African americans, who came from a selection of various ethnic companies and countries.

Learn more about colonists here:https://brainly.com/question/24736605

How would you characterize the British North American colonists by 1750?


Answer:Prior to 1750 British essentially followed a policy of benign neglect and political autonomy in the American colonies. (Davidson p.97) The colonies were for the most part content with benign neglect policy, relishing in a “greater equality and representative government” (Davidson p.95) within the colonies.

Explanation:hope this help u

I’d characterize The British North American Colonists around 1750 as adapted to the new world

Describe what the Nazis did to the Polish people and their art.


The Nazis invaded Poland in 1939 and started a brutal occupation that lasted until 1945. During this time, the Nazis did many terrible things to the Polish people and their art, such as:

Killing about six million Polish citizens, half of them Jews, in mass shootings, concentration camps, and ghettos.Forcing millions of Polish workers into slave labor in Germany and other Nazi-controlled areas.Destroying or stealing many cultural and historical monuments, buildings, and artworks, including the Royal Castle in Warsaw, the Wawel Castle in Krakow, and the paintings of Jan Matejko.Banning Polish language, education, literature, music, and religion, and trying to erase Polish identity and culture.Creating a puppet state called the General Government, which was ruled by Nazi officials and collaborators, and imposing harsh laws and taxes on the Polish population.Persecuting and oppressing anyone who resisted or opposed the Nazi regime, such as the Polish Underground State, the Home Army, and the Warsaw Uprising.

In Boston massacre did the soldiers act of violence or self defense


The soldiers acted of self defense during the BOSTON Massacre

describe the intertwined labor and civil rights struggles of the 30's and 40's (both black and latinx), the challenges or problems that they confronted in the new deal and wwii eras, and their accomplishments, failures, eventual decline, and legacies left for later activists.



The labor movement, once an obstacle to black economic advancement, is now an ally of the civil rights movement. Black workers – and other minority workers – refused to accept the labor movement's racial bars. In fact, the labor movement was never the sole property of white workers.


Why did the dakota sioux start an uprising in 1862? the us government had not followed through with promises of help. the us government had captured and hanged 38 sioux. the us government forced them to join the military against their will. the us government destroyed a school on their reservation.


The reason why the Dakota Sioux war started was because the US government had not followed through with promises of help.

What was the the Dakota war?

This was the war that was started in the United States due to the fact that the government had not followed up with the promises that they made to the Sioux to alleviate their suffering in the United States.

This was the reason why the people got angry and had to start to attack the posts of the government.

The government had agreed that they were going to have to give the people of the Sioux origin certain annual payments if they would have to live in the reservations that they kept for them to live in the United States.

The government refused to follow up with their promise. This was what caused the Sioux to be angry.

Read more on Dakota Sioux war here: https://brainly.com/question/28399102



A: The US government had not followed through with promises of help.


Got it right on Edge

Which of the following people would make the best scientist?
O Chelsea is creative and curious. She can be very skeptical.
O Latrisha is very curious about the world around her. She does not like following rules.
O Benjamin likes to solve problems. He can be very subjective.
O Marcus is good with math. He does not like working with others.



The answer is Chelsea, in my opinion. This is a very opinion based problem, because they all technically make good scientists. However, generally, I would say that a scientist is someone who is skeptical that a solution cant be obtained for a problem, and their creativeness allows them to develop new ways to solve it. Their curiosity also does not make them adverse to trying unconventional methods.

Latrisha does not like to follow rules, which is an issue because science requires ethics. Nobody can have a free hand, they need to follow set procedures or rules

Benjamin is a good scientist but hes subjective, meaning he's biased. Because of this he's automatically out the window

Marcus is also out because being a scientist requires being a team player, being able to work with other people on a daily basis and communicate your results is extremely important

Therefore the answer is A

Match each one with the appropriate response.
Boston Massacre
Boston Tea Party
Battles of Lexington and Concord
Battle of Bunker Hill
The Declaration of Independence


The response to each one of the following events were as follows:

What is Boston Massacre?

It was a deadly riot that occurred on 5th March 1770, between American colonists and a lone British soldier, on King street in Boston.It led the way for American Revolution.Boston massacre fueled the way for Anti-British views.

What is Boston Tea Party?

A political protest of the American colonists, against a series of taxes imposed on them to help the British pay their debt, on December 16 1773 at Griffin's Wharf in Boston, Massachusetts.They dumped 342 chests of tea into the harbor, imported by the British East India Company.It was the first major act of defiance to British rule over the colonists.

What is the Battle of Lexington and Concord?

The first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War.It marked the outbreak of armed conflict between Great Britain and thirteen colonies in America.

What is battle of Bunker Hill?

The American colonists were defeated and Britishers won.The war confirmed no reconciliation between England and her American colonies were possible.

What is the Declaration of Independence?

A document approved by the Continental Congress on 4th July 1776.It announced the separation of 13 North American British colonies from the Great Britain.This day is celebrated as the Independence day in America.

Learn more about the events that led to America's Independence here:



Why were the Articles of Confederation weak?
O They did not give the central government enough power to act.
O They did not give the states enough power to protect the people.
• They gave the people the power to elect three branches of
They allowed only the central government to collect taxes.


Answer:  They did no give the central government enough power to act


The articles of confederation caused the federal government to grow weak , and thus building the power between states too high. How they solved this is introducing federalism where powers are split but not necessarily equal. Passing a law with these strong state governments impeding eachother would take a 9/13 vote, being almost impossible.  I would also like to point out that the government of the time of the articles of confederation, there were no 2 branches, mostly just a weak legislative branch.

(Hope this helps, correct me if wrong)

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