Sawyer is a human services worker involved in providing services to people in poverty and is concerned about growing income inequality in the United States. Sawyer fears it is leading to a hierarchical society in which power and wealth belongs to a few people at the top, beyond the reach of everyone else. What type of society does Sawyer fear the United States is becoming?





Answer 1


Sawyer fears that the United States is becoming a feudalistic society.


A feudalistic society is one in which power and wealth are concentrated among a small group of people, who hold a disproportionate amount of influence and control over resources and decision-making. In such a society, there is a clear hierarchy, with a small number of elites at the top and a large number of lower-status individuals at the bottom.

Answer 2
D. feudalistic

Sawyer fears that the United States is becoming a feudalistic society, in which power and wealth are concentrated in the hands of a few people at the top, beyond the reach of everyone else. In a feudalistic society, people are divided into social classes based on their wealth and status, with those at the top having the most power and those at the bottom having the least. This can lead to a hierarchical society in which there is a wide gap between the rich and the poor, with little mobility between the two.

Related Questions

How does each level impact an organization?



In an organization, each level of management plays a specific role and has a different level of impact on the organization.


Top-level management: This includes the highest level of executives in an organization, such as the CEO, CFO, and presidents. Top-level management is responsible for setting the overall strategy and direction of the organization, and they have a significant impact on the overall success or failure of the company.

Middle-level management: This includes managers at the divisional or departmental level. Middle-level management is responsible for implementing the strategies and plans set by top-level management, and they have a significant impact on the day-to-day operations of the organization.

Lower-level management: This includes supervisors and team leaders who manage front-line employees. Lower-level management is responsible for overseeing the work of front-line employees and ensuring that they are meeting the goals and objectives set by higher levels of management. They have a direct impact on the productivity and efficiency of the organization.

In summary, each level of management plays a critical role in an organization, and the impact of each level can be felt throughout the company. Top-level management sets the overall direction and strategy, middle-level management implements those plans, and lower-level management ensures that the work is carried out effectively.

To learn more about Impact of each level in an organisation

Logical reasoning cannot be learned or improved. Individuals are either naturally good at it or they are not.


The claim that logical reasoning cannot be taught or improved upon is untrue. Either people are good at it naturally, or they are not. Hence, the statement is false.

What is logical reasoning?

Induction and abduction are two categories of logical reasoning that are frequently distinguished in addition to formal deduction. Using a predetermined set of facts or data to infer other facts through logical deduction is known as deductive reasoning. It entails deriving particular conclusions from premises.

These three categories of thinking can be explained as follows within the framework of a mathematical model. The building/creation of the model's structure is abduction. Induction is the process of giving values (or probability distributions) to the model's parameters. Deduction occurs during model execution.

Learn more about logical reasoning, from:


Your question is incomplete, probably the complete question is-

Logical reasoning cannot be learned or improved. Individuals are either naturally good at it or they are not.


In 2003, Congress passed laws to encourage private charitable organizations to provide social services. They would compete for government funds to carry out community services through their own networks. Do you think this is an effective way to address social issues? Why or why not? Use economic concepts, such as markets, efficiency, and opportunity costs in developing your response.


There are both proponents and opponents of the idea of using private charitable organizations to provide social services that are funded by the government. Some people argue that this approach can be an effective way to address social issues, while others believe that it is not the best approach.

One argument in favor of using private charitable organizations to provide social services is that it can lead to increased efficiency. Private organizations may be able to provide services more efficiently than the government, because they have the ability to be more flexible and responsive to the needs of the community. This can result in cost savings for the government, as well as better outcomes for the people receiving the services.

Another argument in favor of this approach is that it can encourage innovation and competition among different organizations. By creating a market for social services, the government can incentivize organizations to come up with new and innovative ways to solve social problems. This can lead to more effective solutions and better outcomes for the community.

However, there are also some arguments against using private charitable organizations to provide social services. One concern is that these organizations may not be accountable to the same standards as the government, and may not be as transparent in their operations. In addition, there is the potential for conflicts of interest to arise if the organizations are relying on government funding to support their operations.

Overall, whether or not using private charitable organizations to provide social services is an effective way to address social issues depends on the specific context and the goals of the program. It is important to consider the potential benefits and drawbacks of this approach, and to carefully evaluate its effectiveness in achieving the desired outcomes.

4. Compared to the
countries that
controlled the spheres
of influence in China,
how strong was
China's economy and
military during this


Answer: All the european countries who had controlled the spheres of influence in china are struggling foe economic power and causing a rise of tension.

Explanation: when countries likeJapan, Germany, Great Britain, France, and Russia all acquired spheres of influence in China. America looked up for an opportunity to boom the market by making china a manufacturing hub. China makes and sells more manufacturing goods than any other country on the planet.

All the European countries who had controlled the spheres of influence in China are struggling for economic power and causing a rise of tension. While China makes and sells more manufacturing goods than any other country on the planet.

Why did European countries establish spheres of influence in China?

The spheres of influence in China were established to make money for the European powers, such as Russia, Great Britain, and France. Warlords of provinces in China set up arrangements allowing these nations to mine, trade, or build railways.

They granted exclusive trading rights to these foreign states in certain areas of China, allowing them to control parts of the Chinese market.

Learn more about European, here:


If the Antartic (66.5°North) experience six months of daytime during summer,what does the Arctic(66,5°South) experience during winter?


If the Antartic (66.5°North) experience six months of daytime during summer, the artic would experience six times of night time in winter.

What is the experience of the artic?

The Arctic (66.5° North) experiences six months of nighttime during winter.

The Earth's rotation on its axis causes the phenomenon of day and night, and the tilt of the Earth's axis causes the seasons. The Arctic Circle is located at 66.5° North latitude, which is the latitude above which the sun does not rise for at least one day during the winter solstice and does not set for at least one day during the summer solstice.

This means that during the winter months, the Arctic Circle experiences long periods of darkness or "polar night", while during the summer months, the Arctic Circle experiences long periods of daylight or "midnight sun."

Read more on the artic here:


1. What are the basic questions economists must answer when they are evaluating an economic policy (public policy)?

2. Is it common for marginal costs to increase and marginal benefits to decrease? Think about a simple activity you can practice (for instance, eating 1,2, 3...20 chocolates; or drinking 1,2,3, and 4 water bottles when you are thirsty; or repeat 1,2,3,4 times the same sport practice in a day after school). What is marginal benefit from the first, second, and third practices for the activity in a day? What is marginal cost from the first, second, and third practices for the activity in a day? Hint: It is important to remember that cost and benefits are not strictly financial.

3. Is it rational for some people to end their formal education with high school degrees, some to finish with college degrees, and some to obtain graduate degrees? Beyond the ability to pay tuition, what are some other reasons why different people stay in school for different lengths of time? How might the non-monetary cost of college differ among individuals? How might the benefits differ?


Public policies are assessed based on their viability for implementation and the efficiency and fairness of their intended outcomes.

What is an economic policy?

Governments utilize a variety of strategies to manage their economies, which are referred to as economic policies. These include fiscal policy, budgeting, taxation, and monetary policy (money supply and demand).

The majority of economic policy elements fall into one of two categories: monetary policy, which deals with central bank activities related to the money supply and interest rates, or fiscal policy, which deals with government actions related to taxation and spending.

Yes it is common for marginal costs to increase and marginal benefits to decrease.

Relationship between marginal cost and marginal benefit

The most a consumer will spend on one additional commodity or service is known as the marginal benefit. The marginal benefit typically declines with consumption. The difference in cost for producing one extra good or additional unit of service is known as the marginal cost of production.

Yes, it is rational for most people to go ahead and acquire more degrees, while others end up with high school degrees.

The non monetary cost of college will further increase the total number of individuals who will further their studies due to ease in economic strain of tuition.

Learn more on economic policy here


Laissez-faire refers to a form of_________under which people compete freely with minimal government intervention in the economy.

Multiple Choice

A. capitalism

B. totalitarianism

C. communism



Laissez-faire refers to a form of_________under which people compete freely with minimal government intervention in the economy.

Multiple Choice

A. capitalism

B. totalitarianism

C. communism



In what season does the Earth receive the greatest amount of the Sun’s rays? Least amount of the Sun’s direct rays?




Because the Earth is closest to the Sun, it receives the most rays at the equator in summer and spring, and because it is furthest from the Sun, it receives the most minor/least rays at the poles in late autumn and winter.

The summer solstice is the longest day of the year, having the greatest hours of sunlight and the strongest sunrays. The winter solstice has the fewest daylight hours and the shortest day of the year.

What exactly is the Summer Solstice? A pole of the Earth experiences its greatest tilt toward the Sun during the summer solstice, also known as the estival solstice or midsummer. Once in each hemisphere, it occurs twice a year (Northern and Southern). The summer solstice, which occurs when the Sun is at its highest point in the sky, is the day of the year with the longest length of daylight and shortest period of night in that hemisphere.Around the summer solstice, there is nonstop sunshine inside the Arctic or Antarctic circles (respectively, for the Northern and Southern hemispheres). Winter Solstice is the polar opposite of that occasion.

To know more about summer solstice, visit:


How are the provisions in the constitution of Nepal regarding cast and gender discriminations? Present some consultation.​



The Constitution of Nepal, which was adopted in 2015, prohibits discrimination on the basis of caste, ethnicity, religion, gender, and other grounds. Article 11 of the Constitution states that "no person shall be discriminated against on grounds of race, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, origin, caste, tribe, profession, or profession, or physical, mental, or intellectual disability."

Article 12 of the Constitution further guarantees the right to equality and non-discrimination, stating that "all citizens shall be equal before the law, and there shall be no discrimination among them on grounds of religion, race, caste, tribe, sex, origin, ideology, or geographical region."

In addition, the Constitution specifically addresses the issue of gender discrimination. Article 18 guarantees the right to equality between men and women, and Article 42 prohibits discrimination against women in employment, education, and other areas. The Constitution also establishes a National Women's Commission to promote the rights of women and to ensure the protection of their interests.

To conclude, the Constitution of Nepal contains strong provisions against discrimination on the basis of caste, ethnicity, religion, and gender, and it sets out the obligations of the state to protect the rights of all citizens and ensure their equality before the law.

Hope This Helps You!

The Constitution of Nepal, which was adopted in 2015, prohibits discrimination on the basis of caste, ethnicity, religion, gender, and other grounds.

Article 11 of the Constitution states that "no person shall be discriminated against on grounds of race, sex, language, religion, political or other opinions, origin, caste, tribe, profession, or profession, or physical, mental, or intellectual disability."

Article 12 of the Constitution further guarantees the right to equality and non-discrimination, stating that "all citizens shall be equal before the law, and there will be no discrimination amongst them on grounds of religion, race, caste, tribe, sex, origin, ideology, or geographical region."

In addition, the Constitution specifically addresses the issue of gender discrimination. Article 18 guarantees the right to equality between men and women, and Article 42 prohibits discrimination against women in employment, education, and other areas. The Constitution also establishes a National Women's Commission to promote the rights of women and to ensure the protection of their interests.

To conclude, the Constitution of Nepal contains strong provisions against discrimination on the basis of caste, ethnicity, religion, and gender, and it sets out the obligations of the state to protect the rights of all citizens and ensure their equality before the law.

To know more about gender discrimination,

When is alcohol use considered to be a problem?​



For men, consuming more than 4 drinks on any day or more than 14 drinks per week. For women, consuming more than 3 drinks on any day or more than 7 drinks per week.


"In the evening of 16 July, between seven and eight p.m., when the time of my duty had just begun; Commandant Yurovsky, [the head of the execution squad] ordered me to take all the Nagan revolvers from the guards and to bring them to him. I took twelve revolvers from the sentries as well as from some other of the guards and brought them to the commandant's office.

Yurovsky said to me, 'We must shoot them all tonight; so, notify the guards not to be alarmed if they hear shots.' I understood, therefore, that Yurovsky had it in his mind to shoot the whole of the Tsar's family, as well as the doctor and the servants who lived with them, but I did not ask him where or by whom the decision had been made...At about ten o'clock in the evening in accordance with Yurovsky's order I informed the guards not to be alarmed if they should hear firing.

About midnight Yurovsky woke up the Tsar's family. I do not know if he told them the reason they had been awakened and where they were to be taken, but I positively affirm that it was Yurovsky who entered the room occupied by the Tsar's family. In about an hour the whole of the family, the doctor, the maid, and the waiters got up, washed, and dressed themselves. Just before Yurovsky went to awaken the family, two members of the Extraordinary Commission [of the Ekaterinburg Soviet] arrived at Ipatiev's house. Shortly after one o'clock a.m., the Tsar, the Tsaritsa, their four daughters, the maid, the doctor, the cook, and the waiters left their rooms. The Tsar carried the heir in his arms. The emperor and the heir were dressed in gimnasterkas [soldiers' shirts] and wore caps. The Empress, her daughters and the others followed him. Yurovsky, his assistant and the two above-mentioned members of the Extraordinary Commission accompanied them. I was also present.

During my presence none of the Tsar's family asked any questions. They did not weep or cry. Having descended the stairs to the The Ipatiev house first floor, we went out into the court, and from there to the second door (counting from the gate) we entered the ground floor of the house. When the room (which adjoins the storeroom with a sealed door) was reached, Yurovsky ordered chairs to be brought, and his assistant brought three chairs. One chair was given to the emperor, one to the Empress, and the third to the heir.

The Empress sat by the wall by the window, near the black pillar of the arch. Behind her stood three of her daughters (I knew their faces very well, because I had seen them every day when they walked in the garden, but I didn't know their names). The heir and the emperor sat side by side almost in the middle of the room. Doctor Botkin stood behind the heir. The maid, a very tall woman, stood at the left of the door leading to the storeroom; by her side stood one of the Tsar's daughters (the fourth). Two servants stood against the wall on the left from the entrance of the room.

The maid carried a pillow. The Tsar's daughters also brought small pillows with them. One pillow was put on the Empress's chair: another on the heir's chair. It seemed as if all of them guessed their fate, but not one of them uttered a single sound. At this moment eleven men entered the room: Yurovsky, his assistant, two members of the Extraordinary Commission, and seven Letts [operatives of the infamous Cheka or Secret Police].
Yurovsky ordered me to leave, saying, 'Go on to the street, see if there is anybody there, and wait to see whether the shots have been heard.' I went out to the court, which was enclosed by a fence, but before I got to the street, I heard the firing. I returned to the house immediately (only two or three minutes having elapsed) and upon entering the room where the execution had taken place, I saw that all the members of the Tsar's family were lying on the floor with many wounds in their bodies. The blood was running in streams. The doctor, the maid and two waiters had also been shot. When I entered the heir was still alive and moaned a little. Yurovsky went up and fired two or three more times at him. Then the heir was still."

Pavel Medvedev Royal Family Guard Account from Wilton, Robert, The Last Days of the Romanovs (1920)

Questions for Analysis:
1. Who gave this account? What was his position? His role in the ordeal? (1-2 Sentences).

2. On what date did the events occur? When was this account documented? (1-2 Sentences).

3. What are the details of this account? Summarize the events that take place. (3-5 Sentences).

4. How effective do you think this document was on readers at the time? Cite evidence in your response. (3-5 Sentences).


This text appears to be a description of the execution of the Russian Tsar Nicholas II and his family in July 1918.

The speaker, a guard named Peter Ermakov, describes how he was ordered by Commandant Yurovsky to collect guns and then to inform the guards not to be alarmed if they heard shots.

What is the story about?

Ermakov describes the Tsar and his family being awakened and then taken from their rooms, and how they did not ask any questions or cry as they were led to a room on the ground floor of the Ipatiev house. He describes how the Tsar, Tsaritsa, and their four daughters were given chairs and then shot by a group of eleven men, including Yurovsky and members of the Extraordinary Commission.

The doctor, the maid, and two waiters were also shot. Ermakov describes how the heir was still alive and moaning after the initial shooting, and how Yurovsky shot him again several times to finish him off.

Therefore, The text then describes how the bodies were wrapped in sheets and carried to the basement, where they were placed in a sealed room and doused with sulfuric acid to destroy the evidence.

Learn more about execution squad from


What is the overall effect of the last sentence of the passage?
A. The final sentence of the passage ends the last day before the strike, suggesting that the worker will definitely be fired after the strike.
B. The final sentence of the passage sets the reader up for a change, just as workers were facing change in a new technical age.
C. The question at the end of the text shows that the worker was uncertain when taking risks with unions and strikes.
D. The question at the end of the text emphasizes the workers' confusion as to what a union is and will accomplish.



Were is the passage??


what are some possible solutions where both Serbia and kosovo are satisfied with kosovo’s pursuit of self determination?


Answer: The situation between Serbia and Kosovo is complex and there are no easy solutions that would satisfy both sides. However, some possible options that have been discussed in the past include:

Federated solution: This would involve Kosovo being granted significant autonomy within Serbia, while still being recognized as part of the country.

Confederation: Under this arrangement, Kosovo and Serbia would form a confederation, with both countries retaining their own sovereignty and autonomy, but also being linked through a loose political union.

Independence: Kosovo could be granted independence, with Serbia recognizing Kosovo as a sovereign state.

International mediation: An international mediator or mediators could be brought in to facilitate negotiations and help find a mutually acceptable solution.

Ultimately, any solution will need to take into account the concerns and interests of both Kosovo and Serbia, and find a way to balance the right of Kosovo to self-determination with Serbia's desire to maintain its territorial integrity.


Possible solutions where both Serbia and Kosovo are satisfied with Kosovo's pursuit of self-determination include a negotiated settlement between the two parties, a mutually agreed upon referendum, or a third-party mediated agreement.


Achieving a comprehensive normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia is necessary for the region's long-term peace, security, and stability. With efforts having failed to achieve a settlement agreeable to both parties, dynamics turned inwards towards effectuating a claim to external self-determination through unilateral secession. The two sides have agreed to the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity, with the ethnic Albanians of Kosovo wanting independence, or at least a referendum on self-determination.

what is the opportunity cost is noise pollution


Declines in property values for residential areas range from 0.4 to 1.1% per decibel, with an average value of 0.62%

What challenges did Tejanos experience in the early years of the Republic of Texas?


Answer: In the new Republic of Texas, Tejanos found that they constituted a subordinate minority of the population.


in which types of government can citizens make their voices heard by voting in elections? Selecet two options
A: Fascist Governments
B: Dictatorships
C: Totalitarian Governments
D: Direct Democracies
E: Representative Democracies


Types of government in which citizens can make their voices heard by voting in elections are:

D: Direct Democracies

E: Representative Democracies


A: Fascist Governments: a social structure where citizens cannot dissent from the government and where a dictatorial authority controls every aspect of their existence.

Consequently, residents are unable to express themselves through election voting.

B: Dictatorships: A dictatorship is a form of governance in which the dictator or his/her party has total control. This denotes total control in the hands of the monarch or party.

In a dictatorship, the rights of the people are often severely restricted.

C: Totalitarian Governments: A kind of government known as totalitarianism aims to have complete control over the lives of its people. A strong central rule that uses force and repression to try to manage and control every area of a person's life is what distinguishes it.

Individual freedom is not allowed.

D: Direct Democracies: A system of governance where laws and policies are chosen by a majority of all eligible voters rather than by a body of elected representatives.

Voting in elections allows residents to share their opinions.

E: Representative Democracies: Representative democracy is a kind of democracy in which people elect representatives who then vote on those proposals.

Citizens make their voices heard by voting in elections

Therefore types of government in which citizens can make their voices heard by voting in elections are direct democracies and representative democracies

Learn more about types of government

According to the 2021 World Freedom Report released by the think tank Freedom House, democracy has been on the decline for 15 consecutive years, and some of the biggest setbacks have occurred in the United States and India. What happened?



In the United States, the 2020 elections were marred by a lack of trust in the electoral system and attempts by President Donald Trump to undermine the legitimacy of the election results. In India, the government has taken steps to undermine the independence of the judiciary and the media, and has used a controversial citizenship law to target religious minorities.


25 Points! Hurry! Please help! I provided a screenshot of my question. Thank you!



it can either be C or D I will most likely say D


If you see on the map, the Arabian Sea has more 80°-90°F

Please help me if anyone knows this
• A seasonal shift in the prevailing winds of southern Asia.

• The region receives heavy rainfall in the summer.

• Winter is drier as the Himalayas block moisture from the north.

What natural phenomenon is described by the information in the box?

C.El Nino


The correct answer is B. Monsoons.

The natural phenomenon described in the box is monsoons. Monsoons are seasonal shifts in the prevailing winds that bring heavy rainfall to southern Asia in the summer and drier conditions in the winter due to the Himalayas blocking moisture from the north.

Lean more about Monsoons:


Correct Option - B. Monsoons

Explanation: A monsoon is defined as a seasonal shift in the predominant, or strongest, winds in a certain area. It is more like a yearly wind shift across a region than a single storm like a typhoon or hurricane. The differential in temperature between a land mass and the nearby ocean causes a monsoon to occur. Much of the tropics experience rainy and dry seasons as a result of monsoons. The rainy season is brought on by the summer monsoon, which occurs between April and September. Moving inland, warm, humid air from the Indian Ocean delivers heavy rainfall and a humid atmosphere. In contrast, the winter monsoon ushers in the dry season between October and April, however it is frequently weaker than the summer monsoons due to the Himalayan Mountains.

In Inside Confederate Headquarters, what does Lee consider to be MOST dangerous to the Confederate cause?
a lack of military intelligence

low morale among the troops

diminishing provisions

a shortage of troops


The lack of military intelligence was the issue the confederates had in the war. Option A

Why the confederates lacked intelligence

A lack of military intelligence is considered to be the most dangerous to the Confederate cause, according to Inside Confederate Headquarters by J. William Jones.

The book is a collection of letters, diaries, and other primary sources that provide insight into the inner workings of the Confederate government during the American Civil War. In the book, General Robert E. Lee, the commander of the Confederate Army, expresses his concern about the lack of accurate and reliable information about the movements and intentions of the Union army.

He believed that this lack of intelligence put the Confederate cause at a significant disadvantage and hindered their ability to effectively plan and execute military operations.

Read more on confederates here:



1.Use complete sentences to explain how global wind patterns such as the prevailing westerlies in the northern hemisphere would be impacted if the rotation of Earth stops.

2.Imagine there were no oceans on Earth. How would this impact climates? Use complete sentences to explain your answer.


1. The hotter side wouldn't be windy it would drought
2. It would be dryer and hotter like mars
One side would grow cold meaning more wind possibly starting to snow the other would experience drought possibility of death in both scenarios.

The United States has long prided itself on being the longest-running "democracy" in the world. Of course, there has always been a debate: since the United States has a history of lack of universal suffrage (slavery, Jim Crow laws, systematic exclusion of minorities from voting, etc.) In a sense, can the history of the United States until recently be regarded as the history of a "democratic country"?


Based on a historical perspective and the context of the question, it is concluded that the United States can be regarded as the history of a "democratic country."

What is a Democratic Country

A democratic country is a country that is known to have the practice of civil liberties and fundamental political freedoms, which are not only respected but also reinforced by a political culture conducive to the thriving of democratic principles.

While it is known that the United States has a history of lack of universal suffrage such as slavery, Jim Crow laws, systematic exclusion of minorities from voting, etc., it must also be noted that it was the act of democracy that negotiated the creation and eventual abolition of these practices.

The idea of slavery, systematic exclusion of minorities, and Jim crow laws were originally established based on negotiations that stemmed from democratic practice, and eventually, it was abolished based on democratic processes such as executive, legislative, and judiciary.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that while there was a history of lack of suffrage in the United States, it does not disprove the fact that the United States is a democratic country.

Learn more about Democratic country here:


In "The Philosophy of the Manufacturers" by Andrew Ure, the author compares a factory worker to a handmade
worker. The author leads the reader to the idea that the factory worker is better off. Choose evidence (a quote
from the text) to support this idea.

a. Certainly no muscular fatigue to sustain, while it procures for him good, unfailing wages, besides a
healthy workshop gratis.
b. The lot of mankind, have been too little dwelt upon; while, on the other har, it has been accused of
lending itself to the rich capitalists as an instrument for harassing the poor.
c. The principle of the factory system then is, to substitute mechanical science for hand skill, and the
partition of a process into its essential constituents.


Option d is the correct answer. The author of "The Philosophy of the Manufacturers," Andrew Ure, compares a factory worker to the system that eliminates competent humans and replaces them with machines.

How does Andrew Ure defend the factory system?

Since it relieves them of most of the monotony associated with producing items by hand, he contends that the new factory system is advantageous to workers. He also mentions that skilled workers are replaced by machines under the system, which eliminates them.

When Ure wrote his book, he was largely discussing textiles yarn and fabric but his principles apply to other industries as well. In his view, people who work in factories would in some ways become a part of a mechanical process for producing commodities. Many business owners at the time agreed with his perspective.

To know more about Andrew Ure, visit:


based on what you know about ancient greece, why is it significant that philosopher Aristotle might have originated the term state


Aristotle contends that a constitution governed by a sizable middle class is the greatest option for city-states that fall short of the ideal.

Why is Aristotle a significant individual in ancient Greek history?

Aristotle laid the foundation for a lot of modern scientific knowledge, including the categorization of objects and living things. His four-element theory of nature (i.e., minerals, plants, animals, and people) has aided biologists for ages while being incorrect by modern standards.

He founded the field of formal logic, made groundbreaking contributions to all areas of philosophy and science, and recognized and examined the connections between the numerous scientific disciplines. In addition to being a philosopher, Aristotle was a teacher who established the Lyceum in Athens.

Learn more about Aristotle, here:


Describe the Renaissance (what, where, when, effects, cause


The Renaissance was significant primarily because it was portrayed as a break from the dying medieval era in Europe, basing its traits on Greco-Roman culture from Classical Antiquity.

In the Renaissance, art started to demonstrate to the public the beauty of the human form, which was not just for God to be praised. People and their shapes began to be cherished, with appearances that were as true to reality as possible being the most prized. Light and color were expertly utilised in the Renaissance to depict situations and feelings. The Renaissance saw the introduction of the perspective technique, which greatly advanced art by allowing for the representation of depth, the third dimension. The artwork then began to appear more lifelike. The 14th to 16th century saw the Renaissance, a revitalization of European arts and sciences characterized by a value for Classical Antiquity (painting, sculpture, literature). restoring the traditional principles that were outlawed in the Middle Ages and resulting in the real revolution in art.

To know more about Renaissance on

main writter of the declaration of independence thomas




I wish you luck in your assignments.

The main writer of the declaration of independence Thomas Jefferson.

How did Thomas Jefferson write the declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson, known for his eloquent writing style and reserved manner, became the principal author. Rough Draft of the Declaration As he sat at his desk in a Philadelphia boarding house, Jefferson drafted a "common sense" treatise in “terms so plain and firm, as to command [the] assent” of mankind.

Therefore, The main writer of the declaration of independence Thomas Jefferson.

Learn more about Thomas Jefferson here:


Article IV section 3 also allows for Congress to regulate territories or to sell them when
they see fit. Below is a map of the five territories the United States possesses. The
United States also used to control the Philippines from 1898- 1946 as part of this clause
until the Philippines was granted
independence. (The Philippines is
not on this map). What are the
benefits to these territories from
having the United States as a
regulator for them? What would
be some negatives for them in this System?


There are both benefits and negatives to these territories from having the United States as a regulator. Some benefits include:

ProtectionInfrastructureEconomic opportunityRepresentation

Som negatives for these territories in this system include:

Limited self-governanceLimited representationDependencyLimited autonomy

What is the import of the Article IV, Section 3 of the United States Constitution?

Article IV, Section 3 of the United States Constitution gives Congress the power to "make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States." This power has been used to establish and oversee the administration of territories such as Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. V.i.r.g.i.n. Islands, and other U.S. territories.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about Article IV, Section 3 of the United States Constitution:



1.What is most likely to happen during weathering?

2. A limestone plateau has no surface water. All the water is pulled underground through cracks and crevices in the surface. What most likely will cause the underground of the plateau to change over time?

3. Which method of heat transfer can take place without matter?

4. What type of heat transfer takes place when a furnace heats up an entire room?

5. Two objects of the same mass are in a room. At which of the following distances will the greatest gravitational force be exerted by one object on another?

6. What type of forces causes changes in motion?

7. What type of force is gravitational force?




During weathering, rocks and minerals are broken down and worn away by the action of natural forces such as wind, water, ice, and temperature changes.

Over time, the underground of the limestone plateau is likely to change due to the process of dissolution. This occurs when water moves through cracks and crevices in the surface and dissolves the limestone, creating underground caves and channels.

The method of heat transfer that can take place without matter is radiation. This occurs when heat is transferred through electromagnetic waves, such as infrared radiation.

The type of heat transfer that takes place when a furnace heats up an entire room is convection. This occurs when heat is transferred through the movement of fluids or gases, such as air.

The greatest gravitational force will be exerted by one object on another when they are at the shortest distance.

Forces that cause changes in motion are called external forces.

Gravitational force is a type of force that arises from the interaction between masses. It is the force that attracts objects with mass towards each other.

Why does the Constitution create limited executive powers? 2 sentences



To make sure that the President does not become too powerful.


the powers of government are


Yes, if you are talking about the United States of America government it’s divided into 3 parts: legislative, judicial, and executive.

Your question is a little confusing but I hope this helps!!
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