story locklocklocklock

For the tree decorating contest, you must FACTOR in the MULTIPLE possibilities for a PRIME tree that is decorated in central SQUARE. ADD some lights and you have PATTERNS of beautiful trees among the delicate snowflakes.


Enter Your Combination


Answer 1

Answer: The word whose BOLD part is pronounced differently from the other three in each question.

1. A. writes B. makes C. takes D. drives


2. A. boring B. choir C. sporty D. more


3. A. climb B. balcony C. club D. barbecue


Related Questions

_______________ are small muscles around your hollow organs.

Skeletal muscles

Cardiac muscles

Smooth muscles

Strong muscles



Smooth muscles




Smooth muscle


How can you tell if someone is talking in first person or third person point of view?



If someone is talking in first person, they use words such as "I, me, or we." If someone is talking in third person, they use words such as "they, she, or he."


I hope this helps!!

Someone is talking in first person point of view when they use any pronouns that indicate they are telling a story that they are in. Examples of these pronouns include "I", "me", "we", and so on. Someone is talking in third person if they seem to be telling a story that they were not in, and these pronouns include "they", "he", "she", "them" but not "me" because the third-person narrator is merely someone who observes and tells the story and not someone who is actually part of the story, meanwhile first person narrators are part of the story.

Hopefully this helps, and I apologize if it doesn't.

Scientists classify organisms into different groups based on what?


organisms are usually grouped together based on their characteristics

Where does Peer Pressure come into play into a relationship? "PLEASE HELP"



Peer pressure is when your classmates, or other people your age, try to get you to do something.  Sometimes people give in to peer pressure because they do not want to hurt someone's feelings or they do not know how to get out of the situation so they just say “yes”.


Past participle of go




Answer: Gone


What do the underlined words suggest about the Being?
He recognizes that his anger toward human beings negatively affects every
encounter with them.
He has come to look upon every situation as further reason for his hatred and
He dislikes humanity because no one offered him a meal when he was
starving and needed help.
He does not want to allow a few bad experiences to influence his feelings
toward humankind.



He dislikes humanity because no one offered him a meal when he was

starving and needed help.


Pls Mark Brainliest

What type of bias is Blake demonstrating?

outcome bias
blind-spot bias
anchoring bias
confirmation bias





The tendency to seek out , interpret , judge and remember information so that it supports ones pre-existing views and ideas is confirmed bias.This can make people less likely to engage with information which challenges THEIR views

The type of bias Blake demonstrates is confirmation bias. The correct option is D.

What is confirmation bias?

Confirmation bias is the propensity to interpret or search for information that supports one's preexisting opinions when processing information. This biased way of thinking about decision-making is typically accidental and frequently leads to dismissing contradictory data.

Bias for confirmation, people typically look for information during presidential elections that portrays the candidate they favor in a positive light and ignore any information that does the opposite.

This persistence has a name given to it by psychologists: confirmation bias. Cognitive biases are some of the most widespread mental biases that people have.

Therefore, the correct option is D. confirmation bias.

To learn more about confirmation bias, refer to the link:


Imagine yourself as Oliver and make a dairy entry of the fay you went infront of the board

please helppp ​


1. We need the book information

2. We need the chapter information

3. We need some background information

These ideas and customs that colonists brought to America were based on
all of these landmark English documents, except?



Question. These ideas and customs that colonist brought to America were based on all of these (the margna carta, the Great Britain constitution, the bill of rights, and the petition of right) landmark English documents except ? check_circle.


7. Trung and his brother like .............................. movies very much. ( act )





acting is the answer I believe but I'm not sure because your question isn't clear and not telling me exactly what to do

What seemed to be remarkable, interesting, and fun?​



Anything related to answering these questions





memory is remarkable, interesting, and fun

3. What is drama? a type of literature you read to yourself a type of literature performed out loud a type of literature that you can't see a type of nonfiction literature



drama:- a type of literature you read to yourself a type of literature performed out loud

PLease help and I will mark brainliest



What is this? Are you doing this for a passage or like, making the story up or something. I need details please!




so get one?



I’ll ask a question and you can answer. I’ll give you Brainliest


7 Somebody will have killed it. (passive)​


Answer :- will somebody have killed it

(hope this helps... I think its correct)

How important is having reasoning? As a day-to-day observer do we use our reasoning​



Reasoning makes you think rationally, it will help you to make decisions efficiently and very effectively. Reasoning consists of tests for your mental skills like decision making, analysis ability, knowledge of variables etc.

We use inductive reasoning in everyday life to build our understanding of the world.

Hope that helped.

My brother needed some help on a test and wasn't sure what he needed to add or if he was missing something. Can you guys check this out for me as I don't know what he needs to add? He wrote: This story begins with a young man who has a problem: he wants to make money, but his family forbids him from working. Because the boy is 18 years old and must complete his education, his family will not allow him to work and earn money. This young man lives in a small row house in San Francisco, California, with his mother, father, and two sisters. He receives some financial support from his family, but it is insufficient to cover the cost of living in the city or pay his tuition. Jacob Hatcher is the name of this young man. To get a job: Jacob pleaded with his father to let him get a job, but his father was unreasonable and denied it. Unable to get permission, he went to his mother and tried to win her permission with facts and logic. "If I get a job, my father won't have to work as much, and we won't have any problems paying our rent," he said. His mother, too, was irrational and denied it. He turned to his friends for assistance when he ran out of ideas. To his friends, he said, "My parents are both unreasonable and refuse to let me get a job. I've done everything I could to persuade them. Have you got any suggestions? " They all agreed that he should persuade his sisters to persuade their parents because they were younger and more easily persuaded. To persuade them, he told them that if he got a job, he'd buy them candy and other treats if they asked. They were both skeptical, but they agreed to assist him anyway. They tried to persuade their parents to give him a job by saying things like, "I wish we could afford better toys." They were using short but clever sentences to persuade them, but it would still be weeks before they permitted him. To hasten the process, he told white lies, such as, "The grocery store owner said they were going to raise their prices on some of dad's favorite foods." None of this was true, of course, but it was effective in increasing his chances of getting permission. Both of their parents were intimidated by the gap in food budgets. The strategy was masterful. It worked. Jacob's parents had told him that he could only get a job if it was at his uncle's grocery store. After signing the paperwork, he had gotten a job. On the way to his first day at work, Jacob felt sick to his stomach. After walking slower than a snail and meeting his uncle, he immediately ran to the bathroom in pain, bumping into a customer in the process, knocking them down, and making them drop all of their items. Afterward, Jacob apologized immediately. His uncle wasn't amused, so he had to work for a week without pay to pay off what he had broken and pay back the customer for their sprained ankle. Jacob was certain that his uncle would fire him after what happened, but instead, he was congratulated for having kept working even though it was so hard for him. this is what he sent to me as a checklist

does your text include:

An exposition, rising action, complicating incident, climax, and a resolution.

Setting, plot, and theme.

Sensory details and rich description capture the reader's attention and develop a mood.

A narrator with a consistent point of view.

Dialogue to move the plot and show the characters’ ideas and feelings.

Consistent verb tense.

Appropriately selected and implemented active and/or passive voice

Correct capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.



An exposition, rising action, complicating incident, climax, and a resolution.


Setting, plot, and theme.


Sensory details and rich description capture the reader's attention and develop a mood.


A narrator with a consistent point of view.


Dialogue to move the plot and show the characters’ ideas and feelings.


Consistent verb tense.


Appropriately selected and implemented active and/or passive voice


Correct capitalization, punctuation, and spelling


The word “fat” often carries a negative connotation. Write a story or observation where something fat is celebrated.
at least 125 words



Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to an extent that it may have a negative effect on health.[1][8] People are generally considered obese when their body mass index (BMI), a measurement obtained by dividing a person's weight by the square of the person's height—despite known allometric inaccuracies[a]—is over 30 kg/m2; the range 25–30 kg/m2 is defined as overweight.[1] Some East Asian countries use lower values.[11]

Obesity is correlated with various diseases and conditions, particularly cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, certain types of cancer, and osteoarthritis.[2][8] High BMI is a marker of risk, but not proven to be a direct cause, for diseases caused by diet, physical activity, and environmental factors.[12] A reciprocal link has been found between obesity and depression, with obesity increasing the risk of clinical depression and also depression leading to a higher chance of developing obesity.[3]

Obesity has individual, socioeconomic, and environmental causes, including diet, physical activity, automation, urbanization, genetic susceptibility, medications, mental disorders, economic policies, endocrine disorders, and exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals.[1][4][13][14] Epidemiologic studies of overweight and obesity in children and adults covering 195 countries have shown that the prevalence of obesity has steadily increased in most countries, doubling in 73 countries over the 25 years from 1980 to 2015. As of 2015, the United States and China had the largest numbers of obese adults, and China and India had the largest numbers of obese children.[15] By 2018, 42% of Americans were obese.[16]

While a majority of obese individuals at any given time are attempting to lose weight and are often successful, research shows that maintaining that weight loss over the long term proves to be rare.[17] The reasons for weight cycling are not fully understood but may include decreased energy expenditure combined with increased biological urge to eat during and after caloric restriction.[17] More studies are needed to determine if weight cycling and yo-yo dieting contribute to inflammation and disease risk in obese individuals.[17]

Obesity prevention requires a complex approach, including interventions at community, family, and individual levels.[1][12] Changes to diet and exercising are the main treatments recommended by health professionals.[2] Diet quality can be improved by reducing the consumption of energy-dense foods, such as those high in fat or sugars, and by increasing the intake of dietary fiber.[1] However, large-scale analyses have found an inverse relationship between energy density and energy cost of foods in developed nations.[18] Low-income populations are more likely to live in neighborhoods that are considered "food deserts" or "food swamps" where nutritional groceries are less available.[19] Medications can be used, along with a suitable diet, to reduce appetite or decrease fat absorption.[5] If diet, exercise, and medication are not effective, a gastric balloon or surgery may be performed to reduce stomach volume or length of the intestines, leading to feeling full earlier or a reduced ability to absorb nutrients from food.[6][20]

Obesity is a leading preventable cause of death worldwide, with increasing rates in adults and children.[1][21] In 2015, 600 million adults (12%) and 100 million children were obese in 195 countries.[7] Obesity is more common in women than in men.[1] Authorities view it as one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century.[22] Obesity is stigmatized in much of the modern world (particularly in the Western world), though it was seen as a symbol of wealth and fertility at other times in history and still is in some parts of the world.[2][23] In 2013, several medical societies, including the American Medical Association and the American Heart Association, classified obesity as a disease.[24][25][26]


In 5-10 sentences , discuss the theme of African pride in their roots highlighted throughout this Unit . Where can you see this theme and how is it demonstrated ? Use examples from the text to support your answer . The Poems , "Africa " and "Telephone Conversation " and the short stories : No Witchcraft for Sale " " The Moment Before the Gun Went Off "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses " and " Black Girl are great examples to use here. Can someone please help me with this, I have no idea what to put.​


Answer: The Poems , "Africa " and "Telephone Conversation " and the short stories : No Witchcraft for Sale " " The Moment Before the Gun Went Off "The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses " depict the theme of colonialism, slavery, and social racism. The pieces of literature shows how white people treated black African.  


Diop emphasizes the problems of Africa that were brought about by colonialism, and shares a message to Africans to bring about change and freedom.. Lines from the poem Africa that shows hard work and hardships  brought by Colonialism.

Your beautiful black blood that irrigates the fields

The blood of your sweat

The sweat of your work

The work of your slavery

Africa, tell me Africa

2. The primary theme of "Telephone Conversation" is racism. In the poem, a Black man tries to confirm a housing arrangement with a landlady over the phone. He wishes to inform the landlady that he is Black, and a ridiculous conversation ensues regarding how dark his skin color is. Lines from the poem that show how the landlady degraded the African's color of skin.

Considerate she was, varying the emphasis--

"ARE YOU DARK? OR VERY LIGHT?" Revelation came.

"You mean--like plain or milk chocolate?"

Her assent was clinical, crushing in its light

Impersonality. Rapidly, wave-length adjusted,

I chose. "West African sepia"--and as afterthought,

"Down in my passport." Silence for spectroscopic

Flight of fancy, till truthfulness clanged her accent

Hard on the mouthpiece. "WHAT'S THAT?" conceding

"DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS." "Like brunette."

"THAT'S DARK, ISN'T IT?" "Not altogether.


The No Witchcraft For Sale - has a theme that shows the strong differences in cultures. In the story, witch doctors use their supernatural powers to help heal patients; along with their imminent knowledge of the environment. In Doris Lessing short story,  there are three essential themes to the story. One is love. It was shown in the part where Gideon got a snake venom. He used his extensive knowledge in his herbs of the environment to save Teddy's eyes. Second is loyalty and the third one is Trustworthiness.  

The Moment Before the Gun Went Off" by Nadine Gordimer depicts the  practice of  the Apartheid. undesired characteristics.  

The Apartheid Practice

Starting around 1950, the government of South Africa adopted a number of laws which introduced forced segregation between people belonging to different ethnic groups.

In practice, this meant that non-white South Africans - a majority of the population - were forced to live in separate areas and use separate public institutions. Even marriages and relationships between people of different ethnicities were outlawed. All of these laws had terrible human consequences, as people were forced away from their homes and families were torn apart.

In the short story, the protagonist , Van der Vyver raises and protects his territory and the community of black people who work for him. It is shown that Van der Vyver employs the the practice of Apartheid to animals and the black workers. One practice is "culling", which means separating animals from a group according to desired or undesired characteristics.

It is noticeable how white people treated the Black Africans. White are separated from blacks. If you are white, you are classified as a rich person with power. If you are black you are belong to the worker category. Likewise with how the protagonist treated the animals. They were separated according to the characteristics they have.


The Prisoner Who Were Glasses is a the story describes the political development of a glasses-wearing character named Brille, who transforms from a man who was originally attracted to the clean and attractive theories of anti-apartheid political activism into a man who is an active and practicing member of a resistance group, and who realizes how to use and wield political power to achieve tangible results.

In the poems, African are natives of Africa. They originally inhabited Africa. Before the Westerners colonized the countries of the continent of Africa, the natives had the freedom. They were the owners of the agricultural lands. They might not be knowledgeable with the civilization but they have their own culture and tradition.  

When the Western Colonizers discovered and found the available natural resources, white people began to come and visit then conquer the countries.  

No matter how African fought for their rights as natives of the lands, Westerners were powerful. They forced the natives to practice and adopt the WESTERERS way. The colonizers tried to erase their identities as natives of the lands. However, the Africans, as the years passed by never forget their roots and still practices some of the traditions they had up to present.

The short stories, "Africa," "Telephone Conversation," and the poems: In the films No Witchcraft for Sale, The Moment the Gun Went Off, and The Prisoner with the Glasses, colonialism, enslavement, and social racism are all themes. The literary works illustrate how black Africans were treated by white Europeans.

What do you mean by Pride?

The standards you set for yourself, your dignity can also be referred to as pride.

In his address to Africans, Diop highlights the issues that colonialism left behind and calls on them to bring about freedom and change. lines from the poem Africa that illustrate the difficulties and labor that colonialism brought.

Your lovely, dark blood, which irrigates the fields

The perspiration on your blood

The tears of your labor

The fruits of your servitude

Tell me about Africa.

Therefore, The literary works illustrate how black Africans were treated by white Europeans.

Learn more about Pride, here;


What is the term used to describe textual representations of facial expressions, often used in e-mail messages?





to ez

plsss help meee:
Which two types of stanzas are used in a Petrarchan sonnet?



an octave, or eight lines, and a sestet, or six lines


how does the author
prove the character is upset



wich historia is this one?


sad story


writing a sad story

Read this excerpt from I Never Had It Made.

Years later Branch Rickey told the story of the misery of that black player to whom he had given a place to sleep. He remembered that Thomas couldn't sleep.

"He sat on that cot," Mr. Rickey said, "and was silent for a long time. Then he began to cry, tears he couldn't hold back. His whole body shook with emotion. I sat and watched him, not knowing what to do until he began tearing at one hand with the other – just as if he were trying to scratch the skin off his hands with his fingernails. I was alarmed. I asked him what he was trying to do to himself.

"It’s my hands,' he sobbed. 'They're black. If only they were white, I'd be as good as anybody then, wouldn't I, Mr. Rickey? If only they were white.’"

Which is the central idea of this excerpt?

Rickey witnesses black players’ frustration with segregation.
Rickey cares for his players’ personal problems.
Rickey invites his players to visit his home in the off season.
Rickey remembers his favorite players long after they graduate.



Its B


Goodluck and also may I have B?

Help a girl out please, I’ll give you so many points



do you need help still


Select the two pieces of evidence that support the message you identified: “Black holes are incredibly powerful cosmic forces.”
A)Black holes consume massive objects, including stars and gas clouds.

B)Black holes are isolated and invisible for most of their existence.

C)A black hole causes gas clouds to become hotter than any known star.

D)A black hole has never consumed a person, as far as we know.

NO LINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The evidence that supports that "black holes are incredibly powerful cosmic forces" are A and C. The other two do not have any say on how powerful a black hole is.

Black hole is a place in space with high gravitational force. Black holes consume massive objects, including stars and gas clouds. A black hole causes gas clouds to become hotter than any known star.

What is the reason to consume things by black holes?

Black hole grow by capturing all nearby objects. Anything that enters near that area cannot escape from the gravity of black hole.

Due to this reason the object cannot keep distance from it. So, they get consumed by the black hole.

Black holes can consume even massive objects, including stars and gas clouds. They can also causes gas clouds to become hotter.

Thus, the correct option is A and C.

For more details regarding black hole, visit:

Write a poem about economics


Economics the great big player
Watching everyone so close
The economist vs the world
Nobody will ever know


Making a Prediction
Which of these topics do you predict to find in a text about immigrant children? Check any that apply.
child-immigration statistics
ages of immigrant children
personal stories of children immigrants
reasons why children are leaving their home countries
how children immigrate to other countries



i believe it would be all of the above actually


if you're reading a text about that specific topic and ts gonna mention the ages and the stories behind the children and the reason of why they are being moved so i believe the answer would be all of them.




Read It....... #Carryonlerning

10 minute writing about this picture



that tree is a sakura tree from japan easther west cliff....


i hope i help

Dark aura; alive for 20 years, still figuring out my purpose here. My roots are grounded deep.. I hope to keep my blossoms forever. Growing stronger by the day, the wind can’t blow me away. Not alone as I grow, my friends are around me a lot. Now we’re old and there are much stories to be told.

what is the "it" to which the speaker of Wilbur's poem refers- what is "always a matter of life and death?"


Answer: what is the "it" to which the speaker of Wilbur's poem refers- what is "always a matter of life and death?"

Wilbur's poems concern the ways in which beauty transforms our lives and the need ... It is the means of a dynamic relation between the eye within and the ...


Other Questions
how can you tell if an earthquake has occurred? when the night is cold pain make you warm. What are the steps to convert a number from standard notation to scientific notation? What is the name of the famous pass crossing the area where Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia meet? What effect did the use of nuclear weapons during World War II have on international affairs following the war?Group of answer choicesA. It caused the entire world to fear the U.S.B. It caused the United Nations to abolish the use of nuclear weapons.C. It started an arms race between the U.S. and the Soviet Union.D. It started the idea of Soviet superiority.this pretest is kicking my butt :(((( What is 101.6064 in to 1 decimal place and in standard form?NEED ASAP Lily has 7 fewer ribbons than Dora. Lily has 13 ribbons. How many ribbons does Dora have? Which line from the text represents the view that alarming situations can sometimes be goodopportunities?A.Well, today was an opportunity he would relish refusing, but, even if he did have thatoption, he knew he would probably regret not having this chance.B."I'm standing here today in this gymnasium because I believe I can make animportant difference in the history of Woodleigh.""I would do anything to skip this day and fast forward life to Wednesday," he thought,as he struggled up in bed to slap the snooze button on his alarm clock.D.Then someone nudged him forward as some of his friends began to chant from thebleachers, "Speech! Speech! Speech!" 31. One serving of party drink is comprised of 3oz of syrup, 4oz of water, and 3oz of apple juice. If a large bowl of the drink contains 237oz of apple juice, how much of the total drink is in the bowl hi, have a good day! 3. How much power does an electric light installation draw at 120 V if it creates a current of 0.8 amps?O A. 32 wattsO B. 120 wattsQ C. 48 wattsD. 96 watts HELLPPPP MEEEEE ASAPPPPPPP PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEWEEEEEEEE when did the peoples, who would become known as native americans, arrive in north america? what is the slop of the line 2x - 5y=9 What is the slope of the line that passes through the points (-3, 3)(3,3) and (-21, 18) ?(21,18)? Write your answer in simplest form. what is -4(2x - 3) equal Choose the best response for each question.Cmo se llama tu amigo?A .Se llama Miguel.B .Me llamo Miguel.C .Se llaman Miguel.D .Te llama Miguel. What is the reciprocal of 64? For what integer value of x is f(x) = -10 if f(x) = - 4x + 2? The march of the winkies