Study the following quote. Then answer the question that follows.

"No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions ... except by the lawful judgment of his peers."

This quote from the Magna Carta encouraged American colonists to believe that

people accused of crimes had certain rights unless found guilty through a legal process
free people should be put in jail for their own safety if threatened by their neighbors
anyone can be arrested, put in jail, and have his or her stuff taken away by peers
only going to court can determine whether a person should get their property returned


Answer 1
It’s the first one. Hope this helps!
Answer 2

Answer: it is A people accused of crimes had certain rights unless found guilty through a legal process


Related Questions


How was interstate commerce challenged?


Answer:Hope This Helps


On February 4, 1887, both the Senate and House passed the Interstate Commerce Act, which applied the Constitution’s “Commerce Clause”—granting Congress the power “to Regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States”—to regulating railroad rates. Small businesses and farmers were protesting that the railroads charged them higher rates than larger corporations, and that the railroads were also setting higher rates for short hauls than for long-distance hauls. Although the railroads claimed economic justification for policies that favored big businesses, small shippers insisted that the railroads were gouging them.

It took years for Congress to respond to these protests, due to members’ reluctance to have the government interfere in any way with corporate policies. In 1874 legislation was introduced calling for a federal railroad commission. The bill passed the House, but not the Senate. When Congress failed to act, some states adopted their own railroad regulations. Those laws were struck down in 1886, when the Supreme Court ruled in  that the state of Illinois could not restrict the rates that the Wabash Railroad was charging because its freight traffic moved between the states, and only the federal government could regulate interstate commerce. Continued public anger over unfair railroad rates prompted Illinois senator Shelby M. Cullom to hold the hearings that led to the enactment of the Interstate Commerce Act.

That law limited railroads to rates that were “reasonable and just,” forbade rebates to high-volume users, and made it illegal to charge higher rates for shorter hauls. To hear evidence and render decisions on individual cases, the act created the Interstate Commerce Commission. This was the first federal independent regulatory commission, and it served as a model for others that would follow, from the Federal Trade Commission to the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Evolving technology eventually made the purpose of the ICC obsolete, and in 1995 Congress abolished the commission, transferring its remaining functions to the Surface Transportation Board. But while the ICC has come and gone, its creation marked a significant turning point in federal policy. Before 1887, Congress had applied the Commerce Clause only on a limited basis, usually to remove barriers that the states tried to impose on interstate trade. The Interstate Commerce Act showed that Congress could apply the Commerce Clause more expansively to national issues if they involved commerce across state lines. After 1887, the national economy grew much more integrated, making almost all commerce interstate and international. The nation rather than the Constitution had changed. That development turned the Commerce Clause into a powerful legislative tool for addressing national problems.

Read the excerpt from the Torah.

And the Lord said to Noah, "Come into the ark, you and all your household, for it is you that I have seen as a righteous man before Me in this generation. Of all the clean animals you shall take for yourself seven pairs, a male and its mate. . . . to keep seed alive on the face of the earth. For in another seven days, I will make it rain upon the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will blot out all beings that I have made, off the face of the earth." And Noah did, according to all that the Lord had commanded him. . . . And it came to pass after the seven days, that the flood waters were upon the earth. . . . And the rain was upon the earth for forty days and forty nights. . . . And all flesh perished that moved upon the earth, among the fowl, and among the cattle, and among the beasts, and among all creeping creatures that creep upon the earth and all mankind. . . . And only Noah and those with him in the ark survived.

—Genesis 7:1–12, 21–23

How is the account in Genesis different from the excerpt from the Epic of Gilgamesh? Choose two answers.

God is rewarding Noah for his obedience.
God does not send down rains of bread and wheat.
God is the only god mentioned.
God punishes humankind with violent winds.
God demands that Noah abandon his wealth.



god is rewarding noah for his obedience

god punishes humankind with violent wind


Answer: The answer is a,b


Mosa and her team find out that Eric is low on energy. What does the mitochondria need in order to make energy?


Answer: cellular respiration


The mitochondria produces energy through the form of cellular respiration, but that is not the source that the mitochondria needs in order to make energy. The start of all living organisms is food. The mitochondria needs food molecules in order to make energy.

Compare and contrast biblical creationists and evolutionists worldviews.


Biblical says that one man made everything from the earth and evolution believes that science created everything and that was caused by the big boom

I can see no hope in the future, whatever may be the issue of the fight, which now seems inevitable. The best chance for ultimate re-union would be a peaceable separation.

–Jonathan Worth,
Letter to Springs, Oak and Co.,
May 13, 1861

How did Worth feel about the direction of the country when he wrote this letter? Check all that apply.

There was no hope for peace.
There was still hope for reunion.
War was unavoidable.
Negotiations could lead to peace.
A peaceful separation was the best course of action.



The correct answer is 1, 3, and 5


URGENT!!! What role did the need for land and other natural resources play in Confederation? How did those needs lead the colonies to unite?



Confederation could offer the colonies strength through unity, an idea that gained steady support, especially in the wake of the US abrogation of the Reciprocity Treaty in 1866. In the face of dwindling external markets, Confederation could provide the colonies with the ability to sell goods to each other more easily.


PLEASE HELP!! Choose any one of the groups not included in the process of Confederation. What do you think may have been the group's point of view about Confederation? (canada)



i hope this might help


At the war’s outset, what is now Canada was comprised of the British colonies of Canada West and Canada East (now Ontario and Québec) and the Maritime colonies of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland. Britain declared itself neutral; that is, it would support neither the Union nor the Confederacy. As a result, Canada and the Maritimes were also neutral.

Despite the official stance, the majority of Canadian and Maritime newspapers sympathized with the South, not because they supported slavery, but because they saw the Confederacy as a small power defying a distant, larger one that was not protecting its interests. Many Canadians and Maritimers opposed Lincoln because he said the war was not about freeing slaves but was about reuniting his country or, as he phrased it, preserving the union. Many Canadian and Maritime business people sold weapons and offered other support to both sides.

Please complete this question thoroughly and to the best of your abilties



He is trying to make it known what happened


He is putting knowledge into other people of the events

Answer is : helping in the American history of New York

Plz help me with this question



All answers on here :)

Left top to bottom
Black Sea
Mediterranean Sea
Read sea

Middle top to bottom
Euphrates River
Arabian Peninsula

Right top to bottom
Caspian Sea
Tigris River
Persian Gulf
Arabian Sea

List four benefits of damming or diverting the Colorado River.
Please help



Hydroelectric power is made when water passes through a dam. Dams and waterways store and provide water for irrigation so farmers can use the water for growing crops. Dams help in preventing floods. Since the water stored in dams is fresh water, it can then be used for drinking water.

(This is true for almost all dams.)

Hydroelectric power is produced when passing through a river

Can somebody see if I’m correct?


Your answer is perfect according to me.

The Great Plains have a continental climate. Much of the plains experience cold winters and warm summers, with low precipitation and humidity, much wind, and sudden changes in temperature. ... Great Plains, also called Great American Desert, major physiographic province of North America.

- BRAINLIEST answerer

what made some of the methods traveling challenges


Being robbed, being scammed, losing and forgetting your passport, missing a flight, getting sick, going through a break up, and losing something important
Many of things like getting robbed or missing a flight etc

long homework or short homework
Which one should I dooooo!!!!!



long homework because it probably has more points and if you maybe miss an assignment u will have more points to keep you passing vs the smaller amount of points u get by quickly breezing through the short homework

long homework work so when u finish that u will feel rlly proud of yourself and then u will be like wow i’m so happy i finished that now i only have a little more to do! it will go by faster i promise!

From what we've learned about the first 5 Early Republic presidents, which one do you think was the most successful managing the domestic and/or foreign policy issues of their presidency? Give at least two examples of their leadership and why you think they were successful.



The first five presidents were, in order, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe.


i hoped i helped

What were some of the major events that happened during Washington’s Administration?



April 30, 1789


George Washington inaugurated as the first President of the United States in New York City, the nation's capital.

July 4, 1789

Congress enacts tariff

Congress, led by Representative James Madison, enacts the first protective tariff. Madison consulted with President Washington about the need for the measure.

March 26, 1790

First naturalization law

Congress passes the United States' first naturalization law, establishing terms of citizenship.

May 29, 1790

Ratifying the Constitution

Rhode Island ratifies the Constitution, becoming the last of the original thirteen states under the Articles of Confederation to join the newly formed Union.

May 31, 1790

Copyright law

President Washington signs the first United States copyright law.

July 16, 1790

Establishing the capital

President Washington signs a bill into law that permanently places the nation's capital along the Potomac River, in an area to be called the District of Columbia.

August 4, 1790

Revolutionary War debts

President Washington signs a bill into law that directed the federal government to assume the Revolutionary War debts of the states.

What are statements that align with the Democratic Party? (choose all that apply)

The government should often intervene in social issues.

People make the best decisions rather than the government.

The nation should have a market economy.

Government involvement should be limited.

The government should advocate for social justice and affirmative action.


-the government should intervene in social issues
-the nation should have a market economy
-the government should advocate for social justice and affirmative action.

The following statements align with the Democratic Party.

The government should often intervene in social issues.The nation should have a market economy.The government should advocate for social justice and affirmative action.

The correct options are A, C, and E.

What are some things the Democratic Party supports?

Democratic platforms advocate for social programs, labor unions, consumer protection, workplace safety laws, equal opportunity, disability rights, racial equity, environmental pollution controls, and criminal justice reform.

The Democratic Party generally advocates left-wing, liberal, and progressive ideological views, arguing for a strong government to control industry and support US residents. As a result, social responsibility is one of the primary ideals highlighted by Democrats.

Thus, the ideal selection is options A, C, and E.

Learn more about the Democratic Party here:


What are the significant ideas, events, and people that lead to Confederation. Be sure to explain your choices.(canada)



In the first general election after Confederation, the Conservatives won a majority with 101 seats to the Liberals' 80; Sir John A. Macdonald, who had been chosen prime minister by the Governor General when Canada was created, remained prime minister. Sir John A. Macdonald leads the Conservative Party to victory.

Sort the following to the correct heading that are related to the westward movement.

Economic and social sort items with the Economic and social listed down just in case you can’t see picture

Gold is delivered and Georgia and California

Large plots of land available to settlers through the homestead act

Opportunities to start a new life

Freedom from laws in the east

Cattle ranching


Building the transcontinental railroad




Freedom from laws in the east Building the transcontinental railroad Large plots of land available to settlers through the homestead act Gold is delivered in Georgia and California


Opportunities to start a new life Cattle ranching Mining

I’m sorry if I am wrong, I will try to fix it

Advanced Assessment
Imagine that you are a social scientist studying Inca civilization. Your task is to create a special purpose map that will help the social scientist tell the story of the Inca Empire. Remember that a special purpose map is used to explain a unique theme that is not explained through simple physical or political maps.
Step One: Research the Inca Civilization and decide on a theme for your special purpose map.
Step Two: Based on your research use the following map to create a special purpose map. Make sure to include the following on your special purpose map:
a title
label land forms and waterways
create a map key that allows a social scientist to interpret your map
Step Three: Answer the following question in a short paragraph: "What can a social scientist learn from studying the special purpose map that you created?"


the answer is africa

Find the area of the compound shapes on the grids below.







Which of the following is useful for historical comparison?

ethnographic film
life-history account
general ethnographic monograph
specialized ethnographic monograph






Ethnographic Film

An ethnographic film is a non-fiction film, similar to a documentary film, historically shot by Western filmmakers and dealing with non-Western people, and sometimes associated with anthropology.

Look at the attached Quaker Oats image. Based on this company logo/image, who do you think the Quakers were?



old fashioned


Quakers are members of a group with Christian roots that began in England in the 1650s. The formal title of the movement is the Society of Friends or the Religious Society of Friends. There are about 210,000 Quakers across the world. In Britain there are 17,000 Quakers,

The four theologians referred to as the Latin fathers of the Roman church are:

1. Origen, Tertullian, Clement, Augustine

2. Tertullian, Ireneaus, Jerome, Augustine

3. Ireneaus, Tertullian, Origen, Jerome

4. Augustine, Clement, Jerome, Ireneaus



Just did my research
The answer is 2 I’ve had this before

why did the cat cross the lake



cats don't like water........


He didn't. Cats aren't a fan of the water.


If this was a trick question, it was a good one!

Please help for brainlist!!!!!
What were the reactions of each group in the different regions in British North America to the idea of Confederation? (Canada)


the Province of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick

what might have happened if the south had refused to adhere to reconstruction guidelines?


more or a longer war/s

The thirteen colonies became separate states after declaring their independence in 1776, yet they remained a single entity with republican and presidential political representation.

What was the effect of reconstruction ?

Crops from farms and plantations were devastated by fire. Additionally, a lot of people still had Confederate currency that was useless, and municipal administrations were in turmoil. There was a need to rebuild the South. Reconstruction is the term used to describe the post-Civil War rebuilding of the South.

Both favorable and unfavorable effects of the Reconstruction were felt. If one group of African Americans is conducting more studies on the South's economy, it is because the region's economy was doing well and expanding. On the other side, there have been several demonstrations against abuses of this law, with many calling for a return to political authority and the continuation of some form of duty for African Americans.

Grant newly freed African Americans citizenship and establish the right to vote without regard to race.

Learn more about Reconstruction Act here

# SPJ 2

Which of the following empires did Alexander the Great NOT conquer?



Alexander the Great did not conquer India

Hope this helps :)




How many empires did Alexander the Great conquer?

Image result for which empires did alexander the great conquer

His conquests included Anatolia, Syria, Phoenicia, Judea, Gaza, Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia and Bactria. He extended the boundaries of his empire as far as Taxila, India (now Pakistan).

Good luck

Hope I helped

let me know if wrong

If you can answer all of these I’ll give you big prize


Answer: First one B second one is  c the thried one is  D the 4 one is  B 5 is  true



1. B

2. C

3  B

4. D

5. True


Is this statement true or false?: the Spanish word came to the “new world” carrying diseases that Aztec and Inca had no resistance to which led to their eventual decline


the answer is true that is how they all died or at least what most believe

The answer is true the diseases in fact did lead to their decline

How does the need to respect the laws of each state support the principle of popular sovereignty?



Popular sovereignty is a basic idea of democracy. Popular sovereignty means that the people are the ultimate source of the authority of their government. ... The People are the ultimate rulers

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